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The Association For Theological Education by Extension O
Master of Theology (MTh) P

Applied Theology
with Specialisations in

Pastoral Practice
Mission Practice
Development Practice

This degree is validated and awarded by the federal University of Wales,UK.

For further details regarding the University and its validation services,
please log on to or email

The Association For Theological Education by Extension


for entry into TAFTEE's 3 year

Postgraduate Course

with Specialisations in

Pastoral Practice
Mission Practice
Development Practice
Leading to the Award of

Master of Theology (MTh)

This degree is validated and awarded by the federal University of Wales,UK.

For further details regarding the University and its validation services,
please log on to or email

Part of TAFTEE's Advanced Level Distance Learning Programme.

Message from the Director...
Since its foundation in 1970 the Association for Theological Education by Extension
(TAFTEE), widely recognised as the most important grass root level discipleship and
ministry training movement in India, has been offering various innovative leadership
development programmes at different levels. Among the pioneering programmes
launched by TAFTEE over the years, the MTh course in Applied Theology is unique in
many ways. This course, characterised by academic excellence, cost effectiveness
and ministry enhancement, has taken our vast experience in offering field based
practical theological education to newer heights. This course is specially designed for
those involved in various forms of Christian ministries who wish to improve their
ministry skills and enhance their competency for an effective ministry beyond the B.D.
level without having to interrupt their ministry.

This MTh course, validated by the Wales University, provides high quality ministerial
training of international standards to Indian Church leaders. It costs a lot of money for
a student to pursue an MTh course in Britain. But this MTh course makes available
the same level of academic excellence and achievement to Indian students in their
context at a very low cost. Though the Wales University awards the degree the
curriculum reflects the advanced level leadership training needs of the Indian Church.
Based on a holistic approach to ministerial training, the curriculum integrates guided
study of well designed self study materials on different disciplines related to Christian
Ministry, residential schools guided by subject experts, seminar meetings and tutorials
with ministry mentors and active involvement in ministry. Our link with most of the
denominational Churches also helps in effectively offering this course in India.

This prospectus contains information about our MTh in Applied Theology with
specialisations in Pastoral Practice Mission Practice and Development Practice and an
application form. Every year up to 30 select candidates with passion for mission and
ministry and a desire for advanced training will be admitted to the course. We also provide
partial mentoring scholarships to those who cannot afford the course fees. I invite you to
join this unique ministry training course which, I am sure, will benefit you and equip you
further to serve Christ and His work in India and the neighbouring countries.

David Samuel
Director, TAFTEE.

Professor D P Davies
John James Professor of Theology and
formerly Pro Vice-Chancellor
University of Wales, Lampeter

Message from the University of Wales...

I am very pleased to commend the Masters course in Applied Theology to
prospective students in India. The course offers students working in an Indian
context an opportunity to ground their academic study of theology in their practical
experience. This then enables them to reflect critically on their practical
experience of pastoral ministry and mission practice and to return to it with an
enhanced understanding of what it means to be a minister of God’s word.

I have been associated with this programme as the University of Wales Moderator
from the outset and am proud of the way it has been developed at TAFTEE. The
University of Wales (one of the largest in UK) is the validating University for over
eighty different programmes, involving over 10,000 students in more than twenty
countries around the world. This programme at TAFTEE is one of the most
exciting we validate that it enables those who follow it to make a real difference,
not only to their own lives as individuals but also to the lives of those among
whom they live and work.

Professor D P Davies

RECOGNITION OF THE DEGREE.................................................................6
The Association For Theological Education by Extension................................7
THE AIMS OF THE COURSE...........................................................................8
THE OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE............................................................9
BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE................................................................9
MINISTERIAL FORMATION........................................................................11
COURSE FEATURES.......................................................................................13
COURSE SYNOPSIS.........................................................................................14
The Structure of the Course..............................................................................15
Method of Study.................................................................................................16
Course Process....................................................................................................16
COURSE TEAMS..............................................................................................19
AREA TUTORIALS..........................................................................................20
RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS..............................................................................20
RECRUITMENT CRITERIA...........................................................................22
PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION ..............................................................25
OUTLINE SYLLABUS.....................................................................................26
FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS...........................................................................31
OTHER TAFTEE PROGRAMMES................................................................31


The University of Wales:

This MTh course in Applied Theology is validated by the University of Wales as
part of TAFTEE's integrated Masters Programme. The University of Wales,
which was founded by Royal Charter in 1893, is a large and distinctive federal
University comprising eight member institutions - six Constituent Institutions and
two University Colleges - whose activities it exists to support and which are
closely involved in its governance. The University is the degree-awarding
authority for its member institutions and for other higher education institutions in
the United Kingdom and overseas with which it also enjoys close links. Annually,
it awards more than 14,000 initial degrees and 3,500 higher degrees. The
University of Wales is the second largest degree-awarding body in the United
Kingdom. Apart from its member Institutions and Associated Institutions, there
are over 50 other Colleges and other institutions in Britain and overseas which
offer degrees that are validated by the University of Wales.
Asia Theological Association:
Students may register for an MTh in Applied Theology accredited by the Asia
Theological Association (ATA). The Asia Theological Association is a network
of more than 100 theological colleges throughout Asia which seek to enable
appropriate training of Christian leaders within the Asian context.
Church Recognition:
This MTh course is recognised by many Churches, Dioceses and Christian
Organisations as an appropriate advanced level training programme for those
actively involved in Christian mission and ministry. Several of our graduates and
present students are senior leaders in their denominations and Christian
organisations. Students have been sponsored by:
Arcot Lutheran Church Bethesda Bible Seminary, B’lore
Central Bible College (AG), Delhi CNI Agra Diocese
CNI Amritsar Diocese CNI Delhi Diocese
CNI Jabalpur Diocese CNI Nagpur Diocese
CSI Coimbatore Diocese CSI East Godavari Diocese
CSI Kanyakumari Diocese CSI Tirunelvelli Diocese
CSI Trichy Diocese CSI South Kerala Diocese
CSI Vellore Diocese Church of the Nazarene
Cuttack Baptist Church, Orissa Evangelical Fellowship of India
Evangelical Free Church Gospel Echoing Missionary Society
Indian Evangelical Mission Interserve, India
Mar Thoma Evangelistic Association Methodist Church in India
New India Bible College Pentecostal Holiness Church
Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church Tamil Nadu Bible College (AG)
Scripture Gift Mission Southern Asia Bible College (AG)
Vacation Bible School Ministries

The Association For Theological Education by Extension

The Association for Theological Education by Extension (TAFTEE), based in

Bangalore, India, has been involved in offering non-residential theological
education since 1971 to those who are unable to avail of Residential Theological
Mission Statement:
To assist the Church in preparing all God's people for the work of
Christian service through Open and Continuing Theological Education.
Aims: TAFTEE is committed to provide theological education that is:
 accessible - enabling all the people of God to be equipped for Christian
service, irrespective of denomination, educational background, gender or
 applied - enabling students to reflect thoughtfully on their involvement in
Christian mission and ministry and so to improve their effectiveness in
 academic - making the best use of scholarly tools and educational
technology to enable students to enhance the effectiveness of their
 appropriate - allowing students to reflect on the Gospel in a contextually
and culturally appropriate manner and so increase the relevance of their
ministry in the Indian context.
 accredited - creating links with churches and academic institutions to
ensure the accountability of its programmes for effective mission and
ministry in the local church.
 affordable - offering cost effect programmes so that all sections of
people can afford to study and equip themselves in the knowledge of
 apostolic - enabling students to understand and grow in the apostolic
teaching of the Christian faith as affirmed in Christian scripture.

TAFTEE already offers a range of courses for various constituencies.

 Approximately 6000 students are currently enrolled on TAFTEE's
Certificate Level Course, which is offered in nine different languages.
 TAFTEE's degree level course (B.T.S.) is presently studied by
approximately 1000 students. This course is accredited by the Asia
Theological Association as equivalent to B.Th.
 TAFTEE offers this Distance Learning MTh in Applied Theology as part
of its Postgraduate Level Programmes.
 TAFTEE is a recognised collaborating Institution of the British Open
University for offering Research Degrees.
From April 1994-2002, TAFTEE offered an MTh in Applied Theology in India in
partnership with Westminster College Oxford as part of its Open Learning
Programme. This course proved remarkably popular and also effective in helping
Christian ministers deal seriously with their context of ministry. This course was
basically aimed at those in ordained Christian ministry or those with a degree in
Theology who are in full-time Christian ministry. The present programme in
Applied Theology validated by the University of Wales, allows students to
complete an internationally recognized MTh while remaining in India.
As an institution that is committed to education by the Open Learning method at
all levels and with the wealth of experience that has come from co-operating with
Westminster College in offering a distance learning programme at the Masters
Level, TAFTEE is in a unique position to train Christians who are "in the field" or
in full time employment which cannot easily be given up to pursue full-time
residential study. This MTh course is designed to meet the needs of such people.


 To develop the theological and Biblical knowledge, skills and

competence necessary for involvement as Christian leaders in a specific
ministerial or mission context.
 To enable students, through in-depth study, to develop a critical
awareness of the relationship between theology and ministry/ mission.

 To provide a cohesive programme of study, which yet offers appropriate
diversity to allow individuals to meet their own training needs.


At the end of course you will be able to:

 demonstrate the ability to handle Biblical and theological resources
critically and relate them in appropriate ways to mission/ministry within
your cultural context.
 assess critically your ministry and suggest methodologies to effect
appropriate change where necessary.
 demonstrate an ability to communicate your studies with others involved
in ministry or mission as well as with your congregation or organisation.


This MTh Course in Applied Theology arises out of a need for advanced training
in mission and ministry in the Indian Church. While there are many advanced
courses offered at the Masters Level in Academic Theological disciplines by
various Seminaries and Colleges in India, few courses are available that focus
specifically on the advanced training needs of Christian ministers who wish to
improve their skills in the practice of ministry and mission. With the general
advances in education, especially in the urban context, there has been a growing
awareness in the Indian Church of a need to equip leaders at an advanced level in
practical aspects of pastoral ministry and mission practice.
This Course seeks to address these particular needs. It is aimed at training
Christians in and for leadership positions within their churches and
denominations. It seeks to enable such people to be reflective and effective
practitioners of the ministry to which they are called. It is hoped that this Masters
Programme will be a major resource for you in your continuing education for
Christian ministry.
The Course aims to enable you to pursue a programme of advanced theological
study that is integrated as well as suited to your own particular ministerial training
needs. In recognition of the considerable expertise and knowledge of those
involved in the practice of ministry, the course enables you to reflect critically on
your existing form of expertise by means of the multi-disciplinary expertise that
the course has to offer.
Taking the 'action-reflection-action' model of education, it is intended that you
should remain within your own setting of ministry or mission. The various
Courses provide critical tools for you to analyse and assess your ministry.


As a course in Applied Theology, the focus of your studies is on your own

development as a Christian minister. The course therefore seeks to enable you to
develop and strengthen your competency in the following areas:
Professional Competencies
At the end of course you will be able to:
 identify the distinctiveness of the ministry activity in which you are
 describe the social, organisational, political and religious context within
which such ministry activity takes place.
 analyse your ministry activity and its context in order to identify and
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your own practice.
 interact with different models of ministry activity as well as with your
own peers and colleagues within your own church denomination.
 effect appropriate change in your practice of mission or ministry.
Theological Competencies
At the end of this course you will be able to:
 reflect theologically on the nature and practice of Christian Mission or
Ministry in the light of Biblical Hermeneutics.
 reflect theologically on the nature and practice of Christian Mission or
Ministry in the context of the Church's historical and contemporary
engagement with Indian society.
Theoretical Competencies
At the end of this course you will be able to:
 demonstrate knowledge of relevant literature related to the nature and
practice of Applied Theology.
 give evidence of having acquired advanced skills in research to develop
strategies for appropriate change in the practice of Christian Mission or
 draw from a range of knowledge, theories, methodologies and disciplines
(such as sociology, anthropology, psychology and organisational studies)
to reflect critically on the nature and practice of Applied Theology.
Personal Competencies
At the end of this course you will be able to:

 demonstrate the skills of a reflective-practitioner, showing an ability to
reflect critically and theologically on personal and corporate practice
within the community of the Church.


1. This course is a 3 year, distance learning course specialising in Applied

2. This is a postgraduate level course designed for those who have had
formal theological training and at least five years relevant work
experience in some form of ministry.
3. The course consists of a linked Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate
Diploma, and Master of Theology Course with specialisation in Applied
i. Successful completion of all 3 years will lead to the Award of Master
of Theology in Applied Theology. The final year of the Course is by dissertation.
ii. Successful completion of the first 2 years of the course will allow you
to qualify for a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Theology. Students who do
not complete years 1 and 2 may nevertheless be awarded a Postgraduate
Certificate in Applied Theology on successful completion of certain designated
4. This course requires you to set aside time to participate in all the
following activities:
i. distance learning by specific course books, reading, personal research
and a structured workbook related to your ministry.
ii. monthly area tutorial/seminar work in a local group under the
guidance of a suitably qualified tutor.
iii. residential schools - twice a year in Bangalore. (These schools
normally take place in January/ August)


This TAFTEE Masters Course is based on a 180 point MTh which is equivalent
to 48 weeks of full-time study. Since the course is offered as a Distance Learning
Programme for those involved in full-time Christian work, the course is spread
over three years and consists of two parts of study: a two-year taught Postgraduate
Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma and a one-year Masters Level Dissertation.
The Dissertation Level may be extended for a further period of one year.
Course Structure
Since the purpose of this course is to enable you to reflect critically on your own
practice of ministry, the course is structured around two important features and
these run throughout the course.
The first is the Research Methods strand, which aims to enable you to
research into various aspects of your own ministerial situation. You are
encouraged throughout the programme to ask questions about your
ministry and this strand seeks to give you the tools so that you will be
able to find answers to your questions. In the process of research, it is
also possible that you will be surprised and be forced to rethink your
original questions. This is an important part of the process of becoming a
reflective practitioner.
Fundamental to this process of reflecting on your ministerial context is
the Transformational Studies strand. The primary purpose of this strand
is to enable you to integrate the various theoretical disciplines, which you
study with your practice of ministry. This part of the course comprises a
carefully designed workbook enabling you to create a personal database,
which relates your studies to your faith and ministry. The data that you
collect through the process of research into your ministry will form the
raw material for every assignment in Part One of the course.
These two important strands of study should stimulate you to make a suitable
choice of topic at the Dissertation Level and will provide you with the tools to
research a subject of importance in your own ministry.

The Structure of the Course

Research Methods
Semester 1: Core Semester 2: Specialised
Courses Courses
Courses Studied by All Students Track b: Mission Practice Track c: Development Practice
Year 1 Track a: Pastoral Liturgy
Understandin Christian Development
Hermeneutics Mission Anthropology Principles and
g Indian Ethics Worship, Project
and Exegetical Strategies for Mission Approaches to
Society Mission and Management –
Method Understanding Cultural Development
Understanding Pastoral Care Understanding and Disaster
Theory and Mission Anthropology Management
Society and its Ethical Theory Development
Practice of Strategies and and Cultural Project Planning,
implications for and Issues for Theories and
Biblical Practices and issues for Designing,
Christian Pastoral Practices and
Interpretation their Mission in Implementation,
Mission and Practice 15 Credits its Implications
Implications India Monitoring and
Ministry 15 Credits 15 Credits 15 Credits Evaluation
15 Credits 15 Credits
15 Credits 15 Credits
Year 2 Applied Personal and Evangelism Applied Women and
15 Credits Applied
Understandin Organisationa Social and Church Organisationa Child
Hermeneutics: Organisationa
g the Indian l Studies (a) Psychology Growth l Studies (c) Development
Bible, Culture, l Studies (b)
Religious and
Cultural Organisational Psychology for Concepts, Theories and Issues and
Theological Organisational
Context Theory for Pastoral models, Practices of Concerns of
Reflection on Theory for
Pastoral Practice techniques, and Organizational Women and
Culture and Mission
Understanding Practice methods used Development Children and
Context and Practice
the faiths of in evangelism its Implications
implications for
others in the and Church to Mission
understanding 15
Indian Context Growth
the Church
15 Credits 15 Credits 15 Credits
15 Credits 15 Credits 15 Credits 15 Credits
Year 3 15 Credits

Method of Study

Part One: Each Course is introduced at a Residential School. The main content
of the Course is taught through a handbook. This work is consolidated in monthly
area tutorials. In year one, there are two pieces of assessed work for each course.
In year two, there is one piece of assessed work for each course.
Part Two (Masters Level): The third year involves the writing of a dissertation
on Christian ministry. In exceptional circumstances, this may be extended for one
further year.
Hours per Week
It is expected that the average time to be given to the course work will be in the
region of twelve hours per week.

Course Process

This MTh in Applied Theology is designed to meet the training needs of those
involved in three specific areas of Christian ministry and Mission:
i. Pastoral Practice: Those involved in Pastoral Ministry.
ii. Mission Practice: Those involved in Cross-cultural Mission.
iii. Development Practice: Those involved in Development Work.
The process allows students from these different Christian vocations to interact
with each other while giving them the opportunity to focus on improving skills in
the particular ministry to which they are called.
Part 1: Year 1 (60 Points)
This Level focuses on foundational aspects of Christian Ministry and Mission. At
present the courses offered are:
Semester 1: Core Courses
Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegetical Methods
Understanding Society

Semester 2: Specialised Courses
Pastoral Practice Mission Practice Development Practice
Personal and Social Mission Methods and Theories, Principles and
Psychology Models Approaches to Development
Christian Ethics Anthropology for Mission Project Management –
Community Development
and Disaster

Part 1: Year 2 (60 Points)

This Level builds on the Courses studied in Year One. The Courses focus on
understanding issues in Mission and Ministry in the light of the Church and
contemporary Indian Culture. At present the courses offered are:
Semester 1: Core Courses
Hermeneutics: Bible, Culture and Context
Understanding the Indian Religious and Cultural Context
Semester 2: Specialised Courses
Pastoral Practice Mission Practice Development Practice
Applied Organisational Applied Organisational Applied Organisational
Studies (a) Studies (b) Studies (c)
Liturgy Evangelism and Church Women and Child
Growth Development

Part 2: Year 3 (60 Points)

Part two of the programme consists of the Masters Dissertation (60 Points).
The Dissertation will be an in-depth critical study of an aspect of Pastoral
Ministry or Mission or Development practice in which you are involved. At this
level, you will be expected to demonstrate an ability to conduct independent and
critical research.

Temporary Withdrawal
If you are unable to keep within the normal time schedule of the course, you may
apply for temporary withdrawal. Normally such withdrawal will be considered
only in extenuating circumstances such as serious illness, unforeseen professional
pressures or severe personal difficulties. Temporary Withdrawal will be for a
period of one year.

Diagram 2: M.Th. in Applied Theology: Course Process
Part One: Year One

1Semester August August-January

Residential School 1 Core Subjects
Introduction to Year 1 Core Subjects Hermeneutics and Exegetical
Introduction to Research Methods (Basic Understanding Society
Study Skills)
1Semester Semester 2

January January – August

Residential School 2 Specialist Subjects
Presentation of Core Subject Assignments Pastoral Practice
Introduction to Year 1 Specialist Subjects Mission Practice
Research Methods (Basic Social Research) Development Practice
Part One: Year Two

August August – January

Residential School 3 Core Subjects
Presentation of Year 1 Specialist Subject Hermeneutics: Bible, Culture,
Assignments Context
Introduction to Year 2 Core Subjects Understanding the Indian
Religious and Cultural Context
Research Methods (Further Social Research)
January January – August

Residential School 4 Specialist Subjects

Presentation of Core Subject Assignments Pastoral Practice
Introduction to Year 2 Specialist Subjects Mission Practice
Research Methods (Advanced Social Development Practice
Part Two: Year Three

August August – January


Residential School 5 Dissertation

Presentation of Year 2 Specialist Subject Dissertation related to
Assignments specialisation
Presentation of Dissertation Proposal
Introduction to Dissertation Studies

January January – August

Residential School 4 Dissertation
Presentation of Dissertation Progress Dissertation related to
(Literature and Methodology) specialisation
Final Submission – August


Each TAFTEE Course is not the work of only one individual. TAFTEE works
with various subject experts who are willing to give their time in training God's
people for ministry. The Courses are discussed and revised so that you will get the
best possible product.
The courses comprising this programme are delivered/co-coordinated by the
following Faculty with the help of others:

Rev. Dr. G. David Samuel

Rev Dr Samuel Jayakumar
Rev. Dr. K.C. Abraham
Rev. Dr Brian Wintle
Rev Dr Ashish Chrispal
Rev. Dr. J.T.K. Daniel
Prof. J. Philip
Rev. Dr Abraham Stephen
Dr Mrs Beulah Jeyaseeli
Rev. Dr. Samuel T. Packiam
Prof. Victor D'Souza
Rev. Dr S.D. Ponraj
Dr. George Edward
Mrs. Augusta Paul
Dr. Mohan Isaac
Mr Shyam Winston
Mr. Ajit Kumar

An integral part of the MTh Course is the Area Tutorial Network. You are
expected to attend an Area Tutorial at least once in every six weeks as part of the
MTh Course. You will be assigned a suitably qualified Tutor and will be expected
to attend tutorials along with the other students in your area. As a general guide,
tutorials take place for half a day each month. Depending on the geographical
location and schedules of students, this pattern can be adjusted. However, it
should be remembered that regular meetings, where you can discuss present
needs, are better than irregular meetings, in which you have forgotten what you
have learnt.
After your assignments have been marked and the comments of the Course Tutor
have been returned to you along with the assignment, your tutor will meet with
you in order to discuss questions and queries about the assignment. The tutor will
pay particular attention to helping you in areas of weakness as well as
encouraging you to apply the lessons of the assignment to your ministry.
One of the main roles of area tutorials is to help you to apply what you have learnt
to your situation of ministry. The effectiveness of this course depends on your
ability to put your learning into practice. Although the local tutor is not directly
involved in the marking of essays, he/she may be consulted about how well you
are applying your studies. The nature of distance learning means that the local
tutor is usually the first to become aware of any problems that you are
experiencing in your own life which may be detrimental to studies. Most students
will at some time find that the pressures of work, family, and other commitments
come into conflict with their studies. When this happens it is important that you
inform your tutor so that the necessary action can be taken in time.


The Academic Year starts in January with a 10-Day Residential School in

Bangalore. If you are accepted onto this course, it is essential that you attend this
Residential School.
Each subsequent semester will begin with a Residential School in Bangalore. In
Part One of the Course, you will be expected to make presentations at the
Residential Schools, which will be assessed along with your written work. It is
therefore necessary that you attend every school.

At the beginning of the Dissertation (Masters Level) of the course, you will be
expected to attend a Dissertation orientation programme in Bangalore for 3


 Academic Qualifications:
i. Candidates who wish to enroll for the University of Wales
validated MTh in Applied Theology specialising in Pastoral
Practice or Mission Practice should normally have a formal
theological training, (usually BD/BTS/ BTh/MDiv).
ii. Candidates who wish to enrol for the MA in Applied Theology
specialising in Development Practice should have a
recognised degree (normally in Social Science subjects)
iii. Candidates who wish to enroll on the Asia Theological
Association (ATA) accredited MTh in Pastoral Theology
should have recognised BD, or M.Div.
 Candidates should have at least five years in relevant work
experience in some form of mission or ministry:
i. For the specialisation in Pastoral Practice such work experience
should normally be in the local church.
ii. For the specialisation in Mission Practice such work experience
should normally be in cross-cultural mission.
iii. For the specialisation in Development Practice such work
experience should normally be in an NGO or Development
 Candidates should satisfy TAFTEE that they have:
i. a genuine curiosity to think theologically.
ii. a concern to be effective professional ministers who are
prepared to work at the intellectual and academic issues
involved in the practice of ministry.
iii. a desire to develop a professional understanding of the
application of theology to their own and the wider context in
which ministry occurs and who are able to work on their own
in small tutorial settings and in a more formal College setting.

iv. an ability to interact with the course teachers, materials and
other students in ways which will enhance their professional
and personal development and understanding.
v. an ability at English enabling them to write assignments at the
Masters Level.
 Candidates should receive supportive references from their
denomination and from their local church.
We aim to recruit, therefore, ministers who have a willingness and ability
to take increasing responsibility for their work, to sustain their interest and
to begin to deal critically with the questions and issues the course raises in
relation to their own circumstances and ministry.


The cost of the MTh programme validated by the University of Wales is as

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
University Fees Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 60,000/-
TAFTEE Fees Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 90,000/-
Total Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 150,000/-
Students registered with Asia Theological Association:
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
TAFTEE Fees Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 60,000/-
Students who take more than the minimum time allowed for the completion of the
degree will be charged accordingly.
• Some partial scholarships are available towards the cost of fees.
• Some additional scholarships are available as mentoring scholarships for
those actively involved in mentoring TAFTEE groups at the Certificate
and Degree level.
• An application form for scholarship is available with the Dean of
Postgraduate Studies, TAFTEE. Scholarships will be awarded on the
basis of academic achievement, ministry potential and financial need.

Fees are subject to revision each year and are notified annually. In the final year
there is a single additional cost of examining and binding your dissertation.
Payment of Fees
Fees must be paid at the beginning of each year. Details of how these should be
paid will be given when students are accepted onto the programme.
It is an invariable rule of TAFTEE that the awards of Postgraduate Certificate,
Postgraduate Diploma or Master of Theology are conditional on the payment of
all outstanding debts.
All fees must be paid by DD. Fees cannot be received by cash or cheque.
What the Fees Cover
 Distance Learning Course material, Transformational Studies work book,
Tuition related to each Course and Marking of Assignments in Part One.
 Area Tutor's tuition costs.
 Accommodation and food and tuition costs at all Residential Schools.
 Administrative costs relating to TAFTEE's administration of the course.
 Individual supervision at the Dissertation Level.
 Membership of TAFTEE's library and membership of the Joint
Theological Libraries reading scheme in Bangalore.
 Validation and Registration costs or Accreditation costs
What the Fees do not cover
 Travel to and from Residential Schools and Area Tutorials.
 Your own stationary and postage costs related to the course.
 Purchase of extra textbooks related to the Course.
 Membership of libraries other than TAFTEE library. In order to borrow
books from libraries other than TAFTEE's library (including those in the
Joint Theological Libraries scheme), you may be expected to pay a
membership fee.


 All applicants should complete the application form enclosed with this
 Applications from ordained ministers should be accompanied by
endorsements from their local church and the appropriate officer of the
denomination/church on the appropriate endorsement forms.
 Applications from other candidates should be accompanied by
endorsements from their local church and the appropriate officer of the
organisation for whom they work on the appropriate endorsement forms.
 Applications should be accompanied by the relevant degree certificates or
attested copies of such certificates.
 Application should be made to the Dean of Postgraduate Studies,
TAFTEE at the address given on the application form.


Core Courses: of exegesis to assess the significance

of a passage of Scripture for today.
Research Methods Strand
This Course will be divided into six Understanding Society
parts and will run for the duration of the This Course is intended to provide
Masters programme. It will be taught at students with opportunities for
each of the Residential Schools and distanced critical reflection on their
accompanied by a Research Methods current assumptions and styles of work
handbook, each section being a pre- in ministry and mission, informed by
requisite for the other Courses to be sociological approaches. Students do
introduced at the School. Each Section not need to have previously studied
of the Course will build upon its sociology but it is expected that they
predecessors as students deepen both will be used to thinking about
their theoretical and practical contemporary issues in their social
applications of research methodologies context. The Course therefore gives
and theological reflection. Learning students opportunities to understand
appropriated through this Course will how sociology can illuminate the
be evidenced by an increasingly nature, purposes and practices of the
sophisticated use of the tools in Church and its mission. Opportunities
students' written and oral are also given for students to apply
presentations. their growing understanding of the
place of religion in society, and of
Hermeneutics and Exegetical religion as a social institution.
This course gives an overview of Hermeneutics: Bible, Culture and
issues in Hermeneutics and Exegesis. Context
Here the student is encouraged to The Course on Hermeneutics: Bible,
interact with the theoretical issues and Culture and Context will build on the
principles of interpretation. Students previous Course on Hermeneutics and
are given the opportunity to engage Exegetical Method. This Course will
with various Biblical passages in concentrate on the role of Christianity
relation to issues of importance in the in the modern world. Here the students
contemporary Indian context. Starting will develop further the issues involved
with important issues of Hermeneutics in contextualisation and will
in relation to the nature of Scripture concentrate on how to make the
and authority, students are encouraged Biblical material relevant in their culture
to reflect upon the nature of meaning in and context. This Course will focus on
Scripture and its relationship to the the relationship between Christ and
understanding of God. The Course Culture and important issues in Indian
engages with various tools of society, such as Caste, Communalism,
interpretation and offers students tools Poverty, Gender and Ecology. This
Course will also address the specific
issues for Christian Mission in Indian beings which demand that in all
society. situations of life which they face as
individuals or peoples, they ought to
Understanding the Indian Religious
choose good rather than evil and act
and Cultural Context
accordingly. This Course attempts to
The materials focus on the nature of
help students understand the
Indian society in terms of religious and
complexities of moral decision making
cultural diversity. It explores the socio-
in the Indian context in order to
political and the theological
enhance their effectiveness in
implications of pluralism for the
Christian ministry. Though Christians
practice of Christian mission and
have a common faith, and may even
ministry. The Course expects the
have a common idea of the source of
student to make an in-depth study of
morality, they come from different
the beliefs and practices of people
religious, cultural and other
from another faith situated in or near
backgrounds and cannot be said to
his/her context of mission or ministry.
have a common idea or approach to
Data for such a study will primarily be
the content of morality even on some
gained from the people themselves.
very crucial issues.
The relationship of these beliefs and
practices will also be studied with Applied Organisational Studies
respect to at least one of the major Given that the Church is a voluntary
Indian religions other than Christianity. community, which believes in the God
whose Son freely gave up his power in
Pastoral Practice Courses: order to save humanity and who came
not to be served but to serve, what
Personal and Social Psychology view of authority can the minister/
The purpose of this Course is to priest in the Church take? This course
introduce aspects of psychological considers issues of power and
theory that may have relevance to authority from the perspective of
pastoral theology. This Course organisational theory. It looks at
provides students with opportunities for charismatic/ bureaucratic leadership
distanced critical reflection on their styles in relation to the Church and
current assumptions and styles of work asks how institutions go about defining
in ministry and mission, informed by their purposes. Theologians from
psychological approaches. Students do various denominations examine the
not need to have previously studied particular case of the Church in India in
psychology. The Course looks at the light of recent Organisational
differences that exist in individual theory as well as recent thinking.
religious thinking and experience,
seeking explanations from them in Liturgy
psychological theories. The Westminster Catechism famously
states that "Man's chief and highest
Christian Ethics end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy
Ethics deals with the problems raised him forever." The enjoyment and
by the moral conscience of human glorification of God can take countless
forms, but chief among these is the students will develop a missiological
worship of God. When believers come understanding of the mosaic of Indian
together to worship, they usually don't culture, customs and practices. It will
limit their activity to worship alone, for provide a review of cultural systems:
they find it necessary or helpful to economic, political, and religious
engage in other activities too - such as systems and their interrelationships. It
reading and listening to God's word will focus on analysis of religious
together, reflecting on that word in systems: beliefs, practices, and
meditation or speech, offering to God functions; symbol, ritual, and myth;
prayers in various forms, joining religious organisation and practitioners;
together in celebrating the Lord's conflict, change, and revitalisation in
Supper, and other such activities. religion.
Liturgy needs to be studied deeply, for
it is foundational to the life, ministry, Evangelism and Church Growth
and mission of the ekklesia . This module provides students with an
understanding of various concepts,
Mission Practice Courses models, techniques, and methods used
Mission Methods and Models in evangelism with an intention of
This module provides the students with planting churches. It helps the students
the knowledge of an over all to understand evangelism and church
perspectives of mission strategies. It growth in a deeper level by reflecting
facilitates the students to reflect on the on current theories and practices. It
question: what lessons does the will enable the students to examine the
Christian past teach us for our relevance of evangelism and church
understanding and practice of growth in the modern and post-modern
tomorrow’s mission. Students will be times. Also, students will be able
enabled to identify and develop discern the causes of church growth as
strategies for effective missionary work well as what is church and what is not
and church planting in their own rural church growth. It provides the student
and urban contexts. with an understanding of factors that
lead to growing churches, exploring
Anthropology for Mission such expansion dynamics as people
This module will concentrate on movements, webs, redemptive
providing the students with the analogies and procedures that can
knowledge in the advanced promote or hinder growth. Students
Anthropological issues relating to will be introduced to competing
Christian mission. It will deal with theologies of evangelism and church
concept, meaning, and components of growth. The module will provide
human culture; the importance of opportunity to evaluate and improve
cultural anthropology for Christian their current practice of mission,
witness. Introduce the students to evangelism and church growth.
bearers to, facilitators, nature, and
process of socio-cultural changes; Applied Organisational Studies (b)
missions and planed changes. The Given that church and Christian
organizations are voluntary
communities (the two structures) that development theoreticians and used by
believe in the God whose Son freely various development practitioners for
gave up his power in order to save human development. A Christian
humanity and who came not to be understanding to human development
served but to serve, what view of will be studied. The principles that
authority can the underline various development
minister/missionary /worker in the practices will be examined so also the
Christian organization take? This approaches that guide the different
Course looks at development models in its context as
charismatic/bureaucratic and other in the top down approach of plans and
leadership styles, and asks how policies, participatory approach, human
institutions go about defining their rights based approach and so forth.
purposes. The particular case of the The different programmes and policies
Christian organization in India is of the Government of India in the social
examined in the light of recent sector will be assessed critically
organisational theory, as well as recent viewing its progress and impact.
thinking by the leaders and theologians
Project Management – Community
from various denominations. This
Development and Disaster
module deals with organizational
Church has often been viewed as a
issues such as mission and board
charity organization. It is crucial to shift
relationship, financial policies, mission
from the charity approach to a
policies – promotions and support.
sustainable development of the
Further it examines partnership,
community and to address human right
networking, capacity building,
issues. This course equips Christian
advocacy, member care, health care,
development workers with the tools to
retirement plans, education of
appropriately understand the needs of
missionary children, training of
the community and to plan for
missionaries, native workers, Bible
community based development
teaching and training at the grass root
programmes and Disaster response
level, leadership, leadership training,
programmes; provide skills required for
local leadership, mission – board
monitoring and evaluation of
relationship, financial policies, raising
programmes, budgeting and writing
support, promotional work,
proposals for raising funds; and to
documentation, research, Social
analyse government programmes
responsibility, development programs
effectiveness and work towards
and other related matters.
advocating policy changes.
Development Practice Courses Applied Organisational Studies (c)
Theories, Principles and Given that the churches, mission
Approaches to Development agencies and development
This course will explore the theories of organisations have the understanding
development from sociological, political of Integral Mission, to serve the
and economical perspective, principles community believing in God whose
and approaches delineated by Son freely gave up his power in order
to save humanity and who came not to orphans, children infected and affected
be served but to serve, it is also with HIV, street children and
imperative to serve the humanity malnourishment etc. The themes
effectively. This Course looks at how covered include the provisions in the
institutions go about defining their Convention on the Elimination of
purposes, leadership styles, Discrimination Against Women
formulation of systems and policies for (CEDAW) 1979, UN convention on the
better management, compliance to Rights of the Children, social
government rules and regulations and legislations relating to women and
in systematic capacity building of staff children such as domestic violence,
and in network techniques for raising dowry act, Child labour etc, to focus on
funds and in working towards policy welfare schemes undertaken by the
decisions. The particular case of the Government of India, agencies
agencies in India is examined in the associated with the department of
light of recent organisational theory, as women and child development and
well as recent thinking by theologians. initiatives by NGOs and CBOs to
empower women and to protect
Women and Child Development
children. The study will enable the
The study will focus on the status of
students to reflect biblically on women
women and children in the society with
and children and its implications in
particular reference to the Indian
mission. The students will relate with
society analyzing the issues of dowry,
the state initiated programmes and
discrimination, violence and abuse
those by NGOs and CBOs and derive
against women and deprivation of
their own understanding and
women rights, early marriage, sex
responses to address to the issue
trafficking, child labour, child abuse,


Over the next three years, we plan to offer additional courses within the
specialisation tracks of the MTh Course in Applied Theology. We also plan to
offer a track in Organisational Leadership for those who seek to improve their
management and executive skills for leadership in various types of Christian


In addition to applying for this MTh programme, you might like to think of
making use of other TAFTEE programmes to equip the Christians in your
Church. TAFTEE can offer a well-structured training programme to suit the needs
of your congregation. Our Foundational Programme is offered in 9 different
Indian Languages.
TAFTEE offers two Degree Programmes: A Bachelor of Theological Studies
(BTS) and a Master of Divinity (MDiv). The BTS and MDiv are offered in
English. The BTS is also offered in Tamil and is being translated into Hindi. If
you have a degree in Theology you could also become an accredited TAFTEE
tutor for the Degree Level Programme.
A. Foundational Programme
1. Following Jesus: A Course in Discipleship and Ministry based on the Life
of Jesus Christ
This course forms the basis of TAFTEE’s present ministry and is by far the most
significant programme that TAFTEE offers in terms of leadership and
discipleship training. By a systematic study of the Gospel of Matthew, a student is
introduced to the major teachings of Christian faith and is also taught such
practical skills as evangelism, Bible study and leading prayer meetings.
This programme is designed to help Christians grow in faith and to understand
what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in a day-to-day life. It will also help them
to acquire skills in personal and group Bible Study enabling them to grow in their
devotional life and Christian character. Through this course one not only learns
biblical truths but also understands what it means to be a servant of Jesus. This
course is available in English, Hindi, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarathi, Telugu, Tamil,
Kannada and Malayalam.
2. Other Certificate Level Courses
TAFTEE also offers the following Certificate Level courses:
1. ‘Working together for Health’: A 10 Week Community Health Course
2. ‘Discover Christian Family Life Together’: A Course on the Biblical
basis of Christian family and its practical application
3. ‘See Through The Scriptures’: A survey Course of the message of the
whole Bible
B. Degree Programmes (BTS and MDiv)
1. Bachelor of Theological Studies
Based on a full-time Bachelor of Theology (BTh) degree course, the programme
is flexible and allows student groups the maximum possible choice. It also offers
courses at different levels to encourage learning progression. The programme is
structured in 3 stages and students can gain TAFTEE’s Certificate in Theological
Studies (CTS) and Diploma in Theological Studies (DTS) as part of this
programme. Students are required to complete a certain number of Credits from
the Foundational Courses, while the rest can be chosen from the Optional
Subjects. Students are also required to be involved in Supervised Ministry and to
reflect on their own personal growth through the programme. There are regular
Residential Schools that allow students to be involved in personal research.
Normally each course module comprises 12 weeks of study, including
introductory meeting and an examination at the end. For each module, a student is
expected to attend a tutorial each week. For each module, a student is also
required to complete between 7 and 12 hours of personal study per week.
2. MDiv Programme
From July 2004, TAFTEE has introduced an MDiv programme to offer an
integrated theological degree. This programme, designed for those who are
actively involved in Christian ministry and mission, combines the strengths of
TAFTEE’s BTS programme with the strengths of the MTh programme.
The Association for Theological Education by
Master of Arts (MA)/Master of Theology (MTh)

Applied Theology
with Specialisations in
Pastoral Practice
Mission Practice
Development Practice

Application form for the course commencing August 2009

Please attach a recent

Passport size
photograph of
yourself here

Tick the specialisation for which you wish Pastoral Practice: Mission Practice: Development
to apply:   Practice 

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS

Title (Delete as Appropriate) Rev/Dr./Mr./Mrs./ Other ……………………………
Full Name (as given on official documents)
Name you are known by (if different from above)
Mother Tongue ..................................... Date of Birth …..................
Denomination ....................................... Marital Status ....................
Address for Correspondence
Pincode (Compulsory): ................................
Residential Address (if different from above)
Pincode ................................
Telephone No (with the city code) :.…………………………..............................
E-Mail Address ................................ Fax No ...............................................
MA/MTh in Applied Theology – Application 2009 Entry
Details of Education and Training, and Formal Qualifications

Medium of
Dates Details (University/College, Qualification & Subject)

Country of Origin: ……………… Ethnic Background: ………………

Languages Known:
Speak: …………………………………………………………………………
Write: …………………………………………………………………………

Details of Present Post and Current Ministry with details of key

Responsibilities in Church/Diocese/Organisation

Dates Details

MA/MTh in Applied Theology – Application 2009 Entry

MA/MTh in Applied Theology – Application 2009 Entry
Details of other Relevant Work Experience with Key Responsibilities

Dates Details

In the space below, state your reasons for applying for this course.

How did you hear about this course?

MA/MTh in Applied Theology – Application 2009 Entry


I have read the Prospectus and understand the requirements of the programme in terms of time and finance.
All the information that is given on this application form is correct and I have completed the attached
assignment without taking help from others.

If accepted onto this course, I agree to pay my fees promptly either at the beginning of each year, or in two
installments each year at the beginning of each semester.

SIGNATURE ........................................................... Date ......................

Please enclose with this form:

 Relevant degree certificates, or attested copies of such certificates with marks
 Proof of age (School Leaving Certificate or anything relevant)
 A 500 word assignment (See below)
 Two Academic References, two Professional References (normally a recognised
authority in your church) and one Personal Reference.
 An endorsement form completed and signed by an office bearer in your local
 Either an endorsement form completed and signed by a senior office bearer in your
denomination (e.g., your bishop).
Or, an endorsement form completed and signed by your employer.

This completed application form should be returned before 30th July 2009 to the address below. If you require
a scholarship form please attach your request for the same.

The Director,
36 Bornmann Enclave,
Kothanur, Bangalore – 560077 INDIA

500 Word Assignment

On a separate piece of A4 paper, describe a significant event that has taken place in your ministry within the
last year. State why you considered it significant and how your reaction to the situation reflects your theology.

MA/MTh in Applied Theology – Application 2009 Entry

for candidates applying to study a
Master of Arts/Master of Theology in Applied Theology
offered by
The Association for Theological Education by Extension

1. Endorsement
Having checked the Recruitment Criteria, the .........................……..... Church
endorses the application of.................................................................................
for this course, judging the course to be appropriate for the candidate and the candidate for the
2. Finance
Tick (i) or (ii):-
 (i) This student will be responsible for all fees.
 (ii) The church/organisation will sponsor this student financially to the extent of Rs...………..
…….p.a., or ..….......% of course fees.
Tick (a) or (b)
This amount will be paid  (a) directly to TAFTEE
 (b) to the student
3. Other Comments
Please add any special recommendations of this student or supportive remarks which you may
wish to make. Continue overleaf if necessary.

Name of person signing......................................................................................

Position held......................................................................................................
Address ……………….……………………….………………….………….
Email: ………………………………………………… Ph. No. …………………
(with city code)

Signature ........................................................ Date ....................

Please return this endorsement to the candidate or forward it to:

The Director,
36 Bornmann Enclave,
Kothanur, Bangalore – 560077 INDIA

MA/MTh in Applied Theology – Application 2009 Entry


for candidates applying to study a

Master of Arts/ Master of Theology in Applied Theology
offered by
The Association for Theological Education by Extension

1. Endorsement
I have seen the application form from ...............................................…..
to undertake the above Course. The application has been discussed by the relevant officers in
the applicant’s local Church. The personal and vocational implications have been seriously
considered. I judge the Course to be appropriate for the applicant and the applicant for the
2. Commitment
The relevant officers in the applicant’s local Church have discussed the implications of this
endorsement and agree to support the applicant in his/her studies, allowing the necessary
time and leave for the applicant to complete the Course.
3. Other Comments
Please add any special recommendations of this student or supportive remarks which you may
wish to make. Continue overleaf if necessary.

Name of person signing.....................................................................................

Position held.......................................................................................................
Address ………………………………………………….………………….………….
Email: ……………………………………….. Ph.No.: ………………………
(with city code)

Signature ........................................................ Date ....................

Please return this endorsement to the candidate or forward it to:

The Director,
36 Bornmann Enclave,
Kothanur, Bangalore – 560077 INDIA

MA/MTh in Applied Theology – Application 2009 Entry

Please Provide Contact Details for Two Referees
(You should select those who are able to comment on your ability to undertake postgraduate study)

1. Name and Address

Pincode ................................

Telephone No (with city code): …………................................

E-Mail Address ................................ Fax No ..........................

2. Name and Address

Pincode ................................

Telephone No (with city code): ……………………................................

E-Mail Address ................................ Fax No ..........................

Please Provide Contact Details for One Referee
(You should select someone who is able to comment on your Personal qualities)

Name and Address

Pincode ................................

Telephone No (with city code): …………………….................................

E-Mail Address ............................ Fax No .......................................

MA/MTh in Applied Theology – Application 2009 Entry

The Association For Theological Education by Extension O

36 Bornmann Enclave,
Kothanur, Bangalore – 560077 INDIA

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