Understanding Drama

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Subject: Understanding Drama

Objective Question
Q.1- Who kills Macbeth?
Lady Macbeth
Correct Answer : Macduff
Q.2- 2. In Macbeth, how many men reign as king of Scotland throughout the play?
Correct Answer : 3
Q.3- 3. Whom does Lady Macbeth frame for the murder of Duncan?
Malcolm and Donalbain
Duncans drunken chamberlains
The porter
Correct Answer : Duncans drunken chamberlains
Q.4- 4. In Macbeth, who kills Banquo?
A group of murderers hired by Macbeth
Correct Answer : A group of murderers hired by Macbeth
Q.5- 5. Which of the following best describes Lady Macbeths death?
She dies offstage.
She sleepwalks off of the palace wall.
she declares her own guilt and stabs herself with a knife.
Macduff slays her in revenge for his own wifes murder.
Correct Answer : She dies offstage.
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Q.6- 6. In Macbeth, who discovers Duncans body?
Correct Answer : Macduff
Q.7- 7. Whom does Macbeth see sitting in his chair during the banquet?
Banquos ghost
Duncans ghost
Lady Macbeth
Correct Answer : Banquos ghost
Q.8- What vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan?
He sees a floating head urging him to spill blood.
He sees a bloody axe lodged in Duncans brow
He sees a pale maiden weeping in the moonlight
He sees a floating dagger pointing him to Duncans chamber.
Correct Answer : He sees a floating dagger pointing him to Duncans chamber.
Q.9- With whom are the Scots at war at the beginning of the play?
Correct Answer : Norway
Q.10- In Macbeth, which nations army invades Scotland at the end of the play?
a Norway
Correct Answer : England
Q.11- In Macbeth, who is the goddess of witchcraft in the play?
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Correct Answer : Hecate
Q.12- In Macbeth, who kills Donalbain?
A group of murderers hired by Macbeth
No one
Correct Answer : No one
Q.13- In Macbeth, what happens to Lady Macbeth before she dies?
She is plagued by fits of sleepwalking.
She is haunted by the ghost of Duncan.
She sees her children killed in battle
She sees her children killed by Macbeth.
Correct Answer : She is plagued by fits of sleepwalking.
Q.14- d) She sees her children killed by Macbeth.
Correct Answer : Macbeth
Q.15- In Macbeth, where are Scottish kings crowned?
Correct Answer : Scone
Q.16- In Macbeth, why is Macduff able to kill Macbeth despite the witches prophecy?
He kills the witches first.
He receives a charm from Grinswindle.
He is a powerful warlock himself.
He was born by cesarean section.
Correct Answer : He was born by cesarean section.
Q.17- In Macbeth, where is Duncan killed?
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In the battle with Norway
In his bedchamber at Macbeths castle
In his bedchamber at Forres
At Birnam Wood
Correct Answer : In his bedchamber at Macbeths castle
Q.18- Who flees Scotland to join Malcolm in England?
Correct Answer : Macduff
Q.19- In Macbeth, what was the weather like the night Duncan was murdered?
Stormy and violent
Calm and placid
Foggy and ominous
It was a night like any other night, according to Lennox
Correct Answer : Stormy and violent
Q.20- In Macbeth, who kills Lady Macbeth?
Lady Macduff
Lady Macbeth
Correct Answer : Lady Macbeth
Q.21- In Macbeth, who flees Scotland immediately after Duncans death?
Malcolm and Donalbain
Correct Answer : Malcolm and Donalbain
Q.22- In Macbeth, who jokes that he works at hell gate?
The porter
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Correct Answer : The porter
Q.23- What title is Macbeth given after his victory described in Act 1?
Thane of Cawdor
Thane of Ross
King of Scotland
Prince of Cumberland
Correct Answer : Thane of Cawdor
Q.24- In Macbeth, who tells Macduff that his family has been killed?
Lady Macduff
Correct Answer : Ross
Q.25- . In Macbeth, how does Birnam Wood come to Dunsinane?
By magic
Through an earthquake
It doesnt
Malcolms army hides behind cut-off tree branches
Correct Answer : Malcolms army hides behind cut-off tree branches
Q.26- What does Macbeth do to Macdonald after he defeats him?
He takes him prisoner and brings him to Duncan
Rips out his heart
Cuts off his head and places it on the battlements
Takes his family crest and title
Correct Answer : Cuts off his head and places it on the battlements
Q.27- What new title does Macbeth receive early in Act one?
Thane of Glamis
Thane of Cawdor
King of Scotland
Earl of Northumberland
Correct Answer : Thane of Cawdor
Q.28- The Weird Sisters greet Macbeth as ________________.
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Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King hereafter
Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Fife, and King hereafter
Thane of Glamis, Thane of Fife, and father of kings
Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Lochaber, and Thane of Glamis
Correct Answer : Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King hereafter
Q.29- How do the Weird Sisters greet Banquo?
Thou shalt be king of Scotland!\"
\"Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none.\"
Hail, king hereafter!\"
O valiant cousin!\"
Correct Answer : \"Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none.\"
Q.30- In Macbeth, who does Duncan name as his successor?
Correct Answer : Macbeth
Q.31- Who will the Macbeths frame as Duncan\'s murderer?
Duncan\'s bodyguards
Correct Answer : Duncan\'s bodyguards
Q.32- Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth \"When you durst do it, then ___________.\"
wilt thou be king
will I love you
\'twere well it were done quickly
you were a man
Correct Answer : you were a man
Q.33- What does Lady Macbeth say she would do with her child if she had to?
Abandon it
Give up her life for it
Cut off its head
Dash its brains out
Correct Answer : Dash its brains out
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Q.34- In Macbeth, what does Banquo think about the witches\' predictions?
He wishes they would not come true
He dreams that they may come true, but he will do nothing about them
He will try to make them come true, no matter what it takes
He doesn\'t believe them
Correct Answer : He dreams that they may come true, but he will do nothing about them
Q.35- What does Macbeth think he sees floating in front of him as he goes to kill Duncan?
A bloody child
A bloody sword
A bloody dagger
A bloody head
Correct Answer : A bloody dagger
Q.36- In Macbeth, what can\'t Macbeth say when he hears the bodyguards praying?
Avaunt thee\"
God bless us\"
Sleep no more\"
Correct Answer : \"Amen\"
Q.37- Where does the porter imagine he is guarding the gate?
The castle at Fife
The gate to Heaven
The gate to Hell
The palace at Dunsinane
Correct Answer : The gate to Hell
Q.38- In Macbeth, who discovers Duncan\'s body?
Correct Answer : Macduff
Q.39- In Macbeth, what do Malcolm and Donalbain decide they will do when Duncan is murdered?
Kill Macbeth
Flee to England and Ireland
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Avenge his death
Kill the bodyguards
Correct Answer : Flee to England and Ireland
Q.40- In Macbeth, who is proclaimed king after Duncan is murdered?
Correct Answer : Malcolm
Q.41- In Macbeth, who will kill Banquo?
The three witches
Two murderers
Duncan\'s bodyguards
Correct Answer : Two murderers
Q.42- In Macbeth, the two murderers are joined by ___________.
The three witches
A third murderer
Correct Answer : A third murderer
Q.43- What is going on at Macbeth\'s castle while the murderers are killing Banquo?
Macbeth\'s coronation
Duncan\'s murder
Plans for killing Lady Macduff
A feast
Correct Answer : A feast
Q.44- What vision does Macbeth see at the table?
A bloody child
Banquo\'s ghost
A bloody dagger
Duncan\'s head
Correct Answer : Banquo\'s ghost
Q.45- What does the first apparition tell Macbeth?
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Beware Banquo!\"
Beware Siward!\"
Beware Macduff!\"
Beware Malcolm!\"
Correct Answer : Beware Macduff!\"
Q.46- What does the second apparition tell Macbeth?
None of woman born shall become king.\"
None of woman born shall beware thee\"
None of woman born shall take Dunsinane\"
\"None of woman born shall harm Macbeth\"
Correct Answer : \"None of woman born shall harm Macbeth\"
Q.47- What does the third apparition tell Macbeth?
that he will fall when Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane
that he should travel from Dunsinane to Birnam Wood
that he is safe as long as he stays at Dunsinane
that he should attack Macduff
Correct Answer : that he should travel from Dunsinane to Birnam Wood
Q.48- What is the last vision that the witches show Macbeth?
Macduff\'s head
A procession of eight kings
A stain on his hand
A procession of bloody corpses
Correct Answer : A procession of eight kings
Q.49- It is close to her house.
Correct Answer : declarative
Q.50- Who warns Lady Macduff to leave her house?
A Weird Sister
A Messenger
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Correct Answer : A Messenger
Q.51- In A Dolls House to what country did Torvald need to travel for his health?
Correct Answer : Italy
Q.52- . Percy Bysshe Shelleys _____ is a historical tragedy on an Italian subject.
Masque of Anarchy
Prometheus Unbound
The Cenci
Correct Answer : The Cenci
Q.53- In A Dolls House how many children do Torvald and Nora have?
Correct Answer : Seven
Q.54- In A Dolls House which of the following nicknames is not a nickname Torvald uses for Nora?
Silly girl
Correct Answer : Peaches
Q.55- . In A Dolls House whom did Mrs. Linde abandon for a richer man?
Dr. Rankc)
Her nannys father
Correct Answer : Krogstad
Q.56- In A Dolls House whom did Mrs. Linde work many years to support?
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Her dying mother
bHer children
Her husband
Her mad uncle
Correct Answer : Her dying mother
Q.57- In A Dolls House how did Dr. Rank get his disease?
He inherited it from his mother
He inherited it from his father
He caught it during the war
He caught from a very ill patient
Correct Answer : He inherited it from his father
Q.58- In A Dolls House who helped raise Nora?
Her nanny
Mrs. Lindec)
Noras grandmother
Correct Answer : Her nanny
Q.59- In A Dolls House what does Nora eat against Torvalds wishes?
Correct Answer : Macaroons
Q.60- In A Dolls House where is the play set?
Dr. Ranks study
The Helmer home
Krogstads house
Mrs. Lindes apartment
Correct Answer : The Helmer home
Q.61- In A Dolls House whose signature did Nora forge?
Her fathers
Her daughters
Correct Answer : Her fathers
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Q.62- In A Dolls House what is Mrs. Lindes first name?
Correct Answer : Kristine
Q.63- In A Dolls House what crime earned Krogstad his bad reputation?
Correct Answer : Forgery
Q.64- In A Dolls House to what does Nora compare herself at the end of the play?
A squirrel
A slave
A prisoner
A doll
Correct Answer : A doll
Q.65- In A Dolls House with whom is Dr. Rank secretly in love?
Mrs. Linde
Correct Answer : Nora
Q.66- In A Dolls House during what holiday is the play set?
All Hallows Eve
New Years
New Years
Correct Answer : Christmas
Q.67- In A Dolls House what does Nora do too wildly and too violently for Torvalds taste?
Play with her children
Cook and clean
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Argue with Krogstad
Correct Answer : Dance
Q.68- In A Dolls House how does Torvald learn about Noras forgery?
Krogstads letter informs him
Mrs. Linde tells him
(C) He overhears a conversation between Dr. Rank and Nora
Nora tells him
Correct Answer : Krogstads letter informs him
Q.69- In A Dolls House how does Nora feel about Dr. Rank?
She thinks that he is boring
She thinks that he is creepy
She doesnt know him very well
She likes him very much
Correct Answer : She likes him very much
Q.70- In A Dolls House what does Torvald tease Nora about at the beginning of the play?
Losing her purse
She likes him very much
Forgetting to do the laundry
She thinks that he is creepy
Correct Answer : She likes him very much
Q.71- In A Dolls House what does Nora expect Torvald to do when he learns about her forgery?
Take the blame himself
Leave her for another woman
Take the children away from her
Kill her
Correct Answer : Take the blame himself
Q.72- In A Dolls House what kind of party do the Helmers attend?
A birthday party
A going-away party for Dr. Rank
An Easter party
A costume party
Correct Answer : A costume party
Q.73- In A Dolls House what will be the benefit of Torvalds new job at the bank?
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He will work shorter hours
He will earn more money
He will be able to take more vacations
He will be able to spend more time at home, taking care of the kids
Correct Answer : He will earn more money
Q.74- In A Dolls House what is the last thing the audience of A Dolls House hears?
A door slamming
A gunshot
A train whistle
A dog barking
Correct Answer : A door slamming
Q.75- In A Dolls House For whom did the Nurse work for before taking care of Nora\'s children?
Nora\'s father and little Nora
Dr. Skein and little Helmer
Mrs. Linde and her children
no one
Correct Answer : Nora\'s father and little Nora
Q.76- In A Dolls House what is the sweet that Nora is forbidden to eat?
candy canes
fruit cakes
Correct Answer : macaroons
Q.77- In A Dolls House Dr. Rank is dying from what?
fever of the brain
diseased liver
consumption of the spine
Correct Answer : consumption of the spine
Q.78- In A Dolls House how are Nora and Mrs. Linde related?
as old enemies
as sisters
as childhood friends
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as mother and daughter
Correct Answer : as childhood friends
Q.79- In A Dolls House which of the following events is the subject of discussion at the very beginning
of the play?
Krogstad and Christine\'s marriage
Torvald and Nora\'s trip to Italy
Nora\'s deal with Krogstad
Torvald\'s promotion to manager of the bank
Correct Answer : Torvald\'s promotion to manager of the bank
Q.80- In A Dolls House which of the following is not a part of Nora\'s dilemma stemming from her loan
from Krogstad?
She forged a signature to obtain the loan
She never told Torvald
She can\'t convince Torvald not to fire Krogstad
She is afraid her father will find out
Correct Answer : She is afraid her father will find out
Q.81- In A Dolls House Torvald and Nora are preparing the house for what?
Nora\'s birthday
Correct Answer : Christmas
Q.82- In A Dolls House Mrs. Linde and Torvald both call Nora
a robin
Nora\'s birthday
a buttercup
a lark
Correct Answer : Nora\'s birthday
Q.83- In A Dolls House when does Nora finally leave the sitting room?
Act II, Scene 1
Act II, Scene 2
the end of Act I
Correct Answer : Act III
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Q.84- In A Dolls House Nora flirts with Dr. Rank, showing him what?
her silk gloves
her silk stockings
her silk slip
her new dress
Correct Answer : her silk stockings
Q.85- In A Dolls House according to Torvald, it would be impossible to work with Krogstad because
Nora would object
Torvald is too jealous of Krogstad
Torvald becomes physically ill in Krogstad\'s presence
Krogstad has physically threatened Torvald
Correct Answer : Torvald becomes physically ill in Krogstad\'s presence
Q.86- In A Dolls House which character says, \"Bloody Hell!\"?
Dr. Rank
Correct Answer : Nora
Q.87- In A Dolls House how does Dr. Rank inform Nora that he has reached the final stages of his
he tells her while they are dancing
he sends her a note
he leaves a black cross on his visiting card
he asks Torvald to tell her
Correct Answer : he leaves a black cross on his visiting card
Q.88- In A Dolls House in the first act, why does Nora laugh aloud in front of Dr. Rank and Mrs. Linde?
she will have so much more money
Krogstad will be fired
Mrs. Linde will be working for Torvald
so many people at the bank will be dependent on Torvald
Correct Answer : so many people at the bank will be dependent on Torvald
Q.89- In A Dolls House which one of the following reasons does Mrs. Linde not give for coming to
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to find something to fill the emptiness of her life
to reconnect with Krogstad
to seek employment
to reenter society
Correct Answer : to reenter society
Q.90- In A Dolls House which one of the following does Torvald not identify Nora with?
a child
her father
a puppy
a squirrel
Correct Answer : a puppy
Q.91- In A Dolls House what excuse does Nora give to explain why she did not have any ornaments?
the maid accidentally threw them away
a squirrel
a squirrel
the dog tore them up
Correct Answer : a squirrel
Q.92- In A Dolls House krogstad has gotten a bad reputation because of a scandal in which he
blackmailed a coworker at the bank
stole money from the bank
forged a signature
destroyed valuable bank documents
Correct Answer : forged a signature
Q.93- . In A Dolls House which character complains that society is being turned into a \"sick house\"?
Mrs. Linde
Dr. Rank
Correct Answer : Dr. Rank
Q.94- . In A Dolls House which one of these does Nora not explicitly question at the end of the play?
her father\'s love
the love of her children
her marriage
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Correct Answer : the love of her children
Q.95- In A Dolls House which of the following best symbolizes the character that Nora plays in her
marriage with Torvald?
her new boots
her cat
the dress she wears to the party
the Tarantella
Correct Answer : the dress she wears to the party
Q.96- In A Dolls House was considered a theatrical innovation because it altered the well-made play to
a moral
an unraveling
a climax
a discussion
Correct Answer : a discussion
Q.97- In A Dolls House Mrs. Linde\'s character symbolizes all of the following except
Nora\'s potential future
moral perfection
the pitfalls of marrying for money
the pitfalls of marrying for money
Correct Answer : moral perfection
Q.98- In A Dolls House the tarantella symbolizes all of the following except
Nora\'s role as performer for Torvald
the equality of Nora and Torvald\'s marriage
Nora\'s desire to retain Torvald\'s attention
Nora\'s desire to rid herself of the poison that has developed out of her transaction with Krogstad
Correct Answer : the equality of Nora and Torvald\'s marriage
Q.99- In A Dolls House which of the following is used as a metaphor throughout the play?
glass figurines
Correct Answer : light
Q.100- What does a voice tell Macbeth he shall do no more after killing Duncan
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Correct Answer : Sleep.
Q.101- Who will lead the first assault on the castle in Act 5, Scene 6?
Correct Answer : Siward.
Q.102- In Monkeys Paw, What injured Herbert?
An oil slick
A car.
A machine.
A weapon.
Correct Answer : A machine.
Q.103- In Monkeys Paw What is ironic about Mr. White\'s response to the news of Herbert\'s injury?
He felt the paw move just before he heard.
He smiles before he faints
He did what he told his wife not to
A weapon.
Correct Answer : He smiles before he faints
Q.104- In Monkeys Paw Why can\'t Mrs. White open the door by herself?
She can\'t find her key.
It is too dark in the hall.
The bolt is too high.
The door is too heavy.
Correct Answer : The bolt is too high.
Q.105- In Monkeys Paw Whom does Mrs. White have to pay the morning after the wish?
A grocer.
A tailor.
A gardener.
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A baker.
Correct Answer : A tailor.
Q.106- In Monkeys Paw What does Mr. White think of people\'s desires being granted?
It is ridiculous.
It is ludicrous.
It is lazy.
It is amazing.
Correct Answer : It is ludicrous.
Q.107- In Monkeys Paw How does Mr. White feel when he thinks the second wish did not work?
Correct Answer : Relieved.
Q.108- In Monkeys Paw What does Mr. White drop when he hears the knock at the door?
His Bible
His keys.
His candle.
Correct Answer : His candle.
Q.109- In Monkeys Paw What does Mrs. White use to get the door open?
A lever.
A hammer.
A key.
A chair.
Correct Answer : A chair.
Q.110- In Monkeys Paw What do the Whites stop doing together after Herbert\'s death?
Correct Answer : Talking.
Q.111- In Monkeys Paw In what does Mrs. White put her hope?
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The paw.
The wish.
Correct Answer : The paw.
Q.112- In Monkeys Paw Whose warnings did Mr. White ignore?
His father\'s.
His wife\'s.
The maid\'s.
Correct Answer : Morris\'s.
Q.113- In Monkeys Paw Where does the visitor hang around after Herbert leaves the morning after the
The driveway
The mail box.
The gate.
The back door.
Correct Answer : The gate.
Q.114- In Monkeys Paw Who has a hard time understanding what happened to Herbert?
Mr. White.
The visitor.
Mrs. White.
Correct Answer : Mr. White.
Q.115- In Monkeys Paw What awakens Mr. White when he is in bed alone?
A scrape on the window.
His wife.
Some lightning.
A knock at the door.
Correct Answer : His wife.
Q.116- In Monkeys Paw Whose acquaintance do the Whites and the visitors have in common?
All of these.
Mrs. White.
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Correct Answer : Morris.
Q.117- In Monkeys Paw Which of these does Mr. White call his son after his death?
Correct Answer : Thing.
Q.118- In Monkeys Paw How does Mr. White explain the first wish coming true?
It was evil.
It was a coincidence.
It was magic
It was fate.
Correct Answer : It was a coincidence.
Q.119- In Monkeys Paw Why doesn\'t Mr. White want his wife to see his dead son?
He is not the same.
He is evil now.
He is badly disfigured.
He is not natural.
Correct Answer : He is badly disfigured.
Q.120- . In Monkeys Paw What does Mrs. White do when she thinks the second wish did not work?
Goes to bed.
Cries in the bathroom.
Writes a letter.
Makes some tea.
Correct Answer : Goes to bed.
Q.121- In Monkeys Paw What does Herbert joke about the morning after the wish?
Getting married.
Their coming wealth.
Travelling to India
Quitting his job.
Correct Answer : Their coming wealth.
Q.122- In Monkeys Paw What brings Mrs. White comfort about Herbert\'s injury?
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He is at the hospital.
He is not in pain.
He is coming home.
He was doing a good thing.
Correct Answer : He is not in pain.
Q.123- In Monkeys Paw Who runs to the door the first time it rings after the wish?
Mr. White.
Mrs. White
The maid
Correct Answer : Mrs. White
Q.124- In Monkeys Paw What does Mrs. White demand from her husband after the death of her son?
The 200 pounds.
His promise.
The monkey paw.
A divorce.
Correct Answer : The monkey paw.
Q.125- In Monkeys Paw How does Mr. White feel about the visitor hanging around after Herbert
He is excited.
He is suspicious.
He is angry.
He is nervous.
Correct Answer : He is suspicious.
Q.126- In Monkeys Paw How does Herbert feel about the wish the morning after?
Correct Answer : Hopeful.
Q.127- In a Dolls House, What does Nora say Doctor Rank can pretend about her dancing?
that she\'s dancing for him
that she\'s dancing well
that she\'s dancing a message from God
that she\'s dancing a healing ritual
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Correct Answer : that she\'s dancing for him
Q.128- In a Dolls House What are Doctor Rank\'s feelings towards Nora?
Doctor Rank thinks Nora is selfish.
Doctor Rank hides his great anger at Nora.
Doctor Rank secretly loves Nora.
Doctor Rank thinks Nora is stupid.
Correct Answer : Doctor Rank secretly loves Nora.
Q.129- . In a Dolls House What name does Torvald call Nora, after reading the letter?
miserable creature
little lark
monstrous crow
little squirrel
Correct Answer : miserable creature
Q.130- In a Dolls House How does Rank say Nora and Torvald will respond to his death?
He says they will be sad for three seasons.
He says they will mourn for a long time.
He says they will soon forget him.
He says they will dance on his grave.
Correct Answer : He says they will soon forget him.
Q.131- In a Dolls House What does Nora tell her children about the \"stranger man\"?
that he\'s never coming back again
not to let him back into the house
not to tell anyone he\'s been there
that he\'s coming back for Christmas dinner
Correct Answer : not to tell anyone he\'s been there
Q.132- In a Dolls House What does Krogstad compare himself to?
a recluse in a cave
a condemned prisoner
a shipwrecked man
a gambler out of money
Correct Answer : a shipwrecked man
Q.133- In a Dolls House What does Nora say she will take with her?
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only her and the children\'s things
all the household cash and her dignity
half of what Torvald owns
only the things that belong to her
Correct Answer : only the things that belong to her
Q.134- In a Dolls House What did Nora sign to get the loan from Krogstad?
a contract with her house as security
a paper releasing him from all liability
a contract obliging her to keep the transaction secret
a bond for the money
Correct Answer : a bond for the money
Q.135- . In a Dolls House What does the nurse say is wrong with the costumes?
They are dusty.
They are out of fashion
They are the wrong sizes
They need repair.
Correct Answer : They need repair.
Q.136- In a Dolls House What does Torvald say are Nora\'s most sacred duties?
her duties to society
her duties to herself and her husband
her duties to her husband and children
her duties to God and her husband
Correct Answer : her duties to her husband and children
Q.137- In a Dolls House What inconsistency did Mrs. Linde notice in what Doctor Rank said?
Doctor Rank said Krogstad was morally corrupt, but Mrs. Linde knows he\'s a good person.
Doctor Rank said he\'d heard Mrs. Linde mentioned many times, but Torvald seemed not to have
heard of her.
Doctor Rank said Torvald was always healthy, but Mrs. Linde knows he\'s been ill.
Doctor Rank said Torvald was happy about his position at the bank, but Torvald seemed upset
about it.
Correct Answer : Doctor Rank said he\'d heard Mrs. Linde mentioned many times, but
Torvald seemed not to have heard of her.
Q.138- In a Dolls House What happens while Nora is dancing?
Her hair comes down.
She trips and falls
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Her shawl flies off.
Her shoe breaks.
Correct Answer : Her hair comes down.
Q.139- In a Dolls House What is Nora going to the costume ball as?
a Sicilian dancing girl
a Corsican peasant
a Genoan farmgirl
a Neapolitan fisher-girl
Correct Answer : a Neapolitan fisher-girl
Q.140- In a Dolls House Does Nora want to come home from the dance after the Tarantella?
No, but Torvald drags her downstairs.
Yes, she and Torvald leave together.
Yes, she runs home without Torvald.
No, she stays at the dance.
Correct Answer : No, but Torvald drags her downstairs.
Q.141- In a Dolls House Nora compares Torvald\'s relationship with her to her own relationship with
Doctor Rank
the maids
the children
Correct Answer : the children
Q.142- In a Dolls House Who does Nora say she wants to come help her with the costumes?
the maid
Mrs. Linde
Doctor Rand
Correct Answer : Mrs. Linde
Q.143- In a Dolls House What does Nora say they\'ve never had before, as husband and wife?
a serious conversation
a glass of champagne
a lover\'s quarrel
a quiet night together
Correct Answer : a serious conversation
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Q.144- In a Dolls House What does Krogstad say he has in his pocket?
a confession to his own forgery
a letter for Torvald
the bond
a letter that will clear her of wrongdoing
Correct Answer : a letter for Torvald
Q.145- In a Dolls House Why is Doctor Rank jealous of Mrs. Linde?
He says Mrs. Linde will be in all the newspapers.
He says Mrs. Linde will take over his position in the town.
He says Mrs. Linde will take his place as the Helmers\' friend.
He says Mrs. Linde will take all the attention away from his death.
Correct Answer : He says Mrs. Linde will take his place as the Helmers\' friend.
Q.146- . In a Dolls House What does Krogstad compare falsifying the signature to?
Krogstad compares Nora\'s crime to a child breaking a toy.
Krogstad compares Nora\'s crime to a raccoon breaking into a kitchen.
Krogstad compares Nora\'s crime to a starving boy stealing bread.
Krogstad compares Nora\'s crime to his own.
Correct Answer : Krogstad compares Nora\'s crime to his own.
Q.147- In a Dolls House What does Nora try to do after Krogstad leaves?
She tries to work on needlework.
She tries to fix a vase
She tries to clean the house.
She tries to read a book.
Correct Answer : She tries to work on needlework.
Q.148- In a Dolls House What does Doctor Rank offer to do?
explain to Torvald what has happened
apologize to Mrs. Linde
leave forever
send Nora a present
Correct Answer : leave forever
Q.149- In a Dolls House What does Torvald say he will replace \"playtime\" with?
lesson time
time for love
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time for repentance
shared time
Correct Answer : lesson time
Q.150- In a Dolls House How does Nora answer, when Torvald asks if she understands what she has
She says that yes, she is beginning to understand.
She says that she never understood.
She says that she doesn\'t know what it means anymore.
She says that she understood from the beginning.
Correct Answer : She says that yes, she is beginning to understand.
Q.151- In a Dolls House What does Mrs. Linde say was her reason for sending Krogstad a harsh break-
up letter?
a to tell him the bitter truth
to see if he would still chase her
to completely sever their relationship
because her husband forced her to
Correct Answer : to completely sever their relationship
Q.152- Who is the author of A Doll\'s House?
Tennessee Williams
Jane Austen
Henrik Ibsen
Lorraine Hansberry
Correct Answer : Henrik Ibsen
Q.153- In a Dolls House What crime does Nora commit?
Correct Answer : Forgery
Q.154- In a Dolls House Who is Nora\'s husband?
Dr. Rank
Correct Answer : Torvald
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Q.155- In a Dolls House Where did Nora and her husband move?
Correct Answer : Italy
Q.156- In a Dolls House Who is Krogstad?
Nora\'s brother
Torvald\'s brother
Nora\'s Friend
None of the above
Correct Answer : None of the above
Q.157- In a Dolls House Who represents a \"doll\" in the story?
Mrs. Linde
Correct Answer : Nora
Q.158- In a Dolls House Why did Nora and Torvald move for a couple of months?
They needed a vacation
They were tired of their kids and wanted to get away
They ran away from the war going on
Torvald was sick
Correct Answer : Torvald was sick
Q.159- In a Dolls House Who did Nora borrow money from?
Dr. Rank
Mrs. Linde
Correct Answer : Krogstad
Q.160- In a Dolls House Whose signature does Nora forge?
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Her father\'s
Her son\'s
Correct Answer : Her father\'s
Q.161- In a Dolls House How does Torvald find out about Nora\'s crime?
Krogstad\'s letter
Mrs. Linde tells him
Nora tells him
His son tells him
Correct Answer : Krogstad\'s letter
Q.162- In a Dolls House What does Torvald do when he finds out about Nora\'s crime?
He kills her
He slaps her
He beats her with a bat
He beats her with a bat
Correct Answer : He beats her with a bat
Q.163- . In a Dolls House How does Torvald know Krogstad?
They are brothers
They work together
They both fight for Nora\'s love
They go clubbing together
Correct Answer : They work together
Q.164- In a Dolls House What is the last thing that happens in the play?
Nora shoots Torvald
Nora has a heart attack
Nora slams the door and leaves
Nora kills herself
Correct Answer : Nora slams the door and leaves
Q.165- In a Dolls House When was Henrik Ibsen born?
March 15, 1818
March 20, 1828
December 24, 1820
November 19, 1990
Correct Answer : March 20, 1828
Q.166- In a Dolls House Where was Henrik Ibsen born?
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Correct Answer : Norway
Q.167- In a Dolls House What does Nora realize?
She\'s tired of her kids telling her what to do
She\'s tired of her father telling her what to do
She\'s tired of Mrs. Linde telling her what to do
She\'s tired of Torvald telling her what to do
Correct Answer : She\'s tired of Torvald telling her what to do
Q.168- In a Dolls House Who does Krogstad love?
Mrs. Linde
Dr. Rank
Correct Answer : Mrs. Linde
Q.169- In a Dolls House Who does Nora confess her crime to?
Dr. Rank
Her father
Correct Answer : Mrs.Linde
Q.170- In a Dolls House Why does Nora stay with her husband for so long?
He threatens her to kill her children
She feels it is her duty
She figures he will die soon anyway
All of the above
Correct Answer : She feels it is her duty
Q.171- In a Dolls House Why does Torvald get mad about the loan?
Because he could have robbed a bank
Because he would have borrowed more money
Because it was wrong for a woman to get a loan without a man
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Because he had nothing bet
Correct Answer : Because it was wrong for a woman to get a loan without a man
Q.172- Whom does Polonius send to France to spy on Laertes?
Correct Answer : Reynaldo
Q.173- In Hamlet, Where does the ghost appear during the play?
The castle ramparts and the great hall of Elsinore
Fortinbrass tent and Hamlets bedchamber
The castle ramparts and Gertrudes bedchamber
Gertrudes bedchamber and the great hall of Elsinore
Correct Answer : The castle ramparts and Gertrudes bedchamber
Q.174- In Hamlet, How did Claudius murder King Hamlet?
By stabbing him through an arras
By pouring poison into his ear
By ordering him to be hanged
By poisoning his wineglass
Correct Answer : By pouring poison into his ear
Q.175- In Hamlet, Where is the university at which Horatio and Hamlet studied?
Correct Answer : Wittenberg
Q.176- In Hamlet, Whose skull does Hamlet discover in the churchyard?
The former court jesters
His fathers
Correct Answer : The former court jesters
Q.177- In Hamlet, Which of the following characters cannot see the ghost?
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Correct Answer : Gertrude
Q.178- In Hamlet, Who escorts Hamlet on the voyage to England?
Cornelius and Voltimand
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Marcellus and Bernardo
Captain Vicissus and the one-eyed thief
Correct Answer : Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Q.179- In Hamlet, Where do Hamlet and Laertes fight during Ophelias funeral?
In the nearby woods
Beside Ophelias grave
Inside the church
Inside the grave itself
Correct Answer : Inside the grave itself
Q.180- In Hamlet, Which of the following characters survive the play?
Fortinbras, Horatio, and Osric
Prince Hamlet, Polonius, and Gertrude
Claudius, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern
Ophelia, Laertes, and King Hamlet
Correct Answer : Fortinbras, Horatio, and Osric
Q.181- In Hamlet, What does Hamlet claim to be able to tell the difference between when the wind is
from the south?
A flea and a fire log
A nymph and a nihilist
A hawk and a handsaw
A shark and St. Timothy
Correct Answer : A hawk and a handsaw
Q.182- In Hamlet, In whose history of Denmark did Shakespeare find background material for his play?
Oedipus of Thebes
Saxo Grammaticus
Franz Guntherhaasen
Dionysus Finn
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Correct Answer : Saxo Grammaticus
Q.183- In Hamlet, How does Ophelia die?
Claudius stabs her.
Hamlet strangles her.
She slits her wrists.
She drowns in the river.
Correct Answer : She drowns in the river.
Q.184- In Hamlet, Whose story does Hamlet ask the players to tell upon their arrival to Elsinore?
Priam and Hecubas
Antony and Cleopatras
Gertrude and Claudiuss
Correct Answer : Priam and Hecubas
Q.185- In Hamlet, Why, according to Polonius, has Hamlet gone mad?
He grieves too much for his father.
He despises Claudius for marrying Gertrude.
He is in love with Ophelia.
He is jealous of Laertes and longs to return to Wittenberg.
Correct Answer : He is in love with Ophelia.
Q.186- In Hamlet, Who is the last character to die in the play?
Correct Answer : Hamlet
Q.187- In Hamlet, How many characters die during the course of the play?
Correct Answer : Eight
Q.188- In Hamlet, Who speaks the famous To be, or not to be soliloquy?
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The ghost
Correct Answer : Hamlet
Q.189- In Hamlet, In what country do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern die?
Correct Answer : England
Q.190- In Hamlet, Why does Hamlet decide not to kill Claudius after the traveling players play
Claudius is praying.
Claudius is asleep.
Claudius pleads for mercy.
Gertrude is in the next room.
Correct Answer : Claudius is praying.
Q.191- In Hamlet, Who killed Fortinbrass father?
Prince Hamlet
Hamlets father
Correct Answer : Hamlets father
Q.192- In Hamlet, Which character speaks the first line of the play?
Correct Answer : Bernardo
Q.193- In Hamlet, In which of the following years was Hamlet most likely written?
Correct Answer : 1601
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Q.194- In Hamlet, Which of Claudius and Laertes traps for Hamlet succeeds in killing him?
The poisoned cup
The sharpened sword
The poisoned dagger
The poisoned sword
Correct Answer : The poisoned sword
Q.195- In Hamlet, Which of Claudius and Laertes traps for Hamlet succeeds in killing him?
The poisoned cup
The sharpened sword
The poisoned dagger
The poisoned sword
Correct Answer : The poisoned sword
Q.196- . In Hamlet, Which character speaks from beneath the stage toward the end of Act I?
The ghost
Correct Answer : The ghost
Q.197- In Hamlet, Who returns Hamlet to Denmark after his exile?
A group of pirates
A group of monks
Correct Answer : A group of pirates
Q.198- Hamlet is written by G.B Shaw. The statement is:
none of this
Correct Answer : False
Q.199- Lady Macbeth is a character in Shakespeares play. The statement is:
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all of this
Correct Answer : True
Q.200- In Monkeys Paw, Herbert gets injured by a car. The statement is:
Correct Answer : False
Q.201- b) False
Correct Answer : FALSE
Q.202- Hamlet is set in
Correct Answer : Denmark
Q.203- Hamlet is a
Correct Answer : prince
Q.204- Hamlet\'s stepfather is also his
Correct Answer : uncle
Q.205- Claudius poisoned
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Old Hamlet
Correct Answer : Old Hamlet
Q.206- The ghost is first spotted
in the graveyard
on the deck of the ship
in Gertrude\'s chambers
outside the castle
Correct Answer : outside the castle
Q.207- The ghost claims he is
the King of Norway
Old Fortinbras
Old Hamlet
Correct Answer : Old Hamlet
Q.208- In his first appearance onstage, Hamlet is wearing
mourning clothes
a jester\'s costume
royal robes
the crown
Correct Answer : mourning clothes
Q.209- . Hamlet claims to be afflicted by
Correct Answer : melancholy
Q.210- Hamlet\'s famous speeches are called
dramatic irony
Correct Answer : soliloquys
Q.211- What noise drives the ghost offstage?
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a string quartet
Hamlet crying
a cock\'s crow
his wife sleeping with Claudius
Correct Answer : a cock\'s crow
Q.212- What noise drives the ghost offstage?
a string quartet
Hamlet crying
a cock\'s crow
his wife sleeping with Claudius
Correct Answer : a cock\'s crow
Q.213- Why are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Denmark?
to kill Hamlet
to cheer up Hamlet
to find out why Hamlet is acting mad
to bring Hamlet back to England
Correct Answer : to find out why Hamlet is acting mad
Q.214- Where does Hamlet go to university?
Correct Answer : Germany
Q.215- What religion was Denmark at time of writing?
High Anglican
Correct Answer : Protestant
Q.216- Where does Hamlet say Ophelia should go?
a castle
a bakery
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a nunnery
Correct Answer : a nunnery
Q.217- How does Ophelia die?
Correct Answer : drowning
Q.218- Where does the ghost say he wanders?
Baltic Sea
Correct Answer : Purgatory
Q.219- When the play begins, the castle is celebrating
Old Hamlet\'s defeat of Old Fortinbras
Hamlet\'s return
Laertes\' return
King Claudius and Queen Gertrude\'s marriage
Correct Answer : King Claudius and Queen Gertrude\'s marriage
Q.220- Who survives the play?
a Hamlet
Claudius and Gertrude
Laertes and Polonius and Ophelia
Correct Answer : Horatio
Q.221- There are images throughout the play relating to
Correct Answer : ears
Q.222- The health of a state seems related to
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the moral state of the leader
the physical state of its leader
the moral state of its people
the physical state of its people
Correct Answer : the moral state of the leader
Q.223- Young Fortinbras says he is invading
Correct Answer : Poland
Q.224- Who saves Hamlet\'s life?
Old Hamlet
Correct Answer : pirates
Q.225- In form, Hamlet is above all what sort of play?
a punch and judy show
a revenge play
a comedy
a morality play
Correct Answer : a revenge play
Q.226- What does Hamlet call Polonius?
dear man
a fishmonger
Correct Answer : a fishmonger
Q.227- What is the name of the play Hamlet stages for Claudius?
The Revenger\'s Tragedy
he Murder of Gonzago
The Death of Tamburlaine
The White Devil
Correct Answer : he Murder of Gonzago
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Q.228- Who does Claudius appoint as ambassadors to Norway?
Cornelius and Voltemand
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Horatio and Marcellus
Osric and Bernardo
Correct Answer : Cornelius and Voltemand
Q.229- Who says: \"Neither a borrower nor a lender be\"?
Correct Answer : Polonius
Q.230- What is the ghost wearing when it appears to Horatio?
Royal Robes
A white sheet
Correct Answer : Armour
Q.231- Whose skull does Hamlet discover in the churchyard?
His father\'s
Correct Answer : Yorick\'s
Q.232- How long after the death of Hamlet\'s father do Gertrude and Claudius wait to get married?
About 2 days
About 2 weeks
About 2 months
About 2 years
Correct Answer : About 2 months
Q.233- Where is the university Hamlet and Horatio studied at?
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Correct Answer : Wittenberg
Q.234- What is the theme of the speech Hamlet asks the first player to recite?
The death of Agamemnon
The death of Achilles
The death of Hector
The death of Priam
Correct Answer : The death of Priam
Q.235- Who escorts Hamlet to England?
Cornelius and Voltemand
Francisco and Reynaldo
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Long John Silver and Jim Hawkins
Correct Answer : Francisco and Reynaldo
Q.236- What role did Polonius play in a university production of Julius Caesar?
Julius Caesar
Correct Answer : Antony
Q.237- How did Claudius murder Hamlet\'s father?
y poisoning his wineglass
By pouring poison into his ear
By stabbing him while he slept
By witchcraft
Correct Answer : By pouring poison into his ear
Q.238- What animal does Hamlet NOT claim to see in the clouds?
Correct Answer : Serpent
Q.239- Whose history of Denmark is believed to have been one of Shakespeare\'s sources for the story
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of Hamlet?
Saxo Grammaticus
Jakob Lidegaard
Frederik Winkel Horn
Correct Answer : Saxo Grammaticus
Q.240- Which of the following characters survive the play?
Horatio, Fortinbras, and Osric
Ophelia, Claudius, and Gertrude
Horatio, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern
Hamlet, Yorick, and the ghost
Correct Answer : Horatio, Fortinbras, and Osric
Q.241- What does the ghost tell Hamlet to do about his mother?
Shame her for remarrying so quickly
Warn her not to sleep again with Claudius
Leave her to Heaven
Kill her
Correct Answer : Leave her to Heaven
Q.242- . Why does Polonius send Reynaldo to France?
To meet with Fortinbras
To find a doctor for Ophelia
To murder Hamlet
To spy on Laertes
Correct Answer : To spy on Laertes
Q.243- According to Polonius, why has Hamlet gone mad?
He\'s angry at Gertrude for marrying Claudius.
He\'s angry at Claudius for stealing the throne.
He\'s distraught over the death of his father.
He\'s in love with Ophelia.
Correct Answer : He\'s in love with Ophelia.
Q.244- Where on the body of Fortune do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern claim to reside?
On her cap
On her breast
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In her privates
In the soles of her shoe
Correct Answer : In her privates
Q.245- Why are the players traveling?
They\'ve been displaced by a troupe of child actors.
They\'re fleeing a plague in the city.
They\'ve been run out of town by the church.
They want to see the world.
Correct Answer : They\'ve been displaced by a troupe of child actors.
Q.246- Who is the last character to die in the play?
Correct Answer : Hamlet
Q.247- How does Ophelia die?
She falls from a parapet.
She drowns in a stream.
Hamlet strangles her.
She drinks from a poisoned cup.
Correct Answer : She drowns in a stream.
Q.248- Which character speaks the final line of the play?
Correct Answer : Fortinbras
Q.249- Who killed Fortinbras\' father?
Hamlet\'s father
Correct Answer : Hamlet\'s father
Q.250- Why does the Norwegian army pass through Denmark?
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To wage war with Poland
To wage war with Germany
To wage war with England
To wage war with England
Correct Answer : To wage war with Poland
Q.251- Who storms Elsinore Castle with a group of armed followers?
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Correct Answer : Laertes
Q.252- Of whom does Hamlet say: \"Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remembered\"?
Correct Answer : Ophelia
Q.253- In what year was Hamlet most likely written?
Correct Answer : 1601
Q.254- Which of the following characters cannot see the ghost?
Correct Answer : Gertrude
Q.255- Who did Rosencrantz and Guildenstern meet on their way to see Hamlet?
The Ghost
The Players
The Gravediggers
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Correct Answer : The Players
Q.256- What does Hamlet claim to know the difference between when the wind is southerly?
A mouse and a mystic
A rat and a rainstorm
A hawk and a handsaw
A nymph and a nihilist
Correct Answer : A hawk and a handsaw
Q.257- In Hamlet, how many characters (with speaking parts) die during the play?
Correct Answer : 8
Q.258- Which of these, said by Hamlet, is the actual line from the play?
Alas, poor Yorick\"
Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him.\"\"
Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him well.\"
\"Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio.\"
Correct Answer : \"Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio.\"
Q.259- What are Polonius\' last words?
\"O, yet defend me, friends; I am but hurt.\"
\"The rest is silence.\"
\"Follow my mother.\"
\"O, I am slain!
Correct Answer : \"O, I am slain!
Q.260- Which university did Hamlet attend?
Correct Answer : Wittenberg
Q.261- Which of these is not a line from Hamlet?
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The play\'s the thing\"
To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream\"
It would cost you a groaning to take off my edge\"
d) \"A foolish heart, that I leave here behind\"
Correct Answer : d) \"A foolish heart, that I leave here behind\"
Q.262- . The Prince mocks Polonius by referencing which Bible tale?
Jephtah and his daughter
Jonah and the whale
Adam and Eve
Joseph in Egypt
Correct Answer : Jephtah and his daughter
Q.263- Figuratively, what are referred to as \'eyases\' during Hamlet\'s first encounter with Rosencrantz
and Guildenstern?
Correct Answer : Children
Q.264- Which of these is true of Hamlet?
The most amount of deaths in any Shakespeare play
Shakespeare\'s longest play
Daniel Radcliffe has played Hamlet on stage
King George III criticised the play
Correct Answer : Shakespeare\'s longest play
Q.265- Of whom does Hamlet say: \"Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remembered\"?
Correct Answer : Ophelia
Q.266- In what year was Hamlet most likely written?
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Correct Answer : 1601
Q.267- What are the first words spoken in Hamlet?
\"Long live the king\"
Good day, sir.\"
Good morrow, and well met.\"
\"Who\'s there?\"
Correct Answer : \"Who\'s there?\"
Q.268- Who does Polonius say he portrayed in a play whilst at university?
George I
Titus Andronicus
Julius Caesar
Mark Antony
Correct Answer : Julius Caesar
Q.269- When Hamlet and Polonius look at the clouds, which of the following animals do they compare
one to?
Correct Answer : Whale
Q.270- According to Hamlet, how many times had Yorick borne him on his back?
Twenty times
A hundred times
A thousand times
Countless times
Correct Answer : A hundred times
Q.271- Which tree is associated with Ophelia\'s demise?
Correct Answer : Willow
Q.272- Which character has the play\'s final line?
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Prince Fortinbras
First Ambassador
Correct Answer : Prince Fortinbras
Q.273- Complete this line, from Marcellus: \"It faded on the crowing of the ____\"
Correct Answer : Cock
Q.274- Complete this line, from Marcellus: \"It faded on the crowing of the ____\"
Correct Answer : Cock
Q.275- During Hamlet\'s introduction, King Claudius refers to him as his ___?
Cousin and son
Friend and foe
Cousin and brother
Colleague and associate
Correct Answer : Cousin and son
Q.276- Where does Hamlet tell Horatio he has seen his father?
In the castle
In his mind
At a banquet
On a horse
Correct Answer : In his mind
Q.277- When Polonius asks King Claudius for his opinion of him, what does the King call him?
Erudite and refined
Conscientious and kind
Conniving and malicious
Faithful and honourable
Correct Answer : Faithful and honourable
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Q.278- Complete the following: \"The fair Ophelia! ___, in thy orisons\"
Correct Answer : Nymph
Q.279- Of whom does Hamlet say, \"Frailty, thy name is woman\"?
Correct Answer : Gertrude
Q.280- What does the Ghost of King Hamlet tell Hamlet during their conversation? (two answers)
That Polonius has killed him by pouring poison in his ear.
That Hamlet should avenge his death by attacking Gertrude\'s part in it.
That Claudius has killed him by pouring poison in his ear.
That Hamlet should not direct his revenge toward his mother but instead \"leave her to heaven.\"
Correct Answer : That Hamlet should not direct his revenge toward his mother but instead
\"leave her to heaven.\"
Q.281- What do Polonius and Laertes warn Ophelia about in Act I?
That Gertrude is jealous of her beauty and will try to have her removed from court.
That she should be careful to preserve her virtue in her dealings with Hamlet and should not
believe all that he tells her.
That Claudius has had King Hamlet poisoned.
That she might see the Ghost if she walks upon the battlements at night.
Correct Answer : That she should be careful to preserve her virtue in her dealings with
Hamlet and should not believe all that he tells her.
Q.282- What does Polonius want Reynaldo to do in Paris?
To put forth false rumors about Laertes so that he (Reynaldo) can determine what Laertes is
actually doing there.
To put forth false rumors so as to find the killer of King Hamlet.
To prepare for his marriage to Ophelia.
To find the cause of Hamlet\'s sudden madness
Correct Answer : To put forth false rumors about Laertes so that he (Reynaldo) can
determine what Laertes is actually doing there.
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Q.283- Which statements about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are true?
They have been summoned to court by Claudius and Gertrude so that they may spy on Hamlet
and discover the cause of his madness.
Polonius has asked them to come to court so that they may protect Ophelia.
They bring the actors with them.
They try to lie to Hamlet about the purpose of their visit, insisting at first that they\'ve simply come
to see him.
Correct Answer : They try to lie to Hamlet about the purpose of their visit, insisting at first
that they\'ve simply come to see him.
Q.284- Who says of himself, \"But I am pigeon livered, and lack gall /To make oppression bitter, or ere
this/I should ha\' fatted all the region kites / With this slave\'s offal\"?
Claudius, speaking of his wish to kill Hamlet
Laertes, speaking of his desire to avenge his father\'s death
Horatio, speaking of his failure to rescue Hamlet
Hamlet, speaking of his failure to move against Claudius.
Correct Answer : Hamlet, speaking of his failure to move against Claudius.
Q.285- How does Ophelia come to believe that Hamlet is mad?
He enters her room as she is sewing; his clothes are dishevelled, and his look is piteous.
She knows that refusing to marry Hamlet will make him go insane.
Polonius reads a letter to Claudius and Gertrude, and Ophelia overhears it.
Horatio tells her
Correct Answer : He enters her room as she is sewing; his clothes are dishevelled, and
his look is piteous.
Q.286- What is the nature of the players\' speeches in Act II?
They put on a dumb show of pouring poison in the King\'s ear.
They tell of Priam\'s queen, who, when Priam is struck down by Pyrrhus, cries out in agony at her
The Player Queen protests her love for the Player King.
The players discuss at length their willingness to do Hamlet\'s bidding
Correct Answer : They tell of Priam\'s queen, who, when Priam is struck down by Pyrrhus,
cries out in agony at her loss.
Q.287- What\'s the meaning of Hamlet\'s words \"The play\'s the thing/ Wherein I\'ll catch the conscience
of a king\"?
He wants to find out whether Claudius is keeping him away from Ophelia.
He want to find out whether Claudius killed King Hamlet.
He wants to know whether Claudius seduced Gertrude before King Hamlet\'s death.
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None of the above
Correct Answer : He want to find out whether Claudius killed King Hamlet.
Q.288- What is \"The Murder of Gonzago\"?
The play that Hamlet asks the players to perform.
The rule book that Hamlet cites to make the players be less wordy and false in their acting.
The secret words that Hamlet tells Ophelia so that she will know his madness is feigned and not
real.e) All of the above
All of the above
Correct Answer : The play that Hamlet asks the players to perform.
Q.289- In Act III, to whom does Hamlet say, \"Give me that man /That is not passion\'s slave, and I will
wear him / In my heart\'s core\" ?
To Rosencrantz and Guildenstern; he is chiding them for their false behavior.
To Laertes; he is asking Laertes to stand with him against Claudius.
To Horatio; he is about to ask Horatio to observe Claudius\'s behavior.
To Claudius; he asks Claudius to recommend a servant.
Correct Answer : To Horatio; he is about to ask Horatio to observe Claudius\'s behavior.
Q.290- Who says, \"In second husband let me be accurst, / None wed the second, but who killed the
Player Queen
Correct Answer : Player Queen
Q.291- Who is killed in Act III?
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Correct Answer : Polonius
Q.292- To which characters does Hamlet reveal that he is but \"mad in craft\" and not truly mad? (Hint:
Not all of them understand his message or pay attention to it.)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
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Correct Answer : Horatio
The play-within-the-play for which Hamlet writes a few extra speeches
The book filled with \"words\" that Hamlet shows Polonius
The source for Hamlet
The First Player\'s speech on the tale of Hecuba and Priam in Act II
Correct Answer : The play-within-the-play for which Hamlet writes a few extra speeches
Q.294- What happens to Laertes in Act IV? (Multiple answers)
He sees Ophelia and thus learns of her madness
He learns of his father\'s death
He confronts Hamlet and fights with him.
He decides to descend to trickery and poison to kill Hamlet during the fight.
Correct Answer : He learns of his father\'s death
Q.295- Who is Osric?
The father of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
A sycophantic courtier with elaborate speech who carries the terms of the contest with swords to
The Prince of Norway whose progress toward Denmark becomes ever closer as the play
The courtier killed in the last few minutes of the play.
Correct Answer : A sycophantic courtier with elaborate speech who carries the terms of
the contest with swords to Hamlet
Q.296- What happens at the very beginning of Act V?
The gravediggers (clowns) engage in a humorous discussion of the propriety of burying a suicide
in consecrated ground
Hamlet picks up and contemplates the skull of Yorick, the king\'s jester
Laertes and Hamlet struggle and fight in Ophelia\'s grave.
Gertrude scatters flowers in Ophelia\'s grave, saying \"sweets to the sweet, farewell.\"
Correct Answer : The gravediggers (clowns) engage in a humorous discussion of the
propriety of burying a suicide in consecrated ground
Q.297- How does Gertrude meet her death?
She is killed by Claudius, who suspects her of aiding Hamlet in bringing about his downfall
She tries to stop the fight between Laertes and Hamlet, and she is killed with Hamlet\'s sword
She kills herself after Hamlet\'s death.d) She drinks from the poisoned cup of wine meant for
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She drinks from the poisoned cup of wine meant for Hamlet
Correct Answer : She drinks from the poisoned cup of wine meant for Hamlet
Q.298- Who has the last word in HAMLET?
Horatio: \"Good night, sweet prince, And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest\"
The Ambassador: \"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead.\"
Hamlet: \"O I die Horatio\"
Fortinbras: \"Go bid the soldiers shoot.\"
Correct Answer : Fortinbras: \"Go bid the soldiers shoot.\"
Q.299- . King Hamlet\'s death is falsely attributed to a ____________
leprous distillment
massive heart attack
cerebral hemorrhage
a poisonous snake attack
Correct Answer : a poisonous snake attack
Q.300- What is the name of the only character Hamlet can hold in one hand?
Tiny Tim
Correct Answer : Yorick
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