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Coronary Vasospasm Global Clinical Trials Review, H2, 2014

Market Research Report clinical trial report, Coronary Vasospasm Global

Clinical Trials Review, H2, 2014 provi!es !ata on the Coronary Vasospasm
clinical trial scenario" This report provi!es elemental in#ormation an! !ata
relatin$ to the clinical trials on Coronary Vasospasm" %t incl&!es an overview
o# the trial n&mbers an! their recr&itment stat&s as per the site o# trial
con!&ction across the $lobe" The !atabook o##ers a preliminary covera$e o#
!isease clinical trials by their phase, trial stat&s, prominence o# the sponsors
an! also provi!es brie#in$ pertainin$ to the n&mber o# trials #or the key
!r&$s #or treatin$ Coronary Vasospasm" This report is b&ilt &sin$ !ata an!
in#ormation so&rce! #rom proprietary !atabases, primary an! secon!ary
research an! in'ho&se analysis by Global(ata)s team o# in!&stry e*perts"
To Rea! Complete Report with Toc+
/ote+ Certain sections in the report may be remove! or altere! base! on the
availability an! relevance o# !ata #or the in!icate! !isease"
' (ata on the n&mber o# clinical trials con!&cte! in /orth 1merica, 0o&th
an! Central 1merica, 2&rope, Mi!!le'2ast an! 1#rica an! 1sia'paci#ic an!
top #ive national contrib&tions in each, alon$ with the clinical trial scenario
in 3R%C nations
' Clinical trial 4complete an! in pro$ress5 !ata by phase, trial stat&s,
s&b6ects recr&ite! an! sponsor type
' 7istin$s o# !iscontin&e! trials 4s&spen!e!, with!rawn an! terminate!5
3rowse 8&ll Report 9ith Toc+ http+,,www"marketresearchreports"bi-,analysis'
Reasons to b&y
' :n!erstan! the !ynamics o# a partic&lar in!ication in a con!ense! manner
' 1bri!$e! view o# the per#ormance o# the trials in terms o# their stat&s,
recr&itment, location, sponsor type an! many more
' ;btain !iscontin&e! trial listin$ #or trials across the $lobe
' 2spy the commercial lan!scape o# the ma6or :niversities , %nstit&tes ,
Hospitals or Companies
Table o# Contents
Table o# Contents 2
7ist o# Tables <
7ist o# 8i$&res 4
%ntro!&ction =
Coronary Vasospasm =
Report G&i!ance =
Clinical Trials by Re$ion >
Clinical Trials an! 1vera$e 2nrollment by Co&ntry ?
Top Co&ntries Contrib&tin$ to Clinical Trials in 1sia'@aci#ic .
Top 8ive Co&ntries Contrib&tin$ to Clinical Trials in 2&rope 10
Top Co&ntries Contrib&tin$ to Clinical Trials in /orth 1merica 11
Top Co&ntries Contrib&tin$ to Clinical Trials in Central an! 0o&th 1merica
Clinical Trials by G? Co&ntries+ @roportion o# Coronary Vasospasm to
Car!iovasc&lar Clinical Trials 1<
Clinical Trials by @hase in G? Co&ntries 14
Clinical Trials in G? Co&ntries by Trial 0tat&s 1=
Clinical Trials by 2? Co&ntries+ @roportion o# Coronary Vasospasm to
Car!iovasc&lar Clinical Trials 1>
Clinical Trials by @hase 1?
%n @ro$ress Trials by @hase 1A
Clinical Trials by Trial 0tat&s 1.
Clinical Trials by 2n! @oint 0tat&s 20
:naccomplishe! Trials o# Coronary Vasospasm 21
0&b6ects Recr&ite! ;ver a @erio! o# Time 22
Clinical Trials by 0ponsor Type 2<
@rominent 0ponsors 24
Top Companies @articipatin$ in Coronary Vasospasm Therape&tics Clinical
Trials 2=
@rominent (r&$s 2>
Clinical Trial @ro#iles 2?
Clinical Trial ;verview o# Top Companies 2?
@#i-er %nc" 2?
Clinical Trial ;verview o# @#i-er %nc" 2?
Clinical Trial ;verview o# Top %nstit&tes , Government 2A
Bapanese Coronary 0pasm 1ssociation 2A
Clinical Trial ;verview o# Bapanese Coronary 0pasm 1ssociation 2A
Robert 3osch Me!ical Center 2.
Clinical Trial ;verview o# Robert 3osch Me!ical Center 2.
Cyorin :niversity <0
Clinical Trial ;verview o# Cyorin :niversity <0
C&mamoto :niversity <1
Clinical Trial ;verview o# C&mamoto :niversity <1
/ational %nstit&te o# Health an! Me!ical Research <2
Clinical Trial ;verview o# /ational %nstit&te o# Health an! Me!ical Research
Click Here To (ownloa! (etail Report+
:niversity o# /ebraska <<
Clinical Trial ;verview o# :niversity o# /ebraska <<
Corea :niversity <4
Clinical Trial ;verview o# Corea :niversity <4
:niversity Hospital 3asel <=
Clinical Trial ;verview o# :niversity Hospital 3asel <=
9ashin$ton :niversity 0chool o# Me!icine <>
Clinical Trial ;verview o# 9ashin$ton :niversity 0chool o# Me!icine <>
:niversity o# Cali#ornia, 0an 8rancisco <?
Clinical Trial ;verview o# :niversity o# Cali#ornia, 0an 8rancisco <?
8ive Cey Clinical @ro#iles <A
1ppen!i* ==
1bbreviations ==
(e#initions ==
Research Metho!olo$y =>
0econ!ary Research =>
1bo&t Global(ata =?
Contact :s =?
(isclaimer =?
0o&rce =?
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