SolidWorks Tutorial Iphone5

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IPhone 5 tutorial

This tutorial was made in Solidworks 2012.

Phones body

1. Open SW and select new part. Use
mm for this tutorial.
Open a sketch in the Front Plane .
Now we will create the body for the iphone.
Create the sketch from the right. Use Center
Rectangle. Fillet the corners with a 8.5mm.
2. Extrude the sketch.

3. Chamfer the outer edge. Both of them, front and back.

4. In the front plane open a new sketch. Select the inner lines of the phones frame and convert to
entities. Extrude the sketch 7.60mm. Direction MID PLANE. Uncheck Merge Result.

5. Fillet the face and the back of the phone with a constant radius of .25.

In Front plane open a new sketch. Now we will create the home button. Create a circle with the following

Exit the sketch and click Split line . Next step is to Dome it. Make sure to Reverse the Direction.

Next step is to create the screen. Click on the front face of the body and open a new sketch . Make the
following sketch and exit the sketch. Next, click on the split line .

Next, click on the front face of the phone and open a new sketch. Where is the home button, make a rectangle
3.85x3.85mm and fillet corners with 0.65mm. Offset the rectangle with 0.40mm in reverse.

Exit the sketch and create a split line . Select the dome as the Face to split.

Next, click of the front face of the phone and open a new sketch . In the upper part of the phone we will
create the speaker, front camera and proximity sensor.
First, the speaker. First I put 2 points and I put the dimensions 10.80mm and 23.88mm (red arrows).

After that I used the Slot tool and I made the slot between the points. I selected the circles and the points
and add the Coincident relation (green arrows). I added the rest of the dimensions, 10.75mm and 2.30mm.
Next we Cut Extrude the sketch.

Next, we will create the front camera. Click on the front face of the iphone and open a new sketch like in the image
below. Exist the sketch and create a split line .
I dont wish to complicate the project more with useless steps so I will just make the camera a split line.

For the proximity sensor I will do the same things like I did for the front camera. Open a new sketch on the front face
of the phone. Create the sketch like in the image below. Make the sketch a split line.

Left side of the Iphone
On the left side of the Iphone we have the ringer switch and the volume up and down
First we will make the ringer switch. Select the point and make 2 points like in the
image on the right. After that create a slot . Select the points and the circles
and make them coincident . Set the dimension 2.52mm.
Cut-Extrude the sketch 0.63mm.

Click inside the cut and open a new sketch. Create the following button. Extrude the sketch with 1.26mm.

Next we will create the volume buttons. First
we will click on the left side of the phone and
create a new sketch. Select the circle and
make 2 circles. Put the dimensions like the
picture on the right.
Extrude the sketch with 0.58mm. Unthick
merge result.
Now we can create the plus and the minus
which are on the buttons.
Click on of the buttons face (for example on
the upper button) and create new sketch.
Inside the button create the plus sign and
inside the other button create the minus sign.
Use the Slot tool . Use some
dimensions to make it look good and even.
Use the Trim Command to cut the
excess lines inside.
Cut Extrude the sketch with 0.1mm.
The result is shown in the picture below.

After I finish the button I use the command Fillet and fillet them with

Right side of the Iphone.
On the right side of the Iphone we have the micro Sim tray. Click on the right side of the phone and create a new
sketch . Make the sketch from the picture below.
Exit the sketch and just make a Split line .
Click on the right side of the phone and make another sketch inside
the microSim tray and Cut-Extrude it. It doesnt matter how big you
are making it, as long is not bigger than the tray.

Top side of the Iphone
On the top side of the phone we have the sleep/wake button.
Click on the top side of the phone and create a new sketch like it is presented in the picture below

Extrude the sketch with 0.58mm. Unthick the Merge Result button.

Back side of the Iphone
On the back side of the Iphone we have the rear camera and the flash. There is also the logo and some text.
I will just focus on the camera, flash and logo. For the rear camera make a sketch on the back side of the phone like
shown in the image below. Exit the sketch and use Split Line.

Click inside the small circle, open a new sketch. Click on the circle command and make another circle 3.15mm. Cut-
Extrude the sketch with 1mm. Inside the new cut open another sketch. Make another circle 2.25mm. Cut-Extrude it
0.50mm. Click inside the cut and press Dome , 0.50mm. The result should look like this,

To create the flash, open a new sketch on the back side of the phone. Make a Circle like the image below. Exist the
sketch and make it a Split Line.

The final step is to make another Split Line on the back of the phone. Open a new sketch and make a rectangle like in
the image below. Exist the Sketch and click on split line .

The bottom side of the Iphone
On the bottom side of the Iphone we have the headphone jack, speaker, mic, lightning charger port,
Lets start with the headphone jack. Click on the bottom of the phone and open a new sketch. Create a circle like in
the image below and extrude it with 15mm. Make a chamfer of 0.275mm.

The mic, I made this in this way. Click on the bottom part of the open and open a new sketch. Make the sketch from
the image below. Put dimensions for the circles in black. After that choose Liniar Pattern to make the other 6
circles. Cut-Extrude the sketch with 2mm.

Click on the bottom of the phone and open a new sketch. Use the dimensions from the picture below.

Exit the sketch and create a split line .
Open a new sketch and create 2 stars. First use the Polygon with 5 sides. Then add the required line and trim
the excess. Extrude the sketch with 0.50mm.

Make another sketch and cut extrude it with 10mm.

For the speaker we open a new sketch at the bottom of the phone like it is shown below.

Cut Extrude the sketch with 5mm.

The final step si to recreate the apple logo. Click on the back of the phone and open a new sketch. Use Spline
tool to recreate the logo. Mine looks like this.

Very important!
Some of the dimensions were chosen by me. You can download the original technical drawing for Iphone 5 from and give it a try without my
The workflow of a project is different from an engineer to another.

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