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Life should be lived to the point of tears

Albert Camus once said that we all should live life to the point of tears. It
generally means that we should live life to the fullest. The universe can be divided
into the animate or the living and the inanimate or the non-living. No philosopher or
scientist has ever been able to define life. Schopenhauer has well said that of all the
living things in the world it is only man who !uestions his e"istence. All other
animals and plants continue to live without bothering about this !uestion.
In the #ourney of life everyone is faced with various hardships. These
hardships are li$e onerous borders laid upon one%s shoulder. Therefore to lead a better
and carefree life the following suggestions should be ta$en into consideration.
Always bear in mind that life moves in cycles. &oods of depression will be followed
by periods of confidence and optimism li$e night follows day. A beam of happiness
will eventually shone through the dar$ clouds.
Accept the responsibilities that are imposed upon you. 'o not shrin$ them. 'o
not drift through life without purpose. Always be ambitious and once said by a wise
man hang your dreams upon the highest stars to achieve the ma"imum success. (e
worthy of your manhood or womanhood and do not get buffeted about.
Live for the day and fill it with worthy deeds. )ill it with activities and
constructive efforts. (e forgetful of the past and confident about the future. 'o not
drag the past behind you and let it be a stopper for you to move forward. (e
imaginative to a certain e"tent but avoid wishful thin$ing. 'o not fuss and be
regretful of the wrong which you have done. Learn from your mista$es. *reparation
does not live in regret. Live triumphantly to the full. Life is to live.
Throughout a person%s life happiness is mingled with anger. +owever always
avoid anger and fear. Anger is never #ustified. It is only a shadow of ignorance. 'o not
be proud because you can become angry. (eing angry only brings you harm. It will
poison your body and slowly $ill you mentally. )ear is the worst of all vices. ,ery few
of your fears are realised.
Insincerity is fa$e irritating and painful. 'o you feel it- Therefore always be
sincere. No man can achieve greatness without it yet the most humble may be
honoured if he possessed it. It is better to be an honest rebel than to pretend loyalty to
any person or cause.
'o not ta$e it for granted that good health is a blessing. I am optimistic that
everyone is familiar with the saying .+ealth is /ealth0. 'o your almost to preserve it
by wise living. A wea$ body will never be able to accomplish a satisfactory tas$. 'o
not abuse yourself by adopting foolish habits li$e doing drugs cigarettes drin$ing
and faulty thin$ing. 1nce it%s gone it%s forever lost.
Nobody in this world is perfect true but one should have the courage to live
near perfection. Thus always aim for perfection in your life. If you pursue this your
happiest day will come and the meaning of life will be understood.

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