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Ten Products You Should Ban from Your

Home Forever
By: SustainLane (View Profile)
You would never cross the street without looking both ways, walk alone down a dark alley
alone at three a.m., or tell your child to accept rides from strangers. So why let hazardous,
toxic, and even carcinogenic chemicals into your home everyday?

The message driven home for millions of Americans each day via TV and internet
commercials is this: No need to scrub or scour. With just one squeeze of the spray bottle, you
can wipe away dirt, grime, and bacteria.
Alas, theres that dark alley again. Air fresheners, disinfectants, and cleaners found under
your sink are more dangerous than you think. Mix bleach with ammonia, for example, and
youve got a toxic fume cloud used by the military in WWI. And they werent cleaning
Here is a list of the ten products you should ban from your homeforeveralong with
suggested alternatives.
1. Non-Stick Cookware
When non-stick pans were first introduced into American households in the 1960s, they were
thought to be a godsend. Gone were the days of soaking pans for hours and scouring pots
with steel wool. In the forty years since then, however, weve learned that the ease of
cleaning comes at a steep price: the coating that makes Teflon pans non-stick is
polytetrafluoroethylene, or PTFE for short. When PTFE heats up, it releases toxic gasses that
have been linked to cancer, organ failure, reproductive damage, and other harmful health
The problems with PTFE-coated pans seem to occur at high temperatures, so if you must use
Teflon, cook foods on medium heat or less. Avoiding non-stick pans altogether is the safest
option. If youre able to do so, try anodized aluminum, stainless steel, or cast iron pans with a
little cooking oil. SustainLane reviewers like LeCreuset cast iron pans and more cost-
effective ones like Lodge Logic. Using a lower setting on the stove will reduce the chances
that your food will burn, which is how it usually gets stuck to pans the first place. If youre
worried about the extra calories cooking oil adds, try baking or steaming your food.
2. Plastic Bottles
By now youve heard of dangers of BPA in those ubiquitous neon water bottles. BPA mimics
the effects of hormones that harm your endocrine system. While the company at the heart of
the controversy has switched to BPA-free plastic, those arent the only toxic bottles. Single-
use plastic bottles are even worse for leaching chemicals, especially when you add the heat of
the sun (think about bottles left in your trunk) or the microwave. Aside from the fact that
bottled water sold across state lines is not as regulated as tap water, the bottles themselves are
spawning grounds for bacteria and are a source of needless waste. Each year, more than one
million barrels of oil are used to manufacture the more than 25 billion single-use plastic water
bottles sold in the U.S. Choose a reusable, stainless steel or glass bottle instead. SustainLane
users have reviewed several water bottle alternatives.
3. Conventional Cleaning Supplies
These routinely make the top ten lists of worst household offenders. They contain toxic
chemicals that negatively affect every system in your body. All purpose cleaners often
contain ammonia, a strong irritant that has been linked to liver and kidney damage. Bleach is
a powerful oxidizer, which can burn the skin and eyes. Another danger lies in oven cleaners,
which can cause chemical burns and emit toxic fumes that harm the respiratory system. The
American Association of Poison Control Centers reports that more than 120,000 children
under the age of five were involved in incidents involving household cleaners in 2006, the
most recent year for which data is available.
To protect you and your family from the hazards conventional cleaners pose, choose non-
toxic, or natural cleaners. SustainLane reviewers have particularly enjoyed Method and
Seventh Generation, which are commonly found on supermarket shelves. Bon Ami is a safe
alternative to Comet and Ajax. If you have the time and want to go the extra mile, you can
even mix your own using common household items like vinegar and baking soda. Check out
these easy-to-make recipes household cleaners.
4. Chemical Insecticides and Herbicides
Since the purpose of these products is to kill pests, you can bet that many of them have
ingredients in them that are also harmful to humans. For example, the active ingredient in
Round-Upa weed-killer popular with gardenersis known to cause kidney damage and
reproductive harm in mice. And cypermethrin, one of the active ingredients in the popular ant
and roach-killer Raid, is a known eye, skin and respiratory irritant and has negative effects on
the central nervous system.
There are several companies that sell natural and organic weed- and pest-control products.
Buhach makes a natural insecticide from ground chrysanthemum flowers that controls ants,
flies, fleas, lice, gnats, mosquitoes, spiders, and deer ticks, among other pests. Boric acid is
an effective, natural solution for cockroaches as well; sprinkle it around baseboards, cracks
and other places likely to harbor roaches. You can use this boric acid recipe to control ants.
For weeds, check out E.B. Stone Weed-N-Grass or try spot-spraying with household vinegar.
5. Antibacterial Products
The widespread use of antibacterials has been shown to contribute to new strains of
antibiotic-resistant super-bugs. The Center for Disease Control says that antibacterials may
also interfere with immune system development in children. Triclosanthe most common
antibacterial additive found in more than 100 household products ranging from soaps and
toothpaste to childrens toys and even undergarmentsaccumulates in the body. In a study
conducted by the Environmental Working Group, 97 percent of breast feeding mothers had
triclosan in their milk, and 75 percent had trace amounts of the chemical in their urine.
Make it your goal to be to be clean, not germ-free. People who are exposed to household
germs typically develop strong immune systems and are healthier overall. Avoid buying
antibacterial products or soaps containing triclosan. Soap and water is really all you need to
clean most things. There are plenty of eco-friendly hand washes and other cleansers that are
safe for you and easy on the planet.
6. Chemical Fertilizers
These are notorious for causing damage to our water supply and are a known major
contributor to algal blooms. Whenever it rains or a lawn is watered, the runoff goes straight
into storm-drains, and untreated water is dumped into rivers, streams, and the ocean. This
causes an imbalance in delicate water ecosystems, killing fish and degrading water quality.
If you have a lawn, choose organic fertilizers rather than chemical ones.
As another alternative to harsh chemicals, consider starting a compost pile to create nutrient-
rich soil for your flower beds and vegetable gardens. Youll be creating your own
inexpensive fertilizer just by letting food scraps and yard trimmings sit. An added benefit:
itll also help divert waste from landfills. SustainLane users have reviewed several compost
bins here.
7. More Bulb for Your Buck
A Compact Fluorescent (CFL) bulb uses just a fraction of the energy regular light bulb uses.
When your current bulbs burn out, swap them with CFLs, and start calculating your savings.
General Electric has an online calculator that shows you just how much money you can save
by making the switch.
One caveat of the low-energy bulb is that it contains mercury. Even so, CFLs are still your
best bet, according to EPA Energy Star program director Wendy Reed. Coal-fired plants are
the biggest emitters of mercury. Using CFL bulbs means you draw less power from the grid,
which means less coal is burned for electricity. Because of the mercury, take precautions
when disposing of these CFL bulbs. Rather than throwing them in your household trash or
curbside recycling bin, take them to a hazardous waste collection or other special facility.
This story from National Public Radio has a more through discussion of this topic.
8. Air fresheners
Just like cleaning supplies, these are incredibly toxic and can aggravate respiratory problems
like asthma. Even those labeled pure and natural have been found to contain phthalates,
chemicals that cause hormonal abnormalities, reproductive problems and birth defects. Try
simmering cinnamon and cloves to give your home an Ive-spent-the-whole-day-baking
scent, and leave a few windows open to let in fresh air. You might also boil a pot of water on
the stove with a few drops of your favorite essential oil, or use an essential oil burner.
9. Flame Retardants
A common flame retardant that was used in mattressespolybrominated diphenyl ethers
(PBDE)is known to accumulate in blood, breast milk and fatty tissues. This chemical is
linked to liver, thyroid, and neuro-developmental toxicity. According to the Environmental
Working Group, new foam items often do not contain PBDEs, but foam items purchased
before 2005 (like mattresses, mattress pads, couches, easy chairs, pillows, carpet padding),
are likely to contain them. Household furniture often contains flame retardants and stain
repellents that use PBDEs as well as formaldehyde and PFOA (the same chemical used in
non-stick cookware).
If you are in the market for a new mattress or sofa, ask manufacturers what type of flame
retardants they use. Look for products that dont use brominated fire retardants. Organic
Abode sells natural and organic furniture. If youre looking to keep your existing mattress,
but make it safer, use a cover made of organic wool to reduce PBDE exposure. You can find
organic furniture and interior dcor here.
10. Plastic Shopping Bags
Remember: Like diamonds, plastics are forever. Ever heard of the Great Pacific Garbage
Patch? Its a giant mass of plastic twice the size of Texas thats floating 1,000 miles off the
coast of California. In the United States, only two percent of plastic bags are recycled, which
means that the remaining 98 percent is dumped into landfills or blown out to sea. According
to Californians Against Waste, the City of San Francisco, which recently banned plastic
shopping bags, spends 8.5 million dollars annually on plastic bag litter.
The good news is, we can easily decrease our plastic bags use. Bring in your own reusable
cloth bags when you go shopping. If you have kids, ask them to remind you to bring them. Or
keep them in a place by the door where youre most likely to remember them on your way
out.Watch this informative cartoon on your own or with your kids. If is more your
speed, read this.
Hot or Not: The Effect of Hormones on
By: Vicki Santillano (View Profile)
Its said that women are prone to change their minds at the drop of a hat, which may have
some truth to it, at least among many of the ladies in my life (myself included). But if men
had the same surges of hormones month after month that women do, theyd be a little
indecisive, too. Our monthly cycles introduce varying degrees of hormones into our systems
that have an effect on mood, pain (hello, cramps and swollen body parts), and even attraction.
We may have types were drawn toward regularlytall, dark, and handsome, or intensely
pensive artists, for examplebut all that changes with the flip of an estrogen switch.
Depending on our cycle stage, we might go for masculine over sensitive or Mr. Take
Charge over Mr. Nice Guy.
Near Ovulation, Estrogen Likes Testosterone
During a womans monthly cycle, various hormones are released at certain times to prompt
ovulation. These include luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (a steroid/sex hormone thats
part of the estrogen group), and progesterone (another steroid hormone). Throughout the
years, studies have been somewhat contradictory as to what effects these hormones have on
attraction, but as of late, consensus seems to be that they do affect how women see men,
especially near ovulation.
A 2004 study published in the Journal of Sexual Research showed that women have stronger
sexual desire and more sexual fantasies near an oncoming LH release, which happens around
mid-cycle and triggers ovulation. Researchers believed that the large amount of estrogen in
the female system that stimulates the LH surge also increased sexual thoughts. A study
performed at University of California, Santa Barbara concluded similarly, linking estradiol
with a preference for men with higher testosterone levels. It was actually the first of its kind
to directly show that connection between sex hormones. Researchers asked seventy-five
women to rate pictures of men by attractiveness. Both the women and photographed men
gave samples of their saliva to test their hormone levels. The women with higher estradiol
levels liked the faces of men with higher testosterone levels the best.
Hot or Not: The Effect of Hormones on
By: Vicki Santillano (View Profile)

Macho Men vs. Sensitive Souls
Masculine personality traits also become more desirable for women around their ovulation
times. A 2004 study conducted at the University of New Mexico and published in
Psychological Science found that ovulating women are attracted to men who display social
presence and direct competitiveness. When female volunteers were shown videos of men
competing for lunch dates, those in the highly fertile part of their cycles reported being more
interested in the men who were aggressive and confident. However, that was only in short-
term situations; when asked about attractiveness in terms of longer partnerships, they rated
less positively.

Some scientists believe this is related to our natural instincts as a procreative specieswhen
were most fertile, we look for members of the opposite sex who can provide the best genes
(i.e., the strongest, the most symmetrical faces, etc.). But otherwise, supportive figures who
nurture and help out become hotter commodities. British and Japanese researchers found that
to be true in 1999; their findings, which were published in Nature, showed that right before,
during, and after a woman has her periodwhich is also when shes least likely to
conceiveshes more attracted to feminine faces than masculine ones. During ovulation,
women tend to desire macho, robust men, but after that ship sails, women want men theyre
compatible with personality-wise.
So what does all this mean if youre already with someone? Are you as attracted to your mate
if he doesnt fall under the mans man designation? According to one study, it depends.
The aforementioned researchers at the University of Mexico held another study in 2004, this
time to see if women lost interest in their partners during their cycles. Results showed that
attraction levels only dipped during fertile days if their partners were less attractive (or as
they so politely said, had high fluctuating asymmetry) in general. The women who were
with conventionally attractive men (as in those with symmetrical features) were less likely to
be more attracted to men outside of the relationship during ovulation. But overall, the women
participating in the study on average just werent as attracted to their mates when at their
most fertile. Again, this could be because our standards for settling down with someone are
different than who we instinctually recognize as carrying good genetic material.
Its important to note that all of these studies are based on women with regular menstrual
cycles. If youre on birth control, you dont have the same influx of hormones, and therefore
might not experience any differences in attraction levels. But if thats not the case, see if you
notice a surprisingly strong predilection for deep voices, manly smells, male bravado, and
typically masculine features like strong chins and brows as you near ovulation. Studies have
shown increased attraction to all of these characteristics among women in the later stages of
their cycles. Clearly, our hormones like us to mix things up throughout the month and make
life a little spicier. And if they say we should spend a few days fantasizing about super-
masculine guys who might be all wrong for us any other time of the month, who are we to

5 Best Nuts For Heart Health

By Jill Weisenberger, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., Lifescript Nutrition Expert
Not only are nuts great to munch on, they also help your heart, eyes and more.

According to a 2009 Loma Linda University study, women who eat nuts weigh less. They also get
more fiber, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Nut eaters also have higher HDL (good) cholesterol and lower levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of
inflammation in the body.

So which nuts are best? Click the arrow below to find out.
Talk about a super food! A 2009 Harvard analysis found that people who ate walnuts improved
cholesterol levels without gaining weight.

Thats because walnuts are packed with ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid that helps shield the heart.

Walnuts might keep you standing straight too. ALA protects your skeleton by decreasing the rate of
bone breakdown while keeping its formation constant.

How to eat them:
Store shelled walnuts in the refrigerator or freezer unless youre going to use them right away.
Dredge fish or poultry with chopped walnuts and herbs.
Toss walnuts into side dishes, such as rice, quinoa and barley.
Stir walnuts into oatmeal or cold cereal.

Nutrients per ounce (14 walnut halves): 190 calories, 2.5 grams omega-3 fatty acids, 4 grams
protein, 2 grams fiber
Talk about a super food! A 2009 Harvard analysis found that people who ate
walnuts improved cholesterol levels without gaining weight.

Thats because walnuts are packed with ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid that helps shield
the heart.

Walnuts might keep you standing straight too. ALA protects your skeleton by
decreasing the rate of bone breakdown while keeping its formation constant.

How to eat them:
Store shelled walnuts in the refrigerator or freezer unless youre going to use
them right away.
Dredge fish or poultry with chopped walnuts and herbs.
Toss walnuts into side dishes, such as rice, quinoa and barley.
Stir walnuts into oatmeal or cold cereal.

Nutrients per ounce (14 walnut halves): 190 calories, 2.5 grams omega-3 fatty acids, 4
grams protein, 2 grams fiber
Just 23 almonds per day provide one-third of your daily vitamin E dose, and most
Americans dont get enough of this antioxidant, according to the U.S. Dietary

Vitamin E embeds itself into cell membranes, where it protects against damaging free-
radical molecules.

These yummy nuts might even block some of their own calories. A 2007 study published
in the British J ournal of Nutrition, researchers found that almonds fiber blocked
absorption of some of the nuts fat.

How to eat them:

Finely grind almonds in a food processor. Sprinkle them over casseroles as you
would bread crumbs.
Spread almond butter on toast instead of peanut butter.
Add coarsely chopped almonds to your favorite roast chicken or turkey stuffing.

Nutrients per ounce (23 almonds): 160 calories, 20% Daily Value for magnesium, 33%
Daily Value for vitamin E, 6 grams protein, 3 grams fiber
The pistachio is dubbed the skinny nut, because each has only three calories. Plus, if
you shell them, they slow your eating speed and cut consumption.

In a 2009 study, researchers at Eastern Illinois University observed that people ate 35%
fewer calories when their pistachio shells remained in front of them compared to when
shells were discarded.

This green nut also bursts with lutein and zeaxanthin, both relatives of beta-carotene
that may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of
blindness in Americans over 65.

How to eat them:
Stir chopped pistachios into chicken salad.
Mix pistachios, dried fruit and a few dark-chocolate chips to make a delicious,
nutrient-packed trail mix.

Nutrients per ounce (49 pistachios): 160 calories, 25% Daily Value vitamin B6, 94
micrograms beta-carotene, 342 micrograms lutein and zeaxabthin, 6 grams protein, 3
grams fiber
Also known as filberts, hazelnuts have folate, a B vitamin important for preventing
heart disease as well as certain cancers, Alzheimers disease and birth defects. The
nuts also contain arginine, an amino acid that relaxes blood vessels, and blood pressure-
friendly magnesium.

Chicago-based dietitian and certified personal trainer Cathy Leman, M.A., R.D., L.D.,
recommends hazelnuts because they taste like a treat and keep dieters satisfied longer.

My clients feel like theyre eating a really decadent food, she says.

How to eat them:
Choose shelled nuts with tight skins. Store raw nuts in the refrigerator or freezer
for up to four months; roasted hazelnuts last up to two years.
Grind them in a food processor and mix with fresh herbs and olive oil for a
hazelnut pesto.
Stuff ravioli with finely chopped hazelnuts, herbs and reduced-fat cheeses.
Dress up cookies with chopped hazelnuts.

Nutrients per ounce (21 hazelnuts): 180 calories, 12% Daily Value magnesium, 8% Daily
Value folate, 19% Daily Value vitamin E, 4 grams protein, 3 grams fiber
Pecans contain gamma-tocopherol, a heart-healthy type of vitamin E that protects
against unhealthy oxidation of LDL cholesterol in blood, according to a 2006 Loma
Linda University study. Oxidation raises your risk of plaque buildup and heart disease.

How to eat them:
Store shelled pecans in the refrigerator for up to nine months; in the freezer for
as long as two years.
Sprinkle toasted, chopped pecans on green salads and fruit salads.
Mix chopped pecans into your pancake batter.
Just before serving, toss pecans into a couscous or quinoa pilaf.

Nutrients per ounce (19 pecan halves): 200 calories, 7 milligrams gamma-tochopherol, 3
grams protein, 3 grams fiber
Are You Nuts About Nuts?
Oh, the wonderful things that you can do with nuts! Eat them salted, plain, mixed,
covered with chocolate. Or boil, bake, roast, toast or blanche them. But how much do
you really know about nuts?

Take this quiz to find out.

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