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Republic of the Philippines

Professional Regulation Commision

Metro Manila
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
The UNDERSIGNED Cipriano Mendoza , accuses Angelo Mangilit and two
other nurses (stationed nurse of the The Manila East Medical Center (Tata!" The
undersigned reposes and a#ers the following antecedent facts , to wit$
-That % , Cipriano Mendoza, am the son of the patient in Manila East Medical Center
Tata who was admitted last March &', ()'*"
-That the patient+s name was Corazon Mendoza, &, ears of age and was confined and
medicated for &-* das in the said hospital"
-That upon recommendation of the commissioned doctor in the Emergenc -epartment
named -r"Tan ,the patient was referred to the %C. -epartment of the hospital"
-That upon referral to the %C. ,%, /eing the son of the patient, cancelled the referral
made / -r"Tan since % and m sister (Conchita Mendoza! ma not see regularl the
condition of the patient "
-That upon the re0uest of transfer from the %C. to a regular room, the famil doctor
(who is -r" Ra/anal! of the patient agreed through telephone that the patient ma /e
transferred originall from %C. to a regular room" %n addition to this, we also as1ed the
permission of the admission office #ia a named 2hela if we can transfer the patient from
%C. to a regular room since she was there onl for some minutes" The Admission 3ffice
agreed in the affirmati#e"
-That % also tal1ed to the doctor in charge in the %C. -epartment for the transfer of the
patient and the doctor in charge also agreed with our re0uest of transfer pro#ided %
should #erif it with the Admission 3ffice and pro#ided further that % should see1 the
appro#al of -r" Ra/anal(the famil doctor!"
-that certain nurses were commissioned in the %C. namel4 Angelo Mangilit and the two
other colleagues of his ,whom % was not a/le to get the name from the Admitting 3ffice,
who too1 care of the patient"
-That said stationed nurses+ scope of responsi/ilit was to endorse the patient for
transfer from %C. to a regular room "
-That % made a follow up to the said nurses not twice /ut man times for the
endorsement of the patient /ut to no a#ail" The ali/i of the said nurses was that there
were some guidelines to /e followed /efore the patient ma /e transferred from their
%C. -epartment to a regular room" 5owe#er, % found out later that the endorsement
should /e made onl #er/all / the said nurses"
-that in m confusion of who will endorse the patient, % ha#e as1ed the nurses
commissioned outside the %C. if the were the one in charge for the endorsement of the
patient and informed me that the nurses who were assigned in the %C. were the ones
accounta/le for the release and transfer of the patient"
-that % was amazed / the fact that Angelo Mangilit and compan, the nurses stationed
inside the %C. ,were the nurses responsi/le for the transfer and endorsement"
-That while waiting for two and a half hours for the endorsement of the patient from
%C. to a regular room, % did another follow up from the said nurses and the told me
again that it was not eas for the patient to /e transferred urgentl /ecause there were
necessar steps to /e followed" %+#e as1ed the nurses if what was the tpe of
endorsement the need to do, so that the patient ma /e transferred urgentl6 The
replied that % should wait, so, % decided to wait outside for them"
-That in waiting for another &) minutes, % made another follow up in the %C.
-epartment, % ha#e told mself that this should not /e happening /ecause the life of the
patient was #er important and that the waiting shall not /e restrained for long hours
7ust for the negligence of these nurses commissioned / the %C. -epartment and
moreo#er, for the dela in the ser#ices of the patient and patient+s relati#es"
-That thenceforth, %+#e finall as1ed Angelo Mangilit and compan wh there was a
dela of transfer65e answered that % should wait" % told him that he should ha#e
endorsed the patient alread /ecause three hours had alread elapsed and that, as a
customer of the hospital and patient as well, we should not /e experiencing this 1ind of
treatment / the nurses and the hospital" % deemed that there was a clear neglect of dut
on the part of the nurses and moreo#er, on the part of the hospital, too"
-That % ha#e as1ed again Mr"Angelo Mangilit , 8h6, he onl replied that the ha#e to
finish the process for transfer and some guidelines for endorsement and this was the
main reason wh the patient must not /e transferred immediatel from the %C. to a
regular room"9o that was their reason wh the patient was not transferred for & hours" %
told them that the should transfer the patient #er/all /ecause this was the onl
re0uirement mentioned to me / the nurses commissioned outside the %C."
-That % ha#e as1ed Mr" Mangilit , what is his name6(/ecause / that moment ,% don+t
1now his name!" 5e replied to me /oastfull and with a high tone of #oice in Tagalog,
:A1o si Angelo, /a1it6 (sarcasticall and angr!" % then again as1ed his surname, he
answered again in the same actuations :Mangilit, /a1it6, %1aw /a sino 1a /a6(angr and
with a high tone of #oice!"
-That e#en though the were angr with me and with a high tone of #oice, % did not lose
m control and answered then that % was the son of the patient" Afterwards, % as1ed
them again if the ha#e a Manager whom % can tal1 to regarding the matter /efore the
situation /ecomes out of control"
-That after this incident, % went down and as1ed the Admitting 3ffice if % can tal1 to a
Manager of the 5ospital or someone % could tal1 to in order to rela m grie#ances or
explain the treatment % experienced from the nurses" The Admitting 3ffice called
someone o#er the telephone and told me to wait to the lo// "9u/se0uentl after a/out
')-'; minutes, a man approached me and told me that he was the head nurse, his name
was Mr" Alex"(the head nurse assigned that night!"
-That Mr"Alex as1ed me a/out what happened and % explained the incident to him in
the Admitting 3ffice" % was fortunate that % ha#e tal1ed to him to express m complaints"
After narrating to him the e#ent that had happened in the fourth floor of the hospital,
where the %C. was located, he told me that he will ma1e an incident report regarding
the matter and he will also as1ed Mr" Angelo Mangilit a/out the e#ent" .nfortunatel,
according to him, Mr" Angelo Mangilit alread went home" % told him if what 1ind of
endorsement is needed in order to transfer the patient, he answered that it was onl a
#er/al endorsement" 9o, % as1ed him wh the nurses he handled too1 more than & hours
to transfer a patient, he replied that he will ha#e to tal1 to the nurses in#ol#ed" % told
him that this should not happen /ecause we are the customer , and the hospital exists
/ecause there are patients and customers"
-That une0ui#ocall, there was no good customer ser#ice / the hospital and that the
emploees of the hospital were not doing their 7o/" Conse0uentl, that there was
negligence and dela in the endorsement of the patient"
-That finall, % made alread a complaint affida#it to the hospital+s customer ser#ice /ut
it seems the hospital too1 no action of this matter and that % thin1 that the hospital was
onl protecting its /usiness as well as its emploees"
-That now, thenceforward, % ha#e come into our office to su/mit this complaint
affida#it against the nurses in#ol#ed for their neglect of dut resulting for the dela of
the patient+s release and transfer from the %C. to a regular room"
-That % also pra into our good office that these nurses /e apprehended ,especiall
Angelo Mangilit and compan ,and /e sanctioned for disciplinar measures or ma /e
suspension from wor1 irregularl to #indicate the moral sufferings, mental anguish and
social humiliation we had experienced in the Manila East Medical Center Tata"
-That said nurse must defra the necessar damages we suffered from them for sociall
humiliating us inside the hospital"
-that notwithstanding the complaint affida#it % presented to the customer ser#ice of the
hospital and the formal demand to explain the actions of the a/o#e-mentioned
emploees, respondent failed and refused to resol#e the matter" % am therefore
executing this Complaint-affida#it to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts and for the
purpose of initiating an administrati#e and ci#il action against the respondent for
#iolation of their oath for con!uct unbeco"in# of $ nu%se&

IN )ITNESS )'EREOF % ha#e hereunto affix m signature this <<<da of
April <<<, ()'* in <<<<<<<<< Cit, Philippines"
SU+SCRI+ED AND S)ORN to /efore me this << da of April ()'* in
<<<<<<<<<Cit, Philippines"
% certif that % ha#e personall examined the affiant and that % am
satisfied that he personall executed the foregoing C3MP=A%>T-A??%-A@%T and
that he full understood the same"

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