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Letter to Mr.

Narendra Modi from Aam Aadmi

Dear Modiji

The anti-corruption wing of the Delhi Government had
filed an FIR against Mukesh Ambani in the KG Basin Gas
pricing scam. The allegation was that a group of UPA
ministers had rigged the gas pricing to excessively
favour Mukesh Ambani. In 2000, under the NDA regime,
Mukesh Ambani was given a few gas fields to mine
natural gas. The mandate was that for the next 17
years, Mr Ambani would give gas to the government at

But over a period of time, through sustained pressure on
the government, Mr Ambani raised the price of natural
gas to more than $4 per unit. The allegation against Mr.
Ambani is that the actual cost of mining the natural gas
from these mines is less than $1. This means that the
central govt. is giving Mukesh Ambani $4 for gas thats
cheaper than a dollar!

But the real travesty is that now the central government
has decided to give from Apr 1 $8 per unit for the same
gas that costs less than $1 to produce.
It is estimated that this decision will result in a windfall
gain of Rs 54,000 cr for Mukesh Ambani! The entire
budget of the Delhi government is Rs 40,000 cr. This
means that the government is giving illicit benefits to Mr
Ambani much more than the budget of NCT of Delhi. And
all this money will go out of the pockets of the Aam
Aadmi. But why?

From Apr 1, there will be chaos in this country. The
price of CNG will shoot up dramatically.
Transportation costs will increase throughout the
country. The KG basin gas is used to produce
electricity in our country. So this price rise will
raise the price of electricity in the country. This
gas is also used in manufacturing fertilizer. That
means food costs will also escalate because of the
gas price rise. You can very well imagine how the
price rise will affect the Aam Aadmi.

Modiji, till now why are you and Rahulji silent on this
issue? The Aam Aadmi wants to know that if you come
to power will you charge Mukesh Ambani $8 or $4 per
unit for natural gas.

When the Aam Aadmis anti-corruption cell filed an FIR
against Mukesh Ambani, senior leaders from both BJP
and the Congress opposed it tooth and nail. Do both the
parties have such cosy relations with Mr. Ambani?

Shri Parimal Nathwani is the group president of the
Mukesh Ambani group of companies. With your help
Modiji, he has now become a member of the Rajya
Sabha. This has cast a doubt in the minds of the common
man about the nature of the relationship between Mr.
Ambani and you and your party!

Both you and Rahulji use private helicopters and planes
to travel both within and outside the country. Modiji, who
owns these air carriers? As per newspaper reports, you
travel in Mukesh Ambanis jets quite publicly. People say
that even Rahul Gandhi uses Ambanis planes. Do you
get these plane rides for free or do you pay for it? The
Aam Aadmi sees that you spend crores on your rallies.
Some believe that even your rallies are being funded by
Mr Ambani. Is this true?

In the Nira Radia tapes, Mukesh Ambani was heard
saying that Congress party is his personal shop. People
say that the government selects central ministers and
decides key postings of senior bureaucrats in
consultation with Mukesh Ambani.
The public feels that the UPA government is in effect
being run by Mr. Ambani.

Now if Mr Ambani is propping you as well, then this will
be a big betrayal for the common man. If somehow you
become the PM of India, will it mean that your
government will also be run by Ambaniji?
You repeatedly say in your speeches that you will get
back the black money from Swiss banks. But the Ambani
brothers themselves have horded black money in Swiss
accounts. The bank account numbers are
5090160983, 5090160984. Now Modiji if you have
such close relations with Mukesh Ambani and if he is
funding your elections then how will you be able to get
the black money back from Swiss banks.
Therefore its my humble request that you please break
your silence and answer the following questions

1. If your government comes to power will you buy
natural gas from Mukesh Ambani at $4 or $8?

2. What is the exact nature of relationship between
Mukesh Ambani and you and your party?

3. What is the total cost of your election publicity
and who is funding this?

As this letter contains questions that impact the future of
the common man, I am making this letter public. You
may decide not to reply to me directly. But if you can
respond to the questions and the content of this letter at
a public forum then the Aam Aadmis doubts will be
- Arvind Kejriwal

Arvind Kejriwal
We have overthrown the British Rule.
Now we will overthrow Ambani Rule!
For the first time in this country, anybody has openly challenged Mukesh Ambani. In his 49 day old
government, Arvind Kejriwal launched an FIR against Mukesh Ambani and the corrupt ministers of the
UPA. Till date has anybody in this country had the audacity to point fingers at Mukesh Ambani?

One section of the media has been crying itself hoarse
that Modiji is the face of development in this country.
That he has eradicated corruption in Gujarat.
That Ram Rajya has been ushered in the state of
Gujarat and all the people of Gujarat are happy and
The common man of Gujarat, however, says clearly
that this unbridled development story is a white lie
propagated by a section of the media. The farmer in
Gujarat is shedding tears of blood. His land is being
usurped at throw-away prices and being gifted to big
industrialists like Adani and Ambani. And many farmers
have not even received this paltry compensation. The
ones who did receive compensation have received at
abysmally lower rates than the market value. For
example if the market value was Rs 50lac an acre, they
have received a mere Rs 1 lac an acre!
The farmer used to get subsidy on many items in the
past. Many of the subsidies have been stopped in
Gujarat. He is not getting adequate price for his produce
in the market. In the past 10 years, about 800 farmers
have committed suicide in Gujarat.
All around, there is rampant corruption in Gujarat. One
has to pay a bribe of Rs 5000 to get a house
constructed under Indira Awas Yojna. To get anything
done from the government department - be it a driving
license, an industrial license, layout plan approval,
getting a BPL card or complaints at the police station -
one has to pay a bribe!

In comparison, the AAM Aadmi party government in
Delhi, in a mere 49 days had curtailed corruption to a
large extent. The police had stopped taking bribes, the
touts at the transport offices had fled away, medicines
supplies had been restored at government hospitals and
many more such changes had occurred at the ground
The endemic corruption that Modi has been unable to
curtail in the past 11 years, Arvind Kejriwal managed to
stem it in 49 days!

Then why is the media labeling Modi as the
development man of India? Modis policies have
benefited both Adani and Ambani by thousands of
crores. Now these industrialists have bought many
media houses. And these media houses have been
directed to paint a very rosy picture of Modi and in
contrast paint a bleak, black picture of Arvind Kejriwal.
Only the Aam Aadmi Party can rid the country of corruption and price rise
The Aam Aadmi party in its 49 days of rule in Delhi gave
a lot of relief from corruption and price rise.

1. Halved the electricity rate for people of low income
groups and people below the poverty line.
2. Gave 650 litres of free water to the poor and the
middle class
3. According to a survey done by Times of India, there
was a massive fall in the corruption levels in Delhi
a. Sharp decline in the corrupt ways of the police
b. Decline in the number of touts at the
transport department who would fleece the
common man while securing a license
c. Medicines were available across the counter at
government hospitals
4. An SIT was instituted for the 1984 Sikh riots

5. A special women protection cell was planned to be
constituted - a committee was formed to make the
framework for this cell.
6. People working as contract labourers to be made
permanent. Again a committee was constituted to
evolve a framework for the same.
7. The end of VIP culture. No red beacons on cars, big
bungalows and special security to politicians and
8. A CAG audit was ordered to probe into the massive
irregularities in the functioning of the private power
distribution companies.
9. No to FDI investment in the retail sector.
10. The ministers in the Aam Aadmi Party would go on
a night vigil every day to take stock of ground realities.
We now have to rally against
corruption and price rise


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