Tizu HEP

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ISO 9001-2000


Preliminary Feasibility Report

June 2004
ukFkZ bLVuZ bySfDVd ikoj dkWiksZjs'ku fyfeVsM
North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd.
(A Government of India Enterprise)

Government of India
Ministry of Power
Central Electricity Authority
Consultant :

ISO 9001-2000

PMs 50,000 MW initiative

FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
SALIENT FEATURES .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 INTRODUCTION Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2 SCOPE OF WORK Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.3 HYDROLOGY Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.4 POWER POTENT IAL STUDIES Error! Bookmark not
1.5 POWER EVACUATION ASPECTS Error! Bookmark not
1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Error! Bookmark not
1.7 ESTIMATES OF THE COST Error! Bookmark not
1.8 FINANCIAL ASPECTS Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.9 CONCLUSIONS Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1 NAGALAND Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2 THE RIVER SYSTEM Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.3 THE PROJECT Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.4 POWER SCENARIO Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.5 NECESSITY OF THE PROJECT Error! Bookmark not
2.6 INFRASTRUCTURE Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.7 PROSPECTS AND PROBLEMS Error! Bookmark not
4.1 INTRODUCTION Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2 REGIONAL GEOLOGY Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3 STRUCTURE Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.4 MINERAL DEPOSITS Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.5 SEISMO-TECTONICS Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.6 GEOLOGY OF THE TIZU BASIN Error! Bookmark not
GEOTECHNICAL APPRAISAL Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.8 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Error! Bookmark not
5.1 GENERAL Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table of Contents
ISO 9001-2000

PMs 50,000 MW initiative

Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.4 PROJECT PROPOSAL Error! Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
5.6 DESIGN FLOOD STUDIES Error! Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
5.8 FURTHER STUDIES Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.1 INTRODUCTION Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.2 RIVER DIVERSION WORK Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.3 DIVERSION DAM Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.4 POWER DAM BLOCK Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.5 PENSTOCKS Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.6 POWER HOUSE Error! Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
6.8 TAIL RACE CHANNEL Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.9 FURTHER STUDIES Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.1 INTRODUCTION Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.2 DISCHARGE DATA Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.3 FIXATION OF MDDL Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.5 FIXATION OF FRL Error! Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
7.8 OPERATING HEAD Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.9 COMBINED EFFICIENCY Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.10 INSTALL ED CAPACITY Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.11 ENERGY GENERATION Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.12 UNIT SIZE Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.14 SUMMARY OF STUDIES Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.15 FURTHER STUDIES Error! Bookmark not defined.
9.1 GENERAL INFORMATION Error! Bookmark not defined.
9.2 SUBMERGENCE AREA Error! Bookmark not defined.
9.3 RIVER SYSTEM Error! Bookmark not defined.
9.4 SEISMICITY Error! Bookmark not defined.
PROPOSED DAM SITE Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
ISO 9001-2000

PMs 50,000 MW initiative

Error! Bookmark not defined.
9.9 HUMAN SETTLEMENT Error! Bookmark not defined.
9.10 RELIEF AND REHABILITATION Error! Bookmark not
Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.1 THE PROJECT Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.2 ACCESS ROADS Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
10.5 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Error! Bookmark not
10.6 PROJECT ROADS Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.8 EXPLOSIVE MAGAZINE Error! Bookmark not defined.
PUMP Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.10 CONSTRUCTION POWER Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.11 TELECOMMUNICATION Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.12 FURTHER STUDIES Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.1 INTRODUCTION Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.2 BASIS OF STUDY Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.3 MAJOR COMPONENTS Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.4 MATERIAL SOURCES Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.5 BASIC CONSIDERATIONS Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.6 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS Error! Bookmark not
Bookmark not defined.
11.8 CONSTRUCTION PERIOD Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.9 STAGE I ACTIVITIES Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.10 STAGE II ACTIVITIES Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.11 STAGE III ACTIVITIES Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.12 RIVER DIVERSION WORK Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.13 DIVERSION DAM Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.14 INTAKE AND PENSTOCKS Error! Bookmark not
11.18 POWER HOUSE Error! Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
11.20 SWITCHYARD Error! Bookmark not defined.
ISO 9001-2000

PMs 50,000 MW initiative

13.1 GENERAL Error! Bookmark not defined.
13.2 PROJECT BENEFITS Error! Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
13.5 DEPRECIATION Error! Bookmark not defined.
13.6 LOAN AMORTIZATION Error! Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
13.8 ENERGY SALE PRICE Error! Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
Bookmark not defined.
13.12 PAYBACK PERIOD Error! Bookmark not defined.
13.13 CONCLUSION Error! Bookmark not defined.
ISO 9001-2000

PMs 50,000 MW initiative

1.1 A conceptual layout map

CHAPTER IV..................................................................................... TOPOGRAPHICAL & GEOTECHNICAL
4.1 Regional Map of North East India
4.2 Seismic Zoning Map of North Eastern Part showing Location of Project
4.3 Lineament and geological formations in the vicinity of proposed Tizu project

CHAPTER V...................................................................................................................................... HYDROLOGY

5.1 Tizu Monthly Flow Sequences
5.2 Tizu Monthly Flow Sequences
5.3 Calculations showing computations of SUG parameters
5.4 Elevation Area Capacity Table
5.5 Calculation of Sediment Volume
5.6 Area Capacity Table
5.7 A copy of letter from CWC on vetting of hydrology

5.1 Synthetic Unit Hydrograph
5.2 Derived Flood Hydrograph
5.3 Reservoir Classificatiion
5.4 Determination of New Zero Level

CHAPTER VI...................................................................................... CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT & PLANNING
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-601 Conceptual Layout
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-602 Upstream view of spillway
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-603 Intake of Head Race Tunnel
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-604 Surge Shaft
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-605 Tunnel Cross section
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-606 Power House Plan at Machine Hall
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-607 Power House Cross Section
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-608 Coffer Dams and Diversion Tunnel
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-609 Plan of Rockfill Dam
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-610 Rockfill Dam Typical Cross-Section
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-611 Upstream view of Rockfill Dam alongwith concrete spillway
Drawing No. : NP-PFR-TZ-612 L Section

CHAPTER VII...................................................................................................................... POWER POTENTIAL
Annexure 7.1 A copy of letter from CEA on vetting of power potential
Tables 7.1-7.18 Power Potential Studies

CHAPTER VIII ................................................................................................................ POWER EVACUATION
Annexure 8.1 Power Map of North Eastern Region
Annexure 8.2 Single Line Diagram
Annexure 8.3 Proposed Switchyard Layout
List of Annexures & Drawings
ISO 9001-2000

PMs 50,000 MW initiative

Annexure 8.4 A copy of letter from CEA on vetting of power evacuation
CHAPTER IX................................................................................................................ ENVIRONMENT ASPECT
Figure 9.1 Drainage Map of Dikhu River upto proposed Dam Site
Figure 9.2 Map showing Submergence Area and Villages
Figure 9.3 IRS-ID LISS III Scene of 7 km Radius Area
Figure 9.4 IRS-ID PAN Scene of 7 km Radius area
Figure 9.5 Landuse/Land Cover Pattern within 7 km Radius
Figure 9.7 Landuse/Landcover Map of Submergence Area
CHAPTER XI.............................................................................CONSTRUCTION PLANNING & SCHEDULE
11.1 Construction Schedule
CHAPTER XII.............................................................................................................................COST ESTIMATE
12.1 Cost Abstract

CHAPTER XIII .........................................................................................................ECONOMIC EVALUATION
Annexure 13.1 Inputs and Assumptions
Annexure 13.1A Year Wise Allocation of Project Cost
Annexure 13.2 General Breakdown of Scheme Cost
Annexure 13.3 Calculation of Interest During Construction (IDC)
Annexure 13.4 Calculation Depreciation including Advance Against Deprecation
Annexure 13.5 Loan Amortization
Annexure 13.6 Calculation of Working Capital Requirements
Annexure 13.7 Calculation of Sale Price of Energy
Annexure 13.8 Estimates of Working Results
Annexure 13.9 Internal Rate of Return (Project)
Annexure 13.10 Debt Services Coverage Ratio
Annexure 13.11 Payback Period


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 1

With the objective of accelerating capacity addition and developing untapped hydro
power potential in India in a phased and systematic manner, the Central Electricity
Authority (CEA) had conducted Ranking Studies, based on inter-se-priority for their
development, so as to have a shelf of prioritized schemes. A noble initiative towards
development of such potential has been taken by the than Honble Prime Minister of
India, Shri A.B. Vajpayee, on May 24, 2003 at Vigyan Bhawan, by launching the
50,000 MW hydro electric initiative, to be taken up under the aegis of the Ministry of

North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd. (NEEPCO) has been entrusted by CEA
to prepare the Pre-Feasibility Reports for 18 hydro electric projects with an installed
capacity of 4915 MW in the States of Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland.

In the first and second stage of this ambitious programme, the Design & Engineering
group of NEEPCO has prepared the Pre-Feasibility Reports of 15 projects in Arunachal
Pradesh with an installed capacity of 4290 MW. The enclosed Pre-Feasibility Report of
Tizu Hydro Electric Project (150 MW) in Nagaland has been estimated at a cost of Rs
731.70 crores (including IDC) at January, 2004 price level, with a first year tariff of

I am highly indebted and thankful to Honble Union Minister of Power; Honble Union
Minister of State for Power; Secretary (Power), Government. of India; and Chairman,
CEA for the opportunity given to NEEPCO for undertaking the task and being a part
of the Mission 2012: Power for all. I also thank Messrs Premier Mott MacDonald for
rendering necessary support service to NEEPCO in preparation of the reports.

New Delhi S.C. Sharma
June 2004 Chairman & Managing Director


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 2
State Nagaland
River Tizu
Location of Dam and Dam Site
Longitude 9426' 16" E
Latitude 25 46' 41" N
Access to the project By road from Dimapur via Kohima, Meluri and
Nearest Rail head Dimapur
Nearest Airport Dimapur
Catchment area at Dam Site 5,674 sq.km
Maximum average discharge at dam site 788.76 cumecs
Minimum average discharge at dam site 14.97 cumecs
Type Concrete straight gravity
Full reservoir level (FRL) 525 m
Minimum draw down level (MDDL) 480 m
River Bed Level 440 m
Total length of concrete gravity dam 247 m
Shape Modified horse shoe section
Diameter 5 m
Length 150 m
Width of spillway block 141.3 m
Number of bays 9
Crest level of spillway 490.84 m
Spillway gates 9 nos. 11.2 m x 12 m
Design flood 14,730 cumecs
Villages submerged Nil
Area submerged Forest 1,625.66 ha
Live storage 569.42 Mcum


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 3

Intake gate size 5.7 m x 5.7 m
Trash rack Semi circular
Number 3
Diameter 5.7 m each
Length 100 m each
Installed Capacity 150 MW
Units 3 x 50 MW
Type of Turbine Francis
Design Discharge per unit 106.6 cumecs
Design Head 52 m
Minimum TWL 445 m
Annual Design Energy (90% dependable
568.41 GWh
Annual energy in 90% on 95% machine
Total Project cost Rs. 731.70 crore
Tariff for 1
After considering 12% free power
Without considering 12% free power

Rs. 2.91 per kWh
Rs. 2.56 per kWh
Levelised tariff for 35 years
After considering 12% free power
Without considering 12% free power

Rs. 2.34 per kWh
Rs. 2.06 per kWh
Cost per MW installed Rs 4.88 crore
CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 5 years (excluding 30 months of pre-construction


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ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 5

1.1.1 Tizu H.E. Project is situated on Tizu river in Kiphire district of Nagaland. This
project is envisaged as a storage scheme with a moderate reservoir to absorb excess
water in the reservoir during monsoon season and to utilize the inflow of the river
and the live storage for peaking during the lean season. It envisages about 88 m
high concrete gravity located at about 1.5 km downstream of the confluence of
river Tizu and river Zungki near village Longmatare.
1.1.2 The dam site is located at longitude 94
26' 16" E and latitude 25
46' 41" N.
Presently the dam site can be approached from village Longmatare on foot track.
Longmatare is situated between Kiphire and Meluri on national Highway NH 150
which leads to Kohima. Kiphire is the districts headquarter which is 30 km from
the dam site. The nearest rail head and airport is at Dimapur and the nearest seaport
is at Kolkata in West Bengal.
1.2.1 Tizu HE project envisages construction of:

A 88 m high concrete gravity dam, having FRL at EL 525 m, and located at
about 1.5 km downstream of the confluence of the river Tizu and Zungki near
village Longmatare. The length of the dam at the top will be 247 m consisting
of 141.3 m of over flow section, 105.7 m of power dam and non-overflow
Spillway with 9 nos. radial gates each 11.2 m x 12.0 m, operated by hydraulic
A flip bucket has been provided for dissipation of energy.
A diversion tunnel 5 m diameter and 150 m long on the right bank of the river,
for construction of dam and appurtenant works.
Coffer dams located approximately 150 m upstream and 200 m downstream
from the dam axis.
Power dam block of 45.3 m with 3 intakes for the penstocks.
3 nos. penstocks each of 5.7 m diameter and 100 m long.


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 6
Surface power house on left bank of Tizu river with 3 generating units of 50
MW each with Francis type turbine. The Minimum TWL is proposed to be at
EL 445 m.
Short length of tail race channel discharging tail waters of power house back to
Tizu river.

1.2.2 The power generated from Tizu HEP would be evacuated to Dimapur through 220
kV double circuit lines and to Meluri through 132 kV double circuit lines, which in
turn would be connected to the National Grid.

1.2.3 A conceptual layout showing project components is placed at Annexure 1.1.

1.3.1 The catchment area of river Tizu at the dam site is 5674 sq. km. The daily
observed discharge data at the Tizu river near Longmatare is available for Feburary
82 to December 93. Similarly the daily observed discharge data for Zungki river
is also available before the confluence point for the period January 82 to May 94.
No hourly guage data for monsoon is available for both the streams.
1.3.2 The concurrent discharge data of Tizu and Zungki river is available for 11 years.
The average monthly flow series at the dam site for 11 years has been arrived by
summing independent average monthly series of both the rivers. The one year
(1993) average monthly series for Tizu river has been derived by establishing the
Non-linear discharge model between the Tizu and Zungki rivers for the concurrent
period. The mathematical equation derived is given below:

2138 . 1
4570 . 0
Q Q =

93 . 0 = r

1.3.3 Therefore a 12 years average monthly series has been proposed for the proposed
scheme for the planning purpose. Although for a storage scheme, generally 25
years average monthly series is required as per the guidelines. But the present 12


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 7
years would be extended for the required period at the DPR stage, when some site
specific observed data would become available.
1.3.4 The peak of the design flood hydrograph works out to be 14728 cumec. Therefore
a design flood of 14730 cumec is adopted for design purpose.

1.4.1 The computed discharge series for 24 years for Tizu dam site has been used to
determine power benefit from the project. As per Government of India (GOI)
notification for tariff, energy generated at 90% dependable year has been
considered for determination of tariff. An installation of 150 MW comprising 3
units of 50 MW each with Francis type turbine is proposed. The annual energy that
would be available in a 90% dependable year is 568.41 GWh as given below:
Particulars 90% Dependable Year
Annual Generation
Annual Energy Generation (GWh) 568.41
Annual Load Factor (%) 43.26
Generation during Lean Flow Season (Nov-Mar)
Power output (MWc) 30.38
Load Factor (%) 20.25

1.4.2 Design energy for tariff at 95% availability in a 90% dependable year has been
worked out as 568.41 GWh.

The power generated from Tizu HEP would be evacuated to Dimapur through 220
kV double circuit lines and to Meluri through 132 kV double circuit lines, which in
turn would be connected to the National Grid.

1.6.1 The proposed reservoir would lead to submergence of about 1,625.66 ha of land
with FRL at 525 m. out of the total area likely to be submerged 628.26 ha would be


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 8
submerged in Tizu river catchment and 997.40 ha in Zungki river catchment. The
tail of the proposed reservoir is likely to extend up to 26.43 km in Tizu river and
about 20.08 km in Zungki river.

1.6.2 Of the total 1,625.66 ha of land to be submerged, more than 37% of the land is
either under open forests or under dense forest cover (Annexure 9.6). About 10%
of the submergence area is under scrub forest. Land under shifting cultivation
comprised of current and old jhum landuse constitutes 23% of the land to be
submerged. As much as 19% (324 ha) of land likely to be submerged is under river
and its flood plain landcover.

The project is estimated to cost Rs. 731.70 crores including IDC at January, 2004
price level. The preliminary cost estimate of the project has been prepared as per
guidelines of CEA / CWC. The break down of the cost estimates is given below.
Civil works : Rs. 483.35 crores
Electro Mechanical works : Rs. 130.53 crores
Sub total (Generation) : Rs. 613.88 crores
Transmission works : Nil
Total (Hard Cost) : Rs. 613.88 crores
Interest during Construction : Rs. 117.82 crores
Grand Total : Rs. 731.70 crores

As indicated above, the Tizu HE project, with an estimated cost of Rs. 731.70
crores (including IDC of Rs. 117.82 crores) and design energy of 568.41 GWh in a
90% dependable year, is proposed to be completed in a period of 5 years
(excluding 30 months for pre-construction activities). The tariff has been worked
out considering a debt-equity ratio of 70:30, 16% returns on equity, and annual
interest rate on loan at 10.5%. 12% of energy will be given as free power to Home
State. The tariff at the power house busbar for first year and levelised tariff for 35
years works out to Rs. 2.91 / kWh & Rs. 2.34 / kWh respectively. The tariff at the
power house busbar for first year and levelised tariff for 35 years without


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 9
considering 12% free power works out to Rs. 2.56 / kWh & Rs. 2.06 / kWh
Tizu HE project involves simple civil works and is proposed to be completed in 5
years (excluding 30 months for preconstruction activities). The project would
afford generation of annual energy of 568.41 GWh at the power house busbars in a
90% dependable year. The cost, per MW installed, works out to Rs. 4.88 crores.


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 10



ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 11
2.1.1 Nagaland is one of the smallest state in North Eastern India with an area of
16,579 sq. km. sharing international boundaries with Myanmar in the East the
states of Assam, Manipur and Arunachal flank its Western, Southern and Northern
borders respectively. The rich diversity of flora and fauna characterize the
landscape of Nagaland. The Naga hills run through this small state, which has
Saramati as its highest peak at a height of 12,600ft. The main rivers that flow
through Nagaland are Dhansiri, Doyang, Dikhu and Jjhanji. The terrain is
mountainous, thickly wooded and cutting deep river valleys. There is a wide
variety of plant and animal life. Nagaland has a monsoon climate with generally
high humidity; rainfall averages between 1800mm and 2500mm a year.
Nagaland has a single-chamber legislative assembly with 60 seats. The state sends
two members to national parliament; one to upper house and one to lower house.
There are eight local government administrative districts Mokokchung,
Tuensang, Mon, Wokha, Zunheboto, Langleng Phek, Peren, Dimapur, Kiphire and
Kohima. The capital is Kohima. Little is known about the early history of
Nagaland, including the origin of several large sand stone pillars at Dimapur the
climate varies from sub-tropical in the south eastern states. The climate varies from
sub-tropical in the south to temperate and alpine in the north with some areas
experiencing snowfalls during winter.
2.1.2 A wide variety of altitudinal gradients and climatic conditions have given rise to
varied eco-systems which form the habitat of diverse plant wealth and wild life in
the State. Due to its high species diversity, the region has been identified as a
global hot spot for bio-diversity conservation. The pre-dominant forest types
occurring in the state are Tropical Semi Evergreen, Tropical Wet Evergreen, Sub-
tropical, Pine, Temperate and Sub-Alpine / Alpine Forests. There are also degraded
forests and grass lands.
2.1.3 The State harbors a rich variety of wildlife which includes cats. The region is home
to seven species of primates, large mammals like elephants, gaur and wild buffalo.
High altitude animals include musk deer, bharal, Himalayan black bear, red panda
etc. The bird fauna of the State include more than 500 species. This is the richest


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 12
state for pheasants with some species found at different altitudes. The rivers
contain a wealth of fishes. The State also abounds in a variety of reptiles and
2.1.4 The population of Nagaland is 1988636 (2001 census) with a population density of
about 120/ sq. km. The State has a literacy rate of 67.11%.
2.1.5 The Nagas, inhibitants of Nagaland, are said to belong to the indo-mongoloid
stock, a race whose presence was noted ten centuries before Christ, at the time of
compilation of Vedas. The Nagas form more than 20 tribes, as well as numerous
sub-tribes, each having a specific geographic distribution. Though sharing many
cultural traits, these tribes have maintained a high degree of isolation and lack
cohesion as a single people. The Konyaks are the largest tribe, followed by the
Aos, Tangkhuls, Semas and Angamis. Other tribes include the Lothas, Sangtams,
phoms, Changs, Khiemnungams, Yimchungres, Zeilangs, Chakhesanga and
Rengmas. The principal languages are Angami, Ao, Chang, Konyak, Lotha,
Sangtam and Sema. The official language is English however; Nagamese is
spoken as the lingua franca.
2.2.1 The water resources of Nagaland are in abundance. The arteries of perennial rivers
and streams flow through the valley covering the entire land. Dhansiri, Doyang,
Dikhu and Tizu are the main four river systems in the state in addition to Dzuza,
Tsurang etc. which are small basins. Doyang is a tributary of Dhansiri which
jointly flows in the westerly direction to join Brahmaputra and the river Tizu flows
towards East and South East and finally enters Myanmar. Tizu is an independent
sub-basin of on the right flank.

River Tizu flows from west to east direction and Zungki from North to south. The
tizu river flows in a U-shaped valley at the dam site. The river Tizu originates at an
elevation of El 2260 m above mean sea level and river Zungki originated at an
elevation of El 2260 m above mean sea level. Laniya Ru and Viratai Ru are the
tributaries of Tizu, which met it in the right bank and Tita Ru meets from left side.
In Zungki river Langnyu Ru and Tepe-Nallah meets the Zungki from right side and


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 13
Chobla meets from left side. The catchment area is bound between latitude 94
E to 95
15" E. The dam site is located approximately 1.5 km downstream of rivers
Tizu and Zungki near Longmatare village, which is 200 km from state capital
Kohima. The catchment area at proposed dam site is 5674 sq. km with Tizu river
contributing 3660 sq.km and Zungki river contributing 2014 sq. km. The entire
catchment is thinly populated and is covered with forests. The catchment area plan
of Tizu upto the proposed dam site is appended as Annexure 9.1.
2.2.3 The project catchment receives precipitation due to the south west monsoon and
cyclonic rain. Very little data of rainfall and temperature is available. On the basis
of this data it is estimated that average annual rainfall in and around catchment is
about 1900mm, and most of the rainfall occurs between the months of March to
October. The maximum and minimum values of temperature in and around
catchment are 36.5
C and 1.0
C respectively.
2.3.1 Tizu H.E. Project is located in the upper reach of river Tizu. It envisages
construction of a gated dam 88 m high with power house at the toe of the dam near
village Longmatare where the river bed level is at EL 440 m and is situated in
Kiphire District. The installed capacity planned for the power house is 150 MW.

2.3.2 The proposed reservoir would lead to submergence of 1626 ha of land which
would include 601.62 ha of the land either under open forests or dense forest.
2.3.3 The human settlements in the project area are scattered.
2.3.4 There are no monuments of archeological or national importance, which would be
affected by project activities directly or indirectly.
2.4.1 The per capita power consumption of Nagaland is below 100 kWh as compared to
the national average of 373 kWh. The State plans to harness its enormous natural
resources like forests and hydro power and exploit its mineral wealth to usher in an
era of economic development and raise the per capita electricity consumption to
500 kWh by the end of Eleventh Five year Plan period i.e. 2012.


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 14
Energy and Peak Load Shortages
7.8 7.9
-0.7 -1.6
NR WR SR ER NERs Overall
Supply Shortages Peak Deficit
2.4.2 The power scenario has therefore to be viewed in the national perspective.
According to 50000 MW Hydropower Initiative of the Ministry of Power, the
energy requirement of the country in 2002-03 was 5,45,674 MkWh of which only
4,97,589 MkWh were available, leaving a shortfall of 8.8%. While the peaking
requirement was 81,492 MW, a peak of only 71,547 MW could be met leaving a
shortage of 12.2%. The region wise shortage of energy and peaking capacity is
depicted in the following graph:

Source: Blue print for Power Sector Development MoP 2001

2.4.3 Against the present installed generating capacity of 1,07,973 MW, the share of
hydro, with 26,910 MW capacity, is only 25%. Thermal (coal, gas and diesel)
accounts for the maximum share of 71% with 76,607 MW. Nuclear capacity is
about 2.5% with 2720 MW and wind 1,736 MW i.e. 1.6%. This is graphically
depicted below:

Source : 50000 MW Hydro-electric
Initiative May 2003
Shares in Installed Capacity - March, 2003
Hydro, 26910 MW
Gas, 11633 MW
Diesel, 1173 MW
Wind, 1736 MW
Nuclear, 2720 MW
Coal, 63801 MW


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 15
2.4.4 Most of the regions of the country are suffering from power shortages leading to
irregular and unreliable supply. The problem becomes acute during peak hours.
Based on the projections made in the 16
Electric Power Survey, an additional
generating capacity of over 100,000 MW needs to be added to ensure Power on
Demand by 2012. This, in effect, means doubling the existing capacity which has
been created in the last half a century in the next ten years. Not only has the
capacity to be added but also the present hydro-thermal imbalance of 25:75 has to
be corrected and brought to 40:60 to meet the peak load requirements, achieve
frequency and voltage stability and provide system operating flexibility under
changing seasonal and diurnal load pattern. For achieving a 40:60 hydro thermal
ratio in an installed capacity of around 200,000 MW the total requirement of hydro
capacity will be 80,000 MW which means that 53,000 MW additional hydro
capacity has to be created in the next 10 years.
2.5.1 According to categorization of schemes by CEA the Category A schemes in
different river basins all over India total to 7800 MW as shown in the table below:

River Basin-wise Summary of Categorisation of the Schemes Ranked by CEA
Category A Category B Category C Total S.No. River System
Nos MW Nos MW Nos MW Nos MW
1. Indus 11 4088 51 8811 17 6080 79 18979
2. Ganga 20 2023 54 9616 1 600 75 12239
3. Central Indian 3 283 9 1425 1 186 13 1894
4. East Flowing 11 1412 26 6469 2 88 39 7969
5. West Flowing 1 35 10 958 14 1508 25 2501
6. Brahmaputra 52 7800 97 42574 19 12954 168 63328
Source: 50000 MW Hydro-electric Initiative May 2003

2.5.2 The entire Category A schemes needs to be taken up for completion by 2012. Out
of the above, Nagaland has 3 schemes with a total installed capacity of 970 MW
against which have been allotted to NEEPCO. There is therefore scope for
development of all these projects subject to their technical and economic
feasibility. NEEPCO has already carried out pre-feasibility studies for twelve


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projects totaling to 4100 MW in Arunachal Pradesh and has now taken up similar
studies for three more projects in Nagaland as per directive of the Government of
India. Construction of 150 MW Tizu H.E. Project on high priority is justified on
the basis of pre-feasibility studies carried out by NEEPCO.

2.6.1 Power Evacuation
The 150 MW power generated from Tizu HEP would be evacuated to Dimapur
through 220 kV double circuit lines and to Meluri through 132 kV double circuit
lines, which in turn would be connected to the National Grid.
Couples of hydro electric power stations are planned in the Tizu Basin. As only a
small portion of the power generated at these stations will be utilized in Nagaland
itself, it will be appropriate to interconnect these stations and take the pooled
power to the grid stations in Assam for being exported to other regions of the
country. Scheme for evacuation of power from Tizu HE Project is given in Chapter
VIII Power Evacuation.
2.6.2 The dam site of Tizu H.E. Project is located in the upper reach of river Tizu where
the river bed level is EL 440 m. The dam site is proposed near village Longmatare
at a distance of about 35Km from Meluri which in turn is connected by metalled
road i.e. National highway to Kohima the state capital. The state highway
connecting Meluri to Kohima is about 140 km long. The nearest railway station
and civil airport is Dimapur which is about 270 km from the dam site. Meluri and
Kohima are the business centers located near the project.

2.6.3 Central assistance is being provided for infrastructural development in the State
and is being utilized for accelerated development.

2.7.1 Nagaland is very rich in natural resources. The state has a strong base for
mainstream and downstream industries based on:
(a) Abundant resources of hydro power potential, biodiversity of rich forests,
tourism, horticulture and floriculture.


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(b) Access to the large markets in south-east Asian countries if traditional trade
routes are re-established and developed.
2.7.2 Rich Natural Resources
Rich natural resources of the state can be converted into real goods if limitations,
which the State is confronted with, are overcome. A study commissioned by the
State Government has listed various limitations to the development. The important
ones are:
(i) Gestation period of the projects is much higher as compared to other States
of the country.
(ii) Prolonged rainy season leading to less effective working time per year for
building infrastructure.
(iii) Higher cost due to long distance of transportation.
(iv) Inadequate industrial infrastructure, lack of industrial experience and non-
availability of technical expertise.
(v) Reluctance of investors.
(vi) Prohibitive cost of laying power line for longer distances.
(vii) Inadequate investment in exploration of untapped natural resources.

2.7.3 The State is fully seized of these problems and has taken various steps to
encourage investment. The industrial policy encourages establishment of industries
in the private and cooperative sectors for the accelerated development of the State.
The incentives include:
Central capital investment subsidy scheme;
Transport subsidy scheme;
Central interest subsidy scheme;
Comprehensive insurance scheme, etc.

2.7.4 Incentives have also been announced by the State government to encourage private
sector participation (both Indian and foreign) in the development of hydro-electric /
gas based power projects. The state is thus poised for accelerated development and
is an attractive destination for investment.


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Project Area


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River System
3.1.1 The water resources of Nagaland are in abundance. The arteries of perennial rivers
and streams flow through the valley covering the entire land. Dhansiri, Doyang,
Dikhu and Tizu are the main four river systems in the state in addition to Dzuza,
Tsurang etc. which are small basins. Doyang is a tributary of Dhansiri which
jointly flows in the westerly direction to join Brahmaputra and the river Tizu flows
towards East and South East and finally enters Myanmar. Tizu is an independent
sub-basin of Brahmaputra on the left flank.

The river Tizu is one of the major tributaries of river Chindwin which mainly
flows in Myanmar and receives numerous small tributaries from the hills through
which it flows. River Tizu flows from west to east direction and Zungki from
North to South. The Tizu river flows in a U-shaped valley at the dam site. The
river Tizu originates at an elevation of 2260 m above mean sea level and river
Zungki originated at an elevation of El 2260 m above mean sea level. Laniya Ru
and Viratai Ru are the tributaries of Tizu, which met it on the right bank and Tita
ru meets from left side. In Zungki river Langnyu Ru and Tepe Nallah meets the
Zungki from right side and Chobla meets from left side.

3.1.3 The catchment area of Tizu river upto the proposed dam axis is 5674 sq km and is
bounded between longitude 94
00 to 95
15' E and Latitude 25
00' to 26
30' N.
The catchment area plan of Tizu upto the proposed dam site is appended as
Annexure 9.1.

3.1.4 The river Tizu originates in the upper Himalayan ranges at an elevation of about -
2250m and has a total length of about 165 Km upto its confluence with River
Zungki where as the length of Zungki river is 102.67 km from its origin upto its
confluence with Tizu river.


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3.1.5 Tizu River in its total route of about 165 km carries the discharge of all its major
and minor tributaries and drains a total catchment of about 5674 sq.km. upto the
proposed dam site. The catchment area extends across international boredr and
some of the tributaries have origin in Myanmar. About 20% of the total catchment
area in the upper reaches remains snow bound throughout the year and keeps
contributing to the river flow during the lean months in the form of glacial melt.
The remaining catchment area of about 80% is rain fed. The basin receives varying
amounts of rainfall, ranging from a minimum of 1000 mm in the upper reaches to
about 3000 mm in the foothills annually and the average rainfall is fairly high. The
river flow in the Tizu river system is, therefore, quite large and the variation in
river flows in different months is not as large as in the case of purely rain fed
rivers. Comparatively less variation in flow and high discharge and bed slope make
the river very suitable for setting up couple of hydro electric scheme.
3.1.6 The catchment is covered by thick forest which gives the advantage of maximum
runoff of the rain water into the river and also ensures minimum inflow of silt. The
Tizu river system passes through a thick forest cover having rich bio-diversity. The
area has a number of species of flora and fauna and abundant aquatic life in the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Distance in Meters


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Project Features
3.1.7 Tizu H.E. Project is proposed on Tizu river in Kiphire district of Nagaland. The
catchment area of Tizu river upto Dam site is 5674 sq.km. It is a run of the river
scheme and involves utilization of Tizu river water through construction of 88m
high lift dam with toe of dam power house near Longmatare village. The dam site
is located just downstream of confluence of Tizu and Zungki with its co-ordinates
at 9426' 16" E and 2546' 41" N.

3.1.8 A 88 m high dam is proposed with its deepest foundation at a level of EL 440 m to
utilize a gross head of 80 m for hydro power generation. Longmatare which is at a
distance of about 35 km from Meluri which in turn is connected by metalled road
i.e. State highway to Kohima the state capital. The national highway connecting
Meluri to Kohima is about 160 km long. The nearest railway station is and civil
airport is Dimapur which is about 270 km from the dam site. Meluri and Kohima
are the business centers near the project. A cement factory at Wazeho is 100 km
from the project site.
3.1.9 Exposed rocks appear to be present on both the banks of the river. Steep slope of
both the banks indicate presence of stable rocks on both the banks.
3.1.10 It is estimated that the project will receive an inflow of about 1828.52 Mcum in a
90% dependable year and the design flood for the project is estimated at 14,730
cumecs. The installed capacity of Tizu HE project would be 150 MW.
3.1.9 Tizu HE project is envisaged as a run of the river scheme with 88 m high dam. The
dam is expected to have the deepest foundation at EL 440 m. The FRL of the dam
is kept at EL 525 m from the consideration of Topography seismicity. Considering
the volume of silt likely to the deposited in 70 years the MDDL is kept at EL 480
m, which provides a live storage of 569.42 Mcum.

3.2.1 The State has been developing steadily through 5 years plans with emphasis on
development of infrastructure such as roads and bridges, buildings, educational
institutions, hospital and health care units etc. the economy of the state is largely


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agrarian. Other areas important to the economy of the state are horticulture, forest
and small and medium scale industries.
3.2.2 The state of Nagaland is bestowed with rich natural resources which include rich
forest area, mineral resources like dolomite, limestone, graphite, marble etc.
Development of hydro projects will give ample scope for development of agro-
based industries and industries with basic mineral resources. Other socio-economic
benefits to the people, from these projects will include employment to workers,
development of communications, markets and other benefits consequent to large
scale construction activity.
3.2.3 The per capita income during 2000-01 at current prices was Rs. 11,368. Transport,
tourism and public administration has contributed to the increase in the tertiary
3.2.4 Nagaland is largely rural with 85 percent of its population living in villages
scattered all over the state. The indigenous people are tribes with rich and glorious
heritage of arts and crafts. The State has 20 major tribes and a number of sub-tribes
having their own ethos, dialects and cultural identities which present a unique
scenario of unity in diversity. Most of the tribal communities are ethnically similar
having derived from an original common stock but their geographical isolation
from each other has brought amongst them certain distinctive characteristics in
language, dress and customs.

3.2.5 The total literacy in the State is 67.11%. The state has a total land area of 16,579sq.
km and a total population of 19,88,636 with population density of 120/sq km. The
state has one university, 40 college, 236 high schools, 2 polytechnics and 5
Industrial Training Institutes.

3.2.6 The Nagas form more than 20 tribes, as well as numerous sub-tribes, each having a
specific geographic distribution. Though sharing many cultural traits, these tribes
have maintained a high degree of isolation and lack cohesion as a single people.
The Konyaks are the largest tribe, followed by the Aos, Semas and Angamis. Other
tribes include the Lothas, Sangtams, Phoms, Changs, Khiemnungams,


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Yimchungres, Zeilangs, Chakhesang and Rengmas. The principal languages are
Angami, Ao, Chang, Konyak, Lotha, Sangtam and Sema. The official language is
English however; Nagamese is spoken as the lingua franca.

Cultural Group
3.2.7 The Nagas are a handsome and friendly people. High cheek bones, almond eyes,
sparkling eyes and bronzes skins sets the Nagas apart. In colourful tribal outfit,
with bamboo shield sheathed in the bear skin and decorated spears, the Nagas are
simple people, almost entirely tribal. The social position of Naga is borne out by
the number of bone necklaces he wears.

3.2.8 Weaving is the traditional art handed down through generations in Nagaland. Each
of the major tribe has its unique design and colours. Warm and colourful Naga
shawls, hand woven shoulder bags, decorative spears, table mat, wood carvings
and bamboo works make magnificent souvenirs. Tribal dances of Naga give us an
insight into the inborn reticence of these people. War dances and dances belonging
to the distinctive tribes form the major art form in Nagaland. In colorful costumes
and jewelry the dancers go through amazing mock war motions. Festivals,
marriages, harvests or just the joy of movement are the occasions for Nagas to
burst into dances. Some of the important festivals are Sekrenyi, Moatsu and Tokhu

3.2.9 The tradition Naga religion is animistic, though conception of a supreme creater
and after life exists. Nature is seen alive with invisible forces, minor deities and
spirits with priests and medicine men mediate. In the nineteenth century, with the
advent of British rule, Christianity was introduced, and Baptist missionaries
became especially active in the region. As a result, the population now is
predominantly Christian.

3.2.10 Nagaland is a rural state. More than four-fifths of the population lives in small,
isolated villages. Built on the most prominent points along the ridges of the hills,
these villages were once stocked, with massive wooden gates approached by
narrow, sunken paths. The villages are usually divided into khels, or quarters, each
with its own headman and administration. Dimapur, Kohima, Mokokchung and
Tuensang are the only urban centres with more than 20,000 people.


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3.2.11 Tizu H.E. Project will have an installation of 3 x 50 MW to generate 568.41 MU of
electricity in a 90% dependable year. The project would provide benefits of free
power to Nagaland amounting to 12% power generated. The development of
project will enhance the quality of life of the people living in and around the
project by way of development of roads and communication, availability of
reliable, dependable, un-interrupted power for development of small/medium
industries, development of tourism etc.
Mineral Resources
3.2.12 Geologically, Nagaland is the less explored state but preliminary studies of
geological formations promise important mineral deposits in considerable
quantities. Chromium, nickel, cobalt, iron ore and limestone are found in Nagaland
but only low-grade coal deposits are mined in the state presently. Boreholes drilled
in the weatern districts of Wokha have yielded oil and seepages in Dikhu valley,
near Assam suggests the presence of exploitable oil reserves. Power generation
depends mainly on diesel plant, though hydroelectric power generated in Assam
contributes about 50% of Nagalands requirement.
3.2.13 The industries identified are (i) sugar mill, (ii) alcohol based on molasses, (iii) beer
brewing, (iv) dehydrated ginger (v) frozen vegetables and spices (vi) mushroom
processing (vii) mini-paper plant (viii) newsprint from bamboo, bamboo board and
tiles and (ix) medicines based on wide variety of medicinal plants.

Art and Craft
3.2.14 Nagaland is a land of beautiful handicrafts comprising a wide range and variety.
Different tribes specialize in different articles. The main products are:
i) Weaving is the occupation of women folk and products exhibit beautiful
sense of colour combination. Notable products are shawls, jackets and
scarves, and bags.
ii) Cane and bamboo work of very high standard including hats of different
shapes and sizes, baskets, elaborately woven brassiere of cane and fiber,
bamboo mugs etc.
iii) Carpet making is the specialty of the tribals. They produce unique
combinations of colour and design.


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iv) Wood carving by tribals consisting of beautiful cups, dishes, fruit bowls
etc. Wooden masks are also carved.
v) Ornaments are mostly made of beads and bones. Tribals weave them into
attractive designs.
vi) Wood carving unique and artistic articles are produced in abundance
through out the state.

3.3 Tizu H.E. Project will thus provide the much needed infrastructure to the State for
its all round development and improvement in the quality of life of its people. The
project will also be a valuable source of hydro power to the rest of the country.


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Chapter IV
Topographical and Geotechnical Aspects


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The Tizu H.E. Project envisages the construction of a 88 m high concrete dam
across Tizu river at 94

26' 16" E longitude and 25

46' 41" N latitude about 1.5 km

downstream of the Tizu-Zungki confluence and a power house at the toe of the
dam. The river bed level at the proposed dam site is 440 m and full reservoir level
(FRL) has been proposed to be 525 m with installed capacity of 150 MW. The
geology and seismotectonic set up of the project site are discussed below.
The geology of the Indo-Burman range is very complex because of its involvement
in subduction related crustal processes leading to polyphase magmatism,
sedimentation, deformation and metamorphism at ancient continental margin
(Ghose and Agrawal, 1989). From east to west, four litho-tectonic domains have
been recognized in Nagaland (Annexure 4.1, Table 4.1). These are:
1) Metamorphic Belt (Nimi Formation)
2) Ophiolite Belt
3) Flysch Belt (Disang Group)
4) Belt of Schuppen
Metamorphic Belt
4.2.1 The Metamorphic Belt, named as Nimi Formation, is a sequence of
epimetamorphic folded sediments composed primarily of calc-psammopelitic rocks
tectonically overriding the ophilite belt. The main rock units are represented by
phyllite, quartzite, quartz-sericite schist, quartz-muscovite schist and limestone
with tectonic slices and enclaves of ophiolitic rocks.
Ophiolite Belt
4.2.2 The ophiolite of Naga-Hill (Maastrichtian-Palaeocene) is a crescent-shaped belt
running discontinuously for about 200 km across the states of Nagaland and
Manipur (Annexure 4.1). It extends in NNE-SSW strike direction and is juxtaposed
between the upper Cretaceous-Eocene flysch sediments (Disang in the west and the
low grade metamorphic complex (Nimi Formation) in the east. The tectonic-


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slices/slivers of ophiolite are represented by meta-peridotites (tectonites), layered
complex of mafic-ultramafic rocks with minor plagiogranite, splite, basalt,
pyroclastics, amphibolite, glaucophane schist, eclogite, volcanogenic-pelagic
sediments, radiolarian chert and minor late felsic intrusives. Paucity of sheeted
dyke complex is characteristic of this ophiolite belt. Pervasive serpentinisation,
spilitization, and minor calcic metasomatism with the formation of rodinggite are
notable feature of the belt. The structural features and metamorphism indicate a
mechanism of tectonic shift and implanation to their present configuration of a
subduction zone environment.
Disang Flysch Belt
4.2.3 Disang Flysch belt (Upper Cretaceous to Eocene) is tectonically juxtaposed to the
west of the Ophiolite. Some brine springs occur in this belt. The localization of the
springs is mostly structurally controlled. These springs are more prevalent in the
contact zones of flysch with ophiolite. The Disang shales/slates contain illite,
montmorillonite chlorite, quartz and other fine detrital grains, whereas the
sandstone and limestone members, except for minor compaction and
recrystallisation, retain their original sedimentary structures and clastic texture.
Thus, the Disang sediments in general have not passed the diagenetic stage of
Winkler (1976). In Lephori-Lacham-Avankhu sector the major members of this
formation are alternation of shale, fine grained sandstone and siltstone (Acharyya
et al., 1986). Phyllite and quartzites are minor. Generally the shale dominates over
sandstone. The compositional banding is usually preserved. Near Tizu gorge, the
slates are traversed by 30-40 cm thick quartz vein. Around Kenjong, fragmentary
carbonized ferruginous plant remains are common along with worm trails and
burrows. The fine grained sandstone and siltstone show greywacke to
subgreywacke composition with subangular poorly sorted clasts in a matrix (up to
15%) of argillaceous to chloritic composition.
Molasse of the Schuppen Belt
4.2.4 It represents the shelf margin in Naga Hills. It is marked by a long (250-300 km)
but conspicuously narrow (20-25 km wide) tectonic belt (called Belt of Schuppen


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after Evans, 1932 which embodies imbricated thrust sheets of the Tertiary
mollassic sediments.
The pre-Quaternary geology of Upper Brahamaputra (Assam) Plain and Naga-
Patkoi ranges is more or less the same. Therefore, for a better appreciation of
sedimentological and tectonic evolution of these region, the stratigraphy is usually
dealt together. The Lithostratigraphy of the region worked out by Evans (1959,
1964) and Mathur and Evans (1964) has been often used as the basic framework
for all geological purposes. However, the term Series has been replaced by
Group in later framework, following the code of stratigraphic nomenclature. The
Cenozoic succession for the Assam-Arakan Basin is presented in Table 4.2. These
rock formations are present in Central Disang Belt and Western Schuppen Belt in
Nagaland (Table 4.1). The Disang Group is divided into two distinct formations in
Ophiolite and Disang Belts of Nagaland. The distinct lithology of the two
formations is given in Table 3. The contacts between Lower Disang and Ophiolite
Belts and Lower Disang and Upper Disang Formation are thrusted. The contact
between Disang and Barail Fm is gradational.
Table 4.2. Lithostratigraphy of Cenozoic succession in Brahmaputra Plain
and Naga-Patkoi Range
Age Group Formation Lithology
(250-300 m)
Alternation of conglomerate
and blue sandy clays. Fossil
wood common
Namsang/Dupi Tila
(about 2300 m)
Coarse to gritty, poorly
consolidated soft sandstone,
mottled clay, conglomerate, at
places containing pebbles of
coal derived from Barail
Group. Fossil wood

Miocene to
Nahorkatia Girujan
(800-2000 m)
Red, brown, purple and blue
mottled clays with minor beds
of ferruginous sandstone.
Occasional pink and white
clays. Lignite, silicified or
partly silicified wood, partly
carbonized wood


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Age Group Formation Lithology
(1000-2000 m)
Sandstones, moderately coarse,
occasionally gritty, thick
bedded and ferruginous, bluish
to greenish in colour,
weathering to orange or brown,
at places calcareous, ripple
marked and current bedded;
minor blue and mottled clays
Boka Bil Sandy Shale, Ferruginous

(1250 m)

Alternations of Sandstones and
Basal Conglomerate
Renji/Tikak Parbat
(620 m)
Sandstone, massive, medium to
thick bedded, fine-grained well
sorted, hard with lenticular and
herringbone current bedding,
current ripples, parallel
laminations, flaser bedding.
Few thin coal seams,
carbonaceous shale, thick with
coal seam, mudstone, clay and
fine to medium grained
(>830 m/2720 m)
Shales with subordinate
sandstone. Sandstone occurs as
thin bands and as lenticular
bodies with tabular cross-
bedding. Brakish water
foraminifera Trachaminna sp.
Oligocene Barail
(>1750 m/>1400 m)
Sandstone with minor silty
shale. Sandstone, very hard,
thin to thick bedded, grey with
pinkish weathering, low angle
tabular, half trough current
beds showing reversal in
current separated by parallel
bedded sandstone. Rare streaks
of coal. Calcareous benthonic
foraminifera: Nummulites
chavannesa, Biplanispira sp.,
stunted gastropods and


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Age Group Formation Lithology
(>3,000 m)
Monotonous splintery grey
shales interbedded with hard
bands of fine-grained
sandstone. The sandstone
bands are few cm thick in
lower part but increasing in
thickness towards top. At
places slates, phyllites and
quartzites occur towards the
Limestone, bluish white to
grey, richly
Sandstone with occasional
calcareous bands
Sandstone, coarse feldspathic,
conglomerate and minor
carbonaceous shale and
fossiliferrous limestone
Lr. Eocene
Langpar Shale and sandstone with
calcareous matter
BASEMENT Unclassified granites, granite
gneisses, pyoxene granulites

Table 4.3 Stratigraphic position of Disang Group in Central Disang and
Western Schuppen Belts
Jenam Thinly bedded coarse grained
sandstone and black splintery shale
with coal occurring as streaks and
------------------Gradational Contact----------------------
Up. Oligocene to
Up. Eocene
Laisong Massive, coarse grained sandstone,
carbonaceous clay, mudstone and
black splintery shale


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----------------------------------------------Gradational Contact----------------------------------
Upper Disang Grey shale, black splintery shale,
interbedded with siltstone,
sandstone/greywacks concretionary
Up. Eocene to
Up. Cretaceous
Lower Disang Dark to light grey phyllites, slates
and shale with two generations of
quartz veins, quartzites
Eocene Ophiolite Pokhpur Immature mainly ophiolite derived
marine to volcaniclastics, Polymictic
conglomerate, Tuffaceous Greywacks

Jopi Formation
4.2.5 This formation is confined to Ophiolite Belt (Table-1). They are an ophiolite
derived sediments deposited in shallow marine to inter-montain basins under
fluviatile conditions which started accumulating immediately after the
emplacement of the ophiolite. The angiospermic leaf impressions and invertebrate
fossils suggest a Middle-Upper Eocene-Oligocene age to this formation. This is
also named as Pokhpur Formation (Chattopadhayay et al., 1983) and Matungkhong
Formation (Singh and Ghosh, 1981).
The major structural elements present in different zones of Nagaland are discussed
Schuppen Belt
4.3.1 Towards the northeast of Haflong, the Disang Thrust is followed northwestward by
a zone of imbricate or fish-scale like thrusts named the Zone of Schuppen
(Annexure 4.1). Some of the important features within this zone are the Chaneh,
the Piphima, the Champang, the Lakhuni, the Cholimsen, the Kongan and the


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Margherita thrusts. The composite feature which defines the northwestern limit of
this zone is called the Naga Thrust. In the outer slice of sediments bordering the
Naga Thrust, the anticlinal crests are preserved in many places like Nichuguard,
Phegweni, Bandersulia, Tiru Hills, Barsila, Ladaigarh and Jaipur-Digboi. In most
of the inner thrust slices the anticlinal crest has been cut off. Uplift in this zone has
continued even after the post-Dihing folding and shows up in uplifted terraces and
in slight arching of the alluvial covers over some of the folds.
Kohima-Patkoi Synclinorium
4.3.2 This tectonic zone lies between the Disang Thrust and Ophiolite and Melange
Zone in the east. The rocks of the Disang, Barail and the Nahorkatiya groups have
been folded into a number of northeasterly plunging folds which swerve to east-
west and then to NW-SE trend, apparently due to younger deformational phase. Of
these folds, the Patkoi anticline exposes the Disang Group occupying large area in
the Tirap valley. Physiographically, it lies to the southwest of the Naga Hills belt
of Central Disang Uplift. Tectonically this wide belt of N-S folds seems to be
divisible into two southerly tapering zones. Both are tightly folded and faulted to
the south, but open up fan-like to the north. The western zone does so much more
than the eastern zone. The dividing line forms a morphological feature considered
to be marking the Kaladan Fault (Khar and Ganju, 1984). What caused this
difference in the two zones, at what point of time it was initiated, and what impact
it had during sedimentation, have not yet been studied in detail.
Major Faults Southeast of Disang Thrust
4.3.3 It is possible that the hinge zone characteristic of the Disang Thrust is reflected by
more than one fault within a narrow zone, rather than by a single fault. Probably,
therefore, Yah Thrust in the stretch between the Kohima road and Haflong, and the
Sinyang Thrust at the northeastern extreme of the outcrops are southeastern
manifestations of the Disang Thrust.
East and southeast of the Disang Thrust Zone, there are many faults. The next
major thrust is Tapu Thrust. North of Kohima, this fault runs about 10-25 km
inside, paralleling the Disang Thrust. The zone in between is reported to have some


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folds with closures and is known as Naga Folded Zone. Southwards, this thrust is
believed to take a small swing round the apex of the Kohima Synclinorium and
continues as the faulted Disang-Barail boundary on the eastern limb of the
synclinorium. About 30-50 km further to the east is the very important Zungki-
Laniye Thrust which marks the boundary between the Central and the Eastern
Disangs. Within the Eastern Disang Belt, the rocks are much more metamorphosed
and have many ophiolitic masses and intrusives. These are unconformably overlain
by the Eocene Pondang sandstones from Myanmar and by the volcaniclastic
Phokpur Formation of similar age.
Dauki and Disang Faults
4.3.4 To the south, the Shillong Plateau is virtually bounded by two E-W faults, whose
observed positions are slightly en echelon. The westerly of these two faults has
been named the Dauki fault, from the place where it brings the plateau against the
near sea level Sylhet plains, and its surface manifestation is the most spectacular.
The main visible impact of the fault is a vertical uplift to the north, which die down
progressively in both the directions. Towards the east, the Dauki Fault starts to
split up beyond the long 92
20' E with reducing individual throws, and giving a
step-like character to the southerly drop of the plateau. The southern branch
eventually forms a part of the plateau and ceases to be prominent beyond long
9245' E. The other E-W fault, the Haflong-Disang Fault develops east of long
9227' E, some 10 km to the south, gains in magnitude, becomes the edge of the
Shilong Plateau and eventually links up with the Disang Thrust near Haflong.
To the west of Haflong, the Haflong-Disang Fault runs partly along the crest and
partly along the flank of the Jatinga anticline. Both physiographically and
tectonically, it too marks the edge of the plateau (covered here with the Barails of
the shelf zone), but the belt to the south does not represent a down faulted block. In
an area of general uplift, it has in fact pushed or thrust up the southern belt more.
The latter is Jatinga anticline with the basinal Disangs forming the low Jatinga and
Kayang valleys in its core, and the Barails of the high southern Barail Range
forming its southern flank. The faulting is presumed to have taken place along an
important hinge zone which separated the Cretaceous-Miocene shelf sediments


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from their basinal counterparts. The underthrusting seems to have been a part of
the same regional phenomenon which lifted the apex of the Kohima Synclinorium
well above their depositional level at the end of the deposition of Surmas-Tipams-
Girujans. Northest of Haflong, Disang Fault is primarily a thrust along which the
Central Belt of Disangs has been pushed forward and upwards several times. It
also marks the position of the Cretaceous-Eocene Hinge zone from the early
Disang time and the southeastern limit of the zone of imbricated faulting from
around the post-Girujan time.
In the study of the regional geological setup of the northeast India, often there has
been a question on a possible link between Dauki and Halflong faults. At their
eastern and western extremities respectively, the surface outcrops of the Dauki-
Borghat and the Haflong-Disang faults run nearly parallel to each other for nearly
30 km from long 9227 E to long 92 45 E. It was observed during 1943-1944
that a few sections between Hari and Lubha rivers show some signs of disturbance.
However, none of these sections could convincingly gave strong evidence of link-
up between the two faults. Later on, Evans (1964) proposed the hypothesis that the
Dauki Fault was in effect a tear fault which had moved the Shillong Massif
laterally eastward by about 250 km. North of the Mikir Hills, there are a number of
other east-west faults which affect both the Basement Complex and its overlying
Tertiary sediments. These faults have a certain amount of tear effect with the
northern side having moved eastward, but the magnitude of the tear in each case is
measurable in 10s rather than 100s of km.
The metallic and non-metallic deposits in Nagaland are mostly hosted in the rocks
of Ophiolite belt. The minerals occurring in different belts are described in the
following paragraphs.
Metamorphic Belt
4.4.1 Limestones: Between New Thewati to Likimro Creek north of Longpotrop. It is
one of the largest carbonate deposits of northeast India.
Carbon Phyllites and Slates: Tura Ti Creek


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Ophiolite Belt
4.4.2 Limestone: Waziho, Satara, Moki
Cu-Mo sulphide deposits: Zipu, Lachem, Satara, Shiloi Creek between Phokungri
and Lagela; Purr, Sutsu, Yisi, Aniashu, Chiphur, Weshello, Reguri, Pokphur.
Chromite: Pang, Between Pang and Thongshonyu, Between Thongshonyu and
NE of Reguri, East of Koya Creek, South of Wui.
Nickeliferous Magnetite: Pokhpur, Between Purr and Laluri, East of Zipu village,
NNE of Washelo and NW of Chekhung village, East of Reguri, Between Molhe
Asbestos: Between Purr and Sataza, North of Sutsu, South of Lacham, Pang
Talc-Steatite: Between Purr and Sutsu
Magnesite: Tizu river section.
Olivine: South of Lacham Lake.
Serpentine: Between Moki and Lagela and Between Purr and Satsu.
Laterite: A thin capping of laterite has developed in isolated pockets over the
serpentinised peridotites of both metaultramafics and cumulate ultramafic suites
between 1200 m to 1800 m contours in the Ziphu-Jopi range.
Disang Flysch Belt
4.4.3 Contains few minor occurrences of Maestrichtian to Eocene Limestone and good
quality slates.
Molasse of the Schuppen Belt
4.4.4 The post-collisional molasse sediments lying west of the flysch belt is the source of
major coal and petroleum occurrences in Nagaland and is one of the high priority


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onshore areas for hydrocarbon exploration by Oil and Natural Gas Commission.
The coal seams are confined to the upper Barail.
In the seismic zoning map of India (IS:1893-1970) the northeast region falls in
Zone V (Annexure 4.2). This zone has the potential of high risk (Krishna, 1992).
The earthquakes that led to devastation in the area are: i) 1997 earthquake (M=8.7),
ii) 1950 earthquake (M=8.5) and iii) 1998 earthquake (M=5.4) with epicentre at
Several transverse lineaments in the Himalaya appear to be active. A lineament is
located between the Shillong Plateau and the Mikir Hills in northeastern India, a
lineament which appears to be acting as a fracture zone and is known as Kopili
lineament. The Assam valley is relatively aseismic and is bounded by seismic
zones dipping to the north-west (Himalaya) and southeast (Naga Hills Arakan
Yoma). The Eastern Himalaya seismic zone dips at an angle of about 15 -20

while the Arakan Yoma seismic zone has a dip of nearly 60

to the southeast.
Along the Arakan Yoma seismic belt, the deepest earthquakes are located
underneath the Burmese molasses basin. Abnormal Bouger as well as isostatic
anomalies observed along seismic section across the Tripura fold belt, Arakan
Yoma and Burmese molasses basin.
Focal plane solutions for one event located in the Assam valley, probably related to
the Brahmaputra lineament, indicates thrust fault mechanism. The fault-plane
solutions for events (Table 4.4) located in the seismically active Arakan Yoma and
Burmese molasses basin have shown:

a) predominately thrust faulting
b) thrust faulting with appreciable strike-slip components, and
c) large strike-slip motion
In these solutions the nodal plane is oriented NNE-SSW, while a N-S or NE-SW
direction is most likely for the fault plane in accordance with the trend of the
Arakan Yoma seismic belt. The sense of motion in most of the thrusts with strike-
slip solutions is right lateral.


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From the analysis of gravity data and seismicity in this region it has been
discovered that the Indian plate is underthrusting the Burmese plate to the east. The
focal mechanism solutions, however, suggest that in addition to underthrusting the
Indian Plate is also moving northward relative to the Burmese landmass. Four
mechanisms show normal faulting on the western side of Arakan Yoma. These can
be explained in terms of tensions prevailing in some parts as a result of
underthrusting of the lithosphere to the east (Verma and Kumar, 1987). To the west
of Arakan Yoma lies the Tripura fold belt, where one fault plane solution suggests
compression along an E-W direction.

Moderately high seismic activity is observed in the Mikir Hills and Assam Valley.
No surface fault is mapped in the area. The trend of activity, depth sections and the
fault-plane solutions suggest that the SE dipping hidden faults/lineaments are
active in the area, and a NW-SE tectonic stress is dominant (Kayal and De, 1991).
The spatial variation of the tectonic stress in the area is explained due to the
influence of the N-S collision tectonics in the Himalayan Arc and E-W subduction
tectonics in the Burmese Arc (Kayal, 1996).

The ENE-WSW compressional stress in the Shillong Plateau may be a combined
effect of the N-S tectonic stress from the Himalayan collision zone and the E-W
tectonic stress from the Burmese Arc. On the other hand, the tectonic stress in the
Mikir Hills Assam Valley, to the NE of the plateau, is in NW-SE direction; this
is comparable with the E-W subduction tectonics in the adjacent Burmese Arc
(Kayal, 1996). The SE dipping nodal planes are the preferred fault plane (Kayal
and De, 1991). The estimated b-value (1.29) in the Plateau region is also very
much different; it is significantly higher than those in the Himalayan Seismic Belt
(0.61-0.95). The higher b-value may be attributed to the higher/rapid stress
concentration in the Plateau region due to N-S tectonic stress from the Himalayan
Arc and E-W directed stress from the Burmese Arc.

In summary, the most predominant mode of energy release in the eastern
Himalayan belt and the Arakan-Yoma is by thrust faulting which is attributable to
activity along all the major thrusts. However, to a minor extent strike-slip and
normal faulting is also taking place along the transverse features. Away from the


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major thrusts, on the continental side of the lithosphere tensions may prevail and
seismic energy is released through normal faulting.

Some earthquakes, for which M>5, that took place in the eastern Himalaya,
Burmese arc and northeast India are listed in Table 4.4. The type of faulting
associated with these events are also given. It is evident that thrust fault
mechanism prevails in the region. In a geologically fragile situation like Himalaya,
the thrust fault environment provides a suitable setup from seismicity point of
view, because in this situation Reservoir Induced Seismicity (RIS) is reduced after
the impoundment in a reservoir. However, the locales of strike-slip and normal
fault in association with the thrust faults requires further analysis and studies.

Table 4.4 Earthquakes from eastern Himalaya, Burmese arc and northeast

Date Origin
Depth Type of
1 25:07:1970 01:35:26.3 25.72 88.58 5.2 33 Strike-Slip
2 15:09:1967 10:32:48.7 27.40 91.80 5.8 57 Strike-Slip
3 01:09:1964 13:32:36.6 27.20 92.30 5.7 33 Strike-Slip
4 17:07:1971 15:00:55.4 26.46 93.23 5.3 49 Dip-Slip
5 14:03:1967 06:58:03.2 28.45 94.31 5.8 12 Strike-Slip
6 19:02:1970 07:10:01.8 27.39 93.99 5.5 18 Strike-Slip
7 15:08:1950 14:09:30.3 28.50 96.50 8.7 25 Strike-Slip
8 12:06:1950 04:29:22.6 24.86 91.93 5.3 44 Dip-Slip
9 19:06:1963 10.47:24.6 25.00 92.10 5.9 51 Normal
10 21:06:1963 15:26:29.3 24.90 92.10 5.7 53 Normal
11 27:12:1968 14:38:11.6 24.12 91.59 5.2 26 Thrust
12 02:02:1971 07:59:57.0 23.76 91.75 5.4 48 Thrust
13 25:01:1969 23:34:28.4 22.91 92.33 5.2 50 Thrust
14 09:12:1965 10:26:05.0 27.40 92.50 5.3 29 Thrust
15 26:09:1966 05:10:56.0 27.50 92.60 5.5 19 Thrust
16 21:10:1964 23:09:18.8 28.10 93.80 5.9 37 Thrust


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Date Origin
Depth Type of
17 11:03:1967 16:56:50.2 28.40 94.40 5.3 12 Thrust
18 03:06:1964 02:49:14.9 25.90 95.80 5.5 100 Thrust
19 29:08:1969 10:02:50.0 26.30 96.10 5.2 72 Thrust
20 22:09:1962 06:51:28.0 26.50 96.80 5.0 33 Thrust

The rocks of Lower and Upper Disang Formations are mainly exposed in the Tizu
basin (Annexure 4.3). Slates, phyllites, shales and quartzites constitute the Lower
Disang Formation. At places quartz veins have intruded the slates and quartzites.
The Upper Disang consists of splintery shales, siltstones, greywacke and
ferruginous clay nodules. The contact between the Lower and Upper Disang is
Thrusted (Table 4.3).

The thick Disang sequence is highly folded. As a result of folding there is a series
of antiforms and synforms. Therefore, the rocks usually trend NNE-SSW to NE-
SW and dip at 45-80 towards east or west. The rocks are deformed into open
upright folds with vertical to sub-vertical axial planes. The antiforms are with
narrow hinge than the synforms which are very broad and rounded with gentle
plunge, dominated in the NNE direction. In antiformal zone Disang rocks are
exposed. Most of the synforms carry the younger sediments of Barail Fm. in the
core. Thereby, the synforms are nothing but the synclines and the antiforms are

The rocks have undergone polyphase deformation. Three generations of folding is
observed. The mesoscopic first generation folds (F
) are tight isoclinal and
recumbent. The second generation folds (F
) are open upright plunging folds with
vertical to sub-vertical axial planes dipping towards NW or SE. The third
generation of folds (F
) represented by kinks and warps are open upright cross
folds plunging 15 -20 towards SW and NW. Tizu and Zungki rivers, for a
considerable stretch, flow along anticlinal axes of F
folds plunging moderately
towards NE. The extent of deformation and schistosity of the Disang Group of
rocks generally increase towards the east.


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The Tizu, Zungki and Laniye are the main rivers draining the area. The drainage is
controlled by structural elements mainly NE-SW trending discontinuities
developed along the fold axes. First order streams show dendritic drainage pattern
whereas higher order streams show sub-parallel to parallel trellis and rectangular
drainage pattern. This envisages structural control for the drainage. Transverse
faults as well as NW-SE and E-W trending discontinuities are responsible for the
abrupt swing of Tizu, Zungki and Laniya rivers. Development of two levels of
impaired terraces are seen along the course of Tizu and Laniya rivers. The high
level older terrace is highly dissected and eroded whilst the low level younger
terrace is well preserved showing layers of imbricate clastic sediments. The shoals
along the banks of Tizu and Zungki rivers contain boulders and pebbles of
sandstone, quartzite, phyllite, slate, granite gneiss and basic rocks.

Following a faulted anticlinal fold axes trending NE-SW, the Tizu flows towards
NE and the Zungki flows towards SW and joins together near Longmatare. After
the confluence the main Tizu river follows an easterly trend along a cross
lineament and join Chindwin river in Myanmar. The valley slopes after the
confluence is steep. Here the river bed level is 450m while the abutments rise up to
1,370m. The left bank slopes are comparatively gentle. After confluence, a
depression is noticed at 560m on the left bank of main Tizu river.

Slates, shales, phyllites with thick quartz veins and quartzites belonging to Lower
Disang Fm. are exposed in the project site. At dam site the valley is U shaped and
is around 6m wide, which opens up slightly above 500m. Thick vegetation is
noticed at higher elevations. The powerhouse is proposed to be located at the toe of
the dam. The diversion tunnel will be constructed on the right bank. The tunnel is
likely to encounter shale, slate and quartzite. At dam site, low grade metamorphic
rocks (slates) are seen up to 10m above the river bed on both the banks. The
formation dips at moderate angle (30
) towards NE and SE. The slaty cleavage is
prominent at places. At higher elevation (80-100 m above the river bed level) the
slopes are covered with slope wash material. The rocks are folded. Therefore,


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several synforms and antiforms are cut across by the east flowing Tizu river after
the confluence. The NE dipping strata (slate and quartzites) in the region are
suitable to ensure against the reservoir leakage. The locale where the rocks are
folded into antiform is likely to have slates and quartzite in the core. The NE
dipping limb of this antiform would provide suitable abutment conditions. The
Tizu and Zungki rivers follow a fault line along the axis of the antiformal structure.
Therefore, the beds usually dip towards the hill along the right and left banks of
Tizu and Zungki rivers. This indicates that the valley walls are free from rock
failure. However, the rocks being mainly phyllitic in composition and sheared
along this fault some joint planes dipping towards the valley may lead to rock
The observations made from PAN data reveal the presence of a number of
lineaments trending NE-SW, NW-SE and N-S in the region (Annexure 4.4). The
antiformal and synformal axial traces, faults and fractures represent these
lineaments. Most of these have controlled the streams in the region. Presence
gravel bars at several places in the region where the Tizu and Zungki rivers
meander are evident from the PAN data.

Some of the rivers in Nagaland have been reported to carry salts. Therefore, the
prevention and mitigation of piping-related problems requires a thorough physical,
chemical and mineralogical analysis of the basin materials. A rigorous
geomorphological reconnaissance of argillaceous areas may provide highly
valuable information about their piping susceptibility. Since the project area falls
under zone-V of the seismic zonation map of India (IS: 1893-1984) it is required to
have suitable seismic design for different structures of the project. The
construction of a high dam in a tectonically active region would require a seismic
surveillance network to understand the Reservoir Induced Seismicity (RIS).

The gravel deposits at the confluence and along the Tizu and Zungki rivers are
composed of slates, phyllites and quartzite fragments. While quartzite material is
suitable as coarse aggregate, suitability of other type of rocks need to be
determined. For other construction materials, such as sand the area near
Longmatare is suitable. Based on the reconnaissance survey conducted during the


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site visit it was observed that sufficient quantity of material of suitable quality
would be available for use in concrete as coarse and fine aggregate subject to
testing of material from identified potential sources for complete range of physical
parameters like abrasion, impact, crushing values, alkali aggregate reaction,
flakeness index, elongation index, specific gravity, water absorption, fineness
modulus, silt and clay contents and organic impurities. Further a portion of
excavated rock from the diversion tunnel is also proposed to be used for
construction. River sand deposits would be tested for its suitability for use as fine
aggregate in concrete and crushed sand may also be used to obtain well graded


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ISO 9001-2000
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5.1.1 The hydrological inputs play a very vital role in planning, execution and operation
of any water resources development project. The hydrological studies are carried
out at all the stages of project development starting from the pre-feasibility stage
and are continued even during the operation of the project. Hydrological studies
usually cover the assessment of quantities of available water and its time variation,
estimation of design flood usually required for the hydraulic design as well as for
safety of the structure and sedimentation studies, important from life point view of
the project as well as its effect on the live storage.

5.1.2 The North Eastern Region of the country is blessed with the highest hydro power
potential on account of copious rainfall in the region and the mighty Brahmaputra
river and its tributaries. The Brahmaputra is one of the biggest rivers in the world.
The total length of Brahmaputra river in India is 885 km and its drainage basin in
India is 1,95,000 sq. km. There are 25 principal north bank tributaries of this river.
The major ones are Subansiri, the Manas, the Dibang, the Kameng, the Torsa, and
the Teesta, etc. The North bank tributaries are generally large, since their
catchments lie in the heavy rainfall zone of the Himalayas. The South bank
tributaries are smaller than north one. The main tributaries in the Southern subzone
are Belang, Noa-dihing, Dibru, Burhi-dihing, Jhanji, Dhansiri, Diphu, Kopili,
Dudhnai etc. The Dikhu is one of these Southern tributaries of this river.

5.1.3 The State of Nagaland, one of the seven original constituent states of N-E Region,
is a small state at eastern most part of the country with an area of 16,579 sq km.
The state lies between longitudes 93 20' 00" to 95 15 00" E and latitudes 25 59'
00" to 27 40' 00" N. The state is bounded by Myanmar, Arunachal Pradesh on its
Eastern side, by Assam in Western and Northern side, by Manipur in Southern and
runs more or less parallel to the left bank of the Brahmaputra river. As the
proposed dam and appurtenant works, power plant are located in the state of
Nagaland, therefore it would create the power potential for this state.

5.1.4 The water resources of Nagaland are in abundance. The arteries of perennial rivers
and stream flow through the valleys covering the entire land. Dhansiri, Doyang,
Dikhu and Tizu are the main river systems in the state in addition to Dzuza,


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Tsurang etc which are small basins. Doyang is a tributary of Dhansiri which jointly
flows in the westerly direction to join the Brahmaputra and the Tizu flows towards
east and south and finally enters Myanmar. Dikhu is an independent sub-basin of
Brahmaputra on the left flank.

The river Tizu is one of river of Nagaland and flows from West to East direction.
Further downstream, Zungki joins it, which flows from North to South direction.
The Laniya Ru and Viratai Ru are the main right bank tributaries and Tita Ru joins
from the left. While Langnyu Ru and Tepe-Nallah meets the Zungki from right
side and Chobla stream from left bank.

The river Tizu originates at an elevation of 2250 m and Zungki at 2260 m. The
Tizu flows towards East and South and finally enters in to the Myanmar. After
confluence of Tizu and Zungki, about 1.5 km downstream, the present scheme is
proposed to be located. The river has almost a U-shaped valley near the dam site.
The entire catchment is thinly populated and is covered with forests.

The climate of the basin over the foothills is warm and subtropical. The catchment
receives the precipitation due to Southwest monsoon and also some cyclonic rain.
The temperature and rainfall data available are very scarce. The average annual
rainfall of the Tizu basin is about 1900 mm. The majority of rainfall occurs in
about 7 months from April to October.

It is cool during the winter and occurrence of frost over large tracts is observed in
the high hill ranges. The temperature varies from 1 C to 36.5 C within the basin.
Due to prolonged rains and high humid conditions, the natural vegetation over the
lower ranges of the western flank is characterized by sub-tropical evergreen rain
forest. The central hilly region of the Nagaland has broad-leaved temperate
evergreen rain forests. The eastern and Southeastern plateau has characteristic
coniferous (Pine) vegetation. The location of rain gauge stations and G&D sites in
Nagaland is shown in Plate-I.


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It is a storage scheme envisages to construct a concrete gravity dam of 88 m height
near Longmatara village about 1.5 km downstream of confluence of Tizu and
Zungki rivers. The proposed installed capacity of the scheme is 150 MW. The
location of the proposed project is Latitude 25 46' 41" N and Longitude 94 26'
16" E. The index plan showing the location of project component is shown in as
Plate-II. The catchment area of river up to proposed dam axis is 5674 sq. km. and
is bounded between longitude 94 00' 00" to 95 15' 00" E and latitude 25 00' 41"
to 26 30' 00" N. The catchment area map is shown in Plate-III. The contribution
of catchment area by Zungki river is 2014 sq km and that by Tizu river is 3660 sq

Water availability study is one of the most important aspects for success of any
Hydro Power project and this forms the basis for development of water resources
of a river to its maximum potential. The feasibility of a project very much depends
on the studies on water availability at various levels of dependability and variations
of flow over considerably long period.

For carrying out these studies, the working group constituted by the Government of
India for setting Guidelines for Planning and Design of H.E. project, 1980 has
recommended the following guidelines pertaining to hydrological data requirement
for water availability studies:

Sl. No. Type of Project Minimum length of data
1. Diversion Project 10 years
2. Within a year storage project 25 years
3. Over the year storage project 40 years

The above guidelines mainly for the preparations of Detail project report can not
be strictly adhered to as several times the data required may not be available at the
project site. Therefore data of the nearby stations becomes necessary to use. It is
generally observed that hydrological data at the project site is seldom available for
the desired length and therefore in such cases the extension of the run off series by


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using data at nearby upstream or down stream sites is based by using some
statistical method. In the absence of hydro meteorological data within the basin,
the data of adjacent basins may also be used, if hydro meteorological similarity

Data Availability
5.5.1 Rainfall Data
The no daily rainfall data are available within the Tizu basin for any RG station.
There is no short interval rainfall data within or around the basin also.
Gauge and Discharge Data
5.5.2 The daily observed discharge data at the Tizu river near Longmatare is available
for February-1982 to December-1993. Similarly the daily observed discharge data
for Zungki river is also available before the confluence point for the period
January-1982 to May-1994. No hourly gauge data for monsoon is available for
both the streams.
Sediment Data
5.5.3 The suspended Sediment data is available for the period 1983 to 1987 for monsoon
months with some missing data. The sediment data is missing for the year 1985 for
Tizu river.
5.4.4 The concurrent discharge data of Tizu and Zungki is available for 11 years. The
average monthly flow series at the dam site for 11 years has been arrived by
summing independent average monthly series of both the rivers. The one year
(1993) average monthly series for Tizu river has been derived by establishing the
Non-linear discharge model between the Tizu and Zungki rivers for the concurrent
period. The mathematical equation derived is given below:
2138 . 1
4570 . 0
Q Q =

93 . 0 = r

Therefore a 12 years average monthly series has been proposed for the proposed
scheme for the planning purpose. Although for a storage scheme, generally 25
years average monthly series is required as per the standard guidelines. But the


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present 12 years would be extended for the required period at the DPR stage, when
some site specific observed flow data would become available.

5.5.5 The consistency of flow series at both the site cannot be carried out in absence of
basin specific catchment rainfall as well as any reliable observed flow data at the
upstream or downstream G&D site of both the rivers.

But in absence of basin specific rainfall, the normal annual rainfall map published
by IMD shows that normal annual rainfall value for this region is 2500 mm. The
12 years average annual flow at the project site is about 900 mm. Therefore the
estimated run off factor based on these data is 0.36. The estimated runoff factor
appears to be on the lower side. But, it simply confirms that the proposed flow
series is on the conservative side.

Proposed Flow Series for the Scheme The proposed scheme is located downstream of the confluence point of Tizu and
Zungki rivers. Finally 12 years average monthly series has been derived for the
present scheme. This proposed series is being used for planning purpose. The
proposed series will be reviewed at DPR stage, once the site-specific observed
flow data would become available and it would be extended to required length at
that stage. The monthly flow sequences of Tizu, Zungki as well as Tizu-Zungki are
shown in Annexure. 5.1 and 5.2.

5.6.1 The estimation of design flood for the design of different types of structures is a
very significant component of hydrological studies. The design flood and highest
flood level are very much essential for fixing the water way and foundation depth
of any hydraulic structure. Therefore, accurate estimation of this hydrological
parameter is very important from cost point view of the structure as well as safety
of the structure and risk of population involved to the downstream as well as
upstream of the structure.


ISO 9001-2000
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5.6.2 For a diversion structure, 100 year design flood is considered. In the case of
storage projects, probable maximum flood or 1000 year return period flood should
be considered.

Design Flood Methods
5.6.3 The various methods for estimation of design flood are as follows:
(i) Flood formulae and Enveloping curves
(ii) Flood frequency analysis
(iii) Hydro-meteorological approach ( unit hydrograph method )

The empirical formulae like Dickens, Ryves, Inglis etc. are inherently deficient as
these do not take in to account the varying physiographic, meteorologic and
hydrologic characteristics from catchment to catchment. Therefore the first
approach has limited application. The second approach is useful in the case of long
term flow data availability at the project site. The last approach is based on the
observed short interval rainfall runoff data and is the most reliable.

For the present study hydro-meteorological approach is followed for the estimation
of design flood. As this sub basin is not having any observed short interval rainfall
runoff data, therefore synthetic unit hydrograph approach based on flood
estimation report is used.

Design Flood Studies by Hydro-meteorological Approach
5.6.4 This approach involves the estimation of design storm hyetograph and the
catchment response function i.e. unit hydrograph (UG).

The UG of a catchment is defined as the direct run off hydrograph resulting from
one unit of effective rainfall uniformly distributed over the whole basin at a
uniform rate for unit duration. This method is suitable for small and medium sized
catchments having area from 25 sq. km. to 5000 sq. km. The UG is best derived
from the observed hydrograph at the project site resulting from a storm. In the
absence of observed short interval rainfall- runoff data, synthetic unit hydrograph
(SUG) are derived with the physical characteristics of the basin.


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Derivation of Unit Hydrograph by Regional Approach
5.6.5 The Central Water Commission in association with India Meteorological
Department, Research Design and Standard Organisation under ministry of
Railway, and Ministry of Surface Transport have brought out several Flood
Estimation reports for different hydro meteorological homogeneous sub-zones
covering almost whole country. These reports have developed unit hydrograph
parameters synthetically through a set of regression equations using different
physiographic parameters of the sub-zone. For the present studies, no flood
estimation report has been published by CWC, because present scheme falls in Sub
zone 2 (c). Since, this project is very close to sub zone 2(b), therefore SUG has
been finalized by using Flood Estimation Report For South Brahmaputra sub-zone
2(b), 2000.

The different synthetic unit hydrograph (SUG) parameters as recommended by the
CWC sub zonal report 2(b) are given in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1
SUG Parameters

Parameters Formulae Value
( )
758 . 0
905 . 0 A 634 cumec

( )
839 . 0
87 . 2

18.00 hrs

2.304( )
035 . 1
22.30 hrs

1.339( )
978 . 0
11.42 hrs

0.814( )
018 . 1
7.58 hrs

0.494( )
966 . 0
4.10 hrs

2.447( )
157 . 1
69.56 hrs


0.1117 cumec/sq. km.

The detail calculations showing computations of SUG parameters are shown in
Annexure 5.3 and SUG in Figure.5.1.


ISO 9001-2000
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Design Storm
5.6.7 The detail of the storm is given as in the following sections.

Design Storm Depth
5.6.8 Since no rainfall record is available for Tizu basin. Therefore highest one-day
rainfall recorded in the Dikhu basin is used. The highest one day rainfall observed
on 18-07-1929 at Sibsagar is 219 mm, after applying areal correction,
maximization factor; the 24 hour PMP value worked out on the basis of observed
data is 226 mm. However on the basis of IITM atlas, the 24-hour PMP value is 288
mm and that worked out from IMD atlas is 255 mm. The values obtained from
IMD and IITM atlas are very close. Further these values are not abnormally high as
compared to those worked out form observed storm. Therefore, a 24-hour PMP
value of 288 mm is adopted for estimation of PMF.

Design Storm Duration
5.6.9 As per the standard practice, the required duration of the storm is 2 days in respect
to base width of the unit hydrograph. But in the absence of storm specific value,
one day storm has been used to arrive the design storm.

Areal Correction Factor
5.6.10 As per standard practice for the given rain fed catchment area 5674 Km
, this
factor worked out is 0.72 and point rainfall value has been converted to areal
rainfall by using this factor.

Time Distribution Coefficients
5.6.11 There is no hourly rainfall data available in the basin. The time distribution as
recommended in CWC Report No. SB-2(b)/R-4/44/99 Flood Estimation Report
for South Brahmaputra Basin Sub-zone 2(b) has been adopted and the same is
given in the Table 5.2 as follows:
Table 5.2 - Time Distribution Coefficients
Percentage Distribution of
24 hours Rainfall
Distribution of 24
hours Rainfall
1 31 8 76
2 43 9 79
3 52 10 81
4 60 11 83
5 66 12 85


ISO 9001-2000
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Percentage Distribution of
24 hours Rainfall
Distribution of 24
hours Rainfall
6 70 24 100
7 73

Design Loss Rate
5.6.12 As per the recommendation of sub-zone 2(b) report, the loss rate works out to be of
the order of about 3.5 mm/hour. However in DPR, a value of 2 mm/hour has been
adopted for Dikhu basin in view of recommendations of the Workshop on
Rationalisation of Design storm Parameters for Design Flood Estimation- Dec.

Design Base Flow
5.6.13 As recommended by CWCs sub zone report 2 (b), a base flow rate of 0.05 cumec
/ sq. km. is adopted and worked out base flow comes out 283.7 cumec.

Critical Sequence of Rainfall Excess
5.6.14 The critical sequence of the rainfall excess should be characteristic of the area
under study. But as per the record no natural storm within Dikhu basin is recorded,
therefore, the distribution adopted from the report has been used for the critical
arrangement and PMF has been worked out by 2 bells per day approach.

5.6.15 In order to get detail flood hydrograph, the SUG ordinates at unit interval are
multiplied by each hour the rainfall excess and lagged by one hour duration at a

Computation of Unit Hydrograph
5.6.16 Using the basic physiographic parameters, the different SUG parameters are
derived and unit hydrograph is plotted adjusting its volume to 1 cm effective
rainfall. The derived SUG is shown in Figure 5.1 While adjusting the hydrograph,
the recommendations made in report 2 (b) is kept in consideration. The surface
flow hydrograph has been computed by 2 bells per day approach. The base flow
are added to the ordinates of the surface flow hydrograph to obtain the total flood
hydrograph. The derived flood hydrograph is shown in Figure 5.2.


ISO 9001-2000
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The peak of the design flood hydrograph works out to be 14728 cumec. Therefore
a design flood of 14730 cumec is adopted for design purpose.

Reservoir sedimentation studies are essential to assess the feasible / economic life
of a reservoir. When a river flows along a steep gradient, it carries a lot of
suspended sediment load. When a hydraulic structure / dam is built across the
river, it creates a reservoir which tends for accumulation of sediment, as the
suspended silt load settles down due to the decrease in velocity. This process of
encroachment is continuous phenomenon which has negative impact on the
intended purpose of the project. The sediment load does not only settle down in the
dead storage area, as used to be believed earlier, it also encroach the live storage
area thus depleting the design capacity of the reservoir. Hence it is very much
essential to determine the volume of sediment accumulating along with its
distribution at various levels so as to assess / predict the damage to the economic
life of the reservoir. Therefore, for planning of H.E. Projects, the revised reservoir
capacity after a period of 25 years needs to be estimated. Similarly at the design
stage it is essential to predict the extent of sediment deposition at / near the
hydraulic structure in order to fix the outlet levels / sill levels after a time horizon
of 25 years, 50 years & 70 years. The above aspects have been included in the
sedimentation study.

Elevation- Area -Capacity
5.7.1 The required elevation area capacity table for the given scheme is shown in
Annexure 5.4. This data has been derived from topo sheets of Survey of India for
the PFR purpose. The detail site specific survey data will be available at the DPR
stage. The Gross storage capacity of the dam at the FRL 445 m is 179.83 MCM
and water spread area 4.9943 sq. km.

Data Requirement
5.7.2 The required data for sedimentation studies is deepest river bed level at the dam
site, F.R.L., Average annual inflow, annual rate of sedimentation, catchment area
and the original elevation-area-capacity curve / table for the reservoir under
study.The various step involved in annual sedimentation analysis as follows:
1. Long Term Annual Average Sedimentation rate


ISO 9001-2000
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2. Classification of Sedimentation Problem
3. Determination of Sediment volume
4. Determination of type of reservoir
5. Determination of New Zero Elevation after 25 and 70 years and distribution of
sediment after 25 years by Borland and Millers Empirical Area Reduction
Method / Area Increment Method
6. Computation of revised area and capacity after 25 years

Long Term Annual Average Sedimentation rate
5.7.3 The average annual sediment rate worked out from observed sediment data at Tizu
and Zungki is 1.21 mm/year, which appears to be on the lower side. In view of the
available regional informations about the regional water resources projects, these
projects have been planned for a sediment rate having range 1.13 to 1.6 mm/year.
Further as per the Department of Science & Technology, a silt rate of 1.65
mm/year is recommended for Himalayan rivers. Therefore, a sediment rate of 1.6
mm/year is also adopted for the planning of this project. It is to mention that this is
the same rate as adopted for Dikhu Multipurpose Project in the adjacent Dikhu

Classification of Sedimentation Problem
5.7.4 For determining the severity of the sedimentation problem, the capacity inflow
ratio (C/I) is worked out. The C/I ratio for the present scheme is 0.13. Using
Brunes median trap curve, the trap efficiency is found out to be 90%. Using
sediment rate of 1.60 mm/year, the average annual sediment volume is 8.17 M
cum. The percentage ratio of average sediment volume and gross capacity of the
reservoir is found to be 1.20. As this value is greater than 0.5; the reservoir
sedimentation problem is classified as serious.

Determination of sediment volume
5.7.5 Since the sedimentation problem is classified as serious, variable trap efficiency
(for every five years) has been considered for calculation of sediment volume up to
70 years as shown in Annexure.5.5.


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Determination of type of reservoir
5.7.6 A logarithmic graph of capacity (M cum) VS depth in (m) is plotted and reciprocal
of slope is found out to be 1.00. This value falls in the range of 1.0 to 1.5 (which is
the range for Type-IV (Gorge) reservoir. The Figure.5.3 is plotted for
Determination of New Zero elevation after 25 & & 70 years
5.7.7 As shown in the Figure. 5.4. The values of po, h(p), h'(p) are calculated and
plotted on a semi log graph and the value of New Zero Elevation for different time
horizons are determined by Empirical Area Reduction method. The value of NZEs
for 25 and 70 years of sedimentation are 446.38 m and 457.00 m respectively.
Computation of revised area and capacity after 25 years
5.7.8 The revised area and capacity are calculated by Empirical area Reduction method
by assuming that the reservoir is silted upto the new zero elevation and the
subsequent silt volume is found out and the revised area and capacity table is
shown in Annexure-5.6.
5.7.9 The hydrological studies presented in this report has been examined and vetted by
CWC as per copy attached as Annexure 5.7.

1) The water availability studies have been carried out by using the 12 years
observed flow series. The proposed yield series is not sufficient in length as
per the standard practice. But this series would be reviewed at DPR stage
once site specific more flow data will be available. This monthly-derived
flow series is being used for planning purpose.
2) During the review studies, the proper consistency check (both internal and
external) is to be exercised in order to validate the observed flow data. To
carry out the validation studies, this sub basin needs a good network of
hydro meteorological stations also. At the DPR stage, extent of precision of
flow measurements, limitations of observations as well as other constraints
would need special attention. The use of hydro meteorological data of


ISO 9001-2000
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existing stations as well as identification and establishment of new stations
may be carried out at the DPR stage. A minimum of gauge, discharge and
one ORG & SRRG station need to be installed at the earliest at the project

3) The design flood values have been estimated by hydro-meteorological
approach. The SUG is based on the physiographic parameters of the basin
derived from the regression equations of sub-zone report 2(b). The design
flood peak value obtained is being used for preliminary design purposes.
The study needs to be reviewed at the DPR stage, when site-specific short
term rainfall runoff data would become available. Therefore, at the
project site short interval rainfall runoff data observations needs special
attention at the earliest to derive a reliable unit hydrograph and estimate
new hydrological design parameters.

4) The sediment rate adopted is based on regional information about the water
resources projects. Therefore, all the sediment parameters are to be revised
at DPR stage based on site-specific observed sediment rate and actual
elevation area capacity table.

G & D site and rainguage stations need to be established near project site in
order to observe discharge, rainfall and sediment data.
On the basis of available meteorological data storm values have to be
collected from IMD.


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Chapter VI
Conceptual Layout and Planning


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6.1.1 Tizu H.E. Project is located on Tizu river in Kiphire district of Nagaland. It is
envisaged as a storage scheme with a moderate sized reservoir to absorb excess
water in the reservoir during monsoon season and to utilize the inflow of the river
and live storage for peaking during the lean season. The scheme envisages
construction of 88 m high gravity dam downstream of the confluence of river Tizu
with river Zungki. The deepest bed level of the river at dam site is around EL 440
m. The power house is located on the left bank at the toe of the dam. The FRL and
MDDL of the dam are kept at EL 525 m and EL 480 m respectively. The diameter
of the penstock is 5.7 m. The general layout of the project is shown in drawing no.

6.1.2 Pre-feasibility report has been prepared on the basis of study of 1:50,000 scale
toposheets of survey of India covering the project area, reports of GSI in respect of
regional geology, observation made during site visit, available recorded observed
data of rain gauge and gauge discharge stations, at various locations and
information from local sources where possible. The present outline of project
layout and locations of various components have been prepared / identified on the
basis of blown up digitized map of available 1:50000 toposheets. Larger scale
toposheets of survey of India are not available. It has been considered that during
detailed field investigation stage, contour map of whole area of the project in
1:10000 scale in 5 m contour interval would be got prepared through survey of
India. Location of various structures including dimensions indicated in this report
on the basis of 1:50,000 scale map will therefore have to be reviewed again during
DPR stage when 1:10,000 scale toposheets will be ready.
6.2.1 Record regarding observed small flood, which occurred during lean seasons of
various years, are available. From the record of average monthly average
maximum observed discharge at dam site during the lean months from November
to April is 89 cumecs in the period of 12 years (except during 1986 when a flash
flood of 104.61 cumecs occurred in November).


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6.2.2 Occurrence of small floods of brief duration during construction period is quite
possible. On the basis of the figures of higher values of monthly average discharge
during lean period it was contemplated to go for a diversion system which will be
able to handle 200 cumecs of flow of non-monsoon months in such a way that it
will be possible to work in river bed throughout the non-monsoon period. From
1:50,000 scale toposheets and also from visit to the proposed dam site it has been
seen that the topography and slope of hill sides do not favour channel for diversion
of flows.

6.2.3 Considering those facts, the diversion system has been contemplated to be
consisted of a diversion tunnel along with upstream and downstream coffer dams
so that lean season flows upto 200 cumecs can pass through the diversion tunnel
without spilling over the coffer dam.

6.2.4 During site visit it was seen that the left side of the river at the proposed dam site is
somewhat wide and the right side is steep. As the project has been envisaged to be
developed with power house at the toe of dam and from site visit and from GSI the
report on geology at project area no indication regarding adverse geological
condition in any bank was noticed / mentioned, left bank of Tizu has become
automatic choice for water conductor system viz. penstock and power house. In
view of the above the diversion system has been planned on the right bank in order
to facilitate the works on power dam blocks and power house on the opposite bank.

6.2.5 The detailed layout of upstream and downstream coffer dams and the diversion
tunnel will be made during pre-construction stage when all detailed field
investigation works will be over. The diversion system has been designed on the
consideration of adopting a method which will ensure quick completion and at the
same time requisite standard to provide a reasonable durability and also cost
effectiveness unless; there occurs some exceptionally high flood during
construction period.

6.2.6 A concrete lined diversion tunnel of 5 m diameter modified horse shoe shaped and
150 m long has been proposed to divert lean month flows of Tizu river. The
diversion tunnel is expected to pass through shale, slates and quartzite. The rocks


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are foliated and the formation dips at moderate angle of 30
towards NE and SE.
The salty cleavage is prominent at certain places. In view of this initial/immediate
support is proposed to be provided by 100 mm thick (average) shotcrete followed
by 25 mm diameter, 3.5 m long rock bolts (6 nos. to 8 nos. in a row) at suitable
spacing as per site conditions. 300 mm thick concrete lining has been proposed
throughout the length of the tunnel with M-20 concrete. The tunnel inlet is
proposed with a service gate of 5.0m x 5.0m size as well as emergency gate of
same size. The gate will be operated by means of individual rope drum hoists. It is
not intended to seal the diversion tunnel with concrete plug. Instead this tunnel
after construction of dam can function as an emergency exit for depletion of
reservoir if any such necessity arises in future. However, proper security
arrangement to prevent operation of these two gates by any person / employee
unless it is specifically authorized to do so is a must. Subsequent to concrete lining,
the rock behind the linear will be suitable grouted by drilling holes at suitable
intervals. Detailed layout of diversion tunnel will be worked out during DPR / Pre
construction stage of the project.
6.2.7 Suitable coffer dams of cellular masonry wall with inside space filled with
colcreted boulders located approximately 150 m upstream and 200 m downstream
from the dam axis have been proposed. The top of the coffer dams has been kept as
4 m so as to provide sufficient space for movement of vehicles during construction
of the dam. The upstream coffer dam will be of 6 m high with a base width of 11
m. The downstream coffer dam will be of 5 m high with a base width of 11 m. The
cross-sections of upstream and downstream coffer dams are shown in drawing No.
6.2.8 Requirement of construction sluices in the body of the dam will be examined
during DPR stage when more data regarding topography and hydrology,
particularly in respect of lean season floods will be obtained.
6.2.9 After detailed investigation works are taken up and reasonably reliable field data
are obtained, the present proposal of diversion arrangement may have to be re-
examined and may have to be suitably modified to tackle the magnitude of
construction period flood which will be estimated on more realistic basis at the


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6.3.1 In the absence of large scale contour maps and detailed geological explorations, the
selection of type of dam as well as the location has been made on the basis of
observations made during reconnaissance of site. During site visit a few locations
for suitable dam site were seen and on the basis of those site observations
regarding width of the river valley, availability of granite gneiss, providing suitable
abutment conditions for a concrete gravity dam, suitability of accommodations of
moderate sized spillway in the river section itself, the present site was selected for
a concrete gravity dam. Likely quantum of discharge during various months,
available head and topographical features of upstream side of the river valley
revealed by 1:50000 scale maps do not show the prospect of a big sized project
with even a moderate sized reservoir. Ungated dam would have been the best
answer had there been no problem of presence of silt in river water thereby giving
likelihood of deposition of silt upto dam crest. Considering this, a gated dam has
been proposed. Incidentally the gates provide a scope to have a little diurnal
storage which may enable the power station to run purely as a peaking station
during lean months.

6.3.2 The valley at the dam site is neither too wide nor too narrow. The width of the
river is sufficient to accommodate the spillway on river section and the power dam
blocks on the left side. The dam is located in the area, which expose low-grade
metamorphic rocks (slates) upto 10 m above the riverbed on both the banks. The
formation dips at moderate angle of 30
towards NE and SE. The salty cleavage is
prominent at certain places. At higher elevation of 80 to 100 m above the river bed
level the slopes are covered with slope wash material. The rocks are folded.
Therefore several synforms and antiforms are cut across by east flowing Tizu
River after the confluence. The NE dipping strata (slate and quartzite) in the region
is suitable to ensure against the reservoir leakage. The slates and quartzite may
provide good foundation material. However, properly planned treatments may have
to be the implemented if conglomerate is encountered in the foundation as these
are expected to be weak foundation material with high permeability. Therefore,
proper treatment would be required to make the foundation suitable for the dam. At
location where the rocks are folded into antiform is likely to have slates and


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quartzite in the core. The NE dipping limb of this antiform would provide suitable
abutment conditions. The Tizu and Zungki rivers flows a fault line along the axis
of the anti formal structure. Therefore, the beds usually dip towards the hill along
the right and left banks of Tizu and Zungki rivers. This indicates that the valley
walls are free from rock failure. However, the rocks being mainly phyllitic in
composition and sheared along this fault. Some joint planes dipping towards the
valley may lead to rock failure. During reconnaissance survey a few sites were
seen and on the basis of those site observations on width of the river, general
conditions of abutment and river bed, the present location has been selected.
However, during DPR stage detailed investigation would be carried out not only at
this site but also at other locations which could have existed but could have been
missed during reconnaissance.

6.3.2 A concrete gravity dam with central spillway is proposed based on site visit and
observations related to rock condition in general at the project site. It is proposed to
construct a straight gravity type concrete dam 88 m high across river Tizu
downstream of the confluence of river Tizu with river Zungki. FRL is fixed at EL
525 m and the top of the dam is at EL 528 m. The length of the dam at top works
out to 247 m consisting of 141.3 m of overflow section 105.7 m of power dam
section and non-overflow section. The upstream view of the dam can be seen in
drawing no. NP-PFR-TZ-602 and the cross sections of overflow, non-overflow
portion of concrete dam in drawing no. NP-PFR-TZ-603.

6.3.3 The full reservoir level (FRL) is fixed at EL 525 m. The minimum draw down
level (MDDL) has been fixed at EL 480 m to give a live storage of 569.42 M.
Cum. The live storage provided is sufficient to absorb excess inflow in the river
during the monsoon which is adequate for running the power station at full
capacity for 4 hours in a day during the period of lean flows. From the
reconnaissance and overview of the area by the offers of NEEPCO and also from
GSI report on regional geology, it has been found that there appears to be no
apprehension regarding either the presence of karstic limestone or pulverized coal
bands or other frival materials which in presence of impounded water may create


ISO 9001-2000
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water path for huge leakage of water from the reservoir. Considering, these facts, it
is observed that the site is competent to hold a reservoir.

6.3.4 The overflow section is 141.3 m long. The spillway has 9 bays each with 11.2 m
clear opening and 4.5 m radial gates each of size 11.2m x 12m operated by means
of hydraulic hoists. The spillway is designed to pass a probable maximum flood of
14,730 cumec (this value of PMF has already been cleared by CWC). The crest of
the spillway has been kept at EL 490.84 m. The spillway has been given a
parabolic profile corresponding to the equation x
=40y on the basis of both
hydraulic and structural requirement. The profile will be got confirmed by model
study during pre-construction stage. A road bridge at the top with EL 528m over
the spillway bays has been provided. Upstream of spillway gates provision has
been made to lower a bulkhead gate. One bulkhead gate is envisaged for 9 nos.
gates which will be operated by means of a gantry crane moving over rails on the
top of the dam. The requirement for silt flushing arrangement will be worked out
and provided during DPR stage when more realistic data regarding silt will be

Energy Dissipation Arrangement

6.3.5 A flip bucket type energy dissipation arrangement has been provided downstream
of the spillway. The width of the spillway including flip bucket is around 99 m.
Since the power house is located at the toe of the dam on the left bank of the dam
and spillway is located on the right bank with a small length of non-overflow block
between power dam and spillway portion it would have been advantageous if a
long stilling basin could have been provided in the spillway portion for dissipation
of energy. However, it has been found that for high discharges the expected tail
water depths of the river appreciably fall short of jump heights due to which the
released water will sweep over the basin with super critical velocity which may
endanger the floor slab of the basin as well as appreciable scouring of the river
bed. This fact will require deep excavation in river bed for accommodating stilling
basin in appropriate level. Therefore a flip bucket with mild curve towards left side
and a little super elevation at the end of the bucket towards left side has been
tentatively proposed. Selection of appropriate type and associated details of energy


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dissipation structure will however be reviewed again during the stage of DPR
when geological maps and large scale topographical survey map, stage discharge
curve of the river etc. would be available. Finally, the detailed design will also
have to be verified and even modified on the basis of findings of model studies.

6.3.6 As per preliminary outline of flip bucket contemplated in this PFR the throw of jet
from bucket lip comes around 115 m which is well beyond power house area.
Non-Overflow Section
6.3.7 The non-overflow section will consist of one block of 27.75 m length on the right
bank, one block of 12.45 on the left bank and one block of 20.2 m between power
dam block and spillway block. The top width of non-overflow section has been
kept as 7.3 m and the downstream slope of the dam is kept as 0.7:1. Copper and
PVC/rubber joint seals are provided in the contraction joints between overflow and
non-overflow sections. The project area falls in seismic zone V of India and an
earthquake parameter of 0.24g acceleration for horizontal and 0.15g acceleration
for vertical have been considered. However, during DPR / Pre-construction stage,
site specific seismic studies will be carried out and information derived will be
kept in view at the time of construction level design.

Intake Structure
6.4.1 Power dam will consist of 3 intakes for the penstocks. Length of the power dam
will be 45.3 m. Centre to centre distance of intakes will be 15.1 m. Each intake
structure will comprise one intake opening of 5.7 m x 5.7 m in the body of the dam
to convey a discharge of 162.9 cumecs at minimum head through 5.7 m diameter
penstock embedded in the dam. The intake will be provided with a semi-circular
trash rack with five trash rack bays 10 m high covering a total width of 2.781 m
with an opening of 100mm c/c to prevent debris and trash entering into the
penstock. Each intake will be provided with one fixed wheel type vertical lift gate
of size 5.7m x 5.7m operated by means of a hydraulic hoist housed in a gallery
inside the dam. For the maintenance of intake gate, provision will be made to
lower a bulk head gate of same size upstream of the intake gate.


ISO 9001-2000
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There are 3 number of power intakes in the body of the dam on left side of
overflow section. From each intake a penstock of 5.7 m diameter takes off through
the body of the dam. The length of each penstock will be 100 m. The steel liner
will conform to ASTM 285 grade C and the maximum thickness of liner envisaged
is 18 mm. Velocity through the penstock will be 6.38 m/sec. Penstock will be
provided with anchor blocks at the locations where change of direction takes place.
Entire stretch of penstock will run over the downstream slope of the dam and will
be covered with concrete. Cross section of power dam block along with
longitudinal section of penstock is also shown in Drawing No. ND-PFR-TZ-604.

6.6.1 The surface power house is located on the left bank of Tizu River at the toe of the
dam. Location on left bank is chosen because sufficient space is available there.
Power house is also located in the area which exposes slates and quartzite. The
slates and quartzite may provide good foundation material. However, properly
planned treatments may have to be implemented if conglomerate is encountered in
the foundation as these are expected to be weak foundation material with high
permeability. Therefore, proper treatment would be required to make the
foundation suitable for the power house. A divide wall separating the spillway and
the power house area shall be provided.

6.6.2 The power house will have installation of 3 generating units of 50 MW each with
Francis type turbine. The units are spaced at 15.1 m centre to centre. About 29 m
width of power house towards tail race side will be situated ahead of flip bucket
end of spillway. During opening of spillway gate area around the close vicinity of
the trajectory of water sheet coming up from the flip bucket will be full of spray
like tiny water droplets swirling with rushing wind from both sides. A gap of 20 m
has therefore been kept between the spillway end of power house and right side
training wall of spillway. The centre line of distributor is kept at EL 440.2 m. The
minimum tail water level (TWL) is envisaged as EL 445 m. One electrically
operated overhead traveling crane of suitable capacity (EOT) is provided for
handling the heavy parts. In addition to generator and turbine floor, the machine
hall will be provided with 2 more floors. All the floors will be suitably connected


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 67
by staircases and elevator. The width of the machine hall is kept as 20.5 m, the
length of service bay is kept as 22 m and is connected by an approach road from
the main road. Generator floor level has been kept at EL 451.8 m. River bed level
near power house is slightly below EL 440 m and the river is not narrow. Even
under probable maximum flood of 14,730 cumecs water level is not expected to
rise more than 7 to 8 m from river bed. Therefore the maximum tail water level of
power house is not likely to become more than 447/448 m. The control room, LT
room, battery room, cable spreading room, stores etc. are located on the upstream
side of the machine hall. Each unit will be provided with a spherical valve at the

6.6.3 For the maintenance of the units, each unit has been provided with vertical slide
gate with hydraulic hoist.

6.6.4 3 nos., 11/220 kV, 3-phase, 62.5 MVA step up transformers, one 3-phase 220/66
kV, 5 MVA station auxiliary transformer, one 3-phase, 220/132 kV
Interconnecting transformer and two 3-phase, 66/11 kV, 2.5 MVA station
transformers will be located on the draft tube side of the power house. A 220 kV
surface switchyard will be located by the side of the power house for evacuation of
power from Tizu H.E. Project. Cross section and plan at turbine floor of the power
house are shown in drawing no. NP-PFR-TZ-605 and NP-PFR-TZ-606. A
conceptual single line diagram of the switchyard is given in Chapter VIII on power
6.6.5 The conceptual layout and planning presented in this report has been examined and
vetted by CWC as per copy attached as Annexure 6.1.

6.7.1 Three (3) numbers vertical shaft Francis type turbine of 50 MW rating with
synchronous speed of 187.5 rpm and bhp of 87000 is proposed for a design head of
52m and design discharge of 106.6 m/s. The runner exit diameter is around 3850
mm and inlet diameter is 3350 mm. Provision will be made to remove the runner
from the bottom side for repairs/ replacement as and when needed. Rotor weight is
expected to be 220 MT.


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 68
6.7.2 Minimum Tail Water Level above distributor centre line, under one unit opening at
full load condition, is 4.8m above the distributor centre line which is at EL 440.2
m. The stator frame diameter may be as big as 8.4 m.

A short length of tail race channel will discharge the tail waters of Tizu power
house back to Tizu river. It has not been possible to work out the layout of tail
race on the basis of 1:50,000 maps available at present. This will be done during
DPR stage when larger scale toposheets will be available. Suitable provision would
be made to maintain minimum tail water level.

Large-scale topographical maps are to be prepared for various components of
the project by conducting detailed topographical survey.
Requirement of construction sluices may be examined during DPR stage.
Detailed geological investigations are to be carried out in the form of
geological mapping, geo-physical examination and drilling.
Diversion arrangements including estimation of diversion flood needs to be
reviewed during DPR stage based on additional G&D data and field
Location of dam site may be reviewed during DPR stage with reference to
additional data obtained from further investigation.
Based on geological investigations and large scale topographical maps and
stage discharge curve of the river energy dissipation arrangements may please
be reviewed during DPR stage. Model studies need to be carried out for energy
dissipation arrangement.
Seismic studies are to be carried out during the DPR stage.
Based on IMD data flood estimates to be a carried out during DPR stage.
Tail water rating curves are to be established.
Potential quarry sites are identified to establish availability of suitable
construction materials.


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Chapter VII
Power Potential Studies


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7.1.1 Tizu H.E. Project is situated on Tizu river in Kiphire district of Nagaland. This
project is envisaged as a storage scheme with a moderate reservoir to absorb excess
water in the reservoir during monsoon season and to utilize the inflow of the river
and the live storage for peaking during the lean season. It envisages about 88 m
high concrete gravity dam located at about 1.5 km downstream of the confluence
of river Tizu and Zungki near village Longmatare.
7.1.2 The proposed dam site on Tizu river offers prospect for a moderate sized reservoir.
On the basis of available 1:50,000 toposheets covering the site with contour
intervals at 20 m, an assessment of storage capacity of reservoir at various
elevations were made and the results are shown in Table 7.3. The bed level of the
river at Dam site is expected to be EL 440 m.

7.2.1 No gauge and discharge data of Tizu river is available for the period March 1982
to May 1993 near Longmatare. Similarly, the gauge and discharge data of Zungki
River is also available for the period March 1982 to April 1994 near Longmatare.
The 10 daily water availability statement has been developed by using this data.
The gauge and discharge data of the period April 1991 to July 1991 and June 1993
to April 1994 is not available at Tizu river, however gauge and discharge data for
the same period is available at river Zungki. A co-relation has been made between
monthly discharge data of Tizu and Zungki rivers for the period 1982 to 1993.
7.2.2 Although the project will have a storage reservoir, in the absence of large scale
maps of the proposed reservoir area in 1:10,000 or 5,000 scale, it has not been
possible to assess the reservoir level, at the end of each month / each fortnight
while making power potential studies. Nevertheless, for making reasonable
estimation of available power potential, it has been considered that during the
monsoon season from June to October after utilization of the inflow for power
generation, the excess inflow will be stored in the storage reservoir and during the
lean months the inflows together with the live storage will be utilized for
generation in the power station of proposed Tizu HE Project. No carry over of


ISO 9001-2000
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storage from year to year is envisaged in power potential studies. Hence reservoir
operation is made on annual basis. As this is a storage scheme with dam toe power
house with provision of low level sluice type spillway gates no desilting
arrangement has been proposed. However, during survey and investigation for
DPR stage, requirement of any desilting basin would be examined.
Discharge data thus arrived has been used for carrying out power potential studies
and unrestricted energy generation has been calculated for all the 12 years and
arranged in descending order. Then the percentage dependability has been
calculated corresponding to each year as per the formula n/n+1x10percentage,
where n is the total number of years. Hence the year corresponding to 90%
dependability has been selected as the 90% dependable years. The discharge data
for 90% dependable year and 50% dependable year are given in Table 7.14 and
7.12 respectively. Evaporation loss is assumed as 0.10 Mcum from May to
September for PFR studies. However during DPR stage actual evaporation loss
would be worked out.

The bed level of the river at dam site is approximately EL 440 m. Considering the
silt flow in the river, the new zero level has been arrived at as EL 446.4 m and
457.0 m considering the volume of silt likely to be deposited in 70 years
respectively (average silt level is assessed at 1.0 mm/year). The invert of the
penstock at the intake is fixed at EL 473.35 m. For a penstock of 4.3 m diameter
considering the water cushion over the bell mouth and head variation for Francis
type of turbine MDDL is fixed at EL 480 m.

During the site visit to the proposed dam site and reservoir area, it was observed
that reasonably good abutment on both the banks with rocks belonging to quartzite
with phyllite bands are present at the proposed dame site. Hard rocks may also be
available at shallow depth in the river bed, which could be assessed by geological
exploration during DPR stage. Considering that the project falls in seismic zone V
of India, the height of the dam was restricted to 100 m. Keeping the top of the dam
at EL 528 m the height of the dam above river bed works out to 88 m.


ISO 9001-2000
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Having fixed the MDDL at EL 480, from the consideration of type of dam and
seismicity zone of the project, the height of the dam has been restricted to 88 m
above the bed level so as to avoid submergence of a bridge along state highway
leading to Kohima across river Tizu. The top of the dam works out to EL 528.
Accordingly the FRL is kept at EL 525 m, which gives a live storage of 569.42
Mcum. By keeping FRL at EL 525 m no submergence of any village etc. is
envisaged. A map of Tizu river system showing project features is placed as
Annexure 7.1.

A surface power house is proposed on the toe of the dam at the left bank of river
Tizu. At this location the bed level of the river is observed as EL 440 m. The
lowest level of the power house is kept as EL 429.2 m. With a provision of 1.5 m
thick concrete below the draft tube, the lowest level of draft tube would be around
EL 430.7 m. As Francis type turbine is proposed for this project, by a rough
estimate, the height of centerline of the unit from the lowest level of draft tube
would be around 9.5 m. The centerline of the unit works out to EL 440.2 m. The
minimum tail water level works out to EL 445 m considering the suction head
required. During HFL conditions of the river, the maximum tail water level is not
likely to go above EL 447 m to 448 m. Normal tail water level considered in power
potential study is EL 445 m.
The FRL of the reservoir is kept at EL 525 m and MDDL is EL 480 m which gives
a live storage of 569.42 Mcum. It is presumed that every year the level of the
reservoir would be brought down to MDDL level in May. During the monsoon
season the excess water would be stored in the reservoir in such a manner that FRL
is reached by September / October. During the lean season i.e. from November to
March when the inflow is low, the stored water along with the inflow is utilized to
have peak generation for certain hours in a day. Power potential studies have been
done with an assumption that there is no carryover of water in the reservoir from
one year to other year. At PFR stage in the absence of data an average evaporation
loss of 0.10 Mcum/month is considered during summer / monsoon season.


ISO 9001-2000
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However, during DPR stage when more information would be available actual
evaporation loss would be considered.
As mentioned above, mainly on the basis of new zero level and topographical
conditions, MDDL has been fixed at EL 480 m. Full reservoir level has been fixed
at EL 525 m in order to store additional inflow during monsoon season (June to
October) and to utilize the same during lean period to maximize the generation.
The live storage in the reservoir works out to 569.42 M.Cum. This will be
equivalent to 9,7843 MW-hrs during monsoon season and 7,4732 MW-hrs during
lean season.
Centre line of the unit is proposed at EL 442 m. Head loss in the water conductor
system corresponding to a discharge of 86.31 cumecs has been computed
approximately as 0.81m. The net operating head for the turbines has been derived
from the following formula:
Net operating Head = MDDL+2/3(FRL-MDDL) -TWL - Head loss
= 480+2/3(525-480)-445-0.81
= 64.19 m
Combined efficiency of turbine and generator for Francis type of turbine is taken
as 92%.

Computer studies for power output and energy generation on monthly basis for the
90% dependable year and 50% dependable year are given in Tables 7.14 and
From these tables it could be seen that monthly average power during lean season
is 30.38 MW in a 90% dependable year and 36.37 MW in a 50% dependable year
based on regulated discharge from the reservoir. For determining optimum size of
installed capacity, annual energy with varying installed capacities from 130 MW to
170 MW were calculated for 90% and 50% dependable year. The outcome of such
assessment is shown in Table 7.14, 7.14a, 7.12 and 7.12a. The firm power during


ISO 9001-2000
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lean season is 30.38 MW in a 90% dependable year and 36.37 MW in a 50%
dependable year. Considering a peaking of 5 hours an installed capacity of 150
MW is selected.
The unrestricted energy generation in a 90% dependable year 1992 (year XI) and
50% dependable year 1990 (year IX) is also shown in Table nos. 7.14 and 7.12
respectively. Based on reservoir operation, total energy generation for 150 MW
installed capacity in a 90% dependable year and 50% dependable year is 568.41
MU and 706.08 MU respectively. Energy generation unrestricted and restricted to
150 MW installed capacity for other 10 years out of 12 years of synthetic discharge
series derived (1982 to year 1993) for Tizu H.E. Project are shown in Tables 7.4 to
7.15 respectively.
Tizu HE project is planned as a peaking station. Considering the parameters of
economy, operating efficiency, maintenance, optimum utilization of inflow,
transport limitation etc. 3 units of 50 MW each having Francis type of turbine have
been proposed for Tizu HE project.
7.13 The power potential studies presented in this report has been examined and vetted
by CEA as per copy attached as Annexure 7.1.
Tizu HE project is envisaged as a storage scheme.
Live storage = 569.42 Mcum.
Water availability in a 90% dependable year is 3393.40 Mcum.
Installation = 3 x 50 MW Francis type turbine
Average Net Head in 90% dependable year = 75.17 m (Monsoon Season)
= 57.38 (Lean Season)
Annual energy generation in a 90 % dependable year = 568.41 MU
Energy for tariff with 95% availability = 568.41 MU
Firm Power = 30.38 MW
Peaking during lean season = 5 hrs


ISO 9001-2000
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Lean flow load factor = 20.25 (90% dependable year)
Annual load factor = 43.26 (90% dependable year)
As the PFR has been made on the basis of 1:50000 Survey of India map
with 20 m contour interval, further studies with large scale survey maps
would be desired to determine exact level of FRL keeping in view the
submergence of structure etc. if any involved.
A gauge discharge site needs to be established to collect G&D and
sedimentation data at dam site, as G & D site at Longmatare no longer
Geological investigation are required to be conducted at dam site in terms
of drill holes as well as geophysical examination in order to ascertain the
depth of overburden and depth of rock strata in abutments as well as in the
river bed.
Availability of construction material viz. location of quarry site etc. and
suitability of the same needs to be ascertained by testing the samples from
reputed laboratories.


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Chapter VIII
Power Evacuation


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 77

8.1.1 Nagaland is located in mountainous terrain gifted with South-West monsoon rain at
an average rate of 200 cm per year spreading from June to October. Nagaland is one
of the States endowed with all the characteristics suitable for the development of
hydro power. The breakup of installed capacity (MW) in the State as on 31.1.2003 is
as under:

Thermal Ownership
Total Hydro
Coal Gas Diesel
Wind Nuclear
State 30.36 28.20 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.16* 0.00
Private 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Central 94.00 75.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 0.00
Total 124.36 103.2 0.0 19.00 2.00 21.00 0.16 0.00
Note - * Bio Mass Gassifire
Source Ministry of Power Annual Report 2002-2003

8.1.2 North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO), a Govt. of India undertaking,
has recently commissioned its 75 MW Doyang HE project in Nagaland enhancing
the total installed capacity to 124.36 MW.
8.1.3 A power map of North-eastern region prepared by PGCIL is enclosed as Annexure
8.1 which shows 400 kV, 220 kV and 132 kV transmission systems already existing
and under construction in this region. The132 kV network is proposed in Nagaland
to cover all parts of the State. This 132 kV state grid will be augmented as necessary
for supplying power to different parts of the State from new hydro-electric projects.
8.2.1 The 50,000 MW Hydro-electric Power initiative prepared by the Ministry of Power,
Government of India has identified 41 hydro-electric projects with a total capacity of
5718 MW for development in the North-eastern region as Category A schemes.
Out of these, 3 schemes are in Nagaland. NEEPCO has been entrusted with the
preparation of pre-feasibility studies for 18 schemes in the North-eastern region
which includes the 3 schemes in Nagaland.


ISO 9001-2000
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8.2.2 The peak load requirement of Nagaland at the end of tenth plan has been assessed by
CEA in Sixteenth Electric Power Survey as 98 MW and as 141 MW at end of eleventh
plan. The requirements for north-east region as a whole are assessed as 1875 MW at
end of tenth plan and 2789 MW at end of eleventh plan. As the total power generated
from all hydro-electric schemes in the north-east region will be around 33,000 MW,
the bulk of the power generated by these hydro-electric projects including those in
Nagaland will have to be exported to different load centers of Northern, Southern and
Western regions of the country for meeting peak loads in a predominantly thermal
power grid. The power generated from the Nagaland schemes will therefore need to be
brought to Misa in Assam for transmission to other regions on PGCIL network.
8.2.3 It has been indicated by PGCIL that power generated by the various hydro electric
schemes in Nagaland will have to be pooled at strategic location from where they can
be brought to Misa grid station through high capacity transmission system for onward
transmission outside the region. For these high capacity lines, technologies like 800
kV, 600 kV HVDC bipole lines and other state of art technologies like multi-circuit
towers, very high conductor temperature lines using conductors like INVAR will need
to be explored. PGCIL in due course will decide appropriate technologies for
maximum utilization of the limited right of way available in the chicken neck area in
the Darjeeling district of West Bengal where national highways, railway lines and
existing transmission lines are already jostling for space.
8.2.4 The 150 MW power from Tizu HE Project will be evacuated to Dimapur grid station
through 220 kV double circuit lines and to Meluri substation through 132 kV double
circuit lines for onward transmission to the National Grid. The proposed power
evacuation facility is shown in the single line diagram at Annexure 8.2. This
evacuation scheme is only indicative and the voltage levels, line configuration and
routing etc. will be determined by detailed power system studies on the basis of total
power to be transmitted. Since the transmission lines will pass through mountainous
terrain and thick forest area, right of way problems will have to be taken into
consideration for determining the line route and configuration etc.
8.2.5 The construction power for Tizu HEP will be supplied from 132/66 kV Kiphire
substation on 66 kV line.


ISO 9001-2000
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8.2.6 A single line diagram showing the proposed 220 kV surface switchyard
configuration at Tizu H. E. Project is attached as Annexure 8.3.
8.2.7 The power evacuation scheme proposed in this report has been examined and
vetted by CEA as per copy attached as Annexure 8.4.


ISO 9001-2000
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Chapter IX


ISO 9001-2000
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The salient features of the proposed 150 MW Tizu H.E. project are given below.

Site Information
9.1.1 Tizu H.E. project is proposed on Tizu river and is located 1.5km downstream of
the confluence of Zungki river with Tizu river in Meluri Circle of Phek district of
Nagaland. The proposed scheme is located between latitude 25
46' 41" N and
longitude 94
26' 16" E and an 88m high concrete dam is proposed on the Tizu
river near Longmatare town at EL 460m. The power house is proposed on the right
bank at the toe of the dam with envisaged power generation of 150 MW.

Geographical Location
9.1.2 Town/Village : Longmatare
Tehsil/Circle : Meluri
District : Phek
State : Nagaland

The dam site is about 4 km away from the nearest town Longmatare, which is
linked, with Kohima, the state capital by a metalled road via Akhegwo, Meluri,
Jessami and Chizami towns. The location of the dam site and powerhouse is given
in Annexures 9.1 and 9.2.

The proposed reservoir would lead to submergence of about 1625.66 ha of land
with FRL at 525m. Out of the total area likely to be submerged 628.26 ha would be
submerged in Tizu river catchment and 997.40 ha in Zungki river catchment. The
tail of the proposed reservoir is likely to extend up to 26.43 km in Tizu river and
about 20.08 km in Zungki river.


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 82
9.3.1 Tizu river system is comprised of Tizu river, Zungki river, Ther or Viratai river
and Laniya Ru. Tizu and Zungki rivers predominantly flow in NE-SW direction
while Viratai river and Laniya Ru flow in S-N and SW-NE direction. Tizu and
Zungki river originate from Nangrongtopi Reserved Forest draining the opposite
slopes i.e. western and eastern slopes, respectively, of the Holipong Naghuto ridge
(2,280m). Tizu river generally flows in NE-SW and NS direction. It is joined by its
first left bank tributary Tsutha or Tita river. Tusu Ru is the first right bank
tribuatry. After passing by Phek town it changes its course to NE-SE direction and
is joined by its largest right bank Ngai Ru or Laniya Ru. Tizu river hereafter
defines the boundary between the state of Nagaland and Manipur. Tizu river now
makes a large loop along the border till it is joined by another right bank trubutary
Ther or Viratai river. After the confluence of Viratai river Tizu river starts flowing
in SW-NE direction and is joined by Zungki river near Lomgmatra town.
9.3.3 Laniya Ru originates as Langdang Khong in the vicinity of Ukhrul town in
Manipur, the district headquarters. Landdang Khong is joined by Talao Khong and
Marang Lok and then flows as Langdang Turen in northward direction. After
flowing for a certain distance it takes westward turn and is joined by Mesangkong
Lok on its left bank. Langdang Turen again turns northward and is joined by Khu
Lok and Wondi or Akhong Lok near the turn. Along its northward journey as Laini
Lok it is joined on its left bank by Shotoroi Kheri. Further downstream it is joined
on its left bank by Kuwa Ru to become Ngai river or Laniya Ru. Kuwa Ru/Knobari
N. receives drainage from Tachola Ri and Tuphale R. Ther/Thetsi or Viratai R.
originates as Chamnu Turel in Manipur and flows in northward direction.
9.3.2 Zungki river is flows as Langnyu river in upper stretches. It is known as Teknyu
Sao near its origin and then flows as Makao R. later downstream. Langnyu river
flows in NE-SW direction up to its confluence with Tizu river. Zungki/Langnyu
river is joined by Zungki N./Yei R. on its right bank. Zungki N. rises in the vicinity
of Holipong Naghuto ridge as Hutangke N. and is joined by Hukir N., Langa N.
and Horungi N. before its confluence with Zungki river. Zungki river is joined on
its left bank by Chokla R. and Longzungte N. up to its confluence with Tizu river.
Tizu river from its origin up to the dam site traverses a distance of about 165 km


ISO 9001-2000
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while Zungki river traverses a distance of 102.67 km. The catchment area of Tizu
river up to the proposed dam site is 5,693.71 sq km.
9.4.1 Most predominant mode of energy release in the eastern Himalayan belt and the
Arakan Yoma is by thrust faulting which is attributed to activity along all the
major thrusts. However, to some extent strike-slip and normal faulting is also
taking place along the transverse features. Sometimes away from the major thrusts,
on the continental side of the lithosphere, tensions might also prevail and leading
to the release of seismic energy through normal faulting.
9.4.2 It is evident that thrust fault mechanism prevails in the region. In a geologically
fragile situation like Himalaya, the thrust fault environment provides a suitable
setup from seismicity point of view, because in this situation Reservoir Induced
Seismicity (RIS) is reduced after the impoundment in a reservoir. The project area
falls under zone-V of the seismic zoning map of India (IS:1893-1984).

9.5.1 The landuse/landcover pattern within 7 km radius of proposed dam site was
interpreted from LISS-III scene of Path/Row 114/53 of 27-Jan-2003 and PAN A
scene of Path/Row 114/53 of 23-Dec-2001. LISS and PAN scenes of area covering
7 km radius of project site are given in Annexures 9.3 and 9.4. The level 1
classified landuse/landcover maps prepared from these two scenes is given in
Annexure 9.5. Area covered by various landuse/landcover types is given in Table
9.1 and Annexure 9.6. It is evident that predominant landuse in the vicinity of
project area is forest. The forest cover of this area is more than 50% out of which
dense forest constitute about 33% and the remaining area (17%) is covered by open
forests. Area under scrub forest also is comprised of 10% of the reporting area. The
practice of shifting cultivation has severely degraded the forest cover and forests
are mainly secondary in nature. Therefore, area under shifting cultivation both
current and old jhum accounts for more than 21% of the area with 13% under


ISO 9001-2000
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current jhum and 8% under old jhum. As both the rivers have wide flood plains,
the river and flood plains also constitute a sizable percent of total landcover (4%).

Table 9.1 Area (ha) under different landuse/landcover categories
in 7 km radius area of Tizu H.E. project
Landuse/landcover category Area (ha)
Dense Forest 6987.88
Open Forest 3610.99
Scrub 2103.78
Current Jhum 2879.22
Old Jhum/ Barren Fallow 1803.30
Settlements/ Cultivation 3341.67
River/Floodplains 973.85

Dense Forest Open Forest Scrub Current Jhum Old Jhum/Barren Fallow Settlement/Cultivation River
Annexure 9.6 Percent area under various landuse/landcover categories in 7km radius
area of Tizu H.E. project


ISO 9001-2000
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Of the total 1,625.66 ha of land to be submerged, more than 37% of the land is
either under open forests or under dense forest cover (Fig. 9.6). About 10% of the
submergence area is under scrub forest. Land under shifting cultivation comprised
of current and old jhum landuse constitutes 23% of the land to be submerged. As
much as 19% (324 ha) of land likely to be submerged is under river and its flood
plain landcover.

9.6.1 The forest cover in the vicinity of the project site is comprised of Mixed Tropical
Wet Evergreen and Riverine Semi-evergreen type of forest. The forests on right
bank of Tizu river are of Mixed Tropical Semi-evergreen and of Deciduous type.
The tree canopy of these forests is comprised of Bauhinia sp., Callicarpa arborea,
Chukrasia tabularis, Duabanga grandiflora, Schima wallichii, etc. Bamboos, wild
banana and tree fern (Cyathea spinulosa) form dense thickets in lower portions of
the slopes in the catchment. The second storey vegetation is comprised of
Bischofia javanica, Cinnamomum sp., Leea sp., Rhamnus sp. and Ricinus
communis. The climbers are represented by species of Dioscorea and Mucuna.

9.6.2 Left bank slopes of Tizu river have scanty forest cover with barren patches
comprised of secondary vegetation on steep slopes subjected to jhum cultivation.
Almost entire catchment of Tizu river is adversely affected by shifting cultivation
and only a few patches have good forest which is again secondary in nature. The
first storey of these forests is comprised of species like Albizia procera, Artocarpus
chaplasha, Canarium bengalense, Duabanga grandiflora, Lagerstroemia speciosa,
Melia azedarach, Schima wallichii and Toona ciliata. Thickets of tall bamboos
(Bambusa spp.) and some woody plants like Bauhinia vareigata, Callicarpa
arborea, Eupatorium odoratum, etc. are found in the under storey. The climbers
are represented by the species like Smilax aspericaulis, Stephania glabra, Vigna
adenthera, etc. The herbaceous flora is mainly comprised of weedy species like
Ageratum conyzoides, Ajuga bracteosa, Arundinella nepalensis, Bidens wallichii,
Centella asiatica, Conyza japonica, Crepis japonica, Crassocephalum


ISO 9001-2000
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crepidioides, Digitaria setigera, Oxalis corniculata, Saccharum procerum, etc.
The palntations of Pinus kesiya are found in the catchment.

9.6.3 In the submergence area dense to open canopy Mixed deciduous tropical forest are
found. The tree cover is comprised of species like is Albizia lebbeck, Artocarpus
chiplasha, Bauhinia vareigata, Bombax ceiba, Cassia fistula, Chukrassia
tabularis, Endospermum chinensis, Erythrina arborescens, Ficus nervosa, Lannea
coromandelica, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Melia azedarach, Spondias axillaris,
Toona ciliata, etc. The second storey of the vegetation is represented by some
woody climbers and few thickets of tall and small bamboo species. Capparis
olacifolia, Derris elegans, Hiptage benghalensis, Lasianthus wallichii and Vigna
adentherta, etc. are important climbing and trailing plants in these forests. Grasses
are represented by species like Arundinella nepalensis, Carex sp., Saccharum
procerum and Thysanolaena latifolia.
9.7.1 The practice of shifting cultivation has led to degradation of forests and the
habitats of different animal populations. However, there are still large tracts of land
under forest in the catchment area of Tizu river especially in southern and eastern
parts of the catchment, which harbour a number of animal species. Among the
mammals, major cats like tiger, leopard, and clouded leopard are reported to occur
in these areas. Mithun (Bos frontalis) and Flying squirrel are the other common
mammals found in the area. Some of them are endangered mammalian species like
Melurses ursinus (Sloth Bear), Prionodon pardicolor (Spotted linsang, Tiger-
civet), Panthera tigris (Tiger), Macaca assamensis are also found in the densely
forested patches. However, no major mammalian species were encountered during
the field surveys. Reptiles are represented by species like Monitor lizard, Tortoise,
Python (reticulate), King cobra, Common krait, Banded krait, Viper and Common
9.7.2 The bird fauna of the region is represented by more than 500 species many of
which are endangered and endemic to this region. The state as a whole harbours
richest diversity of pheasants with as many as 10 species found occurring here.
During the field visit very few species bird species were sighted. There is also a
rich diversity of amphibians and fishes in the region. Fish fauna is represented by


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Catla, Rohu, Mrigal, Common carps, etc are the main fishes of fishery importance
in the area. Most commonly found fishes are Glytothorax sinense, Acrossocheilus
spp., Amblyceps mangois, Labeo dero, Neolissochilus hexagonolobus, Poropuntius
clavatus, Puntius ticto ticto, Barilius barila, Danio naganensis, Raiamus guttatus,
Garra kempi, G. naganensis, G. nastuta, Mystus bleekeri, Mastacembelus armatus,
Chana orientalis, Shcistura manipurensis, etc.

9.8.1 The proposed project lies in the Meluri Circle of Phek district. No part of the
submergence area would lie in any protected area and only unclassified forest land
would be submerged.
9.8.2 There are no sites or monuments of archaeological or national importance, which
would be affected by the project activities directly or indirectly.

9.9.1 The human population in the project area is comprised mainly of tribal population
and the villages are located mainly at higher elevations. There are no human
settlements in the immediate vicinity of the dam site, however, there are a number
of settlements/villages within 5 as well as 10 km radius of the project. Longmatare,
Pungro, Ngoromi, Vongti, Sataza, Honito and Hutsu are some of the main
villages/towns in the area. The human population and number as per the 2001
census up to different aerial distances from the project are given below.
Up to 2 km from Up to 2-5 km Up to 5-10 km
Population Nil 10633 13616
Households Nil 2101 3352

The proposed Tizu H.E. project would result in the submergence of 1,625.66 ha of
land area with FRL at 525m, which would include part of river and its flood plains


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and stretches of area under dense as well as open forests. Out of the total area
likely to be submerged 628.26 ha would be submerged in Tizu river catchment and
997.40 ha in Zungki river catchment. The tail of the proposed reservoir is likely to
extend up to 26.43 km in Tizu river and about 20.08 km in Zungki river. Even
though no human habitation is likely to be inundated due to the proposed reservoir,
but large tracts of forest land is likely to be submerged. Therefore, formulation of
appropriate relief and rehabilitation plan would be required.

The creation of a large reservoir might hamper the movement of wildlife in the
area, therefore, appropriate management plan for the same delineating various
conservation measures would be required in order to mitigate the impact of the
project on biodiversity and wildlife. However, the creation of large reservoir would
help in development of fisheries in the area. During the formulation of
Environment Management Plan this aspect would require important consideration.
As large land area is likely to be submerged and even though no human settlement
would be submerged due to the reservoir, the indirect impact on the human
population due to the other project related activities like acquisition of land, etc.
would require preparation of a proper Relief & Rehabilitation plan for the
indirectly affected population.


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Tizu HE Project has been proposed on the main Tizu river and is located 1.5 km
downstream of confluence of Tizu and Zungki. A concrete gravity dam 88 m high is
proposed at latitude 94 26' 16" E and 25 46' 41" N. The deepest bed level of the
river at dam site is around EL 440 m. The installed capacity of the power house
located at the toe of the dam has been determined as 150 MW with three units of 50
MW each.

10.2.1 The dam is proposed to be located near Longmatare which is located at a distance
of about 35 km from Meluri which in turn is connected by metalled road i.e.
national highway to Kohima, the state capital. The national highway connecting
Meluri to Kohima is about 160 km long. The nearest railway station and civil
airport is at Dimapur which is about 270 km away from the proposed dam site.
Meluri and Kohima are business centers located near the project.

10.3.1 The existing road from Longmatare to Meluri and national highway from Meluri to
Kohima, though black topped is only single lane width at a number of stretches the
condition of the road is not suitable for transportation of heavy construction /
permanent equipment. This road needs to be improved quite a bit at a number of
places including at curves and at intervals for crossing of vehicles. Some of the
culverts are also to be upgraded to 70 R loading.
10.4.1 There is footpath from Longmatare to the dam site which would be converted into
a project road suitable for traffic of heavy mechanized equipment and for transport
of electro-mechanical equipment for the power house. The project road would
cross a number of small streams, which would be crossed by culverts designed for
70 R loading. The length of the new road is expected to be around 5 km.
10.4.2 It is proposed to locate the powerhouse on the left bank of River Tizu as space is
available on the left bank only. The diversion tunnel will, also be located on the
right bank. A temporary bridge across River Tizu will be necessary for primary


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access to the power house. The bridge would be dismantled when the dam comes
10.5.1 The main project components are the 88 m high concrete gravity dam, a diversion
tunnel for construction of the dam and a dam toe powerhouse. Construction
facilities would be located near Longmatare village. The construction facilities
would include concrete batching and mixing plant, main stores (covered and
uncovered), workshop for maintenance of project equipment etc. The main project
colony including offices and permanent and temporary residences for project staff
would also be located close to Longmatare village.
10.5.2 It would be convenient to have a small storage facility at the dam site along with
large covered shed for safe storage of electro-mechanical equipment for the power
house. In case suitable space near the dam site is not available, all the construction
facilities as well as the project headquarters will be located near village
Longmatare. This aspect would be examined in detail during survey and
investigation for DPR stage. The contractors construction camp could be partly
near village Longmatare and partly near dam site.
10.5.3 A small magazine for explosives would be established on the right bank of river
Tizu at a suitable location between village Longmatare and the dam site for
servicing the requirements of the diversion tunnel and other works.

Main construction activities proposed to be taken up are construction of concrete
dam, diversion tunnel and power house. A number of access roads 5/7 m width to
provide easy access to different project components would be constructed as
detailed below:
a) Access road from link road to river bed of concrete
damto construction site of dam site
1.0 km
b) Access road to diversion tunnel portal 1.0 km
c) Access road to colony 1.0 km
d) Access road to quarry sites 1.0 km
e) Access road to dumping areas 0.5 km
f) Access road to magazine 1.0 km
g) Access road to storage yard 1.0 km
Total length of access roads 6.5 km


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10.7.1 The construction of the project is proposed to be undertaken through modern
construction equipment in order to save time. Major construction activities
involved are 88 m high dam, diversion tunnel for construction of dam, penstock
and power house. All the construction activities are to be taken up in a coordinated
manner so as to complete the project in a time bound manner. Contractors of high
repute will be deployed for achieving the targets in time. Departmental operations
shall remain restricted to infrastructure development, overall supervision, quantity
and quality monitoring, financial control and other construction aspects covering
industrial relations and safety aspects etc.
Project Headquarters
10.7.2 Project headquarter is proposed near village Longmatare as it is located on the
metalled road from Meluri and Kohima. Project office building, residential
complex for the project staff, guest house, transit camp and other utility services
like shopping centre, club, community centre etc will be developed at the project
headquarters. Residential and non-residential buildings are proposed to be
constructed mostly in triple / double storey blocks so as to accommodate maximum
staff at one place with minimum area coverage.
Semi Permanent / Temporary Accommodation
10.7.3 The facilities / structures, which shall be required only during the construction
stage of the project have been planned to be temporary nature for which design and
specification would be made accordingly. Such facility is planned at village
Longmatare for dam, diversion tunnel and power house activities. The structures
will include ware houses, site offices for dam complex and power house and
contractors main colony. A small workshop, store and contractors colony will be
established near the dam site.

Workshop, Fabrication Shop, Storage Yard
10.7.4 Central workshop for heavy earth moving equipment and transport vehicles would
be located and set up near village Longmatare. The workshop will be adequately


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fenced with control of operation through entry and exit gates. The main parking
and maintenance yard would be created within this central workshop.

10.7.5 Fabrication shop for penstocks and storage yard for storage of power house
permanent equipment would be created near village Longmatare as sufficient flat
land near power house site is not available. A double Nissan shed is proposed at
village Longmatare for safe storage of powerhouse equipment.

10.7.6 Main warehouse for cement, steel and other materials including chemicals to be
procured by contractor would be located at village Longmatare and would cater to
the requirements of all the complexes.
One explosive magazine of 20 T capacity along with proportionate capacity of
detonators is proposed at a suitable location near the dam site to cater to the
requirements of diversion tunnel and any other requirements.
School and Primary Health Care Centre
10.9.1 School and Primary health care centre for project staff would be created close to
the Project head quarters at village Longmatare.
Bank and Post Office
10.9.2 A branch of a nationalized bank needs to be opened near the project head quarters
complex at Longmatare.
Petrol Pump
10.9.3 A petrol pump for providing petrol, diesel and lubricants to project vehicles /
equipment is proposed to be established at village Longmatare. The filling station
will have storage capacity for 12 kL petrol and 24 kL of diesel at a time. It will
also stock lubricants and small quantities of fast running spares for light vehicles at
the project site.


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Water Supply
10.9.4 The raw water for construction purpose would be pumped from river Tizu. Suitable
water tanks at elevated locations would be constructed for supplying water for
construction needs.
10.9.5 The water supply for the project headquarters complex, labour camps at dam site
and power house site would be arranged by pumping the water from Tizu river
which would be treated and distributed as piped supply.
10.10.1 Construction power supply arrangement considering main activity of
construction and power required for project head quarters complex would be
made as under:
Power requirements for Tizu H.E. Project is divided into two parts
(i) Construction power for main works will be arranged by the contractors at
their work sites from 11 kV supply to be provided by the project, at dam
and power house site. Standby power supply arrangement shall be made by
the contractors.
(ii) Power requirement for construction and maintenance of infrastructure /
works which comprise :
a) Office complexes
b) Residential blocks
c) Primary health centre School, Guest house, Transit Camp, Recreation
Centre etc.
d) Lighting and illumination load
e) Commercial complexes

Construction power at 11 kV level would be arranged by the project. Peak
load power requirement for Tizu H.E. Project is estimated as about 5 MW.
The nearest substation is at Kiphire (66 kV). Project would construct step
down arrangement from 66 kV to 11 kV.

10.10.2 In order to avoid disruption of work at site, D.G. sets of following rating may be
installed by the contractors as given below:


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Dam Site - 2 x 312.5 kVA
Project Head Quarters at - 1 x 312.5 kVA (To be arranged by the Project)
Village Longmatare
10.11.1 Large hydro electric projects need a reliable communication system so as to
achieve timely completion of various project activities. No P&T communication
system exists in the project area. Therefore, project will need its own
independent interference free, communication system comprising the whole area
of the dam and power house site and project head quarters at village Longmatare.
Facilities at village Longmatare will be further interlinked to facilitate
communication between any location of the project from within and outside the
project area. The communication system proposed is as under:

1. Both the 66/11 kV sub-stations at the project sites will be connected with
Kiphire 66 kV substation through PLCC.
2. Local EPABX of 100 lines at project head quarters covering project head
quarters and dam/ power house complex.
3. Interconnection of EPABX system with radio / wireless / cables technology
in the manner to cover the whole project area under an umbrella to enable
communication from any part of the project to any other location within the
project including from the sites and mobile vehicles.
4. Satellite linked communication system at project head quarters, dam site
and power house site with head quarters.

Topographical surveys in respect of Project roads are to be carried out
during DPR stage.
Land required fro various project components and infrastructure
facilities are to be identified during DPR stage.
Land for project colony, storage yard, explosive magazine etc. are to be
identified during DPR stage.


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Logistic survey is to be carried out in order to identify the areas of
roads that are to be improved / widened and bridges and culverts to be
Construction power arrangements are to be firmed up during DPR


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Construction Planning and Schedule


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11.1.1 This chapter deals with the construction methods and the implementation planning
proposed for the main components of the project in order to suitably match with
the construction schedule envisaged. The types, sizes and number of equipment /
machinery required for construction of each component is broadly based on the
nature and volume of work to be carried out apart from the location of the
component. The planning of equipment is aimed to have least possible variety of
equipment for efficient control and optimum utilization of equipment. A project of
such magnitude invariably needs several different capacities of each type of
equipment to match with the construction schedule.
11.1.2 Dam site and power house can be approached by construction of 5 km road from
Longmatare a town near the project. Longmatare is connected to Meluri and
Kohima by national highway.
It is essential to optimize the construction cost vis--vis construction period taking
into consideration price escalation and interest during construction, so as to avoid
time over run to the extent possible.
Tizu HE Project is envisaged as a storage scheme with a moderate reservoir to
absorb excess water in the reservoir during monsoon season and to utilize the
inflow of the river and the live storage for peaking during the lean season. The
scheme envisages about 88 m high concrete gravity dam 1.5 km downstream of the
confluence of river Tizu and Zungki. The bed level of the river at dam site is
around EL 440 m. The power house is located on the left bank at the toe of the
dam. The FRL and MDDL of the dam are kept at El 525 m and EL 480 m
respectively. The diameter of the penstock is 5.7 m.
11.4.1 During the visit of the team comprising Engineers and geologist to project site,
reconnaissance survey was made to identify potential sources of materials suitable
for use as coarse and fine aggregate in concrete. Based on the reconnaissance


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survey during site visit, it is observed that material of suitable quality may be
available for use in concrete as coarse and fine aggregate subject to testing of
materials from the identified potential sources. Further, a portion of muck from the
diversion tunnel excavation is also proposed to be used for production of concrete
and for other uses. Priority would be given for using excavated material to the
extent possible so that quarrying operations can be limited to the minimum extent

11.4.2 The river sand deposits will be tested for its suitability for use as fine aggregate in
`concrete. Secondly, crushed sand may also be used to obtain well-graded sand.

11.4.3 The area for disposal of the excavated material has been considered at a distance of
1 km from dam, diversion tunnel and powerhouse sites for equipment planning
Mechanized construction has been planned for almost all type of construction
activities so as to achieve consistent quality and planned progress. The Bar Chart
showing all the activities is enclosed as Annexure 11.1.
All main civil works will be carried out through an EPC contract or be suitably
divided into optimum number of contract packages, as the works are to be
executed through award of contracts, taking into consideration the capabilities of
eligible contractors. Supply and erection of the penstocks and hydro-mechanical
components i.e. intake gate, draft tube gates, tailrace gates, spillway gates,
diversion tunnel gate etc. will be a part of the civil works. While deciding the
optimum number of contracts for civil works, least interference between different
work areas and availability of sufficient space for different work areas will be
ensured, including adequate space for camps and construction facilities. In such a
case, diversion tunnel works will comprise one package and all civil works
including dam, power house and hydro mechanical works will form another
package. Alternatively diversion tunnel works also can be included as a part of
civil and hydro mechanical works package.


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Contracts for basic site infrastructure facilities will be awarded in advance so that
the same may be ready and available by the time the main civil contractor (s) start
11.7.1 Equipment planning has been done based on the number of working days
available, which further depend upon climatic conditions in the project area.
Normally 200 working days are considered as available based on 8 working
months. However, in the project area, the monsoon sets in during May and
continues almost upto the end of October. The working season has, therefore, been
restricted to six months i.e. 150 days considering 25 working days per month. Thus
for over ground works i.e. dam, powerhouse, tailrace and appurtenant works a
working season of six months has been considered. The scheduled working hours
with 150 working days accordingly works out as under:
Single shift work/day = 150x7 = 1050 hours
Two shift work/day = 150x12= 1800 hours
Three shift work/day = 150x15 = 2250 hours

11.7.2 However, in respect of underground works, it is possible to carry out the works
even during rains. Therefore, works of diversion tunnel are planned to continue
throughout the year. Since the production capability would be affected during the
monsoon months especially for the supplies / services and muck disposal etc.,
suitable reduction in the progress has been taken into account for the year as a
whole. Therefore for planning purpose, 300 working days are considered for under
ground works.

11.7.3 Though two-shift working is normally considered most economical, in this project,
due to shorter working season, three-shift working has been planned for dam,
powerhouse, tailrace and appurtenant works. Underground works, in any case, is
planned for three shifts working as these involve cyclic operations, which do not
follow normal pattern of shift operation.
11.7.4 Provision of standby equipment has been considered as 10%, 20% and 30% for
single shift, two shifts and three shifts working respectively.


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Survey and investigations and preparation of DPR (starting from the month of
November) and obtaining of various clearances from statutory authorities,
infrastructural development, preparation of detailed design, technical specifications
and tender documents, power purchase agreement and financial closure are
proposed to be completed within 30 months. The main construction of the project
is planned to be completed in a period of 60 months. Broad details of various
activities to be undertaken under 3 stages have been shown in enclosed bar chart.
The zero date of the project has been taken as the day on which the Government
selects and allows the executing agency to proceed with various activities of this
project. In order to commence pre-construction Survey and Investigations, the
commencement date is assumed to be the beginning of a lean season. The activities
considered for this stage are:
1. Establishment of project organization
2. Obtaining Stage I clearance from MOEF (site clearance)
3. Hydro meteorological data collection
4. Preliminary topographical survey
5. Geological survey including sub-surface exploration
6. Preparation of feasibility report and obtaining CEAs commercial viability.

The Stage I activities are proposed to be completed within 12 months time.
The stage II activities include completion of all residual pre-construction survey
and Investigation and creation of all infrastructural facilities like approach roads,
buildings, construction power. All statutory clearances like techno-economic
clearance from CEA and Environment & Forest clearance from MOE&F is also
obtained during this stage. All the activities in this stage are aimed at achieving
financial closure for the project so that immediately after obtaining statutory
clearances, construction of the project components could be started by appointing a
suitable turnkey contractor. This stage would be completed within a period of 18
months after the techno-commercial viability is accorded by CEA.


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The Stage III activities have been so planned that immediately after the financial
closure, notice for selecting the turn-key contractor can be published and a suitable
contractor is selected within 6 months time based on international competitive
11.12.1 As power house is located at the toe of the dam on the left bank of the river, river
diversion works viz. diversion tunnel is planned on the right bank of the river.
For the construction of the diversion dam and appurtenant works, the river
diversion is proposed to be done through a 5.0 m diameter 150 m long diversion
tunnel located on the right bank of the river. In order to work in the river bed all
round the year, the diversion works namely coffer dams and diversion tunnel
have been designed for passing a flood of 200 cumecs during the working
seasons of non-monsoon months. It is observed from the discharge data that the
monthly maximum observed flood at dam site during the non-monsoon period of
November to April is around 89 cumecs (except during 1986 when a flash flood
of 104.61 cumecs occurred in November) 2 times this observed flood is taken for
arriving at the diversion flood.

11.12.2 The excavation of tunnel is planned to be carried out by drill and blast method
using two / three boom jumbo, shortcreting machine, loaders, dumpers etc. For
lining of the tunnel, batching and mixing plant of suitable capacity, transit
mixers, concrete pump, grout pump, etc. will be used. 5.0 m diameter finished
size diversion tunnel is planned to be excavated in full face. The tunnel is likely
to encounter shale, slate and quartzite.

11.12.3 Suitable coffer dams located approximately 150 m upstream and 200 m
downstream from the dam axis have been proposed. The top of the coffer dam
has been kept as 4 m so as to provide sufficient space for movement of vehicles
during construction of the dam. The upstream coffer dam will be of 6 m high
with a base width of 11 m it will be of masonry type with colcrete filling. The
down stream coffer dam would be of 5 m high with a base width of 11 m.


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11.1.2 Entire diversion activity is proposed to be completed within a period of 12
11.13.1 Construction of concrete gravity dam of 88 m high and 247 long is proposed to
be commenced by starting excavation in the flanks.this work is proposed to be
taken up even before the river is diverted. The construction of dam would
involve all activities right from excavation, foundation preparation, curtain
grouting, concreting of dam consisting of 141.3 m of overflow section, 105.7 m
of power dam and non-overflow section, installation of embedded parts for radial
gates and stop logs and finally erection of radial gates, stop log and crane. Dam
concreting is proposed to be done by installing 120m
/hr batching plant and
using tower cranes for conveying concrete to the required locations.

11.13.2 The total quantity of rockfill involved is 11,00,000 cum. Average concrete
pouring rate of 40,000 cubic meter / month is envisaged. The total construction
period for the dam including erection of radial gates is estimated as 41 months.
Power dam will consist of 3 intakes for the penstocks. Length of the power dam
will be 45.3 m and non-overflow block will be 60.4 m. Centre to centre distance
of intakes will be 15.1 m. Each intake structure will comprise one intake opening
of 5.7 m x 5.7 m in the body of the dam to convey a discharge of 162.9 cumec at
minimum head through 8.5 m dia penstock embedded in the dam maximum
velocity through the penstock will be 6.38m/sec. The intake will be provided
with a semi-circular trash rack with five trash rack bays with an opening of 100
mm c/c between rack bars to prevent debris and trash entering into the penstock.
Each intake will be provided with one fixed wheel type vertical lift gate of size
5.7 m x 5.7m operated by means of a hydraulic hoist housed in a gallery inside
the dam. The portion of the penstock which is embedded in the body of the dam
will be erected as the dam block is raised and concreting done with suitable
temporary supports. There are 3 numbers of power intakes in the body of the
dam on left side of overflow section. From each intake a penstock of 5.7 m
diameter takes off through the body of the dam. The length of each penstock will
be 100 m. The steel liner will conform to ASTM 285 Grade C. Fabrication and


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erection of penstock will be done in a period of 15 months. Penstock will be
provided with each block at the locations where change of direction takes place.
Entire length will run over the downstream face of the dam and embedded in the
Proposed surface powerhouse involves 40000 m of concrete. A batching plant of
120m/hr capacity installed at dam site would cater for power house concreting
also. By deploying adequate number of excavators, loaders, hydraulic rock
breaker, dozer, transit mixers and dumpers, power house civil works is proposed to
be completed in a period of 30 months. This batching plant will also cater for
concreting of surge shaft and tunnel lining from surge shaft end.
24 months period is envisaged for erection of E&M works and 3 months for
commissioning and synchronization.
A 220 kV surface switchyard will be located on the downstream side of the power
house with three generator transformer bays, two outgoing bays, one bus coupler
bay, one +interconnecting transformer bay and one auxiliary transformer bay.


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Tizu HE Project is located in Kiphire district of Nagaland. It is envisaged as a
storage scheme with a moderate sized reservoir to absorb excess water in the
reservoir during monsoon season and to utilize the inflow of the river and the live
storage for peaking during the lean season. The scheme envisages construction of
88 m high concrete gravity dam downstream of the confluence of river Tizu and
Zungki. The deepest bed level of the river at dam site is around EL 440 m. The
power house is located on the left bank at the toe of the dam. The FRL and MDDL
of the dam are kept at El 525 m and EL 480 m respectively. The diameter of the
penstock is 5.7 m. annual generation during 90% dependable year has been
assessed as 568.41 MU.

12.2.1 Estimated cost of the project prepared at January 2004 price level works out to
Rs. 613.88 crores. The project estimate has been prepared on the basis of
Guidelines for Preparation of Cost estimates for River Valley Projects published
by Central Water Commission, New Delhi. The cost abstract is enclosed as
Annexure 12.1. The cost does not include the cost of transmission line and the
interest during construction.

12.2.2 Construction period of 5 years has been considered in the preparation of estimate.


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The benefits and financial evaluation of the project have been considered as per the
standard guidelines issued by the Government of India. The norms laid down by
the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) for Hydro projects have
also been kept in view in this regard.


The scheme would afford on annual energy generation of 568.41 MU in a 90%
dependable year. In assessing the sale price of energy, design energy generation
calculated with 95% capacity availability in a 90% dependable year has been
adopted. The project would provide a valuable 150 MW of peaking capacity
benefits through out the year.

Table 13.1 below gives the project benefits:


S.No Particulars Benefits
1. Annual Energy (MU) 568.41
2. Capacity Value (MW) 150.00


Inputs data and assumptions considered for economic and financial evaluation of
the project including for calculation of IDC are shown is Annexure 13.1. Some key
assumptions are indicated below:
1. Auxiliary Consumption @ 0.5 %.
2. Transformation Losses @0.5 %.
3. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs (including insurance) @ 1.5 %
4. Escalation in O&M Costs @ 6 %.
5. Depreciable value of Fixed Assets @ 90% of the value of Fixed Assets
6. Annual Rate of Depreciation as per straight line method (SLM).
7. Advance Against Depreciation (AAD) subject to ceiling of 1/12
original loan minus depreciation as per schedule to meet shortfall in the
scheduled loan repayment. The total depreciation including the AAD is,
however, limited to 90% of the original cost of assets.
8. Debt Equity Ratio 70:30.
9. Mode of Financing provides for Domestic borrowings.
10. Interest on Domestic Borrowings @ 10%.
11. Financing Charges on borrowings @ 1.5% of the total borrowings.
12. IDC calculated on the basis of above interest rates and financing charges


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 109
13. Rate of return on Equity @ 16%
14. Interest on W/C @12.50%
15. Tax concessions and rate as per the provisions of the I.T. Act in force.
16. Loan Repayment period 12 years.
17. Moratorium of one year from the year of commercial operation.


The cost of the project is excluding interest during construction (IDC) at January
2004 price level is estimated at Rs. 61388.00 Lakhs as per the guidelines of
committee of CEA on Criteria for adoption of rates, cost of civil components and
electrical works for PFRs of hydro electric projects.

Including IDC, the total cost of the project is estimated at Rs. 73169.83 Lakhs.

The project is envisaged to be completed in a period of 5 years. The expenditure of
the project has accordingly been phased.

Annexure 13.2 gives the Breakdown of project Cost while Annexure 13.3 gives
the calculation of Interest During Construction (IDC).


The depreciation is calculated according to Straight Line Method (SLM) as per the
Ministry of Power notification dated 29
March, 1994 as modified by the CERC
under its notification dated 30
May, 2003. The average rate as per SLM works out
to 2.86% Advance against depreciation (AAD), in addition to allowable
depreciation, whenever originally scheduled loan repayment exceeded the
depreciation allowable as per the schedule, calculated in the manner as specified in
the CERC notification, is provided. On repayment of entire loan, the remaining
depreciable value is spread over the balance useful life of the asset, as per the
requirement of the notification.

The calculation of depreciation including Advance against Depreciation is given in
Annexure 13.4.


The interest is calculated on quarterly reducing balance of principal. The entire
loan is repaid in eleven years.


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 110

The details of loan amortization over the debt - period are given in Annexure 13.5.
These details also include the semi -annual and annual repayment of principal and
payment of interest over the period of the debt.


The Working Capital Requirements is calculated in the manner as specified in the
Ministry of Power, GOI notification dated 29
March, 1994 read with the CERC
notification dated 30
May, 2003.

The calculation of Working Capital Requirements is given in Annexure 13.6


The cost of generation and sale price of energy is computed based on the given
norms and parameters in the Inputs and Assumptions with the present day capital
cost of the scheme. The cost of generation and sale price worked out is given in
Table 13.2 and 13.3 below:
Table 13.2
Cost of Generation and Sale Price (Summary with 12% royalty)

S.No Particulars

1. Cost of Generation
2.14 1.82 1.40 0.63 0.77 0.84
2. Energy Charges (Rs./kWh) 2.91 2.58 2.17 1.60 1.73 1.80
3. Levelised Tariff for 35 years

Table 13.3
Cost of Generation and Sale Price (Summary without 12% Royalty)

S.No Particulars

1. Cost of Generation
1.89 1.60 1.24 0.56 0.68 0.74
2. Energy Charges (Rs./kWh) 2.56 2.27 1.91 1.40 1.52 1.58
3. Levelised Tariff for 35 years


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 111
The details of computation of cost of generation and sale price of energy are given
in Annexure 13.7.

GOIs Policy on Hydro Development announced in August, 1998 provides, among
others, for rationalization of Hydro Tariff by allowing premium on sale rate during
peak period. This will necessitate introduction of Peak and Non-peak tariff. CERC
is presently deliberating on concept and methodology of Peak and Non-peak tariff.
This aspect therefore needs to be considered later according to the concept and
methodology as may be finally approved.


The estimates of Working Results of the project are given in Annexure 13.8.

The Development Surcharge shown at item N of Annexure 13.8 represents capital
income collected @ 5% on billable revenue (fixed costs) to be utilized for the
purpose of fresh capacity addition and project development activities and to be
maintained in the manner as provided in the CERC notification dated 30
2003. This surcharge will not be leviable for operations exclusively within the


The Internal Rate Return (Project) works out to 10.323 %.
The details regarding the calculation of IRR (Project) are given in Annexure 13.9.


The Average Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) of the project works out to
The details of calculation of DSCR are given in Annexure 13.10.


The payback period works out to 9.40 years.
The details of calculation of payback period are given in Annexure 13.11.


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 112

On the basis of the inputs and assumptions as given, the project demonstrates
positive cash flow and as per the estimates of working results, the scheme is
economically viable and financially profitable. The annual benefits may further
increase with the incentives available for higher availability if the same could be


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 113

1.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................5
1.2 SCOPE OF WORK............................................................................................................................5
1.3 HYDROLOGY....................................................................................................................................6
1.4 POWER POTENT IAL STUDIES...................................................................................................7
1.5 POWER EVACUATION ASPECTS ...............................................................................................7
1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS ......................................................................................................7
1.7 ESTIMATES OF THE COST...........................................................................................................8
1.8 FINANCIAL ASPECTS ....................................................................................................................8
1.9 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................................9
2.1 NAGALAND.....................................................................................................................................11
2.2 THE RIVER SYSTEM....................................................................................................................12
2.3 THE PROJECT................................................................................................................................13
2.4 POWER SCENARIO.......................................................................................................................13
2.5 NECESSITY OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................................15
2.6 INFRASTRUCTURE.......................................................................................................................16
2.7 PROSPECTS AND PROBLEMS...................................................................................................16
3.1 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT INCLUDING RIVER SYSTEM.............................................19
3.2 SOCIO ECONOMIC AND OTHER ASPECTS .......................................................................21
4.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................27
4.2 REGIONAL GEOLOGY.................................................................................................................27
4.3 STRUCTURE....................................................................................................................................32
4.4 MINERAL DEPOSITS....................................................................................................................35
4.5 SEISMO-TECTONICS....................................................................................................................37
4.6 GEOLOGY OF THE TIZU BASIN...............................................................................................40
4.8 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS..................................................................................................42
5.1 GENERAL...............................................................................................................................................45
5.2 TIZU BASIN CHARACTERISTICS.............................................................................................46
5.3 METEOROLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF TIZU BASIN..........................................................46
5.4 PROJECT PROPOSAL...................................................................................................................47
5.5 WATER AVAILABILITY STUDIES............................................................................................47
5.6 DESIGN FLOOD STUDIES ...........................................................................................................49
5.7 LIMITATIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................56
5.8 FURTHER STUDIES ......................................................................................................................57
6.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................59
6.2 RIVER DIVERSION WORK.........................................................................................................59
6.3 DIVERSION DAM...........................................................................................................................62
6.4 POWER DAM BLOCK...................................................................................................................65
6.5 PENSTOCKS....................................................................................................................................66


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 114
6.6 POWER HOUSE..............................................................................................................................66
6.7 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT.................................................................................67
6.8 TAIL RACE CHANNEL.................................................................................................................68
6.9 FURTHER STUDIES ......................................................................................................................68
7.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................70
7.2 DISCHARGE DATA........................................................................................................................70
7.3 FIXATION OF MDDL ....................................................................................................................71
7.5 FIXATION OF FRL.........................................................................................................................72
7.6 FIXATION OF THE TAIL WATER LEVEL..............................................................................72
7.8 OPERATING HEAD.......................................................................................................................73
7.9 COMBINED EFFICIENCY............................................................................................................73
7.10 INSTALL ED CAPACITY..............................................................................................................73
7.11 ENERGY GENERATION...............................................................................................................74
7.12 UNIT SIZE ........................................................................................................................................74
7.14 SUMMARY OF STUDIES..............................................................................................................74
7.15 FURTHER STUDIES ......................................................................................................................75
8.1 APPRAISAL OF EXISTING POWER EVACUATION FACILITIES ....................................77
8.2 PROPOSED EVACUATION SYSTEM TO NEAREST FACILITY........................................77
9.1 GENERAL INFORMATION.........................................................................................................81
9.2 SUBMERGENCE AREA................................................................................................................81
9.3 RIVER SYSTEM..............................................................................................................................82
9.4 SEISMICITY....................................................................................................................................83
9.6 FOREST TYPES IN THE VICINITY OF PROJECT AREA....................................................85
9.7 FAUNAL ELEMENTS AROUND THE PROJECT AREA.......................................................86
9.9 HUMAN SETTLEMENT................................................................................................................87
9.10 RELIEF AND REHABILITATION ..............................................................................................87
9.11 RECOMMENDATIONS AND MITIGATIVE MEAUSRES.....................................................88
10.1 THE PROJECT................................................................................................................................90
10.2 ACCESS ROADS .............................................................................................................................90
10.3 IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING STATE HIGHWAY ROAD................................................90
10.4 CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ROADS...........................................................................................90
10.5 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES...................................................................................................91
10.6 PROJECT ROADS...........................................................................................................................91
10.7 PROJECT HEADQUARTERS, OFFICES AND COLONIES ..................................................92
10.8 EXPLOSIVE MAGAZINE .............................................................................................................93
10.9 SCHOOL, PRIMARY HEALTH CARE, BANK, PETROL PUMP .........................................93
10.10 CONSTRUCTION POWER...........................................................................................................94
10.11 TELECOMMUNICATION ............................................................................................................95


ISO 9001-2000
PMs 50,000 MW initiatives 115
10.12 FURTHER STUDIES ......................................................................................................................95
11.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................98
11.2 BASIS OF STUDY............................................................................................................................98
11.3 MAJOR COMPONENTS................................................................................................................98
11.4 MATERIAL SOURCES..................................................................................................................98
11.5 BASIC CONSIDERATIONS ..........................................................................................................99
11.6 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS.................................................................................................99
11.7 SCHEDULE OF WORKING HOURS ........................................................................................100
11.8 CONSTRUCTION PERIOD.........................................................................................................101
11.9 STAGE I ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................................101
11.10 STAGE II ACTIVITIES................................................................................................................101
11.11 STAGE III ACTIVITIES ..............................................................................................................102
11.12 RIVER DIVERSION WORK.......................................................................................................102
11.13 DIVERSION DAM.........................................................................................................................103
11.14 INTAKE AND PENSTOCKS .......................................................................................................103
11.18 POWER HOUSE............................................................................................................................104
11.19 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS ........................................................................................104
11.20 SWITCHYARD..............................................................................................................................104
12.1 GENERAL FEATURES................................................................................................................106
12.2 COST ESTIMATE.........................................................................................................................106

13.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................................108
13.2 PROJECT BENEFITS...................................................................................................................108
13.3 INPUTS DATA AND ASSUMPTIONS.......................................................................................108
13.4 ESTIMATED COST AND PHASING.........................................................................................109
13.5 DEPRECIATION...........................................................................................................................109
13.6 LOAN AMORTIZATION.............................................................................................................109
13.7 WORKING CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................................110
13.8 ENERGY SALE PRICE................................................................................................................110
13.9 ESTIMATES OF WORKING RESULTS...................................................................................111
13.10 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN (IRR) .....................................................................................111
13.11 DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE RATIO (DSCR) .......................................................................111
13.12 PAYBACK PERIOD......................................................................................................................111
13.13 CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................112

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