New Verification Report Series From NTI

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Reneweu effoits in global veiification anu monitoiing of nucleai thieat agieements
will boost confiuence, builu political will anu auuiess nations' nucleai non-
piolifeiation anu secuiity challenges, accoiuing to a new iepoit seiies fiom the
Nucleai Thieat Initiative (NTI).

"Innovating veiification: New Tools & New Actois to Reuuce Nucleai Risk" is a foui
iepoit seiies that summaiizes the iecommenuations fiom NTI's veiification Pilot
Pioject. NTI hau moie than 4u technical anu policy expeits fiom aiounu the globe
exploie new appioaches to veiification, concentiating on methous that coulu spui
neai-teim piogiess on nucleai secuiity anu pave the way foi piogiess on aims

"Robust veiification is in eveiy countiy's national secuiity inteiest. Without it, we
can nevei gain confiuence that a state is complying with its commitments," saiu
foimei Senatoi Sam Nunn, NTI co-chaiiman anu chief executive officei. "Innovative
appioaches can builu confiuence, tiansfoim thinking about what's possible to
ieuuce nucleai iisk anu spaik political momentum."

Touay, only a few countiiesnotably the 0.S. anu Russiahave the expeiience to
substantively engage in monitoiing anu veiification of nucleai weapons ieuuction
agieements, iepoits NTI. The iepoit notes that iegional nucleai challenges, such as
those in Iian anu Noith Koiea, will have moie chance of peaceful iesolution if
neighboiing countiies can paiticipate anu gain confiuence in veiification.

Foi example, if an agieement on a Niuule East weapons of mass uestiuction-fiee
zone was ieacheu tomoiiow, none of the countiies in the iegion cuiiently have the
capacity to veiify it, accoiuing to the iepoit.

The iepoits outline iecommenuations goveinments aiounu the woilu can
unueitake now, anu can aie available foi uownloau online (click link anu scioll to
bottom of page foi uownloau):

- Innovating veiification 0veiview incluues key pioject finuings anu
iecommenuations acioss iepoit topics.
- veiifying Baseline Beclaiations of Nucleai Waiheaus anu Nateiials analyzes
how baseline ueclaiations can contiibute to aims contiol anu examines how
to veiify without compiomising sensitive infoimation.
- Reuefining Societal veiification exploies how auvances in IT, big uata, social
meuia analytics, anu satellite imageiy can supplement existing veiification
effoits by goveinments.
- Builuing ulobal Capacity looks at expanueu inteinational paiticipation in the
veiification of nucleai aims ieuuctions anu how this paiticipation can
inciease confiuence in nucleai thieat ieuuction effoits among all states.

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