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Industrial Internship Final Report On
(Jun13 to Ju!13"
Under The Guidance Of
M#$ An%n& M'()#%
M# L%'t
P#*#n% A(t)%n% (1+1+,3--"
E*.t#on'.( & Co//un'.%t'on En00$

Chapter. No. Topics Page No.
Certificate from the supervisor
Wireless Technology
1.1 Introduction
1.! Advantages
1." #isadvantages
1.$ Applications
1.% &volution
'amsung &lectronics India (td.
!.1 Introduction)*istory
!.! +roducts manufactured
!." Implementation of wireless
technology by 'amsung in achieving its
business ob,ectives.
This is to certify that the work titled .Wireless Technolog ! its I"ple"entation/
submitted by .+rerna Asthana/ in the fulfillment for the industrial training at
Sa"s#ng Electronics$ Noi%a has been carried out under my supervision. This work
has not been submitted partially or wholly to any other 0rgani1ation for the award of
this or any other degree or diploma.
'ignature of 'upervisor 2 33333333..
4ame of 'upervisor 2
#esignation 2
#ate 2 1$
5uly6 !71"
The success of this pro,ect depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of my
mentor. I take this opportunity to e8press my gratitude to the people who have been
instrumental in the successful completion of this pro,ect.
I would like to thank my supervisor 9r. (alit6 for his guidance6 support and insightful
knowledge which has helped us in completing our pro,ect. Also I would like to thank 9r
Anand 9ishra for his encouragement while I was working under him. They not only helped
in completing the pro,ect but also guided us in various other topics of my field of interest.
This pro,ect would not have been possible without their consistent encouragement and
sharing of knowledge.
:inally6 I;ll take this opportunity to e8tend my deep appreciation to family and friends6 for all
that they meant to during the completion of this pro,ect.
#ate< 1$
5uly !71"
+rerna Asthana
This pro,ect is basically a research work6 wherein the aim is to analyse how the technology
called .wireless communication/ is being used now2a2days in big industries to carry out their
daily operations and manage their inventories.
'tarting from the basic step of transferring raw materials to the manufacturing plants6 to the
final step of transferring the goods = products generated out of the plant6 wireless
technology plays a significant role. +ersonal face to face interaction and plant visit was done
to collect the primary data6 to study and analy1e same.
,.,) Intro%#ction
The term >wireless> refers6 in the most basic and obvious sense6 to communications sent
without wires or cables. It is a broad term that encompasses all sorts of wireless technologies
and devices6 including cellular communications6 networking between computers with
wireless adapters6 and wireless computer accessories. Wireless communications travel over
the air via electromagnetic waves ?radio fre@uencies6 infrared6 satellite6 etc. &8amples of
wireless devices include cell phones6 +#As6 A+' systems6 wireless mice6 wireless
keyboards6 remote controls6 wireless routers6 wireless network cards6 and pretty much
anything else that doesnBt use wires to transmit information6 devices used for wireless
communication are cordless telephones6 mobiles6 A+' units6 wireless computer parts6 and
satellite television.
The following situations ,ustify the use of wireless technology<
To span a distance beyond the capabilities of typical cabling6
To provide a backup communications link in case of normal network failure6
To link portable or temporary workstations6
To overcome situations where normal cabling is difficult or financially impractical6
To remotely connect mobile users or networks.
,./) A%0antages
Wireless communication has the following advantages<
i. Communication has enhanced to convey the information @uickly to the consumers.
ii. Working professionals can work and access Internet anywhere and anytime without carrying
cables or wires wherever they go. This also helps to complete the work anywhere on time
and improves the productivity.
iii. #octors6 workers and other professionals working in remote areas can be in touch with
medical centres through wireless communication.
iv. Crgent situation can be alerted through wireless communication. The affected regions can be
provided help and support with the help of these alerts through wireless communication.
v. Wireless networks are cheaper to install and maintain.
,.1) 'isa%0antages
The growth of wireless network has enabled us to use personal devices anywhere and
anytime. This has helped mankind to improve in every field of life but this has led many
threats as well.
Wireless network has led to many security threats to mankind. It is very easy for the hackers
to grab the wireless signals that are spread in the air. It is very important to secure the
wireless network so that the information cannot be e8ploited by the unauthori1ed users. This
also increases the risk to lose information. 'trong security protocols must be created to
secure the wireless signals like W+A and W+A!. Another way to secure the wireless network
is to have wireless intrusion prevention system.
Wireless is a public fre@uency network therefore its interface is highly risky to be used for
official private information. The speed and the viability of the wireless signals drop as more
and more users use the same fre@uency. 9oreover its original throughput is three times less
than it claims to deliver. Wireless technology is available in only three ma,or channels
ranging from !.% A*16 11 and 1.D A*16 Which is much lower than the wired network. They
are %7 times slower than the wired network technologies. The wireless signals are also
attuned by the barriers such as walls6 doors and devices itself. The setup of the wireless
technology is difficult maintain. *ence it is an unstable network. Though 2ireless
technologies provide fle8ibility to use and carry your laptop or any other portable device
with you anywhere6 but the longer the distance the weaker the signals. The e8tensive use of
wireless signals over the mobile phone is dangerous to the health of the human beings. The
various health problems that wireless can pose are memory loss and even cancer.
Wireless signals are prone to disrupt by the infrared and radio signals. Wireless technologies
are four times more e8pensive than wired technology due to their difficult setup. If one needs
to transfer confidential data over the network wireless technology is a serious risk to be used.
Eanks6 investigation agencies and legal data should be transferred using wired network
technologies6 because they are more safe and sound. The wireless technology offers public
access points which hinder the efficient transfer of data.
,.3) Applications
Tele0ision Re"ote Control F 9odern televisions use wireless remote control.
Currently radio waves are also used.
Wi+Fi F This is a wireless local area network that establishes internet connection
with the portable computers.
Sec#rit sste"s F :or homes and office buildings6 hard wired implementation
security systems are replaced by the Wireless technology.
Cell#lar Telephone F -adio waves are used to facilitate the operator to make phone
calls from any place on the earth. C#9A6 A'96 and "A are e8amples of the
advancement made by wireless communication in the domain.
Wireless energ trans4er F A process where a power source transmits electrical
energy to electrical load which does not have built2in power source wirelessly.
Co"p#ter Inter4ace 'e0ices F Computer hardware manufacturers had reali1ed that
having so many wires to communicate between devices would confuse the consumer.
'o they switched to wireless technology to facilitate their consumers6 thus making it
easy to mediate between a computer and other peripherals including mouse and
keyboard. &arlier6 such units re@uired bulky6 highly limited transceivers but recent
generations of computer peripherals use compact and high2@uality wireless devices
such as Eluetooth for communication. These days6 wireless devices have become
very common and are preferred for their ease of handling and reliability. In reality6
wireless2enabled devices have a slightly slower response time than conventional
wired devices. This issue is being addressed by manufacturers and will be taken care
of in the near future. Initial concerns that had risen regarding the security of wireless
keyboards have also been taken care of with the advent of technology.
Logistics 2 0ne of the best ways to streamline any reverse logistics operation is by
employing wireless technology. -adio fre@uency identification technology ?-: is the
latest and most advanced wireless application6 particularly when it;s used in
con,unction with a sophisticated warehouse management system ?W9'. 'mart
warehouse providers take advantage of advanced wireless tools like bar code
scanning and voice2directed -: to manage logistics and inventory control.
,.5) E0ol#tion
&arly Wireless 4etworks<
As society began to depend upon the internet for nearly everything6 they were faced with the
same dilemma that they dealt with in the early days of the telegraphG they needed mobility.
'ociety had become accustomed to mobility and often took for granted devices such as
portable televisions6 cellular phones6 and even their in2car radio. With the significantly
growing cost of materials6 wireless communications became important once again from
several aspects. 0ne of these aspects was the need to connect other continents and countries
with this infrastructure. Initially6 e8isting telephony infrastructure was usedG however6 the
cost of continuing to lay more and more cabling across the seas as demand increased became
cost prohibitive. This was resolved through the use of wireless satellite communications. The
other aspect of mobility focused on a more direct human behavioral level. :or many6 the
need to access the internet away from the home or office was becoming paramount. To solve
this technological hurdle6 wireless networking was needed. With a digital wireless signal6 the
need for data accuracy became increasingly important for consumers. An error in a
computer;s transmission typically meant data was lost forever or at best6 incomplete. In the
instance of transmitting files such as documents and other static forms of media6 this was
considered unacceptable. 9any e8isting network protocols such as TC+)I+ were adapted to
transmit data and handle the cyclical redundancy checks. This ensured that data packets were
transmitted in their entirety6 even through times of e8treme signal latency or interference.
Current Wireless Technology<
&arly forms of wireless (A4 technology made use of many unlicensed fre@uency channels.
Although the technology was sound6 when put into practice it was reali1ed that these
fre@uencies interfered with a number of household appliances and commercial machinery. It
was @uickly determined that an industry2wide standard was necessary for conformity and
successful market competition.
In 1HH76 the Institute for &lectronic and &lectrical &ngineers began work on an I7! standard
for wireless networking. This standard would complement many of the I&&&;s previously
e8isting I7! networking standards and focused in the !.$ and % A*1 fre@uency range. In
1HHJ6 the group approved the initial I7!.11 standard for wireless (A4. &arly versions of this
technology permitted transmission rates of 1 to ! megabytes per second.
With packet checking and variable signal strength6 typical data throughput was often closer
to half of its official ma8imum rating. Initially6 this throughput was sufficient to support the
type of technology that was available on the internet at the time. *owever6 this demand
increased as websites grew not only in number6 but in programming comple8ity. The web
became more than what had ever been thought possible. Technologies like streaming digital
video6 sound and music files6 high resolution graphics6 voice over I+ and other media @uickly
pushed the limits of the e8isting available wireless infrastructure.
:uture Wireless Technology<
Although current wireless technology is impressive6 society has only begun to scratch the
surface. -ecently6 the I7!.11n standard was announced by the I&&&. This latest standard
provides a throughput in e8cess of 177 9bps with a theoretical limit of !77 9bps. Known as
channel bonding6 this throughput is made possible by utili1ing multiple antennas to transmit
multiple signals across a range of signal fre@uencies. This new standard was designed to
replace all previously e8isting I&&& wireless standards. Although the formal standard has not
yet officially been approved6 many manufacturers have released .pre24/ compatible
hardware based on the most recent information available from the I&&&. *owever6 as this
new standard is entirely compatible with e8isting wireless hardware6 many corporations have
chosen to upgrade early and take advantage of its benefits. Another standard the I&&& is also
working on is the I7!.1D. This standard6 known as Wi9a86 provides wireless internet and
networking across a substantial geographic area. 9ost residential and commercial areas
currently have to rely on wired infrastructure for their internet and cable television. With
Wi9a86 a few microwave towers can provide immediate high speed internet to millions
where wired high2speed internet was previously unavailable or customers were forced to rely
on dialup ?Tapia6 !77H. While there have been multiple I7!.1D sub2standards in
development for a few years6 the most current provides a seamless connection for mobility.
This means that while travelling through one Wi9a8 service area to the ne8t6 there should
never be an instance of a signal drop ?#ean6 !717. There are currently more than %77
markets already utili1ing this technology and many estimate a future throughput of up to a
gigabyte per second ?Tabesh6 !77H6 ?Wi9AL6 !717.
/.,) Intro%#ction
:or over J7 years6 'amsung has been dedicated to
making a better world through diverse businesses
that today span advanced technology6
semiconductors6 skyscraper and plant
construction6 petrochemicals6 fashion6 medicine6
finance6 hotels6 and more. Their flagship company6 'amsung &lectronics6 leads the global
market in high2tech electronics manufacturing and digital media.
Sa"s#ng7s -istor
:rom its inception as a small e8port business in Taegu6 Korea6 'amsung has grown to
become one of the worldBs leading electronics companies6 speciali1ing in digital appliances
and media6 semiconductors6 memory6 and system integration. Today 'amsungBs innovative
and top @uality products and processes are world recogni1ed. :rom stylish phones to
semiconductors6 from #-A9 to digital TVs6 'amsung encompasses a variety of businesses
that harness speed6 creativity and efficiency to invent6 develop and market the products that
are defining how we live today. With more than a @uarter of 'amsung employees engaged in
research and development each of our businesses is focused on discovering new
technologies6 products and services that will open a new world of possibilities for the people
who use them.
/./) Pro%#cts
'amsung products include<
9obile phones
*ome appliances
/.1) I"ple"entation o4 2ireless technolog 8 Sa"s#ng in
achie0ing its 8#siness o89ecti0es
:ollowing are the broadly classified ma,or areas where 'amsung is using this technology to
fulfill its targets<
i Logistics Operations:
The devices like +#'s6 hand held scanners6 barcode readers6 etc. used here not
only facilitate voice communications with field service personnel and dispatch6
which communicates further with various access points having uni@ue I+ address.
9any now provide a broad base of field data2 capture features including
electronic signature capture and bar2code scanning all using wireless technology.
This is further combined with web2based6 on2demand logistics services6 wireless
technology is being used as incredibly powerful business tool.

a Transportation< Versatile and reliable6 this solution helps to smooth the
process of transportation and logistics. The portable and durable barcode scanner makes
the distribution and flow of goods more efficient6 making it functional across ma,or
industrial environments. The trucks delivering the goods transferred ?AT or goods
received ?A- are provided with A'9s which help tracking their position anytime. The
ability to capture data from the field in real time6 however6 provides visibility across the
entire delivery operation6 and greatly enhances the decision2making process. With real2
time visibility6 fleet operators can improve service through<
Immediate processing of order update information for end customers and
customer service representatives.
Areater accuracy in estimated time of arrival to the end customer.
Improved field e8ception management and field inventory tracking.
&mpowerment or control through always knowing the location of drivers.
Cpdated to
0verall6 real2time visibility offers
predictability and empowers
dispatchers6 customer service
representatives6 and even e8ecutive
management to provide immediate
information and feedback to drivers
and)or end customers. -eal2time
visibility allows managers to monitor
all driver activityMfrom stops6 departures6 and breaks6 to timecards and mileageMas
well as onboard inventory. The fle8ibility of wireless communications means operators
can gain greater control over their fleet6 regardless of whether it is managed in2house6
or contracted through third2party suppliers. 0perators can also en,oy significant cost
savings through reduced driver hours6 activity accountability6 increased stops paid per
hour6 reduced data entry costs6 and fewer call2ins.
b Inventory management< Inventory management is the process of efficiently
overseeing the constant flow of units into and out of an e8isting inventory. This
process usually involves controlling the transfer in of units in order to prevent the
inventory from becoming too high6 or dwindling to levels that could put the
operation of the company into ,eopardy. Competent inventory management also
seeks to control the costs associated with the inventory6 both from the perspective of
the total value of the goods included and the ta8 burden generated by the cumulative
value of the inventory. 'amsung uses inventory software called Cheetah mobile for
control and tracking of warehouse or point of sale inventory. Ey allowing wireless
communication between customers6 senders and customer service representatives6
Cheetah 9obile makes for a more streamlined and accountable retail e8perience. It
enables users to provide proof2of2delivery confirmation through photos and digital
signatures6 and speeds up the process with dynamic route improvisation. In addition6
it calculates the lowest transportation costs with automatic routing and scheduling
ii) O44ice 6se:
a &mailing F 'amsung makes
use of V+4 ?Virtual +rivate
4etwork for providing their
employees safe and secured
internet connection so that
they are connected for better
performance. It uses CI'C0
V+4 Client wherein each
employee is given a uni@ue
authentication username and
password through which they can access the network.
b 9obile Communication F for this purpose it uses .9y 'ingle/6 which is an in house
developed application6 which is secured network. It also re@uires authenticated user
I# and password to access the network.
c &-+ F Today the effect of &-+ ?&nterprise -esource +lanning on the market is
immense due to the use of wireless technology that gives it the reach beyond
geographical locations and has made data communication and integration faster and
reliable in real time. With the advent of wi2fi internet connections and offices6 web
enabled mobile devices and laptops &-+ application and its features can be used and
accessed from anywhere. 'amsung employees6 working from many locations with
their head office6 manufacturing units6 warehouses and sales offices at different
locations &-+ application alone would have made a little difference in reducing the
pile of problems they faced6 but with the use of wireless technology in integrating
&-+ applications6 the data transfer and its availability to all the concerned
departments within the organi1ation and outside organi1ation has solved chunk of
their problems. They are now aware of the stocks in the warehouse6 production status
of any product6 shipping details6 deal status and various other set of information6
crucial for decision making6 at their laptops without any delays due to far locations.
#istribution companies whether small or big can have !$8J working with e2
commerce feature only possible with wireless technology in &-+. 9aintenance of
web store can be automated without any human intervention to avoid delays and
wastage of man power. 'elf service options provided to customers or possible
customers not only improve customer satisfaction but save valuable man hours of the
front office which can be utili1ed for more productive work.
'amsung having global head@uarters working with many head@uarters in different
countries is connected by servers through wireless technology. These organi1ations
rely for their decisions on their &-+ which provides them with updated data to give
real picture irrespective of the geographical location of the point of data entry. The
advancement of wireless technology only has made &-+ application capable of
providing such powerful facilities to its user. *owever6 more security features are
desired6 to maintain privacy of the companies using &-+ with wireless technology.
iii *' Technolog:
Visual #isplay Cnits produces by 'amsung &lectronics is another product utili1ing
wireless technology6 apart from the famous use of it in 'amsung mobile phones.
These are commonly known as .smart TVs/. These are actually wi2fi enabled
products which make use of wireless networks to work or wi2fi enabled mobile
phones6 thereby increasing the level of comforts in 'amsung products.
0nly a decade ago6 it was though unlikely that wireless technology would replace wired
internet and communications infrastructure. With the advent of recent wireless technological
breakthroughs6 it now seems holistically possible that wireless technology could in fact
replace nearly all wired infrastructure now and into the future. 'atellite communications and
Wi9AL are becoming more and more common across the globe6 providing a means of
global communications thought never before possible. The future of wireless technology is
bright. With rapidly growing standards and capability6 the possibilities are limitless.
1 #ata = Computer Communications6 William 'tallings6 %th edition.

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