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Corrected List of Philias
&elo% is a list o/ philias that %e converted /rom the list o/ pho0ias that originated on the %e0site o/ the
Canadian Mental Health Association Edmonton Region" That list had pro0lems2 including %ords 0ased on
3nglish2 Spanish2 (rench and &ulgarian 45 roots" These pro0lems %ere e6acer0ated 0y copying this list and
passing it /rom %e0site to %e0site managed 0y laymen un/amiliar %ith Gree,2 +atin or the rules o/ Gree,
compound composition"
#ur list o/ philias %as created /rom the corrected list o/ pho0ias 0y simply replacing phobia %ith philia"
Theoretically2 this should %or,2 although there are some things %e /ear that %e usually don't love" This does not
mean that the philia %ord is not possi0le2 so %e have simply generated the list to remind ourselves that
o0sessive love is as real a potential human condition as o0sessive /ear" (or a longer discussion o/ %hat %e have
done2 click here"
A person possessed o/ a philia is a -phile2 e"g" bibliophile2 blogophile2 Russophile" The ad7ective descri0ing these
conditions is -philic2 e"g" bibliophilic2 blogophilic2 Russophilic" 8ou may convert the ad7ectives into adver0s 0y
simply adding -ly"
(or a list o/ corresponding philias2 click here
(or a list o/ corresponding manias2 click here
To ta,e the alphaDictionary !ho0ias Test2 click here"
philia Obsessive Love o
abl!tophilia %ashing or 0athing
acarophilia itching
acerophilia sourness or sour things
achl!ophilia dar,ness
aco!sticophilia noise
acrophilia heights2 high places
aeroacrophilia open high places
aerona!seophilia airsic,ness
aerophilia air or dra/ts
agateophilia insanity
agoraphilia open or pu0lic places
agathophilia ,indness
agrio"oophilia %ild animals
ag#rophilia streets or crossing them
aichmophilia sharp or pointed o07ects
ail!rophilia cats
alb!min!rophilia al0umen in the urine or ,idney disease
alektorophilia roosters or chic,ens
algophilia pain
alliophilia garlic 4+atini9ed: see scorodophilia5
allodo$aphilia di;erent opinions
altophilia heights2 high places 4+atini9ed: see acrophilia5
amathophilia dust
ama$ophilia riding in a car or %agon
amb!lophilia %al,ing
amnesiophilia /orgetting
am#chophilia 0eing scratched
anablephilia loo,ing up
androphilia men
anemophilia %ind or dra/ts
anginophilia angina2 cho,ing tightness
Anglophilia things 3nglish
ank#lophilia immo0ility o/ a 7oint
anthophilia <o%ers
anthropophilia people or society
antlophilia <oods
an!ptophilia staying single
apeirophilia in=nity
aphenophilia riches2 %ealth
apiophilia 0ees
apotemnophilia persons %ith amputations
arachib!t#rophilia peanut 0utter stic,ing in your mouth
arachnephilia spiders 4See also arachnophilia5
arachnophilia spiders 4See also arachnephilia5
arithmophilia num0ers
astrophilia stars or celestial space
as#mmetrophilia asymmetrical things
ata$iophilia loss o/ muscular coordination
ata$ophilia disorder or untidiness
atelophilia imper/ection
atephilia ruin or ruins
atha"agoraphilia /orget/ulness or 0eing /orgotton
atomosophilia atomic e6plosions
at#chiphilia /ailure or mis/ortune
a!gophilia 0right lights2 glare2 sunlight
a!lophilia <utes
a!rophilia gold
a!rorophilia the Northern +ights
a!tod#somophilia 0ad odors or people %ith them
a!tomatonophilia automatons
a!tom#sophilia 0eing dirty
a!tophilia solitude2 0eing alone
aviatophilia <ying 4See also aviophilia5
aviophilia <ying 4See also aviatophilia5
bacillophilia micro0es
bacteriophilia 0acteria
ballistophilia missiles2 including 0ullets
barophilia gravity
basiphilia /alling or 0eing una0le to stand
bath#philia depth or deep %ater
batrachophilia amphi0ians2 such as /rogs
%eatlephilia The &eatles
belonephilia sharp2 pointed o07ects 4See also aichmophilia5
bibliophilia 0oo,s
blennophilia slime
blogophilia 0logs and %riting them
%olshephilia &olshevi,s
botanophilia plants
bromidrophilia 0ody smells 4>uestiona0le: see also 0romidrosiphilia5
bromidrosiphilia 0ody smells 4>uestiona0le: see also 0romidrophilia5
brontophilia thunder and lightning
b!onophilia toads
cacophilia ugliness
cainophilia ne%ness2 novelty2 change 4See also cainotophilia5
cainotophilia ne%ness2 novelty2 change 4See also cainophilia5
calig#nephilia 0eauti/ul %omen
cancerophilia cancer 4&etter1 carcinophilia5
carcinophilia cancer 4!re/era0le to cancerophilia5
cardiophilia heart2 the
carnophilia meat
catagelophilia 0eing ridiculed
catapedophilia 7umping
cathisophilia sitting
catoptrophilia mirrors
cenophilia empty spaces
centophilia ne% things or ideas
cera!nophilia thunder and lightning
chaetophilia hair
cheimatophilia the cold or cold things
chemophilia chemicals
cherophilia gaiety
chionophilia sno%
chiraptophilia 0eing touched
chirophilia hands
cholerophilia anger or cholera
chorophilia dancing
chromatophilia colors
chrometophilia money
chronomentrophilia cloc,s
chronophilia time
cibophilia /ood
cibophilia /ood 4See also Sitophilia2 Sitiophilia5
cla!strophilia con=nement
cleithrophilia 0eing enclosed 4See also clithrophilia5
kleptophilia stealing2 thei/s
clinophilia going to 0ed
clithrophilia 0eing enclosed
cnidophilia stings
coimetrophilia cemeteries
coitophilia se6 or se6ual relations
cometophilia comets
contreltophilia se6ual a0use
coprastasophilia constipation
coprophilia /eces
co!lrophilia clo%ns
co!nterphilia /ear/ul situations
cremnophilia cli;s and precipices
cr#ophilia e6treme cold2 ice or /rost
cr#stallophilia crystals or glass
c#berphilia .nternet2 the
c#clophilia cycles or 0icycles
c#mophilia %aves or %aviness
c#nophilia dogs or ra0ies
c#prianophilia prostitutes or venereal disease
c#pridophilia venereal disease
c#prinophilia prostitutes
daimonophilia ghosts or demons
decalcophilia decals
deecaloesiophilia pain/ul 0o%els movements
deipnophilia dining
dementophilia insanity
demonophilia ghosts or demons
demophilia people
dendrophilia trees
dentophilia dentists or dentistry
dermatophilia s,in disease 4See also dermatosiophilia5
dermatosiophilia s,in disease 4See also dermatophilia5
de$trophilia things on the right
diabetophilia dia0etes
didaskaleinophilia going to school
dikephilia 7ustice2 la%suits
dinophilia di99iness or %hirlpools
diplophilia dou0le vision
dipsophilia drin,ing 4spirits" alcohol5
dishabiliophilia undressing in /ront o/ someone
dontophilia teeth
dorophilia /ur animal s,ins
do$ophilia opinions or praise
dromophilia crossing streets
d#smorphophilia physical de/ormity
d#st#chiphilia accidents
ecclesiophilia church
ecophilia the home or houses 4See also oi,ophilia5
eisoptrophilia mirrors
electrophilia electricity
ele!therophilia /reedom
emetophilia vomiting
enetophilia pins
enissophilia attac, or criticism
enochlophilia cro%ds
entomophilia insects
eosophilia da%n or daylight
ephebophilia teenagers
epista$iophilia nose0leeds
epistemophilia ,no%ledge
e&!inophilia horses 4&etter hippophilia5
eremophilia 0eing onesel/ or o/ loneliness
ere!thophilia red or anything red 4See also erythrophilia2 erytophilia5
ergasiophilia %or, or /unctioning
ergophilia %or,
erophilia love2 love-ma,ing
erotophilia the erotic2 eroticism
er#throphilia red or anything red 4See also erytophilia2 ereuthophilia5
er#tophilia red or anything red 4See also erythrophilia2 ereuthophilia5
e!philia goodness or things good
e!rotophilia /emale private parts
ebriphilia /ever 4See also =0riophilia5
'briophilia /ever 4See also /e0riphilia5
Francophilia things (rench 4See also Gallophilia2 Galiophilia5
rigophilia cold or cold things
(allophilia things (rench 4See also (rancophilia2 Galiophilia5
gamophilia marriage
geliophilia laughter
geniophilia chins
genophilia se6
gen!philia ,nees
geph#rophilia crossing 0ridges
gerascophilia gro%ing old
germanophilia germany or german culture
gerontophilia old people
ge!mophilia taste
glossophilia language or spea,ing
gnosiophilia ,no%ledge
goetophilia %itches and %itchcra/t
graphophilia %riting or script
g#mnophilia nudity
g#nephilia %omen
hadephilia hell 4See also stygiophilia5
hagiophilia saints or holy things
hamartophilia sinning or sin
haphephilia 0eing touched
haptephilia 0eing touched 4See also haphephilia5
harpa$ophilia 0eing ro00ed
hedonophilia /eeling pleasure
heliophilia the sun or sunlight
Hellenologophilia Gree, %ords or scienti=c terms
Hellenophilia things Gree,
helminthophilia %orms
hematophilia 0lood
hemophilia 0lood
hereiophilia challenges to o$cial doctrine
herpetophilia reptiles
heterophilia the opposite se6
hierophilia priests or sacred things
hippophilia horses 4&etter than e?uinophilia5
hobophilia 0ums or 0eggars 4@o,e5
hodophilia road travel
homichlophilia /og
homilophilia sermons
homophilia homose6uals or homose6uality
homophilia people
homophilia sameness
hoplophilia =rearms
hormephilia shoc,
h#alophilia glass 4See also hyelophilia5
h#drarg#ophilia mercurial medicines
h#drophilia %ater or ra0ies
h#drophilophilia ra0ies
h#elophilia glass 4See also hyalophilia5
h#grophilia li?uid or moisture
h#grophilia li?uids2 dampness2 or moisture
h#lephilia materialism or epilepsy
h#lophilia /orests
h#pegiaphilia responsi0ility
h#peng#ophilia responsi0ility
h#pnophilia sleep or hypnosis
h#psophilia height
iatrophilia doctors
ichth#ophilia =sh
iconophilia pictures or images
ideophilia ideas
ill#ngophilia vertigo
insectophilia insects
iophilia poison
)slamophilia .slam
isolophilia solitude2 0eing alone
isopterophilia termites
*apanophilia things @apanese
*!deophilia @e%s
kainophilia novelty2 innovation
kainotophilia change
kakorrhaphiophilia /ailure or de/eat
katagelophilia ridicule
kathisophilia sitting do%n
kenophilia empty spaces
kera!nophilia thunder and lightning 4See also ceraunophilia5
kinesophilia movement or motion 4See also ,inetophilia5
kinetophilia movement or motion 4See also ,inesophilia5
kleptophilia stealing
koinoniphilia rooms
kolpophilia private parts2 particularly /emale
koniophilia dust 4See also amathophilia5
kopophilia /atigue
kosmophilia cosmos2 cosmic phenomena
k#mophilia %aves or undulation 4See also cymophilia5
k#nophilia dogs or ra0ies
k#phophilia stooping
lachanophilia vegeta0les
laliophilia spea,ing 4See also lalophilia5
lalophilia spea,ing 4!e/era0le to laliophilia5
leprophilia leprosy
le!kophilia %hite2 the color
lig#rophilia loud or shrill noises
lilapsophilia tornadoes and hurricanes
limnophilia la,es
linonophilia string
litigophilia la% suits 4See also di,ophilia5
logi"omechanophilia computers
logophilia %ords 4&etter than ver0ophilia5
lo!trophilia %ashing or 0athing
l!iphilia lues2 syphillis
l!traphilia otters
l#gophilia dar,ness
l#ssophilia ra0ies or madness
macrophilia long %aits
mageirocophilia coo,ing
maie!siophilia child0irth
mala$ophilia so/tening2 so/tness
maniaphilia insanity
mastigophilia punishment
mechanophilia machines
megalophilia large things
melanophilia 0lac,2 the color
melissophilia 0ees
melophilia music
meningitophilia 0rain disease
menophilia menstruation
merinthophilia 0eing tied up
metallophilia metal
metathesiophilia changes
meteorophilia meteors
meth#philia alcohol
metrophilia poetry
microbiophilia micro0es 4See also 0acillophilia5
microphilia small things
misophilia hatred
mnemophilia memories
mol#smophilia contamination
monopathophilia single disease
monophilia solitude or 0eing alone
motorophilia motors
m!sc!lophilia muscles
m!sophilia mice or muscles
m#cophilia mushrooms
m#crophilia small things
m#rmecophilia ants
m#sophilia dirt or germs
m#thophilia myths or gossip
m#$ophilia slime 4See also 0lennophilia5
neb!laphilia /og 4See also homichlophilia5
necrophilia death or dead things
negrophilia A/ricans or A/rican Americans
nelophilia glass
neopharmaphilia ne% drugs
neophilia anything ne%
nephophilia clouds
noctiphilia the night 4&etter nyctophilia5
nomatophilia names
nosocomephilia hospitals
nosophilia illness or disease
nostophilia returning home
novercaphilia your stepmother or stepmothers
n!cleomitophilia nuclear %eapons
n!dophilia nudity
n!merophilia num0ers
n#ctoh#lophilia /orests at night
n#ctophilia night2 dar, 4&etter than noctiphilia5
obesophilia o0esity
ochlophilia cro%ds or mo0s
ochophilia vehicles
octophilia A2 the =gure or num0er
odontophilia teeth or dentistry
od#nephilia pain 4See also agliophilia5
oenophilia %ines
oikophilia the home or houses 4See also ecophilia5
olactophilia smells
ombrophilia rain
ommatophilia eyes 4See also ommetaphilia5
ommetaphilia eyes 4See also ommataphilia5
oneirogmophilia %et dreams
oneirophilia dreams
onomatophilia %ords or a certain %ord
ophidiophilia sna,es
ophthalmophilia 0eing stared or loo,ed at
opiophilia medicine
optophilia opening one's eyes
ornithophilia 0irds
orthophilia property
osmophilia smells or odors 4See also osphresiophilia5
osphresiophilia smells or odors 4See also osmophilia5
ostraconophilia shell=sh
o!ranophilia heaven 4See also uranophilia5
paedophilia children or dolls 4See also pedophilia5
pagophilia ice or /rost
panophilia everything 4See also pantophilia5
panthophilia su;ering and disease
pantophilia everything 4See also panophilia5
papaphilia the !ope
pap#rophilia paper
paralipophilia neglecting duty or responsi0ility
paraphilia se6ual perversion
parasitophilia parasites
(riday the BCth 4@o,e5
parthenophilia young girls
part!riphilia child0irth
pathophilia disease
patroiophilia heredity
peccatophilia sinning or crimes
pedic!lophilia lice
pediophilia dolls
pedophilia children or dolls 4See also paedophilia5
peladophilia 0ald people
pellagrophilia pellagra
peniaphilia poverty
your mother-in-la% or mother-in-la%s 4See also
phagophilia eating or o/ 0eing eaten
phalacrophilia 0ecoming 0ald
phallophilia penis2 esp erect
pharmacophilia drugs or medicines
phasmophilia ghosts
phengophilia daylight or sunshine
philematophilia ,issing
philemophilia ,issing
philophilia a;ection2 ,indness"
philosophilia philosophy2 learning
phallainophilia %hales
philophilia love or philias
phonophilia sounds2 voices2 or telephones
photophilia light
phronemophilia thin,ing
phtheirophilia lice
phthisiophilia tu0erculosis
placophilia tom0stones
pl!tophilia %ealth
pl!viophilia rain
pne!matophilia spirits
pnigerophilia cho,ing o/ 0eing smothered 4See also pnigophilia5
pnigophilia cho,ing o/ 0eing smothered 4See also pnigerophilia5
pogophilia 0eards
poinephilia punishment
poliophilia poliomyelitis or gray2 the color
politicophilia politics or politicians
pol#philia many things
ponophilia over%or,ing or o/ pain
pornophilia pornography
pornographophilia pornography
porph#rophilia purple2 the color
potamophilia rivers or running %ater
potophilia alcohol or drin,ing
proctophilia rectums
prosophilia progress
psellismophilia stuttering
ps#chophilia mind
ps#chrophilia cold 4See also /rigophilia5
pteridophilia /erns
pterophilia 0irds: /eathers or 0eing tic,led 0y them
p!paphilia puppets
p#re$iophilia /ever
p#rophilia =re
radiophilia radiation2 6-rays2 or radios
ranophilia /rogs
rhabdophilia s%itch2 the rod2 or punishment
rh#pophilia de/ecation
rh#tophilia %rin,les or getting %rin,les
r!pophilia dirt
R!ssophilia russians
samhainophilia hallo%een 4@o,e5
sarmassophilia love play 4>uestiona0le %ord5
Satanophilia Satan
scabiophilia sca0ies
scatophilia /ecal matter
scelerophibia evil2 evil people
sciophilia shado%s
scoleciphilia %orms
scolionophilia school
scopophilia 0eing loo,ed at
scorodophilia garlic 4&etter than alliumophilia5
scotophilia dar,ness 4See also achluophilia2 nychtophilia5
scriptophilia %riting in pu0lic
selachophilia shar,s
selaphilia light <ashes
selenophilia the moon
seplophilia decaying matter
ses&!ipedalophilia long %ords
se$ophilia se6
siderodromophilia trains2 railroads or train travel
siderophilia iron or steel
sinistrophilia things to the le/t or le/t-handedness
sinophilia things *hinese
sitiophilia /ood 4See also ci0ophilia5
scorodophilia garlic 4&etter than alliumphilia5
socerophilia parents-in-la%
sociophilia society or people in general
somnephilia sleep or dreams
sophophilia %isdom or learning
spermatophilia germs 4See also spermophilia5
spermophilia germs 4See also spermatophilia5
sphekophilia %asps
stasephilia standing or %al,ing 4am0ulophilia5
sta!rophilia crosses or the cruci=6
stenophilia narro% things or places
st#giophilia hell 4See also +atini9ed hadephilia5
s#mbolophilia sym0olism
s#mmetrophilia symmetry
s#ngeneaphilia relatives
s#philophilia syphilis
tachophilia speed
taeniophilia tape%orms 4See also teniophilia5
taphephilia o/ cemeteries or o/ 0eing 0uried alive
tapinophilia 0eing contagious
ta!rophilia 0ulls
technophilia technology
teleophilia de=nite plans
telephonophilia telephones
teniophilia tape%orms 4See also taeniophilia5
teratophilia monsters or de/ormities
testophilia tests2 ta,ing tests 4@o,e5
tetanophilia loc,7a%2 tetanus
+e!tophilia Germans or things German
te$tophilia certain /a0rics
thassophilia sitting
thalassophilia sea2 ocean
thanatophilia death or dying
theatrophilia theatres
theologophilia theology or religious study
theophilia gods or religion
thermophilia heat
tocophilia pregnancy or child0irth
tomophilia surgical operations
topophilia per/orming in certain places
to$ophilia poison or 0eing poisoned
tra!matophilia in7ury
tremophilia trem0ling
trichinophilia trichinosis
trichopathophilia hair disorders
trichophilia hair
triskaidekaphilia the num0er BC 4@o,e5
tropophilia changes
tr#panophilia in7ections
t!berc!lophilia tu0erculosis
t#phlophilia 0lindness
t#rannophilia tyrants
!ranophilia heaven 4See also ouranophilia5
!rophilia urine or urination
vaccinophilia in7ections or vaccination
ven!sophilia 0eauti/ul %omen 4@o,e5
verbophilia %ords 4+atini9ed: see logophilia5
verminophilia germs
vestiphilia clothing
vitricophilia step/ather
,alloonophilia Walloons
-iccophilia %itches and %itchcra/t 4@o,e: see gaetophilia5
$anthophilia yello%2 the color
$enoglossophilia /oreign languages
$enophilia strangers or /oreigners
$erophilia dryness
$ero$ophilia paper copies 4@o,e5
$#lophilia %ood or /orests
$#rophilia ra9ors
"elophilia 7ealousy
"emmophilia the great mole rat 4@o,e5
"oophilia animals
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