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Adjustments SAM via MINIDIALOG

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File Release Last Save Date of Creation Status Author
FB_SAM_MiniDialog_MOTIVLINE_r02-v00_08-03-25.doc 02-002008-03-25 2008-03-25 released Schmauder, MAA-I
SAM - PN: X00E5 0200008
Software-Version: 40012_A3
Adjustments SAM via MINIDIALOG
1 Configuration node-nr. & Baudrate (only necessary if SAM.dat is
not available on CF-card)
Prerequisites: Power supply switched Off
Push and simultanously and switch on the Power Supply
Use or to scroll through the menu
2 Download with programmed CF-card
2.1 Cleanup SAM-card (Not necessary if SAM is new -> no software to be erased)
Select with or
Possible Choices:
- NO
Confirm with
This function erases all data on SAM (similar to format C:\)
Caution: After cleanup is complete, the SAM has to be reset in order for the DiaSys - parameters in the CF card to
take effect.
2.2 Downlad Software
- Download procedure is starting automatically after cleanup or shuton wait about 3 mins.
Confirm with
now the A - parameters from the Flash card will be programmed into the SAM-Flash
ENTER Cleanup? NOW
Prev Next
Cleanup? NO
Prev Next
Reconf. A-Param?
Adjustments SAM via MINIDIALOG
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File Release Last Save Date of Creation Status Author
FB_SAM_MiniDialog_MOTIVLINE_r02-v00_08-03-25.doc 02-002008-03-25 2008-03-25 released Schmauder, MAA-I
- A - Params = Anlagen - (Plant-) Parameters like Node-Nr. and Baudrate of SAM
Confirm with
now the D - parameters from the Flash card will be taken into the SAM-Flash
- D-Params = DiaSys Parameters
- SAM starts operation with default page = Alarm page
3 Configuration of J1939 or CAN - Open:
Prerequisites: Power Supply on, SAM operating in Alarm Page
Push and simultaneously for approx. 5secs
The menue tree shows up
Confirm with
3.1 Password Options:
3.1.1 Option 1: ADEC is connected, CAN communication is operational.
- Password is Engine Operating hours converted into HEX - adecimal format
- Read-out Engine operating hours in SAM-module:
- Return to previous menu with
Use or to scroll through the menu
Confirm with
- First measuring point in this menue is Operating Hours:
PV001115 ECU Operating hours
X.XX h
Select :
Act, value page
Select :
Password page
Reconf. D-Param?
Adjustments SAM via MINIDIALOG
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File Release Last Save Date of Creation Status Author
FB_SAM_MiniDialog_MOTIVLINE_r02-v00_08-03-25.doc 02-002008-03-25 2008-03-25 released Schmauder, MAA-I
- Return to previous menu with
- Return to Password Page
- Convert Operating hours into HEX - format and enter into password
3.1.2 Option 2: ADEC is not connected, no CAN communication:
Enter the password as: A-C-D-C
3.2 Enter the Parameter Page - menue:
After the password has been entered, the following menue pops up:
Confirm with
3.2.1 Select your engine:
12 V 4000 C 13
12 V 4000 C 23
16 V 4000 C 13
16 V 4000 C 23
20 V 4000 C 13
20 V 4000 C 23
3.2.2 Select Display Start Page
Aux Page
ECU Overview
ECU Pressure
ECU Temp
3.2.3 Select the used interface:
Select with or
Possible Choices:
- No
- SAE J1939
- CAN Open
Interface Config
Select :
Parameter page
Adjustments SAM via MINIDIALOG
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File Release Last Save Date of Creation Status Author
FB_SAM_MiniDialog_MOTIVLINE_r02-v00_08-03-25.doc 02-002008-03-25 2008-03-25 released Schmauder, MAA-I
3.2.4 Save Changes
Confirm with
The following Menue item pops up:
Use or to scroll through the menu
Until the menue
Pops up and confirm with
Alarm Page
Parameter Page
Save Changes?
Exit Yes

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