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NASA Centennial Challenge

Night Rover Challenge: Final Public Comment Rules

February 18, 2013
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Page #
!C"#$N 1: $vervie% 3
!C"#$N 2: &e'initions ( )ssum*tions +
!C"#$N 3: !nergy torage ystem ,
!C"#$N +: Po%er u**ly an- &ra% .
!C"#$N /: Com*etition "rials .
!C"#$N ,: a'ety 11
!C"#$N .: Registration Re0uirements 12
!C"#$N 8: 1u-ging 13
!C"#$N 2: "imeline 1/
!C"#$N 10: )%ar-s, !ligibility, an- &is0uali'ication 1,
)PP!N&#3 ): Potential Phase 2 a%ar- -escri*tion 1.
)PP!N&#3 4: !nergy torage ystem *eci'ications 18
"he ob5ective o' the Night Rover Challenge is to 'oster innovations in energy storage
technology6 *eci'ically, this challenge as7s teams to create an energy storage system that can
*rovi-e the *o%er re0uire- 'or a lunar rover to remain continuously o*erational throughout
multi*le lunar cycles 8one cycle 9 226/ -ays 9 .08 hours: meeting system re0uirements an- a
*o%er *ro'ile *rovi-e- by N))6
Phase # "rials o' the Night Rover Challenge %ill be con-ucte- at ambient tem*erature an-
*ressure con-itions6 Rules an- re0uirements 'or Phase # are -etaile- in this -ocument6
Phase 1 com*etition a%ar-s %ill be *rovi-e- to the teams that meet the minimum system
re0uirements an- score the highest base- on the 5u-ging rubric liste- in section 86 "he 'inal
inter*retation o' all rules is at the -iscretion o' the "echnical Committee6 )ll amen-ments to the
rules %ill be *oste- 'or *ublic comment at least t%o %ee7s *rior to being 'inali;e-6
N)) *lans to con-uct Phase ## "rials at lunar thermal an- *ressure con-itions, a'ter success'ul
-emonstration o' an energy storage system meeting the Phase # "rial re0uirements6 #nitial *lans
'or the Phase 2 com*etition are inclu-e- in )**en-i< ) 'or in'ormational *ur*oses only6
Com*lete rules an- registration re0uirements 'or Phase ## %ill be release- at a later -ate6
16 =unar Night 9 3/+ hours
26 =unar &ay 9 3/+ hours
36 =unar Cycle 9 =unar &ay > =unar Night 9 .08 hours
+6 imulate- olar Panel !''iciency 9 20?
/6 imulate- olar Panel )rea 9 2 s0uare meters
,6 imulate- olar Panel $*erating @oltage 9 1/@&C 8the in*ut voltage to the energy
storage system, base- on Aars Rover -esigns: >BC 061@&C6
.6 imulate- Rover $*erating @oltages 9 1/@&C 8the out*ut voltage 'rom the energy
storage system, base- on Aars Rover -esigns: >BC 061@&C6
86 !nergy torage ystem 8!: 9 all *arts, *ieces, an- com*onents necessary to
success'ully an- sa'ely store energy 'rom the simulate- solar *anels an- -eliver *o%er to
the simulate- rover o*erations brea7out bo<6 Com*onents inclu-e- in the !nergy torage
ystem begin %ith an- inclu-e the *igtail connector to the *o%er su**ly an- en- %ith
an- inclu-e the *igtail connector to the brea7out bo< creating the *o%er -ra%6 "his
inclu-es a Cat / !thernet Connector 'or healthBstatus monitoring as -escribe- in ection
,6 "his also inclu-es all com*onents containe- %ithin an imaginary bo< meeting the
volume re0uirement in ection 3626
26 ! etting an- Aounts 9 Aounts o' test units shall be accom*lishe- by a 'ourCleg boltC
-o%n using angle iron to be -e'ine- by the team an- 'acility managers6 Aounts %ill not
be inclu-e- in the system %eight6
106 olar !nergy Pro'ile 9 the amount o' energy *rovi-e- to the energy storage system 'rom
the simulate- solar *anel *o%er 'or charging the energy storage system6 "his is ;ero
%atts -uring the lunar night an- variable -uring the lunar -ay base- on the sun angle
8time o' -ay:6 "he rules are base- u*on a 20? e''iciency o' the simulate- 2 s0uare meter
area solar *anels creating a solar energy *ro'ile -uring the -aytime 'ollo%ing the gra*h
belo% 8nighttime solar energy is al%ays e0ual to ;ero::
116 Po%er =oa- Pro'ile 9 a variable *o%er -ra% %ill be re0uire- over the course o' the
com*etition trials to simulate the -i''erent o*erational mo-es o' a lunar rover6 "his *o%er
*ro'ile %ill 'ollo% a , hour re*eating cycle averaging 8/D throughout the lunar -ay an-
3 hours E 120 %atts 9 3,0 %attChr Communications an- Roving
3 hours E /0 %atts 9 1/0 %attChr Communications an- cience
"eams shoul- note that this *o%er *ro'ile -oes N$" inclu-e any *o%er loss -ue to
ine''iciencies in their system, or *o%er re0uire- 'or thermal control o' their system6 "he
Po%er loa- must be -elivere- as an out*ut to the com*etition measurement sensors6
126 )ll electrical com*onents inclu-ing the storage an- energy management system are to be
electrically isolate- or 'loating 'rom its su**ort 'rame6
Test Time (hours)
Night Rover Daytime Solar Energy vs. Time
For 2 M
20% Efficient Collector



0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Repeating Power Load Proi!e
(irst 24 hours)
361 &isallo%e- "echnologies C ince a *rimary goal o' this com*etition is to -evelo* *rocesses an-
technologies that coul- be im*lemente- in a lunar environment, the energy storage system shall not
em*loy 'un-amental *hysical *rocesses, technologies, gases, 'lui-s, or consumables that %oul- not
'unction in the lunar environment6 )ny teams using *hysical *rocesses re0uiring !arthCli7e con-itions
must *rovi-e to the 5u-ges their o%n corroborate- evi-ence that they have a sel'Ccontaine- system that
coul- be o*erate- in a lunar environment6 *eci'ically -isallo%e- technologies inclu-e anything that
cannot be sel'Ccontaine- to o*erate in the lunar environment inclu-ing:
16 ensors that rely on the earthFs magnetic 'iel-
26 Gltrasonic or other soun-Cbase- sensors
36 !arthCbase- or earth orbitCbase- ra-io ai-s
+6 $*en circuit *neumatics
/6 )irCbreathing systems
,6 Class 1, 3, +, /, ,, or . ha;ar-ous materials are *rohibite-6
.6 Com*onents that outgas at H 062 stan-ar- liters *er minute 8=PA:6 #' the system outgases at
higher rates than this, they %ill be -is0uali'ie-6
86 )ll nuclear energy storage systems are not allo%e-6
362 !nergy torage ystem Re0uirements
16 Aust have a mass o' no more than 10060 7ilograms6
26 Aust have a volume o' no more than 160 cubic meter, %ith a ma<imum o' 260 meter
length in any -irection6
36 Aust *rovi-e a , 'oot cable *igtail in*ut connector to receive *o%er 'rom the simulate-
solar *anels meeting the voltage liste- in ection 26
+6 Aust *rovi-e a , 'oot cable *igtail out*ut connector to allo% 'or connection o' the Po%er
loa- brea7out bo< *rovi-e- by the Night Rover management6
/6 Aust *rovi-e a Cat / !thernet connector 'or health status monitoring6
,6 Aust *rovi-e thermocou*le *igtails 8ty*e ": to inter'ace to the 'acility monitoring system
'or any sa'ety re0uire- tem*erature, an- 1B+ inch %ageloc7 @CR 8or e0uivalent: 'itting
'or any sa'ety re0uire- measurement6 "he 'acility %ill *rovi-e necessary trans-ucers6
)--itional s*eci'ie- connectors %ill be -e'ine- in-ivi-ually %ith each team through
revie% o' the registration *ac7et6
.6 Aust *rovi-e a**ro*riately si;e- %ageloc7 @CR 8or e0uivalent: vent connections i'
system %ill outgas into the test 'acility6 Re0uire- connections %ill be -e'ine- through
revie% o' the teamIs registration *ac7et6
86 Aust be in-e*en-ently %eighable accor-ing to re0uirements in ection 26
26 Aust not use any -isallo%e- technologies liste- above in 361
106 Aust com*ly %ith all sa'ety re0uirements liste- in ection ,6
SECTION (: $OWER S"$$)' ! )OAD
+61 Po%er u**ly J "he *o%er su**ly %ill simulate a 2 s0uare meter solar *anel at 20? e''iciency as
state- in ection 2 #116 "he *o%er %ill be *rovi-e- to the energy storage system using the simulate-
solar *anel o*erating voltage s*eci'ie- in ection 2 #,6 "he system %ill be connecte- to the *o%er su**ly
through a , 'oot cable %ith a *igtail connection to the 'acility6
+62 Po%er =oa- J "he energy storage system %ill be sub5ect to a variable Po%er =oa- as -e'ine- in
ection 2 #116 "he energy storage system must -eliver the *o%er at the voltage s*eci'ie- in ection 2 #.6
"he system %ill be connecte- to the *o%er loa- through a , 'oot cable %ith a *igtail connection to the
/61 $vervie%
"he Phase 1 Com*etition "rials %ill be run over t%o lunar cycles 8.08 hours or 226/ -ays *er
cycle: at ambient tem*erature an- *ressure o' the com*etition 'acility6 )n a--itional Phase 2
Com*etition %ill be con-ucte- at a 'uture, yet to be -etermine- -ate to test ho% %ell energy
storage systems coul- o*erate in lunar environmental con-itions 8lo% tem*erature an- lo%
*ressure:6 &etails o' the Phase 2 com*etition %ill be *rovi-e- at a later -ate6
/62 Facilities
Com*etition trials %ill be con-ucte- at N))Is Klenn Research Center 8KRC: Plumbroo7 tation locate-
in an-us7y, $hio6 )ll systems must be -elivere- to the Plumbroo7 tation6 !ligible systems %ill be
house- in one, access controlle- testing 'acility at Plumbroo7 tation6 "he 'acility %ill *rovi-e a--itional
sa'ety barriers or e0ui*ment to *rotect each teamIs storage system, *ersonnel, an- the 'acility itsel', 'rom
-amage -ue to 'ailure o' any system throughout the trial6 Lo%ever, the team %ill be re0uire- to *rovi-e
the sa'ety e0ui*ment i-enti'ie- an- agree- u*on in the acce*te- registration *ac7et6
/63 PreCtrial Com*liance Revie%
"he "echnical Committee %ill con-uct a 'inal com*liance revie% *rior to the start o' the trials6
)ll systems must be 5u-ge- 'avorably in this com*liance revie% to be eligible to com*ete in the
"echnical Committee members %ill %or7 %ith the team members to veri'y com*liance to the
rules an- that all sa'ety *roce-ures note- in the teams Registration Pac7et have been 'ollo%e-6
!ach team is res*onsible 'or han-ling their energy storage system at all times -uring the setu* o'
the trials6 "he NRC management an- Klenn Research Center sta'' %ill only interact %ith the
system to install it in the test 'acility an- ma7e necessary measurements6 "he team is res*onsible
'or ensuring that all systems are *ro*erly connecte-6
"o be eligible to com*ete in the trial, teams must receive a 'avorable revie% on the 'ollo%ing
items *rior to beginning the trial:
16 Registration Pac7et: teams must have com*lete- all registration materials liste- in ection .,
an- receive- a 'avorable revie% on the registration *ac7et 'rom the "echnical Committee6
"eams must have all sa'ety materials an- *ersonnel -escribe- in their registration *ac7et
*resent at Plumbroo7 station an- be available to setu* their system at the start o' the trial6
)ny changes to the -ocuments must be *rovi-e- to an- acce*te- by the "echnical Committee
in a-vance o' the "rials6 "eams may be -is0uali'ie- i' any materials, sa'ety e0ui*ment, or
*ersonnel -escribe- in their acce*te- registration *ac7et are not *resent 'or the trial setu*6
)--itional team members not re0uire- 'or the trials are allo%e-, but must be inclu-e- an-
s*eci'ie- as such in the registration *ac7et6
26 Criteria @ali-ation: teams %ill have their energy storage system evaluate- by the "echnical
Committee to ensure com*liance %ith all re0uirements inclu-ing materials use-, mass
restrictions, volume restrictions, *hysical -imensions, an- use o' restricte- technologies6
"eams %ill be -is0uali'ie- i' any restrictions 'rom the con-itions *rovi-e- in these rules are
36 Partici*ation: teams must have at least 1 member *resent at the start o' the trial to
ensure *ro*er connection to the *o%er su**ly an- *o%er -ra% systems6
/6+ Phase 1 Com*etition "rial Proce-ures
16 "eams must -eliver their energy storage system, an- all re0uire- sa'ety e0ui*ment to the trial
location at least + -ays *rior to the start -ate o' the trial 8"C+:6 8hi**ing ( -elivery -etails %ill
be *rovi-e- to the team u*on being acce*te- into the trials6:
26 "he -ay 'ollo%ing the -elivery o' the energy storage systems 8"C3: the "echnical Committee
8"C: %ill host a 5oint orientation session 'or all teams6 Follo%ing the orientation, "C members
%ill begin testing energy storage systems 'or their com*liance revie%6 &uring the com*liance
revie%, all systems %ill be %eighe- an- chec7 'or sa'ety systems as note- in the teams
registration *ac7et6 )'ter each teamIs system has been revie%e-, the "C members %ill
accom*any the team in connecting their system to the *o%er su**ly an- -ra%6
36 )'ter all teams have been connecte- to the *o%er su**ly an- -ra% by a team member,
the trial 'acility %ill con-uct a test run o' all systems 8"C2:6 &uring this test run teams
%ill assess the *er'ormance o' their system an- u*on com*letion o' the test, teams %ill be
able to a-5ust their system to ensure *ro*er connections an- monitoring sensors are
o*erational6 "his test run %ill inclu-e:
8a: a , hour charge at lunar noon con-itions,
8b: a , hour loa- *erio- 'ollo%ing the *o%er loa- *ro'ile outline- in ection 26
8c: a one an- a hal' -ay revie% an- u*-ate *erio- 'or teams to a-5ust their systems6
+6 )'ter the test run an- system a-5ustments, systems shall be -ischarge- to a minimum
o*erating con-ition o' 1/@ an- 363)6 )ll systems %ill then be consi-ere- in im*oun-
%ith no 'urther team access allo%e- 8"C1:6
"he 'igure above notes the trial *erio- 'rom ">0 until the en- o' the t%o lunar cycles 8">,0:
/6 )t the start o' the trial 8">0:, *o%er su**lies an- *o%er -ra%s to all energy storage systems %ill
be turne- on at the same time6 "he trial %ill begin at lunar sunrise an- conclu-e at the en- o' the
secon- lunar night6 "he *o%er loa- *ro'ile %ill begin at the 'irst lunar noon so that the 'irst lunar
*erio- o' -aytime 8sunrise to noon: %ill be use- to charge the systems %ith no *o%er loa-6 )t the
'irst lunar noon, the *o%er -ra% *ro'ile %ill begin6
,6 )'ter the trial has begun systems %ill be monitore- remotely via the #nternet6 Aonitoring %ill be
con-ucte- an- logge- by the Night Rover 1u-ging *anel, but %ill also be available to each team
through the NRC %ebsite6 "he in'ormation ma-e available to the *ublic %ill inclu-e the in*ut
currentBvoltage *rovi-e- to each system an- the -elivere- out*ut *o%er *rovi-e- 'rom the
.6 )t the en- o' the trial 8">,0:, the energy storage systems %ill be -ischarge- to 'ull
-e*letion, i6e6 to the *oint %here the system can no longer meet the *o%er -eman-
outline- in ection 2 'or the =unar Night6 "his 'ull -e*letion -ischarge shall establish the
total energy content o' the system6 "he total energy content is measure- 'rom the
beginning o' the secon- lunar cycle, to the *oint o' 'ull -e*letion an- this shall be the
value use- in assessing the s*eci'ic energy 8DattChrB7g: o' the system 'or the *ri;e tiers
as %ell as the total energy content o' the system 'or 5u-ging *ur*oses in the %eighte-
scoring criteria o' ection 8: 1u-ging6 )t the com*letion o' this -ischarge, all *o%er
su**lies an- -ra%s %ill be shut -o%n, an- teams %ill be allo%e- to enter the im*oun-
86 For the *ur*ose o' this com*etition, the total energy ca*acity %ill be consi-ere- com*lete
at the *oint %here the system can no longer *rovi-e the *o%er *ro'ile6
26 Follo%ing the closing o' the trial 8">,0:, the "echnical Committee %ill revie% total
energy out*uts an- host a recognition ceremony to announce Phase 1 results6
106 "eams must return to the Plumbroo7 tation a minimum o' 1 -ay be'ore the recognition
ceremony to su**ort the removal o' their systems an- *re*are 'or the ceremony6
/6, Failures an- Petitions to Resume "rials
$nce the trial has begun, the teams %ill not be able to interact %ith their system in any %ay, or
restart the trial 'or any reason6 #' a unit 'ails, it %ill be isolate- in-ivi-ually 'rom the *o%er
sources an- loa-s *rovi-ing no other units %ere -amage- -ue to the 'ailure6 #' other units %ere
com*romise- as a result o' the 'ailure 'rom another unit, then the trial %oul- be sus*en-e- to
allo% 'or ins*ection an- re*airs6 "he Night Rover Challenge management %oul- then -etermine
%hen the trial is to be restarte-6 "he Night Rover Challenge management %ill %or7 %ith teams
to ensure that all materials are *ro*erly setu* *rior to the challenge, but it is the teamsI
res*onsibility to ensure their system is rea-y 'or o*erations6
!ach team %ill un-ergo t%o sa'ety revie%s to be eligible 'or the com*etition trials 8registration
revie%, an- 'inal com*liance revie%:6 "o receive 'avorable revie%s, the team must *rovi-e
sa'ety *roce-ures an- ha;ar-s analysis %ith mitigations an- countermeasures 'or the setu*,
o*eration an- removal o' their energy storage system inclu-ing the *o%er su**ly an- *o%er
-ra% connections6
,61 Registration Revie%
"eams must com*lete a registration *ac7et as -e'ine- belo% in ection .6 "he "echnical
Committee %ill revie% this registration *ac7et to see that a**ro*riate sa'ety measures are
inclu-e- in their trial *roce-ures6 "his *ac7et must be submitte- be'ore the 'inal registration
-ea-line cite- in ection 26
,62 Com*liance Revie%
Prior to the trial, each team %ill revie% their system an- *roce-ures %ith the "echnical
Committee as outline- in the trial *roce-ures in ection /6 "eams must -emonstrate all sa'ety
*roce-ures an- e0ui*ment to *rotect team members an- 5u-ges, an- shiel- other energy storage
systems 'rom harm -uring the -uration o' the trials6 a'ety *roce-ures must inclu-e a**ro*riate
sensors to monitor the system to see i' it is a**roaching a -angerous 'ailure state6 )ny a**licable
systems must inclu-e overcharge an- -ischarge *rotection6
,63 "rial a'ety
#n the event that there is a 'ailure o' a system that coul- en-anger other energy storage systems
8such as e<treme overheating:, the managers at Plumbroo7 tation %ill shut -o%n that system6 #n
the teamFs Registration Pac7et, the team an- "echnical Committee %ill agree u*on critical
shut-o%n con-itions6
a'ety an- system status monitors %ill be im*lemente- %ith remote access ca*abilities via Cat /
!thernet connection as outline- in ection 36 )--itional a'ety re0uirements inclu-e:
16 "he teams shall -evelo* an- *rovi-e a ha;ar-s analysis to -e'ine *o%er su**ly an- -ra% unit
ha;ar-s as %ell as mitigations an- countermeasures 'or these ha;ar-s6 "he teams shall also
*rovi-e har-%are that %ill sa'eguar- the unit 'rom -amaging other units or *ersonnel in the event
o' a catastro*hic 'ailure6
26 "he test 'acility %ill *rovi-e electrical isolation s%itches an- 'using that %ill isolate the
*o%er su**ly an- -ra% in case o' over current or ha;ar-ous con-itions6
36 "he 'acility shall monitor the charge an- -ischarge cycles an- *rovi-e e0ui*ment an-
loa-s to con-uct this monitoring e''ort6
+6 "he 'acility %ill *rovi-e a server 'or test team remote access o' the recor-e- charge an-
-ischarge -ata6
/6 "he 'acility %ill *rovi-e a Cat / connector to *rovi-e access to the teamFs health monitor
"o be eligible 'or the com*etition trials an- 'inal a%ar-s, each team must com*lete the
16 ign, an- submit the "eam )greement by the registration -ea-line6
26 ubmit the registration 'ee by the registration -ea-line 8M3000 early registration, M/000
regular registration:6
36 Com*lete, sign, an- submit the Registration Pac7et inclu-ing:
a6 !nergy torage ystem -escri*tion J e<*lain 81: the general storage system
o*erations inclu-ing all *hysical *rocesses, 82: e<*ecte- storage ca*abilities, an- 83:
a Aaterial a'ety &ata heet 'or all materials inclu-ing the *hysical -escri*tion o' all
materials use-, their e<*ecte- mass, volume, an- -imensions6
b6 a'ety Proce-ures 'or ambient tem*erature *rototy*e trial J e<*lain any *ossible
sa'ety concerns an- *roce-ures use- to mitigate them6 a'ety *roce-ures must
inclu-e ha;ar-s analysis %ith mitigations an- countermeasures, sa'ety 'or all
in-ivi-uals %ho interact %ith the energy storage system as %ell as *rotecting any
other energy storage systems 'rom harm cause- by the teamIs system6 "he team must
inclu-e -ocumentation 'or access an- status inter*retation o' -ata your system %ill
Registration Pac7et revie%s %ill be com*lete- %ithin one month o' being submitte-6 #' the team
is not given a 'avorable 5u-gment by the revie% committee, the team %ill be able to revise an-
resubmit the *ac7et anytime be'ore the registration -ea-line6 "eams shall not receive a 'avorable
revie% i' the "echnical Committee -oes not have a-e0uate in'ormation on the o*erations o' the
system, or sa'ety *roce-ures6 )'ter the 'inal registration -ea-line, no 'urther re0uests to
*artici*ate %ill be allo%e-6
"eams %ill be 5u-ge- on a combination o' technical metrics inclu-ing system mass, volume, an-
total energy content6 "eams must sustain the energy -ra% re0uire- to meet the *o%er *ro'iles
liste- in ection 2 throughout the trial to be eligible 'or an a%ar-6 "he teams meeting these
criteria %ith the highest scores base- on the rubric belo% %ill be the %inners o' the a%ar-s6
Criteria Deighting:
Criteria Range Normali;e- Range
"otal !nergy torage ystem
10060 to 0 7g 0 to ,0
"otal !nergy torage ystem
160 to 0 cubic meter 0 to 20
"otal !nergy Content 30,00060 to /0,00060
0 to 20
#n other %or-s:
16 "otal !nergy torage ystem Aass : 'or each /607g belo% 100607g, the team receives 3*oints6
26 "otal !nergy torage ystem @olume : 'or each 060/ cubic meters belo% 1600 cubic meter the
team receives 1 *oint
36 "otal !nergy Content : 'or each 1,00060 DattChrs above 30,00060 total DattChrs, the team receives
1 *oint u* to a ma<imum o' 20 *oints6
Normali;e- score e0uivalents:
ystem Aass:
10060 7g 9 0 *oints
.262 J ./60 7g 9 1/ *oints
/+62 J /060 7g 9 30 *oints
2262 J 2/60 7g 9 +/ *oints
+62 J 060 7g 9 ,0 *oints
ystem @olume:
1600 cubic meter 9 0 *oints
6.22 J 06./ cubic meters 9 / *oints
6/+2 J 06/0 cubic meters 9 10 *oints
6222 J 062/ cubic meters 9 1/ *oints
060 cubic meters 9 20 *oints
"otal !nergy Content
30,000 Dh 9 0 *oints
H3/,00060 Dh 9 / *oints
H+0,00060 Dh 9 10 *oints
H+/,00060 Dh 9 1/ *oints
H/0,00060 Dh 9 20 *oints
!<am*le 1:
) +20 DattChrB7g energy storage system that has energy content o' +2,000 Dh, a %eight o' 100
7g, an- a volume o' 1 cubic meter, the 'ollo%ing score %oul- result:
Normali;e- Aass 9 0
Normali;e- @olume 9 0
Normali;e- !nergy Content 9 12
Final core 9 0 > 0 > 12 9 12
!<am*le 2:
) 1000 DattChrB7g energy storage system that has a total energy content o' /0,000 %h, a %eight
o' /07g, an- a volume o' 06/ cubic meters, the 'ollo%ing score %oul- result:
Normali;e- Aass 9 30
Normali;e- @olume 9 10
Normali;e- !nergy Content 9 20
Final core 9 30 > 10 > 20 9 ,0
"ie 4rea7ing o' !0ual Final cores:
#n the event t%o or more teams have the same highest 'inal score base- on the %eighte- scoring
e0uation, the %inner %ill be the team %ith the lo%est mass6 #n the event they have e0ual mass,
the %inner %ill be the team %ith the smallest volume6 #n the event that teams have e0ual %eight
an- volume, the team %ith the highest energy content %ill be the %inner6
1. Final Rules Release- Aonth 1 8February 2013:
2. Registration $*ens Aonth 2 8Aarch 2013:
3. !arly Registration Closes Aonth . 8Ai-night P", 1uly 2,, 2013:
4. Regular Registration Closes Aonth 10 8Ai-night P", $ctober 2/, 2013:
5. Final =ist o' Com*eting "eams )nnounce- Aonth 12 8&ecember 1, 2013:
6. !nergy ystems &elivere- to Phase 1 "rials Aonth 13 81anuary 20, 201+: 8"C+:
7. Com*liance Revie%s ( "eam Dor7sho*s Aonth 13 81anuary 21, 201+: 8"C3:
8. "rial "est Run Aonth 13 81anuary 22, 201+ 8"C2:
9. ystem )-5ustments Aonth 13 81anuary 23C2+, 201+ 8"C1 to ">0:
10. "rial 4egins Aonth 13 81anuary 2+ evening, 201+: 8">0:
11. "rial Conclu-es Aonth 1/ 8Aarch 2+, 201+: 8">,0:
12. !nergy ystem &ra% &o%n 4egins Aonth 1/ 8Aarch 2+, 201+:
13. 1u-ges Revie% ( Recognition Ceremony Aonth 1, 8)*ril +, 201+:
14. Cleantech $*en Klobal Recognition Ceremony Aonth 23 8Nov 201+:
1061 !ligibility to Com*ete
"eam eligibility re0uirements are -escribe- in the "eam )greement6 #' teams meet the eligibility
re0uirements in the "eam )greement, they must also com*lete these milestones to *artici*ate in
the com*etition trials:
16 Receive a 'avorable revie% on the registration *ac7et6
26 Receive a 'avorable revie% on the com*liance revie% *rior to the trial6
1062 )%ar-s
16 )ll a%ar-s %ill be announce- at the ceremony 'ollo%ing the trial6 "eams must have at
least one member 8or a -esignate- re*resentative: atten- the a%ar- ceremony to receive
the a%ar-6
26 Phase 1 Com*etition )%ar-s: three levels o' a%ar-s %ill be *ossibleN:
=evel 1: greater than 300 DattChrB7g C 81
*lace M/00OP 2
*lace M100OP 3
*lace M/0O:NN
=evel 2: greater than +00 DattChrB7g C 81
*lace M./0OP 2
*lace M200OP 3
*lace M100O:
=evel 3: greater than /00 DattChrB7g C 81
*lace M1,000OP 2
*lace M300OP 3
*lace M200O:
N "he =evels 'or a%ar-sI s*eci'ic energy 8DattChrB7g: threshol-s are roun-e- to the nearest
hun-re- an- inten-e- to establish the *ri;e tier range only6 "he energy storage system AG"
*rovi-e enough energy to meet the re0uire- *o%er -ra% *ro'ile throughout all re0uire- lunar
cycles, regar-less o' the energy storage systemFs s*eci'ic energy 8DattChrB7g:6 For e<am*le, a
+00 DattChrB7g system that is un-ersi;e- %ill not have su''icient energy to meet the *o%er -ra%
*ro'ile over the com*lete lunar night, an- there'ore %ill not be eligible 'or any a%ar-6
NN=o%er level a%ar-s %ill $N=Q be available i' no teams reach a higher level6 #' one team achieves
greater than /00 DattChrB7g, only 1
, 2
, an- 3
*lace 'or =evel 3 0uali'ie- teams %ill be available6 #' no
teams achieve =evel 3, then level 2 a%ar-s %ill be *rovi-e- to eligible 1
, 2
, an- 3
*laces 'or that level6
#' no teams achieve =evel 2, then 1
, 2
, an- 3
*lace a%ar-s %ill be available 'or =evel 16
#n the event that more than one team meets the re0uirements 'or their level, the teamFs energy storage
systems %ill be ran7e- accor-ing to the %eighte- scoring criteria in ection 8, 1u-ging6
1063 &is0uali'ication
&is0uali'ication o' a team %ill be con-ucte- by revie% o' the 'ull 5u-ging *anel, an- %ill only be
acte- u*on i' a ma5ority vote 8greater than /0?: o' the 5u-ges -eems the teamIs system to have
'aile- to meet one or more o' the re0uirements set 'orth in this rules -ocument or the "eam
)greement6 "eams can be -is0uali'ie- at any *oint -uring the *rocess o' the com*etition6
N$"! J this a**en-i< is 'or in'ormational *ur*oses only an- is not to be consi-ere- o''icial
rules 'or the Phase 2 com*etition6 $''icial rules an- timeline 'or the Phase 2 com*etition %ill be
*rovi-e- at a 'uture -ate6 Partici*ation in Phase 2 is not re0uire- to com*ete or %in the *hase 1
#n a--ition to the Night Rover ChallengeIs Phase 1 com*etition, N)) *lans to create an
a--itional com*etition to 'urther test energy storage systems in lunar con-itions6 "his has not yet
been a**rove- by N)) an- %ill only be con-ucte- u*on success'ul internal revie% by N))
#t is the goal o' this com*etition to i-enti'y energy storage systems that can *er'orm the best
un-er lunar con-itions6 "he Phase ## )%ar-s %ill be *rovi-e- on a bestCtoC*er'orm basis, rather
than meeting s*eci'ic energy targets6
Com*etition !nvironmental Con-itions6
16 "em*erature 9 C1.. -eg Celsius is the minimum the test chamber %ill reach at the
simulate- lunar night time an- a ma<imum tem*erature at =unar noon o' 2/C6 8Note this
is not the actual lunar tem*erature, but is use- in this trial because o' the 'acility
limitationsP thermal management technologies e<ist to -issi*ate the higher heat loa-, an-
energy storage systems %ill not be re0uire- to o*erate at higher tem*eratures:6
26 Pressure 9 R10SC+ "orr
Com*etition "rial Proce-ures:
16 "em*erature test J the 'irst *art o' this com*etition %ill bring the energy storage systems
-o%n to the lo% tem*erature6 !nergy torage ystems that are able to o*erate un-er this
con-ition %ill be able to continue to the secon- *art o' the "rial6
26 @acuum test J the energy storage systems that success'ully *ass the lo% tem*erature test
%ill be ta7en into a vacuum chamber an- %ill be sub5ect to both lo% tem*erature an- lo%
*ressure con-itions6 "he teams that *er'orm the best 8above a *re-e'ine- baseline: %ill be
a%ar-e- the com*etition *ri;es6
"he Phase ## com*etition %ill be hel- at the same test 'acility use- 'or the Phase # com*etition6
)ny energy storage system that -i- not success'ully com*lete or *artici*ate in the Phase # trials
%ill be sub5ect to Phase # testing *rior to Phase ## testing6
Energy Storage Sy6te7 Spe8i9i8ation6
Aa< Deight 100607g
Aa< @olume 160 cubic meter
Aa<imum =ength 260m
Cycle =i'e 2 cycles 8.08hrs each:, 2/
Calen-ar =i'e Not restricte-
Cell Chemistry Not restricte-
Number o' CellsBAo-ules Fle<ible
&ata #nter'aces Cat / ethernet connector,
4A C C)N 4us 8system must connect to 'acilty monitors by Cat /
ethernet connector:
C 4A %ill -etect *roblems an- isolate the test article as
outline- in the acce*te- registration *ac7et 'rom the team6
!lectrical #nter'ace , 'oot *igtail in*ut ( out*ut connectors
"hermal #nter'ace thermocou*le *igtails 8ty*e ":,
@enting 1B+ inch %ageloc7 @CR an- connectors
@oltage range 1/ >BC 061 @&C
Gsable !nergy 30602 7Dh at 2/
C, 4$= to !$=
!nergy &ensity 8Pac7 =evel: =evel 1 H 300%hB7g
=evel 2 H +00%hB7g
=evel 3 H /00%hB7g
"em*erature o' o*eration 1/ to 2/
Leating B Cooling Aust be *rovi-e- by the team an- are consi-ere- *art o' the
system mass6 No e<ternal heatingBcooling is allo%e-6
Aa< *ea7 -ischarge *o%er 120D 'or 3 hour
Aa< *ea7 charge *o%er /,+ D
Po%er -uration 1+ -aysBcycle
a'ety C T) am*leU *rototy*e 0uali'ie- 'or 2 lunar cycles6
C Facility inclu-es isolation contactorsB-isconnects6
C "eam must *rovi-e monitoring -ata service -isconnects
C no 'ireBno e<*losions -uring trials or storage
=iability M1,000,000 insurance *olicy
!nvironmental Restrictions C ensors that rely on the earthFs magnetic 'iel-
C Gltrasonic or other soun-Cbase- sensors
C !arthCbase- or earth orbitCbase- ra-io ai-s
C $*en circuit *neumatics
C )irCbreathing systems
C Class 1, 3, +, /, ,, or . ha;ar-ous materials
C $utgasing at H 062 stan-ar- liters *er minute 8=PA:6
C Nuclear energy storage systems
"otal Po%er Aeasurements C Facility %ill recor- voltages, currents, an- *o%er -elivere-
o' *o%er su**ly an- loa-6

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