FAQ For Filing A PDE Complaint

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Parents United for Public Education www.parentsunitedphila.com parentsunitedphila@gmail.


Why file a complaint?
The Pennsylvania state constitution mandates that students be provided with a thorough
and efficient system of public education. The state code requires:
curriculum mandates including instruction in art, music, dance, & theater;
comprehensive and integrated K-12 student services specifically guidance
counseling services (22 Pa. Code 12.41)
schools to have sufficient numbers of qualified professional employees to
enforce the curriculum requirements

If children are being denied services, you have the right to file a complaint, and the
Secretary of Education has a responsibility to investigate any complaints of deficiency (22
Pa. Code 4.81).

Our goal is to hold the state accountable for the widespread and harmful impact of
violations of the state constitution and state code. We ask educators, teachers, students
and parents to file complaints as frequently and as soon as possible.

Will I get my school in trouble?
The purpose of this effort is not to complain about principals or school staff but to
exercise our legal rights around state mandates. This is not about a staff persons
behavior. Its about the absence or insufficiency of services that has harmful impact. Its
important to make clear this is not a lawsuit. These are administrative complaints
intended to place direct responsibility on the state for its failure to uphold our
constitutional and legal rights to a basic education for all students.

What parents can do
1. File a complaint: If your childs educational program is not sufficient, file a formal
complaint with the PA Dept. of Education. Send us a copy at the emails below.
2. OR File a complaint online: www.myphillyschools.com Filing online means your
form will go directly to the state; you will also receive a copy.
3. Call and report: Call the State Dept. hotline: 800-879-2301. The state is required
to log and record all calls. This is a simple action that gets you in touch with an
individual and makes your concern heard and recorded.
4. Set up a neighborhood or school based meeting to get parents to know their
rights and file complaints. Well make every effort to be there to support it!

Questions? Contact us!
Sonja Kerr, Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia: skerr@pilcop.org, 215-627-7100,
x229 or 267-546-1319
Michael Churchill, Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia: mchurchill@pilcop.org,
Helen Gym, Parents United for Public Education, parentsunitedphila@gmail.com

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