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TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2014 Successful People Read The Post 4000 RIEL



May Titthara, Pech Sotheary
and Phak Seangly
RURAL communities from
seven provinces will
demand a resolution to
their land conflicts in
Phnom Penh today an
action being mirrored at
provincial halls nationwide
following a speech by the
prime minister last week
that blamed local officials
for ongoing disputes.
The arrival of the hun-
dreds of protesters in the
capital comes a day after
authorities blocked protest-
ers from three provinces
who are staying at the
Samaki Rainsey pagoda
from marching to the
National Assembly to sub-
mit petitions calling for
action on their disputes.
On August 19, Hun Sen
admonished low-ranking
officials for not reporting
land conflicts to him, say-
ing if they did not inform
their superiors of ongoing
disputes, they could lose
their jobs a message that
rights group Adhoc yester-
day said had prompted a
rush to file complaints
across the country.
We do not trust the
authorities, so today we will
take the petition again, and
we want to give them it with
our own hands, said Ok
Sam Ath, a protester who
travelled to Phnom Penh
last week with a group of vil-
lagers from Pailin provinces
Stung Sen commune.
Sam Ath was joined by
about 60 other protesters
PM at
his word
Kevin Ponniah
HE National Assembly,
which the opposition
finally joined earlier
this month after boy-
cotting it since September, will
officially vote for its leadership
today, with the Cambodia
National Rescue Party set to
take six of 13 permanent stand-
ing committee spots.
The unprecedented power-
sharing agreement with the rul-
ing Cambodian Peoples Party
has been presented by the
CNRP as a breakthrough
moment in Cambodian democ-
racy and a chance for substan-
tive debate and scrutiny to
enter what has long been
regarded as a rubber-stamp
But Sam Rainsy, the only real
challenger to Prime Minister
Hun Sen in the past decade and
the man who led the CNRP in
last Julys watershed election,
will take a backseat in terms of
an official position.
As an ordinary National
Assembly member, he will
instead be able to advise and
Leadership elections set
CNRPs Sam Rainsy to forgo a parliamentary title to advise
Boeung Kak and Lorpeang villagers march near
the National Assembly in Phnom Penh yesterday
to pressure the government into resolving their
land disputes. PHA LINA
Continued from page 1
yesterday from Pailin, Battam-
bang and Banteay Meanchey
provinces. After being blocked
by the authorities near the pago-
da in Meanchey district, the pro-
testers handed their petitions to
the deputy district governor.
Chhut Mao, a villager from
Battambang province heading
to Phnom Penh yesterday with
about 300 others, said the pro-
testers had exhausted all official
channels at the provincial level
in seeking a resolution to their
I must bring my problem to
show Prime Minister Hun Sen,
because I am afraid that the pro-
vincial authorities did not report
it to him, he said.
Chan Sophal, Battambang
provincial governor, said he did
not know about the plans of the
protesters and referred ques-
tions to Nguon Ratana, who is in
charge of their case. Ratana
declined to comment.
As well as criticising local offi-
cials in his speech, Hun Sen
announced he would set up a
committee to review private
companies land concessions
and penalise those found to have
broken the agreements.
Chan Soveth, a senior investi-
gator at rights group Adhoc, said
that villagers from across the
country including in Kandal,
Koh Kong, Preah Sihanouk, Siem
Reap, Kampong Cham and Svay
Rieng provinces had filed com-
plaints en masse to their provin-
cial halls yesterday in response
to the prime ministers speech.
They are all seeking interven-
tion, because the premier
announced that he would seek
resolutions for them all, he said.
Now, all the people are converg-
ing on Phnom Penh to ask him
for help.
He added that local disputes
were often not reached unless
Hun Sen personally intervened,
because of incompetent or cor-
rupt local officials.
Solidarity between disparate
rural protest groups and long-
time forced eviction activists in
Phnom Penh has been on the
rise in recent months, with com-
munities from places such as
Kratie province staying at the
Boeung Kak Lake residents
homes and receiving advice on
how best to demonstrate.
More than 70 villagers
embroiled in a long-running dis-
pute with the KDC company in
Kampong Chhnang province
which is owned by the wife of
Minister of Mines and Energy
Suy Sem yesterday marched to
the Ministry of Justice and the
National Assembly with about
100 activists from Boeung Kak,
Thmor Kol and Borei Keila.
Unlike the villagers who were
blocked in Meanchey district,
the authorities did not stop the
protesters from submitting
their petition.
The villagers called on author-
ities to release several people
who were imprisoned on allega-
tions of violence after KDC secu-
rity forces attacked the villagers
during a protest earlier this
Om Sophy, a community rep-
resentative from Lorpeang
whose husband was jailed fol-
lowing the protest, called for his
We just walked and protested
for our own sake, but we were
beaten, kicked and looked down
on like animals, she said. In our
case, the thief is free and the
shopkeeper has been jailed.
Sam Prochea Meanith, chief of
the cabinet at the Ministry of
Justice, promised to forward the
petition to the minister.
Phat Pov Seang, a lawyer rep-
resenting KDC, denied that the
company had unlawfully seized
the villagers land.
The company bought the
land from the people in 2007. But
those who are protesting have
had disputes since 2006 The
company has ample [ownership]
documents, but they do not have
anything, and they say they have
occupied the land since 1982.
In Preah Vihear province, 13
ethnic Kuoy villagers appeared
in court yesterday in connection
with ongoing disputes with two
Chinese companies Lan Feng
and Rui Feng.
The companies are demand-
ing $360,000 in compensation
for alleged criminal damage
caused by the villagers to their
sugarcane plantations.
The UN envoy for human
rights in Cambodia on Saturday
wrote in his annual report that
he had recorded a significant rise
in land disputes in 2014, com-
pared with a period of relative
calm leading up to and immedi-
ately following last Julys nation-
al election.
Request for Proposal (RFP) Procurement of
Youth Skill Assessment
USAID/Development Innovations Project
DAI, implementer of theUSAID-funded Development Innovations
(DI) Project invites rms/individual to conduct Youth Skill
Assessment for the past-year youth-oriented events and the future
Deadline for Receipt of Proposals is Sept 3
, 2014 at
How to submit the proposal:
Please address the subject of the email as Request for Proposal
(RFP) Procurement of Youth Skill Assessment and send it to
cdiprocurement@dai.comor visit Development Innovations Ofce at the
address below:
Development Innovations, #296, St. 271,
Floor 3, Sangkat Toul TumPong II,
Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (0)23 966 271
For more detail information, scope of work, indicators and sample
list of events, please visit on the
homepage under NEW RFPS.
Proposals received after the deadline will not be reviewed and will be
discarded by the Development Innovations Project.
ABC Internatonal Development (ABC ID), the internatonal development arm
of the Australian Broadcastng Corporaton (ABC), is managing an Australian Aid
funded media project, Cambodia Communicaton Assistance Project (CCAP). The
project, started in 2012, contributes to the achievement of beter governance
in Cambodia by working to improve the capacity of 4 provincial departments of
informaton radio statons with respect to voice, transparency and accountability.

Based in Phnom Penh with occasional travel to provinces, the Business and
Partnerships Coordinator (BPC) will be responsible for implementng an already
designed business development and marketng strategy for selectve Provincial
Department of Informaton (PDI) radio statons, networking with the internatonal
community, lead businesses, and state and non-state insttutons to use provincial
radio for social marketng and commercial promoton, promotng the outcomes
of CCAP, and editng M&E and progress reports and newsleters.

Key Selecton Criteria
Graduate in media and communicaton or similar. 1.
Media marketng experience and strong knowledge of media grants and 2.
advertsing campaigns development.
Sound experience in internatonal media development. 3.
High level of communicaton skills including high level of verbal & writen 4.
Excellent report writng skills and sound knowledge of research and M & E 5.
tools and applicatons.
A detailed Terms of Reference can be found at Bong Thoms website: www.
Duraton: 10 months (the last 5 months will be subject to fund availability)
with the start date of September 2014 and the end date of June 2015. Monthly
Salary: US$2,300 2,800 depending on experience.
Closing date: Qualied and experienced individuals should send a cover leter
addressing key selecton criteria together with a CV to:
by 5pm of 1
September 2014. Only short listed candidates will be invited for an
Job Announcement:
Business & Partnerships Coordinator
Six hauled in over
murder allegation
Khouth Sophak Chakrya

IX men were arrested
and interviewed over
the fatal shooting
and beating of a 24-
year-old man in the capitals
Meanchey district early yes-
terday, police said.
The men, all security guards
from a venue called City Club,
had been in a verbal altercation
with the victim, Kong Socheat,
shortly before he was shot in
the head at about 4am, alleged
Mao Saveurn, a police ofcial in
Stung Meanchey commune.
After witnesses told the au-
thorities about the suspects,
police immediately arrested
six security guards from the
City Club and sent them to
Meanchey district police sta-
tion for [questioning], he said.
According to a witness who
described the attack as gang vi-
olence the victim and suspects
were chatting and smoking in
front of the club when one sus-
pect began mocking Socheat for
being a garbage collector.
The witness, whom the Post
has chosen not to name, said
words were exchanged before a
group of men followed Socheat
on four motorbikes. They
chased him down and beat him,
before a white Land Cruiser ar-
rived at the scene and red two
shots at him. One of the bullets,
the witness said, hit Socheat in
the head, while another ew
into a nearby house.
After seeing the victim fall
to the ground, the gang got off
their bikes and beat the body,
and after that they ran away. A
moment later the authorities
arrived, the witness said.
The mother of the victim, Sor
Vanny, 44, was in disbelief yes-
terday as she mourned her sons
We are a family of poor waste
pickers, but we are human.
Why they did they chase after,
beat and kill my son like that?
she said.
I want the authorities to
search for and arrest the sus-
pects and accomplices and
bring them to justice.
A villager who spoke on con-
dition of anonymity alleged that
the victim himself was a gang
member who had encountered
problems with other people in
the area before.
The guards employer could
not be reached.
Sen David
POLICE seized seven nitrous
oxide canisters from a Brit-
ish national in Sihanoukville
yesterday after the Provincial
Hall ordered a crackdown on
the illicit substance, ofcials
have said.
Heng Sam Ang, Sihanoukville
deputy governor, told the Post
that police found the contain-
ers after raiding the 40-year-
old suspects home.
We took it for examination
the [governments] anti-
drug authority found that [ni-
trous oxide] can affect peoples
health, Sam Ang said.
In a notice dated August 18,
Preah Sihanouk Provincial
Hall ordered the seizure of all
nitrous oxide containers fol-
lowing the study from the anti-
drug authority.
Nitrous oxide, or laughing
gas as it is commonly known, is
primarily used as an anaesthet-
ic in medicine but has become
a popular recreational drug,
known for its relaxing effects.
According to Sam Ang, the
suspect was selling the laugh-
ing gas to tourists to inhale in
Following the raid, the sus-
pect was ordered to sign a
contract with police agreeing
that he would no longer store
the substance.
Nitrous trade deated
Villagers from three provinces stay at Samaki Rainsey pagoda yesterday after authorities blocked them from marching. VIREAK MAI
Villagers taking Hun Sen at his word
Now, all the people
are converging on
Phnom Penh to ask
him for help
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea
TWO men, one of them a Roy-
al Cambodian Armed Forces
captain, were sentenced by
Phnom Penh Municipal Court
to prison terms yesterday for
their involvement in the mur-
der of a 28-year-old man in a
drunken argument at a night-
club last year.
Presiding judge Heng Ke-
saror sentenced business-
man Sar Kim Phalla, 32, to 12
years in prison for the killing,
and RCAF captain Khy Visal,
28, to 18 months in prison
10 months of which was
suspended for negligently
allowing Phalla to use his
gun in the murder in Phnom
Penhs Daun Penh district.
The court convicted Sar
Kim Phalla and sentenced
him to 12 years imprison-
ment over the allegations of
murder and using a weapon
without authorisation, Kesa-
ror said.
It convicted Khy Visal and
sentenced him to 18 months
but the term of his punish-
ment to be implemented is
only eight months, and the rest
of his sentence was suspended
over allegations of careless-
ness in allowing another per-
son to take his gun and use it
in the shooting death of an-
other person, he added.
Kim Phalla was charged un-
der Article 199 of the penal
code, while Visal was charged
under Article 20 of Cambo-
dias law on weapons and am-
munitions control, Kesaror
said. They were arrested on
January 24, 2013.
Touch Sarin, chief of Srah
Chak commune, where the
shooting occurred, said that
the police report stated that
the two accused were drink-
ing and dancing at a club on
the night in question.
While there, Kim Phalla
got into an argument with a
group of ve youths, who al-
legedly threatened to beat
him when he told them not to
talk so loudly, he continued.
Angered by the groups
response, Kim Phalla took
Visals pistol from his trouser
pocket and red three times
at the group, killing the 28-
year-old victim, according to
Sarin, who said that after the
shooting, the two accused
managed to escape, though
they were arrested several
weeks later.
The two defendants and
their defence lawyers could
not be reached for comment
Two, including soldier,
sentenced in shooting
NGOs seek ex-PMs support
Meas Sokchea

IVIL society advo-
cates who last week
called on parliament
to consider amend-
ing the constitution to limit
prime ministers to two terms
in ofce are now trying to
enlist former premiers to back
their proposal.
The group, which includes
well-known political analysts
and representatives of rights
groups and election watch-
dogs, sent letters yesterday in-
viting former prime ministers
Pen Sovann, Prince Norodom
Ranariddh and Ung Huot to
meet them on Friday or early
next week.
We want to meet them to
get ideas from them. We want
them to help our campaign
to limit the prime ministers
term, said Koul Panha, execu-
tive director at election watch-
dog Comfrel.
During a roundtable discus-
sion last week, the group said
it would send a term-limits
proposal to parliament when
it begins discussing amend-
ments to the constitution and
election law in coming weeks.
Sovann served as premier
for six months in 1981 under
the Vietnamese-installed gov-
ernment; Ranariddh served
as rst prime minister to Hun
Sens second from after the
1993 UN-sponsored elections
until the 1997 coup; and Huot
served as rst prime minister
after Ranariddhs ouster.
Sovann, 78, who was arrested
in 1981 and jailed in Hanoi for
years, said yesterday that he
supported the initiative and
would join the discussion.
The limiting of the prime
ministers term is good and will
make society change and the
country prosper, he said.
Being [premier] for more
than two terms is individualis-
tic and dictator-like. It is not in
line with the democracy.
Sovann, a bitter foe of Hun
Sen, won a parliamentary seat
with the Cambodia National
Rescue Party at last Julys
Neither Ranariddh, who
re cently launched a new po-
litical party, nor Huot could be
reached for comment.
National Assembly spokes-
man Nhem Thavy said last
week that the proposal of term
limits, which is backed by the
opposition, would not be up
for discussion because it was
not part of the July 22 agree-
ment between the two parties.
Prime Minister Hun Sen is
one of the worlds longest serv-
ing political leaders.
Prince Norodom Ranariddh speaks during a press conference at his home last year. A group of NGOs are
seeking the former premiers backing in a campaign for a two-term limit for prime ministers. HONG MENEA

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Chhay Channyda
TWO nonprot organisations
are urging the Ministry of
Education and the Ministry of
Economy and Finance to in-
crease the number of textbooks
for high school students, say-
ing that an ongoing shortage is
limiting their abilities.
The Khmer Institute for Na-
tional Development (KIND)
and the Afliated Network
for Social Accountability-East
Asia and the Pacic (ANSA-
EAP) launched a monthlong
social media awareness cam-
paign yesterday, citing a report
that more than 85 per cent of
high school students do not
have access to a complete set
of textbooks.
We want students to have
100 per cent of the books.
We have offered recommen-
dations; if [the government
spends] $7 million, every stu-
dent will get textbooks as long
as the books arent sold rst to
the black market, ANSA-EAP
representative Sorn Chey said.
The two organisations said
that the shortages of the ba-
sic books mean students are
unable to understand the
lessons [or] do homework on
time, and leads them to drop
their studies.
Earlier this month, Prime
Minister Hun Sen, citing tough-
er regulations to crack down
on cheating, predicted that not
many students would pass the
grade 12 national exam. His
prediction came true; however,
along with cheating, a lack of
textbooks is one of many woes
aficting the education system.
And it is not one that looks like
it will be xed any time soon,
the groups said.
Lim Sotharith, chief of plan-
ning and textbook supplies at
the Ministry of Education, said
$6 million had been set aside to
print between four million and
ve million books for primary
through high school levels for
the 2014-2015 academic year.
The gures are higher than
those for 2013-2014, he said,
and the ministry wants to en-
courage parents who can afford
it to purchase textbooks that
are legally produced for sale.
In principle, this year, two
students will still [have to
share] a set of books. I support
everyone getting a set, but we
have to be approved by the
ministry management, So-
tharith said. We want guard-
ians participation to buy text-
books for [students] because
we believe people [who are
better off] can afford them.
Government urged to
offer more textbooks
School lacks basic supplies
Chhay Channyda
and Laignee Barron

HE facilities at OChrey
Primary School in Bat-
tambang province are
allegedly so basic that
its difcult to conceive of it as
an actual school.
The 219 grade one to four
students get their lessons
crowded in a wall-less storage
hut at the edge of a corneld,
according to the principal.
Theres no electricity, no
toilets, no oor and, soon, no
teachers willing to put up with
the conditions.
The two contract teachers
ran out of patience with the
setup and left.
They were hired to teach
on just a 140,000 riel ($34) per
month salary. Its not enough to
live so they quit, said OChreys
principal, Pot Saroeun.
Its not for lack of advocacy.
With the nearest primary
school more than 5 kilometres
away, the residents of Baraing
Thleak village in Phnom Prek
district established their own
school in 2006, Saroeun said.
In 2012, they petitioned
for and received recognition
from the state, hoping to re-
ceive funding, teachers and a
real brick-and-mortar school-
house, but to no avail.
We lack everything, includ-
ing tables, chalk, chalkboards
and especially a complete
building that we can call a
real school. I have sent many
requests [to the Ministry of
Education], but they are still
unanswered, Saroeun said.
The school receives $250 an-
nually to cover all expenses,
including salaries, but the dis-
trict education department es-
timated it would take close to
$60,000 to put up a building.
OChrey isnt the Kingdoms
only school in such dire straits;
two nearby schools are in sim-
ilar shape, though at least they
have walls, the district educa-
tion ofce said.
In Sangke district, two schools
have waited several years for re-
pairs to a foundation so cracked
and unsteady that students
arent allowed inside when its
windy or raining, according to
the Puthi Komar Organization.
The ministry is responsible
. . . for providing a quality edu-
cation that is equal access for
all, but it is not equal access if
some students are not able to
study when it rains, said Lim
Sophea, PKOs director.
The Education Ministry did
not return requests for com-
ment. Ofcial gures show 630
schools, about 3 per cent of the
total, had repaired last year.
Students in grades one to four attend class in Battambang provinces Baraing Thleak village, where 219
pupils attend OChrey primary school despite there being no building. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Tempers flare at bus protest
Mom Kunthear and Tat Oudom
ESOLUTION continued to elude
17 former bus drivers for the
Phnom Penh Sorya Transporta-
tion Company yesterday when
a demonstration at the companys head-
quarters was roughly dispersed by com-
pany security after the ex-staffers tried to
block buses from leaving.
Sambath Vorn, president of the union
whose founding resulted in the dismissal
of the aggrieved drivers, said yesterday
that three protesters and one staff mem-
ber of the Cambodia Labour Confedera-
tion were slightly injured in the scufe.
We will le a complaint against the
company security guards who used vio-
lence against us, Vorn said. [The guards]
chased us to protest at Freedom Park, but
we did not go because we were red, so
we have to protest at the company.
The dispute between the 17 former driv-
ers and the company began in April when
they were red for attempting to form a
union. The company has ignored an Ar-
bitration Council decision ordering Sorya
Transportation to reinstate 15 of the driv-
ers and pay the other two back wages.
The drivers were joined yesterday by
about 50 people from three other unions,
who blocked trafc in front of the Sorya
Transportation ofces and attempted to
prevent buses from leaving over the pro-
testations of incensed passengers.
One passenger who declined to be
named said the protest had forced her to
take a taxi to Kampong Chhnang.
I am not angry at the company, but
I am angry at the protesters that in-
terrupted the passengers, she said.
Theyre not doing the passengers any
favours, even if they are angry with the
companys owner.
Sorya Transportation general manager
Chan Sophanna said yesterday that he
was preparing to le a complaint with the
Phnom Penh Municipal Court today or
Wednesday over the protesters actions.
I think they used their rights [to pro-
test] to cross a line, he said, adding that
security guards had been injured, one
of them seriously. They have rights, but
they cannot block and interrupt my busi-
ness. What they are doing is illegal.
Daun Penh District Deputy Governor
Sok Penhvuth also visited the scene to tell
protesters to clear the road.
Former bus drivers for Sorya bus company protest at the Sorya bus terminal in Phnom Penh yester-
day. The dispute started after 17 drivers were red for attempting to form a union. TAT OUDOM
Sen David and Laignee Barron
TWO 19-year-old women traf-
cked to China as brides last
year escaped abusive hus-
bands and a broker to nally
return home on Sunday night,
a relative said yesterday.
I am so happy they are safe,
said Kim Vicheat*, the father
of one victim and uncle of the
other. They are pregnant, so
now they need to rest.
Vicheat borrowed $800 to y
his daughter and niece home
from Shanghai where they
said they were stranded, broke
and, despite pleas to the Cam-
bodian consulate there, could
receive no nancial assistance.
Now back home and mired in
debt, the women arent receiv-
ing any reintegration support
either, according to rights
group Adhoc, which is moni-
toring their case.
Opposition lawmaker and
former Minister of Womens
Affairs Mu Sochua said the
lack of support is not surpris-
ing given the absence of a
state budget for social services
aimed at victims.
Its not just social and eco-
nomic support, but also men-
tal and psychological assis-
tance thats needed. Without
state funding, thats almost im-
possible, she said. The whole
family needs social welfare,
otherwise [the women], with
no alternative way out of their
familys debt, will nd the traf-
ckers coming back again.
According to a study by the
International Organization
for Migration, the entire act of
rescue and repatriation may
be counterproductive if not
supported by infrastructure
necessary for the long-term
reintegration of the victim.
Police ofcials have jumped
on the case, however, and are
slated to meet Adhoc and the
victims today to investigate
the broker, whom the girls
named as Neang Vanau. The
Ministry of Interior declined
to comment on whether an ar-
rest warrant has been issued.
According to the US State
Department, Cambodia con-
victed just eight labour traf-
ckers last year and four in
2012 due to a lack of evidence
and incentives for victims to
testify in court.
*Named changed to protect
Mom Kunthear
WORKERS at a Kampong Chh-
nang garment factory who
remain on strike today will be
red, management said yester-
day, as strikers delivered a peti-
tion to the Labour Ministry.
The roughly 100 employees
of Jiun Ye Garment factory who
made the trip to Phnom Penh
arrived on trucks and tuk-tuks.
The action came in spite of a
court order on Wednesday that
workers, who have been on
strike for about three weeks, re-
turn within 48 hours.
We cannot wait for our
employer to negotiate with us
anymore, said Yin Chinreoun,
a representative of the work-
ers, who are seeking several
consessions including a $15-
per-month attendance bonus.
But Jiun Ye administrative
manager Nget Resmey said
factory ofcials have sat down
with an employee representa-
tive three times, only to have
the employee side walk out.
Resmey added that the Ar-
bitration Council would drop
Jiun Ye employees case if they
do not attend work today.
Women return home
after ordeal in China
Striking workers face
dismissal from factory
Vietnamese wary of planned census
Sean Teehan and Phak Seangly
SOK Hieng* is concerned about
a government census of for-
eigners that some observers
believe will focus primarily on
those of Vietnamese descent.
I am afraid that I will be
forced to leave Cambodia
because I do not have ID yet,
said Hieng, a 33-year-old con-
struction worker who was born
in Phnom Penh to Vietnamese
parents. When I go to Vietnam,
they consider me Cambodian;
I am in the middle between
Cambodian and Vietnamese.
The government effort to
take a more precise count of
foreigners living in Cambodia
could be the first step in devel-
oping a clearer policy regarding
undocumented Vietnamese in
the Kingdom seeking to be rec-
ognised as citizens, said Ang
Chanrith of Minority Rights
Organization (MIRO).
Sok Phal, head of the Ministry
of Interiors immigration
department, yesterday declined
to answer questions about the
data gathering, except to say
that it is not yet complete.
Children born in Cambodia
to Vietnamese parents are not
given birth certificates or fam-
ily books. In addition, a convo-
luted citizenship application
process that requires every-
thing from language tests to the
Kings signature makes it diffi-
cult for those people to obtain
citizenship, Chanarith said.
What we are concerned with
is how can the Vietnamese live
in Cambodia legally, when the
authorities in each province
never issue family books?
Chanarith asked. Its not the
[ethnic] Vietnamese fault, it is
the governments fault.
Hieng said he did not attend
school as a child, partially
because schools require the
birth certificate he lacked. As
an adult, he has been turned
down when applying for citi-
zenship because after living in
a predominantly Vietnamese
community for years, his
Khmer isnt clear enough, he
But Cambodia National Res-
cue Party lawmaker Yim Sovann
said census data should be
used to stem illegal immigra-
tion. At least we will know how
many illegal immigrants are
here in Cambodia, where they
are and what they are doing
here, he said, adding that ille-
gal Vietnamese immigration
damages Cambodias society,
economy and security.
*Name changed to protect
Continued from page 1
guide his higher-ranking colleagues,
he said yesterday.
I want to give my younger colleagues
an opportunity to gain experience, to
show how to unselfishly serve the pub-
lic and to become the new leaders that
this country needs, he said.
Rainsys deputy, Kem Sokha, who
headed the Human Rights Party before
it merged with the Sam Rainsy Party to
form the CNRP, will be the oppositions
highest-ranking member in parliament
as first deputy president.
Senior lawmakers Eng Chhay Eang,
Pol Ham, Yem Ponharith, Mu Sochua
and Yim Sovann will chair five commis-
sions, while Son Chhay, Ou Chanrith,
Mao Monivann, Long Ry and Tioulong
Saumora (who is married to Rainsy) will
hold the deputy chairs on the other five
commissions controlled by the CPP.
All 10 have previously served as law-
makers with either the SRP, HRP or
While Rainsys decision to stay above
the fray is wise, observers say, he likely
had little other choice.
Ahead of the election, Rainsy and
Sokha had agreed that if the newly
formed party won, Sokha would become
parliamentary president and Rainsy
would become Prime Minister.
Having already positioned himself as
competing for the executive branch of
government, and letting Sokha focus on
the legislative side, the top parliamen-
tary position given to the CNRP was
Sokhas for the taking, analysts say.
Whats he going to do? Fight with
Kem Sokha for the position of first vice
president? said political commenta-
tor Ou Virak.
But opposition spokesman Yim
Sovann rejected that the pre-election
agreement had anything to do with the
recent doling out of positions, pointing
to Rainsys history of stepping aside to
allow others to hold leadership posi-
tions in parliament.
When he chaired the SRP, you can
see that he did not take any position in
the [parliament]. He sacrificed every-
thing for his subordinates, Sov-
ann explained.
But the CNRP leader is also hoping
that rule changes in parliament will be
made to formally recognise the opposi-
tion, a feature of the British Westminis-
ter parliamentary system that he has
made no secret of wanting to see imple-
mented in Cambodia.
Such changes would see him recog-
nised as the leader of the opposition,
and depending on how far the ruling
party is willing to go, could allow him to
debate directly with Hun Sen.
While CNRP whip Son Chhay yester-
day said the party would still be pushing
for a full shadow cabinet and a budget
to scrutinise the government, Rainsy
said that the party would be realistic
about what it can get.
Senior CPP figures have opposed the
formation of a shadow cabinet.
We will be realistic and flexible in
playing the role of a loyal, constructive
and creative opposition, Rainsy said,
adding that recognition of the opposi-
tion would be in line with the July 22
agreement between the two parties.
Senior CPP lawmakers Cheam Yeap
and Chheang Vun could not be reached
yesterday, and assembly spokesman
Nhem Thavy declined to comment on
what sort of compromise could be
reached, saying it was the decision of
senior leaders.
I understand that lawmakers have
their ideas. And they want to do this
standard or that standard . . . This is the
ideas of the top leaders in politics, I do
not have any comment on this.
Separately, 12 civil society groups,
including prominent election watch-
dogs Comfrel and NICFEC, have called
on the parliament to keep current sec-
ond deputy president Khuon Sodary
in her position.
Sodary is expected today to give up
her post in favour of first deputy Nguon
Nhel, who will step down one rung to
make way for Kem Sokha.
The groups say that keeping a female
in the position is part of Cambodias
obligations under the Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Dis-
crimination Against Women.
But spokesman Thavy said the reshuf-
fle was a political decision and had
nothing to do with gender. ADDITIONAL
Neighbour puts damper
on attempted robbery
A 23-YEAR-OLDS plans were
doused when he was arrested
in a pond in Phnom Penhs
Meanchey district on Sunday
after he allegedly robbed a girls
necklace. Police say the girl, 13,
was walking home from school
when the suspect threatened
her with a knife and demanded
her necklace. A bystander who
saw the event called his neigh-
bour for help, and the suspect,
afraid, jumped into a nearby
pond. The neighbour came to
the rescue and detained the
alleged thief in the pond until
police arrived. KOHSANTEPHEAP

Man escapes with life,
jackers escape with car
A 42-YEAR-OLD man filed a
complaint to police in Phnom
Penhs Por Sen Chey district on
Sunday after allegedly falling
victim to two gun-toting car-
jackers. Police say the victim
was driving home at midnight
when two helmet-wearing sus-
pects threatened him with a
gun to get out of the car, which
he did as he begged them not
to shoot. The suspected rob-
bers drove the car away safely,
and police are on the lookout
for the pair. KOHSANTEPHEAP
Prof Pusher: teacher
accused of drug dealing
A FORMER teacher was
arrested in Kampong Chhnang
town for allegedly dealing
drugs, even admitting that he
used to deal dope to his own
students while he taught at a
provincial primary school
three years ago. Police arrest-
ed the man as he was riding
his motorbike, finding 18
packages of drugs on him. The
man, 28, confessed and was
sent to court. DEUM AMPIL
Hospital, then court,
after botched getaway
A 27-YEAR-OLD man was
arrested in Phnom Penhs
Daun Penh district on Sunday
after he crashed into a car and
seriously injured himself as he
fled the scene of an alleged bag
snatching. Police said that an
old woman was crossing the
road to a market when the sus-
pect grabbed her bag. Police
saw the incident unfold and
gave chase, and the suspect
crashed into another vehicle.
Police sent him to hospital first.
Larcenous lothario lifts
ladys loot after date
A DINNER date in Kratie town
went horribly wrong after a
24-year-old man was arrested
for allegedly robbing his girl-
friend on Sunday. Police said
the pair had only known each
other for one week and went
for a walk in a quiet park after
dinner when the man stole the
womans necklace, ring,
phone and cash. The woman
tried to shout but fainted, leav-
ing the alleged thief free to
escape. One day later, the
woman filed a complaint to
police, who arrested the man.
Translated by Sen David
elections in
Opposition leader Sam Rainsy shakes hands with Prime Minister Hun Sen after a meeting
at the Senate building in Phnom Penh last month. HENG CHIVOAN
Telenor Myanmar conrms cases of underage labour
TELENOR has found 19 confirmed
and suspected cases of underage
labourers in its supply chain as part of
ongoing sustainability initiatives,
according to Telenor Myanmar CEO
Petter Furberg.
While the Norwegian telco is on pace
to launch mobile services in Myanmar
in late September, it has also looked to
address issues such as corruption,
land issues, health and safety, and con-
flict areas that company officials said
were flagged as potential issues from
the beginning.
We also know there are a lot of
issues that come with these technolo-
gies. These are opportunities but on
the other side there are risk factors,
said Telenor CEO and president Jon
Fredrik Baksaas in an online sustain-
ability presentation.
Having experience in other regional
markets such as Thailand, India, Paki-
stan and Bangladesh where it first
began in Asia in 1996 Baksaas said
there are always surprises, which the
company seeks to address.
That doesnt mean that this has
been a walk in the park, he said.
Furberg, who also participated in the
online presentation, said one problem
has been underage workers. The com-
pany does not allow its contractors
and subcontractors to employee work-
ers below 15 years old, and also does
not allow workers under 18 to com-
plete hazardous work, including build-
ing telecoms sites.
Among its contractors and subcon-
tractors, Telenor has identified five
child labour cases of workers
between 12 and 14 years and 14 con-
firmed cases of underage labour
between the ages of 15 and 18, with
another five suspected.
Furberg said the firm has moved to
remedy these cases, but added it also
illustrates the problems of dealing
with underage labour in Myanmar.
Poverty is real, and in some cases
the children that we find or underage
labour that we find are the breadwin-
ner of the family, he said.
International Labour Organization
chief technical advisor on the elimina-
tion of child labour Selim Benaissa
said child labour is common practice
in most countries in economic transi-
tion, and Myanmar is no exception.
While not mentioning Telenor
specifically, he said companies in
close consultation with the ILO are
cautious on child labour issues,
adding that it is important to not
only to remove children from the
workplace in the short-term but also
to understand and address the cause
of the problem.
By simply removing children from
work could easily make them slide
into other works that could be much
worse, Banaissa saud.
Government, workers, employers
and other civil society organisations
plus individuals each have an
important role to play.
In three case studies Telenor pre-
sented, it detailed its efforts to under-
stand the situation the underage
labourers were in, and what alterna-
tives could be found. In one case a
15-year-old worker in Mandalay was
removed from a construction site to
instead work at a subcontractors
Call to cap
CPs export
of swine
Chan Muyhong
A LIVESTOCK industry repre-
sentative has called on the gov-
ernment to cap Cambodias
only live pig export companys
trade with Laos, citing short-
ages in the local market.
CP Cambodia, a subsidiary of
the Thai conglomerate CP Glo-
bal, exported some 25,000 head
of live swine boars, sows and
piglets to Laos during the first
six months of the year, accord-
ing to data from the Ministry
of Commerce.
CP Cambodia is the only
exporter because they can
produce quality sows, boars
and they also have their own
network in Laos, said Suon
Sothoeun, deputy director
of Animal Health and Produc-
tion department of Agricul-
ture Ministry.
Meanwhile, Sothoeun said,
Cambodians spend more than
$2 million on importing pigs
from neighbouring countries
for slaughter in an effort to
supply the estimated three
million pigs that are consumed
Srun Pov, president of the
Cambodian Pig Raising Asso-
ciation in Kandal province,
called on the government to
cap CP Cambodias exports and
demand some of the animals
be sold domestically.
Laos imports piglets from
Cambodia, and then raise the
pigs using their own locally
produced feed until the animal
is mature enough to slaughter
before they export the meat
back to Cambodia, Pov said.
We will never be able to sup-
ply enough for local demand
when the company does not
sell piglets for local raisers . . .
The government should not
allow swine to be exported
while local raisers are in need
of more piglets to fill demand,
he added.
CP Cambodia declined to
A solar receiver and boiler at Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System earlier this year. US-based energy rms are discussing plans for two Cambodian power-generation projects. AFP
US firms eye $900M projects
Eddie Morton
based energy rms
have met with the
government over the
past week to discuss plans for
two large-scale power-gener-
ation projects worth a total of
$900 million.
According to the Ministry of
Commerces ofcial Facebook
page, representatives from US
renewable energy rms Wil-
lowbrook Company and Sun
Edison met with Commerce
Minister Sun Chanthol on Au-
gust 20 to present plans for a
200-megawatt solar power
plant valued at $400 million.
If approved, the project is
scheduled to commence in
2015 and is expected to be
completed by the end of 2017,
the statement said, adding that
the rms would need to nego-
tiate and sign an agreement
with Electricite du Cambodge
before getting the go-ahead.
Once built and operational,
the estimated year-one output
for this fully operational plant
will be 394 million kWh, the
statement said.
This 500-hectare solar
power plant in Cambodia is
uniquely the rst of its kind in
renewable energy investment
in Cambodia and Asia.
On August 22, two days after
the initial meeting, Chanthol
met with representatives from
US power-generation compa-
nies Beowulf Energy and Col-
orado Energy Management.
According to a second state-
ment from the ministry, Be-
owulf is currently evaluating
the possibility of investing
$500 million into the con-
struction of an oil renery in
the Kingdom.
Beowulf is the second US
company that visited Cambo-
dia after the reverse trade mis-
sion to the US in June 2014 or-
ganized by the US Ambassador
and attended by Minister Sun
and businessmen from Cam-
bodia, the statement said.
Chanthol is reported to have
approved in principle both
projects and will consider
giving the rms the green
light upon the Council for
Development of Cambodia
(CDC) receiving an ofcial in-
vestment proposal.
A spokesman for the Com-
merce Ministry could not
provide further details, and
CDC spokesman Chea Vuthy
said he was only aware of the
US rms presence and had
not yet held formal talks with
them regarding their plans.
I know they have spoken
with Mr Chanthol only and
I do not know the details of
their discussions. We have
not received any formal docu-
ments from them for the pro-
posals, Vuthy said.
Meng Saktheara, secretary
of state at the Ministry of
Mines and Energy, told the
Post that he expected to meet
with representatives of Be-
owulf in the coming days.
We have meetings planned,
so we hope they show the
same amount of interest with
us as they did with Mr Chan-
thol. But we do not know more
details. We will wait and see,
Saktheara said.
Energy is a long-term proj-
ect and requires a lot of prepa-
ration . . . US business needs to
nd and secure their place in
Cambodias future energy de-
velopment too.
What we want is a quality
and responsible investment.
Cambodia is looking for a
long-term partner rather
than opportunistic [compa-
nies]. We are not in a hurry,
we are scrutinising quality of
Indicative Exchange Rates as of 25/8/2014. Please contact ANZ Royal Global Markets on 023 999 910 for real time rates.
Wei family of Taiwan to
buy CNS stake for $2.4B
TAIWANS Wei family, which
controls Ting Hsin
International Group, agreed to
buy a majority stake in cable
operator China Network
Systems for about $2.4 billion
including debt, people familiar
with the matter said. MBK has
tried for four years to sell CNS.
A proposed sale to Want Want
China Holdings Ltd, agreed in
2010, was halted last year as
Taiwan regulators expressed
concerns about Want Wants
existing media holdings. MBK
was also considering an IPO
for CNS in Singapore. The Wei
family doesnt own other
media businesses, which
should help with regulatory
approval, one person said.
Aussie winery McGuigan
seals deal to tap China
THE owner of Australias
McGuigan wine label said
yesterday it had won a
distribution deal with Chinas
state-owned food
conglomerate COFCO, giving
it a chance to tap the vast
market. Australian Vintage
said it had signed a long-term
deal with COFCO Wine and
Spirits to distribute McGuigan.
China overtook France as the
worlds largest consumer of
red wine last year, guzzling
1.865 billion bottles, according
to Vinexpo Asia-Pacific. AFP
W Australia
stripped of
Aaa rating
WESTERN Australia was
stripped of its top credit rating
by Moodys Investors Service as
the states increasing reliance
on resource royalties threatens
efforts to repair its finances.
Moodys lowered the states
ranking to Aa1 from Aaa and
changed its outlook to stable
from negative. The govern-
ments assumptions for mining
royalties are based on a fairly
optimistic forecast for iron ore
prices, while the state faces
spending pressures due to rap-
id population growth.
Western Australias debt bur-
den has risen sharply in recent
years, Moodys said. The state
will be hard pressed to meet its
very low spending growth tar-
gets, unless the governments
fiscal resolve strengthens and
new measures are identified.
The states operating surplus
for the current period was fore-
cast at just A$175 million
(US$163 million) and the iron-
ore plunge means inflows could
be trailing estimates, according
to revenue sensitivities pro-
vided in the states May budget.
The downgrade by Moodys fol-
lows Standard & Poors decision
to remove its top credit grade
last September. BLOOMBERG
Boeing inks $8.8B Asian deal
IRCRAFT leasing
rm BOC Aviation
said yesterday it has
ordered 80 Boeing
737 planes and two B777-300-
ERs worth a total $8.8 billion
at list prices in an effort to
meet expanding client needs
as travel booms in Asia.
The Singapore-based com-
pany, owned by the Bank of
China, said the bulk of the
orders was for 50 B737 MAX
8 planes and 30 next-genera-
tion B737-800s.
The 80 planes have a value
of $8.14 billion based on 2014
catalogue prices published on
Boeings website.
The orders will allow BOC
Aviation to build on its eet for
the next seven years, the com-
pany said in a statement.
The rm said it has also
ordered two B777-300ER air-
craft, worth a total $660 mil-
lion at catalogue prices. Both
planes have already been
placed with an existing cus-
tomer, it added.
US aircraft maker Boeing
said in a separate statement
that the order from China is
the largest in BOC Aviations
20-year history and is part
of the leasing rms effort to
grow its portfolio of fuel-ef-
cient airplanes.
Robert Martin, BOC Avia-
tions managing director and
chief executive, said the fresh
B737 orders followed a similar
purchase made in 2006 for 50
B737 next-generation aircraft.
This is a continuation of our
commitment to be responsive
to airline customers which are
expanding or replacing older
eets, he said.
The 737 is known for its op-
erational and fuel efciency,
and BOC Aviation expects
healthy demand for the next
generation 737 and 737 MAX
in the next seven years.
As of June 30, BOC Aviation
said its eet of 251 delivered
aircraft included 118 Boeing
aircraft operated by 27 airlines.
At the Farnborough airshow
in July, BOC Aviation also or-
dered 43 Airbus single-aisle
A320 passenger jets worth $4.4
billion at list prices.
Boeing has projected a travel
boom in the Asia Pacic region
over the next 20 years from
2013, fuelled by a rising middle
class and strong regional eco-
nomic growth.
As income levels rise, Asia
Pacic is set to become the
largest air travel market in the
world. In 2033, approximately
48 percent of global trafc will
be to, from, or within the re-
gion, Boeing said in its latest
regional forecast. AFP
Three Boeing 737s sit in production at a Boeing plant in Kansas. China has ordered 80 Boeing 737s and two
B777-300s to accomodate the travel boom in Asia. AFP
ASEAN free
ow fund
under way
Chinas Vivo
expands to
INVESTORS in Thailand, Singa-
pore and Malaysia can now buy
and sell mutual funds issued
in any of the three countries.
Likewise, Thai fund managers
can sell their units to custom-
ers in the two countries in
addition Thai clients.
The ASEAN Capital Markets
Forum announced yesterday
that the ASEAN CIS Framework
for cross-border offering of col-
lective investment schemes is
now operational in the three
member countries.
The framework allows fund
managers operating in a mem-
ber jurisdiction to offer mutual
funds constituted and author-
ised in that jurisdiction to retail
investors in other member
jurisdictions under an authori-
sation process.
Under this initiative, inves-
tors and fund managers can
benefit and leverage off one of
the most dynamic regions of the
world, with a combined GDP in
excess of $2.4 trillion, Datuk
Ranjit Ajit Singh, chairman of the
Securities Commission Malaysia
said. Under this initiative, inves-
tors and fund managers can
benefit and leverage off one of
the most dynamic regions of the
CHINESE smartphone maker
Vivo is planning global expan-
sion with Thailand as the first
market outside the mainland.
The move by Chinas fifth-
largest handset firm is likely to
spur competition in Thailands
hyper-competitive smartphone
market. It would also offer more
alternatives in the affordable
smartphone segment.
The entry of Vivo showed Chi-
nese companies strong appe-
tite to expand abroad, includ-
ing in Thailand, one of the
fast-growing smartphone mar-
kets in the region.
Chinas Xiaomi recently also
made a foray into the Thai mar-
ket, offering a surprising set of
specs and features for an afford-
able smartphone. Other Chi-
nese handset companies enter-
ing the Thai market include
Oppo, Huawei and Lenovo. Glo-
bal research firm IDC Thailand
said Thailands smartphone
market is expected to reach 13
million units this year
Feng Lei, vice president and
chief marketing of Vivo Com-
munication Technology Co,
said the firm aimed to have at
least a 5-8 per cent share in the
Thai smartphone market by
Thai exporters seek support
HE new Thai govern-
ment is being urged
to help support rice
exporters to secure
more futures contracts, par-
ticularly for the new harvest to
help curb a fall in prices.
Separately, rubber planters
are also calling for help from
the government as they feel
the impact of signicant price
drops in recent years.
Thai rice exporters have
been travelling overseas to sell
Thai rice on futures contracts
to prevent a drop in prices.
Malaysia is interested in buy-
ing more rice from Thailand,
but wants appropriate offer
prices in advance, particularly
for newly harvested rice, said
Chookiat Ophaswongse, hon-
orary president of Thai Rice
Exporters Association. The
new harvest for the main crop
will be churned out from Oc-
tober onward.
Under the exporters pro-
posal, they will buy newly har-
vested rice from the market
for delivery under the futures
contracts. But if prices fall be-
low the future prices before
delivery, they call for govern-
ment compensation of state
rice stocks.
Were not asking for money,
but rather compensation of
rice stocks or a discount once
we buy rice from state stocks,
said Chookiat.
He said there was plenty of
demand for new rice, not only
from Malaysia but also Indo-
nesia and China. Exporters ex-
pect to sell 400,000 to 500,000
more tonnes if authorities
agree on this proposal.
Sermsak Kuonsongtum, the
associations vice president,
said Indonesias rice-buying
agency, Bulog, wanted 300,000
to 500,000 tonnes of new rice
from either Thailand or Viet-
nam, while China was asking
for about 100,000 tonnes. The
association is teaming up with
the Foreign Trade Department
to sell Thai rice, he said.
The global rice market re-
ceived a jolt a couple of weeks
ago when the junta decided to
auction off the 167,000 tonnes of
rice the government stockpiled
over the past two years dur-
ing the expensive rice pledging
scheme. Although the bidding
drew an active response from
bidders, the military regime
only sold 73,000 tonnes for 740
million baht ($23.1 million).
A second auction is expected
later this month for 200,000
tonnes, with possible amend-
ments to the bidding process to
entice buyers.
In a related development,
Jintana Chaiyawonnagal,
director-general of the Inter-
nal Trade Department, said to
cope with low paddy prices
the department also plans to
ask Thai millers to keep their
rice stocks during the seasonal
harvest. Participating millers
will be offered a special loan
that charges three percentage
points below the minimum
lending rate for six months.
Paddy rice production for
the 2014-15 second crop is es-
timated at 28 million tonnes,
while output for the 2015-16
main crop is estimated at 26-
27 million tonnes.
Associations representing
rubber planters in 63 prov-
inces were due to meet their
governors yesterday to pass on
their request to the new cabi-
net for the government not to
sell 210,000 tonnes of rubber
in its stock to the market in
help avoid further price falls.
The stock has also lessened
the bargaining power of Thai
sellers in the global market,
they said. The government
should instead use the stock-
pile for road construction, fut-
sal pitches and kindergarten
playgrounds. BANGKOK POST
Thai rice and rubber exporters have made pleas to the government for
support due to signicant price drops in recent times. AFP
Paid advertisement
TheGarment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia(GMAC) condemns
theKhmer Union Federation of Workers Spirit led by Mr. MomSiek
for organizing astrikeagainst theprocedureof theLabour Law, blocking
public roads and instigating aprotest that led to violenceand destruction
of property of J iun YeGarment (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd on 20 August 2014.
Meanwhile, GMAC also condemns theother 8 union federations that led
astrikeagainst thelegal procedureand blocked thefactory gateof FWKK
(Cambodia) Limitedon 21 August 2014.
GMAC would also liketo emphasizethat the union federation of Mom
Siek and all the other 8 union federations mentioned above have
no legal registration in the respective factories. This group and their
accomplices blocked the factory gate with the use of threat to prevent
workers fromentering thefactory to work. This is aviolation of theright
of themajority of workers who did not want to join thestrike(Article 331
of the Labour Law). In addition, most of therequests madeby theseunion
federations are demands for better benets above the law and some other
points arewhat thecompanies havealready duly practiced. Under thelaw,
only the union with the most representative status in the enterprise has
the right to ask the employer to negotiate better benets above the law.
(Article 96 of the Labour Law and Prakas 305)
The union federation of Mr. Mom Siek and his accomplices provoked
a violent protest at J iun Ye factory, leading to the damage of factory
propertysuch as glass door of the ofce and some other equipments. Article
410 of theCriminal Codestipulates that intentionally destroying, defacing
or damaging property belonging to another person shall bepunishableby
imprisonment from six months to two years and a ne from one million
to four million Riels, except whereonly minor damagehas ensued. This
offence dened in Article 410 (intentionally causing damage) shall be
punishable by imprisonment from two to ve years and a ne from four
million to ten million Riels if it is committed by several persons acting as
perpetrators, co-perpetrators, instigators or accomplices;
GMAC would liketo request theauthorities and theRoyal Government
to uphold the spirit of the implementation of the law and punish
the perpetrators as Cambodia is a country with the rule of law. The
implementation of thelaw, therefore, is apriority for this country so that
the investors have condence when investing in the county depends on
predictability and sustainability of thebusiness as well as theenforcement
of thelaw.
Vietnam is in the nal stages of its Free Trade Agreement negotiations with
the European Union as well as the Trans-Pacic Partnership agreement
with theUnited States of America. When theseagreements aresigned, any
advantages that Cambodiamight enjoy currently will disappear and this
will surely affect our competitiveness greatly! Weurgeall stakeholders to
act responsibly to ensurethecontinued employment of morethan 650,000
workers in thegarment and footwear industry in Cambodia.
PhnomPenh, 23 August 2014
GERMANYS Ifo business
condence index fell to the
lowest level for more than a
year in August, data showed
yesterday, as Europes biggest
economy continues to run
out of steam.
The German economy is
merely facing a soft patch,
rather than an outright reces-
sion, analysts insisted.
The Ifo economic institutes
closely watched business cli-
mate index fell to 106.3 points
in August from 108.0 in July.
It was the fourth monthly
decline in a row, bringing the
index to its lowest level since
July 2013.
Companies were again less
satised with their current
business situation. Also with
regard to the further course
of business, they are more
sceptical than in the previ-
ous month, said Ifo president
Hans-Werner Sinn.
The German economy is
continuing to lose steam.
Ifo calculates its headline in-
dex on the basis of companies
assessments of current busi-
ness and the outlook for the
next six months.
The sub-index measuring
current business slipped to
111.1 points from 112.9 last
month. The outlook sub-index
also fell to 101.7 points, the
lowest level since May 2013.
Natixis economist Johannes
Gareis insisted that the index
is way above its long-term av-
erage. All in all, yesterdays Ifo
reading is still consistent with
positive growth and, indeed,
we expect the German econ-
omy to avert falling back into
recession in the third quarter.
Nevertheless, it is evident that
the economy is losing some
The government, too, re-
mains optimistic in its outlook
for Europes biggest economy,
despite a contraction in ac-
tivity in the second quarter,
according to a report in the
weekly Der Spiegel.
For the whole of 2014, the
German economy could even
notch up faster growth than
the 1.8 per cent it is currently
predicting, the magazine said,
quoting Finance Minister
Wolfgang Schaeuble.
Berenberg Bank economist
Christian Schulz said that Ger-
many and the eurozone as a
whole entered a rough patch
this summer. Both the crisis in
Ukraine and the disappointing
recovery in the eurozone were
weighing on condence and
thus investment, Schulz said.
German growth could still
recover quickly if the tensions
in Eastern Ukraine were to
subside. But that remains a
distant prospect, suggesting
that economic weakness will
persist, he concluded.
Commerzbank economist
Joerg Kraemer said the con-
tinued fall of the Ifo is re-
ally problematic for the rest of
the euro area, which is barely
growing. AFP
FAST-FOOD chain Burger
King plans to buy Canadian
chain Tim Hortons in an ac-
quisition that will make it the
worlds third largest in the
fast-food sector, the compa-
nies said on Sunday.
Following the merger of the
two groups, Burger Kings
majority shareholder, invest-
ment rm 3G Capital, will
hold a majority in the new
The remaining
shares will be dis-
tributed between
the current
sharehol ders
of Tim Hortons
and Burger
King and both
brand names
will be retained.
The two compa-
nies current market
value is about $18 billion.
The two companies said
in a joint statement that the
new group will be traded and
based in Canada, where the
merged companys largest
market is located.
A Canada home base will
also permit the company to
benet from Ottawas more
favourable tax code.
Together, Burger King and
Tim Hortons will have an es-
timated revenue of $22 billion
a year from around 18,000 res-
taurants in 100 countries.
The two companies said,
however, that the deal is not -
nalised, with negotiations still
underway on the nal agree-
Founded in 1954 with a res-
taurant in Miami, Burger King
became the worlds second
biggest hamburger chain,
with 13,000 shops in nearly
100 countries. Accord-
ing to the company,
it serves an average
of 11 million cus-
tomers a day.
Tim Horton,
named after its
founder, has be-
come iconic on
Canadian roadways
since its rst cof-
fee and donut shop rst
opened back in 1964 in Ham-
ilton, Ontario.
Horton, born in 1930, spent
22 years as a professional ice
hockey player in Canada and
the United States before open-
ing his rst restaurant.
He died in 1974 in a car crash
coming home from a hockey
match. At the time his chain
had 40 shops it now boasts
4,546, of which 3,630 are in
Canada. AFP
Business condence
in Germany drops to
lowest in over a year
Burger King planning
swoop for Canadian
food-chain Hortons
E-cigs need regulation, AHA says
E-CIGARETTES should be
subject to the same regula-
tions as cigarettes and should
not be sold to minors, the
American Heart Association
(AHA) said in new policy
guidelines out yesterday.
The use of e-cigarettes, which
are electrical devices that heat
flavored nicotine liquid into a
vapour that is inhaled, much
like traditional cigarettes but
without the smoke, has been
rising rapidly among youths in
recent years, raising concerns
about the potential for addic-
tion risks and health damage.
E-cigarettes are currently
unregulated, meaning they can
be sold to youths and are open-
ly advertised, unlike cigarette-
makers which must follow strict
rules about where and how
their products are marketed.
The AHA guidelines go a step
further than the US Food and
Drug Administrations April
proposal, which set out a new
series of regulations on e-ciga-
rettes that included banning
their sale to minors, but did not
restrict advertising or online
sales of the candy and fruit-
flavoured liquids that some say
are targeted at young people.
Recent studies raise con-
cerns that e-cigarettes may be
a gateway to traditional tobacco
products for the nations youth,
and could renormalise smoking
in our society, said Nancy
Brown, CEO of AHA.
The guidelines, published in
the journal Circulation, recom-
mend that since e-cigarettes
contain nicotine, they should
be subject to all laws that apply
to these products.
The AHA also calls for strong
new regulations to prevent
access, sales and marketing of
e-cigarettes to youth, and for
more research into the prod-
ucts health impact.
The sales of e-cigarettes have
risen sharply since they were
introduced in 2007. The number
of high school students who
tried e-cigarettes nearly dou-
bled, from 4.7 per cent in 2011
to 10 per cent in 2012, and sales
of e-cigarettes could top $2 bil-
lion this year, according to
industry estimates. AFP
Roche acquire $8B InterMune
OCHE Holding Ag
agreed to buy Inter-
Mune Inc for about
$8.3 billion in cash,
gaining access to what may
be the rst drug in the US for
a lung disease that can be fatal
within ve years.
Roche will pay $74 a share for
InterMune, a biotechnology
company with 450 employees,
the Basel, Switzerland-based
drugmaker said yesterday. It
is 38 per cent more than the
August 22 closing price for
Brisbane, California-based
InterMune, and 63 per cent
higher than on August 12,
when news of a potential sale
rst emerged.
The purchase gains Roche
pirfenidone, which analysts
predict will generate $1 billion
in global sales by 2019. The
treatment targets idiopathic
pulmonary brosis, a disease
that causes tissue deep in the
lungs to become thick and
scarred over time. Roche, the
biggest maker of cancer drugs,
has struggled to expand out-
side of oncology, halting devel-
opment of diabetes and heart
disease drugs in recent years.
This will allow Roche
to grow and strengthen its
pulmonary franchise glob-
ally, said Roche CEO Severin
Schwan, during a conference
call. Its a perfect t from a
portfolio point of view. We
plan a smooth transition en-
suring readiness for an ex-
pected launch of pirfenidone
in the US in 2014.
The purchase is Roches
largest since 2009, when it
acquired the 44 per cent of
Genentech Inc that it didnt
already own for about $46.8
billion. The company paid off
almost three-quarters of the
debt it took on for the pur-
chase as of June 30, giving it
more power for acquisitions.
Schwan reiterated in July
that the company was look-
ing for targeted acquisitions
of products and technolo-
gies to bolster its existing
drug and diagnostic busi-
nesses. In the rst half of the
year, Roche generated al-
most $7.9 billion Swiss francs
($8.6 billion) of free cash ow.
The InterMune purchase is
a good example of the type of
bolt-on acquisition Roche has
been looking to do, Schwan
said. It complements and ex-
tends existing products rather
than creating a mega-merger
or diversifying the company,
he said.
Its right on what our M&A
strategy is, he said. It allows
us to create value in a very
targeted way for patients, em-
ployees and investors.
Roche and InterMune have
been working together to
develop drugs for hepatitis
C since 2006. Their US and
European locations are close
together in California and
Switzerland, easing the inte-
gration of the two companies,
ofcials said.
Drug and biotechnology
companies have announced
deals this year valued at $245.9
billion, up from $67.9 billion in
the same period last year. The
2014 tally doesnt include Pz-
er Incs $117 billion offer for
AstraZeneca Plc, which Pzer
dropped because of opposi-
tion from the target.
Companies are buying rivals
to provide a broader range of
therapies in a handful of dis-
ease areas where the medical
need is great, treatment op-
tions are few and drug prices
may be substantial. The Inter-
Mune acquisition may lead to
renewed speculation of bids
for Actelion Ltd of Switzerland
and United Therapeutics Corp
of Silver Spring, Maryland,
said Ori Hershkovitz, a partner
at Sphera Funds Management
Ltd, a Tel Aviv-based health-
care fund.
InterMune attracted inter-
est from rival drugmakers as
pirfenidone worked its way
closer the US market, includ-
ing GlaxoSmithKline Plc and
Actelion, people familiar with
the matter said earlier this
month. The drug, also known
as Esbriet, is already sold in
Europe, Canada and Japan.
It would be the rst medicine
available in the US for the dis-
ease that kills 40,000 Ameri-
cans annually. BLOOMBERG
Global health care company Roche has agreed to pay $8.3 billion to acquire InterMune, the largest purchase by Roche since 2009. BLOOMBERG
International commodities
Thailand Vietnam
Singapore Malaysia
Hong Kong China
Japan Taiwan
Thai Set 50 Index, Aug 22
FTSE Straits Times Index, Aug 22 FTSEBursaMalaysiaKLCI, Aug 22
Hang Seng Index, Aug 22 CSI 300 Index, Aug 22
Nikkei 225, Aug 22 Taiwan Taiex Index, Aug 22
Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Aug 22
2,342.86 25,166.91
1,862.31 3,330.28
625.88 1,049.67
South Korea Philippines
Laos Indonesia
India Pakistan
Australia New Zealand
KOSPI Index, Aug 22 PSEI- Philippine Se Idx, Aug 22
Laos Composite Index, Aug 22 Jakarta Composite Index, Aug 22
BSE Sensex 30 Index, Aug 22 Karachi 100 Index, Aug 22
S&P/ASX 200 Index, Aug 22 NZX 50 Index, Aug 22
28,544.82 26,521.88
5,184.96 1,416.42
7,133.09 2,060.89
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Gasoline R 5250 5450 3.81 %
Diesel R 5100 5200 1.96 %
Petroleum R 5500 5500 0.00 %
Gas Chi 86000 76000 -11.63 %
Charcoal Baht 1200 1300 8.33 %
Construction equipment
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Rice 1 R/Kg 2800 2780 -0.71 %
Rice 2 R/Kg 2200 2280 3.64 %
Paddy R/Kg 1800 1840 2.22 %
Peanuts R/Kg 8000 8100 1.25 %
Maize 2 R/Kg 2000 2080 4.00 %
Cashew nut R/Kg 4000 4220 5.50 %
Pepper R/Kg 40000 24000 -40.00 %
Beef R/Kg 33000 33600 1.82 %
Pork R/Kg 17000 18200 7.06 %
Mud Fish R/Kg 12000 12400 3.33 %
Chicken R/Kg 18000 20800 15.56 %
Duck R/Kg 13000 13100 0.77 %
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Steel 12 R/Kg 3000 3100 3.33 %
Cement R/Sac 19000 19500 2.63 %
Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits
Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012)
Crude Oil (WTI) USD/bbl. 93.61 -0.04 -0.04% 5:12:48
Crude Oil (Brent) USD/bbl. 102.43 0.14 0.14% 5:12:33
NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu 3.87 0.03 0.83% 5:11:05
RBOBGasoline USd/gal. 273.74 -0.1 -0.04% 5:08:23
NYMEX Heating Oil USd/gal. 283.73 0.94 0.33% 4:58:57
ICEGasoil USD/MT 863.25 -0.75 -0.09% 5:13:06
CBOT Rough Rice USD/cwt 12.72 -0.01 -0.04% 4:30:12
CME Lumber USD/tbf 351 -1.8 -0.51% 16:07:49
WildLeaks targets poaching elite
OACHERS slaughtering Africas el-
ephants and rhinos with impunity are
often shielded from police by powerful
connections, but a group of conserva-
tionists has turned to the anonymity of tipoffs to
try to stem the killing.
The founders of WildLeaks a sort of WikiLeaks
for the environment say it is the rst secure, on-
line whistle-blowing platform dedicated to wild-
life and forest crime.
While wildlife rangers face gun battles in na-
tional parks with poachers carrying out the
slaughter, the online project hopes to target the
top-end trafckers who cream off millions of
dollars in prot.
We got, for example, a very interesting leak on
a very powerful individual in Kenya, linked to the
government, who is behind the ivory trade, said
founder Andrea Crosta, a former security consul-
tant and longtime conservationist.
This kind of person will never be taken out
from within. Theyre too powerful. You need help
from outside. So right now, were trying to gather
more evidence, he said.
Poaching has risen sharply across Africa in re-
cent years, fuelled by rising demand in Asia for
ivory and rhino horn, coveted as a traditional
medicine and a status symbol.
Interviewed in the lobby of a hotel in Tanzanias
main city Dar es Salaam, Crosta is fervent in his
belief the online platform can be part of the war
against poaching. Launched in February, Wild-
Leaks received its rst tip within 24 hours. Since
then the project has gotten over 45 tips and leaks,
with at least 28 deemed to be useful.
The information involved a range of topics from
around the world including tiger poaching in Su-
matra, illegal logging in Russia and the smug-
gling of wildlife products into the United States.
WildLeaks passed on some tips to law enforce-
ment agencies, while others were shared with
trusted conservation organisations that specia-
lise in the area.
Some were also investigated in house. Two
WildLeaks probes have already been launched,
with another two set to begin in September.
WildLeaks uses encryption and anonymity
software to allow those with information to send
it safely to those who can do something about it.
It is a new way to tackle a long-standing problem,
and other conservationists have offered a cau-
tious welcome.
It does appear to be a new approach within
the wildlife crime sector, said Richard Thomas
from TRAFFIC, the worlds leading wildlife trade
monitoring network. It could prove its worth
over time, if useful information is received and
directed towards appropriate professional en-
forcement agencies for follow-up action.
But the problem with WildLeaks, Crosta admit-
ted, is that in order for the project to be success-
ful, the public needs to know about it and trust
the people who are involved.
Crosta was in Dar es Salaam to meet potential
partners and spread the word about his project.
WildLeaks has yet to receive a leak from Tan-
zania, even though the east African nation strug-
gles with wildlife crime.
A third of all illegal ivory seized in Asia has
come through Tanzanian ports.
Crosta, 45, has a background in both business
and security consulting, often for governments
and multinational companies.
In 2011, he said he self-funded an 18-month
investigation, going undercover to find sourc-
es and meet with traffickers. His probe led
him to suggest ivory was providing key fund-
ing for Somalias al-Qaida-linked Shebab in-
While UN experts disputed the ndings, many
would back WildLeaks message: stopping poach-
ing requires action against the wealthy and inu-
ential bosses of often extremely well connected
organised crime gangs.
Unlike others operating in the eld . . . we are
not after small-time poachers or trafckers, but
the people above them, including corrupt gov-
ernment ofcials, he said.
No arrests have yet been made, but Crosta at-
tributes this to the newness of the project and
the fact that it is aiming for the bigger players in
poaching networks.
The spike in poaching, with animals slaugh-
tered even inside heavily guarded national
parks or conservation areas, shows that poach-
ers have little fear of tough new laws designed to
end the killing.
You cant just keep going out catching and
jailing poachers because theres an endless sup-
ply out there, he said, motioning towards the
villages of rural Tanzania.
That is not the solution. AFP
Kenyan police ofcers display 302 pieces of seized
ivory, including 228 elephant tusks. AFP
Crying over spilled wine
A 6.0-magnitude earthquake rocked Californias scenic Napa Valley wine country on Sunday, the strongest to hit the region in a quarter of a century, seriously injuring three and jolting thousands from their sleep. No deaths
were reported, but authorities said a child was in critical condition after being crushed by a replace and some 130 people were said to have sought minor medical care. Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emer-
gency in the wake of the 3:20am quake, which sparked res, burst water mains, caused gas leaks and even cracked roads. Authorities agged 33 buildings, including a senior centre, as too damaged for occupancy, and
portions of the citys downtown area were cordoned off with yellow tape. AFP
Rebel convoy breaches border: Kiev
Nicolas Gaudichet,
Max Delany and Richard Lein
HE Kremlin announced
plans yesterday for a second
aid convoy into Ukraine,
heightening tensions on the
eve of crunch talks, while fresh clash-
es raged along the border and around
the main rebel-held city.
A Ukrainian military spokesman
said troops were battling a contin-
gent of 10 tanks and two armoured
personal carriers ying rebel ags
that had crossed a southern part
of the border with Russia and was
heading towards the government-
held city of Mariupol.
Some 120 kilometres to the north,
AFP journalists also witnessed heavy
ghting raging to the south of Do-
netsk, the main rebel bastion, a day af-
ter separatist leaders said they had de-
ployed tanks and artillery to the area.
Explosions rang out and smoke rose
from towns to the south of the city.
Ukraines military said four soldiers
had been killed and 31 wounded in
the past 24 hours.
The latest ghting comes as Ukrai-
nian President Petro Poroshenko
and Russian leader Vladimir Putin
prepare to meet for the rst time in
months alongside top EU ofcials in
Minsk today.
There was additional pressure on
the talks after the Kremlin said yes-
terday that it was planning to send
another controversial aid convoy into
east Ukraine this week.
Russia sent 230 lorries carrying
what it claimed was 1,800 tonnes hu-
manitarian aid to the rebel-held city
of Lugansk without Red Cross moni-
tors on Friday after accusing Kiev of
intentionally delaying the mission.
Kiev condemned the move as a di-
rect invasion but the trucks returned
to Russia on Saturday without inci-
dent. We would like to agree on the
conditions to send the convoy on the
same route with the same participa-
tion of Ukrainian border guards and
customs ofcers as soon as possible,
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lav-
rov said in Moscow.
There were conicting accounts of
yesterdays ghting along the border,
which if conrmed could represent a
new push by rebels into territory con-
trolled by Kiev.
A resident in a nearby town said
that explosions could be heard com-
ing from the direction of the frontier.
But Lavrov dismissed the claims,
saying: I havent heard about it, but
there has been more than enough
disinformation about our invasion.
No doubt some foreign newspaper
will print that news tomorrow.
Over 2,200 people have died and
400,000 ed their homes after more
than four months of ghting that has
left residents in some rebel-held cit-
ies without water or power for weeks.
Poroshenko has pledged to talk
peace with Putin when they meet
today but insists the withdrawal of
pro-Kremlin forces is the only way to
end the conict in east Ukraine.
Kiev has accused Russia of ramping
up arms supplies to the rebels as gov-
ernment troops have cut deeper into
their territory. Moscow has retorted
that Ukrainian forces must cease
their punishing offensive.
Lavrov played down hopes for a
major breakthrough in Minsk, saying
only that the talks would facilitate
the exchange of opinions about ef-
forts to start the political process to
settle the political crisis.
Both sides are under pressure from
the international community to nd
a compromise. AFP
Turmoil in France as prime minister resigns his govt
FRANCE has entered uncharted
political waters after Prime Minis-
ter Manuel Valls presented his
governments resignation amid a
political crisis triggered by his mav-
erick economy minister, who
called for an end to austerity
policies imposed by Germany.
The prime minister, a social
democrat who has been compared
to Tony Blair, acted with charac-
teristic swiftness in a bid to
reassert his authority. His
aides had let it be known
on Sunday that Econo-
my Minister Arnaud
Montebourg had
crossed a yellow line
for his dual crime of criticising both the
president and Germany, a valued ally.
Montebourg, 51, fired his first broad-
side in an interview with Le Monde on
Saturday and followed up with a speech
to a Socialist Party rally the next day. In
a veiled reference to President Francois
Hollande, he said that conformism was
an enemy and my enemy is governing.
France is a free country which shouldnt
be aligning itself with the obsessions of
the German right, he said, urging a just
and sane resistance.
Hollande, who is politically weak-
ened with his approval rating at an all-
time low of 17 per cent, asked Valls to
form a new government consistent
with the direction set for the country,
which is expected to be announced
today. Valls has pledged to stick to a
course in which deficits would be cut
while the tax burden on businesses
would be eased, bringing him into con-
flict with the left wing of the party rep-
resented by Montebourg.
The changes have not yet been carried
out, unemployment is at nearly 11 per
cent and growth in 2014 is forecast to be
only 0.5 per cent.
Centre-right politicians had called for
the economy minister to step down,
while some Socialists recognised that it
was illogical for an economy minister to
attack his own governments economic
policies. The National Front is demand-
ing the dissolution of parliament.
The challenge for Valls will be to put
together a government that can win
the approval of the national assem-
bly, despite the revolt by the Social-
ist partys left flank and desertion
by the ecologists.
We cant rule out the govern-
ment being thrown out by a major-
ity in parliament, and the presi-
dent would have to envisage a
dissolution of the
assembly, constitu-
tional expert Domi-
nique Rousseau told
Liberation. The
crisis is not over,
its just begin-
ning. AFP
Now-former PM Manuel Valls Economy chief Arnaud Montebourg
The storage room of Bouchaine Vineyards. A residential building in Napa Vans Liquors wine store
HE leader of Thai-
lands coup was for-
mally endorsed as
prime minister by the
nations revered king yester-
day, in a step towards form-
ing a government to oversee
sweeping reforms in the po-
litically turbulent kingdom.
Army chief General Prayuth
Chan-ocha, 60, who ousted
an elected government in a
bloodless power grab on May
22, was chosen uncontested
as premier last week by a na-
tional assembly made up
mainly of military gures.
In a brief but elaborate cer-
emony to receive the royal
command, Prayuth wearing
a white ofcial uniform knelt
and bowed before a portrait of
King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
His majesty the king has
appointed me prime minister.
I am extremely grateful . . . This
is a great honour for me and
my family, Prayuth said after
the ceremony.
I will work with honesty
and for the benet of people
and the nation, he added.
Im ready to get tired.
He is the rst coup leader to
serve as prime minister since
Sarit Thanarat in 1957.
The top general, who was
endorsed as premier on Sun-
day but was ofcially given
the royal command yesterday,
will also remain head of the
junta as the military appears
to tighten its grip on power.
Following yesterdays cer-
emony, Prayuth said he would
complete the lineup of his
cabinet as soon as possible
and expects to forward it to the
king for royal endorsement in
September. A source said Pr-
ayuth was likely to take the role
of defence minister himself.
The prime minister said in
handling the countrys admin-
istration, the government and
the National Council for Peace
and Order (NCPO), of which
he is also chairman, would be
in close consultation.
The government and the
NCPO would not infringe on
each others responsibilities
but act as a check-and-bal-
ance to ensure transparency,
he said.
The junta, formally known
as the National Council for
Peace and Order (NCPO), says
it was forced to take power
after months of protests left
nearly 30 people dead and
hundreds more wounded,
paralysing the government,
cramping the economy and
frightening off tourists.
It has ruled out holding new
elections before October 2015,
despite international appeals
for a return to democracy,
vowing rst to oversee reforms
aimed at cleaning up politics
and society.
Japan, Thailands single
biggest foreign investor, yes-
terday urged a smooth and
early transition to an elected
The statement, by the Minis-
try of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo,
also said Japan was particu-
larly attentive to the protec-
tion of basic rights and free-
doms in the kingdom.
Rights groups have con-
demned the junta for smoth-
ering dissent since seizing
power. Protests are banned
under martial law while hun-
dreds of activists and political
opponents were summoned
by the military after the coup
although most were released
within days.
The United Nations last
week also expressed alarm at
a number of arrests and stiff
jail sentences meted out since
the coup for defaming Thai-
lands monarchy.
King Bhumibol Adulyadej,
86, is revered by many Thais
and protected by tough defa-
mation laws that carry a maxi-
mum jail sentence of 15 years
for each conviction.
At least 13 new royal defa-
mation cases have been
opened while other allega-
tions have been revived, the
UN said, warning of the chill-
ing effects of such cases on
freedom of expression.
Critics say months-long
protests that proceeded the
coup provided a pretext for
the power grab against the ex-
government led by the Shina-
watra clan. AFP/BANGKOK POST
Trials over Jakarta intl
school abuse to open
FIVE cleaners will go on trial
this week over claims of sexual
assault at one of Indonesias
most prestigious international
schools, the first cases in a
long-running scandal to go to
court. The crisis at the Jakarta
International School, which
began with public claims in
April that the cleaning staff
assaulted a 6-year-old boy, has
rocked an institution that has
been a favourite with
expatriates for more than 60
years. All defendants deny any
wrongdoing. Since the first
claims the scandal has
snowballed, with more parents
making abuse claims, staff
members accused and a
revelation that a suspected
serial pedophile sought by the
FBI taught there for years. AFP
Communist Party meet
to consider HK suffrage
THE top committee of Chinas
rubber-stamp legislature
opened a session yesterday
that will discuss issues
including the election method
for Hong Kongs chief
executive. The meeting of the
standing committee of the
National Peoples Congress
comes with public discontent
in the former British colony at
its highest for years over
perceived interference by
Beijing and growing divisions
over how its next leader should
be chosen in 2017. Pro-
democracy campaigners from
the Occupy Central group have
pledged to mobilise thousands
of protesters to block the
financial district later this year
if authorities reject the publics
right to nominate candidates
for the post. Beijing is insisting
that it have the right to veto
candidates. AFP
Record offer for family
of TransAsia crash dead
TAIWANS TransAsia Airways
said yesterday it had offered
record compensation to the
families of each passenger
killed in a domestic flight even
though the cause of the crash
is still unclear. The offer of
T$14.9 million (US$496,667)
was made to representatives
of the 48 victims attending
talks at Magong on Penghu
island. Flight GE222, carrying
54 passengers and four crew,
crashed last month near the
airport in Penghu, a scenic
island group in the Taiwan
Strait. The crash into houses
after an aborted landing also
left 10 injured, some of them
badly. Two French nationals
were among the dead. AFP
Caste still dooms some
to clear human waste
LOW-CASTE Indians are still
routinely forced into manually
removing human excrement
from toilets despite a highly
publicised law introduced last
year to end the discriminatory
practice, a rights group said
yesterday. Across the country,
manual scavengers at the
bottom of Indias entrenched
caste hierarchy still perform
the unsanitary work on a daily
basis, Human Rights Watch
said. Low-caste workers often
find it difficult to obtain any
other form of work, with some
toilet cleaners facing threats
and harassment from local
officials and residents if they
try to quit, HRW said. AFP
King endorses Prayuth as PM
General Prayuth Chan-ocha pays his respects in front of a portrait of King Bhumibol Adulyadej during a royal
command ceremony to swear him in as prime minister at army headquarters in Bangkok yesterday. AFP
Killing Canto: Beijing tells TV
station to switch to Mandarin
ness-oriented, the southern
Chinese city of Guangzhou is a
long way from Beijing physi-
cally, culturally and linguisti-
cally and hackles have been
raised by reports Communist
authorities are demanding
local TV drop Cantonese in
favour of Mandarin.
Throughout China, Manda-
rin is the medium of govern-
ment, education and national
official media. The Communist
Party has long viewed it as a
means of weakening regional
loyalties and forging a sense of
common identity, particularly
in far-flung areas such as Xin-
jiang and Tibet.
But according to a ministry
of education statement last
year, 30 per cent of Chinese
400 million people still can-
not speak Mandarin.
Cantonese is the first lan-
guage of roughly half the popu-
lation of Guangzhou, Chinas
third-largest city and the pro-
vincial capital of Guangdong
where for many elderly resi-
dents, it is their only tongue.
Nonetheless, reports in
neighbouring Hong Kong said
the provinces official broad-
caster, Guangdong TV, was
planning to quietly switch most
of its programming from Can-
tonese to Mandarin on Sep-
tember 1. The two languages
generally use the same charac-
ters for the same words, but
they are incomprehensible
when spoken.
I oppose them changing it
all to Mandarin, said Huang
Yankun, a 17-year-old student,
walking past the station. Its
wrong for them to try to restrict
the language in this way.
Some worry that as young
people and their parents focus
on Mandarin for academic and
career reasons, Cantonese may
fall by the wayside.
A lot of kids, they speak only
Mandarin at school, said
media worker Huang Xiaoyu,
28. And at home, their mum
will speak to them in Canton-
ese but the kids will respond in
Mandarin. How are old people
going to communicate with
their grandchildren?
Four years ago a similar pro-
posal by Guangzhou TV sparked
fury and hundreds of protest-
ers defied the authorities to
take to the streets, with similar
demonstrations in Hong Kong,
which also speaks Cantonese.
The plan was dropped.
Cantonese has a greater range
of tones than Mandarin, as well
as a choppier sound to an untu-
tored Western ear. But Canton-
ese activist and editor Lao
Zhenyu said the language was
rich in sounds, and sonorous.
Relative to Mandarin, the
history of Cantonese is more
profound; it has nearly 1,000
years of history, and Mandarin
only has around 100. Canton-
ese has a more abundant
vocabulary than Mandarin, and
its expression is more vivid.
But now it was becoming
increasingly marginalised.
Cantonese is not just a lan-
guage, but for native speakers
it is part of our identity. AFP
PRIME Minister Shinzo Abe
yesterday pledged full support
for victims of last weeks mas-
sive landslides in Hiroshima,
as he made his rst visit since
the disaster to the western Ja-
pan city.
The death toll from the
mudslides, which buried doz-
ens of homes, rose to 52, with
a further 28 people missing as
yesterday, according to Hiro-
shima police.
Some 3,000 rescuers, includ-
ing soldiers, were continuing
to dig through mud and debris
at the various sites on the out-
skirts of the city, but their non-
stop search was occasionally
hampered as fresh rain stoked
fears of more disasters.
The government wants to
closely coordinate with the lo-
cal authority, said Abe, who
wore the light blue two-piece
protective clothing politicians
usually don during disasters
to signify they are part of the
recovery effort.
We will do our best to have
victims return to normal life
as soon as possible, he said.
More than 1,600 people were
taking refuge in schools, town
halls and other public build-
ings yesterday.
The city yesterday issued
evacuation advisories and
orders for more than 150,000
residents, with heavy rainfall
expected in Hiroshima later
that day. AFP
THAI police said yesterday
they had questioned ve
women who were paid up to
$12,500 each by a Japanese
man known to them as Jack
to act as surrogate mothers.
The bafing case, which
emerged after nine babies
were found with nannies in
a Bangkok condomini-
um, has triggered a
human trafcking
probe and inten-
sied the focus
on the kingdoms
murky surrogacy
The alleged father,
Mitsutoki Shigeta
(right), 24, is re-
ported to be
the son of an IT millionaire.
He has left Thailand but last
week voluntarily sent a DNA
sample. Tests showed he is the
biological father of at least 15
babies born to surrogates. His
motives remain unclear.
We have already ques-
tioned ve surrogate mothers
there are six left to ques-
tion, Police Colonel De-
cha Promsuwan, who
is leading the inves-
tigation, said. They
said they went through
agencies . . . they want-
ed to do it because they
could earn money,
each of them was
paid [$9,300 to
12,500]. AFP
Abe visits landslide city
Surrogates paid $12,500
Guangdong chief Wang Yang holds a press conference. Reports say the
provinces broadcaster has been told to switch from Cantonese. AFP
Libya crisis: Egypt warns
of spillover, intervention
EGYPT warned yesterday that
a spillover of lawlessness from
Libya could prompt foreign
intervention, saying this should
be avoided as diplomats
discussed the spiralling
violence in the North African
country. Egypts Foreign
Minister Sameh Shoukri spoke
at the opening session of the
meeting with the foreign
ministers of Libyas
neighbouring countries, two
days after Cairo denied
Islamist militia accusations
that it had conducted an air
strike against Islamists in
Tripoli. An Egyptian proposal to
disarm competing Libyan
militias simultaneously and
without discrimination will be
discussed at the meeting of
foreign ministers of Libyas six
neighbours, Shoukri said. AFP
Violent Istanbul protest
against Syria refugees
HUNDREDS of Istanbul
residents angered by the
presence of Syrian refugees
clashed with police early
yesterday in a violent protest in
a suburb of Turkeys biggest
city, reports said. The clashes
were the latest violence amid
growing tensions between
Turkish locals and Syrian
refugees who fled the civil war
in their country and whose
numbers in Turkey have now
swelled to 1.2 million. The
protest in the Ikitelli district in
the east of the European side
of Istanbul was sparked by
claims that young Syrian men
had sexually harassed a
teenage girl, the Dogan news
agency reported. AFP
Thousands flee town in
new Boko Haram attack
SCORES of heavily armed
Boko Haram fighters yesterday
attacked military and police
stations in the Nigerian town
of Gamboru Ngala on the
Cameroon border, forcing
thousands to flee, residents
said. The town in Nigerias
extreme northeast was almost
entirely destroyed in an
Islamist attack in May that
killed more than 300 people
and locals have voiced outrage
at being left defenceless by the
military. The latest violence
comes after Boko Haram
leader Abubakar Shekau
declared that the town of
Gwoza southwest of
Gamboru Ngala in the same
Borno state was now under
an Islamic caliphate.
Residents said yesterdays
attack began at roughly
5:30am, with the extremists
launching coordinated strikes
on the main police station and
a military base known as the
Harmony camp. AFP
Egyptian peace efforts
may bear fruit in Gaza
VIOLENCE reverberated
across Gaza yesterday, with at
least eight Palestinians killed
in Israeli airstrikes as Egypt
proposed a new ceasefire that
would open key crossings into
the blockaded territory. Early
yesterday, there was
increasing talk of a possible
new ceasefire agreement
which would see the
delegations return to Cairo to
resume discussions on an
Egyptian proposal to broker a
longer-term end to the
violence. AFP
Inmates beheaded in Brazil
NMATES rioting for better
facilities in a Brazilian jail
killed four fellow prison-
ers, decapitating two of
them, and took two guards hos-
tage, officials said on Sunday.
Negotiations to resolve the
standoff were to resume yester-
day, with 60 per cent of the jail
still under inmate control over-
night, said Elson Faxina a state
judicial spokesman.
Officials have cut water and
electricity to the enclosure,
Faxina added, saying that
police officers were guarding
the prison to prevent the riot
from spreading.
A group of prisoners took six
inmates hostage; they killed
four and have injured two. They
also took hostage two guards,
he said. Their demands are
about facilities it is an older
building and they want food
brought in.
But Faxina said there may
also be an element of the upris-
ing linked to a fight between
drug-trafficking factions. The
fact that prisoners took hos-
tages would reinforce that
view, he said.
There were no numbers on
how many inmates were
involved in the uprising, but
local media said around 77
prisoners were transferred
because they were threatened
by the rioters.
The uprising took place in
the Cascavel state correctional
centre in the southern city of
Parana that currently holds
1,140 prisoners, he said.
A group of prisoners rebelled
during breakfast and took two
officers hostage. Then they
beheaded two prisoners, a
civilian police agent assigned to
the jail, Miguel Llanela, said.
According to news portal G1,
the two other prisoners were
killed when they were thrown
off the roof of the buildings.
Negotiation are likely to be
prolonged, and I hope things
are resolved verbally without
using physical force, an advo-
cate for prison staff, Jairo
Ferreira Filho, said.
Meanwhile, the prison work-
ers union said in a statement
that lack of funding meant
there was no regular mainte-
nance of the facility.
The prisoners say the food is
bad, there are no lawyers to
work their trials, no basic
hygiene materials, few correc-
tional officers, it stated. All
these factors together are a
tragedy waiting to happen.
In Brazil 548,000 people are
currently in prison and there
is a need for 207,000 more spots
to prevent overcrowding,
according to Conectas, an
organisation specialising in
inmate rights.
In May, inmates at a maxi-
mum-security prison in north-
east Brazil took four guards and
more than 100 visiting relatives
hostage overnight, ultimately
releasing them in a deal that
saw the transfer of 16 inmates
to other prisoners. AFP
Inmates hold hostages during a standoff following a riot allegedly over conditions at a prison in Parana, Brazil, on Sunday. AFP
Reporter freed after two years captivity in Syria
AN AMERICAN journalist abducted by
rebels in Syria was freed on Sunday after
nearly two years in captivity, but his
release appears to have little bearing on
the fates of other hostages under threat
of death from their kidnappers because
of the US airstrikes in Iraq.
The tiny Persian Gulf nation of Qatar
played a key role in negotiating the
release of Peter Theo Curtis, who went
missing in October 2012 shortly after he
crossed the Turkish border into northern
Syria, US officials and a statement from
his family said. He was handed over to
the UN in Syria on Sunday and is now
safely out of the country, officials said.
Curtis, 45, had been kidnapped by the
al-Qaida-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra,
according to the State Department, and
he was not believed to be connected to
the American hostages held by the more
extremist Islamic State group.
His release came a few days after IS
issued a chilling video announcing that
it had beheaded US journalist James
Foley and threatening the same fate for
another hostage, Steven Sotloff, if the US
does not call off its airstrikes in Iraq.
Curtiss captors with Jabhat al-Nusra
have been at war with IS, which holds
three other US hostages, for control of
parts of Syria. The location of a fourth
American hostage, journalist Austin
Tice, are not known, but he is not
believed to be with IS, US officials say.
In Iraq yesterday, Kurdish peshmerga
forces supported by Iraqi airstrikes
pushed back IS fighters in the north of
the country, even as the militants over-
ran a key military airport in Syria.
Troops wrested control of three vil-
lages from the jihadists in the central
province of Diyala, northeast of Bagh-
dad, a Kurdish brigadier general said.
But in Syria, the jihadists on Sunday
won a bloody battle for the Tabqa mili-
tary airport, the last stronghold of the
Damascus regime in the northern prov-
ince of Raqa, a monitoring group said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human
Rights said 346 jihadists and almost 200
Syrian troops were killed in the six-day
battle for the airport.
Syrias foreign minister said yesterday
that the country was ready to work with
the international community, includ-
ing the US, to combat terrorism. THE
Ebola cases found outside W Africa
THE Democratic Republic of
Congo confirmed its two first
cases of Ebola this year, but
claimed they were unrelated to
the epidemic raging in four
countries of West Africa.
The World Health Organiza-
tion meanwhile announced
that one of its health experts,
an epidemiologist, had been
infected while working in Sier-
ra Leone.
Also on Sunday, Britains first
Ebola patient, a male nurse
who contracted the disease in
Sierra Leone, was admitted to
a London hospital.
The sobering news of Ebolas
spread to Central Africa came as
the UN vowed to step up efforts
against the lethal tropical virus,
which has infected more than
2,600 and killed 1,427.
In Kinshasa, Congolese
Health Minister Felix Kabange
Numbi said that two of eight
samples taken from victims of
a mystery fever had tested
positive for Ebola.
The results are positive. The
Ebola virus is confirmed in
DRC, Kabange said.
Speaking later on television,
he said the confirmation
marked the seventh outbreak
of Ebola in DR Congo, where
the virus was first identified in
1976 near the Ebola River.
But he said the two new
cases had no link to [the epi-
demic] raging in West Africa
and were different strains from
one another.
Authorities immediately
imposed a quarantine around
the affected area in Equateur
province near Jera, some 1,200
kilometres northeast of the
Congolese capital Kinshasa.
Medical aid group Doctors
Without Borders said it was
sending a crew to help handle
patients in the area.
The WHO gave no details of
its infected expert, but said the
person was receiving the best
care possible and that it was
considering an evacuation.
Meanwhile, the British nurse
who contracted the virus in
Sierra Leone arrived at Britains
only specialist Ebola isolation
unit at the Royal Free Hospital
in London.
The patient, who is not seri-
ously unwell according to the
Department of Health, was
evacuated in a specially
equipped C17 RAF military
plane before being taken by
military ambulance across Lon-
don flanked by a police escort.
On Saturday, UN Secretary-
General Ban Ki-moons special
representative for Liberia, Karin
Landgren, pledged the world
body would take a strong role
in coordinating the response to
the emergency.
But the WHO has warned it
could take several months to
bring the epidemic under con-
trol, and estimates its count of
the infected and dead is likely
far too low, due in part to com-
munity resistance to outside
medical staff and a lack of
access to infected areas. AFP
Peter Theo Curtis. PHOTO SUPPLIED
400 km
Ebola confirmed in DR Congo
OKYO stands ready to
offer an experimental
drug developed by a
Japanese company to help
stem the global tide of the
deadly Ebola virus, the top
government spokesman
said yesterday.
Our country is prepared
to provide the yet-to-be
approved drug in
cooperation with the
manufacturer if the WHO
requests, cabinet secretary
Yoshihide Suga said.
Liberia said yesterday
that a doctor treated with
ZMapp an experimental
US-made serum that is in
short supply had died.
The WHO earlier said
that a panel of medical
experts had determined it
is ethical to provide
experimental treatments
for Ebola. AFP
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Dont feel sorry for this dog
Ed Mulrenin

T WOULD have been
impossible to miss the
three of us on the streets
of Washingtons George-
town neighbourhood. There
was nothing special about me
or my 13-year-old female Ger-
man shepherd, Erde (earth
in German). But the sight of
Erdes brother, Leben, was spe-
cial: He lounged, comfortably,
in a large, green doggy stroller,
powered by me.
Leben was paralysed sud-
denly in 2012. He got around
ne in a canine wheelchair
until recently, when his front
legs began to show the wear
and tear. I began managing
him at a new level, ensuring
that he was not suffering and
that he had a pleasant life.
Most people who passed us
on the street smiled, laughed
or said, Poor dog. To those
who smiled, I smiled back. To
those who laughed, I claried
that the dog was paralysed.
But to those who expressed
pity, I always said, This is no
dog to feel sorry for.
Lebens paralysis was not
the rst of his medical prob-
lems. In the rst 10 years of
his life, he underwent ve
surgeries involving his elbows,
wrists and shoulder, prob-
ably brought on by an active
life as one of my two constant
companions and countless
leaps from the rear of my Land
Rover. After each surgery, he
bounced back, and each time
I adjusted our activities to
make sure he wasnt in pain.
Still, managing a 125-pound,
paralysed dog was not easy for
either of us. My constant hope
was that my mantra, its not
his fault, would kick in before
the terrible effects of the care-
giver syndrome. It mostly did,
but not always.
Eliminating suffering for dis-
abled dogs is as easy these days
as it is for humans, but giving
them a pleasant life is another
thing. For Leben, though, it
was easy since his biggest treat
in life, and what he considered
his job, was to be with me. Over
ve summers, we took long
road and camping trips that
took us twice from the District
of Columbia to the end of the
road in the northeast in Lab-
rador and then onto the ends
of the roads in Arctic Canada
and Alaska.
It was on our fourth trip that
Leben became paralysed. We
were in northern Ontario, but
we returned to DC to deal with
the paralysis and nished the
trip last year. The ve trips
took us almost 50,000 miles
over 250 days and nights.
A consequence of modern
medicine after disabling in-
cidents is that the inevitable,
devastating diseases of old
age have plenty of time to in-
cubate. So it was with Leben.
On a recent Monday, as we sat
at his favourite outdoor cafe, I
discovered a large, previously
asymptomatic but fast-grow-
ing tumour on his head. He
rapidly declined over the next
four days and was euthanised
in our home. A friend told me
that, when I left the room for
a moment, Leben strained his
weakening body to search for
me and relaxed only when I
returned. It was his last con-
scious act.
Leben was no dog to feel
sorry for. In return for his con-
summate loyalty, obedience
and stoicism, he got all the
care and adventure that any
dog could hope for. After all
these years, I understand why
I gave him his name.
It means life in German.
Ed Mulrenin kept taking Leben, left, and Erde on strolls even after Leben was paralysed. THE WASHINGTON POST
We had name rst
Adult store
sorry for Isis
BRITISH adult retailer
apologised Saturday af-
ter launching a range of
lingerie named Isis but said it
did not support jihadists in Iraq
and Syria and had no plans to
withdraw the line.
Ann Summerss Isis range
includes lacy black and white
bras, thongs and suspenders,
and is for sale online and in its
shops, which number over 100
across Britain.
The retailer which also
stocks sex toys, bondage gear
and fancy dress named the
range after the ancient Egyp-
tian goddess of fertility.
But it shares its name with
the Islamic State of Iraq and
Syria (ISIS), the jihadist group
now known as the Islamic
State (IS).
A spokeswoman for Ann
Summers said that names for
its ranges are chosen months
before their launch.
We acknowledge the unfor-
tunate timing of this product
launch in our store windows,
however we in no way support
or condone any act of terro-
rism or violence, she said.
She said there were no plans
to pull the range from sale. AFP
SIA is poised to enter a his-
torical sweet spot, with
three of its most populous
countries China, India,
and Indonesia helmed by strong,
dynamic and reform-minded lead-
ers. In fact, Chinas Xi Jinping, Indias
Narendra Modi and Indonesias Joko
Jokowi Widodo could end up
ranked among their countries great-
est modern leaders.
In China, Mao Zedong united the
country in 1949, while Deng Xiaop-
ing was responsible for engineering
its unprecedented economic rise. For
Xi to join their ranks, he must create
a modern, rules-based state. That
requires, first and foremost, slaying
the massive dragon of corruption.
Over the years, corruption has
become endemic in China, with
regional party leaders and bosses in
state-owned enterprises wielding
their vast privileges and authority to
accumulate personal wealth. This
has severely undermined the Chi-
nese Communist Partys legitimacy,
while hampering the kind of market-
based competition that Chinas
economy needs to propel the coun-
try to high-income status.
So far, Xi seems to be up to the
challenge. He has been boldly pursu-
ing major figures who were previous-
ly considered untouchable, such as
General Xu Caihou, a former vice
chairman of the Central Military
Commission, and Zhou Yongkang, a
former member of the Politburo
Standing Committee, Chinas high-
est government body.
But the long-term fight against cor-
ruption cannot depend on Xi alone.
It will succeed only if strong institu-
tions are created to protect and nur-
ture the rule of law long after Xi is out
of power.
If Xi chooses to establish such
institutions, he has a strong legal tra-
dition upon which to call. As former
US Ambassador to China Gary Locke
reported in a speech early this year,
the concept of equality before the
law has deep historical roots. Indeed,
in the fourth century BC, the states-
man and reformer Shang Yang
famously asserted that, When the
prince violates the law, the crime he
commits is the same as that of the
common people.
Building on this tradition, Xi can
create strong institutions that will
stand the test of time. If he does
recognising that, to be credible, the
rule of law must apply even to the
partys most influential figures he
will become modern Chinas third-
strongest leader.
In India, Mahatma Gandhi rejuve-
nated the countrys soul, which had
been battered by colonialism, and
Jawaharlal Nehru established its
democratic political culture. Modi
now must lay the foundations for
Indias emergence as a global eco-
nomic power.
Replicating the 10 per cent annual
growth rates achieved in Gujarat
under Modis leadership from 2004
to 2012 would obviously be a boon
to Indias development prospects
and global standing. But achieving
such high growth rates in a sustain-
able way will demand far-reaching,
sometimes painful reforms, such as
the removal of wasteful subsidies,
especially for fuel, in order to free
up resources for, say, increased
health care expenditure. Other
imperatives include shrinking the
budget deficit, removing internal
barriers to trade and encouraging
private investment.
To win the support needed to
implement these reforms without
undermining political stability or
social cohesion, Modi must demon-
strate that he is an inclusive leader
capable of cooperating with Indians
outside of his Hindu nationalist base
including the countrys 150 mil-
lion-plus Muslims. If he succeeds, he,
like Xi, will become his countrys
next iconic leader.
In Indonesias case, the two most
influential leaders so far have been
Sukarno, who used powerful rheto-
ric to foster a sense of national unity
in one of the worlds most diverse
countries, and Suharto, who over-
threw Sukarno and created a strong
economic base that lifted millions
out of poverty. Jokowi must now lay
the institutional foundations for
good governance.
Jokowi has risen from humble
beginnings to the apex of power
without compromising his image as
a man of the people or his reputa-
tion for pragmatism and honesty.
Jokowi has a long track record of
good governance, having imple-
mented effective policies during his
stint as mayor of Surakarta (such as
refurbishing markets, relocating
slum dwellers, and cutting bureau-
cratic red tape) and as governor of
Jakarta (where he broadened access
to health care and education).
But replicating this success at the
national level will be no easy feat.
Jokowi, who takes office in October,
must implement policies that
address rising inequality, unsus-
tainable fuel subsidies, entrenched
corruption, inadequate infrastruc-
ture and restrictive labour laws all
while rebuilding trust in Indone-
sian institutions.
The challenges facing Jokowi are
compounded by the fact that his rul-
ing coalition holds only about one-
third of the seats in Indonesias par-
liament, with the rest loyal to the
coalition of his rival in the presiden-
tial election, Prabowo Subianto. So,
in introducing a new style of govern-
ance, exemplified by merit-based
cabinet appointments, Jokowi must
be careful not to alienate the politi-
cal and business elites who have
long benefited from their tight grip
on power.
In short, if Jokowi is to form a
national consensus on the institu-
tions that Indonesia needs, he will
have to reach across this political
divide. To this end, Mexican Presi-
dent Enrique Pena Nietos cross-par-
ty Pact for Mexico could serve as a
useful model.
Promisingly, Jokowi has a reputa-
tion for independence from parti-
san and religious politics, and a tal-
ent for communicating with the
people. And, as a political outsider,
he is in a unique position to direct
Indonesia towards a more prosper-
ous, united future and vault him-
self into the countrys pantheon of
great leaders.
China, India and Indonesia are all
well positioned to take important
steps forward. A commitment by Xi,
Modi and Jokowi to do what is need-
ed would bring rapid, far-reaching
progress to their respective coun-
tries, Asia and the global order.
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Three peas in the reform pod
If they are able to introduce transformational reforms, Chinas Xi Jinping, Indias Narendra Modi and Indonesias Joko Widodo could
end up ranked among their countries greatest modern leaders. AFP
Kishore Mahbubani
Kishore Mahbubani is the dean of the Lee
Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the
National University of Singapore.
STHER Honig, a 24-
year-old Kansas City,
Missouri-based jour-
nalist, recently hired
people in more than 25 coun-
tries to Photoshop an image of
herself with naked shoulders,
hair tied back and no visible
makeup. The images have
gone viral this week, starting
an interesting conversation
about whether there is a uni-
versal standard for beauty in
a globalised world.
Honig used Fiverr to hire
freelancers with varying Pho-
toshop skills, receiving 40 doc-
tored images from 25 coun-
tries for her Before and After
project. With a cost ranging
from ve to thirty dollars, and
the hope that each designer
will pull from their personal
and cultural constructs of
beauty to enhance my unal-
tered image, all I request is
that they make me beauti-
ful, Honig writes on her web-
site. Although you can see the
obvious cultural inuences
in some photos, she received
widely differing interpreta-
tions from Photoshoppers
within the same countries.
The images ranged from
heightened natural to un-
abashed artice, demon-
strating that theres no way to
quantify a nations perception
of beauty and no accounting
for taste. Altering light levels
gave her varying skin tones,
and changes in background
often altered the mood.
Honig wrote in an email
that there were approximate-
ly 30 per cent more men who
took the assignment.
The females were just as
likely as males to radically al-
ter the image, but in all actu-
ality my pool of examples was
hardly large enough to gen-
erate any solid conclusions,
she told me. I will say that
in the instances that makeup
was applied, the female Pho-
toshoppers did a far nicer job
compared to the males.
Which countrys makeover
gave Honig the most pause?
The image I received from
the US with the blond hair
made me shriek when I rst
opened it, she told InStyle.
It has been manipulated so
radically that I felt like I was
looking in the mirror and not
recognizing my own face.
Another US submission
gave her extra hair, an eye
color not found in nature, and
plenty of makeup to create a
generic blowup-doll look.
Honig told Elle: We have to
remember that this is a reec-
tion of our culture, but also
a reection of the individual
Photoshopper. In the US, may-
be the Photoshopper felt he
was given creative freedom, so
he was inclined to really go at
it and see what he could create.
I dont think it necessarily says
that in the US were more in-
clined to alter images or more
obsessed with this concept of
unattainable beauty.
She added that since the
photos have gone viral this
week, shes been receiving
unsolicited submissions from
strangers around the world
and is thinking about put-
ting together a second series
showcasing those images.
To see all the Before and
After images, check out
Honigs website: http://www.!before
after-/cvkn. SLATE
Lifestyle Lifestyle
Beauty is in the eye of the 25
paid international beholders
Esther Honig recently hired people
in more than 25 countries to Pho-
toshop an image of herself with
naked shoulders, hair tied back,
and no visible makeup. Above is
the original image. The composite
to the right, clockwise from top
left: 1) Morocco added heavy eye
makeup and a hijab. 2) Philippines
added a mane of hair and dramatic
red lips. 3) India dened Honigs
eyebrows and erased her collar-
bones. 4) US gave her blond hair.
Japanese drug addicts look to break the cycle
DRUG addiction and criminal cases involving danger-
ous drugs show no signs of decline. More people are
becoming dependent on drugs which destroy their own
bodies and human relationships.
Reflecting on his past drug addiction, one man in his
30s said: My body and mind were completely enthralled
with drugs. People should never use them.
The stress from rocky relationships at work depressed
the man, and an acquaintance suggested he use a cer-
tain drug, saying it would help him. He continued to
use the drug in his ardent desire to free himself from
the agony of the depression. The man became addict-
ed and could not control his emotions, alternately
exhibiting intense anger and anxiety. His parents could
not stand watching him and took him to a hospital.
Nobuya Naruse, deputy director of the Saitama pre-
fectural Psychiatric Hospital in Ina, Japan, said: As
patients have different reasons for taking drugs, we deal
with the problems of each patient individually. We cant
merely go by the book.
Even if people complete their treatment at a medical
institution, it is not unusual for them to relapse.
To prevent this, Its important to build a good human
relationship and avoid a situation in which they feel
isolated, said Minoru Koda, 59, head of the private
rehabilitation facility Tokyo DARC (Drug Addiction
Rehabilitation Center), in Tokyo.
One day, 15 young drug addicts gathered at Tokyo
DARC to speak about trust and their addiction at a
meeting held under the theme colleague.
At the end of the meeting, they formed a circle, held
hands and pledged never to take drugs again. This kind
of meeting is frequently held at the facility. Koda said
it takes at least two years to conquer drug addiction.
According to an estimate by the Health, Labor and
Welfare Ministry, about 400,000 people have taken
dangerous drugs in Japan.
Drugs will continue to flourish unless the authorities
focus on helping addicts recover from addiction and
tighten regulations, Koda said. THE YOMIURI SHIMBUN
An illustrated book shows sketches of faces with the types
of emotion drug addicts might display. THE YOMIURI SHIMBUN
A scientist at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health
analyses components of dangerous drugs. THE YOMIURI SHIMBUN
Director, actor Richard
Attenborough dies, 90
BRITISH director and actor
Richard Attenborough has died
aged 90 after a sparkling
career spanning six decades,
the British Academy of Film
and Television Arts said on
Sunday. We are deeply
saddened to learn of the
passing of esteemed
filmmaker and former BAFTA
President, Lord Atten-
borough, the organisation
said in a statement. A titan of
British cinema, to say he
embodied its finest qualities is
to have it backwards. British
film would do well to live up to
the example of industry, skill
and compassion set by
Richard, Lord Attenborough,
the organisation said.Atten-
borough, who appeared in
movies such as Brighton Rock,
The Great Escape and Jurassic
Park, in a career spanning six
decades, died on Sunday
lunchtime, his son told
broadcaster BBC. His acting
in Brighton Rock was brilliant,
his directing of Gandhi was
stunning Richard
Attenborough was one of the
greats of cinema, British
Prime Minister David Cameron
wrote on Twitter. AFP
Very good twerk, Miley:
Wrecking Ball gets gong
POP shock diva Miley Cyrus
won Video of the Year for
Wrecking Ball at Sundays 2014
MTV Video Music Awards
outside Los Angeles, which
gave pride of place to the rising
generation of pop stars. The
music video for Wrecking Ball
was directed by fashion
photographer Terry Richardson
and shows the 21-year-old
singer in skin-tight white
underwear and cropped top,
swinging suggestively from a
wrecking ball. The former idol
of tween girls around the world
for her role in the television
series Hanna Montana
shattered her good-girl image
when she performed last year
at the Video Music Awards in a
flesh-toned bikini and bent over
and gyrated provocatively with
singer Robin Thicke. This year,
she again made headlines, this
time by staying off stage and
sending a homeless man to
accept her award, who spoke
out for the 1.6 million homeless
and runaway children and
teens in the US as a teary-eyed
Cyrus listened. AFP
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 720 Daily 12:05 01:10 K6 721 Daily 02:25 03:30
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TG 581 Daily 10:05 11:10 PG 933 Daily 13:20 14:30
PG 934 Daily 15:20 16:30 FD 606 Daily 15:00 16:20
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PG 936 Daily 19:10 20:20 TG 584 Daily 18:25 19:40
TG 585 Daily 20:40 21:45 PG 937 Daily 21:20 22:30
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 16:05 CZ 323 Daily 14:30 20:50
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KA 207 11:25 15:05 KA 208 08:50 10:25
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KA 209 1 18:30 22:05 KA 206 1 15:25 17:00
KA 209 3.5.7 17:25 21:00 KA 206 2 15:50 17:25
KA 205 2 19:00 22:35 - - - -
KE 690 Daily 23:40 06:40 KE 689 Daily 18:30 22:20
OZ 740 Daily 23:50 06:50 OZ 739 Daily 19:10 22:50
AK 1473 Daily 08:35 11:20 AK 1474 Daily 15:15 16:00
MH 755 Daily 11:10 14:00 MH 754 Daily 09:30 10:20
MH 763 Daily 17:10 20:00 MH 762 Daily 3:20 4:10
AF 273 2 20:05 06:05 AF 273 2 20:05 06:05
FM 833 19:50 23:05 FM 833 19:30 22:40
MI 601 09:30 12:30 MI 602 07:40 08:40
MI 622 2.4 12:20 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 11:25
3K 594 1234..7 15:25 18:20 3K 593 Daily 13:30 14:40
3K 594 ....56. 15:25 18:10 - - - -
MI 607 Daily 18:10 21:10 MI 608 Daily 16:20 17:15
2817 1.3 16:40 19:40 2816 1.3 15:00 15:50
2817 2.4.5 09:10 12:00 2816 2.4.5 07:20 08:10
2817 6 14:50 17:50 2816 6 13:00 14:00
2817 7 13:20 16:10 2816 7 11:30 12:30
CI 862 Daily 10:50 15:20 CI 861 Daily 07:30 09:50
BR 266 Daily 12:45 17:05 BR 265 Daily 09:10 11:35
VN 840 Daily 17:30 18:50 VN 841 Daily 11:30 13:00
QV 920 Daily 17:50 19:10 QV 921 Daily 11:45 13:15
8M 402 1.3.6 13:30 14:55 8M 401 1.3.6 08:20 10:45
8M 401 1.3.6 11:45 12:30
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 700 Daily 12:50 2:00 K6 701 Daily 02:55 04:05
PG 924 Daily 09:45 11:00 PG 903 Daily 08:00 09:10
PG 906 Daily 12:20 13:35 PG 905 Daily 10:35 11:45
PG 914 Daily 15:50 17:00 PG 913 Daily 14:05 15:15
PG 908 Daily 19:05 20:10 PG 907 Daily 17:20 18:15
PG 910 Daily 20:30 21:45 PG 909 Daily 18:45 19:55
CZ 3054 2.4.6 11:25 15:35 CZ 3053 2.4.6 08:45 10:30
CZ 3054 19:25 23:20 CZ 3053 16:35 18:30
K6 850 Daily 06:50 08:30 K6 851 Daily 19:30 21:15
VN 868 12:40 15:35 VN 843 Daily 15:25 17:10
VN 842 Daily 18:05 19:45 VN 845 Daily 17:05 18:50
VN 844 Daily 19:45 21:25 VN 845 Daily 17:45 19:30
VN 800 Daily 21:00 22:40 VN 801 Daily 18:20 20:00
VN 3818 Daily 11:10 12:30 VN 3809 Daily 09:15 10:35
VN 826 Daily 13:30 14:40 VN 827 Daily 11:35 12:35
VN 3820 Daily 17:45 18:45 VN 3821 Daily 15:55 16:55
VN 828 Daily 18:20 19:20 VN 829 Daily 16:20 17:40
VN 3822 Daily 21:35 22:35 VN 3823 Daily 19:45 20:45
KE 688 Daily 23:15 06:10 KE 687 Daily 18:30 22:15
OZ 738 Daily 23:40 07:10 OZ 737 Daily 19:20 22:40
AK 281 Daily 08:35 11:35 AK 280 Daily 06:50 07:50
MH 765 3.5.7 14:15 17:25 MH 764 3.5.7 12:10 13:15
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Norodom Blvd, Tonle Bassac
+855 23 6666 786, 788, 789,
+855 23 21 25 64
Fax:+855 23-22 41 64
Qatar Airways (Newaddress)
VattanacCapital Tower, Level7,
No.66, PreahMonivongBlvd,
Sangkat wat Phnom, KhanDaun
Penh. PP, P: (023) 963800.
#90+92+94Eo, St. 217,
Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677
Dragon Air (KA)
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Tel: 023 424 300
Fax: 023 424 304
Tiger airways
G. oor, Regency square,
Suare, Suite #68/79, St.205,
Sk Chamkarmorn, PP
Tel: (855) 95 969 888
(855) 23 5515 888/5525888

Koreanair (KE)
Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce
Center, Monivong Blvd,PP
Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9
Cebu Pacic (5J)
Phnom Penh: No. 333B
Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161
SiemReap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd.
Tel: 063 965487
SilkAir (MI)
Regency C,Unit 2-4, Tumnorb
Teuk, Chamkarmorn
Phnom Penh
Tel:023 988 629
2817 - 16 Tigerairways KA - Dragon Air 1 Monday
5J - CEBU Airways. MH - Malaysia Airlines 2 Tuesday
AK - Air Asia MI - SilkAir 3 Wednesday
BR - EVA Airways OZ - Asiana Airlines 4 Thursday
CI - China Airlines PG - Bangkok Airways 5 Friday
CZ - China Southern QR - Qatar Airways 6 Saturday
FD - Thai Air Asia QV - Lao Airlines 7 Sunday
FM - Shanghai Air SQ - Singapore Airlines
K6- Cambodia Angkor Air TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines
This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information,
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5J 258 2.4.7 22:30 02:11 5J 257 2.4.7 19:45 21:30
MI 633 1, 6, 7 16:35 22:15 MI 633 1, 6, 7 14:35 15:45
MI 622 2.4 10:40 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 09:50
MI 630 5 12:25 15:40 MI 616 7 10:40 11:50
MI 615 7 12:45 16:05 MI 636 3, 2 13:55 17:40
MI 636 3, 2 18:30 21:35 MI 630 5 07:55 11:35
MI 617 5 18:35 21:55 MI 618 5 16:35 17:45
3K 598 .2....7 15:35 18:40 3K 597 .2....7 13:45 14:50
3K 598 ...4... 15:35 18:30 3K 597 ...4... 13:45 14:50
QV 522 10:05 13:00 QV 512 06:30 09:25
8M 402 1. 5 20:15 21:25 8M 401 1. 5 17:05 19:15
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 130 1-3-5 12:55 13:55 K6 131 1-3-5 11:20 12:20
APANESE pop culture has
passionate young fans all
over the globe, and the
One Piece exhibition now
under way in Taipei certainly
proves this.
The area echoed with happy
voices of young people wear-
ing telltale straw hats. Looking
at whats going on, one really
feels that manga is not just a
Japanese word anymore.
One Piece, which has earned
a place in Japanese manga his-
tory, has been translated into
numerous languages with
both the comic
and anime be-
ing popular
overseas. This
exhibition on
the work of One
Piece creator Ei-
ichiro Oda will
last until Sep-
tember 22. The
exhibition ven-
ue lled with
fans has proved
to be the place
to explore the
works charm.
One Piece has
been serialised since 1997 in
Weekly Shonen Jump. Seventy-
four volumes of the comic have
been published, and a total of
310 million copies have been
sold in Japan so far.
The main character is Luffy,
a boy with special abilities who
sets off to become the next
pirate king. Along the way, he
makes friends, and together
they have endless adventures.
The cast of characters is large,
with unique allies and rivals al-
ways popping up.
The exhibition, which fea-
tured the original drawings,
curios, videos and other exhib-
its, was held in Tokyo in 2012
and was in Osaka for part of
2012 and 2013.
While the manga and anime
have been translated in at least
40 countries and territories, the
Taiwan event is the exhibitions
rst overseas stop. The show
features new exhibits, includ-
ing specially illustrated works.
Standing next to life-size
models of the characters and
surrounded by comic frames
displayed all over the wall is a
truly deeply satisfying experi-
ence, making you feel like you
are part of the work.
At a press conference the day
before the exhibition opened,
Lin Sheng-fen from China
Television Co said: The theme
of One Piece is the sea. The sea
is a path, not something that
separates people. I hope peo-
ple can feel what friendship is
through the exhibits.
At the press conference,
Mayumi Ta-naka, who does the
voice of Luffy in the animated
version in Japan, read a mes-
sage from Oda
to fans: My
friends in Tai-
wan have been
waiting for this.
Lets take an ad-
venturous trip
Lam Siu Fung,
23, a sailor who
came from
Hong Kong for
the event, was
dressed up as
I love the
between the characters in One
Piece. Luffy is the best he nev-
er betrays his friends, he said.
Another group was dressed
as members of the pirate gang
Luffy leads. They were employ-
ees of a restaurant in the city
of Hsinchu.
Workers at the restaurant
always serve customers while
dressed as One Piece charac-
ters. They said fans from all
over Taiwan come to enjoy the
atmosphere and take photos.
Sadoshy Chang is the for-
mer editor-in-chief of Formo-
sa Youth, the Taiwan comic
magazine that publishes One
Piece in Chinese, and current
senior editor at Tongli Pub-
lishing Co.
The stories of Japanese
titles have a high degree of
perfection. We want to nur-
ture manga artists from Tai-
wan, but they dont yet have
the skill to structure the ow
of the story. In the future, Id
like to increase the market for
manga throughout the entire
Chinese cultural sphere, he
One Piece
exhibit a big
hit in Taipei
One Piece fans dressed as characters from the manga series at an
exhibition in Taipei. THE YOMIURI SHIMBUN

7:10pm - THUNDERSTRUCK: A basketball star switches
talent with a klutzy 16-year-old fan. HBO
COWARD ROBERT FORD: Robert Ford, whos idolized
Jesse James since childhood, tries hard to join the
reforming gang of the Missouri outlaw, but gradually
becomes resentul of the bandit leader. HBO
8:45pm - THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN: A childless
couple bury a box in their backyard, containing all of
their wishes for an infant. Soon, a child is born, though
Timothy Green is not all that he appears. HBO

9pm - VEEP: Former Senator Selina Meyer fnds that
being Vice President of the United States is nothing like
she hoped and everything that everyone ever warned
her about. HBO
9pm - DEADFALL: A thriller that follows two siblings who
decide to fend for themselves in the wake of a botched
casino heist, and their unlikely reunion during another
familys Thanksgiving celebraton. HBO
Thinking caps Thinking caps
1 Furry or frightful
6 Kind of vibes?
9 Vocal quality
14 Sound portion of a broadcast
15 Shelley output
16 Poetic metrical units
17 Squeeze out water, as of clothes
18 Run-down pencil
19 Pass, as a law
20 Firehouse sight
23 Provides pieces for?
24 On a wayward path
25 UN agcy. for workers
28 Is in the past
29 Sight the target
30 Pew attachment
32 Mishandled a pop-up, e.g.
34 Baldwin of TV and film
35 Artful deception
41 ___ Only Just Begun
42 Snacks in shells
43 Tepid rating
47 Near sea level
48 Long-time Chinese leader
51 Prickly chestnut case (Var.)
52 Like a phoenix out of the ashes
54 Not eve
for sure
55 Sneaky sales tactic
58 Make flush
60 Hawaiian adornment
61 Hill of a D.C. scandal
62 Fixture near a toilet
63 Clue analyzer, in slang
64 No-hit king Ryan
65 Church sections
66 Fidos scrap
67 Whats in vogue
1 Derisive laugh
2 City near Denver
3 Manners of speaking
4 Hockey-practice sites
5 Downward dog discipline
6 They serve without pay
7 All grown up
8 Leave, as a ship
9 Make a colorful T-shirt
10 Waxs opposite
11 Texas panhandle city
12 A TV network
13 Western movie command
21 Nigerian dollar
22 Football legend Marino
26 Evil look
27 The Lord of the Rings soldiers
29 ___ we there yet?
31 Cornfield array
32 Anagram for seek
33 Banned insecticide, for short
35 Use a mop (Var.)
36 Its got food all over it
37 Blows it on The Price Is Right
38 Put a curse on
39 Sacred pictures
40 Ticket designation
44 Adulterates
45 College major
46 Venices oldest bridge
48 Capable of movement
49 Trig function
50 At ones disposal
53 Elvis impersonators expression
54 Juvenile
56 Pulitzer Prize-winning
author James
57 Desire or require
58 Lawyers org.
59 Its right under your nose
Mondays solution Mondays solution

The worlds most famous team of crime-fight-
ing, pizza-loving turtles fights an evil kingpin
who is trying to take over New York City.
City Mall: 11:15am, 5:45pm
Tuol Kork: 11:25am, 3:35pm, 5:50pm
In the far reaches of space, an American pilot
named Peter Quill finds himself the object of a
manhunt after stealing an orb coveted by the
villainous Ronan.
City Mall: 9:25am
Tuol Kork: 5pm, 9:25pm
When a team of explorers ventures into the
catacombs that lie beneath the streets of Paris,
they uncover the dark secret that lies within
this city of the dead.
City Mall: 1:55pm, 10:10pm
Tuol Kork: 9:30am, 10:10pm
When Dusty learns that his engine is damaged
and he may never race again, he joins a forest
fire and rescue unit to be trained as a firefighter.
City Mall: 9:25am, 3:55pm, 6:05pm
Tuol Kork: 11:35am, 5:55pm
Barney augments his team with new blood for a
personal battle: to take down Conrad Stonebanks,
the Expendables co-founder and notorious arms
trader who is bent on wiping out Barney.
City Mall: 11:15am, 5:45pm
Tuol Kork: 12:10pm, 3:45pm, 10pm
(As above.)
(As above.)
Exhibition @ Romeet
Made from corn tortillas cooked from
scratch and prepared in authentic
taquiera style. Buy one cocktail and
get a free taco with your purchase.
Cocina Cartel, #198b Street 19.
Salsa classes in Colombia. An option closer to home is on at the Groove tonight. AFP
Tony Hale, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Matt Walsh and Anna
Chlumskyn perform in Veep. BLOOMBERG
An intermediate salsa dance lesson at
8pm precedes the party. The cost is
$5 for each participant. The salsa
party afterward at the Groove is free.
The Groove, #1C Street 282 above
Terrazza Italian Restaurant.
Salsa @ The Groove
Tacos @ Cocina Cartel
Music Videos @ Meta
Artists participating in the Time to
Think exhibition include Anida Yoeu Ali,
Sou Sophy, Oeur Sokuntevy, Linda Kert,
Tes Vannorng, Khchao Touch and Sao
Romeet Gallery, Street 178.
All day
A compilation of music videos by UK
artists Chris Cunningham featuring
Aphex Twin, Bjoerk, Squarepusher,
Autechre, Portishead and more.
Meta House, #37 Sothearos Boulevard.
Rent $3500/Mo in Daun Penh Area
1Living room, 6Bedroom, 6Baths
Some Furniture, Very Good Place
Ofce or Resident, Quiet Place
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Rent: $2200/M South Russian
Market Private Terrace Big Living
room 3Bed, 3Bathroom, Western
Kitchen, Very Nice River Views
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697

Rent $1700/M Tonle Basac Area
Big Living room, Wester Kitchen
4Bedroom, Furnished, Terrace
Nice Garden Good for Resident
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Rent Boeung Keng Kang1 BKK1
Area $2500/M 3Bedroom, 3Bath
$1400/Month 2Bedroom, 2Bath
Big Living room, Western Kitchen
New Full Furniture, 1Car Parking
Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958
Boeung Kok2, Toul Kok Area
$3000/Month, Big Living room
Western Kitchen 5Bedroom 5Ba
Good for Place Resident /Ofce
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
777 697
Swim-Pool in Tonle Basac, Roof
Swim Pool $750~$850/M for 1Bed
$1000~$1500/Month 2Bedroom
Big Living room, Western Kitchen
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697

Rent Loc: near Russian Market
-$750/month, 1Bedroom, 1Bath
-$1000/month 2Bedroom, 2Bath
-$1300/month 3Bedroom, 2Bath
Big Livingroom All New Furniture
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
EcoResort intheCardamom Mountains
Memoria Palace & Resort
Rent $500/M Tonle Basac Area
1Living room, 2Bedroom, 2Bath
Fully Furnished, Big Balcony
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
4 bed with 5 bath located in BKKI,
Basic furnished, clean, Western
kitchen, big living room, balcony,
& nice garden, closed to ISPP, Super
market, UN ofce, and riverside.
Rent: $2500 /m Tel: 012 879 231
for rent 05 bed with bath located in
DP, Basic furnished, clean, west-
ern kitchen, big living room, nice
swimming pool, big parking.
Rent: $3500 /m Tel: 012 879 231
rent 3 bed with bath, furnished,
clean, western kitchen, big living
room, big parking, and safe, swim-
ming pool and gym on the top oor.
location: BKKI Tel: 012 503 356
for rent 3 bed with bath, furnished,
clean, western kitchen, big living
room, big parking, and safe,
swimming pool, gym, quiet.
Rent: 2400 USD/month Location:
BKKI Tel: 012 503 356
rent 1-2-3 beds, 3 bath, available
near Independence, fully furnished
quiet, many trees around, western
kitchen, bright inside Price :
$ 700-1700-2000/ m 012 503 356
for rent 1-2-3 bed, bath, furnished,
swimming pool, gym, some service
included in the rent, located in
CKM. Price: 1200 USD/ month.
Tel: 012 879 231
100sqm to 400sqm, from 5$/sqm
Parking, 24h security, elevator
Spacious 5 meter high ceilings Lots
of plants & light + 60 sqm large
balcony Great view over Phnom Penh
012 869 111
American Pacifc School High quality programs for
ESL: Preschool Gr8, Khmer: Kindergarten Gr6 and
Foreign teachers who are native speakers.
Register now for 2014 - 2015
Classes start: August 04, 2014
#100 St. Pasteur (St.51 St.200)
Tel: (855)23 214 825 (Khmer/English)
(855)15 716 727 (Khmer)
:$250/m free wi,cable TV garbage
collection , on st 288 near Lucky
Super market Tel:089 36 32 06,
:$600/m on st 178 near Royal, big
living room, western kitchen
massive balcony, big bathroom
with bath tube Tel:089 36 32 06,
for rent:$700/m on st 294, free
wi,cable TV, garbage collection
Tel:089 36 32 06,

:$700/m on st 456 near Russian
market,free wi,cable TV, garbage
collection,24 hrs security guard,
Gym,2Baths,1 living room,1 kitchen
Tel:089 36 32 06,
:$600/m in BKK1 free wi,cable
TV,24 hrs security guard , car
parking,1kitchen,1 living
room,2bathrooms Tel:089 36 32 06,

Apartment for rent Located near
Russian market,1BR:$550/m,
2BR:$800/m,1living room, 1kitchen
,open Balcony Tel:089 36 32 06,
:$250/m free wi,cable TV garbage
collection ,on st 288 near Lucky
Super market
Tel:089 36 32 06,
$600/Month Western Style near
Independent Monument 2Bed , 2Bath
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
(At Steves Steakhouse)
Fresh Spring Rolls, Grilled Beef and
Stcky Rice @ only $5.50!
#8, St. 240. TEL: 023 215 415
Super Specials. Sirloin
(USA) $10.50 Or T-Bone (AUS) $11.50
#8, St. 240. TEL: 023 215 415
Cuban or Cuban Quality Nicaraguan
Startng at $9. Buy any 2 cigars and shot of
single malt for free.
#8, St. 240. TEL: 023 215 415
Urgent $830,000 in Borey Tonle
Basac Land: 14mx22m Ho:
11m x 16m Big Living room,
Wester Kitchen 4Bath 4Bath
Good Living
Contact to see Tel: 012 939 958
1-Land 15m x 25m Sale:$750,000
on road 9m, good for build Apt
2-Land size 15m x 25m on Corner
Sale: $980,000 on main road: 12m
More Information Tel: 012 939 958
Cheaper Market
1-Land size 100mx300m or 3Hacta
Price: $260/m2 Doung Ngeat Road
2- size 38m x 40m Corner Street
Sale: $680,000 Komin Khmer
More Information Tel: 012 939 958
Rent $500/M near Independent
Monument, 1Living room
2Bedroom, 2Bath, Furnished
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Rent $750/MIndependent Monument
1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 2Bath
Motor Parking, Fully Furnished
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Rent $950/M near Independent
Monument, 1Living room
4Bedroom, 4Bath, Furnished
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Rent $400/m Loc: BKK3 Area
1Living room 1Bedroom 1Bath
Include Internet, 1Car Parking
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Rent $400/m Loc: BKK3 Area
1Living room 2Bedroom 2Bath
Include Internet, Motor Parking
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Udd Architecture and Development
1- Sale manager
2- Secretary (woman)
3- Civil Engineer or Architecture
Anyone who interesting please contact or come to
office anytime of working
contact number 071 977 530 5 / 012 380 158
Job Announcement
Boutique, Hotel, Apartment
300m from pub street (Siem Reap)
Size: 2136m
, Price: 234$/m
Tel: 097 45 55 877
-Available 1bed, 2bed & 3bed
-Very safe, quiet locaton next to
Chinese Embassy.
-Spacious Parking, Lif, and Generator
(Safe for Blackout)
-Free water/garbage/gym/parking fee
-24h security system/18 CCTV/Smoke
& heat Detector System 24h
-Fully Furnished-incl. 42 LED, Fridge,
Washing Machine, A/C, Gas stove,
-FreeInternet WIFI andCableTVsystem
-Free cleaning service x2, bed
sheet change x1 a week
-Fitness Club&Open-terraceonRoofop
Address: #242&#102,St.416&456,Tu
olTompongI&TumnupToek, Chamkar-
mon, Phnom Penh
Tel: Khmer/Eng - 017562750
Korean/Eng - 010365253
Full exper ienced
Garage/gate fitters
Sectional doors
(for gates and garage doors)
Best money for the right pepole
English: 095 734 155
Khmer: 017 87 2907
Rent $1000/M near Independent
Monument, Free Internet, TV
1Living room 4Bedroom, 4Bath
Motor Parking, Fully Furnished
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Western Rooftop Pool Apartment
for Rent LocatedinBKKI, 01&02&03
bed, roof toppool andgym, openliving
room, fully andmodernfurnished,
westernkitchen, nicebalcony, safety
area, goodconditionfor living.
Price: 1,200-US$1,800-2,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in BKKI, 01-02 bed ,
Large living room, fully and modern
furnished, modern kitchen, nice
balcony, roof top gym, very good
condition for living
Price: US$1,200-US$1,400/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Apartment for Rent Located in Tonle
Bassak area (near Phnom Penh
Center), 01-02 bed, roof top pool &
gym, open and big living room, fully
&modernfurnished, modernkitchen,
big balcony, safety area, for living .
Price: $1,100$1,400/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Apartment For Rent Located in west
of Russian Market, 01- 02 bed, nice
pool and gym, open and big living
room, fully and modern furnished,
western kitchen, nice balcony, safety
area, for living .Price: 650-$1,100/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in Daun Penh area,
01-02-03 bed, nice living room,
fully & modern furnished, modern
kitchen, nice balcony, gym and big
parking, very good condition for
living.Price: $700-$1,200-$1,800/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in south of Russian
Market, 01-02 bedrooms, large
living room, fully and modern
furnished, modern kitchen, lots of
light, nice balcony, very good
condition for living, big parking.
Price: US$600-US$850/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in BKKI, 1-2-3 bed,
large living room, fully and modern
furnished, western kitchen, very
big balcony, very quiet and safety
area, big parking lots, good
condition for living.
Price: $800-US$1,200-$2,000/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Apartment for Rent Located in Wat
Phnom, 01&02&03 bed, big pool
and gym, open living room, fully
and modern furnished, western
kitchen, nice balcony, very safety
area, very good condition for living .
Price: 1,00-$1,200-1,500/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
for Rent Located a long riverside,
02 bedrooms, elevator, open living
room, fully and classic furnished,
nice kitchen, nice and big balcony,
river view, very safety area, very
good condition for living.1,800/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Apartment For Rent BKK1, 01-02-
03&Penthouse, Real Modern interior
designed, large living room,light,
and modern furniture, western
Kitchen, roof top pool &gym
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

For Rent Located at Daun Penh
Area, 01-02-03 bed, modern design
& lots of light, open living room, fully
and modern furnished, western
kitchen, very nice balcony, very nice
pool and gym, condition for living.
Price: $1,300-1,700-2,200/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Rent Near Russian Market, 01-02
Bedrooms, very nice interior
designed, large living room, very
light, fully and modern furniture,
western kitchen, very good condi-
tion for living, quiet & safe.
Price: US$600-1,100/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent Located near independent
monument, 02 bedrooms, open
living room and kitchen, fully and
modern furnished, very safety area,
very quiet, very good condition for
living. Price: USD770/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
For Rent In Bassak Garden City, 05
bed, large living room, very modern
designed, fully &modern furniture,
modern kitchen, big balcony, play-
ground, very safety and quiet, will
becompletedinSeptember. $5,500/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent At Chhroy Changeva area,
river view, ground oor, 03bed,
fully furnished, very lights, western
kitchen, very safety and quite, very
nice garden, very good condition
for living. Price: $1,700/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent DaunPenhareaandvery close
toIndependent Monument, 05bedro,
largelivingroom, real colonial design,
somefurniture, westernkitchen, very
quiet &safe. thebest locationfor
residence.Price: $4,500/m
Tel: 092232623/ 081230000
Tree For Rent At BKKI, 03bed,
some furnished, very nice and
clean kitchen, very safety and quite,
very nice trees, very good condition
for living and ofce.
Price: US$1,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent At BKKI, 03bedrooms,
some furnished, very nice and
clean kitchen, very safety, very nice
trees, very good condition for
living and ofce.
Price: US$2,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

Rent In Bassak Garden City, 03 bed
large living room, modern designed,
some furniture, western kitchen,
nice balcony, big parking and
playground, very safety, The best
location for residence.$3,500/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Villa For Rent In North bridge area,
05 bed plus 01 ofce room, large
living room, very nice design, fully
and modern furnished, nice pool
and garden, western kitchen, nice
balcony, Price: US$3,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In Bassak Garden City, 03 bed,
large living room, very modern
designed, some furniture, western
kitchen, nice balcony, big parking
and playground, very safety, The
best location for residence.
Price: US$2,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
At Tonle Bassak area,
04bedrooms, some furnished,
western kitchen, very safety, very
nice trees, very good condition for
living and ofce.
Price: US$1,800/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent In Daun Penh, 03
bedrooms, some furnished, very
nice and clean kitchen, very safety,
very nice garden and many trees,
very good condition for living.
Price: US$3,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent At Toul Kork area, 03bed,
some furnished, western kitchen,
very safety and very quiet, very nice
trees, very good condition for living
and ofce. Price: US$1,500 /month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

At BKKI, 03bedrooms, some
furnished, very niceandcleankitchen,
very safety, very nicetrees, very good
conditionfor livingandoffice.
Price: US$2,000/month
Tel: 092232623/ 081230000

For Rent Near Independent
Monument, 03 bedrooms, very
big and open living room, western
kitchen, big balcony, very good for
residence, very quiet and safety
area. Price: US$800/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Rent Located in Daun Penh area
(close to Independent Monument),
01 bedrooms, large living room,
some furnished, nice kitchen, quiet
& safe. big balcony, the best location
for residence.: US$450/m per sqm.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent Located in BKKI, 01 bedroom,
open living room and kitchen, fully
and modern furnished, very safety
area, very quiet,
very good condition for living.
Price: USD750/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in Tonle Bassak area
(close to BKKI), 01 bedroom, open
living room and kitchen, fully and
modern furnished, very safety area,
very quiet, very good condition for
living. Price: 450/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
LocatedalongNorodomBlvd, 100to
1700sqm, bigparkinglot, bigelevator,
bigstaircase, 24hsecurity andmany
Price: US$12- $14/monthper sqm.
Tel: 092232623/ 081230000

Located a long Norodom Blvd,
400 sqm , parking lot, big
elevator, big staircase, 24h
security and many facilities
Price: US $15/month per sqm.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent located in on the main street,
size: 8x20m, 07bedrooms, 04
stories, very good for showrooms,
banks, micronance, and other
business purpose, big parking lot.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Price: US$5,500/sqm
Rent located in on the main street,
size: ground oor 8x20m and
rst oor is 12x16m, 03 stories,
very good for showrooms, banks,
micronance, and other business
purpose, big parking lot.
Price: US$3,500/sqm
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

A long road No 04 (Factory zone),
Size: 6600 sqm, electricity and
water are connected, very standard
quality, good environment, very
easy to nd workers. $1.8/sqm
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
located in on the main street, 200
plus and $15/sqm per month, big
parking lot.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Take a bow
Britains Mo Farah celebrates after winning the mens two-mile race during the Diamond League Athletics meeting in Birmingham, central England on Sunday. The Olympic, world and Eu-
ropean champion at both 5,000 and 10,000 metres won in a time of eight minutes 07.85 seconds, which comfortably surpassed the British record of 8:13.51 set in 1978 by Steve Ovett. AFP

Crown Academy boys
win Yamaha Challenge
champions Phnom Penh
Crown enjoyed more success
in their ranks with their
Academys U15 boys squad
seizing victory on Sunday in
the 2014 Yamaha Challenge
friendly youth tournament
played at the National Football
Centre in Tonle Bati district,
Takeo province. Crown finished
top of the six-team table after
five days of competition,
winning four and drawing one
of their matches. GIFU U14s
ended with the same 13 points
as Crown but had a far inferior
goal difference. Cambodia
Academy U14s finished third,
Civil Aviation FC were fourth,
Svay Rieng came fifth and GFA
U14 collected the wooden
spoon. DAN RILEY
Sides progress to ISF
youth league grand final
BONG Paoun (Green) and EYC
will contest next weeks final of
the ISFs Youth Football
League (U17). In the semi-
finals played last Saturday at
the National Institute of
Physical Education and Sports
ground, Bong Paoun beat
Andong 4-1 while EYC beat
Vietnamese player
jailed for match-fixing
A VIETNAMESE footballer was
yesterday jailed for two-and-a-
half years for fixing an AFC Cup
match against a Malaysian
team, state media reported.
Eight other members of the
Vissai Ninh Binh FC team were
given suspended sentences of
up to 27 months for manip-
ulating the result of the match
against Malaysian club Kelantan
in March, the VNExpress online
newspaper said. A bookmaker
was also jailed for 30 months at
the trial in northern Ninh Binh
province. Local media reports
said the Vietnamese side bet on
beating the unfancied
Malaysians in their regional
trophy tie by a single goal
margin. According to the Thanh
Nien newspaper, the
Vietnamese players won one
billion dong ($48,000) after
defeating Kelantan 3-2. AFP
Van Garderen wins title
Garderen completed
his victory in the
USA Pro Challenge
Cycling race on Sunday while
Alex Howes won the last stage
and German star Jens Voigt
ended his career.
Howes edged fellow Ameri-
can Kiel Reijnen by a wheel
width at the nish line to
claim the seventh stage, a
78-mile (125km) trek from
Boulder to Denver, in 2hrs,
45mins 20secs.
BMC rider Van Garderen
nished sixth in the stage
but won the overall race in
20:05:42 with American Tom
Danielson second, 92 seconds
back, and Serghei Tvetcov of
Romania third, another 13
seconds adrift.
It was incredible. It felt
awesome, Van Garderen said.
To actually be able to defend
the title, I felt a lot of pressure,
the boys showed a lot of poise.
It feels incredible.
I might have made it look
like it was convincing but
there were some times of
panic out there. It was a hard-
fought victory.
Voigt made an early run
with the rst breakway group
but settled for 34th in the
stage and 28th overall in his
farewell race.
I try to look at the positive
side. No more suffering. No
more stress. No more risk of
crashing, Voigt said.
It was a priority for me to-
day to keep the rubber side
down. I wanted one more last
ride. I was going to try to be
a professional to the last mo-
ment on the bike. I wanted to
give it one last go.
Now I have a long, great va-
cation ahead of me.
Voigt said he had no re-
grets about calling it quits
even though he felt he could
still race one more year, al-
though not at a level to sat-
isfy himself.
After 17 years of being one
of the boys, it will take a while
to change the way I look at
things, Voigt said.
I had a great farewell tour
this year. It was heart-warming
and let me know it was a good
decision. I could have done
one more year but I wouldnt
be as good and as strong as I
was this year.
I will embrace my future
with open arms. Lets see what
the next chapter is. AFP
H S Manjunath
IT TOOK a late swoop by Pate
310 to pip Smart Dragons at
the post 61-59 on Sunday in a
key Angkor Beer Cambodian
Basketball League match that
was marred by some poor of-
ciating by the referees.
Four Dragons players were
fouled out of the game in the
fourth quarter as the side
came up on the wrong side
of the ledger in an incred-
ibly high number of infringe-
ments called by the ofcials
at the Olympic Stadium In-
door Arena.
Though the Dragons were
dealt a better hand going into
fourth quarter with a seven-
point advantage, the loss of
Leng Seng, Jordan Bregen,
Chhim Taingyou and Noun
Vath Sothearith in quick suc-
cession tipped the balance in
favour of Pate.
Mounting Dragons fouls
meant that Pate players were
often behind the free throw
line, from where they could
close the gap bit by bit.
Pate eked out 12 points from
22 free throws in the last quar-
ter to be abreast of the Dragons
at 59-all with just 30 seconds
left on the clock. At this critical
juncture came Pat Tys foul on
Ouch Phanat, who promptly
sunk the free throws to give his
side the winning lead.
With eight seconds left,
Dragons took time out to set
up Gabriele Castaldo for a de-
cision shot but that gamble to
equalise failed.
For Pate, Sok Tour top-
scored with 26 points and
found an able ally in Ouch
Phanat, who was second best
with 11 points. For Dragons,
Castaldo scored 14 points and
Ben Laird 12.
As widely expected, Extra
Joss Fighters rolled over the
only non-winners so far GL
Concrete 93-49 in the days
second xture.
The Fighters had good rea-
sons to be optimistic of a
strong show following their
victories over NSK Dream and
Sabay Tiger Mosquitoes. They
were off to a ying start and
never quite slackened their
hold as Stephen Surima set a
pace that was too hot for Con-
crete to handle.
The Filipino star is prov-
ing to be a game changer for
the Fighters, who have now
recovered from a tardy begin-
ning. Surima, who missed the
rst two games, headed the
scoresheet for his team with
30 points.
Tang Kinh Chhung also had
a good day on the court scor-
ing 13 points, 10 of which
came in the fourth quarter.
Ran Norens 16 points was
the best effort for Concrete,
who had lost all their previ-
ous games on an average of
35 points, a stat that got even
worse after this loss.
Pate 310 douse Dragons,
Fighters crack Concrete
BMC Racing Teams Tejay van Garderen of the US sprints to the nish line
at the end of the nal stage of the 2014 USA Pro Challenge on Sunday. AFP
English Premier League
Hull 1 Stoke 1
Tottenham 4 QPR 0
Sunderland 1 Man United 1
Spanish La Liga
Eibar 1 Real Sociedad 0
Barcelona 3 Elche 0
Celta de Vigo 3 Getafe 1
Levante 0 Villarreal 2
German Bundesliga
Paderborn 2 Mainz 2
Bor Mgladbach 1 Stuttgart 1
French Ligue 1
Lyon 0 Lens 1
St Etienne 0 Rennes 0
Nantes 0 Monaco 1
UEFA Champions League
Play-off Second leg
Zenit St Petersburg v
Standard Lige
(agg 1-0) 11pm
Apoel Nicosia v Aalborg BK
(agg 1-1) 1:45am
BATE Borisov v
Slovan Bratislava
(agg 1-1) 1:45am
Celtic v NK Maribor
(agg 1-1) 1:45am
FC Porto v Lille
(agg 1-0) 1:45am

Wrestler holds Cambodias
last hope for glory in Nanjing
CAMBODIAS Dorn Srey Mao will
conclude the Kingdoms participation
at the 2nd Youth Olympic Games in
Nanjing, China, this evening when
she competes in the womens 52kg
freestyle wrestling event. Her
compatriot Sokha Panha Viriyak Vatey
came up short in her heat of the
womens 100m sprint last Thursday,
finishing fourth with a time of 13.03
seconds. Swimmer Cheng Sopha
also failed to advance to the semi-
finals when he swam his heat in the
mens 50m freestyle last week.
Phelps form suggests his
Olympics story is not over
MICHAEL Phelps showed he could be
on track for even more Olympic glory
after making a winning return to
international competition just a few
months after coming out of
retirement. The greatest Olympian,
with 18 golds among his 22 medals at
the Games, is laying the foundations to
add to his unrivalled tally at the 2016
Rio Olympics. Phelps, who will be 31
by the time of the Rio Games, won
three gold medals at the Pan Pacific
Championships on Australias Gold
Coast, which ended on Sunday. He
swept to victory in the 100m butterfly
(51.29sec) and was also part of the
successful mens medley and 4x200m
freestyle relay teams. And Phelps
was denied by just two-hundredths of
a second by Japans Kosuke Hagino
in the final of the 200m individual
medley, an event he has won three
times at the Olympics. AFP
Ki Chong Tran
wins in Phuket
Dan Riley
AMBODIAN mixed martial
arts fans had some early
reasons to rejoice ahead
of next months epic ONE
FC ght night at Koh Pich Theatre,
with A Fighter clubs Ki Chong Tran
emerging victorious from his battle
in the cage on Saturday at Full Met-
al Dojo in Phuket.
American-born Tran had been
slated to face Muay Thai expert
Siwa Mike Kontieng in a feath-
erweight contest at the Seduction
nightclub, but the Thai striker had
contracted conjunctivitis in his
eyes and was forced to make a last-
minute withdraw.
Fortunately, Mikes compatriot
Kritsada Dream Man Konsrichai
agreed to stand in, despite giving
up a full six kilograms in weight to
his Cambodian opponent.
[Dream Man is] a judo practitio-
ner/wrestler, so even though it was
the opposite of what we trained for,
a lot of respect to Dream Man for
stepping up and taking the ght,
Tran told the Post.
Some rapid clashes of punches
and kicks were followed up with
acrobatic takedowns, much to
the approval of the crowd. Tran
appeared to hold the edge on the
ground, isolating Dream Mans
limbs to land some vicious looking
elbows to his head.
In the second round, Dream
Man exposed his back to Tran as
they grappled, which signaled the
beginning of the end for the home
Tran maneuvered around to have
his opponent lying prone to sts to
the side of the head, and it was just
a matter of time before the Cam-
bodian executed a ne rear naked
choke that had Dream Man tapping
out in seconds.
After I secured dominant posi-
tion [taking the back], I felt I would
be able to nish the ght and the
choke I used was my favourite
choke, said Tran.
My opponent was very tough
and stronger than I expected, with
great throws and a great wrestling
[It] feels good to help Cambodian
MMA outside the country and get
the win. [It] sets up A Fighter gyms
momentum for the ONE FC event in
Cambodia [on September 12].
In Saturdays headlining bout,
Jason Ponet of France moved to a
pro MMA record of 10-8 with vic-
tory over American Dylan The
Muscle Fussell, who was also a
late replacement.
An elbow to Fussells forehead in
the rst round made a deep gash
which bled profusely, leaving ref-
eree no choice but to call the ght
with the result marked down as a
doctors stoppage.
Ki Chong Tran (centre) stands with his A Fighter trainer Chan Reach (right) and Thai op-
ponent Kritsada Dream Man Konsrichai after their Full Metal Dojo bout. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Hunter Mahan reacts to a missed birdie putt on the seventh green dur-
ing the nal round of the Barclays at The Ridgewood Country Club. AFP
Mahan claims sixth PGA title
HUNTER Mahan fired a six-
under par 65 on Sunday to win
the US PGA Barclays tourna-
ment by two strokes, giving the
American his first tour victory
in more than two years.
Mahan, who had not taken
a title since the 2012 Houston
Open, birdied the 15th, 16th
and 17th holes to seize a
three-stroke lead, then sank a
clutch eight-foot bogey putt
at 18 to claim the first event in
the US tours season-ending
Havent played my best this
year so to get a win in an event
like this and the timing what
it was, it feels incredible,
Mahan said.
Mahan, who had only a pair
of top-five finishes this season
before this week, finished 72
holes on 14-under 270 with
Australians Jason Day and Stu-
art Appleby and American
Cameron Tringale sharing sec-
ond on 272.
Four-time major winner
Ernie Els was on 273 with
Americans William McGirt and
Matt Kuchar with Jim Furyk
another shot back, his winless
streak when leading or co-
leading after 54 holes stretch-
ing to eight events since he last
won any title back at the 2010
Tour Championship.
The event launched the sea-
son-ending series of tourna-
ments that reduce fields until
30 players qualify for the Tour
Championship finale next
month in Atlanta. Mahan now
leads the point chase, giving
him the best chance at the
US$10 million bonus for the
season points winner.
I felt great the past few
weeks, Mahan said. The
game was starting to come
around, making some putts. I
knew it was around the corner
but to do it today is really
Mahan was surprised at the
18th green by his wife Kandi
and daughter Zoe, who flew to
suburban New York on Sunday
to see his first win as a father.
There was a lot going on in
my head right then, but its
always great to see them,
Mahan said. They make every
day a little bit better.
Mahan opened with a birdie
and added another at the fifth,
but he made his move on the
back nine, with birdies at the
11th and par-5 13th before his
key run of three in a row, the
last a 25-footer that eased the
pressure on 18, where he found
trees off the tee and went over
the green on his approach only
to make a vital putt.
When Day failed to hole out
from the rough in the last
group just behind him, Mahan
had the victory.
Day endured a second con-
secutive roller-coaster round
to stumble after sharing the
54-hole lead with Furyk.
Day opened with a birdie
and birdied the next three
odd-numbered holes with
bogeys mixed in at four and
six. A bogey at 11 was answered
by birdies at 13 and 14 but four
pars into the clubhouse for a
68 were not enough to over-
come Mahans sizzling finish.
Tringale, who turned himself
in for a violation that disqual-
ified him from the PGA Cham-
pionship earlier this month,
birdied 15, 16 and 17 on the
way to a 66 but a closing bogey
doomed his title bid on his
27th birthday.
Being my birthday, I was
going to have a great day no
matter what, Tringale said. I
just played with a peace and a
vast understanding. I felt in
control of everything.
Appleby birdied five of the
first six holes on the back nine
to post the score to beat thanks
to a closing 65.
It was nice to get out there
and feel comfortable, Appleby
said. It was a great stretch of
golf and nice to see more putts
drop. AFP
Rosberg to pay for Hamilton crash
ICO Rosberg will face se-
rious consequences, but
his comments were mis-
interpreted and he did
not deliberately crash into Lewis
Hamilton in the Belgian Grand Prix,
according to Mercedes team boss
Toto Wolff.
Speaking after a heated meeting to
review Sundays stormy race won by
Australian Daniel Ricciardo, Wolff
explained that Rosberg, who was
booed on the podium, had wanted
to make a point by not giving way
when the pair collided on lap two.
But that, he said, did not mean he
had intended to crash with Hamil-
ton, puncturing the Britons left rear
tyre and wrecking his race.
Hamilton retired pointless with
four laps remaining after battling at
the back of the eld and later said
Rosberg had told him he had hit him
It looked quite clear to me, but we
just had a meeting about it and he
basically said he did it on purpose,
said Hamilton. He said he did it on
purpose . . . He said he could have
avoided it.
He said I did it to prove a point.
He, basically, said I did it to prove
a point and you dont have to just
rely on me go and ask Toto [Wolff ],
Paddy [Lowe] and all those guys who
are not happy with him as well.
Rosberg, with a broken front wing,
survived and nished second to
open up a 29-points lead over Ham-
ilton in the title race with seven rac-
es remaining.
Today weve seen the limits of the
slap on the wrist, said Wolff. The
slap on the wrist is not enough.
If Lewis has said that its going
to be a slap on the wrist, and that
theres going to be no consequence,
then hes not aware of what conse-
quences we can implement.
Wolff declined to elaborate, but
said that Mercedes could do a lot
and added that the team would
reintroduce strict team orders to
avoid any repeat incidents that gift
victories to their rivals.
What we have to do is see it as a
matter of principle and make sure
it doesnt happen again. We had the
conversation at the beginning of the
season. It was an absolute no-go to
crash into each other.
Weve had mega-exciting races
where they were ghting fair and
square with great excitement for all
of us. And at that stage, they were on
top of the situation and we were on
top of the situation.
Now its come to a point where
its getting very tight, and probably
we need to tackle that with more
intensity to make sure we stay
within the boundaries weve set
at the beginning of the season. It
would be too early to go into detail
because the devil lies in the detail.
Were all fans and we owe it to our-
selves and everybody out there to
let them race.
But that philosophy has resulted
in Mercedes losing valuable points
and we dont want to end up in Abu
Dhabi, with a season where we lost
the championship, be it construc-
tors or drivers, because were too
much race fans.
There is a lot at stake, and if you
dont manage this properly now it
could end up at that point.
Its one thing enjoying great rac-
es and letting them ght with each
other, but if you look like a fool at the
end of the season then you havent
won anything.
Rosberg later insisted that he was
not to blame.
We had the pace to win, but the
incident cost us a top result, he
said. So Im really disappointed be-
cause for the team it was a bad day.
As drivers we are here to entertain
and show the fans a good time, so our
duels are always on the limit. I regret
that Lewis and myself touched, but
I see it as a racing incident just as
the stewards did.
Wolff added further clarication,
saying: Nico felt he needed to hold
his line. He needed to make a point,
and for Lewis, it was clearly not him
who needed to be aware of Nico.
Rosberg didnt give in. He thought
it was for Lewis to leave him space,
and that Lewis didnt leave him
space. So they agreed to disagree
in a very heated discussion, but it
wasnt deliberately crashing.
Making clear that the team saw
Rosberg as culpable, he added: It
doesnt change the scenario at all
because the incident, as I see it, is
not acceptable for us.
What we saw was that Nico was
not prepared to take the exit and
that caused the collision. That is not
something we want to happen. We
had a collision that could have been
avoided, a second-lap collision. It
was Nico who attacked and he
shouldnt have done it. AFP
Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton and and teammate Nico Rosberg (right) collide at the Spa-Francorchamps circuit in Spa on Sunday during the Belgium F1 Grand Prix. AFP

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