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In a recent column, Winnipeg Free Press Education Writer, Nick Martin, advised school board

trustee candidates: Voters need to know who you are, what your values are, and what positions you
take on specic issues. At the same time, he challenged us to explain how we will represent the needs
and interests of a very diverse population. I have taken up that challenge.

On both my campaign website and in printed materials, I intentionally chose
not to include a detailed list of my position on current policy issues. This does not mean I am
uninformed or without opinions. I have been attending Winnipeg School Division board meetings
throughout 2014 and I have read the publicly accessible portion of WSD Board minutes from 2012 to
2014. I have had several meetings with individual Trustees to discuss current and emerging issues
from their perspectives. As a parent and engaged community member I have also spoken with other
parents, parent council members, teachers, guidance sta! and support sta! in the division.

From these conversations, I believe that an agenda to review, revitalize, and plan for the future is in
order. As a WSD Trustee, I believe the following to be current priorities:

# to review and respond to the advantages and challenges faced by schools with the
implementation of smaller classes for K to Grade 3;
# to explore the advantages and consider the nancial challenge of o!ering all day Kindergarten
programs something that will be piloted in four Division schools this fall;
# long term planning to meet French Immersion Programming needs;
# a review of how we are meeting the needs of families with children in special education,
including the provision of adequate funding for Special Education Assistants;
# to be good stewards of our facilities with ongoing, carefully planned upgrades to school
buildings and properties, and consideration of opening or closing buildings, as community
needs demand;
# to support environmentally responsible initiatives including water bottle lling stations in
# to explore cost saving initiatives such as staggering school start times to save money on
# to review the Mental Health Strategic Plan and expand supports in partnership with the
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority;
# to improve math education across the division, including adequate funding for math
# to ensure appropriate resources to support music and arts education, including teachers with
these specializations.

I also plan to be a Trustee for at least four years and expect to be asked to think about many more
issues and concerns as they arise. This is why I have not made promises about policy decisions in
advance of being elected. I will hold one vote at the table and I will need to work together with eight
other people representing diverse views from a variety of life experiences. I intend to be transparent
about why I vote the way I do and to make every e!ort to be accountable to everyone I have a
responsibility to: Students, Families, WSD Employees, Community Members, and my fellow Trustees.

A Public School Trustees role is to set policy for the school division and represent the needs of a
diverse community. Most of us are inuenced by our personal values in that decision making process.
My values are openly stated here at my website under Biography. This is where the experience and
skills that I bring to the role of Trustee are thoroughly outlined.

Below is a summary of these skills:

# I am Professional Communicator. I have made a career out of listening to peoples problems
and communicating e!ectively with others.
# I have participated in ongoing education and training to help me be respectful and competent
in my communications with people whose culture or life experiences di!er from my own.
# I use consultation and research to make well informed decisions.
# I work to consensus while not afraid to stand alone on important issues. I am direct and
articulate when challenging the popular opinion and asking tough questions.
# I excel at problem-solving, mediation, and decision making.
# Facilitation, supervision, and evaluation are well-developed tools that I bring to the job.
# I have extensive experience with committee work at the local, provincial and national level.
# I have experience working on other Boards of Directors.

If you want to elect a new trustee who is already certain how they will vote on every issue then I am
not the candidate for you.

If you want to elect a trustee who is actively engaged in learning and listening, and who has the skills
and experience to do the job, then Vote for Lisa Naylor on October 22, 2014.

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