Course Structure & Syllabus: B.Tech Programme

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B.Tech Programme
(3rd to 8th Semester)
(Declared U/S 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Effective From
Academic Session 2012-13
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 1 )
(3rd and 4th Semesters)
(Effective from 2011 Admission Batch)
Semester 4
MA201T Math-III 3-1-0 4 MA202T Math-IV 3-1-0 4
Engg. Eco./
3-0-0 3
Organisational Behaviour
Engg. Eco.
3-0-0 3
3-1-0 4 ME204T
Manufacturing Science &
3-1-0 4
ME202T Mechanics of Solids-I 3-1-0 4 ME205T Machine Dynamics-I 3-1-0 4
CS201T Data Structures 3-0-0 3 ME206T Fluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3
Introduction to Physical
3-0-0 3 ME207T
3-0-0 3
Total 21 Total 21
CS201P Data Structures Lab. 0-0-3 2 ME203P
Numerical Methods
using MATLAB
0-0-3 2
ME201P Machine Drawing 0-0-3 2 ME204P Fluid Mechanics Lab. 0-0-3 2
Applied Mechanics &
Materials Testing Lab.
0-0-3 2 ME205P Manufacturing Lab. 0-0-3 2
Total 6 Total 6
Grand Total 27 Grand Total 27
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 2 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Fourier Analysis: Fourier Series, Functions of any period p = 2L, Even and odd functions, Half-range expansions,
Fourier Integrals, Fourier Cosine and Sine Transforms.
Module-II (12 hrs)
Partial Differential Equations: Basic Concepts, Modeling : Vibrating string, Wave equation. Separation of
variables, Use of Fourier Series, D'Alembert's Solution of the wave equation. Heat Equation : Solution by
Fourier series, Two-Dimensional wave equation. Rectangular membrane, Use of double Fourier series. Laplacian
in Polar coordinates. Solution by Laplace Transform method.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Complex Analysis (I): Introduction of Complex Numbers, Derivative, Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann
Equations, Laplace's Equation, Geometry of Analytic Functions : Conformal Mapping, Exponential Function,
Trigonometric Functions, Hyperbolic Functions, Logarithm, General Power, Linear Fractional Transformations.
Line Integral in the Complex plane, Cauchy's Integral theorem. Cauchy's Integral formula, Derivatives of Analytic
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Complex Analysis (II): Taylor's series and Maclaurin series, Laurent's series, Zeros and Singularities, Point at
infinity, Residue Integration Method, Evaluation of real integrals, General properties of Harmonic Functions.
Text Book:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by E Kreyszig (John Wiley), 8th Edition.
Reference Book:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, by B.V.Ramana, Tata Mc Graw Hill, (2007)
Module-I (10 hrs)
Engineering Economics - Meaning, Nature and Scope of Engineering, Economics, Economics Applied to Industrial
Demand - Demand Function, Law of Demand; Elasicity of Demand, Methods of Measuring Price Elasticity of
Demand: The concept Supply, and Law of Supply.
Module-II (6 hrs)
Economics Applied to Industrial Production and Cost - Production Function, Law of Variable Proportion, Laws
of Return to Scale.
Module-III (6 hrs)
Cost Funstion, Short - run and long-run cost functions; Input-output Models - Open and Models: Break - Even
Analysis - Liner and non-liner analysis.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Evaluation of Engineering Projects - Time Value of Money, NPV, IPR, BCR, PBP methods of evaluating single
and alternative projects, Replacement Analysis, Depreclation Analysis.
Text Book :
1. P. A. Samueison and W.D. Nordhaus, Economics, TMH.
2. P. Cassimatis, A Concise Introduction to Enggineering Economics, Unwin Hyman Publication.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 3 )
3. D. Hay and Marris, Industrial Economics, Oxford University Press.
4. Thuesen & Fabrycky, Engineering Economy, PHI.
Module-I (6 hrs)
The study of Organizational Behaviour: Learning objective, Definition and Meaning, Benefits of studying OB, OB
Model and New Challenges of OB in the context of Business Globalization.
Learning- Nature of Learning, How Learning occurs, Learning and OB.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Perception-Meaning and Definition, Perceptual Process, Importance of perception in OB, Attitudes, Values and
Ethics, Motivation- Nature and Importance, Herzberg's Two factor theory, Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory,
Alderfer's ERG Theory, Theory X & Theory Y, Evaluations, Emotional intelligence, Creativity.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Foundations of individual Behaviour: Personality-Meaning and definition, Determinants of Personality, Personality
Traits, Personality and OB, Johari window, MBTI.
Organizational Behaviour Process : Communication-Importance, Types, Gateways and Barriers to
communication, Communication as a tool for improving Interpersonal Effectiveness, Group Dynamics and Team
Building, Leadership.
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Conflict- Nature of Conflict and Conflict Resolution, Decision Making, Problem Solving.
Organization Culture- Definition, Functions, Creating and sustaining culture. How employees learn culture,
Creating an ethical organizational culture.
Organizational Change and Development-Importance of change, Planned Change and OD Techniques, Case
Text Book :
1. Organizational Behaviour, Quick, by James C & Nelson Debra L. Cengage Learning
2. Organizational Behaviour, by Robbins Stephen, Pearson
3. Organizational Behaviour, by K. Aswathappa, Himalaya Publishing House
4. Organizational Behaviour by Keith Davis, Mc Graw Hill.
5. Understanding Organizational Behaviour by Udai Pareek Oxford University Press.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Basic Concepts and Definitions : Scope of thermodynamics; Macroscopic & Microscopic approaches; Definition
of fixed mass (closed system) and control volume (Open system), Characteristics/Properties (extensive and
intensive), Thermodynamic equilibrium, State, process and cyclic process, and their representation on property
diagram, point and path functions, exact and inexact differentials, Reversible and irreversible processes, Zeroth
law of thermodynamics and temperature, Measurement of temperature & Calibration of thermometers, The
ideal gas temperature scale.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 4 )
Module-II (6 hrs)
P-V-T relation of pure substance : Definition of pure substance, Specific volumes of saturated liquid, wet
vapour (dryness fraction) and superheated vapour, compressed (sub cooled) liquid; and critical state, Introduction
to saturated & superheated property tables, specific volume, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy, compressed
liquid table. Ideal & real gases and their P-V-T relation, Compressibility chart.
Module-III (16 hrs)
1. Energy and mass interactions: Work interaction (definition and calculation), Different modes of work
(reversible & irreversible), heat and mass interaction.
2. First law of thermodynamics: Energy analysis of closed & open systems undergoing cycles and processes.
3. Second law of thermodynamics: Heat engine and refrigerators. Causes of irreversibilities, Corollaries of
2nd law of thermodynamics and entropy calculations; Entropy data for pure substances, T-s & h-s plot,
entropy changes in different process for solids, liquids, ideal gases. Entropy generation, Second law
analysis of closed and open system, isentropic efficiencies.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
1. Irreversibility and Availability: Available energy, Reversible work and irreversibility, Availability and second
law efficiency, Exergy analysis for both closed and open system.
2. Analysis of ideal & real gas mixtures
Text Book :
1. Yunus A Cengel, Micheal A Boles, Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, McGraw hill Companies
References Books :
1. Sonntag, Borgnakke, Van Wylen, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, (John-Wiley & Sons)
2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Moran & Sapiro, (John-Willey & Sons).
Module-I ( 12 hrs)
Simple stresses and strains : Concept of stress, normal stress, shear stress, normal and shear strain, axial
loading, stress-strain diagram, statically determinate and statically indeterminate problems, composite bars,
elastic constants, temperature stresses.
Transformations of stresses and strains : Transformations of plane stresses, principal stresses, maximum
shear stress, Mohr's circle for plane stress, general state of stress, application of Mohr's circle to the three
dimensional analysis of stresses, transformations of plane strain, Mohr's circle for plane strain.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Shear force and Bending moment in beams : Shear force and Bending moment diagrams, relations among
load, shear force and bending moment.
Bending of beams : Theory of simple bending of initially straight beams, distribution of normal stress and
shear stress, bending of members made of several materials.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Deflection of beams : Equation of the elastic curve, Macaulay's method of finding slope and deflection,
moment-area method.
Torsion : Torsion of solid and hollow circular shafts; shafts under combined axial loading, bending moment and
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 5 )
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Thin Cylinders and spheres : Stresses in thin cylindrical and spherical shells, cylindrical shells with spherical
ends, wire winding of thin cylinders.
Colums : Classification of colums, Euler's critical load for long columns, effective length and slenderness ratio,
Rankine-Gordon formula.
Text books :
1) Strength of Materials, G.H. Ryder, MacMillan Publishers
2) Mechanics of Materials, F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston and J .T. Dewolf
Reference books :
1) Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, E.P. Popov, PHI Publishers
ModuleI (8 hrs)
Introduction to data structures, ADT, Algorithms, Time and Space complexity. Arrays: Address calculation, row
major order and column order major representation. Sparse matrix: 3-tuple representation of sparse matrix,
transpose of sparse matrix, addition of two sparse matrices.
ModuleII (8 hrs)
Linked lists: Single linked lists and its operations, Double linked lists and its operations, circular single/double
linked list, linked list with header nodes. Polynomials and their operations (addition and multiplication). Stacks
and Queues: representation using array & linked list, operations and their applications (infix to postfix conversion,
postfix expression evaluation), Dynamic storage management-garbage collection and compaction.
ModuleIII (10 hrs)
Trees: Tree terminology and representation, Recursive/Non-recursive Tree traversals (inorder, preorder, postorder);
Binary tree representation and operations, Binary search tree representation and operations, AVL tree
representation and operations, Multiway search tree, B tree representation and operation, B+ tree.
ModuleIV (10 hrs)
Graphs: Graph terminology, Representation of graphs, path matrix, BFS (breadth first search), DFS (depth first
search), Topological sorting, Sorting and Searching techniques: Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort,
Quick sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, Radix sort. Linear and binary searching techniques, Hashing and hash
Text Book :
1. Data structure in C, Tanenbaum, PHI publication.
2. Data Structure using C, Reema Thareja, Oxford University Press.
References Books :
1. Data Structures & Algorithm Concepts Techniques & Algorithms, Gav Pai, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Fundamentals of data structure in C, Horowitz, Sahani & Freed, University Press.
3. Schaums Outline Data Structure with C , Lipschutz, Mc Graw Hill.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 6 )
Module-I (6 hrs)
1 Concept of plastic deformation of metals, critical resolved shear stress, dislocation theory, deformation
by slip and twin, plastic deformation in polycrystalline metals, Annealing: recovery; recrystalization and
grain growth; hot working & cold working of metals.
2 Concept of alloy formation, types of alloys, solid solutions, factors governing solid solubility viz. size
factor, valance factor, crystal structure factor and chemical affinity factor; order-disorder transformation.
allotropic transformation
Module-II (10 hrs)
1. Solidification of pure metals cooling curve, concept of super cooling, microstructures of pure metals,
2. Binary phase diagrams: (a) Isomorphous system, (b) Eutectic system (c) Peritectic system, (d) Eutectoid
system and (e) Peritectoid system.. Phase rule & Lever rule and its application, Interpretation of solidification
behaviour and microstructure of different alloys belonging to those systems, Effect of non equilibrium
cooling, coring and homogenization.
3. Iron-cementite and iron-graphite phase diagrams, microstructure and properties of different alloys (both
steels and cast irons), properties of different alloys (both steel and cast iron) ,effect of carbon and minor
constituents on properties of steel, cast iron,grey and white cast iron,nodular cast iron,malleable cast
iron, their microstructures and typical uses
Module-III (8 hrs)
1. T-T-T diagram: Concept of heat treatment of steels i.e. annealing, normalizing, hardening and tempering;
microstructural effects brought about by these processes and their influences on mechanical
properties.defects due to heat treatment.
2. Surface hardening of steel,carburizing ,nitriding,cyaniding ,diffusion coating.
3 Effect of common alloying elements on the equilibrium and T-T-T diagrams, concept of hardenability,
factors affecting hardenability.specification of steels and hardenability test
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Steel ,structural steel,free cutting steel,wear resistant steel,corrosion resistant steel,heat resistant steel.Common
alloy steels, stainless steel, tool steel, high carbon steel,high speed steel, die steel for cold working and hot
working. high strength low alloy steel.
Text Book :
1. S.H. Avner, Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
2. Y. Lakhtin, Engineering Physical Metallurgy and Heat-Treatment, Mir Publisher, Moscow.
3. G.W. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, Mc Graw Hill.
Experiment No.1
Program to perform the following operations:
i) Array Operations: Insertion, deletion of elements in a one dimensional array.
ii) Matrix addition and multiplication.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 7 )
Experiment No.2
Program to represent a sparse matrix in 3-tuple method and perform the following operations:
i) Transpose of a sparse matrix
ii) Addition of two sparse matrices
Experiment No. 3
Program to perform the following operations on single linked list:
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Reversal v) Sorting vi)Traversal
Experiment No. 4
a) Program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Double linked list:
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal
b) Program to create and traverse a circular single linked list.
Experiment No.5
a) Program to create a stack using array and linked list to perform the following operations:
i) push (ii) pop iii) display
b) Write a program to create a queue using array and linked list to perform the following operations:
i) insert ii) delete iii) display
Experiment No. 6
Program to perform the following stack applications:
i) Convert infix to postfix and expression
ii) Evaluation of postfix expression
Experiment No. 7
Program to perform the following operations in Binary Search Tree (BST):
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal
Experiment No. 8
a) Program to implement linear search.
b) Programs that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform binary search operation.
Experiment No.9
Programs that implement following sorting techniques:
i) Bubble sort
ii) Insertion sort
iii) Selection sort
Experiment No.10
Programs that implement following sorting techniques:
i) Quick sort
ii) Heap sort
iii) Radix sort
Experiment No.11
Program that implements the different methods used in hashing.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 8 )
1. Thread profiles: Metric, BSW, Acme, Buttress, Knuckle thread; Nut & Bolt.
2. Solid modeling of 3D components using sketching and features like extrude, revolve, sweep, loft, fillet
etc; surfacing features.
3. Making assemblies: Gib and cotter joint; Plumber block; Shaft coupling.
4. Exploded views: 2D drawing and parts list generation.
5. Tailstock assembly or equivalent; its 2D drawing and parts list generation.
6. Screw jack assembly or equivalent; its 2D drawing and parts list generation.
1. Determination of mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of lifting machines (screw jack, worn
and worn wheel, single purchase winch crab).
2. To determination Coriollis component of acceleration using Coriollis apparatus.
3. Measurement of Moment of inertia of a disc and ring using turn table apparatus.
4. Determination of Gyroscopic couple using motorized gyroscope.
5. Uniaxial tension test: Determining mechanical characteristics of given specimen.
6. Torsion test: Determining shear modulus of given specimen.
7. Hardness test: Determining hardness of given specimen (Brinell Hardness, Vicker hardness, Rockwell
8. Plane bending: Determining normal stress distribution and stiffness of the beam.
9. Asymmetric bending: bending of the L section beam; location of the shear center.
10. Fatigue test : Specimen under cyclic loading with completely reverse stress cycle, constructing S-N
11. Dynamic loading: impact strength using Charpy test and Izod tests.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Numerical Methods (I) : Introduction, Solution of equations by iteration : fixed point iteration, bisection, Newton
Raphson and secant methods. Interpolation : Lagrange interpolation, Newton's divided difference interpolation,
Newton's forward & backward interpolation. Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal and Simpson's rules, Gauss
Legendre integration formulas (2 point and 3 point rules).
Module-II (10 hrs)
Numerical methods (II) : Gauss elimination, Linear systems: LU factorization, Solution by Iteration: Gauss-
Seidel and Jacobi. Numerical methods for First Order Differential Equations : Euler-Methods, Runge - Kutta
methods(2nd and 4th order methods).
Module-III (10 hrs)
Probability : Probability: Classical and axiomatic definitions of probability, addition and multiplication rules of
probability, conditional probability. Baye's theorem and independence.
Random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, mean and variance of a distribution. Binomial, Poisson
and Normal distributions, Distribution of several random variables.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 9 )
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Mathematical Statistics : Sampling distribution : Sample mean and Sample variance, t-, (chi) square test,
Random Sampling, Estimation of parameters, Point Estimation, Confidence interval, Testing of hypothesis, (for
sample mean and sample variance), Correlation and Regression Analysis.
Text Book :
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by E Kreyszig (John Wiley )8th Edition
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, by B.V.Ramana, Tata Mc Graw Hill, (2007)
Module-I (10 hrs)
(a) Types of patterns, pattern materials and pattern allowances.
(b) Types of sand, properties of moulding sand, composition of moulding sand, moulding procedure
(c) Binders, parting agents,sand testing
(d) Melting furnaces cupola, oil fined furnace, electric induction and arc furnace.
Module-II (10 hrs)
(a) Solidification of castings, Risers and gating system, feeding distance, centre line freezing, use of chills
and chaplets.
(b) Special Casting methods like die casting, investment casting, permanent mould casting, centrifugal
casting, continuous casting,shell moulding.
(c) Casting defects and inspection, Non-destructive testing.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Welding and cutting:
Weldability, Introduction to gas welding: weldability, introduction to gas welding ,equipments, techniques, types
of flames, gas cutting, electric arc welding: principles, electrodes TIG and MIG, submerged arc welding, arc
cutting and equipments. Resistance welding: principles, spot, seam, projection, upset, butt and flash welding,
Forge welding, Thermit welding.Welding defects and inspection.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
(a) Rolling: Pressure and Forces in rolling, types of rolling mills, rolling defects.
(b) Forging: Smith Forging, Drop and Press forging, M/c forging/Horizontal forging, Forging defects.
(c) Extrusions: Direct, Indirect, Impact and Hydrostatic extrusion and their applications, Extrusion of tubes.
(d) Brief introduction to powder metallurgy processes.
Text Books:
1. Manufacturing technology - by P.N. Rao, Tata McGraw Hill publication
2. Mechanical Metallurgy - Dieter, Mc-Graw Hill
3. Processes and Materials of Manufacture - R.A. Lindberg, Prentice hall. (India)
4. Principles of Metal Casting by R.W. Heine, C.R. Loper & P.C. Rosenthal
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 10 )
Module-I (10 hrs)
Mechanisms and Machines: Introduction; Types of constrained motion; Rigid and resistant bodies; Link;
Kinematic pair; Types of Joints; Degrees of freedom; Kinematic chain; Mechanism; Inversion of mechanism;
Four-bar chain and its inversions; Single slider-crank chain and its inversions; Double slider-crank chain and its
Velocity Analysis: Motion of a link; Velocity of a point on a link; Relative velocity method and Instantaneous
center method for velocities and angular velocities of four-bar mechanism, slider-crank mechanism, crank and
slotted lever mechanism.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Acceleration analysis: Acceleration of a point on a link; Acceleration analysis for four-bark mechanism and
slider-crank mechanism; Coriolis component of acceleration; Crank and slotted lever mechanism.
Dynamic force analysis: Velocity and acceleration of a piston; Klien's construction; Angular velocity and
angular acceleration of connecting rod; Engine force analysis - (1) Piston effort, (2) Force along connecting rod,
(3) Thrust on cylinder wall, (4) Crank effort, (5) Thrust on bearings.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Turning moment on crank shaft; Dynamically equivalent system; Correction couple; Turning moment diagrams
- (1) Single cylinder double acting steam engine, (2) Single cylinder four stroke engine, (3) Multi cylinder
engines; Fluctuation of energy; Flywheel; Dimensions of flywheel rim.
Gear trains: Simple gear train, Compound gear train, Reverted gear train, Epicyclic gear train, Analysis of
epicyclic gear train, Torques in epicyclic trains, Sun and planet gear.
Module-IV (12 hrs)
Friction: Kinds of friction; Laws of friction; Inclined plane - (1) motion up the plane and (2) motion down the
plane; Efficiency of inclined plane; Screw friction; Screw jack; Overhauling and self-locking screws; Friction of
pivots and collars; Friction clutches- (1) Single disc clutch, (2) Multi-plate clutch.
Belt drives: Open and crossed belt drives, Velocity ratio, Slip of belt; Creep of belt; Length of belt; Power
transmitted; Ratio of tensions; Centrifugal effect; Maximum power transmitted by a belt; Initial tension in belts.
Text Book :
1. Theory of Machines, S S Rattan, Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
Reference Book :
1. Mechanism and Machine Theory, J S Rao and R V Dukkipati, New Age International.
Module-I (8 hrs)
1. FLUID PROPERTIES: Definition of Fluid, Fluid as Continuum, Physical properties of fluids, Ideal and
Real fluids, Concept of shear stress, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids.
2. FLUID STATICS :Forces on fluid elements, Normal stresses in static fluid, Pressure-density-height
relationships, Pressure measurement, Hydrostatic thrusts on submerged surfaces (plane and curved),
Centre of pressure, Buoyancy, Stability of immersed and floating bodies.
Module-II (6 hrs)
1. FLUID KINEMATICS: Velocity Field, Euler and Lagrangian Methods, Steady & unsteady Flows, Uniform
& non-uniform Flows, Substantial Derivative and Acceleration (Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates),
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 11 )
Streamlines and Stream Tubes, Path Lines and Streak Lines. Translation, Rate of deformation & Rotation,
Vorticity, Rotational and Irrotational flows. Continuity equation in differential and integral form, Stream
Module-III (12 hrs)
1. FLUID DYNAMICS: Reynolds Transport Theorem and its application in the finite control volume analysis
Euler's Equation, Bernoulli's Equation derived From Euler's Equation, Applications of equations of motion
and mechanical energy: Free and Forced Vortex flows, Fluids in relative equilibrium, Hydraulic siphon,
Losses due to geometric changes, Measurement of flow rate through pipes: Venturimeter, Orifice meter,
Flow Nozzle, Pitot tube, Flow through orifice & mouth piece.
2. DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS: Dimension, Dimensional Homogeneity, Types of Physical Similarity:
Geometrical, Kinematic and Dynamic Similarity, Dimensional analysis: Buckingham's Pi-theorem method.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
1. FLOW THROUGH PIPES (INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOW): Laminar and turbulent flows in pipes, Hydraulic
mean radius, Darcy -Weisbach equation, Moody's diagram. Minor losses, Pipes in parallel and series.
Transmission of power. Water hammer in pipes.
2. INTRODUCTION TO COMPRESSIBLE FLOW: Thermodynamic processes, continuity equation, work done
in an isothermal process and adiabatic process, sonic velocity, Mach number, Mach Line, Mach angle
and Mach cone.
Text Book :
1. S. K. Som and G. Biswas, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill.
References Books :
1. Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H. Okiishi, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, John
Wiley & Sons.
2. Frank M. White, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill
Module-I (5 hrs)
1. General Termodynamic property relations:
The Maxwell relations, The Clapeyron equation, The TdS relations, Isothermal compressibility and volume
expansivity, The Joule-Thomson coefficient.
Module-II (7 hrs)
1. Reciprocating Air Compressor:
Introduction & Uses of compressed air, The reciprocating Compressor cycle neglecting and considering
clearance volume, Volumetric efficiency and its effect on compressor performance, Limitations of single
stage compression, Multistage compression and intercooling, Optimum intercooler pressure, Performance
and design calculations of reciprocating compressors.
Module- III (12 hrs)
1. Vapor Power Cycles : The Carnot vapor cycle and its limitations, The Rankine cycle, Means of increasing
the Rankine cycle efficiency, The reheat cycle, The regenerative feed heating cycle, The binary vapor
cycle, The gas-vapor coupled cycles, Cogeneration (Back pressure and Pass-out turbines).
2. Gas Power Cycles : Air standard cycles- Otto, Diesel, Dual Combustion and Brayton cycles, Actual
Brayton cycle, The Brayton cycle with regeneration, reheating and intercooling.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 12 )
Module- IV (10 hrs)
1. Flow through the nozzles : Flow of steam & gas through nozzle, Types of nozzles and their area of
application & related calculation, critical pressure & chocked flow, Effect of friction and nozzle efficiency
2. Air Craft Propulsion : Analysis of propulsion cycles of Turbo Jet, Turbo Prop , Turbo fan & Ram jets.
Text Books:
1. Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach, Yunus A Cengel, Micheal A Boles, McGraw hill Companies
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Sonntag, Borgnakke, Van Wylen (John-Wiley & Sons)
2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Moran & Sapiro, (John-Willey & Sons).
1. Introduction of MATLAB.
2. MATLAB operations.
3. Programming using MATLAB.
4. Numerical differentiation and integration using MATLAB.
5. 2D and 3D graphics using MATLAB.
6. Solution of ordinary and partial differential equation using MATLAB.
7. Curve fitting by MATLAB.
8. 2D and 3D plot using Excel and equation editor.
1. To find out friction factor of a flow through a pipe
2. Pressure measurement by using different pressure measuring instruments and finding its error.
3. To determine metacentric height of a ship model.
4. To determine C
, C
& C
of an orifice
5. To determine coefficient of discharge (C
) of a venturimeter.
6. To verify Bernoulli's theorem
7. Calibration of rotameter for fluid flow measurement.
8. Pipeline network analysis using electrical analogy.
9. Characteristics of laminar and turbulent flows at low Reynold's number in a smooth pipe
10. To determine the fluid viscosity using Hagen-Poiseuille equation.
Calibration of Burdon Tube Pressure Gauge using dead weight calibrator.
1. Determination of grain size, clay content.
2. Permeability, Moisture content and green compressive strength of molding sand.
3. To Cut MS Plate using Oxyacetylene gas cutting.
4. To weld stainless steel pipe using TIG welding.
5. To Weld MS plate using MIG welding.
6. Brazing and soldering of sheet metal.
7. Extrusion (both forward & backward) using given die.
8. Deep drawing (using different sheet metal) & study of press tool.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 13 )
(5th and 6th Semesters)
(Effective from 2011 Admission Batch)
Semester 6
Metrology Quality Control
& Reliability
3-0-0 3 MA301T Optimisation in Engineering 3-0-0 3
ME302T Heat Transfer 3-1-0 4 ME306T M/c Design-I 3-1-0 4
ME303T M/c Dynamics-II 3-1-0 4 ME307T
Mechanical Measurement &
3-1-0 4
ME304T Fluid Machines 3-1-0 4 ME308T Internal Combustion Engine 3-1-0 4
Manufacturing Science &
3-1-0 4 ME309T
Production & Operation
3-0-0 3
Total 19 Total 18
Metrology Measurement
& CIM Lab.
0-0-3 2 ME304P
Machine Element Design
0-0-3 2
ME302P Machine Shop 0-0-3 2 ME305P
IC Engine & Refrigeration &
Air Conditioning Lab.
0-0-3 2
Heat Transfer & Hydraulic
Machines Lab.
0-0-3 2 ME306P Machine Dynamics Lab. 0-0-3 2
Total 6 Total 6
Grand Total 25 Grand Total 24

Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 14 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Line and End Standards, Principles of Measurements, Calibration, accuracy and Precision, Random error and
systematic error Measurement of Surface Roughness, Screw thread and Gears.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Limits, Fits and Gauges, Assembly by full, partial and group interchangeability, geometric tolerances.
Measurement of straightness, Flatness and circularity
Module-III (10 hrs)
Quality control Some useful Probability Distribution, type I and type II errors, central limit theorem. Cause of
Variation, standard error of mean, process capability, PCR, Natural tolerance Limits, /Specification Limits, Trial
and Revised control Limits, Rational subgroups, Control charts for variable (X,R,S,) Control charts for fraction
non-conforming, control charts for non-conformation.
Design of single sampling plan, double, multiple and sequential sampling plans, O.C. Curve, AOQ, AOQL.
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Reliability, Definition, bath-tub-curve, system reliability, reliability improvement, maintainability and availability.
Text Book :
1. R.K. Jain, "Engineering Metrology", Khanna Publisher, Delhi
2. L.S. Srinath, Reliability Engg. East west publication
References Books :
1. D.C. Montgomery, "Introduction to Statistical Quality control", John Wiley & sons.
2. E.L. Grant and R.S. Leavenworth, Statistical quality Control", 7th edition, Mc-Graw Hill.
3. E. Ebeling, "an Introduction to reliability and Maintainability Engg.", MC-Graw Hill.
Module-I (14 hrs)
Introduction : The three modes of heat transfer and their mechanisms. The Fourier heat conduction law,
newton laws of cooling, Stefan-Boltmann equation in radiant energy exchange.
Governing equation and boundary conditions for heat conduction : General heat conduction in Cartesian,
polar-cylindrical and polar-spherical coordinates, simplification of the general equation for one and two dimensional
steady/transient conduction with constant/variable thermal conductivity with/without heat generation. Boundary
conditions applicable to heat conduction problems.
One and Two dimensional steady state and one dimensional unsteady heat conduction : Solution of
the one dimensional steady state heat conduction problem in case of plane walls, cylinders and spheres for
simple and composite cases. Electrical analogy, Critical insulation thickness, Analysis of extended surfaces
and fins for various boundary conditions, Numerical solution of 2-D, steady state heat conduction without
internal heat generation. Lumped capacitance and simple transient models.
Module-II (12 hrs)
Convective heat transfer : Introduction to convective heat transfer. Dimensional analysis of forced and free
convective heat transfer.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 15 )
Conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy for 2-dimensional convective heat transfer in case of
incompressible flow, Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers for flow over a flat plate. Boundary layer
equations for 2-dimensional incompressible flow over a flat plate and boundary conditions. Momentum and
energy integral equations for flow over a flat plate and their solution (local and average values of drag and heat
transfer coefficients). Reynold's analogy.
Experimental heat transfer correlations for forced and free convection in the following cases.
Free convection: vertical plates and cylinders, horizontal plates and cylinders
Forced convection: Flow inside and out side tubes.
Heat transfer form boiling liquids and condensing vapours:
Qualitative study of boiling heat transfer and Nusselt analysis of condensation on vertical plates, vertical tubes
and horizontal tubes.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Radiative heat exchange:
Introduction, Radiation properties, Emissive power & Emissivity Kirchhoff's identity, Plank's relation for
monochromatic emissive power of a black body, Derivation of Stefan-Boltzmann law and Wien's displacement
law from Planck's relation, Radiation shape factor, Relationf or shape factor and shape factor algebra. Heat
exchange between black bodies through non-absorbing medium Gray bodies and real bodies, heat exchange
between gray bodies. Radiosity and Irradiation, Electrical analogy and radiation network for 2-body and 3-body
radiations exchange in non-absorbing medium, Radiation shields.
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Heat Exchanger :
Introduction, The overall heat transfer coefficient and fouling factors, Types of heat exchangers LMTD and
-NTU analysis of heat exchangers. Heat exchanger design considerations.
Text Book :
1. Necatiz Ozisik, Basic Heat Transfer, Mc-Graw Hill.
2. J.P. Holman, Heat Transfer, Mc-Graw Hill.
References Books :
1. Frank P. Incropera, David P. Dewitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th Edition, Wiley
2. P.K. Nag, Heat Transfer, TMH
Module-I (14 hrs)
Cams: Types of cams; Types of followers; Cam terminology; Motions of the follower - (1) Simple harmonic
motion, (2) Constant acceleration and deceleration, (3) Constant velocity, (4) Cycloidal motion; Layout of cam
profiles; Cams with specified contours - (1) Tangent cam with roller follower, (2) Circular arc cam with flat faced
Gears: Classification; Gear terminology; Law of gearing; Velocity of sliding of teeth; Cycloidal teeth; Involute
teeth; Interchangeable gears; Non-standard gears; Path of contact; Arc of contact; Numbers of pairs of teeth in
contact; Interference in involute gears; Minimum number of teeth on pinion to avoid interference; Minimum
number of teeth on wheel to avoid interference; Interference between rack and pinion; Helical gear; Velocity
ratio and center distance of helical gears; Helical gear forces and efficiency; Worm and worm gear; Velocity
ratio and center distance of worm gears; Efficiency of worm gears; Bevel gears.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 16 )
Module-II (13 hrs)
Balancing: Balancing of several masses rotating in one plane and in several planes; Balancing of reciprocating
mass; Primary and secondary unbalanced forces in reciprocating masses; Partial balancing of primary force;
Effects of partial balancing; Secondary balancing; Balancing of inline engines; Balancing of V-engines; Balancing
of radial engines; Balancing machines; Field balancing.
Brakes and Dynamometers: Types of brakes; Block or Shoe brake; Band brake; Band and block brake; Internal
expanding shoe brake; Types of dynamometers; Prony brake dynamomemter; Rope brake dynamomemer;
Belt transmission dynamometer; Torsion dynamometer.
Module-III (6 hrs)
Gyroscope: Angular velocity; Angular acceleration; Gyroscopic couple; Gyroscopic effect on aeroplanes;
Gyroscopic effect on naval ships; Stability of an automobile; Stability of a two wheel vehicle; rigid disc at an
angle fixed to a rotating shaft.
Module-IV (7 hrs)
Vibrations: Definitions; Types of vibrations; Basic features of vibrating systems; Longitudinal vibrations - (1)
Equilibrium method, (2) Energy method, (3) Rayleigh's method; Inertia effect of mass of the spring; Damped
vibrations; Logarithmic decrement; Forced vibrations; Forced-damped vibrations; Magnification factor; Vibration
isolation and transmissibility; Forcing due to unbalance; Forcing due to support motion; Transverse vibrations;
Single concentrated load; Uniformly loaded shaft; Shaft carrying several loads; Whirling of shafts.
Text Book :
1. Theory of Machines, S S Rattan, Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
References Books :
1. Mechanism and Machine Theory, J S Rao and R V Dukkipati, New Age International.
Module-I (12 hrs)
INTRODUCTION: Definition of a Turbomachine; parts of a Turbomachine; Comparison with positive displacement
machine; Classification: Application of First and Second Laws to Turbomachines, Efficiencies. Dimensionless
parameters and their physical significance; Effect of Reynolds number; Specific speed; Illustrative examples on
dimensional analysis and model studies.
ENERGY TRANSFER IN TURBO MACHINE: Euler Turbine equation; Alternate form of Euler turbine equation -
components of energy transfer; Degree of reaction; General analysis of a Turbo machine - effect of blade
discharge angle on energy transfer and degree of reaction; General analysis of centrifugal pumps and compressors
- Effect of blade discharge angle on performance; Theoretical head - capacity relationship;
GENERAL ANALYSIS OF TURBO MACHINES: Axial flow compressors and pumps - general expression for
degree of reaction; velocity triangles for different values of degree of reaction; General analysis of axial and
radial flow turbines - Utilization factor; Vane efficiency; Relation between utilization factor and degree of reaction;
condition for maximum utilization factor - optimum blade speed ratio for different types of turbines
Module-II (8 hrs)
STEAM TURBINES: Classification, Single stage impulse turbine; Condition for maximum blade efficiency,
stage efficiency. Compounding - Need for compounding, method of compounding. Impulse Staging - Condition
fo maximum utilization factor for multi stage turbine with equiangular blades; Reaction turbine; Parson's reaction
turbine, condition for maximum blade efficiency.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 17 )
Module-III (8 hrs)
HYDRAULIC TURBINES: Classification; Pelton Turbine-velocity triangles, Design parameters, turbine efficiency,
volumetric efficiency; Francis turbine - velocity triangles, runner shapes for different blade speeds, Design of
Francis turbine; Function of a Draft tube, types of draft tubes; Kaplan and Propeller turbines - Velocity triangles
and design parameters.
Module-IV (12 hrs)
CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR: Classification; Expression for overall pressure ratio developed; Blade angles
at impeller eye root and eye tip; Slip factor and power input factor; width of the impeller channel; determination
of diffuser inlet vane angle, width and length of the diffuser passages; Surging of centrifugal compressors;
CENTRIFUGAL PUMP: Definition of terms used in the design of centrifugal pumps like manometric head,
suction head, delivery head, pressure rise, manometric efficiency, hydraulic efficiency, volumetric efficiency,
overall efficiency, minimum starting speed, slip, priming, cavitation, NPSH,
RECIPROCATING PUMP: Classification; main components and working principle; work done & slip; effects of
acceleration of piston on velocity and pressure; indicator diagram; air vessels; operating characteristic curves.
Text Book :
1. V. Kadambi and Manohar Prasad, An Introduction to energy conversion, Volume III - Turbo machinery,
New Age International Publishers (P) Ltd.
2. S. M. Yahya, Turbines, Compressors & Fans, Tata-McGraw Hill Co., 2nd Edition (2002).
References Books :
1. D. G. Shepherd, Principles of Turbo Machinery, The Macmillan Company (1964)
2. William W Peng, Fundamentals of Turbomachinery, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2008.
Module-1 (14 hrs)
Introduction to Machining and classification of Metal Removal Processes, classification of cutting tools, tool
materials, Geometry of single point cutting tools, ASA and ORS system of tool signature, Mechanism of chip
formation and types of chips, Orthogonal and oblique cutting, Use of chip breaker in machining, Machining
forces and Merchant's Circle Diagram (MCD) , Analytical and Experimental determination of cutting forces,
Dynamometers for measuring cutting forces, Cutting temperature : causes, effects, assessment and control,
cutting fluids and its application, Concept of Machinability and its Improvement, Failure of cutting tools and tool
Module-II (12 hrs)
Basic working principle, configuration, specification and classification of machine tools: lathe: facing, turning,
tapper turning, thread cutting. Milling Machine: simple and compound indexing, up milling, down milling, gear
cutting, limitations of gear milling. Drilling machine, shaping : Principles of quick return mechanism, crank and
slotted gear and hydraulic quick return mechanism planning, Slotting Machines and Broaching.
Module-III (6 hrs)
Abrasive Processes (Grinding): Basic principle, purpose and application of grinding, Selection of wheels and
their conditioning, Classification of grinding machines and their uses. Super finishing processes: Honing, Lapping
Buffing and super finishing.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Non-conventional machining: Introduction, Abrasive Jet Machining, Ultrasonic Machining (USM) Water Jet and
Abrasive Water Jet Machining, Electro Chemical Machining, Electro Discharge Machining ,Electron Beam and
Laser Beam Machining.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 18 )
Text book :
1. Rao P.N. manufacturing Technology, TMH
Reference books :
1. Production Engineering -Sharma P.C. chand.S
2. Metal cutting theory and practice-A Bhattacharya,C.B.Pub.
3. G. Boothroyd - Fundamentals of Metal Machining Tools - TMH
1 To measure the dimensions, surface finish, circularity, concentricity of a precision turned component
using different instruments and to make the drawing of it.
2 To measure different parameters of screw thread and make the drawing of it to the scale.
3 To carry out calibration and accuracy checking of any machine tool.
4 Measurement of taper using sine bar.
5 Strain measurement of a cantilever beam with the help of resistance wire strain gauges and indicator.
6 To generate 2D drawing of the modified model and annotate it for manufacturing details.
7 To plan, program and produce one component using CNC Turning Tutor.
8 To plan, program and produce one component using CNC Milling Tutor.
9 Experiment on Hydraulic Tutor.
10 Experiment on Pnumetic Tutor.
1 To make a job on the lathe with tapper turning, threading, knurling, and grooving.
2 Gear cutting on milling machine by simple and compound indexing methods.
3 To produce a V-groove on a work piece using shaper.
4 To machine the surface of a cast iron block using planer.
5 To make internal keyway in the bore of a spacer by slotting machine.
6 To make a parallel block using surface grinding machine.
7 To make a cylindrical pin using cylindrical grinding machine.
8 To produce a blind hole on a hardened block using EDM.
9 To cut glass plate using AJM.
10 To cut ceramic material using USM.
Heat Transfer Lab :
1. To determine thermal conductivity of insulating powder.
2. To determine the heat transfer coefficient of air for flow in a horizontal tube by forced convection.
3. To determine the heat transfer coefficient of air for flow in a vertical tube by natural convection.
4. To determine the emissivity of test disc.
5. To determine the Stefan Boltzmann Constant and compare it with theoretical value.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 19 )
6. To determine the effectiveness of fin by using pin fin apparatus for natural and forced convection.
7. To determine the inside and outside overall heat transfer coefficients and effectiveness of parallel and
counter flow heat exchangers.
Hydraulic Machine Laboratory:
1. Performance characteristics of Pelton Turbine.
2. Performance characteristics of Gear Pump.
3. Performance characteristics of Francis Turbine.
4. Performance characteristics of Centrifugal Pump.
5. Performance characteristics of Reciprocating Pump.
6. Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine
Module-I : Deterministic Models (10 hrs)
(i) Introduction to Linear Programming
(Two variable LP model, Graphical LP solution)
(ii) The Simplex Method
(LP solution in equation form, The simplex method, Artificial starting solution, Special cases in simplex
method application)
(iii) Duality and Sensitivity Analysis
(Definition of the dual problem, Primal Dual relationship, Dual Simplex Method)
Module-II : Deterministic Models (8 hrs)
(i) Transportation Model
(Definition, Transportation Algorithm)
(ii) The Assignment Model
(The Hungarian method)
(iii) Network Models
(Network definitions, Shortest route problem, Dijkstras and Floyds Algorithm, Maximal Flow Model)
(iv) Integer Linear Programming
(Branch & Bound Algorithm, Cutting plane algorithm)
(v) Dynamic Programming
(Knapsack Model)
Module-III : Probabilistic Models (8 hrs)
(i) Decision Analysis and Games
(Decision under uncertainty, Game theory.)
(ii) Queuing Systems
(Elements of a Queuing model, Role of exponential distribution, Pure Birth & Death models.)
(iii) Simulation Modeling
(Monte-Carlo simulation,Generation of random numbers.)
Module-IV : Non Linear Models (6 hrs)
(i) Classical Optimization Theory (Unconstrained and constrained problems)
(Necessary and sufficient conditions, Equality constraints, Inequality constraints, Direct search
method, Gradient method.)
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 20 )
Text Book :
1. Operations Research- an Introduction: Hamdy A.Taha, Pearson - Seventh Edition.
Module-I (14 hrs)
Principles of Mechanical Design and Basic Properties of Materials:
Phases and interactions of the design processes; Standards and codes; Strength, stiffness, stability; Design
factor and factor of safety; Reliability; Dimensions and tolerances. Material strength and stiffness; Hardness;
Impact properties; Alloy steels; Casting materials; Nonferrous metals; Composite materials; Materials selection.
Failure theories for ductile and brittle materials.
Fatigue failure resulting from variable loading:
Fatigue in metals; Methods of fatigue design: Fatigue-life methods; Stress life methods, strain life methods,
Endurance limit; Fatigue strength; Stress concentration and notch sensitivity; Fatigue failure criteria for fluctuating
stresses; Combination of loading.
Module-II (12 hrs)
Design of nonpermanent joints and permanent joints:
Thread standards and definitions; Mechanics of power screws; Threaded fasteners; Joints - fastener stiffness;
Joints - member stiffness; Bolt strength; Tension joints - the external load; Relating bolt torque to bolt tension;
Statically loaded tension joint with preload; Gasketed joints, Bolted and riveted joints loaded in shear.
Butt and fillet welds; Stresses in welded joints in torsion; Stresses in welded joints in bending; The strength of
welded joints.
Stresses in pressurized cylinders and rotating disks and shrink fits. Stress concentration, Temperature effects.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Design of shaft and shaft components : Shaft materials, shaft layout, Strength design for shafts (combined
torsion and bending loading); Stress concentrations; Deflection considerations; Critical speeds for shafts;
Miscellaneous shaft components (keys and couplings).
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Mechanical springs : Stresses in helical springs; Curvature effect; deflection of helical springs; compression
springs; stability; spring materials; helical compression spring design, critical frequency of helical springs;
fatigue loading of helical springs.
Text Book :
1. Shigley J.E., Mischke C R, Budynas R G & Nisbett K J, Eighth edition in SI Units, Mechanical
Engineering design, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2008.
References Books :
1. Spotts M.F., Design of machine elements, Prentice Hall India
2. Burr A.H. & Cheathon J.B., Mechanical analysis and design, Prentice Hall India
3. Bhandari V.B.,Design of machine elements, TMH
Data Book: (Only Data Book is allowed in the examination)
1. Design Data, PSG college of technology, Coimbatore
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 21 )
Module-I (12 hrs)
The significance of Mechanical Measurements, basic detector transducer elements : Electrical transducer,
sliding contact devices, variable-inductance transducer elements, the differential transformer, variable reluctance
transducer, capacitive transducer. The piezoelectric effect, photo-electric transducer, electronic transducer
Intermediate modifying system: Electrical intermediate modifying devices, Input circuitry. The simple current
sensitive circuit the ballast circuit, The voltage-dividing potentiometer circuit, The voltage balancing potentiometer
circuit, resistance bridges.
Terminating Devices and methods : Introduction, Meter indicators, The vacuum tube voltmeter, CRO, recording
techniques, oscillographs.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Strain Measurement :
The electrical resistance strain gauge. Metallic resistance strain gauge .Selection and installation factors for
bonded metallic strain gauges. Circuitry for metallic strain gauge. : The strain gauge ballast circuit, the strain
gauge bridge circuit, Simple constant-current strain gauge circuit. Temperature compensation. Calibration,
Stress-strain relationships.
Gauge orientation and interpretation of results.
Measurement of Pressure :
Pressure measurement systems, pressure measurement transducer, gravitation transducers. Elastic transducer,
Elastic diaphragms, Secondary transducer used with diaphragms, Strain gauge pressure cells, Measurement
of high pressure, measurement of low pressures, Calibration methods.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Measurement of Fluid flow :
Flow characteristics of obstruction meters: venturi, flow nozzle, orifice. The variable area meter, calibration of
flow measurement devices.
Temperature Measurement : Use of bimetals , Pressure thermometers, Thermocouples, Pyrometry, Calibration
of temperature measuring devices.
Vibration & Shocks : Measurement of motions - Vibrometers and accelerometers, elementary vibrometers and
vibration detectors. Elementary accelerometers. The Seismic instrument for vibration measurement.Calibration.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Description of open and closed loop control systems and their block diagrams. Use of block diagram and signal
flow graph to find overall transfer function.
1st and 2nd order systems and their response to step and sinusoidal input, error analysis, static and dynamic
error coefficients.
Rouths stability criterion. The Root-Locus method, Bode plot and Nyquist plot, Gain margin and phase margin.
Text Book :
1. T.G. Beckwith, R D Marangoni and J H Lienhard V, Mechanical Measurements, Pearson Education
2. K.K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall India.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 22 )
Module-I (10 hrs)
Basic nomenclatures; Working principle of 4-stroke, 2-stroke spark ignition (SI) and compression ignition (CI)
engines; classification of I.C. Engines; Comparison of 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines; valve timing diagram of
S.I. and C.I. engines; Methods of cycle analysis : Ideal cycle, Air cycle, Fuel-air cycle, Actual cycle; variation
between the air cycle and actual cycle; Variation of specific heat, Dissociation, Non-instantaneous burning,
Heat losses, Valve timing and blow-down losses, Pumping loop.
Engine Fuels
Introduction; Solid, gaseous and liquid fuels, chemical structure of petroleum fuels; Ratings of S.I. and C.I.
engine fuels; Important qualities of S.I. and C.I. engine fuels.
Module-II (6 hrs)
Introduction; the induction system; Theoretical carburettor considerations; Engine air-fuel mixture requirements;
Distribution, Acceleration, Simple float type carburettor
Introduction, Types of injection system; Requirements of a diesel injection system, injector nozzles; Petrol
Module-III (12 hrs)
Introduction, Requirements of an ignition system; Battery ignition system, Magnetic ignition system, Electronic
ignition system; Ignition timing, Spark advance mechanisms.
Combustion in S.I. Engines
General combustion theory; stages of combustion in S.I. engines; Flame front propagation; Factors affecting
flame speed, Rate of pressure rise; Abnromal combustion, Combustion chambers for S.I. engines.
Combustion in C.I. Engines: Introduction, Stages of combustion in C.I. engines; Factors affecting delay period;
Knocking in C.I. engines; C.I. engine combustion chambers
Module-IV (12 hrs)
Engine Cooling & Lubrication
Introduction; Air cooling and water cooling systems; Effect of cooling on power output; Properties of lubricants
and different types of lubricating systems.
Engine Emissions
Engine emissions and their harmful effects; Emissions from S.I. engines; Diesel emissions; Emissions control
methods: Thermal convertors; catalytic convertors; EGR, PCV (Positive crankcase ventilation) system.
Engine Testing & Performance
Measurement of friction power by Willan's line method; Morse test; Measurement of I.P., B.P. fuel consumption,
Air consumption, speed, S.I. & C.I. engine performance; Engine efficiencies, Engine performance curves, Variables
affecting engine performance, Methods of improving engine performance.
Text Book :
1. Mathur & Sharma, I.C. Engine; Dhanpati Publication
References Books :
1. V.Ganeshan , I.C. Engines, TMH
2. Hewitt, I.C. Engine; Mc.Graw Hill
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 23 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Productivity: Importance, Productivity ratio, productivity measurement, productivity index. Awareness ,
Improvement, maintenance.
Production system: Models of production system, production Vs services, process focused and product focused
systems, product strategies, product life cycle, production function.
Forecasting: Methods - moving average, exponential smoothing, Regression analysis, coefficient of co-relation,
Delphi, Market survey.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Facilities planning , site location, facilities layout, work place design, working condition, noise, illumination etc.
Motion study: principles of motion economy, time study, standard time, Production planning and control: aggregate
planning, sequencing, line balancing, flow control, dispatching, expediting, gantt chart ,line of balance, learning
Module-III (8 hrs)
Inventory Control : Functions of inventories, Cost of inventories, Economic order quantities, Economic batch
size, Joint cycle for multiple production, Models for price discounts, Consideration of uncertainty and risk.
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Project management, network scheduling, PERT, critical path, most likely time estimate, resource leveling
Text Book :
1. Production systems, planning ,analysis and control by Riggs john, willy and sons
2. Modern production and operation management by Buffa and sarin.
3. Production and operations management by S.N.Charry TMH.
References Books :
1. Motion and time study by brnes Johnwilly and sons
2. Introduction to work study, International Law Office, Geneva (ILO), United Publishing Corporation,
1. Riveted joint
2. Bolted joint
3. Cotter joint
4. Knuckle joint
5. Design of shaft
6. Shaft coupling
7. Design of spring
8. Pressure vessels
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 24 )
(Any four from IC Engine and any four from RAC Lab.)
IC Engine Laboratory
1. Study of cut section models of I.C. Engines
2. Determination of Brake power, indicated power, Brake thermal efficiency, Indicated thermal efficiency,
volumetric efficiency & specific fuel consumption of two cylinder, 4-stroke diesel engine.
3. Determination of Brake Power, Brake thermal efficiency volumetric efficiency, specific fuel consumption
of 4-stroke single cylinder air-cooled petrol engine with electrical resistance loading.
4. Determination of Brake Power, Brake thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency, specific fuel consumption
of a 2-stroke single cylinder air-cooled petrol engine.
5. Determination of volumetric efficiency of twin cylinder reciprocating air compressor
1. Determination of theoretical COP, Carnot COP and actual COP of Vapour compression refrigeration
2. Verification of different psychrometric processes using year round air conditioning system.
3. Determination of COP of an ice plant tutor.
4. Generation of psychrometric chart.
5. Determination of COP of vapour absorption test rig.
1. Balancing using dynamic balancing apparatus.
2. Undamped and damped longitudinal vibration.
3. Undamped and damped transverse vibration.
4. Verifying Dunkerley's relation.
5. Undamped and damped torsional vibration.
6. Critical speed of rotating shaft.
7. To observe the pressure distribution in the oil film of the journal bearing for various speeds and plot the
pressure curves.
8. Measurement of slip and creep using a flat belt drive.
9. Study the characteristic of different governors using Universal Governor Apparatus.
10. To determine the cam-profile and to calculate the follower velocity.
11. To determine velocity ratio of an epicyclic gear train.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 25 )
(7TH and 8th Semesters)
(Effective from 2011 Admission Batch)
Semester 8
Introduction to Management /
Bio-Env. Engg.
3-0-0 3
Introduction to Management
3-0-0 3
ME401T Machine Design-II 3-1-0 4 ME438T Power Plant Engineering 3-1-0 4
Refrigeration & Air
3-0-0 3
3-0-0 3
EL-I & II 3-0-0 3
Total 16 Total 13
Mechanical System Design
0-0-3 3 ME402S Seminar 0-0-3 2
ME402P Tool Design Project 0-0-3 2
Major Project (inclusive of
0-0-12 8
Minor Project (Inclusive of
0-0-6 4
Total 8 Total 10
Grand Total 24 Grand Total 23

Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 26 )
Electives-I & II
Departmental Electives
Automobile Engg. ME431T
Finite Element Methods ME432T
Advanced Mechanics of Solids ME433T
Gas Dynamics ME434T
Robotics & Robot Applications ME435T
Computational Fluid Dynamics ME436T
Tool & Die Design ME437T
Institutional Electives
Entrepreneurship ME411T
Renewable Energy Sources EE411T
Free Market Economy HS411T
Essentials of IT CS411T
Disaster Management CE411T
Environmental Climatology CY411T
Electives-III & IV
Departmental Electives
Composite Material ME452T
Non-Traditional Machining ME454T
Cryogenics Engineering ME456T
Waste Heat Recovery ME457T
Marketing Management ME458T
Material Management ME459T
Tribology ME460T
Maintenance Engineering & Management ME461T
Institutional Electives
Leadership Development HS412T
Web Designing CS412T
Introduction to Nanotechnology PH412T
Intellectual Property Rights HS413T
Management Information System CS413T
Safety Engineering ME412T
One has to take at least one Institutional Elective either in 7th or in 8th Semester.
If some one takes two Institutional Electives, it should be one in 7th and one in 8th Semester.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 27 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Introduction to Management : Management Science or Art ? Evolution of Management throught, System
approach Functions of Management, Social responsibility of Managers, Japanese Management and Theory-Z.
Planning - Definition, Types of plans, strategy, policies steps in planning, Management by objective - Concept,
process, strategies & policies, Decision making - evaluation of alternatives, selecting an alternative.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Organising : Formal & informal organisation, Organizational Division, Organisation level & span of Management
Authority & Power, Line & staff concept, Functional authority, Delegation of authority - Art of delegation.
Staffing : Definition, System approach to staffing, Managerial job, desired skill, matching job requirement with
Module-III (12 hrs)
Leading : Managerial function of leading, Human factors in managing.
Motivation : Maslows Hierarchy of needs, Expectancy Theory, Mc Clellands Theory, motivational techniques,
Mc Gregors theory X & Y.
Leadership : Definition, Leadership style, Likerts four systems of Management.
Communication : Definition, communication function, process, noise & feed back in communication, downward
& crosswise communication, types of communication, Barriers in communication, towards effective
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Controlling : Definition, planning & controlling, basic control process, establishment of standards, types of
stardards, measurement of performance, correction of deviation, control as a feed back system.
Text Books :
1. Essentials of Management, Harold Koontz, C ODonnell, H-Weihrich, Tata McGraw Hill, 8th Edition,
Module-I (8 hrs)
Fundamentals of Ecology : Components and structures of Eco-system. Levels of organization in the biotic
components of the Eco-system. Eco-system processes- Energy flow-primary and secondary production, trophic
level, food chain & food web and Bio-magnification. Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling- Biogeochemical cycles
of nature- Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle and Hydrological cycle. Fundamentals of Chemistry & Microbiology
Water chemistry; Concentration expressions, mole concept and Stoichiometry. Physical & chemical properties
of water. Organic chemical properties and their measurement, parameters like BOD, COD, and TOC & TOD;
Inorganic properties like pH, Alkalinity, Hardness, conductivity and Solubility; Atmospheric chemistry - structure
of atmosphere, chemistry of primary and secondary air pollutants; Chemical Reaction- Chemical & Bio-chemical
Reactions, fundamentals of reaction kinetics, Reactor configurations and material balances. Microbiology -
Important microbes in Environmental Engineering, Microbial growth and decay rates, Aerobic & Anaerobic
group of bacteria.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 28 )
Module-II (8 hrs)
Water Pollution: Water quality standard and parameter (Indian Standard Drinking Water Specifications, IS
10500, 1991); Physical, Chemical and Biological methods of assessment of water quality, Aquatic Pollution,
Fresh Water Pollution: Organic Pollution, Oxygen Sag Curve, Eutrophication and Acidification, Estuarine
water quality, Marine Pollution and Ground water pollution. Parameters of organic content of water quality, DO
and BOD in streams, Deaeration and Reaeration kinetics in streams (Streeter - Phelps oxygen sag formula)
Air Pollution: Primary and Secondary pollutants, units of concentration,Global air pollution-Acid rain , Global
warming and ozone layer depletion.Air pollution meteorology - Ambient and Adiabatic lapse rate, Atmospheric
stability Lapse rates and Dispersion, Atmospheric Dispersion.
Noise Pollution: Sources of noise, Physical properties of sound, resultant and equivalent sound levels , Noise
control measures and impact of noise on human health.
Module-III (12 hrs)
Water Treatment: Conventional water treatment comprising of Pretreatment - Screenings, Aeration and
Equalisation; Primary Treatment - Sedimentation, Coagulation, Filtration; Disinferction - Chlorination, Breakpoint
chlorinatioin; Advanced water treatment - Fluoridation, Deflouridation, Ion-Exchange and Reverse Osmosis.
Wastewater Treatment (Domestic waste water); Wastewater flow and characteristics; Wastewater Pretreatment-
Screenings, Grit chamber, Equalization and storage; Primary treatment - Sedimentation and coagulation;
Biological treatment (Aerobic); Activated Sludge Process (ASP) with complete mix reactor and design parameters.
Biological treatment ( Anaerobic); Municipal Solid Waste (MSW); Physical, Chemical and Energy properties of
MSW; MSW Management - Composting; MSW Management - Landfill Operations; Hazardous Waste
Management; Characterization; Hazardous Waste Treatment - Incineration; Industrial Air Emission Control;
Gaseous Emission Control - Absorption, Adsorption and Condensation; Particulate Emission Control - Gravity
Settling Chamber, Cyclone Separator, Bag Filter and Electrostatic Precipitator; Flue gas desulpherisation,
NOx Emission Control and Fugitive Emission
Module-IV (4 hrs)
Evolution of environmental legislation in India; Environmente, Development and Sustainable Development; ISO
14,000- Environmental Management Systems - Life Cycle Assessment; Elements of waste minimization-
strategy-Reduction at source, Recycling/Reuse/Recovery, Waste treatment and Disposal; Waste minimization
program; Cost benefit analysis and advantage of clean technology; Environmental Impact Assessment; Stages
of EIA procedure - Screening, Scoping, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Public Participation and Review;
Generic Structure of EIA report:- Project Profile, Baseline Data Collection, Impact Prediction and Assessment,
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Post EMP Monitoring.
Reference Book :
1. Environmental Engineering - Gerard Kiely; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
2. Environmental Engineering; Peavy, Rowe and Tchobanoglous; Tata McGraw Hill Company
Ltd.1981,(International Edition).
3. Environmental Pollution Control Engg. By C.S.Rao; Wiely Eastern Ltd, New Delhi,1999.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 29 )
Module-I (14 hrs)
Rolling contact bearings:
Bearing types; Bearing life; Bearing load life at rated reliability; Bearing survival - Reliability versus life; Relating
load, life and reliability; Combined redial and thrust bearing; Variable loading; Selection of ball and cylindrical
roller bearings; Selection of tapered roller bearings; Lubrication.
Lubrication and Journal bearings:
Types of lubrication; Viscosity; Petroff's equation; Stable lubrication; Thick film lubrication; Hydrodynamic theory;
Design considerations; Relations of the variables; Steady-state conditions in self-contained bearings; Clearance;
Pressure-fed bearings; Loads and materials; Bearing types; Thrust bearings; Boundary-lubricated bearings.
Module-II (12 hrs)
Spur and Helical gears:
Lewis bending equation; Surface durability; AGMA stress equations; AGMA strength equations; Various factors;
Design of a gear mesh.
Bevel and worm gears:
Bevel gearing; Bevel gear stresses and strengths; AGMA equation factors; Straight-bevel gear analysis; Design
of a straight-bevel gear mesh; Worm gearing - AGMA equation; Worm-gear analysis; Designing a worm-gear
Design of I C Engine parts
Module-III (8 hrs)
Clutches, Brakes and Flywheels:
Static analysis of clutches and brakes; Internal expanding rim clutches and brakes; External expanding rim
clutches and brakes; Band-type clutches and brakes; Frictional-contact axial clutches; Disk brakes; Cone
clutches and brakes; Energy considerations; Temperature rise; Friction materials; Flywheels.
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Flexible mechanical elements:
Belts; Flat and round belt drives; V-belts; Roller chain; Wire rope.
Text Book :
1. Shigley J.E., Mischke C R, Budynas R G & Nisbett K J Mechanical Engineering design, Eighth
edition in SI Units, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2008.
References Books :
1. Spotts M.F., Design of machine elements, Prentice Hall India
2. Burr A.H. & Cheathon J.B., Mechanical analysis and design, Prentice Hall India
3. Bhandari V.B., Design of machine elements, TMH
Data Book : (Only Data Book is allowed in the examination)
1. Design Data, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 30 )
Module-I (6 hrs)
Refrigeration, unit of refrigeration, Coefficient of performance, importance of refrigeration, Reversed Carnot cycle,.
Limitations of reversed Carnot cycle.
Air Refrigeration System: Bell Coleman air refrigeration cycle, Air craft and Air conditioning system and their
Module-II (8 hrs)
Vapour Compression refrigeration System: Analysis of theoretical vapour compression refrigeration cycle,
Representation of cycle on T-S and p-h charts, Simple saturation cycle, sub-cooled cycle and superheated
cycle, Effect of suction and discharge pressure on performance, Actual vapour compression cycle.
Multi pressure system: Multistage compression and Multi-evaporator systems, Different arrangements of
compressors, intercoolers, flash chambers and heat exchangers, Cascade refrigeration system.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Vapour Absorption refrigeration System: Simple Ammonia-absorption system, improved absorption System,
Lithium bromide-water vapour absorption system Electrolux refrigeration system, comparision of absorption
system with vapour compression system.
Refrigerants: Classification of refrigerants, Halocarbon compounds, Hydrocarbons, Inorganic compounds,
Azeotropes, Properties of refrigerants, comparison of common refrigerants, uses of important refrigerants,
Secondary Refrigerants, ozone friendly refrigerants, Green House effects, global warming and future refrigerants.
Module-IV (14 hrs)
Psychrometrics: Properties of moist air, psychometric properties, Wet bulb temperature, Thermodynamic wet
bulb temperature, psychometric relations, psychometric chart and its use, psychometric processes, air washers.
Requirements of comfort air conditioning: oxygen supply, heat removal, moisture removal, air motion, purity of
air, Thermodynamics of human body, comfort and comfort chart, effective temperature, factors governing optimum
effective temperature.
Air conditioning System: air conditioning processes, Summer air conditioning, Winter air conditioning and year
round air conditioning, Cooling load calculations.
Text Book :
1. C.P ARORA, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw-HilI
2. Roy. J. Dossat; Principles of Refrigeration, Addison Wesley Longman Pvt. Ltd. Delhi.
References Books :
1. Manohar Prasad, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, New Age international Publishers
2. H.F. Stoecker A Text Book of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Tata McGraw-Hill
Module-I (6 hrs)
Introduction, Main units of automobile chesis and body, Different systems of the automobile, Description of the
main parts of the engine, Motor vehicle act, Resistance to motion, Rolling resistance, Gradient resistance,
Power required for propulsion, Tractive effort and traction, Road performance curves.
Module-II (6 hrs)
Layout of the transmission system, Main function of the different components of the transmission system,
Transmission system for two wheel and four wheel drives.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 31 )
Gear box: Sliding mesh, constant mesh and synchromesh gear box, Design of 3 speed and 4 speed gear box,
Over drive, Torque converter, Semi and fully automatic transmission, Hydraulic transmission, Universal coupling.
Module-III (12 hrs)
Hooke's joint, Propeller shaft, Differential, Rear axles, Types of rear axles, Semi floating, three quarter floating
and full floating types.
Hydraulic braking system, Braking of vehicles when applied to rear, front and all four wheels, Theory of internal
shoe brake, Design of brake lining and brake drum, Different arrangement of brake shoes, Serve and power
Front wheel geometry and steering systems: caster, Camber, Kingpin inclination, Toe-in, Toe-out, Centre point
Steering condition for true rolling, Components of steering mechanism, Power steering.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Suspension system in automobiles: Different suspension systems used, Springs and dampers, Independent
front suspension system, Bushings, Leaf and coil spring, Live axle system, Electronic suspension system.
Advance system in automobiles: Electronics, computers, robots and emission control in automobiles, Shock
absorber, Speedometer, Fuel gauge.
Text Book:
1. Automobile Engineering by R.B. Gupta, Satya Prakash Publisher.
2. Automobile Engineering, KM Gupta, Umesh Publication
Reference Book:
1. The motor vehicle, Newton and Steeds
2. Automotive Mechanics, Crouse
3. Automobile Engineering, K Singh (Vol-I&II), Standard Publishers & Distributors
Module-I (6 hrs)
Discretization; Shape functions; Isoparametric elements; Serendipity elements; Strain-displacement matrix;
Jacobi operator; Boundary conditions in equations.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Stress & equilibrium; Boundary conditions; Strain-displacement relations; Stress-strain relation; Temperature
effects; Potential energy and equilibrium; Rayleigh-Ritz method; Galerkin method; Principle of virtual work.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Analysis of one-dimensional bars; Element stiffness matrix and load vector for 2-noded and 3-noded bar
element; Global stiffness matrix and global load vector.
Plane truss, beam and frames.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Steady state heat transfer in one and two dimensions; Torsion.
Text Book:
1. Introduction to Finite Element in Engineering, T R Chandrupatla & A D Belegundu, Pearson Education.
Reference Book:
1. Finite Element modeling for Stress Analysis, R D Cook, John Wiley & Sons, NY.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 32 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Energy methods : Strain energy due to axial load, bending moment and twisting moment, principle of virtual
work; Castigliano's Theorem, unit load and unit couple method for determining deflection and slope, statically
interminable systems.
Failure criteria : Design considerations, safety factor, allowable stress, various theories of failure, comparison
of the failure theories.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Biaxial state of stress : Thick walled cylinders, cylinders subjected to internal and external pressures, compound
cylinders, shrinkage, shrinkage allowance, rotating discs.
Curved beams : Bending of beams with large initial curvature, Internal loading diagrams (axial force, shear
force and bending moment), Critical cross section, stress distribution in beam with different cross section,
location of the neutral line, stresses in crane hooks, ring and chain links
Module-III (8 hrs)
Unsymmetrical Bending : Main geometrical characteristics of cross section, centroid, principal axis and
principal moments of inertia, shear force and bending moment diagram in the planes of principal axis of inertia,
stress distribution, maximum compressive and tensile stresses, neutral line, deflection, analysis and design of
beams for unsymmetrical bending.
Transverse shear : Shear stress distribution in beams under bending, stress analysis in thin walled beams,
shear center, design of thin walled members for bending
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Experimental stress analysis : Resistance strain gauges, strain rosettes, two-dimensional photoelastic methods
of stress analysis, stress deformations, acoustic nondestructive methods of analysis, engineering and true
stress-strain curves, large deformations, tensile test, compressive test, torsion test, repeated stresses and
fatigue in metals, concept of stress concentration, notch and stress concentration factors, fatigue test, creep
test, stress concentration test, dynamic (impact) loading test, high temperature tests.
Text Book:
1. Beer F.P., Johnson E.S., DeWolf J.T., Mechanics of Materials, TATA McGraw Hill
2. Hibbler R.C., Mechanics of materials, PEARSON Education
3. Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Pearson Education
4. Experimental stress analysis by L.S. Srinath, Tata Mc Grew Hill.
Module-I (6 hrs)
Introduction : What is Compressible Flow?, Why Compressible Flow is Important?, Historical Background,
Early Developments, The Shock wave puzzle, Choking Flow, External flow, Filling and Evacuating Gaseous
Fundamentals of Basic Fluid Mechanics: Introduction, Fluid Properties, Control Volume, Reynold's Transport
Speed of Sound: Motivation, Introduction, Speed of sound in ideal and perfect gases, Speed of Sound in Real
Gas, Speed of Sound in Almost Incompressible Liquid, Speed of Sound in Solids, Sound Speed in Two Phase
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 33 )
Module-II (8 hrs)
Isentropic Flow: Stagnation State for Ideal Gas Model, General Relationship, Relationships for Small mach
Number, Isentropic Converging-Diverging Flow in Cross Section, The Properties in The Adiabatic Nozzle, Mass
Flow Rate (Number), Isentropic Tables, Isentropic Isothermal Flow Nozzle, General Relationship, The Impulse
Function, Impulse in Isentropic Adiabatic Nozzle, The Impulse Function in Isothermal Nozzle, Isothermal Table,
The effects of Real Gases,
Module-III (14 hrs)
Normal Shock: Solution of the Governing Equations, Informal model, Formal Model, Prandtl's condition, Operating
Equations and Analysis, The laminations of The Shock Wave, Small Perturbation Solution, Shock Thickness,
The Moving Shocks, Shock Result From A Sudden and Complete Stop, Moving Shock Into Stationary Medium
(Suddenly Open Valve), Partially Open Valve, Partially Close Valve, Shock Tube, Shock with Real Gases,
Shock in Wet Steam, Normal Shock in Ducts.
Normal Shock in Variable Duct Areas: Nozzle efficiency, Diffuser Efficiency.
Nozzle Flow With External Forces : Isentropic Nozzle(Q=0), Isothermal Nozzle (T=constant)
Isothermal Flow: The Control Volume Analysis/Governing equations, Dimensionless Representation, The
Entrance Limitation of Supersonic Branch, Comparison with Incompressible Flow, Supersonic Branch, Unchoked
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Fanno Flow: Introduction, Model, Dimensionalization of the equations, The Mechanics and Why The Flow is
Choke? The working equations, Supersonic Branch, Maximum length for the supersonic flow, Working Conditions,
Variations of the Tube Length, The Pressure Ratio, Entrance Mach number, M1, effects, The Approximation of
the Fanno flow by Isothermal Flow.
Rayleigh Flow: Introduction, Governing Equation, Rayleigh Flow Tables.
Text Book :
1. P. Balachandran, Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Dynamics, PHI.
2. Robort D. Zucker & Oscar Biblarz, Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, John Willy.
References Books :
1. S.M. Yahya, Fundamentals of Compressible Flow , Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. Lipman and Rosco, Gas Dynamics , Mc Graw Hill
Module-I (6 hrs)
Robotics: Definition, Law of Robotics, theoretical background, Robotic system and Robot anatomy-common
robot configurations, Manipulator, Coordinate system, work envelope, controller, Teach Pendants, Human system
and Robotics specifications of robots, machine intelligence, Safety measures.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Robot kinematics: Representing the position, Two-DOF, 2D manipulator, 3 DOF, 2D Manipulator, 4DOF, 3D
Manipulator, Homogenous transformations.
Robot Drive System: Mechanics of Hydraulic systems, Positive displacement pump, other types of pumps.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Actuators: Linear and Rotary hydraulic actuators, Directional control valves, Servo control valves, Flow
control valve, Pressure control valve.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 34 )
Pneumatic system: Positive displacement compressor, Rotary compressor, Pneumatic conditioner-Air filter,
Pressure regulator, electrical motors, Control loops, Principle of servo control in a robot, Steeper motor-Principle
and drive circuit.
End effectors: Drive system for grippers, mechanical magnetic, vacuum and adhesive grippers
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Sensors: Need to sensing systems, sensing devices, Types of sensors, Contract, Force and Torque, Proximity
and Range, Electro-optical sensors, Robot vision system.
Robot language and programming: Types of programming, Lead through programming, Motion programming,
Robot language and application programming examples.
Robot Applications: Material handling, Machine loading and on loading, machining, Assembly, Inspection and
Text books:
1. S.R. Deb, Robotic Technology and Flexible Automations, TMH
2. Sensing, Vision and Intelligence, Fu. Lee, Gonzalez, Robotics: Control, McGraw-Hill, 1987.
Reference books:
1. Anthony Esposito, Fluid Power with Applications, Prentice Hall International, Inc S.R. Majumdar,
Pneumatic Systems: Principles and Maintenance, TMH
Module-I (6 hrs)
Mathematical modeling: Conservation Equations, Governing equations (the equation of continuity, the momentum
equation, the energy equation), the general scalar transport equations. Boundary conditions, Mathematical
classification of partial differential equations: Elliptic, Parabolic, and Hyperbolic.
Module-II (6 hrs)
Numerical Methods: Mesh terminology and types, Discretisation methods. Taylor.s series formulation, Finite
Difference operation, Solution of discretisation equations, direct methods, and iterative methods.
Module-III (12 hrs)
One dimensional steady state system, Diffusive system, diffusive-convective system (fin problem)
Discrete Approximation of Derivative: Finite volume Approach, Diffusive system, diffusive-convective system:
central differencing scheme, the upwind differencing scheme.
Module-IV (12 hrs)
The Finite Volume method for unsteady problems: One dimensional unsteady heat conduction, explicit scheme,
Crank-Nicolson scheme, the fully implicit scheme.
Introduction to solution Algorithm for pressure-velocity coupling in steady flows, SIMPLE Algorithm. CFD
Applications: Duct Flow, CFD in Manufacturing.
Text Book :
1. Versteeg H. K. and Malalasekra, W. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite
Volume Method, Prentice Hall (2nd Edition), ISBN-10: 0131274988
2. Ghoshdastidar P.S., Computer Simulation of Fluid flow and Heat transfer, Tata McGraw Hill
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 35 )
References Books :
1. Suhas V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow by Taylor and Francis, ISBN-10:
2. Minkowycz W.J., Sparrow E.M, & Murthy J.Y.: Handbook of Numerical Heat Transfer: (John Willy
& Sons. INC.)
ME437T TOOL & DIE DESIGN (3-0-0)
Module-I (8 hrs)
Production for sand casting, design of gating system and risering, forging design, allowances, die design for
drop forging, design of flash and gutter, upset forging die design
Module-II (10 hrs)
Sheet metal working : shearing, blanking, piercing, deep drawing operations, die design for sheet metal operation,
progressive and compound die design, strippers, stops,s trip layout
Module-III (8 hrs)
Design of jigs and fixtures, principles of location and clamping, clamping methods, locating methods, drill jib
bushing, indexing drill jig. Process planning, selection of processes, machines and tools, design of sequence
of operations, time and cost estimation, tooling design for turret lathe and automats.
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Design of single point cutting tool, broach and form tool. Design of limit gauges
Text Book :
1. Fundamentals of tool engineering design by S.K.Basu, S.N.Mukharjee, R.Mishra Oxford and IBH
2. A text book of production engineering by P.C.Sharma
3. Manufacturing technology by P.N.Rao TMH
References Books :
1. Tool design by Donaldson Le cain and Goold TMH
2. Fundamentals of tool design ASTME, PHI
Module-I (10 hrs)
Entrepreneurship :
Concept, Historical background, Economic development and entrepreneurship, role of Entrepreneurship in
Industrialisation, Entrepreneurship Development programmes (EDPS) in India, Indian middle class values.
Entrepreneurial Qualities :
Motivation, Creativity, Perception, Risk taking, Entrepreneurial goal setting, Group activities, Excerise connected
with motivation, training-ring toss, Boat making, Tower building.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Environmental Scanning, Business oppertunity guidance, Product selection, Market research.
Assistance of Govt. agencies - role of DIC, SFC, SISI, TCO and banks. Procedure in setting up of an enterprise.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 36 )
Module-III (10 hrs)
Assessment of Working Capital, Preparation of project report, Project appraisal elementary knowledge on
costing, Book keeping, Balance sheet preparation, Ratio analysis, Income tax, Excise duty.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Management of small scale Industry - Decision making, Leadership, Communication skill, Stress Management.
Sickness in industry, Revival of sick industries.
Text Book :
1. Entrepreneurship of small Industries - By M.U. Deshpande - Deep and Deep Publication.
2. A Hand Book of small scale Industry - By ED II Pub., Ahamedbad.
3. Management of small scale Industry - By Vasant Desal, Himalaya Pub. House.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Fossil fuel based systems, Impact of fossil fuel based systems. Non conventional energy - seasonal variations
and availability. Renewable energy - sources and features, Hybrid energy systems, Distributed energy systems
and dispersed generation (DG).
Other sources of energy : Solar energy, Wind energy system, Wave energy, Energy from biomass, Energy
from OTEC, Geothermal energy system.
Module-II (12 hrs)
The Sun : The Solar constant; Solar radiation spectrum, Solar radiation measurement, Solar radiation at
earths surface, Solar radiation data, radiation geometry, empirical relations predicting availability of solar radiation,
rediation on horizontal and tilted surface.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Flat plate collectors, Basic energy balance equation and its principle, concentrating collectors, Its classification
and working principle.
Application of solar thermal technologies : Heating, cooling, Drying, Distillation, Power generation, Solar PV
system, its principle and application.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Energy Economics : Present worth, Life cycle costing (LCC), Annual life cycle costing (ALCC), Annual saving
calculations for solar thermal system, Solar PV system, Wind system, Biomass system.
Text books:
1. S.P. Sukhatme, Solar energy : Principles of Thermal storage, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. G.D. Rai, Energy Resources, Khanna Publications.
Reference books:
1. Non Conventional Energy Sources by B.H. Khan, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Solar Energy Utilization by G.D. Rai, Khanna Publishers.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 37 )
Module-I (9 hrs)
Fundamental Concepts & the Open Economy : History of economic thought, Capitalism, the Hampered
Market Economy, Socialism, Mixed Economy, Social Cooperation and the Market, Economic System, Macro-
economic scenario
Module-II (9 hrs)
International versus Domestic trade, the principle of comparative advantage, Supply and Demand Analysis of
trade and types, Determination of foreign exchange rates, The Balance of Payments
Module-III (9 hrs)
Macroeconomic Policies in India : An Overview of Monetary Policy, Problems in Monetary Policy, the Fiscal
Policy, Economic Stabilization, Industrial Policy, EXIM Policy, FERA & FEMA
Module-IV (9 hrs)
Economic Environment : Economic Reforms & Liberalization in India, Globalization and its impact on Indian
Economy, The IMF & World Bank WTO & India, Economic Planning in India.
Text Book :
1. Paul Justin; Business Environment - Text and Cases; Mc-Graw Hill
2. Misra S.K , Puri V.K; Economic Environment of Business; Himalaya Publishing House.
Reference Books :
1. Mittal Vivek; Business Environment; Excel Books
2. Cherunilam Framcis; Business Environment - Text and cases; Himalaya Publishing House.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture-Introduction-Organization of computer, Central Processing Unit-Execution
Cycle- Instruction categories- measure of CPU performance, Memory-Input/Output devices-BUS- addressing
modes, System software-Assemblers-Loaders and Linkers-Compilers and Interpreters.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Operating system-Introduction- Process management scheduling-Memory management-Threads, Problem
Solving with Algorithms, analysis of algorithms-Asymptotic notations.
Module-III (10 hrs)
RDBMS-data processing-the database technology-data models, ER-modelling concepts-notations-Extended
ER features, Logical database design-Normalization, SQL-DDL statements-DML statements-DCL statements,
SQL tuning techniques, Objects oriented concepts-object oriented programming, UML class Diagrams-
relationships-Inheritance-Abstract classes-Polymorphism, and Object Oriented Design methodology.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
System Development Methodologies-Software Development Models, Components of Web Application-Browsers
and Web servers, World Wide Web, URL-HTML-HTTP protocol-Web Applications-Application Servers-Web
1. Table Creation and Queries using SQL.
2. A Simple project on Database Design.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 38 )
3. Design the Bio- Data From using HTML.
4. All the assignments will be done in the Computer lab.
Text Book :
1. Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Bear Galvin, Operating system concepts, Addison welsley.
2. David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Computer Organisation & Design , Elsevier.
3. R. Elmasri, S. Navatne : 4th Edition, Fundamental of Database Systems, Pearson Education.
4. Blaha, Rumbaugh, Object-oriented Modelling & Design with UML,: PHI.
References Books :
1. Infosys course materials.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Hazards and Disaster : Meaning and Concept. The Concept of Disaster Management and Major requirements
for coping with Disaster.
Types, Occurrences, Characteristics and Counter Measures of the Disasters (Earth quake, Flood, Cyclone,
Drought, Volcanic Eruption, Tsunami, Landslides, bushfire, Epidemic)
Module-II (10 hrs)
The Concept of Disaster Management Cycle : Post Disaster Review, Prevention (Needs, Problem Areas,
Positive Approaches, Relevant Resources) Mitigation (Guiding Principles, Problem Areas, Requirements, Major
Mitigation Components, Relevant Resources, Formulation and Implementation of Mitigation Programs),
Preparedness (The Nature of Preparedness, Problem Areas, Preparedness Needs, Maintenance of Preparedness
Levels, Funding, Warning Aspects, Precautionary Measures Prior to Disaster Impact, Relevant Resources),
Disaster Impact, Response (Characteristics, Problem Areas, Requirements, Follow on, Relevant Resources)
Recovery (The basis for Recovery Action, Problem Areas, Major Requirements, Human Factors, Relevant
Resources) Development (Impact on National Development, National Development and Disaster Management
Module-III (10 hrs)
Public Health and its role in Disaster Management : Public health systems, Health promotion and disaster
Introduction to risk evaluation: Definition of risk and fundamentals of risk analysis, environmental hazards,
exposure and risk assessment, risk evaluation and management, Basic methodology in risk assessment,
Dispersion analysis, and HAZOP study. Risk assessment applications for disaster mitigation and management
Module-IV (8 hrs)
The Disaster Management Support Requirements : Training, Public Awareness and Research The Role of
Community, Government, NGOs and International Agencies in Disaster Management.
Case Studies of Major Disasters : Earthquake, Cyclone, Flood and Drought (From India and Abroad)
Text Books :
1. Goel S.L. and Kumar Ram, Disaster Management, Deep and Deep Publications, 2001
2. Disaster Management by Mukesh Kapoor - Saurav Publication, New Delhi.
3. Collins Larry R. and Scheind Thomas D. (2000). Disaster Management and Preparedness. Taylor
and Francis.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 39 )
Reference Books :
1. Egbort Bocker and Rienk Van Grondille, Environmental Physics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1999.
2. Barbar W. Murk et. al., Environmental Geology, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996.
3. Carter, W.N. Disaster Management: A Disaster Manager's Handbook, Asian Development Bank,
Manila, 1992.
4. UNDRO, Managing Natural Disasters - A Manual for Policy Makers and Planners, New York, 1991.
5. Sharma, V.K. (ed): Disaster Management, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi,
6. Report of the High Powered Committee (HPC) on Disaster management, NCDM, New Delhi, 2001.
7. Petak, W. J. and Atkisson, A, A. Natural Hazard Risk Assessment and Public Policy: Anticipating
and Unexpected, Springer; New York. 1982.
8. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation 1984 : UNDRO Publications, Geneva.
9. World Disaster Report 1993, International Federation of Red Cross.
10. Alexander, D. 1993, Natural Disaster, UCL Press Ltd., London.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Introduction : The science of Climatology; Elements of Climate, Climatic controls ; Atmospheric Composition,
Structure, Earth and Sun relations, Rotation and Revolution ; Energy, Radiation, Radiation laws ; Seasons,
Energy in the Atmosphere ; Temperature, Controls on Temperature ; Temperature and pressure belts of the
world ; Atmospheric Pressure, Gradients ; General Atmospheric Circulation, Atmospheric stability and instability;
Wind Pressure Gradients, Atmospheric Moisture, Water Vapor, Humidity
Module-II (10 hrs)
Adiabatic Processes, fog, dew ; Uplift, Stable & Unstable Air, Clouds ; Spatial and temporal patterns of climate
parameters in India ; Precipitation Processes ; Types and distribution of precipitation; Indian Monsoon jet
streams & general circulation; Air masses and fronto- genesis; Temperate , Mid Latitude and tropical cyclones;
Severe Weather, Tornadoes ; Tropical Storms, Hurricanes.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Global Climate, Classifications; Koppen's, Thornthwaite's and Trewartha's classification of world climates;
Climates of Indian region; Tropical Climates and Deserts; Mid Latitude, High Latitude, and Highland Climates;
Natural Climate Variability, Applied climatology; Elements of Agro-Climatology, Human and Animal Bio-
Climatology; Urban Climatology.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Human impact upon the atmosphere: Carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the atmosphere, Man induced
changes in Atmospheric temperature, water vapor, clouds and precipitation; Planned weather modification;
Urbanization and balances of radiation and heat; Pollutants in the atmosphere; Inversion and Smog; Glacial Ice
as a recorder of Air pollution; Harmful effects of atmospheric pollution; Global effects of particles in atmosphere;
Testimony of Glacial Ice layer
Impacts of Global Warming; Causes and consequences of Global Warming, Ozone hole; Sea level rise in
climate; Climatic considerations in Industrial locations, city planning, landscape architecture and abatement/
mitigation of pollution.
Text Books :
1. Atmosphere, Weather and Climatology: A text book on Climatology - K Siddharth, Kisalaya Publication.
2. Atmosphere, Weather and Climate- R G Barry and R J Chorley, (1998). Routledge Publishing.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 40 )
Reference Books :
1. Understanding Weather and Climate - Edward Aguado and James E. Burt, (2007). 4th edition,
Pearson/Prentice Hall.
2. Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming - Michael Manning and Lee R. Kump, (2009).
3. Environmental Geology - K S Valdiya (1984)..Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. The nature of the Environment - A Goudie (2001). Blackwell Publishing
5. Global Environmental Issues - D.D.Kemp, (1994). Routledge Publishing
1. Rolling contact bearing
2. Journal bearing
3. Spur gear
4. Helical gear
5. Clutch, Brake
6. Flywheel
7. Piston, connecting rod and crankshaft
1 Design of a single point cutting tool.
2 Design of a circular form tool
3 Design of broach.
4 Design of progressive die.
5 Design of compound die.
6 Design of a drill jig.
7 Design of a milling fixture.
8 Design of drop forging die for a forged product.
9 Design of upset forging die for a forged product.
10 Gating and feeding system design for a cast product
Module-I (14 hrs)
Introduction : Different sources of energy; Types of power plants, Load duration curves, Power Plant Economiser.
Steam Power Plant: Classification of steam power plants; Layout of a modern steam power plant, site selection,
fuel handling: Coal handling systems coal handling. Burning of coal: Stoker firing; Pulverised fuel firing; Fluidised
bed combustion (FBC), Ash handling equipments and systems; Dust collection; Removal of dust and dust collectors;
Fly ash - its composition, disposal and applications. Chimney draught: Classification; Chimney height and diameters;
condition for maximum discharge, Artificial draught; Forced, induced and balanced draught, steam jet draught.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Steam Boilers : Introduction; classification of boilers; Water tube boilers; Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Stirling
boiler; High pressure boilers: Benson and Velox boilers; Super critical boilers; Boiler mountings : Pressure gauge,
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 41 )
Water level indicator, steam stop valve, Dead weight safety valve, Fusible plug etc; Accessories: Economiser, Air
preheater, superheater; performance of boilers : Equivalent evaporation, Factor of evaporation, Boiler efficiency.
Module-III (6 hrs)
Steam condensers: Classification; Surface condensers; Vacuum measurement, vacuum efficiency; Condenser
efficiency; Estimation of mass of cooling water; Cooling towers; Feed water treatment : Classification of impurities
in water; Methods of feed water treatment, pH value of water.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Nuclear Power Plant : Introduction; Nuclear fuels; Nuclear fission; Reactor components; materials and
classification; Pressurised water reactor (PWR); Boiling water reactor (BWR); CANDU reactor; gas cooled
reactor; Liquid metal fast breeder reactor; Heavy water reactor.
Text Book :
1. Nag P.K., Power Plant Engineering, (TMH)
2. Wakil M.M.EI -, Power Plant Technology, (Mc Graw Hill)
References Books :
1. Rajput R.K., Power Plant Engineering, (L.P.)
Module-I (10 hrs)
Basic concepts: Applications, advantages and limitations of composite materials; Geometric and physical
definitions; Material response under load; Classification of composite materials; Lamina and laminate; Scale of
analysis- Micromechanocs and macromechanics; Basic lamina properties; Constituent materials - reinforcement
and matrices; Manufacturing methods.
Module-II (6 hrs)
Elastic behaviour of composite lamina - Micromechanics: Mechanics of materials method; Bounding method;
Semiempirical method; Longitudinal elastic properties and transverse elastic properties of lamina with continuous
fibers; Inplane shear modulus.
Elastic behaviour of composite lamina - Macromechanics: Stress-strain relations for general anisotropic, special
orthotropic, transversely isotropic material; Orthotropic material under plane stress; Isotropic material.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Relations between mathematical and engineering constants; Stress-strain relations for a thin lamina (two-
dimensional); Transformation of stress and strain (two-dimensional); Transformation of elastic parameters (two-
dimensional); Transformation of stress-strain relations in terms of engineering constants (two-dimensional);
Transformation relations for engineering constants (two-dimensional).
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Strength of unidirectional lamina - Micromechanics: Introduction; Longitudinal tension - failure mechanisms
and strength; Longitudinal tension - Ineffective fiber length; Longitudinal compression; Transverse tension;
Transverse compression; Inplane shear; Out-of-plane loading; General micromechanics approach.
Text Book:
1. Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, I M Daniel and O Ishai, Oxford University Press
Reference Book:
1. Mechanics of Composite materials, R M Jones, Taylor and Francis Inc 1999.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 42 )
ME455T CAD & CAM (3-0-0)
Module-I (6 hrs)
Fundamentals of CAD : The design process; Applications of computer for design; Creating the manufacturing
database; Benefits of computer-aided- design. The design workstation; Graphics terminal, Operator input devices :
plotters and other input devices.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Computer Graphics Software and database: Software configuration; Functions of graphics packages;
Constructing the geometry; transformations. Data base structure and content. Wire frame versus solid modeling,
other CAD features and CAD/CAM integration
Module-III (8 hrs)
Numerical Control : Basic components of an NC system; NC procedure; NC coordinate systems; NC motion
control system; Applications of numerical control; Economics of numerical control.
NC part programming: Manual and computer assisted part programming; APT language, NC programming
with interactive graphics.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Computer Controls in NC : Problems with conventional NC; NC controller technology; Computer numerical
control; Direct numerical control; Combined DNC/CNC systems; Adaptive control machining systems
Computer integrated manufacturing systems : Types of manufacturing systems; Machine tools and related
equipment; Material handling system; Computer control system; Human labour in the manufacturing system.
CIMS benefits
Text Book :
1. M.P Grover and E.W. Zimmers Jr., CAD/CAM, Pearson Education.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Need for non-traditional machining: Classification, process selection-Ultrasonic machining principle,
Transducer, magnetostrictive material, Effect of process parameters, application. Abrasive Jet Machining: Principle,
Application, advantages and disadvantages, Variables in AJM.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Electrochemical machining: Principle, Faraday's law, Determination of material removal rate, evaluation of
metal removal rate, advantages, application, limitation, Electro-chemical grinding, deburring and Honing.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Electro discharge machining: mechanism of material removal, basic EDM circuitry and principles of operation,
Analysis of relaxation circuits, concept of critical resistance, Machining accuracy and surface finish, Tool
material, Dielectric fluid, Application, Limitations.
Leaser Beam Machining: Process and principle, Principle of Ruby laser, Nd: Yag Laser and CO2 Laser,
Eectron Beam Machining: basic principle, controlling parameters and focal distance, application.
Model-IV (10 hrs)
Plasma Arc Machining: Generation of Plasma, Equipments, Torch classification, Direct and indirect torches
and applications, parameters effecting cutting, Advantages.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 43 )
Principle of coating technology: Physical vapour deposit and chemical vapour deposit, application,
Electroforming, Metal spraying, Metallic coating, Plasma flame spracying.
Text Book :
1. Modern machining processes: By: P.C. Pandey and H.S. Shan.
2. New Technology: by: A-Bhattacharya
3. Manufacturing Processes: Anstead, Ostwald and Begeman, John Wiley and sons.
4. Processes and materials of manufacturing: By - Lindberg, PHI.
Module-I (6 hrs)
Introduction to Cryogenic Systems, Historical development, Low Temperature properties of Engineering Materials.
Mechanical properties- Thermal properties- Electric and magnetic properties Cryogenic fluids and their
Module-II (8 hrs)
Applications of Cryogenics: Applications in space, Food Processing, super Conductivity, Electrical Power,
Biology. Medicine, Electronics and Cutting Tool Industry. Law temperature properties of engineering materials:
Module-III (10 hrs)
Liquefaction systems ideal system, Joule Thomson expansion, Adiabatic expansion, Linde Hampson Cycle,
Claude & Cascaded System, Magnetic Cooling, Stirling Cycle Cryo Coolers.
Gas liquefaction systems: Introduction-Production of low temperatures- General Liquefaction systems-
Liquefaction systems for Neon. Hydrogen and Helium Critical components of Liquefaction systems.
Module-IV (12 hrs)
Cryogenic Refrigeration systems: Ideal Refrigeration systems- Refrigeration using liquids and gases as refrigerant-
Refrigerators using solids as working media;, cryogenic fluid storage and transfer systems: Cryogenic Storage
vessels and Transportation, Thermal insulation and their performance at cryogenic temperatures, Super
Insulations. Vacuum insulation, Powder insulation, Cryogenic fluid transfer systems. Pressure flow-level and
temperature measurements.. Types of heat exchangers used in cryogenic systems. Cryo-pumping Applications.
Text Book :
1. Klaus D.Timmerhaus and Thomas M.Flynn, " Cryogenic Process Engineering " Plenum Press,
New York, 1989.
References Books :
1. Barron Randall, Cryogenics systems, Mc Graw Hill Book Co.
2. Scott R.B, Cryogenic Engineering, Van Nosfrand Co.
3. Bell J.H., Cryogenic Engineering, Prentice Hall.
4. Walkers, Cryocoolers, Prentice Hill Publication.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Energy resources & Consumption: Commercial and non-commercial forms of energy, Fossil Fuels, Renewable
sources including Biofuels, their utilization & consumption pattern. Sources of waste heat and its potential
applications, waste heat survey and measurements.
Compound Cycles, Combined Plants & Cogeneration Systems: Applications, advantages, saving potentials.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 44 )
Module-II (6 hrs)
Gas-to-Gas & Gas-to-Liquid heat recovery systems:
Regenerators and Recuperators: Shell and Tube beat exchangers, Spiral tube heat exchangers.
Thermic Fluid Heaters.
Waste heat Boilers: Classification and Design considerations.
Heat pipe exchangers: Theory and applications.
Module-III (6 hrs)
Furnaces: Classification, general fuel economy measure in furnaces, excess air heat distribution, temperature
control, draft control, waste heat recovery.
Steam Systems: Assessment of steam distribution losses, steam leakages, steam trapping, condensate and
flash steam recovery system.
FBC Boilers: Introduction, mechanism of fluidized bed combustion, advantages, types of FBC boilers, operational
features, retrofitting FBC system to conventional boilers, waste heat recovery.
Air-conditioning and Refrigeration systems: waste heat recovery.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Thermo-electric system to recover waste heat, heat pump.
Heat recovery from Incineration plants.
Storage system: Necessity, classification and uses.
Text Book :
1. Institute of Fuel, London, Waste Heat Recovery, Chapman & Hall Publishers, London, 1963.
References Books :
1. D.A. Reay, Heat Recovery Systems, E & F.N. Span, London, 1979.
2. Charles H. Butler, Cogeneration, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1984
3. Fuel Economy in furnaces and Waste heat recovery-PCRA.
Objective of the Course : The course aims at introducing the basic concepts of marketing to the undergraduate
students in engineering. The learning shall help the students in better designing, manufacturing and selling
product / service packages keeping competitive market, customers and cost in view.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Marketing Management : Concept, Process, Functions and relevance in the current context.
Marketing Environment : Socio-economic forces. Competition : National and Global Technology, Government
Policy, suppliers, Buyers, Consumer Resistance considerations. Environment scanning tools and techniques.
Competition Analysis : Factors contributing to competition, Competition analysis tools, Competitive arena
mapping, Segmentation matrix.
Marketing Planning : Exploring Opportunity, Product - market selection, Approaches to Market Planning,
Market Planning Process.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Marketing Research and Information System : Research Process, The Internet and World Wide Web based
Information collection and processing, Database, Data Warehouses and Data Mining, Global Market Research,
Competitive Intelligence.
Consumer Behaviour : Importance of buyer and his/her role in purchasing. Influence of buyer behaviour, Buyer
behaviour study tools. Organization buying behaviour.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 45 )
Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning : Definition, Bases and Methods of segmenting consumer
and Industrial markets. Target Market strategies : Domestic and global perspective. Market Positioning.
Market Demand Forecasting : Key Terms, Forecasting Tools : Short term tools : Moving average and Exponential
smoothing methods, Long-term forecasting Tools : Time series analysis, Econometrics methods, Qualitative
tools : Buying Intention Survey, Sales Force Opinion and Delphi Techniques.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Product Planning : Product Life Cycle, Locating products in PLC, New Product Development Process, Branding
Strategy, Positioning a Brand, Brand Equity, Packaging and Labeling, Product-mix and Product Line, Product-
Mix strategies, Planned Obsolescence.
Pricing Decision : Objectives and Factors influencing pricing, Cost-Plus Pricing, Breakeven analysis, Price
Based on Marginal Analysis, Price Elasticity of Demand, Operating statement, Markups analysis Ratios, Pricing
Strategies : Market-Entry, Discounts and allowances, Geographic Pricing, Special Pricing.
Promotion Decisions : Marketing Communication and Promotion Process, Promotion Mix, Advertising : Media
and Media selection process. Organising for advertising, sales promotion.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Channels of Distributions : Designing Distribution Channels, Wholesaling and Physical Distribution, Retailing,
Supply Chain Management (Basic only). Personal selling, Direct Marketing, Managing Sales Force.
Trends in Marketing : Global Marketing, Customer Services, Customer Relationship Management, Rural
Marketing and Service Marketing.
Text Book :
1. M.J. Etazel, B.J. Walker and W.J. Stanton, Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill, 13
Edition, 2004.
2. R. Saxena, Marketing Management Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition, 2003.
3. Philip Kotler, Kelvin L. Kellor, Koshy & Jha - Marketing Management, Pearson Frentice Hall, 12
Edition, 2007
Module-I (8 hrs)
Material System, Importance of Inventory in production distribution system.
Purchasing - functions, procedures - value analysis in purchasing - Vendor selection, Rating and development
- Buying seasonal commodities, purchasing under uncertainty, Purchasing capital equipments, Public buying.
Stores Management - location & layout, Stores system, Storing practice, quality & Incoming material, Stores
accounting & stock varification, obsolete & surplus stores, Scrap disposal.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Raw Material Inventory System : Concept, Function, Inventory cost, Inventory models assuming certainty &
risk, Quantity discount, Economical order quantity, Economical manufacturing batch size, Safety stock, Joint
ordering policy - Probabilistic Inventory system : (Q, r) and (R, S) policies.
Inventory Management : ABC analysis, VED analysis, perpetual inventory system, Periodic Inventory system,
Japanese Inventory system.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Material Requirement Planning : Bill of material, Level coding, Master production scheduling, Gross
requirement determination, Net requirements, Lot size determination techniques (Wasnerwerifin, Silver-meal
heuristic, part-period Balancing). Offsetting, Safety stock in MRP.
Manufacturing Resource Planning : MRP under capacity constraints, Capacity requirement planning, Just-
in-time concept : Pull & Push system, Essential conditions of JIT application, Practical Implementation of JIT
through Kanban & other systems.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 46 )
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Physical Distribution of Materials : Finished product - Classification, Product features, Brand decisions,
Packaging decisions, Labelling decisions, Product line decision, Distribution channel-nature, Function, Channel
behaviour, Physical distribution-warehousing, Transportation, Placing-products-Retailing & wholesaling,
Advertising-media selection, Sales promotion personal selling.
Supply Chain Management : KEIRETSU, Building supply chain, Pyramid of sypply chain management,
Single & Multiple source, implementation of sypply chain principles.
Text Book :
1. Production & Operation Management : By - SN Chary, TMH.
2. Material Management : By - P. Gopalkrishanan, M. Sundaresan, PHI.
3. Purchasing & Material Management : By - P. Gopalkrishanan, TMH.
4. Decision System for Inventory Management & Production Planning : By - Peterson & Silver, John
Wiley & Sons.
ME460T TRIBOLOGY (3-0-0)
Module-I (8 hrs)
Introduction : Lubricant and lubrication, Types of bearings ., properties and testing of lubricants, equations of
flow Hag poiseulle flow., flow between two parallel plates
Module-II (6 hrs)
Hydro dynamic lubrication : Petroffs equation for a lightly loaded bearing mechanism, pressure development
in an oil film, Reynold.s equation in two dimensions, load carrying capacity of slider bearing, load carrying
capacity of journal bearing, Heat balance of lubricants
Module-III (7 hrs)
Hydrostatic Bearing : Principles, Component of hydrostatic lubrication, Hydrostatic circular thrust bearing,
calculation of required in pressure, load carrying capacity, flow rate, power loss in bearing due to friction,
concept of gas lubricated bearing, rolling elements bearing, selection of antifriction bearing.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Friction and wear of metals : Theories of friction, Bowden and Taylors simple adhesion theory: junction
growth, deformation theory: Ploughing, other mechanism stick-slip, measurements method, inclined plane rig,
pin and disc rig, surface contaminants, Effect of sliding speed on friction, classification and mechanism of
water resistant materials. Types of wear, Adhesion wear, Abrasion wear, corrosive wear, Fatigue wear.
Text Book :
1. Majumdar B.C ., Introduction to Tribology of Bearing , AHW
2. Cameron A., Basic Lubrication theory, John Wiley & sons.
3. Rao J.S. & Dukki Patti R.V., Mechanism and machine Theory, New Age International publication
Module-I (8 hrs)
Maintenance and Profitability, Reliability : Failure statistics, Hazard rates, Welbull, Gamma, Normal and
Lognormal distribution. Component failure model, Failure analysis, System reliability analysis-series and parallel
systems. Reliability design, Reliability Improvement, Reliability testing.
Maintainability and availability : Maintainability prediction, Maintainability design, Availability analysis,
Terotechnology : Strategies, Training in Terotechnology.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 47 )
Module-II (8 hrs)
Maintenance Management : Maintenance planning, Policies, Crew size determination, Scheduling,
Maintenance Resource structure, Administrative structure, Preventive maintenance programme, Corrective
maintenance guide lines, Break-down maintenance.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Condition Based Maintenance : Methods of conditions monitoring, On load, Off load Applications of condition
monitoring Lubricant, Thermal Vibration & Noise monitoring.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Spare parts Management : Fast, Slow and non moving spares, Insurance spares, Spare parts requirement
planning, Control policies for slow moving & Insurance spares. Capital & rotable spares.
Maintenance Costing and Budgeting : Maintenance cost, cost codes, Life cycle costing, Cost allocations,
Text Book :
1. Maintenance, Replacement & Reliability : By - AKS Jardine, Pltman.
2. Management of Industrial Maintenance : By - A. Keliy & M.J. Harris, Butterworths.
3. Reliability Engineering & Terotechnology : By - A.K. Gupta, Mac Millan India.
4. Reliability Engineering : By - L.S. Srinath, East West Press.
5. An Introduction to Reliability & Maintenance Engineering by Ebeling Tata Mc Graw Hill.
Module-I (9 hrs)
The Nature and Importance of Leadership: The meaning of Leadership - Leadership as a Partnership -
Leadership Versus Management - The impact of Leadership on Organizational Performance - Leadership Roles
- The Satisfactions and Frustrations of Being a Leader.
Traits, Motives, and Characteristics of Leaders: Personality Traits of Effective Leaders Leadership Motives
- Cognitive Factors and Leadership
Module-II (9 hrs)
Effective Leadership Behaviors and Attitudes : Task-Related Attitudes and Behaviors - Relationship - Oriented
Attitudes and Behaviors - Super Leadership: Leading Others to Lead Themselves - 360- Degree Feedback for
Fine-Tuning Leadership Approach.
Leadership Styles : The leadership Continuum: Classical Leadership Styles - The Boss - Centered Versus
Employee-Centered Leadership Continuum - The Leadership Grid Styles - The Entrepreneurial Leadership Style
- Gender Differences in Leadership Style - Selecting the Best Leadership Style.
Module-III (9 hrs)
Contingency and Situational Leadership : Situational Influences on effective Leadership Behavior - Fidler's
Contingency Theory of Leadership Effectiveness - The Path-Goal Theory of Leadership Effectiveness - The
Hersey - Blanchard Situational Leadership Model - The Normative Decision Model of Vroom, Yetton, and Jago
- Contingency Leadership in the Effective Suite.
Power Politics and Leadership : Sources and Types of Power - Tactics for Becoming an Empowering Leader
- Factors that Contribute to Political Behavior - Political Tactics and Strategies.
Module-IV (9 hrs)
Developing Teamwork : Team Leadership Versus Solo Leadership - Advantages and Disadvantages of Group
Work and Teamwork - The Leader's Role in the Team-Based Organization - Leader Behavior and Attitudes that
Foster Teamwork.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 48 )
Leadership Development, Succession, and the Future: Development through Self -Awareness and Self-
Discipline - Leadership Development Programme.
Text Book :
1. Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, Andrew J DuBrin, All India Pulishers & Distributors
2. Leadership in Organizations, Gary Yulk - Pearson Education
3. Leadership Myths and Realities, Robert J Allio - TMH
Module-I (8 hrs)
Internet Basics : Basic concepts, Communication on the Internet, Internet Domains, WWW, MIME, TCP/IP
and Internet, UDP, Idea of Web Server, Web browser, Idea on protocols like HTTP, SMTP, TELNET, FTP.
Web Design : Introduction to HTML, Basic tags and attributes, Tags used for text formatting, image, creating
hyperlink, List, Ordered List and Unordered List, Table, Clickable Map, Frame, Designing Forms & Controls,
Module-II (10 hrs)
Scripting: Programming Fundamentals, Java script document object Model (DOM), Working with data, Flow
Control Structure, operators, Custom function & objects, built in objects, form object and element, Event Handling
in JavaScript, Data entry and validation using tables & forms using JavaScript, Introduction to Ajax, VB Script.
.NET Framework: Introducing .NET framework, Brief history, Building blocks of .NET platform, Role of .NET
class libraries, understanding CTS, CLR, CLS, ASP.NET Details, Server Controls and Web Controls, Validation
Controls, Database Processing, ActiveX Controls.
Module-III (10 hrs)
PHP: Introduction, Simple PHP Program, Converting between Data Types, Arithmetic operators, Initializing and
Manipulating Arrays, String comparisons, String Processing with Regular Expressions, Form Processing and
Business Logic, Reading from a Database, Using Cookies, Dynamic Content.
XML: Introduction to XML, Well-formed XML document, Components of XML document, XML Style sheets,
XSL, CSS, XML Schemas, DTD, Parsing valid XML, DOM & SAX Parser.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Introduction to Web Services: Overview of Web Service, Web Service Architecture, Service Oriented Roles &
Architecture, Enterprise Web Architecture.
Introduction to COM/DCOM.
Text Book :
1. Ivan Bayross, "Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript,
Perl CGI ", BPB Publication
2. Achyut S Godbole & Atul Kahate, "Web Technologies-TCP/IP Architecture, and Java Prgoramming",
TMH, New Delhi.
3. Deitel & Deitel, Goldberg, "Internet and World Wide Web- How to Program", Pearson Education
Asia, 2001.
Reference Books :
1. G.Buczek, 2002, ASP.NET Developers Guide, TMH.
2. Ullman, "PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide", Pearson Education
3. Rebecca M. Riordan, "Head First Ajax", SPD, O'REILLY.
4. Xavier, C, "Web Technology and Design", New Age International.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 49 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Introduction : Background and definition of Nanotechnology, Top-down & Bottom -up approaches to
nanotechnology, Major fields of nanotechnology.
Properties of Nanoscale structure : Brief idea about Crystal structure and defects, Solid disorder Nanostructure
(Failure mechanism of conventional grain sized materials, Its different properties, Metal Nanocluster composite,
poros Silicon), Effect of size dependence on electrical properties, Magnetic properties, Mechanical properties
(Hall-Petch relation), Chemical properties.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Quantum Well, Wires, Dots : Preparation of Quantum nanostructure, quantum size effect, Conduction Electrons
And Dimensionality, Femi gas and Density of states, Potential well, Partial confinement, Properties Dependent on
Density of states, Exitrons Single electron tunneling, Applications (Infra red detectors, Quantum dot laser), Spintronics.
Carbon Nanotubes : Introduction, fabrications Structure, Electrical properties, Mechanical properties, Vibrational
properties, Applications of CNT.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Technique of Nanomaterials Fabrication & Methods of measuring properties : Mechanical & Chemical
approaches, (Inort gas Condensation, high energy ball miling, , Sol-gel, Pulse Laser deposition, Chemical
vapour deposition), Brief discussion of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy
(TEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD).
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Nanomachines : Microelectromechanical System (MEMSs) : Intoduction to Micro/Nano sensor and actuator,
Materials and Fabrication ( Oxidation on Si, Lithography, Photoresist, Etching) surface micro/nanomachining.
Introduction to Nanomedicine : (Medical Applications of Nanomaterials: drug delivery, Cancer, Surgery,
Nano robots, Cell repair etc)
Text Books :
1. Introduction to Nanotechnology by C.P. Poole (Jr) & F.J. Owens, - John Villy & Sons,
2. Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices by S. K. Kulkarni, Capital Publishing Co. (2007)
Reference Books :
1. Principle of Nanotechnology, Edited by Bharat Bhusan, Spinger Verlag (2003)
2. Introduction to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, by G. L. Hornyak, H. F. Tibbals, J. Dutta, J. J.
Moore, CRC Press, New York (2009).
Module-I (8 hrs)
1.1 Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
1.2 The evolution of Intellectual Property Law
1.3 Standards and concepts of Intellectual Property
1.4 Conventions & Treaties relating to Global administration of Intellectual Property Rights
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 50 )
Module-II (10 hrs)
Types and Classifications of Intellectual Property rights:
2.1 Industrial Property Rights (Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications)
2.2 Copyrights [Copyrights and its Neighbouring Rights (of performing artists, producers of phonograms, and
of broadcasters)]
2.3 Intellectual Property Rights & Information Technology
2.4 Intellectual Property Rights & Biotechnology
Module-III (10 hrs)
Jurisdiction & Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights :
3.1 Introduction to the Patents Act, 1970 and Patents (A) Act, 2005
3.2 Salient features of the Trademarks Act, 1999 and the Designs Act, 2000
3.3 Introduction to the Copyright Act, 1957 (as amended from time to time)
3.4 The IT (A) Act, 2008 and its implications on infringement of IPR through Internet
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Issues in the protection of Intellectual property :
4.1 Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge as Intellectual Property and emerging trends in Traditional Knowledge
4.2 Management of different types of Intellectual Property assets
4.3 Intellectual Property Rights and Ethical issues
4.4 Knowledge driven Economy and Intellectual Property Rights
Text Book :
1. "Intellectual Property Law" by P. Narayanan, Eastern Law House Publication.
2. "Law Relating to Intellectual Property" by Dr. B.L. Wadhera, ISBN: 9788175345888, 2012
EditionUniversal Law Publication.
Reference Books :
1. Chakravarty's Intellectual Property Law. Ashoka Law House. 2010 Edition.
2. Law Relating To Intellectual Property Rights. Author: VK Ahuja. ISBN: 978-81-8038-143-0, 2007
(Reprint 2010) Edition.
3. Intellectual Property Law by K.K. Acharya.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Fundamentals of Information Systems, Systems approach to problem solving, Developing information system
solutions. Information system components, Information quality.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Data resource management, Database, Data models, Information Systems in marketing, manufacturing, HRM,
Accounting and Finance.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Information analysis and design tools : Decision tools, Decision Table, Structured Analysis, Dataflow Analysis,
Tools for dataflow strategy, Developing dataflow diagrams, Leveling, Data dictionary, Structured flow chart,
HIPO, Warnier/ORR diagram.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 51 )
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Planning & implementation of Information Systems, Transaction Processing Systems, Executive information
Systems, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Knowledge Management. Computer crime, Security
(Goals, risks, controls, security & recovery measures of IS, economics of information security) & ethical challenges.
Text Book :
1. James A. O'Brien, George M. Marakas, Management Information Systems, Eighth Edition, 2008,
McGraw-Hill Education (India), New Delhi.
2. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon, Management Information Systems, Tenth Edition, Pearson
Education Inc., New Delhi.
References Books :
1. Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall, System Analysis and design, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. James A. Senn ,Analysis & Design of Information Systems, McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi.
3. Effy Oz, Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition, 2009, CENGAGE Learning India Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Industrial Safety : History of Safety Movement in India, UK, USA. "The Accident Problem", Nature and Size,
Need for safety, legal, humanitarian, economic and social considerations.
Safety Management : Role of Management in Industrial Safety, Safety Management Principles & Practices.
Principles of Accident Prevention : Incident, Accident injury, Dangerous occurances, unsafe acts, unsafe
conditions, hazards, error, oversight, mistake etc.
Planning for Safety : Definition, purpose, nature scope and procedure, Range of planning variety of plans.
Safety Education and Training for Safety : Element of training cycle, assessment of needs. Techniques of
training, design and development of training programmes. Training methods and strategies. Types of training.
Evaluation and review of training programmes.
Organizational behaviour and Safety, Human Behaviour : Individual difference, behaviour as function of
self and situation, perception of danger and acceptance of risks, knowledge, and responsibility vis--vis safety
performance, theories of motivation and their application to safety, role of management, supervisors and safety
deptt. in motivation.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Economics of Safety Cost of Accidents : Financial costs to individual and family, organization, society.
Compilation procedure, utility and limitations of cost data. Budgeting for safety.
Safeguarding of Machines : Principles of machine guarding, Ergonomics of machine guarding. Type of guards
and their selection. Guarding of different types of machinery including further precautions for wood working,
paper, rubber and printing machinery etc., built in safety devices, maintenance and repairs of guards, incidental
safety devices and methods.
Manual handling and Storage of Materials : Kinetics of manual material handling, Maximum loads that
could be carried. Lifting and carrying of objects of different shapes, size and weight. Safe use of accessories for
manual handling. Storage of materials; Safety in stacking and un-stacking, floor loading conditions. Layout
conditions for safety in storage, ergonomics of manual handling and storage.
Mechanical Handling of Materials : Lifting machinery, lifts and hoists: Safety aspects in design and
construction, testing, use and care, signaling, inspection and maintenance, Safety in design and construction,
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Mechanical Engineering
( 52 )
operation, inspection and maintenance of industrial trucks, lifting tackles and losse gears, conveyors, safety
features, safe locations, testing, inspection and maintenance of lifting tackles, safe working load for all mechanical
material handling equipments, the competent persons in relation to safety legislations-duties and responsibilities.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Working at Heights : Incidence of accidents, Safety features associated with design, construction and use of
stairways, ramps, working platforms, gangways, ladders of different types, scaffolds of different types including
Boatswain's chair and safety harness, working on roofs. Other safety requirements while working at heights.
Hand Tools and Portable Tools : Main causes of tool accidents. Control of tool accident, Cetralised and
personal tool issue system. Purchase, storage and supply of tools. Inspection, maintenance and repairs of
tools. Causes for tool failures. Tempering, safe ending and dressing of certain tools. Safe use of various types
of hand tools used for metal cutting, wood cutting, miscellaneous cutting work, other hand tools such as torion
tools, shock tools, non-sparking tools. Portable power tools and their selection, inspection, maintenance,
repair and safe use. Importance of standards and codes of practice for plant and equipments.
Industrial Lighting : Purpose of Lighting. Benefits of good illumination. Phenomenon for lighting and safety. Lighting
and the work. Sources and types of artificial lighting. Principles of good illumination. Recommended optimum
standards of illumination. Design of lighting installation. Maintenance. Standards relating to lighting and colour.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Electrical Hazards : Hazards of electrical energy. Safe limits of amperages, voltages, Safe distance from
lines. Capacity and protection of conductors. Joints and connections. Means of cutting protection. Earth fault
protection. Earth insulation and continuity tests. Earthing standards. Protection against surges and voltage
fluctuation. Hazards arising out of 'borrowed' neutrals. Other precautions. Types of proection for electrical
equipment in hazardous atmosphere. Criteria in their selection. Installation, maintenance and use. Control of
hazards due to static electricity.
Fire & Explosion : Factors responsible for fire, Chemistry of fire. Classification of fires. Common causes of
Industrial fires. Determination of fire load. Fire resistance of building materials. Design of building plant, exits,
etc. for fire safety. Prevention of fire. Portable extinguishers. Water systems. Carbon-di-oxide systems. Foam
extinguisher system. Dry chemical extinguishing system. Industrial fire detection and alarms. Sprinkler systems.
Special precautionary measures for control of fire and explosion in handling/procession flammable liquids,
gases, vapors, mists and dusts etc. BLEVE (Boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion) Confined and unconfined
vapour cloud explosion/Fighting fires involving pesticides. Fire emergency action plan/deflagration and detonation.
References Books :
1. James Govan, Safety Engineering.
2. Asfahl & Rieske, Industrial Safety & Health Management.
3. B.S. Dhillon, Engineering Safety.
4. Encyclopaedia of occupational Health & Safety, Vol-I, edited by Jeanne Mager Stellmam.
5. Keith Davis, Human Behaviour at Work (Organizational behavior).
6. Dean Petersen, PE, CSP & Nestor Roos, Industrial Accident Prevention (A safety management
Approach), DBA-McGraw-Hill Book Company.

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