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Cornell Notes Template

Name: Riana Karim

Date: 2/8/14
Class: English 1
Block: 6
Topic: Act 3
Main Ideas Supporting Details
Romeos exile (Act 3 Scene i) Mercutio and Benvolio are walking the streets of
Verona when Tybalt and his men enter the scene,
provoking a fight. When Romeo steps in, Tybalt
challenges Romeo to a duel; however, Romeo
declines, hinting at how his relationship with
Tybalt is now different due to Juliets and his
marriage, which is still unknown. When Tybalt and
Mercutio draw their swords in anger and become
involved in a brawl, Mercutio is killed. In rage,
Romeo kills Tybalt for vengeance. As a result,
when the Prince is told what happens, he banishes
Romeo from Verona under death.
Juliets distress (Act 3 Scene ii) The Nurse rushes into Juliets room and tells her of
the news of Romeos exile and Tybalts death.
Juliet is distraught at this news, worried that die
without her wedding night. The Nurse then
reassures her, saying that she knows where Romeo
is hiding and will tell him about their wedding
night. Juliet then gives the Nurse a ring to give to
Romeo to symbolize their love.
Friar Lawrences Plan (Act 3 Scene iii) Meanwhile, Romeo is hiding in Friar Lawrences
cell, and is lamenting how being banished is a far
worse punishment than death since he will have to
live his life without ever seeing Juliet. When the
Nurse visits, Romeo wants to stab himself, thinking
that Juliet considers him a murderer. Friar
Lawrence is able to stop him and proposes a plan
that includes Romeo visiting Juliet at night and
leaving before dawn. Romeo then will reside in
Mantua until everyone knows about their marriage.
The Nurse gives Romeo the ring and Romeo is
excited to see Juliet.
Conversation between Capulet and Paris (Act 3
Scene iv)
Capulet and Paris are talking about Juliets possible
marriage to Paris. Capulet initially sets the
marriage to Wednesday but then changes it to
Thursday, believing that Juliet will willingly agree.
Romeo and Juliets meeting (Act 3 Scene v) Romeo climbs down from Juliets window. Both of
them are very reluctant to leave each other, bur in
the end Romeo and Juliet both know that the
Princes men will kill Romeo if he doesnt leave
immediately as dawn approaches.
Nurse and Juliets Conversation (Act 3 Scene v) When Juliet refuses to marry Paris against her
parents wishes, Capulet specifically becomes
enrages and threatens to disown her as a daughter.
After her parents storm away, the Nurse tells Juliet
that she should instead marry Paris now since he is
a better choice than Romeo. Juliet then goes to
Friar Lawrence for counsel.

Questions Answers
How is Mercutio killed? Mercutio is stabbed by Tybalt under Romeos arm
when Romeo is trying to protect Tybalt.
Why doesnt Juliet care about Tybalts death? Juliet does somewhat care about Tybalts death but
her infatuation or so-called love for Romeo
overshadows any emotions she has towards Tybalt
her cousin.
Why did her parents completely insist on her
marrying Paris?
The Capulets are more angry about Juliet being
disobedient and talking back than not marrying.
When Capulet believes that he fulfilled his
responsibility as a father to choose a perfect
husband for his daughter Juliet and Juliet simply
refuses or declines, he gets upset as a father
towards Juliet.

In Act 3, Tybalt kills Mercutio and as an act on impulse and vengeance, Romeo stabs and kills Tybalt.
Romeos actions result in his exile decreed by Prince Escalus for disturbing the peace. Juliet is distraught
when she hears the news from the Nurse but is comforted by the fact that the Nurse knows where Romeo
is hiding and will send messages to and visit Romeo. Meanwhile, Romeo is hiding in Friar Lawrences
cell mulling over the days events and lamenting about the threat of Juliets lost love for him. Friar
Lawrence forms a plan including Romeo visiting Juliet before dawn breaks to ease the lovers worries.
Capulet, on the other hand, sets Juliets marriage to Paris to Thursday in a conversation with Paris. After
Romeo and Juliet meet in secret, Juliets parents approach her and tell her of the news of her marriage to
Paris. Juliet angrily refuses and seeks refuge in Friar Lawrences cell in a frustrated state.

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