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BOG VENUS VERSUS NAZI COCK-RING: Some Thoughts Concerning Pornogr!

B" A#n $oore %Prt I&
Origin##" !u'#ishe( in Arthur Vo#) *+ No) ,- %No. /,//0&
1hether 2e s!e3 !erson##" or P#eo-nthro!o#ogic##"+ it4s 5ir to s" 2e humns strt out 5i((#ing
2ith Our im!ro.e( scn techno#og" re.e#s tht most o5 us commence #i5e o5 se#5-
!o##ution 2hi#e in utero+ 2hi#e i5 2e trce our cu#ture 'c3 to the 5irst rte5cts tht sho2e( 2e h(
cu#ture+ then 2e 5in( con5ronte( '" hu'c!-he(e( humming-to! o5 tits n( ss cr.e(" 5rom #imestone+ e6c.te( 5rom n Aurigncin sett#ement (isco.ere( in North-Est
Austrin .i##ge 3no2n s 1i##en(or5)
The might" Ro'ert Crum'+ 'c3 in his 2esome#" !ro#i5ic 1eir(o ("s+ (e!icte( the cretor o5 the 5irst
Venus o5 1i##en(or5 s C.emn Bo'+ neursthenic outcst 2ith strong resem'#nce to Crum'
himse#5+ !er!etu##" horn"+ crouching in his c.e n( 2hc3ing o55 the 'ig-'utt 5etish 2omn he4(
7ust m(e: 8omo erectus)
Crum'4s !oint+ in ## !ro''i#it"+ 2s tht 2hi#e she m" 2e## h.e 5unctione( s mgic icon to
in(uce 5erti#it"+ n( 2hi#e to mo(ern e"es she stn(s s n e6m!#e o5 the !rehistoric genesis o5 rt+
1i##en(or5 Venus 2s n o'7ect o5 rous# in the e"es o5 her cretor+ 2s !iece o5 stone-ge stro3e
mteri#+ !rim# !ornogr!h") 8e m" #so h.e 'een s"ing tht i5 2e trce cu#ture to its .er" origins+
2e 5in( its instigtor to 'e n o'sessi.e smut-houn( n( com!u#si.e mstur'tor much #i3e Crum'
himse#5+ or me+ or "ou+ or n" o5 us i5 2e re to 'e entire#" cn(i()
8umns+ 2hether in(i.i(u##" 2hi#e in the 2om' or s s!ecies ne2#" c#im'e( (o2n 5rom the
treeto!s tht 2e4( shre( 2ith 3issing-cousin Bono'os+ ( er#" on tht se6u# se#5-stimu#tion is
source o5 gret grti5iction+ !rctic##" uni9ue in our e6!erience s mmm#s in tht it is esi#"
chie.'#e n(+ un#i3e #most" other !rimiti.e"+ cn 'e ccom!#ishe( 2ithout ris3 o5 'eing
mime( or eten) A#so+ it cn 'e c9uire( com!#ete#" 5ree o5 chrge+ 2hich m" 2e## 'e 5ctor in
societ"4s su'se9uent ttem!ts to regu#te the se6u# imgintion+ n( 2hich is !oint to 2hich 2e4##
'e returning #ter)
This is not to s"+ o5 course+ tht ## societ" is (irect resu#t o5 chronic Onnism+ #though I cn see
ho2 one might come to tht conc#usion) Rther+ it is to suggest tht our im!u#se to2r(s !ornogr!h"
hs 'een 2ith us since thum's 2ere 5irst o!!os'#e+ n( tht 'c3 t the outset o5 our 'i!e(#
e6!eriment 2e s2 it s ntur# !rt o5 #i5e+ one o5 the nicer !rts t tht+ n( s ntur# su'7ect
5or our !roto-rtists)
:est this 'e seen s rein5orcement o5 the .ie2 tht !orn is 2ho##" Nen(erth# !ursuit+ 2e shou#(
!erh!s consi(er ncient Greece n( the erotic 5rie;es tht (orne( its ci.ic centres< the
mgni5icent#" scu#!te( mr'#e 5igure o5 the go( Pn .io#ting mn" o5 our current 'rn"r( sttutes
n( re##" s#utt" nnn"-got in the 'rgin) Imges #i3e these 2ere c#er#" seen s eminent#" suit'#e
Grecin street-5urniture+ (e!ictions o5 n s!ect o5 mmm#in e6istence tht ## mmm#s 3ne2
'out #re(" n( 2ere com5ort'#e regr(ing+ n( 2hich no one 5rom the "oungest chi#( to the most
!ious !riest nee(e( !rotecting 5rom) In '"gone Greece 2e see cu#ture !#in#" un!ertur'e( '" its
erotic inc#intions+ #rge#" sturte( '" 'oth se6u# imger" n( se6u# 1e #so see
cu#ture 2here these ttitu(es 2ou#( seem to h.e 2or3e( out 9uite 2e##+ 'oth 5or the ncient Gree3s
n( 5or humnit" t #rge) The" m" 2e## h.e 'een ho##o2-e"e( n( hir"-!#me( erotomnics+ 'ut
on the !#us si(e the" in.ente( science+ #iterture+ !hi#oso!h" n(+ 2e##+ ci.i#i;tion+ s it turns out)
Se6u# o!enness n( cu#tur# !rogress 2ou#( seem !rett" much to h.e 2#3e( hn( in hn(
throughout the o!ening ch!ters o5 the humn stor" in the 1est+ n( it 2sn4t unti# the (.ent o5
Christinit"+ or more s!eci5ic##" o5 the !ost#e Pu#+ tht n"'o(" re#i;e( 2e shou#( ## 'e thorough#"
shme( o5 'oth our 'o(ies n( those !rocesses re#ting to them) Not unti# the Em!eror Constntine
h( cut n( !ste( mo(ern Christinit" together 5rom #oose scr!s o5 $ithrism n( the so#r cu#t o5
So# In.ictus+ (o!ting the resu#tnt theo#ogic# co##ge s the re#igion o5 the Romn Em!ire+ (i( 2e get
to 2itness the e55ect o5 its i(es n( (octrines 2hen encte( on 2ho#e societ")
I5 2e t3e tr(ition# %n( !re(ominnt#" Christin& .ie2 o5 the co##!se o5 Rome+ then con.ention#
2is(om te##s us tht Rome 2s (estro"e( '" (ec(ence+ sun3en 'eneth the rising scum-#ine o5 its
orgies+ o5 its o2n se6u# !ermissi.eness) The merest s3im through Gi''on+ on the other hn(+ 2i##
(emonstrte tht Rome h( 'een (ec(ent n( orgistic 5#esh!ot more or #ess since its
ince!tion) It h( 5ornicte( its 2" 9uite success5u##" through centuries 2ithout sho2ing n"
serious signs o5 hrm s resu#t) Once Constntine h( intro(uce( com!u#sor" Christinit" to the
Em!ire+ though+ it 're#" #ste( 5or nother hun(re( "ers)
:rge#"+ this 2s 'ecuse Rome h( re#ie( on 5oreign troo!s+ on c.#r" 5rom Eg"!t 5or e6m!#e+ to
(e5en( the Em!ire ginst the Teutonic hor(es surroun(ing it) =oreign so#(iers 2ere origin##" h!!"
to en#ist+ since Rome t tht !oint too3 !gn n( s"ncretic stn(!oint tht ##o2e( recruits to
2orshi! their o2n go(s 2hi#e the" 2ere o55 in Northern Euro!e ho#(ing 'c3 the 8uns) Once the
Em!ire h( 'een Christinise(+ tht 2s not n o!tion) Rome4s ne2 Christin #e(ers h(
(eci(e( it 2s their 2" or the stir2"+ n( so conse9uent#"+ o55 in (istnt #n(s+ recruitment 5igures
!#ummete() The ne6t thing n"'o(" 3ne2+ there 2ere 'r'rins"2here: the 8uns+ the =rn3s+
the Visigoths n( 2orst o5 ## the Goths 2ith their 2hite sing#e contct #enses n( Cr(#e o5 =i#th
co##ections) Rome+ e55ecti.e#"+ 2s 'r the shouting)
So+ to rec! on 2ht 2e h.e #erne( so 5r: se6u##" o!en n( !rogressi.e cu#tures such s ncient
Greece h.e gi.en the 1est #most ## o5 its ci.i#i;ing s!ects+ 2heres se6u##" re!ressi.e cu#tures #i3e
#te Rome h.e gi.en us the >r3 Ages)
:et us 5st-5or2r( 5or #most thousn( "ers o5 S6ons+ >nes n( Vi3ings ri!!e( on =#" Agric
!i##ging n( r!ing their 2" through some sort o5 meteoric nuc#er 2inter 2ith 'rins (ri!!ing 5rom
their 6es+ ho2#ing 'out O(in n( '#oo(-eg#ing n"'o(" 2ho chose not to (o the sme) 1hen #ights
e.entu##" strte( to come on gin cross the 2estern 2or#(+ 2e 5in( Christin church tht4s
un(erstn('#" concerne( 'out ttrcting 2orshi!!ers onto its rough-he2n !e2s n( 2hich h( hit
u!on the notion o5 erotic rt s one 2" o5 ccom!#ishing this en() The s!re(-#egge( 5igure 2ith
s!#"e( .gin 5oun( crouche( in the msonr" o5 mn" me(ie.# British churches+ misi(enti5ie( s
Shee#gh-n-gig+ s mother-go((ess 5rom some er#ier re#igion+ 2s in 5ct o5 !ure#"
Christin origin n( 2s origin##" inten(e( s n imge re!resenting :ust) I5 the 5o#3#orists h( #oo3e(
hr(er then the" 2ou#( h.e #most certin#" 5oun( simi#r (e!ictions o5 1rth+ G#utton"+ S#oth+
A.rice n( ## the other (e(#" sins+ #though tht !etri5ie( n( g!ing !uss" (oes ten( to sei;e more
thn its 5ir shre o5 the ttention+ 2hich is !ro''#" no cci(ent) In churches o5 tht !erio(+ (is!#"s
o5 !ornogr!hic imger" 2ere not t ## uncommon+ nor 2ere the" '" n" stretch o5 the imgintion
unintention#) Pictures o5 !eo!#e co!u#ting 2ere 'ig (r2 2hen it cme to !u##ing in the
congregtions+ 5ter ##+ n( 2ere not sin5u# in i5 the" cou#( 'e e6!#ine( 2" s 2rnings
to the 5ith5u#< stern mor# instructions to (escri'e the shme5u# cts tht+ 2ere the" ctu##"
committe(+ 2ou#( resu#t in certin he##5ire n( (mntion)
1ht the church h( ctu##" ccom!#ishe( 2ith this cro2(-!#esing 2s su't#e n( "et
mssi.e#" im!ortnt chnge in the re#tionshi! 'et2een the !o!u#tion n( its se6u# imgintion)
Im!#icit#"+ it 2s cce!t'#e to en7o" se6u# imger" s #ong s "ou cce!te( #so tht such cts 2ere
sin5u#+ n( 5e#t suit'#" shme( n( gui#t" i5 "ou 2ere in n" 2" rouse( '" their (e!iction) This
est'#ishe( the imme(ite #in3 'et2een !erus# o5 !ornogr!h" n( intense se#5-#othing or
em'rrssment+ 2hich sti## o'tins to(" throughout most o5 the 2estern 2or#()
It 2sn4t 7ust the er#" church+ o5 course+ tht en7o"e( mono!o#" on imges o5 n3e( 5#esh) Unti# the
nineteenth centur"+ the on#" 2" n rtist cou#( !ortr" the unc#othe( 'o(" 2ithout ris3 o5 censure
2s to set the nu(es 2ithin conte6t tht 2s either c#ssic# or 'i'#ic#: E.e n( the ser!ent< :e(
n( the s2n+ so #ong s "ou cn4t ctu##" see it going in) $in( "ou+ tht4s not to s" tht there
2eren4t #2"s rtists 2ho 2ere un5ri( o5 censure+ or tht the church4s stn(!oint on the issue 2s
t ## times n( in ## #n(s uni.ers##" o'ser.e() The 5#o2 o5 Eng#ish #iterture since its S6on
'eginnings 2ou#( seem #rge#" unconcerne( 2ith se6u# !ro!riet") A 5e2 o5 Chucer4s Cnter'ur"
T#es re in(istinguish'#e 5rom the so5t-core se6-rom!s tht s2m!e( Eng#ish cinems (uring the
*?@/s) Crr" On U! The =ourteenth Centur") Con5essions o5 Pr(oner) Sh3es!ere cou#( 2or3
encr"!te( #.tori# 5i#th into (escri!tions o5 #("4s hn(2riting: A8er Cs+ her Us 4N4 her Ts+ 2here'"
she m3eth her gret Ps)4 Tht si(+ it 2sn4t unti# 1i##im C6ton h( (e.ise( his !rinting !ressB5or
"ounger re(ers+ 7ust thin3 *-th centur" internetBtht tr(ition o5 !ornogr!h" s 2e 2ou#(
un(erstn( the term to(" 2s '#e to (e.e#o!) Cust s 2ith the internet+ the ne2 techno#og" 2s !ut
#most imme(ite#" to the !ur!ose o5 (isseminting (irt" !ictures)
Prior to this !oint+ 2hen mss !ro(uction 5irst 'ecme !ossi'i#it"+ erotic cu#ture h( e6iste( on#" in
the !ri.te re#m o5 rtists n( co##ectors+ 2hich in !u'#ic terms is much the sme s s"ing it (i( not
e6ist t ##) The church h( !re.ious#" (o!te( !osition on !ornogr!h"+ sim!#" 'ecuse there
2sn4t n"+ n( 2s re#ti.e#" s#o2 to recognise it 2hen it 5in##" sho2e( u!) B" 1i##im B#3e4s (" in
the #st h#5 o5 the eighteenth centur"+ contem!orr" :on(on 2s 2sh 2ith 5uc3-'oo3s n(
s#cious !rints o5 ## .rieties+ inc#u(ing such essenti# !u'#ictions s 'est-se##ing (irector" o5
2hores tht intro(uce( the !hrse As #e2( s gots n( mon3e"s4 to the Eng#ish #nguge+ ment
!!rent#" s recommen(tion+ s Regenc" e9ui.#ent to $iche#in4s 5our strs) It4s #so 2orth
remem'ering the #te *@//s s the er (uring 2hich+ in =rnce+ the $r9uis >ontien A#!honse
=rncois (e S(e 'egn to use outrgeous+ .io#ent+ scto#ogic# n( 5re9uent#" intense#" (u##
!ornogr!h" 5or the 5irst time s '#unt instrument 5or soci# stire+ 5in(ing in societ"4s gret
s9uemishness 'out its crn# im!u#ses .u#ner'#e un(er'e##" tht 2s o!en to ttc3)
Det 2hen the *?th centur" 'egn to serious#" get un(er2"+ mi(st Euro!en 2orries 2ith
regr( to ## the re.o#utions o5 the !re.ious -/ "ers cou!#e( 2ith the uncertint" n( !rnoi
t"!i5"ing the N!o#eonic 1rs+ more re!ressi.e n( uthoritrin moo( !re.i#e() 1hi#e there 2ere
un(eni'#" innumer'#e #icentious ch!'oo3s circu#te( ## throughout this !erio(+ these 2ere
#re(" strting to (o!t the 5urti.e un(ergroun( ssocitions+ the hunche( !osture tht 2ou#(
stigmtise n( #me !ornogr!h" 5or the ne6t hun(re( "ers or so)
As 5or o!en in.o#.ement in erotic 2or3 '" 2riters+ rtists or n" cretors o5 !ro.en 'i#it"+ the groun(
!!ers to h.e 'ecome to6ic 2ste#n(+ !oisonous to the re!uttion n( #i.e 2ith creer-
!thogens) 1hen 1i##im B#3e e6!ire( in *E,@+ e.en though his 2i##ingness to em'rce se6u#it" n(
'ro( rnge o5 se6u##" unortho(o6 i(es 2s centr# to his 2ho#e !hi#oso!h"+!rotecti.e
(e.otees !ersu(e( his 2i5e Ctherine to !urge his 2or3 o5 n" o.ert#" erotic rt or 2ritings) Tht
B#3e h( #o.e n( #so 5ci#it" 5or !ornogr!hic imges cn sti## 'e seen in his mrgin#i+
2ith (oo(#e( "ouths go''#e( '" 5#esh" mtrons+ 'ut his co#"tes h( e.i(ent#" m(e their min(s u!
tht the !oet-.isionr" the" 2ere in the !rocess o5 constructing 2ou#( 'e more nge#ic 2ithout
genit#i) 1e cn 'ut imgine+ 2ist5u##"+ the mstur'tor" mster2or3s incinerte( in B#3e4s 'on5ire
o5 !ro5nitiesBFThe Re( >rgon >oes The 1omn C#othe( In The SunFBn( it4s 'etter tht 2e (on4t
torment 2ith ## the other g#orious rtists 2hose !osthumous con5#grtions+ re# !orno 5or
!"ros+ m" h.e gone com!#ete#" unrecor(e()
1ith the gui#t" n( em'rrsse( tone thus set 5or the im!en(ing reign o5 Gueen Victori+ 2e 5in(
!ornogr!h" in the con(ition tht hs '" n( #rge (e5ine( it since: 2retche( ghetto 2ith
2hich no res!ecte( rtist 2ou#( (esire to 'e ssocite(+ n( 2hich there5ore r!i(#" 'ecomes the
!ro.ince o5 those 2ith no #iterr" or rtistic #enings The once rich erotic #n(sc!e 2s
e55ecti.e#" (eserte( '" the genuine#" t#ente() It turne( e.entu##" into genre tht not on#" h( no
stn(r(s 'ut #so !!ere( to thin3 it h( no nee( o5 them+ #though (uring Victorin times this
tot# (eserti5iction 2s sti## some 2" o55 into the 5uture+ n( the cu#tur# #i'i(o 2s sti## sho2ing
he#th" s!urts o5 #i5e 5rom time to time)
In(ee(+ the 5H(e o5 'stemious mor#it" tht cme s !rt o5 the Victorin !c3ging !!ere( to
re!ro(uce hothouse con(itions in the !rurient imgintion o5 the (") Pornogr!h"+ e6em!#i5ie( '"
!erio(ic#s such s The Per#+ cou#( 5#ourish+ #'eit on#" s n un(ergroun( su'cu#ture) This
su'terrnen net2or3+ though+ e6ten(e( consi(er'#e 2" 'eneth sur5ce societ"+ so tht the
semi-(etche( homeste(s o5 Victorin su'ur'i 2ere (ngerous#" un(ermine() In those times+ #ong
'e5ore the (.ent o5 the (u#t .i(eo out#et+ cit" 'usinessmen returning home2r( 5or 2ee3en( 2ith
their s!ouse or !rtner 2ou#( c## in t some 'c3street est'#ishment n( !ic3 u! gs#ight
e9ui.#ent: 7ust s thetre !re(tes cinem+ so too (i( 5u##" score( (rmtic home !ornogr!h"
!rece(e the s3in-5#ic3)
Pornogr!hic !#"#ets cou#( 'e !urchse(+ rnging 5rom t2o-!erson (rms through to 5u## ensem'#e
!ieces i5 the neigh'ours 2ere gree'#e) These !u'#ictions cme 2ith sheet-music+ so tht i5 one o5
the !rtici!nts 2ere music##" inc#ine( then he or she cou#( sit t the !ino n( !ro.i(e .igorous
ccom!niment to" 2s t3ing !#ce u!on the herth-rug or the horsehir so5) Des+ I
3no2 it soun(s ri(icu#ous 'ut I 2s to#( tht '" $#co#m $c:ren n( i5 "ou cn4t trust $#co#m
$c:ren then 2hom cn "ou trustI
The !o2er5u# erotic un(ercurrent tht e6iste( in societ" 'ehin( c#ose( (oors+ 2s in (irect
o!!osition to the er4s out2r( stnce on se6u# mtters+ n( incresing#" !ornogr!h" 2s o!en#"
(e!#ore( s n un!r(on'#e 55ront to !u'#ic .irtue) One co##ector o5 erotic+ 2ith mn" scurri#ous
un!u'#ishe( mnuscri!ts '" S2in'urne+ 1i#(e n( other not'#es+ h( 'een 2rne( '" his #(" 2i5e
tht+ on his (eth+ she 2s intent u!on incinerting the entire o'scene co##ection) Cunning#"+ the
gent#emn in 9uestion got roun( this '" !ersu(ing the British $useum to cce!t A!ri.te cse4
contining his s#cious .#u'#es+ tric3 he on#" mnge( to !u## o55 '" m3ing the s5e3ee!ing o5 his
titi##ting tresures con(ition o5 the $useum #so getting ## his 5irst e(itions o5 Cer.ntes)
In the mi((#e *?th centur"+ o5 course+ !hotogr!h" 'ecme n o!tion 5or !ornogr!hers+ though this
2s (e.e#o!ment tht intro(uce( ne2 %n( #ter .st#" contro.ersi#& e#ement to the erotic+ or t
#est to the mor# (e'te concerning it: these imges 2ere not the 5ruit o5 n rouse( imgintion+
'ut 2ere ctu# !eo!#e 2ho h( 'e"on( the !hotogr!hic cro!!ing o5 the (irt" !ostcr( tht
contine( them) Concern 5or the mo(e#4s mor# 2e##'eing 2ou#( come to e9u# or sur!ss concern 5or
the im!ression'#e mem'ers o5 the !u'#ic 2ho might 'e e6!ose( to the mteri#4s (e!
in5#uence) Bc3 in those er#" ("s+ though+ 2hen cmer 2s re#ti.e#" rre !ossession+ t #est in
com!rison to the note!( n( !enci# tht one nee(e( 5or more #o2-tech smut+ the (ominnt mo(e
o5 !ornogr!h" 2s #iterr"+ n( suc" sn!shots 2ere t 5irst 5ir#" rre5ie( minorit" concern)
The #iterr" minstrem o5 un(er-the-counter re(ing mtter (uring the Victorin !erio( .rie(
2i(e#" in !#t'i#it"+ s is to 'e e6!ecte( in n outcst n( (es!ise( 5ie#( 2ithout 9u#it" contro# o5
n" 3in() A S(ein !ssion 5or (e5#o2ering or e#se 5or uncritic##" (e!icte( r!e intru(e( nsti#" into
some !ossi'#" e.en into m7orit"+ 'ut it4s im!ortnt tht 2e (o not the soci##"
'ene.o#ent mteri# tht 5oun( its on#" out#et in this much-#othe( 5orm) Se6u# eti9uette n( e.en to
certin e6tent se6u# !o#itics cou#( not 'e mentione( or (iscusse( 2ithin the con5ines o5 Victorin
!ro!riet"+ 2hich ment tht on#" in 5ie#( #re(" 'nishe( 5r 'e"on( those con5ines cou#( such
su'7ects s5e#" 'e 'rought u!) It4s '" no mens unusu# to 5in( !rtici!nts in some ch!ter-#ength
org" o5 the !erio( su((en#" (ec#ring h#5-time (uring 2hich the" 2i## (iscuss such issues s the
gent#emn4s res!onsi'i#it" to m3e sure tht his 5em#e !rtner hs 'een 5u##" stis5ie( '" their
e6chnge+ or the im!ortnce o5 #2"s cce(ing to the 5em#e !rtner4s 2ishes e.en 2hen (ernge(
'" !ssion) These 2ere mtters tht cou#( not 'e rise( in 8ome 8ints n( 2ere certin#" not tught
t schoo# or '" one4s !rents) It 2ou#( seem tht the on#" se6u# e(uction 'eing circu#te( in the
*?th centur" 2s 2ithin !u'#ictions tht 2ere '" their .er" (e5inition (eeme( o'scene)
To i##ustrte this !rctice 2e nee( #oo3 no 5urther thn the riotous creer o5 #oc# *?th-centur" theist
$em'er o5 Pr#iment Chr#es Br(#ugh+ 2hose in(ignnt sttue stn(s !ointing ccusing#" u!on
tr55ic is#n( on A'ington S9ure here in Northm!ton) Ami(st the strem o5 !rinci!#e( cti.ities n(
o5ten contro.ersi# inci(ents tht mr3e( the #i5e o5 this con5irme( O#( :'our !o#iticin is s!e## in
2hich Br(#ugh 2s 7i#e(+ #ong 2ith note( $tch-Gir# gittor n( Theoso!hist+ $iss Annie Besnt+
5or the (istri'ution o5 Ao'scene mteri#4) This turns out to h.e 'een (.ice on contrce!tion+ ment
5or 2omen o5 the 2or3ing c#sses t time 2hen getting on thir( o5 them might reson'#" e6!ect
to (ie in chi#('irth) Prett" rc" stu55+ s "ou cn !ro''#" imgine)
This intense n( #rge#" in(iscriminte re!ression mr3ing the Victorin er+ though it 2s not
uno!!ose( n( though in mn" 2"s it m" h.e e.en m(e the !erio(4s !orno more in.enti.e#"
su'.ersi.e+ cou#( 'e seen s trium!he( in the en() The .ictor" 2s !"rrhic n( short-#i.e(+
(mitte(#"+ 2ith the e6cesses o5 the ,/th centur" !oise( in the 2ings n( 7ust 'out to m3e their
#uri( entrnce+ 'ut 5or those rtists cught (''#ing in erotic 2ters 2hen the c#m!(o2n cme+ it
must h.e sti## seeme( (ecisi.e one) 1hi#e there 2ere o'.ious#" 2i(e .riet" o5 com!#e6 inci(ents
n( issues in5#uencing ho2 55irs !rogresse( roun( this time+ the one e.ent tht is most em'#emtic
o5 this se-chnge in the !u'#ic ttitu(e to2r(s erotic must sure#" 'e the tri# o5 Oscr 1i#(e)
1ht m3es 1i#(e4s (o2n5## so im!ortnt is the 2" in 2hich this mr.e##ous#" gi5te( esthete n(
2riter h( 'ecome s"m'o# o5 the >ec(ence+ the mo.ement tht !er5ume( !rctic##" ## o5
the im!ortnt rt or #iterture com!ose( 'et2een the *E@/s n( *E?/s) The esthetics o5 the
mo.ement+ s (e5ine( '" er#" (ec(ent Theo!hi#e Gutier+ (emn( tht rtists shou#( 'e un5ri( to
!#un(er 5rom the o!u#ence o5 histor" or #egen( 5or their imger"+ n( e9u##" 5ee# 5ree to 'orro2 5rom
the #test o55erings o5 their cu#tureJ5rom its Atechnic# .oc'u#ries)4 Gi.en tht the remit o5 the
>ec(ence 2s thus intention##" 'ro(+ it4s hr(#" sur!rise tht the erotic shou#( 'ecome m7or
e#ement in5orming the 2ho#e tmos!here '" 2hich the mo.ement 2s surroun(e() =or the 5irst time
in centur"+ genuine rtists 2ere gin engging o!en#" n( mening5u##" 2ith se6u# e6!ression in
their 2or3+ n( the e69uisite !ecoc3 (is!#" tht resu#te( must h.e seeme(+ in se6u##" co#our-'#in(
Victorin e"es+ #i3e re( rg to 'u##) E.en the (ecorti.e 'or(er #ines chrcterising Art
2ere he." 2ith the cur.e n( sg o5 'rests or testic#es+ e.en u!on those re#ti.e#" rre occsions
2hen there 2ere no 'rests or testic#es (e!icte( in the ctu# i##ustrtion)
:iterture 2itnesse( !#ethor o5 ste##r t#ents more thn 2i##ing to !!#" to the erotic+
5rom the rich n( sensu# un(erto2s 5oun( in the 2or3 o5 C)K) 8u"smns to the 5u##-'#o2n
!ornogr!hic 2ritings o5 Gui##ume A!o##inire or Pierre :ouKs) :ouKs !resents n interesting cse in
tht here 2s 2riter '#esse( 2ith in(e!en(ent mens 2hose 2or3 recei.e( tremen(ous critic#
cc#im 9uite er#" on in his creer+ 5ter The :o.e Song o5 Bi#itis h( 'een !u'#ishe(+ n( "et 2ho
5oun( #iterr" 5me re!u#si.e n( e#ecte( to 2rite 'ri##int#" (emente( hr(core 5i#th 5or the
remin(er o5 his #i5e+ s5e in the 3no2#e(ge tht it 2s un!u'#ish'#e outsi(e the sm## mr3et in
!ri.te#" !rinte( ch!'oo3s 5or the connoisseur)
Poetr" too 2s grce( (uring this !erio( 2ith mn" su'#ime t#ents 2ho !ossesse( n er 5or the
erotic+ not'#" the trgic Ernest >o2son) >o2son+ 3i##ing himse#5 2ith his 5on(ness 5or the green
(estro"er+ 'sinthe+ n( 'esotte( 2ith *--"er-o#( gir#+ (ie( much too "oung in re#ti.e o'scurit"
5ter enriching Eng#ish !hrseo#og" 2ith such 2e##-3no2n e6!ressions s AI h.e 'een 5ith5u# to "ou+
in m" 5shion4+ A>"s o5 2ine n( roses4 n( AGone 2ith the 2in()4 Des+ tht 2s >o2son)
1ithin .isu# me(i+ n( (es!ite 5ierce com!etition 5rom the #i3es o5 A#!honse $uch+ it is
5rgi#e Au're" Ber(s#e" 2ho emerges s the !oster chi#( 5or se6u# e6!ression in the rts (uring the
>ec(ence) >e( '" the ge o5 ,0 5rom g##o!ing tu'ercu#osis+ Ber(s#e" 2s in 'oth his rtistr" n(
in his !erson# !!ernce rre orchi( 2ho 2ou#( not sur.i.e the 'itter+ (is!! mor#
'#i;;r(s o5 2ht 1i##im B#3e h( once re5erre( to s Athe Eng#ish 1inter)4 A#though Ber(s#e"4s
!erson# #i5e !!ers much #i3e Ber(s#e" himse#5 to 'e se6u# %n( (es!ite the 5ct tht s.e 5or
scurri#ous suggestions 5rom =rn3 8rris o5 se6u# re#tionshi! 2ith his 'e#o.e( sister $'e#
Ber(s#e"+ there4s no e.i(ence tht Au're" !h"sic##" h( intercourse 2ith n"one& the rtist4s
(r2ings re #i.e 2ith se6u#it") Perh!s+ s 2ith the .irgin rchitect Antonio Gu(L+ Ber(s#e"4s one
re# 5orm o5 se6u# e6!ression is to 'e 5oun( in his sensu# n( "erning #ine)
In creer tht s!nne( no more thn eight "ers+ Ber(s#e"4s stri3ing st"#e im!resse( itse#5 u!on the
!u'#ic4s consciousness through i##ustrte( 2or3s such s Sir Thoms $#or"4s $orte >4Arthur or '"
mens o5 Ber(s#e"4s e#egnt n( sinister su'missions to Cohn :ne4s De##o2 Boo3) A#though the
rtist4s nme 'ecme '"2or( 5or !ecu#irit" BAA25u##" 1eir(s#e"4+ s one 2g rechristene( himBthe
im!ct o5 his 2or3 2ith its tumescent ( n( ching se6u#it"+ 2s such tht it est'#ishe(
Ber(s#e" n( his s2oo!ing #ine s the (e5ining s!irit o5 the *E?/s) The hn(5u# o5 imges tht he
su!!#ie( 5or 1i#(e4s S#omM re mong his .er" 'est 2or3+ #though t the sme time these re the
5e2 i##ustrtions tht un(ou'te(#" contri'ute( the most to Ber(s#e"4s ruin)
1hen the 1i#(e tri# 5in##" eru!te( s ntion# scn(#+ no'o(" n( nothing touche( '"
Oscr4s scente( g#o.e 2s s5e) 1hi#st 2#3ing 5rom his (oorste! to the 2iting coch tht 2ou#(
( him to court+ re!orters notice( tht 1i#(e he#( A "e##o2 'oo34 tuc3e( un(erneth his rm)
This 2s most #i3e#" C)K) 8u"smns4 c#ssic A Re'ours+ o5 2hich the then-current e(ition s!orte(
'right "e##o2 'ut un5ortunte#"+ in the mounting #"nch-mo' tmos!here the (i55erence
'et2een the in(e5inite n( the (e5inite rtic#e 2s AA "e##o2 'oo34 'ecme AThe De##o2
Boo34+ n( in the 'c3#sh ginst 1i#(e+ the sing#e most im!ortnt #iterr" n( rtistic !u'#iction o5
the *E?/s 2s stm!e( 'rut##" out o5 e6istence)
Ber(s#e"+ i##ustrte( 1i#(e4s S#omM+ 2s ine6tric'#" connecte( 2ith the 7i#e( n( 'nishe(
Oscr in the !u'#ic min(+ n( 2s ssume( to 'e homose6u#) Ironic##"+ the rtist 2s not mere#"
not c#ose 5rien( or ssocite o5 1i#(e4s+ 'ut cti.e#" (is#i3e( him n( 2ou#( t3e !ins to .oi( the
!ort#" (n(" i5 he s2 him coming) =rom the .ie2!oint o5 the gener# !u'#ic+ though+ this 2s
irre#e.nt: to h.e (orne( 2or3 '" Oscr 1i#(e 2s e.i(ent#" 7ust s '( s 'een (isco.ere(
in 5#grnte 2ith the !oet) Ber(s#e"+ horri5ie( '" these insinutions+ rn into the home o5 n
c9uintnce one night+ gunt n( hggr( n( unsh.en) String through his re(-rimme( hunte(
e"es into #oo3ing g#ss+ the rtist s3e( o5 no one in !rticu#r i5 the 5ce he 2s #oo3ing t cou#( 'e
tht o5 so(omite) B#c3#iste( '" ## (ecent !u'#ishers n( 2ith The De##o2 Boo3 no2 gone+ Ber(s#e"
2s su((en#" (e!ri.e( o5 'oth n income n( n out#et 5or his rt+ 2hi#e in the mi(st o5 n emotion#
turmoi# n( (ec#ining he#th) 8e coughs into his #inen hn(3erchie5 n( stres t the resu#tnt scr#et
s!tter+ !o!!ies stn(ing in the sno2)
It is t this !oint tht the c.#r" too #te to s.e the (" 'ut 7ust in time 5or one #st (oome(+
heroic r##": :eonr( Smithers+ 5ormer #2"er turne( smut-!u'#isher+ one o5 the true unsung heroes o5
!ornogr!h") 8is .#int e55orts+ 5o##o2ing the 1i#(e tri#+ to 5in( 2or3 5or Ber(s#e"+ >o2son n( the
rest resu#te( in his !u'#iction o5 ne2 (ec(ent !erio(ic# c##e( The S.o"+ 2hich succee(e( n( in
mn" 2"s sur!sse( the much-misse( De##o2 Boo3) =or Ber(s#e"+ though+ 2hi#e this re!rie.e 5rom
cu#tur# e6i#e 2s 2e#come one+ the (mge to his con5i(ence n( se#5-esteem h( #re(" 'een
(one+ n( this 2ou#( seem to h.e h( re!ercussions on the rtist4s !h"sic# 2e##'eing+ or+ s!eci5ic##"+
his #ungs)
In *E?E+ 2ith Ber(s#e" on his (eth'e(+ his #st 2ishes 2ere tht $'s+ his sister $'e#+ shou#( t3e
!ins to A(estro" :"sistrt n( ## o'scene 2or3s4) Su'se9uent !u'#iction o5 the :"sistrt
i##ustrtions n( o5 Ber(s#e"4s uncom!#ete( !ornogr!hic no.e# % rete##ing o5 the #egen( o5 Venus
n( TnnhNuser he c##e( Un(er the 8i##& suggest tht $'e# Ber(s#e" sho2e( consi(er'#" more
re#uctnce to !urge the erotic 5rom her 'rother4s 2or3 thn Ctherine B#3e h( sho2n regr(ing tht
o5 her #te hus'n(+ n( 5or this 2e shou#( 'e grte5u# to her) Thn3s to $'e#+ !ieces o5
e69uisite 2or3 sur.i.e tht 2ou#( not other2ise h.e (one) It4s sti## (ishertening+ to
consi(er Au're" Ber(s#e" going to his gr.e unnecessri#" shme( o5 n"thing in the s#im 'o(" o5
su'#ime n( in5#uenti# 2or3 he g.e the 2or#() :i3e 1i#(e or Ernest >o2son+ Ber(s#e"4s 2or3 h(
on#" enriche( humn cu#ture 2ith its grce n( 'eut") 1here+ in tht+ 2s n"thing to 'e
shme( o5I
The incoming mor# 2ether+ though+ (ictte( other2ise) Aroun( the 7uncture o5 nineteenth n( the
t2entieth centuries+ the British Em!ire 2s t its unes" !e3+ the #rgest em!ire tht the 2or#( h( 3no2n+ 2ith su'se9uent#" mssi.e cu#tur# in5#uence cross the g#o'e+ 5or 'etter+ or+ more
usu##"+ 5or 2orse) >es!ite the '#ote( se#5-im!ortnt rrognce tht seeming#" ccom!nies ##
em!ires 2hen the"4re t the (i;;" heights imme(ite#" !rece(ing their historic##"'#e (o2n5##+
Britin 2s !!roching the ne2 centur" 2ith 2ho#e nest o5 ngging insecurities: the British Em!ire
2s itse#5 5##ing !rt n( 2ou#( 'e (one 2ith '" the time tht In(i gine( in(e!en(ence (uring
*?O@) No one 2s entire#" sure 2ht chnges the ne2 centur" 2ou#( 'ring+ n( no (ou't 2hen it
cme to (ec(ence 2ithin the rts+ numerous #'oure( !r##e#s 2ith Ancient Rome 2ere (r2n) =or reson+ the ne2 #i'er#ism in the rt n( 2ritings o5 the >ec(ents 2s seen s
s"m!tomtic o5 mor# '#ight+ n in(ictor o5 (ec#ine) Thus+ 2ith 5ierceness 'orn o5 5er+ the Em!ire
struc3 'c3 through the 1i#(e tri# n( its 5rightene(+ co2ering 5termth+ im!osing 2ht mounte(
to ne2 Puritnism tht 2ou#( h.e its im!ct right cross the 1estern 2or#()
In Germn"+ s n e6m!#e+ the (esire to cur' n( regu#te se6u# e6!ression too3 on tr!!ings tht+
!erh!s !re(ict'#"+ 2ere !seu(o-scienti5ic) As 2ith K)$ Ben3ert+ 2ho 5irst minte( the term
Ahomose6u#it"4 s n e6!ression to 'e use( '" (octors or !tho#ogists+ so #most n" 5orm o5 soci##"
unseem#" se6u#it" %2hich is to s" !rctic##" ## o5 it& 2s seen s (isese tht might one (" 'e
cure( '" science) An ingenious rr" o5 Ame(ic#4 (e.ices 2s !ro(uce(+ 5or instnce+ to !rotect the
.u#ner'#e "oungster 5rom un2e#come inci(ents o5 'o(i#" rous# such s those+ s"+ 2hich occur to
(o#escent 'o"s 2hen the"4re s#ee!) 1hi#e the 'o"4s hn(s 2ou#( o'.ious#" 'e str!!e( secure#" to
the he('or( to !re.ent (e#i'erte cts o5 mstur'tion+ this (i( not !re.ent him 5rom 'ecoming
se6u##" rouse( 2hi#e s#ee!ing+ !ossi'#" 2hi#e (reming+ 2hich 2s c#er#" 9uite uncce!t'#e stte
o5 55irs in centur"4s-en( Germn") To so#.e this !ro'#em some'o(" (e.ise( ring 2ith shr! s!i3es
set roun( the insi(e sur5ce+ tht cou#( 'e !#ce( com5ort'#" roun( (etumescent !enis 'ut
2hich 2ou#( im!#e it i5 the orgn h!!ene( to e6!n( 5or n" reson) Ver" !o!u#r 2ith !rents o5
sm## 'o"s in er#" t2entieth centur" Germn" n( Austri+ !!rent#"+ this 5orm o5 S(ein se6u#
torture (uring chi#(hoo( 2ou#( !ro(uce the 5mous#" 2e##-'#nce( genertion o5 "oung
P'ermenschen tht counte( note( se6u# ( A(o#5 8it#er in its rn3s)
Cust to rec!+ then+ se6u##" !rogressi.e cu#tures g.e us mthemtics+ #iterture+ !hi#oso!h"+
ci.i#i;tion n( the rest+ 2hi#e se6u##" restricti.e cu#tures g.e us the >r3 Ages n( the 8o#ocust)
Not tht I4m tr"ing to #o( m" rgument+ o5 course)
1hi#e this 2.e o5 re!ression h( its .ictims+ it cou#( not !re.ent the ,/th centur" 5rom h!!ening+
nor 'ringing 2ith it ne2 techno#ogies tht 2ou#('#" chnge ## s!ects o5 our inc#u(ing
our !ornogr!h") =i#m h( rri.e( in the #te *E//s+ 'irth imme(ite#" to the 5irst !ornogr!hic
stg ree#s+ 'ut s 2ith the cmer tht h( come 'e5ore+ the sheer e6!ense o5 the e9ui!ment
necessr" to !ro(uce h#52"-com!etent '#ue m(e such e55orts minorit" 55ir) It 2s
inste( 5rom the (e.e#o!ments tht h( 'een m(e in 1i##im C6ton4s !rint techno#og" tht the ne6t
surge o5 se6u##" e6!#icit #i5e 2ou#( come) Ne2er n( che!er mo(es o5 !rinting such s mimeogr!h
2ere coming into !#"+ 2hich ment tht !u'#ishing 2ou#( soon 'ecome much more (emocrtic
!rocess n( 2s no #onger so#e#" the !ro.ince o5 the 2e#th" n( the cu#ture()
In the *?Q/s cme the 'oom in 2ht 2s 3no2n s Amushroom4 !u'#ishing in Britin+ n e9ui.#ent to
the much #rger !u#! e6!#osion tht 2s h!!ening in the U)S)A) A#though 'oth countries h( their
ru(imentr" #2s on o'scenit" in !#ce '" this time+ in 'oth cses the #2s 2ere so i##-(e5ine( s to
##o2 gret (e# o5 room 5or inter!rettion) Rciness 2s to#erte( u! to so5t-core #e.e#s+ #though in
such 5oggi#"-(e#inete( territor" it 2s es" to cross #ines un2itting#" n( 5in( "ourse#5 the 5ocus
o5 mor# !nic+ such s h!!ene( 2ith the As!ic"4 !u#!s tht cme out on tht si(e o5 the At#ntic+ or
2ith the A8n3 Cnssen4 no.e#s !u'#ishe( here) The !u'#ic4s thirst 5or !ornogr!hic 5re 2s
e.i(ent#" un(iminishe(+ 'ut '" 'rute n( ;ero-to#ernce !o#ic" %such s the
!rosecution tht s2 British suc" sesi(e !ostcr( .etern >on#( $cGi## con.icte( 5or his smutt"
innuen(oes&+ the uthorities cou#( 7ust 'out ho#( (o2n the tin #i( on their 9u3ing+ seething
This is not to s" there 2eren4t stem" esc!es 5rom time to time) The su'terrnen 2or#( o5
hr(core !ornogr!hic !u'#ishing h( 2ethere( ## the u!s n( (o2ns o5 the ne2 centur"+
remining more or #ess untouche( '" .irtue o5 its ner-in.isi'i#it") Other thn smttering o5 re!rints
5rom the !re.ious centur" n( intermittent 'ursts o5 #o2-gr(e ne2 mteri#+ there4s not
much to recommen( the !orno out!ut o5 the *?Q/s s.e 5or the !henomenon o5 eight-!ge
!m!h#ets churne( out in Americ (uring this !erio( n( 3no2n s ATi7un Bi'#es4+ !ossi'#" 'ecuse
it 2s ssume( tht se6 n( n"thing ssocite( 2ith it strte( out in Ti7un)
The eight-!gers+ cru(e mteri# cru(e#" !ro(uce(+ re nonethe#ess 5scinting 2"-stge in the
e.o#ution o5 'oth comics n( erotic) Though .rious !ocr"!h# ccounts e6ist o5 ho2 these 'oo3s
cme into 'eing+ the most 2inning n( en(ering .ersion is the one in 2hich three #(ies
c#n(estine#" 5orm !rtnershi! to su!!#ement their incomes+ 2ith one 2omn hn(#ing the 2riting+
one the (r2ing+ n( the thir( one hn(#ing the 'usinessR(istri'ution en( o5 the rrngement)
1hether this is true or not+ the 5ct remins tht in the Ti7un Bi'#es 2e cn see soci##"
mischie.ous s!r3 tht 2ou#( in time !ro.i(e the 'sis 5or 2ho#e Americn tr(ition o5 5irst-rte
in5#mmtor" stire to#( in comic 5orm)
The 'est-remem'ere( o5 the Ti7un Bi'#es 2ere the ones 2hich 5eture( 2e##-3no2n chrcters 5rom
(i#" comic stri!s+ sh3i#" ren(ere( in 2ht 2ere sti## 5ir !!ro6imtions o5 the st"#es use( '" the
rtists 2ho h( 2or3e( on the origin#s) The gret !!e# o5 sho2ing thorough#" non-se6u# 5igures
such s B#on(ie+ Ciggs or Po!e"e t3ing !rt in !ornogr!hic s3its #ies in the greter contrst+ 2ith the
se6u# content seeming (irtier 2hen in the conte6t o5 some !re.ious#" s!ot#ess cu#tur# icon) There is
#so the su'.ersi.e !#esure tht is to 'e h( in !uncturing the no("ne n( se6#ess .ision o5 societ"
!resente( '" the Sun(" 5unnies+ n( it seems entire#" #i3e#" tht 2hen 8r.e" Kurt;mn (r5te( u!
the '#ue!rint 5or his semin# $( comic in the *?-/s+ the eight-!gers 2ere n in5#uenti# !rt o5 the
stiric mi6) Kurt;mn4s ttc3 on Archie %2hich re!ute(#" ensure( !uniti.e tretment o5 the E)C)
comics #ine '" (rconin comics co(e uthorit" !resi(e( '" the Archie Comics !u'#ishers&
!resente( the ##ege(#" At"!ic# teenger4 s 8igh Schoo# !rotection rc3eteer+ 2ith Bett" n(
Veronic s ree5er-smo3ing 7i#'it< it 2s !ortr"# tht cou#( 9uite esi#" h.e ste!!e( out o5 n
eight-!ger+ #'eit n eight-!ger 2here the 5#o2 o5 se6u#it" 2s no2 on#" n un(ercurrent n(
2here the immense#" t#ente( Bi## E#(er (i( 5r su!erior 7o' o5 re!ro(ucing n( su'.erting the
2ho#e Archie st"#e thn h( the gi5te( Ti7un mteurs !rece(ing him)

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