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This independent study is a comparative analytical

focus on sexual violence towards women in India,

Saudi Arabia, Germany, and Canada. The three
questions that will be answered are: Why does this
happen in some countries more than others? What
factors effect what laws are passed and enforced?
How do some countries prevent sexual violence
more effectively than others? A literature review
has been conducted by looking through online
sources, and academic articles. So far the research
has shown these four countries are vastly different.
However, these differences equate to the
similarities that factor into answering the objective
questions. The comparative factors from each
country are: government, the judicial system,
religious and race differences, and womens rights.
The results of the research so far have shown that
the similar factors help explain the answers to the
objective questions. The end goal for this research
by the end of this semester is to give a presentation
of all the findings and conclusions.
The objectives from this research have been
to answer the following three questions:
1. Why does sexual violence happen in
some countries more than others?
2. What factors effect what laws are passed
and enforced?
3. How do some countries prevent sexual
violence more effectively than others?
Baldwin, Katherine. (2012). FACTBOX- The worst and best G20 countries for women. Thomson
Reuters Foundation.
2013. FAQ. Womens Sexual Assault Centre.
2014. Sexual and reproductive rights under threat worldwide. Amnesty International.
2014. Sexual Violence: Definitions. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
2014. Violence against women: an EU0wide survey. European Union Agency for fundamental
Kanwar, Amar. (2007). The Lightening Testimonies. Chicago, IL: The Art Institute of Chicago.

The topic of research is studying sexual violence towards
women in different countries. The four countries of focus are:
India, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and Germany. Research thus far
has consisted of gathering information from online sources
and from various academic journals as well as speaking with a
few college professors. Although these four countries are
vastly different they share common themes in: why sexual
violence happens, what is being done about it in the system,
and prevention techniques. The end of the semester goal for
this independent study is to give a presentation of all the
findings and conclusions from this research.
The inspiration for this independent study came
from The Lightening Testimonies exhibit then
located at the Chicago Art Museum. This exhibit
displays eight video screens with different stories
playing on each individual screen, all running at
once. The purpose of the exhibit is to show what
sexual violence towards women in India was like
starting in the 1940s to 2007. This exhibit brought
several questions to mind such as why, how, and
what can be done?
Two sexual violence victims
Sexual Violence towards women:
Four country comparative study
Megan Martin
Social Work
By the end of the semester a clear answer to each objective
will be concluded. In the research so far two main conclusions
have been reached: there are vast differences between these
four countries, and there are similar factors that are reasons for
why sexual violence is the way it is in each of these countries.
The similar factors are: governments, the judicial system,
religious and race differences, and womens rights. Even
though these are the similarities they are the differences as
well. Each country has a different government system, but
with some resemblances to the other countries. Every judicial
system processing time is too long and overly extended if
compared to the United States. There is discrimination and
unequal treatment towards women of different races and
religious affiliations. And lastly, women are seen as either
second class citizens, property, or not having equal rights all
around. These issues all contribute to the reasons why sexual
violence still happens today and why there is not a severe or
permanent enough consequence system. This research is still
being continued to further answer the objective questions even
more so than they have already been answered.
Found on a take back the night Website

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