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Teacher Saly was
admitted to the
hospital for a
caesarean surgery to
deliver her baby. Abdullah, her elder son was absent the day we decided to visit the
hospital. Juwairiya, Aya and Kamila were the ones representing An-Nur kids for this visit.
The children had a short briefing about visiting the sick, duty and rewards of greeting our
community members for the arrival of a new baby, and etiquettes of visiting the hospital.
The girls were very inquisitive as we were walking inside the hospital trying to find our way.
We used the elevator and learned to press the button of the fifth floor, look at the numbers
on the screen and readi the numbers before we leave in order to get to the right floor. We
were reading the signs on the way to make sure we go to the maternity ward. Aya was very
good in trying to sound the letters on the signs masha Allah. We then started looking for
the room number. The girls were happy to see teacher Saly when we arrived and were so
excited to see the one day old baby being checked by the doctor. Lots of discussion went on.
When kamila was told the name of the baby (Al Baraa) she said to Juwairiya this is your
babys name not my mine. My baby brother is Khalid your baby brother is Al Baraa. Smart
connection Kmila masha Allah! Noticing that Abdullah was not in the room, Kmila asked
with disappointment, where is Abdullah? His mom said that he went home with dad to rest.
Juwairiya said Abdullah was here. I Saw Abdullah! It turned out that Juwairiya visited the
hospital the day before with her
family. Good recalling memory
Juwairiya and awareness of
communication subject. The girls
politely offered the gifts and the
greeting card made at pre-school

The girls noticed a huge glass
window in the room with a lovely
top view on the botanic gardens.
They started naming the beautiful
things of Allahs creations after I
asked them. Then we moved to counting the passing cars and how many are of certain colours. The
children are developing a capacity
to pay attention, maintain
concentration explore and enjoy
change of environment .
We then said salam after a short
visit and headed back to the
centre. The girls were given
chances to have a sense of
responsibility and increase their
knowledge about keeping
themselves safe on the road and
in new environment. On the way
back we noticed a fish shop and
Aya started singing slippery fish.
Good linking Aya! Then Kamila
noticed sheep skin shop and
started singing baa baa black sheep . Great observation Kamila. Then Juwairiya invented her own
song based on where is thumb kin saying where is mama where is baba (dad), where is baby, where
is Jojo (Juwairiya) and continuing the rest . That was brilliant Juwiriya. Both Aya and Juwayria have
shown great progress in their English communication skills. We then started reading some Quran
and Aya wanted to read a sura At Tin that we hardly read at school and masha Allah she was good
This trip definitely raised our children awareness of connections between events and experiences
within and beyond An-Nur early childhood education setting .
I am privileged to have had this special time with some of our beloved children fostering the
exploration of the world outside the centre and scaffolding the skills of our future leaders as well as
discovering their amazing capabilities and good character.
May Allah keep all of our children safe and guided.

T.Maysoon August 2014

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