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EXAM (questions)


1. Spinal cord description
2. Spinal cord structure
3. Medulla oblongata description, structure (except stratum nucleare)
4. Pons description, structure (except stratum nucleare)
5. Stratum nucleare of the 4th ventricle
6. Cerebellum structure
7. Cerebellum description
8. The 3rd and the 4th ventricles
9. Midbrain description
10. Midbrain structure
11. Diencephalon description
12. Nuclei of thalamus and its pathways
13. Reticular formation and its pathways
14. Hypothalamus and subthalamus
15. Hypohysis (Pituitary gland)
16. Brain hemisphere - medial and inferior surfaces
17. Superolateral surface of brain hemisphere
18. Paleocortex
19. Hippocampal formation
20. Basal ganglia
21. Internal capsule
22. Lateral ventricle
23. Cortical regions
24. Cytoarchitectonic description of isocortex
25. Meninges of brain and spinal cord
26. Arteries of brain and spinal cord
27. Cerebral veins. Intracranial branches of internal jugular vein
28. Direct sensitive pathways. Lemniscal system.
29. Visual pathway. Pathway of pupillar reflex
30. Olfactory pathway
31. Pathways of anterolateral system
32. Auditory pathway
33. Gustatory pathway
34. Vestibular pathway. Pathways of archicerebellum
35. Longitudinal medial fascicle
36. Pathways of paleo- and neocerebellum
37. Pathways of ANS
38. Connections of the limbic system
39. Production and circulation of cerebrospinal liquor.
40. Associative pathways. Comissural pathways
41. Pyramidal (corticospinal) pathway
42. Connections of basal ganglia
43. Motoric pathways of the brain stem


1. The 3rd, 4th and the 6th cranial nerves
2. The 5th cranial nerve description structure. Ophthalmic nerve
3. Maxillary nerve
4. Mandibular nerve
5. The 7th cranial nerve
6. The 9th cranial nerve
7. The 10th cranial nerve
8. The 11th and 12th cranial nerves
9. Sympathetic trunk cervical and thoracic parts
10. Sympathetic trunk abdominal and pelvic parts
11. Parasympathetic system
12. The Eyeball description. Fibrous and nervous layers.
13. The Eyeball vascular layer
14. Chambers of the eye. Circulation of aqueous humour
15. Eyelids. Fibrous apparatus of the orbit
16. Conjunctiva. Lacrimal apparatus
17. Orbital muscles
18. External ear. Tympanic membrane
19. Middle ear
20. Bony labyrinth
21. Membranous labyrinth
22. Thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, suprarenal glands
23. Autonomic innervation of the thoracic cavity organs
24. Autonomic innervation of the abdominal cavity organs
25. Structure of spinal nerve, reflex arch
26. Retina, visual pathway.
27. Spinal ganglion, sensory ganglions of cranial nerves
28. Innervation of the tongue sensory, special sensory, motor and autonomic
29. Survey of the cranial nerves nuclei, quality of fibres
30. Nervous tissue, type of cells, development of CNS
31. Ciliary ganglion, otic ganglion
32. Submandibular ganglion, pterygopalatine ganglion
33. Innervation of nasal cavity sensory, special sensory, autonomic, the terminal nerve
34. Innervation of the muscles of head and neck
35. Sensory innervation of the skin of head and neck
36. Innervation of oral cavity sensory, special sensory, motor, autonomic (lips, cheeks, tongue, palate, teeth, gum, salivary glands)
37. Hypothalamus, afferent and efferent pathways of hypothalamus
38. Fornix
39. Septal area. Input, output connections
40. Eyeball innervation and blood supply
41. Sensory pathways of cranial nerves


1. Topography of neurocranium and soft meninges
2. Pterygopalatine fossa
3. Anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa, posterior cranial fossa
4. External cranial base. Sex differences in skull.
5. Parotideomasseteric region. Prestyloid space
6. Oral region floor of oral cavity. Topography of vestibule of oral cavity and proper oral cavity.
7. Regions of the face. Mental region
8. Temporal region. Infratemporal region.
9. The Orbit
10. Submental and submandibular regions
11. Topographical division of neck, fascial spaces of neck
12. Scalenovertebral triangle
13. Infrahyoid region
14. Lateral cervical region. Omoclavicular and omotrapezoid triangles
15. Retrostyloid space
16. Carotid triangle.
17. The back region. Suboccipital, lumbar and lumbocostal triangles
18. Thorax
19. Mammary region.
20. Lines and planes of thorax. Topography of thoracic wall costal region
21. Superior and anterior mediastinum
22. Inferior mediastinum
23. Projection of lungs and interlobar grooves (on the thoracic wall). Pleural cavity. Projection of pleura on thoracic wall.
24. Position of heart. Testuts points. X-ray shadows of heart. Projection of heart and pericardium on thoracic wall.
25. Diaphragmatic region. Diaphragm.
26. Lines and planes of abdomen. Inguinal region. Inguinal canal.
27. Umbilical region. Structure of anterior abdominal wall. Projection of vertebral column on ventral abdominal wall.
28. Abdominal cavity division, description. Peritoneal cavity divisions.
29. Supramesocolic compartment of peritoneal cavity. Lesser omental sac.
30. Topography and fixation of liver. Topography and fixation of oesophagus. Topography of gall bladder and bile duct.
31. Topography of duodenum and pancreas
32. Extraperitoneal space
33. Topography of kidneys and ureters, fixation and variations. Projection of kidney on body wall
34. Predisposition places for hernia formation
35. Inframesocolic compartment of peritoneal cavity.
36. Topography of pelvis. Dimensions and planes of lesser pelvis. External dimensions of pelvis. Gender differences.
37. Female pelvic cavity. Infraperitoneal space of female pelvis. Male pelvic cavity. Infraperitoneal space of male pelvis.
38. Position and relations of urinary bladder. Position and relations of uterus.
39. Urogenital region. Perineal and anal regions. Ischiorectal fossa
40. Axillary region. Deltoid and scapular regions.
41. Brachial and cubital regions. Antebrachial region
42. Carpal region. Carpal canal.
43. Gluteal region. Femoral region
44. Knee region. Popliteal fossa. Crural, malleolar and retromalleolar regions.
45. Foot as a whole topography.

ANATOMY II. conditions:

Oral exam 3 questions: 1. CNS, 2. Cranial nerves, senses and endocrine system, 3. Topography

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