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Washington, DC
Talented international program manager and diplomat with over 15 years of experience in:
International relations and foreign communications for major global agencies and governments.
Program leadershi for organi!ations dedicated to driving advancement in relationshi management and
olitical growth in several countries.
"eam leadershi, roviding oversight, direction, and mentorshi for cross#functional teams of ersonnel.
$egotiation on an international olitical stage, heling to shae foreign olic% and local events in emerging
Partnershi with senior leaders and dignitaries to rovide insight and recommendations on matters ertaining
to olic%, culture, communications, comliance, and alliances.
Program &anagement
International Dilomac%
Proosal Develoment
Communications Planning
'lobal 'overnance
"eam &anagement
(genc% ) 'overnment
"alent Develoment
Political Process
+trategic Planning
+takeholder *elations
,udget (dministration
U.S. DEP!T"E#T $% STTE& 'ashington& D.(. ) *lo+al ssignments 1,,-./011
$ational agenc% coordinating all foreign affairs for the government. +taffs over -.,... ersonnel.
(ons2lar Section (hief 3 "onrovia& 4i+eria 5/011./0116
+erved as rimar% liaison with Washington on all matters ertaining to (merican Citi!ens +ervices and
/.+. visas, assorts, certificates of birth abroad, reorts of death abroad, and emergenc% services for
(merican citi!ens in 0iberia. 1versaw adjudication of sensitive cases with senior 0iberian officials.
2nsured e3cetional standards of 4ualit% control for issuance of 5,... immigrant and non#immigrant
visas annuall%. 6e% advisor to the /.+. (mbassador and central resource for consular issues for diverse
/.+. divisions and entities. Provided guidance and coaching to 5 ersonnel to meet the challenges of
ost#conflict 0iberia.
Selected Achievements:
7ull% overhauled the section to imrove unit efficienc%, raise the standard of customer service, and
establish more customer#friendl% hours.
7urther increased internal efficienc% through rocess otimi!ation and reengineering.
23anded the footrint of section outreach rograms throughout 0iberia, including those sanning
visa and (merican Citi!ens +ervices.
*aised the ublic8s ercetion of the consular section to drive ositive change through strengthened
focus on customer service best ractices and introduction of an in#deth staff training and cross#
training rogram.
%ra2d Prevention "anager 3 (aracas& 7ene82ela 5/00,./0116
Directed oerations, strateg%, and olic% for the 7raud Prevention /nit. 0ed lanning and e3ecution of
visa and assort fraud investigation cases, overseeing all asects of unit#wide case tracking and
documentation. 2valuated fraud trends at osts, in the region, and at oints of entr% in order to rovided
udates to the Consul 'eneral and other unit chiefs. 7orged and nurtured relationshis with the
9ene!uelan government and local law enforcement, international embass% officials, travel agencies,
airlines, and /.+. bureaus and divisions. &anaged, trained, and motivated a team of : ersonnel.
&onitored and allocated the rogram budget.
Selected Achievements:
1timi!ed fraud unit e3osure to consular section oerations and enhanced cometencies through
section#wide staff training on fraud detection and revention.
2liminated a fraud ring, resulting in revocation of ;< visa alications and the arrest of susects b%
the 9ene!uelan olice.
DAJ KENDRICK Page 2 240.505.7528
U.S. DEP!T"E#T $% STTE& contin2ed:
+trengthened communications to foster joint investigations with the Deartment of =omeland
+ecurit% >D=+?, leading to a more effective task force caable of eliminating work visa fraud.
(ons2lar $fficer 5/005./0096
Planned, coordinated, and e3ecuted courses on fraud revention management and basic consul general
oerations at the 7oreign +ervice Institute @ as ke% subject matter e3ert and technical resource for
diverse ersonnel, including ;< fraud revention managers distributed across +outh (sia, the Caribbean,
and Canada. Primar% resource for the Diversit% and *eligious Worker visa categories. +uccessfull%
inointed and reorted on fraud trends in the =;, skilled worker visa categor%, leveraging in#deth
research on assort fraud to drive anti#fraud efforts overseas. *eresented the division in
communications with several ke% /.+. agencies.
Selected Achievements:
Pivotal to design, imlementation, and leadershi of an international fraud revention course that
was recogni!ed as the best in the /.+. 7oreign +ervices Consular 1fficers fraud revention training
*ecogni!ed as the to fraud e3ert and liaison for overseas osts in +outh (sia and the Caribbean.
Pioneered the first =;, work visa conference, orchestrating all asects of lanning and e3ecution for
over :. attendees from the D1+, D=+, Deartment of 0abor, and I*+.
Introduced the deartment8s first relationshi fraud conference, sanning -. articiants from ;-
/.+. embassies and D=+.
(ons2lar $fficer 3 #airo+i& :enya 5/001./0056
1versaw 9isa unit oerations, with authorit% over A. ersonnel and a BA million budget. (s (ccountable
Consular 1fficer, defined and uheld guidelines and regulations for collection of consular fees. +creened
6en%an citi!ens and third countr% nationals for immigrant and non#immigrant visa entr% into the /nited
+tates through in#deth interviews. *esonded to re4uests for assistance from (merican citi!ens in
6en%a re4uiring emergenc% and non#emergenc% services.
Selected Achievements:
Defined reviousl% none3istent standard oerating rocedures that significantl% imroved section
+treamlined visa oerations b% creating an online aointment s%stem for visa alicants.
Demonstrated e3cetional sensitivit% and comassion in dealing with an (merican Citi!en +ervice
case involving the famil% of a deceased erson.
Provided e3cetional leadershi during a C#week interim eriod as (cting Consul 'eneral for one of
the largest consular sections in (frica.
2stablished a motivational environment with an oen#door olic% that encouraged emlo%ee
Economic ; (ons2lar $fficer 3 :igali& !wanda 5/001./0016
0ed economic and consular sections, as central oint of contact between the /.+. 2mbass% and the
*wandan &inistries of 7inance, Commerce, and "ransort @ as well as several major rivate sector
businesses in the coffee, tourism, and airline sectors. 2valuated and reorted on all *wandan economic
issues. (dvanced /.+. economic interests in *wanda. &anaged emergenc% and non#emergenc% services
for (merican citi!ens in *wanda.
Selected Achievements:
2levated *wanda to a osition as a member of the (frica 'rowth and 1ortunit% (ct, serving as
lead liaison between the /.+. and *wandan governments. "his enabled sales of *wandan te3tiles in
the /nited +tates.
2ffectivel% mediated a disute between a /.+. tea roducer and the *wandan government as an
advisor, advocate, and dilomat. 'ained consensus from the *wandan government in favor of the
/.+. coman%.
"anagement nalyst& $ffice of 2dits& $ffice of the <nspector *eneral 3 U.S. Department of State
51,,9./0016: +uorted diverse internal rograms at /.+. embassies via rogram evaluations and
erformance audits, with integral contributions to rograms such as law enforcement coordination, the
counter#narcotics rogram in Colombia, and rojects for refugee women. Documented and anal%!ed data,
work aers, and audit reorts. Preared resentations of findings for Congress, foreign governments,
and internal leaders. 0iaised with international audit team members and handled global field work.
DAJ KENDRICK Page 3 240.505.7528
S2mmer <ntern& %oreign Service& Pro=ect Development $ffice 3 U.S. gency for <nternational
Development 51,,-6: Instrumental role in advancement of the /+(ID#funded rural road roject in
Dar 2s +alaam, "an!ania, including working with district engineers to make ke% caacit%
determinations and identif% re4uired materials. Preared detailed reorts for : districts in the Iringa
region of "an!ania.
(iti8ens Services Specialist& $verseas (iti8ens Services& >2rea2 of (ons2lar ffairs 3 U.S.
Department of State 51,,-6: 6e% oint of contact for suort and aid to Consular 1fficers and
(merican citi!ens at (frican osts. 2nsured rovision of emergenc% services and resolution of
issues. &aintained udated Consular Information +heets. 7acilitated evacuation of (merican
citi!ens from (lbania, +ierra 0eone, and the Congo.
Program (oordinator 3 %riendship %orce <nternational 51,,?.1,,@6: 1rchestrated over D.
intercultural e3changes to and from (frica and (sia annuall%, liaising with ke% contacts from C (frican
and < (sian countries to lan overseas cultural e3changes. Provided travel suort and cultural
acclimation for volunteer grou leaders.
"aster of rts in <nternational ffairs
(merican /niversit%, +chool of International +ervice @ Washington, D.C.
>achelor of rts in %rench ; <nternational St2dies
+elman College @ (tlanta, 'eorgia
Additionally studied at the Institut dEtudes Europeennes in Paris, France.
2nglish +anish 7rench
A complete list of honors and awards, including individual and group Meritorious Honor Awards from the
U! "epartment of !tate, is availa#le on re$uest

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