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academic words

1. analysis
an investigation of the component parts of a whole and
their relations in making up the whole
2. approach
move towards
3. area
a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary
(usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture
or geography)
4. assessment
the classification of someone or something with respect
to its worth
5. assume
take to be the case or to be true; accept without
verification or proof
6. authority
the power or right to give orders or make decisions
7. available
obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service
8. benefit
financial assistance in time of need
9. concept
an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from
specific instances
10. consistent
(sometimes followed by `with) in agreement or consistent
or reliable
11. constitutional
of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup
12. context
discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to
determine its interpretation
13. contract
a binding agreement between two or more persons that is
enforceable by law
14. create
make or cause to be or to become
15. data
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
16. definition
a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase
or symbol
17. derived
formed or developed from something else; not original
18. distribution
(statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable
showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence
19. economic
of or relating to an economy, the system of production
and management of material wealth
20. environment
the totality of surrounding conditions
21. established
brought about or set up or accepted; especially long
22. estimate
judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or
23. evidence
your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to
base belief
24. export
sell or transfer abroad
25. factor
anything that contributes causally to a result
26. financial
involving financial matters
27. formula
a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
28. function
(mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each
element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated with an
element of another set (the range of the function)
29. identified
having the identity known or established
30. income
the financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a
given period of time
31. indicate
be a signal for or a symptom of
32. individual
being or characteristic of a single thing or person
33. interpretation
a mental representation of the meaning or significance of
34. involved
connected by participation or association or use
35. issue
an important question that is in dispute and must be
36. labour
a social class comprising those who do manual labor or
work for wages
37. legal
established by or founded upon law or official or
accepted rules
38. legislation
law enacted by a legislative body
39. major
of greater importance or stature or rank
40. method
a way of doing something, especially a systematic way;
implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps)
41. occur
come to pass
42. percent
a proportion in relation to a whole (which is usually the
amount per hundred)
43. period
an amount of time
44. policy
a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group
45. principle
a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that
can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct
46. procedure
a particular course of action intended to achieve a
47. process
a particular course of action intended to achieve a
48. required
necessary for relief or supply
49. research
systematic investigation to establish facts
50. response
a result
51. role
the actions and activities assigned to or required or
expected of a person or group
52. section
a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or
53. sector
a plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc
of a circle
54. significant
important in effect or meaning
55. similar
marked by correspondence or resemblance
56. source
the place where something begins, where it springs into
57. specific
(sometimes followed by `to) applying to or characterized
by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique
58. structure
a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many
59. theory
a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the
natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a
variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena
60. variable
liable to or capable of change

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