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9n France, t,o Pears a"ter the elections

o" Franois Hollande, the situation has

ecome ,orse% bhose xho voted $or the
le$t to get rid o$ Sarkozy e5pected
progressive changes. )nstead, they are
nox su$$ering $rom the e$$ects o$ the
governmentAs economic, social and
ecological policies xhich are hardly
di$$erent $rom those o$ the past.
Ahe results o" the municipal and
0uropean elections have chan$ed the
political "ield% 9ominating Manuel alls
as !rime Minister a$ter having received a
massive disapproval o$ voters, &ollande
has sent a clear message( he xill not
change his position. &e is determined to
pursue and implement, by all means
possible, the policy o$ the pro employers
o$$er that he has committed. bhe hope o$
those xho voted $or %ran#ois &ollande in
May ./0. and the e5pectations $rom the
government o$ le$t didn+t coincide. bhe
evolution o$ this political situation xill
cause multiple e$$ects in $uture. bhe $irst
symptoms developed both by the return o$
collective mobilizations o$ social sectors
against liberal re$orms and the xeakening
o$ the parliamentary ma6ority.
yhile the rest o$ society is e5periencing
the e$$ects o$ capitalist crisis, the
employers and $inancial markets are
pursuing their o$$ensive to obtain more
sackings and $exer public services.
Ahe (onservative and "ar-ri$ht parties
have dropped their inhiitions% A$ter
campaigning against equal marriage they
are nox, in an attempt to de$lect popular
anger, mobilising against ta5ation,
charges on employers and laxs protecting
xorkers, alxays looking $or scapegoats
among the Asocial scroungersA and the
8acist language is becoming more
common, as 8oma people are stigmatised
and colonial images o$ black people and
Arabs 7 xhether they are government
ministers ^as in the case o$ 6ustice minister
2hristiane baubira_ or ordinary citizens 7
are no longer taboo. !roductivist lobbies
continue to get their xay, as the
government treats environmental policies
as the least o$ its priorities, pursues
e5pensive and socially unnecessary
pro6ects such as the 9otre73ame7des7
-andes airport and re$uses to commit itsel$
to abandoning dependence on carbon7
based $uels and nuclear poxer.
5 dan$erous political con"usion is
developin$% bhe government is seen as
illegitimate on the le$t, and a ma6or political
crisis could break out. A huge gul$
separates popular aspirations $or change
$rom the operation o$ the present political
system. bo prevent right7xing and $ar7right
parties $rom entering the breach and
spreading their reactionary ideas xe must
$ind a xay to galvanise the xorking7class
movement and the general population.
Ahe aspirations to a more e#uitale,
more e$alitarian, more eco and more
democratic societP are still a poxer$ul
driving $orce $or numerous resistance
movements amongst xorkers and young
people and must be alloxed to develop
$reely i$ xe xant to gain the upper hand.
Ahe next ,eeQs a"ter the 0uropean
elections ,ere marQed P t,o social
con"licts that have massively occupied
the current events( the $ight o$ the railxay
xorkers o$ S92% against the re$orm that
strengthens its $ragmentation into several
entities and the mobilization o$ casual
xorkers against the approval o$ an
agreement xhich questioned their social
rights. )n spite o$ the signi$icant di$$iculties,
these txo con$licts marked the return to
collective mobilization as a means to
de$end themselves against the social
degradation. Somehox, the struggle o$
midxives, started in wanuary7%ebruary
./0;, indicated the change in social
climate. bhe groxing e5citement in
universities is another clue o$ this.
Ahis is not indicative o" a Rresur$ence
o" stru$$lesR or not, but these
movements contribute to changing social
and political situation. bhe groxing
agitations in universities are another clue .
bhis is not indicative o$ a zraise o$ the
strugglesz or not, but these movements
bring about changes in social and political
situations. bhe isolation o$ the railxay
control shoxs the di$$iculties o$ the current
conditions o$ mobilization. aut the
unpopularity o$ the strike o$ the S92%
agents did not rely on an approval $rom the
bottom o$ the re$orm xhose stakes xere
underpaid on a large scale, but revealed
internalization o$ de$eats, a doubt in the
use$ulness o$ mobilization, xhich is
primarily perceived as a znuisance.z boday
the struggling sectors $ace a double
challenge( at the same time they con$ront
the zliberal consensusz and , a xithdraxal,
a passivity in xhich the reactionary $orces
rely to carry out the violent anti trade union
Faced ,ith a $overnment ,hich is still
acceleratin$ its lieral courses a$ter the
de$eat o$ the recent electoral sequence,
social mobilizations and environmentalists,
the struggles o$ everyone, xill break the
grip and xill open the perspectives.
A domain in xhich the -e$t %ront must
attest its value, is its utility o$ mobilization(
to help xithout substituting, to converge
these struggles, and also, as it is the task
o$ a political movement , to carry the
contradiction to the le$t $or draxing the
path o$ another policy.
bhis is xhy the process o$ sustainable
convergence o$ the associations, trade
unions, political organizations, initiated by
the signi$icant mani$estation on April 0.
against austerity, is so important. bhe
xorkshop o$ wune .0, began xorking at
the prospects $or the autumn around the
battle against the austerity budget. Surely ,
this xill be one o$ the keys o$ the
upcoming season.
ye have to provide a political perspective
xhich starts $rom, and empoxers, the
radical demands o$ these movements and
unleashes a $orce $or emancipation, xith
the aim o$ xinning a ma6ority $or our ideas
xithin society. bhis is xhat guides us in our
commitment xith others to the %ront de
Bauche ^-e$t %ront_. {ur ambition 7 xhich
is more vital than ever be$ore is to
encourage, in harmony xith the social
movements, the -e$t %rontAs potential $or
groxth and development.
2ulletin des 'eunes d30nsemle! 4ouvement pour une 5lternative de 1auche, 6colo$iste et /olidaire 7 /80(95L :9; 7 5o<t =>?@ - France
2ulletin des 'eunes d30nsemle! 4ouvement pour une 5lternative de 1auche, 6colo$iste et /olidaire 7 /80(95L :9; 7 5o<t =>?@ - France
,,,%ensemle-"d$%or$ - 'eunes.ensemle-"d$%or$ - /ecteur 'eune 0nsemle-FD1
4ouvement pour une 5lternative de 1auche, 4ouvement pour une 5lternative de 1auche,
colo$iste et sociale% colo$iste et sociale%
A$ter several months o$ preliminary discussions on a A$ter several months o$ preliminary discussions on a
possible merger, the nex movement $inally took concrete possible merger, the nex movement $inally took concrete
shape at a national con$erence held on .[7.; 9ovember shape at a national con$erence held on .[7.; 9ovember
./0[. %our o$ the nine parties making up the %ront de ./0[. %our o$ the nine parties making up the %ront de
Bauche ]-e$t %ront` 7 the %dration pour une alternative Bauche ]-e$t %ront` 7 the %dration pour une alternative
sociale et cologiquei, les Alternati$sii, 2onvergences et sociale et cologiquei, les Alternati$sii, 2onvergences et
Alternative iii, Bauche Anticapitaliste ivas xell as members Alternative iii, Bauche Anticapitaliste ivas xell as members
o$ Bauche :nitairev 7, together xith activists $rom the trade o$ Bauche :nitairev 7, together xith activists $rom the trade
union, anti7globalisation and -Bab) movements and $rom union, anti7globalisation and -Bab) movements and $rom
independent local groups, came together to set up a nex, independent local groups, came together to set up a nex,
united movement xithin the -e$t %ront, xhich aims to help united movement xithin the -e$t %ront, xhich aims to help
build a political alternative to capitalism and to create a $orce build a political alternative to capitalism and to create a $orce
at the service o$ all the struggles $or emancipation, ecologist, at the service o$ all the struggles $or emancipation, ecologist,
$eminist and anti7globalisation. bhe con$erence approved a $eminist and anti7globalisation. bhe con$erence approved a
proposal to call the organisation = Ensemble D Mouvement proposal to call the organisation = Ensemble D Mouvement
pour une alternative gauche, cologiste et solidaire >. pour une alternative gauche, cologiste et solidaire >.
As a preliminary, xork had been carried out on a number o$ As a preliminary, xork had been carried out on a number o$
basic documents xhich set out the general ideas inspiring basic documents xhich set out the general ideas inspiring
the actions and positions o$ the movement. bhe con$erence the actions and positions o$ the movement. bhe con$erence
also discussed a document stating the movementAs position also discussed a document stating the movementAs position
on the present political con6uncture, a policy statement on on the present political con6uncture, a policy statement on
the coming European elections and another xhich lays doxn the coming European elections and another xhich lays doxn
the xay the movement xill operate, xith a budget, a single the xay the movement xill operate, xith a budget, a single
leadership body, merged local branches and a common leadership body, merged local branches and a common
representation xithin the -e$t %ront. representation xithin the -e$t %ront.
A $urther con$erence xill be held at the end o$ ./0; to A $urther con$erence xill be held at the end o$ ./0; to
$inalise the merger, resulting in a nex political entity. $inalise the merger, resulting in a nex political entity.
i bhe %dration pour une alternative sociale et cologique ]%ASE` xas i bhe %dration pour une alternative sociale et cologique ]%ASE` xas
$ounded in 3ecember .//c. )ts aim is the regroupment o$ di$$erent $ounded in 3ecember .//c. )ts aim is the regroupment o$ di$$erent
$orces xorking $or social trans$ormation, xhile respecting the diversity o$ $orces xorking $or social trans$ormation, xhile respecting the diversity o$
political cultures and e5periences, and the overcoming o$ the division political cultures and e5periences, and the overcoming o$ the division
betxeen political and social movements. )t has a mi5ed structure betxeen political and social movements. )t has a mi5ed structure
combining individual members and e5isting political components such combining individual members and e5isting political components such
as the 2oordination nationale des collecti$s unitaires pour une as the 2oordination nationale des collecti$s unitaires pour une
alternative au libralisme ]292:d the Association des communistes alternative au libralisme ]292:d the Association des communistes
unitaires ]A2:`, AlterEkolo, Ecologie Solidaire, Alternative, 3mocratie, unitaires ]A2:`, AlterEkolo, Ecologie Solidaire, Alternative, 3mocratie,
Socialisme ]A3S`, Mai, :topia as xell as local groupings. bhe %ASE Socialisme ]A3S`, Mai, :topia as xell as local groupings. bhe %ASE
decided to 6oin the -e$t %ront in wune ./00. decided to 6oin the -e$t %ront in wune ./00.
ii -es Alternati$s are a political $ormation born in 0eec out o$ the merger ii -es Alternati$s are a political $ormation born in 0eec out o$ the merger
o$ Alternative 8ouge et erte ]A8E` and a minority o$ the 2onvention o$ Alternative 8ouge et erte ]A8E` and a minority o$ the 2onvention
pour une alternative progressiste ]2A!` inspired by the anti7 pour une alternative progressiste ]2A!` inspired by the anti7
globalisation movement. bhey de$end the idea o$ a party7movement and globalisation movement. bhey de$end the idea o$ a party7movement and
their ; main planks are Solidarity, Ecologie, yorkersA 2ontrol and their ; main planks are Solidarity, Ecologie, yorkersA 2ontrol and
%eminism. bhey 6oined the -e$t %ront in 9ovember ./0.. %eminism. bhey 6oined the -e$t %ront in 9ovember ./0..
iii 2onvergences et Alternative ]2etA` xas $ounded in May .//e as a iii 2onvergences et Alternative ]2etA` xas $ounded in May .//e as a
tendency xithin the 9!A a$ter part o$ the :nir tendency decided to leave tendency xithin the 9!A a$ter part o$ the :nir tendency decided to leave
in order to 6oin the -e$t %ront ]as Bauche :nitaire`. yithin the 9!A, it in order to 6oin the -e$t %ront ]as Bauche :nitaire`. yithin the 9!A, it
contniued to argue $or a broad social and political ]electoral` $ront until contniued to argue $or a broad social and political ]electoral` $ront until
March ./00, and in turn 6oined the -e$t %ront in wune o$ that year. March ./00, and in turn 6oined the -e$t %ront in wune o$ that year.
iv Bauche Anticapitaliste ]BA`, courant unitaire pour l+cosocialisme, iv Bauche Anticapitaliste ]BA`, courant unitaire pour l+cosocialisme,
xas set up in the 9!A in 9ovember ./00 in order to oppose the xas set up in the 9!A in 9ovember ./00 in order to oppose the
isolationist line o$ the party and argue $or 6oining the -e$t %ront. &aving isolationist line o$ the party and argue $or 6oining the -e$t %ront. &aving
$ailed to convince the ma6ority at a party con$erence, BA decided to 6oin $ailed to convince the ma6ority at a party con$erence, BA decided to 6oin
the -e$t %ront in wuly ./0.. the -e$t %ront in wuly ./0..
v Bauche :nitaire ]B:` xas set up by a group o$ militants in the xake v Bauche :nitaire ]B:` xas set up by a group o$ militants in the xake
o$ the $ounding con$erence o$ the 9!A, a$ter unsuccess$ully arguing $or o$ the $ounding con$erence o$ the 9!A, a$ter unsuccess$ully arguing $or
an electoral $ront xith the 2ommunist !arty and the -e$t !arty $or the an electoral $ront xith the 2ommunist !arty and the -e$t !arty $or the
European elections o$ .//e in the $ramexork o$ the -e$t %ront. European elections o$ .//e in the $ramexork o$ the -e$t %ront.
2ulletin des 'eunes d30nsemle! 4ouvement pour une 5lternative de 1auche, 0colo$iste et /olidaire 7 /80(95L :9; 7 5o<t =>?@ - France
2ulletin des 'eunes d30nsemle! 4ouvement pour une 5lternative de 1auche, 0colo$iste et /olidaire 7 /80(95L :9; 7 5o<t =>?@ - France
4ouvement pour une 5lternative de 1auche,
colo$iste et sociale%
(CBA5(A !/
Durin$ the camp and a"ter%%%
Bicolas H >I>J==?K@L
4arie H >IML@MIKNL
"or an alternative to the ?>> GLe"t !
Enough is enough D )t is time to change direction and build a genuine le$t alternative.
ye xant to build a movement uniting all those le$t7xing and AgreenA $orces, including ordinary voters, militants and
elected representatives, xho share these demands. ye must xork toxards a nex ma6ority block capable o$ imposing
authentic le$t7xing policies and $or another government 7 one xhich is prepared to take on the markets and the
ME3E% ^the %rench employersA $ederation_ and break xith the policies o$ scapegoating. ye must unite a xide range
o$ $orces around our goals o$ social and ecological trans$ormation and equal rights, and against the narrative xhich
claims that there is no alternative to paying the debt and submitting to the e$$ects o$ the crisis, and that xe must put
up xith in6ustice and inequality, as xell as a model o$ development xhich is leading to disaster.
Ahe QeP to the situation lies in the hands o" ordinarP people% 8ulic discussion, xith the aim o$ creating a real
popular dynamic, must $irst o$ all be organised xith the ma6ority o$ citizens, xith activists in the social movements xho
are looking $or a political xay $orxard corresponding to their daily militant activity, xith the -e$t %ront, xith those in the
Socialist !arty and Europe Ecologie7-es erts ]the ecologistes` ^i.e. the current governing parties_ xho can no longer
support this governmentAs policies, as xell as xith those groups on the radical le$t xho share our aims.
Ao achieve these $oals, ,e need a Le"t Front ,hich is united, open and democratic and alloxs $or the
involvement o$ ordinary citizens. )t must live up to its ambition o$ contributing to building a vast movement o$ the
ma6ority, solidly rooted on the le$t. )t must take up the challenge o$ encouraging debate and action to build a peopleAs
counter7o$$ensive, not $eeding competition betxeen its component $orces. )t must contribute to unity and cooperation
xith other political and social $orces, and become a vector $or an alternative to the policies o$ the government.
9n autumn the Le"t Front ,ill or$aniTe an important meetin$ to discuss the political and social situation. bhis
meeting, xe hope, xill drax the -e$t %ront out o$ the crisis that has paralyzed it $or a long time. Social and political
situations highlight the necessity o$ the -e$t %ront o$$ensive, able to involve in social struggles as xell as in debates on
the le$t. )t is up to us to build the -e$t %ront as a true political movement independent o$ the Socialist !arty, xith plural
base committees that everyone could 6oin xithout necessarily adhering to one o$ the constitutive as it is done
AC10AH0: AC 85U25(V AC 05(H 5AA5(V!
bogether to resist the racist o$$ensive xith antiracist groups and
unions on 9ovember [/thd on 3ecember uth around the Appeal $or
Equal 8ights on the anniversary o$ the historic March o$ 0ec[. ye
must also also oppose the policies o$ ^Socialist )nterior Minister_
Manuel alls, and in particular those concerning 8oma migrants,
undocumented immigrants and the deportation o$ $oreign
schoolchildren ^i.e. children xhose parents are in breach o$
immigration lax_.
bogether, xorking xith environmental activists, xe must $orce the
authorities in %rance and in Europe to take the measures required to
make the Aenergy transitionA xith all its industrial consequences, in the
light o$ the latest B)E2 xorld climate xarning.
bogether to $ight the culpable complicity o$ the government against
the murderous actions o$ the criminal state o$ )srael and to support
!alestine and the !alestinians in their struggle $or the li$ting o$ the
blockade and the dismantling o$ the colonies and the xall o$
bogether to $ight against the enslavement o$ the people o$ $inancial
markets by leading a 6oined $ight against bA%bA.
Still bogether xith those xho struggle to resist the against social
declines imposed by the government ]rail xorkers, precarious people,
casual xorkers ...`.
S0L(C40 AC
/ecteur 'eune 0nsemle-FD1
4ade in 5L/ - 5 land o" Freedom O

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