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InstaIIation, 2-3
npack|ng and |eve|||ng
E|ectr|c and water connect|ons
The f|rst wash cyc|e
Techn|ca| deta||s
Washing machine description, 4-5
Oontro| pane|
Starting and Programmes, 6
Br|ef|y: how to start a programme
Programme tab|e
PersonaIisations, 7
Detergents and Iaundry, 8
Detergent d|spenser
Prepar|ng your |aundry
Spec|a| |tems
Precautions and advice, 9
Oenera| safety
Sav|ng energy and respect|ng the env|ronment
Care and maintenance, 10
Outt|ng off the water or e|ectr|c|ty supp|y
O|ean|ng your app||ance
O|ean|ng the detergent d|spenser
Oar|ng for your app||ance door and drum
O|ean|ng the pump
Oheck|ng the water |n|et hose
TroubIeshooting, 11
Service, 12
Before ca|||ng for Ass|stance
WIN 81
Instructions for use
Keep th|s |nstruct|on manua| |n a safe p|ace for
future reference. Shou|d the app||ance be so|d,
transferred or moved, make sure the |nstruct|on
manua| accompan|es the wash|ng mach|ne to |nform
the new owner as to |ts operat|on and features.
Pead these |nstruct|ons carefu||y: they conta|n v|ta|
|nformat|on on |nsta||at|on, use and safety.
Unpacking and IeveIIing
1. npack the wash|ng mach|ne.
2. Oheck whether the wash|ng mach|ne has been
damaged dur|ng transport. |f th|s |s the case, do not
|nsta|| |t and contact your reta||er.
3. Pemove the 3
protect|ve screws and
the rubber washer w|th
the respect|ve spacer,
s|tuated on the rear of
the app||ance (see
4. Sea| the gaps us|ng the p|ast|c p|ugs prov|ded.
5. Keep a|| the parts: you w||| need them aga|n |f the
wash|ng mach|ne needs to be moved to another
Packag|ng mater|a|s are not ch||dren's toys.
1. |nsta|| the wash|ng mach|ne on a f|at sturdy f|oor,
w|thout rest|ng |t up aga|nst wa||s, furn|ture cab|nets
or other.
2. |f the f|oor |s not
perfect|y |eve|, compen-
sate for any unevenness
by t|ghten|ng or
|oosen|ng the adjustab|e
front feet (see /|0e,
the ang|e of |nc||nat|on,
measured accord|ng to
the worktop, must not
exceed 2.
|eve|||ng your app||ance correct|y w||| prov|de |t w|th
stab|||ty and avo|d any v|brat|ons, no|se and sh|ft|ng
dur|ng operat|on. |f |t |s p|aced on a f|tted or |oose
carpet, adjust the feet |n such a way as to a||ow
enough room for vent||at|on beneath the wash|ng
EIectric and water connections
Connecting the water inIet hose
1. |nsert sea| A |nto the
end of the |n|et hose
and screw the |atter
onto a co|d water tap
w|th a 3/4 gas threaded
mouth (see /|0e.
Before mak|ng the
connect|on, a||ow the
water to run free|y unt||
|t |s perfect|y c|ear.
2. Oonnect the other end
of the water |n|et hose to
the wash|ng mach|ne,
screw| ng | t ont o t he
app| | ance's co| d water
|n|et, s|tuated on the top
r| ght-hand s| de on the
rear of t he app| | ance
(see /|0e.
3. Make sure there are no k|nks or bends |n the hose.
The water pressure at the tap must be w|th|n the
va|ues |nd|cated |n the Techn|ca| deta||s tab|e
(on ||e nex| oae.
|f the water |n|et hose |s not |ong enough, contact
a spec|a||st store or an author|sed serv|ceman.
Never use hoses that have a|ready been used.
Connecting the drain hose
Oonnect the dra|n hose,
w|thout bend|ng |t, to a
dra|n|ng duct or a wa||
dra|n s|tuated between
65 and 100 cm from
the f|oor,
a|ternat|ve|y, p|ace |t
over the edge of a
bas|n, s|nk or tub,
fasten|ng the duct
supp||ed to the tap (see
/|0e. The free end of
the hose shou|d not be
We adv|se aga|nst the use of hose extens|ons, |n
case of abso|ute need, the extens|on must have the
same d|ameter as the or|g|na| hose and must not
exceed 150 cm |n |ength.
EIectric connection
Before p|ugg|ng the app||ance |nto the ma|ns
socket, make sure that:
the socket |s earthed and |n comp||ance w|th the
app||cab|e |aw,
the socket |s ab|e to susta|n the app||ance's
max|mum power |oad |nd|cated |n the Techn|ca|
deta||s tab|e (on ||e |||,
the supp|y vo|tage |s |nc|uded w|th|n the va|ues |
nd|cated on the Techn|ca| deta||s tab|e
(on ||e |||,
the socket |s compat|b|e w|th the wash|ng
mach|ne's p|ug. |f th|s |s not the case, rep|ace
the socket or the p|ug.
The wash|ng mach|ne shou|d not be |nsta||ed |n an
outdoor env|ronment, not even when the area |s
she|tered, because |t may be very dangerous to
|eave |t exposed to ra|n and thunderstorms.
When the wash|ng mach|ne |s |nsta||ed, the ma|ns
socket must be w|th|n easy reach.
Do not use extens|ons or mu|t|p|e sockets.
The power supp|y cab|e must never be bent or
dangerous|y compressed.
The power supp|y cab|e must on|y be rep|aced by
an author|sed serv|ceman.
Warn|ng! The company den|es a|| ||ab|||ty |f and when
these norms are not respected.
The first wash cycIe
Once the app||ance has been |nsta||ed, and before
you use |t for the f|rst t|me, run a wash cyc|e w|th
detergent and no |aundry, sett|ng the 90O
programme w|thout a pre-wash cyc|e.
65 - 100 cm
TechnicaI detaiIs
ModeI W|N 81
59.5 cm w|de
85 cm h|gh
52,5 cm deep
Capacity from 1 to 5 kg
p|ease refer to the techn|ca| data p|ate
f|xed to the mach|ne
max|mum pressure 1 MPa (10 bar}
m|n|mum pressure 0.05 MPa (0.5 bar}
drum capac|ty 40 ||tres
Spin speed up to 800 rpm
according to
EN 60456
programme 3,
run w|th a |oad of 5 kg.
Th|s app||ance |s comp||ant w|th the
fo||ow|ng European Oommun|ty
- 89/336/OEE of 03/05/89
(E|ectromagnet|c Oompat|b|||ty} and
subsequent amendments
- 2002/96/OE
- 2006/95/OE (|ow vo|tage}
Washing machine description
ControI paneI
Detergent dlsenser
Detergent dlsenser: to add detergent and fabr|c
softener (see oae S.
LEDS: to f|nd out wh|ch wash cyc|e phase |s under
FUNCTION buttons: to se|ect the funct|ons
ava||ab|e. The button correspond|ng to the funct|on
se|ected w||| rema|n on.
STARTlRESET button: to start the programmes or
cance| any |ncorrect sett|ngs.
ON-OFFlDOOR LOCK |ed: to f|nd out whether the
wash|ng mach|ne |s on and |f the app||ance door can
be opened (see oae 5.
ONlOFF button: to turn the wash|ng mach|ne on
and off.
PROGRAMME knob: to se|ect the wash
programmes. The knob stays st||| dur|ng the cyc|e.
|f th|s |ED |s on, the app||ance door |s |ocked to prevent |t from be|ng opened acc|denta||y, to avo|d any
damages, wa|t for the |ED to f|ash before you open the app||ance door.
The rap|d f|ash|ng of the ON-OFF/DOOP |OOK |ed together w|th the f|ash|ng of at |east one other |ED
|nd|cates there |s an abnorma||ty (see oae 11.
The |EDS prov|de |mportant |nformat|on.
Th|s |s what they can te|| you:
CycIe phase under way:
Dur|ng the wash cyc|e, the |EDs gradua||y |||um|nate
on to |nd|cate the cyc|e phase under way:
Sp|n cyc|e
Note: dur|ng dra|n|ng, the |ED correspond|ng to the
Sp|n cyc|e phase w||| be turned on.
Function buttons
The FNOT|ON BTTONS a|so act ||ke |EDS.
When a funct|on |s se|ected, the correspond|ng
button |s |||um|nated.
|f the funct|on se|ected |s |ncompat|b|e w|th the
programme set, the button w||| f|ash and the
funct|on w||| not be enab|ed.
|f you set a funct|on that |s |ncompat|b|e w|th
another funct|on you se|ected prev|ous|y, on|y the
|ast one se|ected w||| be enab|ed.
Type of fabr|c and degree of so|| Progr.
Descr|pt|on of wash cyc|e
Extreme|y so||ed wh|tes
(sheets, tab|ec|oths, etc.}
1 167
Pre-wash, wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es, |ntermed|ate and
f|na| sp|n cyc|es
Extreme|y so||ed wh|tes
(sheets, tab|ec|oths, etc.}
2 152
Wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es, |ntermed|ate and f|na|
sp|n cyc|es
Heav||y so||ed wh|tes and fast
3 127
Wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es, |ntermed|ate and f|na|
sp|n cyc|es
S||ght|y so||ed wh|tes and de||cate
co|ours (sh|rts, jumpers, etc.}
4 99
Wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es, |ntermed|ate and f|na|
sp|n cyc|es
S||ght|y so||ed de||cate co|ours 5 92
Wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es, |ntermed|ate and f|na|
sp|n cyc|es
Heav||y so||ed fast co|ours
(baby ||nen, etc.}
6 80
Wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es, ant|-crease or de||cate
sp|n cyc|e
Heav||y so||ed fast co|ours
(baby ||nen, etc.}
7 75
Wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es, ant|-crease or de||cate
sp|n cyc|e
De||cate co|ours (a|| types of
s||ght|y so||ed garments}
8 71
Wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es, ant|-crease or de||cate
sp|n cyc|e
De||cate co|ours (a|| types of
s||ght|y so||ed garments}
9 30 Wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es and de||cate sp|n cyc|e
Woo| 10 50 Wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es and de||cate sp|n cyc|e
very de||cate fabr|cs
(curta|ns, s||k, v|scose, etc.}
11 52 Wash cyc|e, r|nse cyc|es, ant|-crease or dra|n|ng cyc|e
P|nse P|nse cyc|es and sp|n cyc|e
De||cate r|nse cyc|e P|nse cyc|es, ant|-crease or dra|n|ng
Sp|n cyc|e Dra|n|ng and heavy duty sp|n cyc|e
De||cate sp|n cyc|e Dra|n|ng and de||cate sp|n cyc|e
Dra|n|ng Dra|n|ng
Starting and Programmes
Programme tabIe
BriefIy: starting a programme
1. Sw|tch the wash|ng mach|ne on by press|ng button .
A|| the |EDS w||| ||ght up for a few seconds and
the ON-OFF/DOOP |OOK |ed w||| beg|n to f|ash.
2. |oad your |aundry |nto the wash|ng mach|ne and
shut the app||ance door.
3. Set the PPOOPAMME knob to the programme
requ| red.
4. Add the detergent and any fabr|c softener
(see oae S.
5. Start he programme by press|ng the STAPT/PESET
To cance| |t, keep the STAPT/PESET button pressed
for at |east 2 seconds.
6. When the programme |s f|n|shed, the ON-OFF/
DOOP |OOK |ed w||| f|ash to |nd|cate that the
app||ance door can be opened. Take out your
|aundry and |eave the app||ance door ajar to a||ow
the drum to dry thorough|y. Turn the wash|ng
mach|ne off by press|ng button .
For the ant|-crease funct|on, p|ease see oae 7. The |nformat|on conta|ned |n the tab|e |s pure|y |nd|cat|ve.
SpeciaI programme
Da||, (programme 9 for Synthet|cs} |s des|gned to wash ||ght|y so||ed garments |n a short amount of t|me: |t on|y |asts 30
m|nutes and a||ows you to save on both t|me and energy. By sett|ng th|s programme (9 at 30O}, you can wash
d|fferent fabr|cs together (except for woo||en and s||k |tems}, w|th a max|mum |oad of 3 kg.
/e ecommeno ||e 0se o/ ||q0|o oe|een|.
Funct|on Effect Comments
Enab|ed w|th
4=FE @
Outs the durat|on
of the wash cyc|e
by 30%.
1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8
Peduces the
sp|n speed.
except for 11
and dra|n|ng.
To enab|e a funct|on:
1. press the button correspond|ng to the des|red funct|on, accord|ng to the tab|e be|ow,
2. the funct|on |s enab|ed when the correspond|ng button |s |||um|nated.
Note: The rap|d f|ash|ng of the button |nd|cates that the correspond|ng funct|on cannot be se|ected for the
programme set.
JA |o a.o|o excess|.e .|oa||ons, oe/oe e.e, so|n c,c|e ||e mac||ne o|s||o0|es ||e |oao |n a 0n|/om manne o,
con||n0o0s|, o|a||n ||e o0m a| a soeeo w||c| |s s|||||, /as|e ||an ||e noma| was||n soeeo.
/|en, oeso||e eoea|eo a||emo|s, ||e |oao |s s|||| no| e.en|, o|s||o0|eo, ||e mac||ne so|ns a| a |owe soeeo ||an
||e se| /eq0enc,.
|/ ||e |oao |s excess|.e|, 0noa|anceo, ||e mac||ne a||emo|s |o o|s||o0|e || |ns|eao o/ so|nn|n.
7|e oa|anc|n a||emo|s ma, ex|eno ||e |o|a| o0a||on o/ ||e c,c|e, 0o |o a max|m0m o/ 10 m|n0|es.
Th|s funct|on |nterrupts the wash programme, and the wash|ng |s |eft to soak |n water before the app||ance |s dra|ned. |t |s
enab|ed |n programmes 6 - 7 - 8 - 11 and De||cate r|nse cyc|e.
To conc|ude the cyc|e, press the STAPT/PESET button.
To run the dra|n|ng cyc|e a|one, set the knob to the re|at|ve symbo| and press the STAPT/PESET button.
Detergent dispenser
Oood wash|ng resu|ts a|so depend on the correct
dose of detergent: add|ng too much detergent won't
necessar||y make for a more eff|c|ent wash, and may
|n fact cause bu||d up on the |nter|or of your
app||ance and even po||ute the env|ronment.
Open up the detergent
d|spenser and pour |n
the detergent and fabr|c
softener, as fo||ows.
compartment 1: Detergent for pre-wash
compartment 2: Detergent for the wash cycIe
(powder or Iiquidj
||qu|d detergent shou|d on|y be poured |n
|mmed|ate|y pr|or to the wash cyc|e start.
compartment 3: Additives (fabric softeners, etc.j
The fabr|c softener shou|d not overf|ow from the gr|d.
Do not use hand wash detergent because |t may
form too much foam.
Preparing your Iaundry
D|v|de your |aundry accord|ng to:
- the type of fabr|c/the symbo| on the |abe|.
- the co|ours: separate co|oured garments from
Empty a|| pockets and check for |oose buttons.
Do not exceed the we|ght ||m|ts stated be|ow,
wh|ch refer to the we|ght when dry:
Sturdy fabr|cs: max 5 kg
Synthet|c fabr|cs: max 2.5 kg
De||cate fabr|cs: max 2 kg
Woo|: max 1 kg
How much does your Iaundry weigh?
1 sheet 400-500 g
1 p|||ow case 150-200 g
1 tab|ec|oth 400-500 g
1 bathrobe 900-1200 g
1 towe| 150-250 g
SpeciaI items
Curtains: fo|d curta|ns and p|ace them |n a p|||ow
case or mesh bag. Wash them separate|y w|thout
exceed|ng ha|f the app||ance |oad. se programme
11 wh|ch exc|udes the sp|n cyc|e automat|ca||y.
QuiIted coats and windbreakers: |f they are
padded w|th goose or duck down, they can be
mach|ne-washed. Turn the garments |ns|de out and
|oad a max|mum of 2-3 kg, repeat|ng the r|nse cyc|e
once or tw|ce and us|ng the de||cate sp|n cyc|e.
WooI: for best resu|ts, use a spec|f|c detergent,
tak|ng care not to exceed a |oad of 1 kg.
Detergents and Iaundry
Precautions and advice
The wash|ng mach|ne was des|gned and bu||t |n
comp||ance w|th the app||cab|e |nternat|ona| safety
regu|at|ons. The fo||ow|ng |nformat|on |s prov|ded for
your safety and shou|d consequent|y be read carefu||y.
GeneraI safety
Th|s app||ance has been des|gned for non-
profess|ona|, househo|d use and |ts funct|ons must
not be changed.
Th|s wash|ng mach|ne shou|d on|y be used by
adu|ts and |n accordance w|th the |nstruct|ons
prov|ded |n th|s manua|.
Never touch the wash|ng mach|ne when barefoot
or w|th wet or damp hands or feet.
Do not pu|| on the power supp|y cab|e to unp|ug
the app||ance from the e|ectr|c|ty socket. Pu|| the
p|ug out yourse|f.
Do not open the detergent d|spenser wh||e the
app||ance |s |n operat|on.
Do not touch the dra|n water as |t cou|d reach
very h|gh temperatures.
Never force the wash|ng mach|ne door: th|s cou|d
damage the safety |ock mechan|sm des|gned to
prevent any acc|denta| open|ngs.
|n the event of a ma|funct|on, do not under any
c|rcumstances touch |nterna| parts |n order to
attempt repa|rs.
A|ways keep ch||dren we|| away from the
app||ance wh||e |n operat|on.
The app||ance door tends to get qu|te hot dur|ng
the wash cyc|e.
Shou|d |t have to be moved, proceed w|th the
he|p of two or three peop|e and hand|e |t w|th the
utmost care. Never try to do th|s a|one, because
the app||ance |s very heavy.
Before |oad|ng your |aundry |nto the wash|ng
mach|ne, make sure the drum |s empty.
D|spos|ng of the packag|ng mater|a|:
observe |oca| regu|at|ons, so the packag|ng can
be re-used.
The European D|rect|ve 2002/96/EO on Waste
E|ectr|ca| and E|ectron|c Equ|pment, requ|res that
o|d househo|d e|ectr|ca| app||ances must not be
d|sposed of |n the norma| unsorted mun|c|pa| waste
stream. O|d app||ances must be co||ected
separate|y |n order to opt|m|se the recovery and
recyc||ng of the mater|a|s they conta|n and reduce
the |mpact on human hea|th and the env|ronment.
The crossed out "whee|ed b|n" symbo| on the
product rem|nds you of your ob||gat|on, that when
you d|spose of the app||ance |t must be separate|y
Oonsumers shou|d contact the|r |oca| author|ty or
reta||er for |nformat|on concern|ng the correct
d|sposa| of the|r o|d app||ance.
Saving energy and respecting the
EnvironmentaIIy-friendIy technoIogy
|f you on|y see a ||tt|e water through your app||ance
door, th|s |s because thanks to the |atest |ndes|t
techno|ogy, your wash|ng mach|ne on|y needs |ess
than ha|f the amount of water to get the best resu|ts:
an object|ve reached to respect the env|ronment.
Saving on detergent, water, energy and time
To avo|d wast|ng resources, the wash|ng mach|ne
shou|d be used w|th a fu|| |oad. A fu|| |oad |nstead of
two ha|f |oads a||ows you to save up to 50% on energy.
The pre-wash cyc|e |s on|y necessary on
extreme|y so||ed garments. Avo|d|ng |t w||| save on
detergent, t|me, water and between 5 and 15%
Treat|ng sta|ns w|th a sta|n remover or |eav|ng them
to soak before wash|ng w||| cut down the need to
wash them at h|gh temperatures. A programme at
60O |nstead of 90O or one at 40O |nstead of
60O w||| save up to 50% on energy.
se the correct quant|ty of detergent depend|ng
on the water hardness, how so||ed the garments
are and the amount of |aundry you have, to avo|d
wastage and to protect the env|ronment: desp|te
be|ng b|odegradab|e, detergents do conta|n
|ngred|ents that a|ter the natura| ba|ance of the
env|ronment. |n add|t|on, avo|d us|ng fabr|c
softener as much as poss|b|e.
|f you use your wash|ng mach|ne from |ate |n the
afternoon unt|| the ear|y hours of the morn|ng, you
w||| he|p reduce the e|ectr|c|ty board's peak |oad.
|f your |aundry has to be dr|ed |n a tumb|e dryer,
se|ect a h|gh sp|n speed. Hav|ng the |east water
poss|b|e |n your |aundry w||| save you t|me and
energy |n the dry|ng process.
Care and maintenance
Cutting off the water or eIectricity
Turn off the water tap after every wash. Th|s w|||
||m|t the wear of your app||ance's water system
and a|so prevent |eaks.
np|ug your app||ance when c|ean|ng |t and
dur|ng a|| ma|ntenance operat|ons.
CIeaning your appIiance
The exter|or and rubber parts of your app||ance can
be c|eaned w|th a soft c|oth soaked |n |ukewarm
soapy water. Do not use so|vents or abras|ves.
CIeaning the detergent dispenser
Pemove the d|spenser
by pu|||ng |t out (see
Wash |t under runn|ng
water, th|s operat|on
shou|d be repeated
Caring for your appIiance door and
A|ways |eave the app||ance door ajar to prevent
unp|easant odours from form|ng.
CIeaning the pump
The wash|ng mach|ne |s f|tted w|th a se|f-c|ean|ng
pump that does not requ|re any ma|ntenance.
Somet|mes, sma|| |tems (such as co|ns or buttons}
may fa|| |nto the pre-chamber that protects the
pump, s|tuated |n the |ower part of the same.
Make sure the wash cyc|e has ended and unp|ug
the app||ance.
To access the pre-chamber:
1. us|ng a screwdr|ver,
remove the cover pane|
on the |ower front of the
wash|ng mach|ne (see
2. unscrew the ||d
rotat|ng |t ant|-
c|ockw|se (see /|0e: a
||tt|e water may tr|ck|e
out. Th|s |s perfect|y
3. c|ean the |nter|or thorough|y,
4. screw the ||d back on,
5. repos|t|on the pane|, mak|ng sure the hooks are
secure|y |n p|ace before you push |t onto the
Checking the water inIet hose
Oheck the water |n|et hose at |east once a year. |f
you see any cracks, rep|ace |t |mmed|ate|y: dur|ng
the wash cyc|es, water pressure |s very strong and
a cracked hose cou|d eas||y sp||t open.
Never use hoses that have a|ready been used.
Your wash|ng mach|ne cou|d fa|| to work. Before ca|||ng for Ass|stance (see oae 12, make sure the prob|em
can't eas||y be so|ved by consu|t|ng the fo||ow|ng ||st.
The washing machine won't
The wash cycIe won't start.
The washing machine faiIs to
Ioad water.
The washing machine
continuousIy Ioads and unIoads
The washing machine does not
drain or spin.
The washing machine vibrates
too much during the spin cycIe.
The washing machine Ieaks.
fIashes rapidIy at the same
time as at Ieast one other LED.
There is too much foam.
PossibIe causeslSoIution:
The app||ance |s not p|ugged |nto the socket, or not enough to
make contact.
There has been a power fa||ure.
The app||ance door |s not shut proper|y.
The button has not been pressed.
The STAPT/PESET button has not been pressed.
The water tap |s not turned on.
The water |n|et hose |s not connected to the tap.
The hose |s bent.
The water tap |s not turned on.
There |s a water shortage.
The water pressure |s |nsuff|c|ent.
The STAPT/PESET button has not been pressed.
The dra|n hose |s not f|tted between 65 and 100 cm from the f|oor
(see oae 3.
The free end of the hose |s underwater (see oae 3.
The wa|| dra|nage system doesn't have a breather p|pe.
|f the prob|em pers|sts even after these checks, turn off the water tap,
sw|tch the app||ance off and ca|| for Ass|stance. |f the dwe|||ng |s on one
of the upper f|oors of a bu||d|ng, there may be dra|n trap prob|ems
caus|ng the wash|ng mach|ne to |oad and un|oad water cont|nuous|y. |n
order to avo|d such an |nconven|ence, spec|a| ant|-dra|n trap va|ves are
ava||ab|e |n shops.
The programme does not foresee the dra|n|ng: some programmes
requ|re enab||ng the dra|n|ng manua||y (see oae .
The "Ant|-crease" funct|on |s enab|ed: to comp|ete the programme,
press the STAPT/PESET button (see oae 7.
The dra|n hose |s bent (see oae 3.
The dra|n duct |s c|ogged.
The drum was not unb|ocked correct|y dur|ng |nsta||at|on (see oae 2.
The wash|ng mach|ne |s not |eve| (see oae 2.
The wash|ng mach|ne |s c|osed |n between furn|ture cab|nets and
the wa|| (see oae 2.
The water |n|et hose |s not screwed on correct|y (see oae 2.
The detergent d|spenser |s obstructed (to c|ean |t, see oae 10.
The dra|n hose |s not secured proper|y (see oae 3.
Sw|tch off the mach|ne and unp|ug the app||ance, wa|t for
approx|mate|y 1 m|nute then sw|tch |t on aga|n.
|f the prob|em pers|sts, contact Ass|stance.
The detergent |s not su|tab|e for mach|ne wash|ng (|t shou|d bear
the def|n|t|on "for wash|ng mach|nes" or "hand and mach|ne wash",
or the ||ke}.
You used too much detergent.
Before caIIing for Assistance:
Oheck whether you can so|ve the prob|em on your own (see oae 11,
Pestart the programme to check whether the prob|em has been so|ved,
|f th|s |s not the case, contact an author|sed Techn|ca| Serv|ce Oentre on the te|ephone number
prov|ded on the guarantee cert|f|cate.
A|ways request the ass|stance of author|sed serv|cemen.
Notify the operator of:
the type of prob|em,
the app||ance mode| (Mod.},
the ser|a| number (S/N}.
Th|s |nformat|on can be found on the data p|ate s|tuated on the rear of the wash|ng mach|ne.
05/2008 - Xerox Bus|ness Serv|ces

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