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Transportation Systems

Welcome on board
Welcome on board
The Velaro: A train for every customer
Whether for business or pleasure mobility
is a sign of our times. To shape and continu-
ously redefine it is the responsibility of the
railway operators. With the Velaro, you get
a versatile high speed trainset concept that
also offers you completely new options
from a high-end business solution and long-
distance train with exemplary comfort to
a reliable, highly cost-efficient system for
large passenger volumes.
The future of railway tried and tested
Advanced means of transportation bridge
the distances between cities, regions,
and countries. This is where a rail system
can show off its specific strengths. It is
fast, reliable, cost-efficient, and safe. And
it is constantly evolving. The Velaro plat-
form delivers global high speed trainsets
that are proving their value in daily oper-
ations. And the experience and knowledge
gained from these projects is continuously
integrated into the further development
of this platform. This is a clear advantage
for all new Velaro orders.
A train sets standards
Technically, the Velaro is a multiple-unit
train in which the traction equipment
and all system components are distributed
under floor over the entire length of the
train. This makes the full interior length
available for passenger accommodation,
offering about 20 % more room than con-
ventional trains of the same train length.
Need even more space? Two car body
widths and a varying number of cars have
already been implemented using this train-
set concept. Unique und flexible, the
Velaro offers passengers not only more
space but also a spectacular view to the
Travel comfortably
On board the Velaro, your passengers will
experience travel by rail as an enjoyable
and also fascinating possibility to cover
great distances in short time. The Velaro
satisfies the widest range of expectations.
Where technical equipment used to
block the path to the front of the train,
passengers can now choose to enjoy a
spectacular view of the track before them.
Panoramic windows in every compartment
also provide optimum visibility.
Always arrive relaxed
On board the Velaro, time really goes
by in a flash because the particularly
comfortable seats make sure that, despite
all the high speed, your passengers arrive
rested and relaxed. Of course, it is possible
to design the seats according to specific
preferences. For example, the upholstery
and lateral support as well as the legroom
can be custom-designed. As an option,
the seats can be installed on swivel bases
so that all passengers can choose to face
the direction of travel.
Welcome abroad
The Velaro: A train for the world
The Velaro is the worlds most successful
high speed trainset: With the German ICE 3,
Spanish Velaro E, Chinese Velaro CN and
Russian Velaro RUS, more than 160 of these
platform-based trains will be in service around
the world by 2008.
Always a good choice
The Velaro was developed for the world
market. Its versatility becomes not only
apparent from what is visible on the
surface, but what is underneath in the
form of technology that meets the widest
range of requirements. Whether you
need maximum comfort or a somewhat
higher seat density, whether your trains
should run really fast or not: the Velaro
is always the right answer.
Traffic without borders
As a true pan-European high speed train-
set, the Velaro naturally complies with
the Technical Specifications for Interoper-
ability (TSI) which are paving the way
toward a harmonized European railway
network. This characteristic profile is
complemented by the multi-voltage capa-
bility that allows the Velaro to run in the
worlds four most common line voltage
Protection on all tracks
The Velaro concept includes the easy
integration of the European and the new
Chinese train control and communication
systems. The Spanish Velaro trains, for
example, on the Madrid Seville line, in-
corporate the advanced European signal
standard ETCS Level 2 and the LZB auto-
matic train control system installed on
this route.
Everywhere on the fast track to success
The flexibility of the Velaro platform is
not only demonstrated by its interior
design and maximum speed, but also by
its adaptability to different track gauges.
In Spain and China, the trains run on the
European standard gauge of 1,435 mm,
while the Velaro RUS, developed for
the Russian Federation, uses a gauge of
1,520 mm.
When it comes to ensuring the cost-effec-
tiveness of modern rail systems, an inte-
grated approach is needed: In addition to
state-of-the-art technology, this includes
comfort, short amortization periods and
environmental compatibility. We managed
to minimize the operating and mainte-
nance costs of the Velaro, thereby optimiz-
ing the lifecycle costs. Moreover, in spite
if its high transport capacity, the train
runs with minimal emissions and, thanks
to its low energy consumption, helps
to save fossil fuels. The Velaro therefore
not only strengthens the position of the
railway, it is already part of its future.
Welcome flexibility
The Velaro: A customizable train
The Velaro is literally more than a train because its common
platform forms the basis for widely different variants designed
to perfectly meet the different requirements of the railway
operators. For example, the Velaro can provide between
400 and 600 seats, with various degrees of comfort and service
for the passengers.
Come on board and enjoy the ride
Through the custom interior of the Velaro,
you will make riding on your train an un-
forgettable experience: Cafeteria, buffet
or onboard restaurant reflect the high
standard of service for the passengers.
This comfort starts long before the train
actually departs: spacious entrance areas,
large compartments and convenient
luggage racks are distinctive design fea-
tures of the Velaro. And while under way,
passengers are kept up-to-date by an
advanced passenger information system.
Always in tune with the time
Think cost-effective? No time to lose?
Combine business with pleasure? This
is another typical strength of the Velaro
platform! Everything can be provided on
board. Power sockets for laptops. Equip-
ment for fax, Internet, and data transfer.
This makes it a pleasure to work, at maxi-
mum speed, either alone or in a team,
or to meet with colleagues or business
associates. The spacious conference room
in the Club class of the Velaro E accom-
modates up to seven people with every
amenity for their information and commu-
nication needs.
Flexible for customization
Flexible response to customer require-
ments regardless of specific preferences:
The Velaro E is the worlds fastest train
in operation. Capable of a top speed
of 350 km/h, it does, for instance, the
625 kilometers between Madrid and
Barcelona in less than 2 hours all
without any noise, annoying check-in
lines and traffic jams but with comfort-
able air-conditioning even in the hottest
weather. The intelligent platform concept
enables world-class comfort and high-
tech equipment to be easily adapted to
any application. With its wide car body
and its 2 + 3 seating arrangement, the
Velaro CN is clearly designed for optimum
transport capacity at maximum speeds
of 300 km/h. The Velaro RUS also takes
the extremely low ambient temperatures
in the Russian Federation into account.
With two additional cars, its transport
capacity is increased to more than
600 seats.
Welcome success
The Velaro: The successful result of continuous evolution
The internationally successful platform concept
of the Velaro is based on the German ICE 3 and
is continuously driven forward by the experience
gained from design, in operation, operation and
maintenance. Packed with future-proof innova-
tive features, the Velaro is not only the worlds
fastest train in operation, it is already a familiar
sight around the world.
A class of its own: Velaro E
Following an initial order for 16 Velaro E
from the Spanish railway operator RENFE
in 2001, ten more trains were ordered in
December 2005. These trainsets with a
traction power rating of 8,800 kW attain
a maximum service speed of 350 km and
provide a capacity of 404 passenger seats
in the three classes: Club, Preferente and
Turista. A special highlight is the business
equipment in the Club class, which in-
cludes a conference room for up to seven
people as well as a VIP room. Four service
areas provide individual passenger services
in all three classes.
High power, high capacity: Velaro CN
In November 2005, Siemens won a
contract from the Chinese Ministry of
Railways to build sixty Velaro CN trains.
This 8-car trainset, which is customized
for the specific conditions in China, is
200 meters long and built for a maximum
speed of 300 k/h. It seats 601 passengers
and is scheduled to serve the Beijing
Tianjin route in northeast China as
from 2008. The train provides this high
transport capacity with a 30-cm-wider
car body.
High speed for Russia: Velaro RUS
In May 2006, the Russian railway opera-
tor RZD ordered eight high speed trains
of the Velaro RUS type, which will initially
run on the Moscow St. Petersburg line
starting in 2008 and will later connect
the Russian capital with Nizhny Novgorod.
For this reason, some of the trains are
being prepared for service on DC and
AC lines. Like their Chinese counterparts,
the 10-car trains have a wider car body
and are designed to run on the Russian
1,520-mm broad gauge tracks. With a
total length of 250 m, they offer comfort-
able seating for 604 passengers. In addi-
tion, the ventilation and cooling systems
have been adapted to the climatic condi-
tions in Russia.
Welcome experience
The Velaro: A high-tech train from Siemens
When deciding on a high speed train, you can trust our interna-
tional experience: 160 high speed trains sold worldwide speak
for themselves. The flexible Velaro platform with its innovative
technology is designed for service around the world. For the
benefit of railway operators, passengers and our environment.
Experience with high responsibility
With all Velaro trainsets so far having
traveled more than 100 million kilome-
ters equaling the distance to Mars and
back! we have amassed vast experience
in daily operation as well as maintenance
and production. And this experience is
continuously channeled into further
development of the Velaro platform to
ensure maximum availability and mini-
mum lifecycle costs.
comprehensive and competent
As one of the worlds largest electronic
companies, Siemens has the necessary
resources to be a reliable partner for rail-
way operators around the world well into
the future: With excellent products and
professional project management, from
the first design drawing to full service.
The synergies that result from the com-
panys broad-based portfolio, grown over
150 years, are also an advantage for the
Velaro projects. Perfect examples for this
are the advanced power supply system
and the communication technology.
Successful rolling stock all inclusive
The focus is clearly on the cost-effective
rolling stock. But Siemens offers you
much more to optimize the operation
of your high speed trains, from technical
assistance to custom service and diagnos-
tics concepts to know-how transfer for
your personnel. Or cost-effective financing
models to prove the return on investment.
Add to this Siemens contractual accep-
tance of the entire responsibility for the
production and maintenance of complete
railway installations from trackworks
and stations to trains. Everything pooled
under the heading of Integrated Services
is always designed to ensure the usability
of your trains, which translates into smooth
Advanced technologies
comprehensively tested
Our test center for rail systems in Wegberg-
Wildenrath ensures that only fully tested
vehicles are delivered. Here, your trains
are subjected to a comprehensive series
of tests under realistic operating condi-
tions from the first prototype to the
production train, for maximum investment
security. This test center, which has been
accredited by the German Federal Railway
Authority, is not only used to test high
speed trains, but also light rail vehicles
and trams, metros and rapid transit,
regional and mainline systems. All this
demonstrates our competence across
all areas of railbound transportation.
Siemens AG
Transportation Systems
P.O. Box 32 40
91050 Erlangen
Printed in Germany
TH 166-060582 199795 WS 09061.0
Dispo 21704 c4bs 3902
Order No.: A19100-V800-B770-X-7600
InterCity, ICE International, ICE, ICE T,
ICE TD and ICE-Sprinter are registered
trademarks of Deutsche Bahn AG. Velaro
is a registered trademark of Siemens AG.
The information in this document contains
general descriptions of the technical options
available, which do not always have to be
present in individual cases. The required features
should therefore be specified in each individual
case at the time of closing the contract.

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