Sales & Distribution

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New Material xpen and new customer

Create new mat xpen___ with data similar to bpen. This prod is bought in single units but sold in
dozen (mmh1)
Create new cust Writewell Stationaries with data similar to Rushmore group (XD01) (cust no.
2.Procure Xpen
Procure 3000 units of Xpen @ 0.7 per piece from premier pens (PO no. 4500001710)
3.Normal Sales Order (VA01, exercise 144)
5 days ago: sales order from Writewell for 10 doens of Xpen @ 12 per Dozen
3 days ago: you deliver the goods
2 days ago: u send the bill
Today: u receive pymt.
4.Part Delivery
5 days ago: sales order form Writewell for 10 dozens of Xpen @ 12 per dozen
4 days ago: u deliver the goods 5 dozens
3 days ago: u deliver the rest
2 days ago: u send the bill
Today: u receive pymt

5.Part Delivery
5 days ago: sales order form Writewell for 10 dozens of Xpen @ 12 per dozen
4 days ago: u deliver the goods 5 dozens along with bill of 5 dozens
3 days ago: u deliver the goods 2 dozen
2 days ago: u deliver the goods 2 dozen
1 day ago: u deliver the rest with the bill
Today: u receive pymt
6.Part Delivery with Part Pymt
5 days ago: sales order form Writewell for 10 dozens of Xpen @ 12 per dozen
4 days ago: u deliver the goods 5 dozens along with bill of 5 dozens
3 days ago: u receive pymt. For 5 dozen
2 days ago: u deliver the rest with the bill
Today: u receive pymt for the rest
8.Combined Delivery
5 days ago: sales order form Writewell for 10 dozens of Xpen @ 12 per dozen
4 days ago: another sales order form Writewell for 10 dozens of Xpen @ 12 per dozen
3 days ago: u deliver both the orders
2 days ago: u send the bill
Today: u receive pymt
5 days ago: Writewell asks for quotation for 100 dozens of Xpens
4 days ago: u send a quotation for xpen @ 12 per dozen
3 days ago: u receive a sales order for the above quotation
2 days ago: u deliver, send invoice fr order
Today: u receive pymt
7 days ago: Writewell inquires price for 100 dozens of Xpen
6 days ago: u send the reply for Xpen @ 12 per dozen
5 days ago: Writewell asks for quotation wtr to above inquiry
4 days ago: u send a quotation for xpen @ 12 per dozen
3 days ago: u receive a sales order for the above quotation
2 days ago: u deliver, send invoice fr order
Today: u receive pymt
11.Dwn paymt
5 days ago: sales order from Writewell for 10 doz of xpen @ 12 p.d.
Along with the order u recv dwn pymt : 50% of the vsal
3 days ago: Writewell asks for quotation wtr to above inquiry
4 days ago: u deliv. The goods
2 days ago: u send the bill
2 days ago: u settle the dwn pymt.
Today: u recv paymt
12.Rush order
5 days ago: urgent sales order from writewell for 10 doz of xpen @ 12 p.d. U deliv the goods
2 days ago: u send the bill
Today: u recv paymt
13.Cash sales
Today: cash sales to writewell for 10 doz of xpen @ 12 p.d. U deliv the goods immediately. U
recv pymt immediately
Explore docs created
14.Customer material info record
Writewell calls xpen as ypen
5 days ago: sales order from wrtwell fr 10 doz of ypen @ 12 pd
3 days ago: u deliv the goods
2 DA: u send the bill
Today: u recv pymt
15.Stop delivery
5 days ago: SO from writewell fr 10 doz of xpen @ 12 pd
4 days ago: u deliv the goods 5 doz along with the bill fr 5 doz
3 days ago: the cust complains abt qlty n refuses to tke further deliv
2 days ago: u attempt to deliv the goods rest along with the bill
Today: U recv pymt
16.Stop delivery
5 days ago: SO from writewell fr 10 doz of xpen @ 12 pd
4 days ago: u deliv the goods 5 doz along with the bill fr 5 doz
3 days ago: the cust complains abt qlty n refuses to tke further deliv
2 days ago: u attempt to deliv the goods rest along with the bill
1 day ago: u sort the qlty problem and then convince the cust to take further deliv
1 day ago: u attempt to deliv the goods rest along with the bill
Today: U recv pymt
17.Scheduling agreement
5 days ago: Scehduling agreement with writewell fr 100 doz of xpen @ 12 pd: 30 doz aftr 3 days;
20 doz aftr 7 days; rest aftr 10 days
3 days from today: process scheduling agreement and deliv the goods
7 days from today process scheduling agreement and deliv the goods
10 day from today: process scheduling agreement and deliv the goods
10 days from today: send the bill
12 day from today: u recv paymt

For promotion pens u offer special prices on purchase of BPen
For qty of 1-9: 0.8/pen, 10-99: 0.7/pen, above 100: 0.6
Create conditions fr the above
Create a sales order for 5 bpens on promotion, check the prices
Create a sales order for 15 bpens on promotion, check the prices
Create a sales order for 150 bpens on promotion, check the prices
Create a sales order for 5 bpens on rushmore, check the prices
19.Item Proposal
Writewell alwys orders 10 doz of xpen and 30 units f bpen
Create item proposal fr writewell
5 days ago: SO from WW item proposal
3 days ago: u deliv the goods
2 days ago: u send the bill
Today: recv pymt
Extra : Value Discount
We plan to give discounts to premier pens for order as follows: 500-1000: 5%, 1000-1500: 7%,
above 1500: 10%
Create an order to test this

Document the primary cost ele
Doc the sec cost ele
Today: invoice from tan leasin for $100
Today: u pay
Today: invoice from elect dept. for $ 200
Today: U pay
Today: U pay 25$ to water dept
Find cost accumulated for all cost centers by cost elements
Sales dept buys $100 worth operating supplies
Prod dept buys $50 worth op supplies
Prod dept buys 50 worth IT supplies
IT buys 200 worth of IT supplies
Find cost accumulated for all cost centers by cost elements , Explain the results
Sal bill paid as follows:
Acc: 100
Admin: 200
Purchasing: 50
IT 30
Sales: 100
Mkting 150
Warehouse: 30
Prod dept : 50
Find cost accumulated for all cost centers by cost elements , Explain the
Distribute the rent exp among the cost centers, Review results

Distribute the utilities exp, Review results
Invoice recvd from telephone bill of $300
Pay tel bill
More info
No. of employess in
Prod Dept=2
No. of telephones in:
Ac/ 2
Prod dept=1
Distribute the tel exp, Review results
Distribute the sal exp of admin dept. Review results
Distribute entire cost of IT dept. to other dept on % basis, Review results
Distribute admin depts. Cost based on no. of employees, Review results
Co. participates in PEN SHOW (internal order to be settled within the
Travel bill=500
Food bill=300
Hotel bill=350
Purchase gifts thru requisition process=150
Tel bill=50
Stall bill=100
Participation fee=200
Distribute Cost of promotion among the line depts. In fixed %ages,
Review results (internal order to be settled within the dept.)

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