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Business Memorandum

To: Maureen Blaha

From: Kirstie Allen
Subect: NRS Proposal of Business
Date: 7/21/2014

After a brief period working with the staff and supervisory at National Runaway
Safeline (NRS), I was able to gain a general understanding of the company as a
whole. The National Runaway Safeline was first known as Metro-Help that was
founded in 1971. Conceived as a centralized organization with free 24-hour services
with expertise in all youth-related issues and as an information center for youths
that are seeking help. In 1974, the agency received an eight-month federal
demonstration grant to establish a national hotline for youths that are in crisis.
During this time, Metro-Help received over 11,000 calls demonstrating the need for
this type of service. This agency changed the name to National Runaway
Switchboard, which is now known as the National Runaway Safeline. The agency
continued to grow with many crisis calls and youths seeking information and now
this hotline line handle more than 100,000 calls each year. National Runaway
Safeline acts as a full service crisis line agency that is available 24 hours a day, every
day of the year, that is helping children truly reach a safe and risk-free atmosphere.

The mission statement at the National Runaway Safeline is to keep Americas
runaways, homeless and at-risk youths safe and off the streets. With such a large
number of calls of youths at risk, the faculty and staff follows this mission statement
with full respect. The values at National Runaway Safeline are board yet strict,
which offers the best help for youths who are homeless or in a crisis. The main focus
at the National Runaway Safeline is to provide education, solution-focused
interventions, and non-judgmental support to at-risk youths and their families 24
hours a day. National Runaway Safeline is anonymous that also respects
confidentially to all youths who call that collaborate with any volunteers or
employee. National Runaway Safeline is a federally designated national
communication system that works through problems and find local agencies from
social service agencies and organizations for youths who are seeking help.

There are many different callers that call National Runaway Safelife crisis hotline.
Many are youths that are on the streets as runaways, throwaways, or just homeless.
Some youths call the crisis hotline because they are thinking about running away or
are in a crisis. Some youths call National Runaway Safeline just to have someone to
talk to about their problems and some callers may need help finding a shelter, food,
medical assistance, or counseling. Also, National Runaway Safeline is a crisis line
for parents as well. Parents may call the crisis hotline and talk with the trained staff
that are struggling with their child, has runaway, or thinking of leaving home.
National Runaway Safeline also provides information to concerned adults who work
with children, such as teachers, law enforcement personnel, agency staff, or other

National Runaway Safeline is a non-profit organization that receives funding from
the government, foundations, corporations, and individuals. There are also many
generous donations that are from small businesses as well. The National Runaway
Safeline is always kindly accepting help from either volunteer work, financial
contribution, and to distribute educational and promotional material in schools and
throughout communities. The National Runaway Safeline provides support to many
youths in crisis. This organization is a key foundation for my youths to seek help
confidentially and anonymously. Therefore, it is important to be able to spread
what this organization proudly does more effectively to succeed in helping more
youths in crisis. Advertising this business is a key concept on developing more
callers. A good way to start this is getting involved in your community. Look for
groups and associations that align with your priorities and beliefs. Volunteerism is a
great way to network as well (Todd 1). This type of effort can help educate others
about National Runaway Safeline services and what this business offers to youths in

With many part-time employees and those who volunteer once or twice a week, it is
important to keep your current crisis hotline team members on the same page. By
keeping the employees and volunteers on track of this business and information, it
should be mandatory for each member to go through a refresher-training course
once a month. A face-to-face meeting amongst the employees can develop
workplace relationships and team cohesiveness (Richman). To have all faculty and
staff members on the same page this can be beneficial to the company. During these
meetings we can develop a better understanding of National Runaway Safeline by
discussing issues, new information, and a chance to gain ideas for excellent
communication skills for youths in crisis.

As a national non-profit organization, National Runaway Safeline has proved its
ability to successfully help youths that runaway from home or in a crisis situation.
Due to the high amount of crisis calls from youths, the National Runaway Safeline
has shown great success in difficult situations. By keeping the faculty and staff
members at National Runaway Safeline professional, it will be beneficial to have
monthly meetings with the staff and brainstorm ideas on marketing this
organization. The dedicated team at National Runaway Safeline shows that this
organization has the potential to continue to develop and expand.

Work Cited

Richman, Barbara. "Face-to-face Communication Can Help You Accomplish Business
Objectives - The Business Journals." Face-to-face Communication Can Help You
Accomplish Business Objectives - The Business Journals. The Business Journals, 29 Aug.

Todd, Helen. "Eight Easy Ways to Promote Your Small Business for Free - The Business
Journals." Eight Easy Ways to Promote Your Small Business for Free - The Business
Journals. The Business Journal, 5 Nov. 2013.


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