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Name __________________________ Date ____________________

Title/Author: ____________________________ Pages Read this day: xx-xxx

Quote: Insert quote here. Be sure to write the selected quotation exactly as it
appears in the text. Also, use proper citation when quoting, with the authors last
name and page number in parenthesis after the quoted selection Author !age"
Context: In a few lines and in #our own words, pro$ide the textual context from
which #ou pulled the quote. %his is &'% a summar# of all #ou$e read( )ust tell
what was occurring in the scene that includes #our quoted selection.
Authors Style
%his is where #ou will note and explain
the effect of interesting choices and
techniques the author has made in the
presentation and de$elopment of
information in the text. %here shouldnt
be an# plot information mentioned in
this section, onl# st#le*techniques of
writing that #ou thin+ create a certain
effect in the text, are interesting, or
perhaps #ou e$en question in terms of
the authors purpose. ,tart with what
#ou +now ie- !'., figurati$e language,
sentence structure, use of graphs, etc."
and build from there as #ou learn and
practice new writing st#les and
%his section of #our entr# is where #ou
can respond to the plot, characteri/ation,
etc. In other words, this is where #ou
can go &0%, with #our questions,
comments, inferences1 %hough #ou
are free to comment on the plot, there
are still some guidelines to +eep in
mind- a$oid summari/ing( a$oid $ague,
general, or irrele$ant comments about
the reading. 2our goal is still to be
insightful and show what #ou ha$e
attained from the reading.
Purpose: 3xplain the authors greater purpose behind the inclusion and
presentation of the passage. 4oes it explain, inform, persuade5 4oes it clarif# an
earlier point1present a new perspecti$e on an idea, character, etc5

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