Chapter 2

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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Research II, 1st Draft of Chapter II

Submitted by:
Rubante Shaira D
Sabuero Pamela Jenna
Tiangco Eastefanny Claire
June 30,2014
Submitted to:
Mr. Aaron Bren E. Julaton


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth
search done by the researchers. This will also present the synthesis of the art, theoretical and
conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and lastly the definition of
terms for better comprehension of the study.
Supportive Claims
In the journal article Capacitive Sensing Technology by Arcelo and Sanyal, in liquid
level sensing, the position capacitive sensor senses the liquid level in a reservoir by measuring
changes in capacitance between conducting plates which mare immersed in the liquid, or applied
to the outside of a non-conducting container. This is possible through the use of a capacitor, a
device that consists of two electrodes separated by an insulator that is generally composed of
two conducting plates separated by a nonconducting substance called dielectric.
Compared to optical, inductive, and piezoresistive transducers, capacitive sensors is a
better type of sensor because it can detect both solid and liquids as well as metal and non-metal.
It also has the ability to see things through an object in different states. They also have a near-
zero temperature coefficient, can be optically transparent, and are easy to integrate into ICs or
onto printed-circuit boards. Capacitive sensors can also detect motion, acceleration, flow, and
many other variables, and are used in a wide range of application.(Whytock, Jan 1998)
Capacitive sensors have a much higher sensitivity to conductors than to nonconductors.
For this reason, they can be used to detect the presence/absence of metallic subassemblies in

completing assemblies. An example is a connector assembly requiring an internal metallic snap
ring which is not visible in the final assembly. Online capacitive sensing can detect the defective
part and signal the system to remove it from the line.
High-performance capacitive sensors generally consist of an electronic module and probe
which is connected to the module by a cable. These systems are available in different
configurations and price points. Some of the common and cheap capacitance sensors available in
the Philippines are as follows:
The Elite Series capacitive sensors feature a modular design in which single or multiple
channels of electronics modules are enclosed in a modular rack. All of the channels are
synchronized and a meter/display can be added to the system. Each capacitive sensor module has
a "calibrated range" display and coarse and fine zero adjustments for adjusting the DC level of
the sensor output. The Elite Series are the highest performing capacitive sensors.
The Compact Driver contains from one to six capacitive sensor channels in a small box
with no user controls. Separate connectors are provided for power in and sensor channel outputs.
Connectors are also provided for the probes. This system is ideal for OEM applications in which
the capacitive sensor system is embedded within a larger system. The lack of user adjustments
prevents inaccurate readings resulting from "operator error."
The CPA100 Analog Proximity Sensor is a lower cost capacitive sensor. The output from
this sensor is repeatable, but not linear. The system is used in servo "zero-seeking" systems
where the capacitive sensor outputs are used to drive a system to a known good condition rather
than measuring the extent to which the system is out of tolerance. It is also used where a

threshold voltage is established in which some conditional action is initiated.
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use
hardware and software. Its intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in
creating interactive objects or environments.
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-
to-use hardware and software. Its intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone
interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and
can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. The microcontroller
on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the
Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone
or they can communicate with software on running on a computer. (Phillip Torronne, Feb 2011)
Arduino works on a Mac, Win, and Linux, and its completely open source. The IDE is
how you program the Arduino its based on Processing (a graphics programming language
and development system popular with artists and designers), which has been around for a long
time. It runs on Macs and Linux, not just Windows, and that matters if you want to be inclusive.
Its based on a strong and well-supported backend, the open source gcc toolchain, and wrapped
in Java, so porting is easy and bugs can be found and fixed. There are enough smart people using
and working on the IDE to keep it going strong. Want freaky cool people to do neat stuff with
your platform? You gotta have your IDE run seamlessly on a Mac and also Linux.

In Arduino the code runs directly on bare metal, with a well-tested and understood
compiler unlike NET or BASIC. Its much faster,smaller and lightweight, and you can use the
HEX file to program fresh chips in bulk..
The Arduino is a big catch because it has an analog-to-digital input, in other words, you
can take in sensor data like light, temperature, sound, or whatever using the low-cost sensors
already on the market and get that into the Arduino easily. It also has ready-to-go SPI and I2C
for digital sensors. This covers 99% of sensors on the market that cant be easily done with other

Negative claims
Environmental factors such as temperature variation, pressure, contamination and
conductivity affect the dielectric constant of a capacitor and therefore these effects severely
deteriorate the level of precision. In this part, the researchers will discuss the disadvantages of
capacitive position liquid level sensor in terms of accuracy and possible methods of avoiding
them. (Grndler, P. 2007, Conductivity sensors and capacitive sensors)
A dielectric material that can conduct electric current will decrease the performance of
the capacitor. The dielectric material, should ideally be an insulator. But, the water content and
other components mixed with the uid can increase the conductivity of electrons in the uid
material. Several methods have been proposed for using a capacitive sensor to measure the uid
level in conducting and non-conducting liquids. A common method used places an insulating
layer onto the conducting rods. The insulating layer will prevent the ow of electrons; hence a
stable electric eld could be produced.

Lee et al. Described a capacitive liquid level sensor consists of a low cost planar
electrode structure, a capacitance-controlled oscillator, and a microcontroller. The sensor
description is able to measure absolute levels of conducting and non-conducting liquids with
high accuracy. They recommend a capacitive probe for measuring conducting and non-
conducting uids.
John Tward described a uid level sensor for mounting in a uid storage vessel for
sensing the level of the uid within the vessel which is comprised of four similar electrically
conductive capacitor elements, each formed to present two electrically connected capacitive
plates disposed at angles to each other. A material of known constant dielectric value lls two of
the dielectric spaces, thereby forming with their respective space dening capacitive plates, two
capacitors of known xed and substantially similar capacitive value. (Grndler, P. 2007,
Conductivity sensors and capacitive sensors)

Changes in the temperature of the liquid or gas can result in signicant shifts in the
dielectric constant of the liquid or gas, which introduces inaccuracies in the sensor readings. This
section describes some methods and techniques that have been used in the past to overcome the
effects of temperature changes on sensing devices. Variations in temperature values can alter the
geometry and size of the capacitive sensor. Any change in the electrode gap will alter the value
of the capacitance and therefore an inaccurate or even invalid level measurement will be
obtained. The electronic components can also behave differently at different temperatures. The
sensing electronics used to determine uid level can therefore produce inaccurate level readings
at different temperatures. Peter described a method that can be used to monitor the level of a

uid in elevated temperature environments. The design consists of a high-performance thermal
insulator for thermally insulating the systems electronic circuitry from the sensor probe.
Atherton et al. described a sensor based on the design described by Peter Howard for
sensing the level of oil or transmission uid under both normal and extreme temperature
conditions. The active components of the sensor have input and leakage currents substantially
lower than those of diodes and current sources under high temperature conditions.
Lawson described a method for collecting liquid temperature data from a fuel tank by
using a thermal sensitive resistive element that produces a value proportional to the liquids
temperature, a capacitor for storing a charge representative of this value, and a resistor through
which the capacitor is discharged. Circuitry and software are provided that compares the voltage
across the resistor to a reference as the capacitor discharges. This determines the number of clock
counts for which a predetermined relationship exists between the voltage across the resistor and
the reference and then consults a table to determine an absolute temperature based on this clock
count. (Bolton, W. 2006. Capacitance. Engineering)

It was described that the capacitance is dependant on the dielectric constant. Any change
in the dielectric material will inuence the capacitance value. To avoid the effects of the
dielectric material on the capacitance value,several methods have been described that either
eliminate the effects of them dielectric material, or recalibrate the dielectric parameter.
Hochstein described a capacitive level gauge which determines the level of substance in
the container. The gauge includes a measurement capacitor for measuring the level. Unlike
conventional capacitance level gauges which may not detect changes in dielectric constant, this
gauge includes a reference capacitor for determining the dielectric constant of the substance. A

controller is responsive to the capacitors for producing a level signal which simultaneously
indicates the level and dielectric constant of the material. The level signal incorporates a
frequency which is representative of the dielectric constant and a pulse width representative of
the level. An advantage of this device is that its use does not require a predetermined shaped
container. Additionally, the level signal simultaneously indicates the level capacitance and
reference capacitance for accurate indication of the level.
Takita described a capacitive sensor that provides a high level of precision by taking the effects
of environmental changes into consideration and compensating for any and all changes to the
plate area and to the value of the dielectric constant before determining an accurate
measurement. Such compensation can be achieved through the use of a plurality of
environmental sensors to mathematically calculate the change according to the varying
conditions surrounding the capacitive sensor. However, the compensation would be made
through the use of a reference capacitor with a xed gap between the plates that is otherwise
identical in both form and reaction to environmental changes as the capacitive sensor that it
monitors to compensate for all environmental parameters other than the parameter of interest.(
Wiesche, S. 2003. Slosh dynamics: Theory and industrial application.)

The capacitance is dependent on the gap or distance between the conducting electrodes.
This distance can, however, increase or decrease, depending on the environmental conditions,
and the material, which could incorporate inaccuracies in the level readings. In some cases,
movement of the uid container can skew bend the sensor, which will alter the distance between
the electrodes, thereby errors will be produced in the capacitance value, and hence the uid level.

Other less known possible factors in the accuracy of the sensor are noise, stray
capacitance and the distance of electrodes. (In Physics for engineers, 2014)

The researchers therefore conclude that the creation of a non invasive capacitive liquid
level sensor is possible. The negative claims that may hinder the accuracy of the liquid level
sensor can be solved. Other extraneous factors cannot affect much on the accuracy of the sensor.
The main material to be used which is Arduino is manageable and will be easier for the
researchers to work with.

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