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GIRLS You Have MAGIC Around You

Though i promised to write Me Weds her as my 5

story which was all about how my
bestie bharath got married to sruthi but somehow I was not getting enough inputs from him.
Though he felt excited initially when i started to write; no idea why but he is not even lifting
call from any of our friends. He never done that before to us; and in reply he is putting a
message dont even dare disturb me. I dialled his father and he said the same thing and in
return he was asking me whether bharath was in touch with any of our friends. Why people
get busy just after getting married? Have to enquire but before that i got a new line from my
friend avinash.
Avinash is my M.Tech classmate. He is first among few who dials me whenever i post a story
in FB. And i loved to hear it from him because he hardly says anything negative about my
writing irrespective of whether story is good or bad.
After all praises to my story 4, I enquired about his life @Bangalore. Actually he is in
Bangalore doing his internship in TCS.
When a conversation starts between two boys where ever it may start, it will end with girls.
We geared our discussion on girls when he shared this experience of his on a weekend party
and we both were equally excited to make it a story. Bestie
Bangalore was new place to me but i have my friend sai over there who is already working as
Associate System Engineer in TCS on whos reference i got this opportunity to do internship.
On 08
march at 09.00PM i started to Bangalore from Hyderabad.
Sai gave me clear instructions about where to get down and he promised me that he will be
there to pick me. He asked me to get down at majestic from where we planned to ride to his
When i got down i didnt find sai anywhere near. I enquired with more than two people to
make sure that i got down at Majestic. When i dialled him he said it may take 15 more
minutes for him to reach Majestic. Without answering my question he said he was driving
and ended the call. I cursed him in many ways and found a shadow to wait for him.
I came to Bangalore on two missions. One is to complete my internship in TCS and if
possible to get a job here itself. Second is to get a girl of my choice. And in no time I felt like
my second mission is gonna work in no time because I found many beautiful divas passing
by. I thanked sai for being late. Before sai came i saw around 28 girls meeting my menu.
When he came i shared the same thing and in reply he said that my thanks to him will be
never ending because Bangalore houses many beautiful girls in it.
We reached his room in 20 min. It was around 7.30am, his room was on third floor. I went to
balcony hoping to find any girls in houses around.
For breakfast we had AVALAKIBATH which was enough for me to curtail my hunger.
While he went for bath i was busy updating my status in Facebook. I want people to know
that im in Bangalore.
As it was Sunday we planned to go around the city. Bangalore is one of the most ethnically
diverse cities in the country, with most of the city's population comprising migrants from all
over India. Bangalore is also foodie's paradise because of its vast varieties of foods and
eatables with a touch of Bangalore's uniqueness and tradition. We went to MTR restaurant in
Lal Bagh Road which sai said was very famous and we had Masala Dosa-smeared with red
chilli chutney and stuffed with potato curry.
After going around few more places we went back to room as i was very much tired with
journey and was feeling sleepy. After having lunch i took a nap. All day i remained in room
and was preparing credentials to carry tomorrow to office.
On Monday sai accompanied me to Salarpuria GR Tech Park, Whitefield which was just ten
minutes away from our room. He left me in reception, introduced me to receptionist and left
from there as it was getting late for him. Her name plate says her name is shirisha but sai
called her siri.She asked me to wait until i get a call from our team leader.

I was sitting in a sofa when my eyes went onto a magazine where I found a girl who doesnt
cover most of her body for many reasons. Unintentionally my hand (not me) took the book
and was flipping the pages. Most of the pages were informative about how should a woman
look half covered.
In page 42 I found a model posed supporting blue cross. A snake crawled over her body here
and there covering very less areas. (Thanks to blue cross. I wished I could register as a
member in blue cross but was afraid what if I have to do what she does covering my body
with a rabbit!!@@$%&).
I waited for the snake to move but it didnt.
I left the magazine there before knowing about any such societies which may provoke me to
take membership in any of those. I know this world needs me but not in this way. I stepped
I stared at receptionist like asking to give a call if my TL calls me. She smiled and signed
back signalling that i didnt get any call by then. I love these receptionists; for no reason they
smile at you even you are a stranger.
She was on phone and this time I was sure thats about me and started walking to her. She
gave me a sigh that she was about to call me and showed me the way to my team leads cabin.
I was on my way passing by the sofa on which i sat before. There I found a girl looking at
same page where i left.
for what cause!? I laughed within.
I went in a vertically diverged hall and enquired about team leader over there.Someone
showed me the way. I followed
OMG! Another pretty woman.
Hi Im karthika, your team Leader, she stretched her hand.
I fumbled but ended up saying my name and hardly managed to smile.
After speaking all technical rubbish she asked me for my area of interest to work on.
What would you suggest madam?, I left the decision to her.
She gave me two options
if you want to do your project on dotNET please go join this class, she pointed me to one
on my left.
We were in a cabin but It was a glass wall and I was able to see the people in class through it.
I hardly found any girl in that class. They were almost in the ratio of 5:95. I instantly changed
my idea to work on dotNET and asked for alternate if any.
The other option you have is you can choose JAVA as your platform to work on but we
dont have any live projects on this platform She said.
Who cares? My intention to come here was completely different I spoke within.
I saw the second room to my right and to her left where in most of the teams have opposite
genders working together.
Ok mam, Ill go with it i said
You will be given a mate and both have to work on it She said
Who is my team mate going to be? I enquired curiously
She peered into her laptop for a while and said
Yessssssssssssssssss... I was half won listening to her name.
Where is shanthi from? I was even more curious to know
from Mysore and rakesh will guide you to your desk she said
I was dancing to TeenMaar but took enough care not to show my emotions out.
I thanked god multiple times for whatever he does to me on that day.
Rakesh pointed me to a cabin and said sir that is your cabin and shanthi is inside
I want to listen that name countless times. Shanthi...... this word kept on gyrating in my
I felt like a child dancing in the rain to the tunes of Rahman.
When I went into the cabin I found some boy working on a laptop. For an instant I felt like
kicking that idiot for spoiling my moment to get my first glance of shanthi.
I thought to kick this big fat pig out of our cabin and crush him down to floor but controlled
my emotions to make sure it was the cabin of shanthi.
hi im avinash, new companion of shanthi. Would you please mind going to your cabin?
funny guy, come join me buddy welcome to the crew.
What crew idiot? Go hell to your cabin first. Give some privacy to me and my darling, i
grinned at him.
What are you saying this is my cabin he was worried a bit.
Then which one is shanthis? i shouted in frustration.
Im shanthi and this is my cabin he said this time more worried
How could it be possible? How could your name be shanthi? Dont play with my emotions
buddy Ill through you out
Im shanthi, shanthiswaroop he shouted to affirm
I for the last time want to confirm. I rushed to my team leads desk and enquired
Am I going to work with Ms. Shanthi in cabin: 4?
Its Mr. Shanthi she guffawed
There after my life became so terrible that I daily got to work with this hippopotamus. Cabin
is so jam-packed with him in, Many times I found it difficult to even have a glance at system
screen. (Later shanthi became a very good friend of mine and we enjoyed our time together.
Im sure after reading this shanthi will excuse me because he is such a nice guy)
I used to go round the office all the time to find new girls and shanthi used to do most of my
work. My search for girls was never ending. To my surprise even shanthi had a girl friend
named chaitanya. I laughed listening to this name because its a unigender name.
I wondered what they could print on their marriage invitation
Shanthi (groom) weds chaitanya (bride)

Everything was not going well and one day our TL broke a party on the occasion of her
husband got VISA to US and he was going for one full year on a business trip.
What reasons we find to party these days? Her husband is going away and she is throwing a
Are you coming tomorrow avi? She asked
No madam I have lot of work to do. Have to go out for shopping to get some households I
I always tried to stay out of her reach and I want to let her know that I hate her for deploying
me with shanthi. I was hoping to have a girl around me and she shattered all my dreams. Of
all god made things, I hate her the most.
Ok she said
there will be lot of girls coming; I thought you would have some fun she said
Where is the party mam? I jumped out of my seat
Why are you asking that?, you said you are not coming
No actually I thought its weekend so we better go out and it is you calling madam; how can
I deny your proposal. Sure Ill make it to party
I know you will :P I mean you have to You guys will never change, She winked and left
Why should we? After all we are boys :P I smiled to shanthi
And which girl likes to see us changing? GIRLS shall die if boys stop looking at them.
***sources said***
Me and shanthi decided to attend the party and shanthi said he will get his girl friend and will
introduce to me.
Even I said Im gonna bring my boy friends. What can I do more than that?
But he made sure and took a promise from me that I should not flirt or woo his girl.
It depends :P I said
Party was next day in the evening and after many days all our roommates bathed on the same
day. To my knowledge the last day we all bathed might be on Ugadi.
We got ready with the best dress we have. I worn my black party wear Flying Machine shirt
on slim fit faded blue Denim jeans.

We drove to reach PARK SQUARE MALL in Whitefield nearby ITPL (International
Technology Park Limited) in 10min.
Girls Girls and Girls everywhere.
Till then I was deserted to find girls and here its like a tsunami in the middle of a desert.
having fun guys? karthika madam came to us with a wine glass in her hand.
I introduced my friends sai and gnani to her.
mam you are looking pretty hot in this white saree I said
ah ah! not me avi try someone else she futtered.
Its nothing like that madam, I mean it
Whatever. Can you get me a beer avi? and only half a glass. Actually I dont take much,
she said and left from there
We were busy in finding better looking girls when shanthi dialled me.
Where are you avi? I just came in
Can you see these hot chicks in black skirts to your right? We are just behind them
i could not find you dud
Can you see the girl in yellow with wine in her hand beside the dance floor
Yes yes I can see her
We are on her left
Ya, found you buddy, you are in black
Who is that hot chick beside you shanthi
avi you promised me, she is my girl friend. You cant do this to me he whispered in low
Chill buddy just kidding, dont worry. I hanged my call and walked to them.
Chaitanya he is my best friend avi shanthi introduced her to me.
Hi I wished her.
She just nodded in response
Trust me she would never have smiled in her entire life. Her guise was like she came to her
own funeral.
Shanthi is so lucky to have her man. She is gorgeous sai mumbled in my ears
but why her taste is so bad he continued
may be she likes teddy bears :P I whispered back to him. We smiled to each other
I tried lot of jokes to make her smile but nothing worked.
Go hell I thought within.
This idiot Team Lead is not leaving me even here buddy. I heard karthika madam calling me.
She sent me to get her a drink and I found this couple coming my way and stopped to talk to
I asked for an excuse and went to bartender to get the drinks for me and karthika mam.
Buddy get me half a glass beer I said to bartender and flown back to my work looking at
half glass? Why only half sir he enquired
that stupid lady wants only half a drink it seems saying this I turned back
And when I did, I found my team lead standing just behind me.
and the other half to our karthika madam I corrected it straight away.
Oh madam! Why did you take the pain to come all the way here? You go and relax; Ill get
your drink. I tried to avert my words.
whom were you chiding just now, she asked right away. For a moment I thought I was
I tentatively pointed to a girl dancing on the floor.
That girl in yellow. She asked me to get a drink for her madam
Archana she blurted to the girl I pointed.
cant you get your own drink? Why are you bothering avi? she yelled at her and moved
from there
actually she is karthika madam right? the bartender quizzed me
Whats your bothering with it? I dodged looking into his eyes.
Nothing like that sir, but I liked the way you contrived her The barkeeper winked to me
I smiled back.
get me a soft drink I asked him
Where are you from sir, he tried to continue voicing with me
Im from Telangana I said.
Oh Andhrapradesh
No Telangana I confirmed in loud voice.
Oh! Ok? he slowed down and got busy in mixing the drink
Sir I heard that Telangana is well known for naxals and radical groups? he again started
after a pause
I stared at him unpleasantly
Not like that sir.., even my wife is from Telangana, he tried to soothe me
Which naxal group she was from? I queried instantly and moved from there with my
How can he comment on my place? Idiot.
I gave drink to karthika madam and searched for sai. He was already busy in judging the taste
of all kinds of wine over there. Sai likes to booze much. I was worried that he would do mess
at the end but I failed in stopping him.
Shanthi was busy trying to impress his girl at least for the second time in his life. Im sure he
cant do that.
I was alone sitting on bench seeing all couples in the party dancing and having fun and
cursing my fate for not having even one girl in my life.
I sat on a bench in the grass and was waiting for my moment in life to come.
God give me one good chance and ill not disappoint you I was praying to heavens.
I dont know whether sky is near in Bangalore or signals are good to heavens from here but
god heard me.
Unexpectedly a girl came to me and mumbled sweetly do you mind me sitting next to you?
No I wouldnt I said giving her place to sit.
I was observing you, why were you staring at stars?
Im trying to find moon among the stars I said
Ok She nodded.
After a pause she continued then why did you stop looking into skies now?
Now I have no reason to think about the stars when I have moon sitting beside me :P I said
in Ranjha style.
she smiled gently.
Ill get you a drink. She walked away still smiling.
Soft drink I said.
For a moment I thought I would tear off my shirt and roll on the grass with madness.
I looked for my friends to share my happiness. I looked at shanthi he was busy doing all
feets before chaitanya. I searched for karthika madam she was busy on dancing floor. From
the half glass I gave to her, she poured down half of it dancing.
Archana came back with a coke for me and two tequila sunrise cocktail shots for her.
You booze? I asked hesitantly.
Very rarely I give a pause :P she said and shrugged.
I found it difficult to look into her eyes when she said this.
by the way Im Archana Technical Manager in Agile labs pvt. Limited
Hi Im avinash doing my internship under karthika madam.
So you are fresh?
I mean you are still a fresher?
Yes I doodled but I understood her intention behind asking that.
So any girls in your life? she quizzed defiantly.
Ya harini I muttered
Nice Name. Are you still with harini?
She is not with me anymore
She had many problems and I became one of them, so I thought to let her out of difficulty
So you walked out of her life?
I waited for her to turn back to me but she never did that. All I left was with hope
***I acted as if I was emotional but not really. Actually this happened in my Xth standard,
Harini was my classmate. She asked me to buy a stylo compass box and I said no. Then after
she never talked to me.***
Archana sipped one tequila shot and was breathing heavily.
Dont ask me where I was looking at then: P.
So any boys in your life? I dared.
Actually I had one till last month she sobbed
I cancelled my date with sujith because I have to; he cancelled date because he has two!
Took another shot in no slot.
Girls eye weeps all night when something goes wrong in a relation she said.
I took a sip of my soft drink and said But a boys heart weeps all life for the same reason
Till he finds the better one she confirmed
I smiled for her sense of humour.
I still love that bastard and you know what he said when I said this?
He said Its your problem deal with it bloody jack ass
I didnt dare to speak anything to her after she said this.
She took a cigar out of her hand bag and asked for a lighter
I said I dont have
She called a waiter passing by and got one
She lighted her cigar and took a deep sip into her lungs and fell back on the bench may be to
admire the puff.
After a minute or so I resumed the discussion
Sorry for what happened with you. I never thought such thing might have happened to you
ha ha ha Girls are like moons, a part of them is always hidden she said looking into sky
Well said I appreciated her.
so you never tried to speak to sujith again?
He is a programmer in my team. Sometimes he tried to speak with his eyes, but I always
replied in silence she sighed as if she gave up and exhaled a long puff
Ok buddy got to go. Meet you some other time, its nice talking to you, said taking her
Can I get your number? I asked gently when she was wiping her cigar down and about to
Se raised her eye brows as if questioning me why.
Ill ring you tomorrow i may forget you if not assured this time confidently
Its me who boozed. Why would you forget me? And what is the need to remember me? Im
not worth remembering
But I tried to say something but could not complete it.
She looked into my eyes for almost ten seconds. I thought she would slap me.
She caught hold of my collar dragged me near to her. I tried to hesitate but I didnt get any
time to do so.
She landed her lips on mine
I cant explain much about this but still if I have to say something about it; her lipstick flavour
was cherry, perfume was Pure Poison from Dior, hair spray was sebastian shaper plus.
Enough to remember me? Now dont ask my number she said and left from there.
I dont know how I reached my room from there. I thought it would be difficult for me to
carry sai to home as he was drunk but the reverse happened. After getting up in the morning
sai was scolding me like I murdered someone. I dont know what I did that night which made
him so serious.
Im sure chaitanya would have warned shanthi to break friendship with me after knowing
Forgot to tell you archana was none other than the girl in yellow about whom we talked about
in the middle of the story.
Im about to complete my internship in a month or so. Im still trying to find archana. I want
to give it back what she gave to me.
And last thing I forgot to say her cigar was strawberry flavour. :P
I heard all what avinash said and promised him that Ill make it my next story, wished him bi
and was about to hang the call and stopped when I heard avi calling my name again.
ya avi I replied
bhayya have to say he stagnated.
What? I asked
Girls have magic around them bhayya

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