Dine - Gensan Tourism Council 08132014

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14 August 2014


!ear Ms. Rivera:
Greetings" #$ %a$ o& intro'u(tion, Courage Asia is a )anage)ent
(onsu*ting +r) esta,*ishe' in 2002, an' pro-i'es (onsu*tan($ ser-i(es,
hospita*it$ training, &oo'ser-i(e e-ents an' other *earning sessions, in
-arious &or)ats a** o-er the (ountr$.
/e are %riting to see0 the en'orse)ent o& $our goo' o1(e &or our
Restaurant Manage)ent Se)inar series entit*e' DINE PHILIPPINES. The
o,2e(ti-es o& the Se)inar are3
1. To enhan(e the *e-e* o& our (ountr$4s touris), hospita*it$ an' (u*inar$
2. To trans&er 0no%*e'ge &ro) in'ustr$ e5perts to its sta0eho*'ers
espe(ia**$ in 0e$ an' 'e-e*oping (ities in the (ountr$
6. To pro)ote 7i*ipino (o)petiti-eness in ter)s o& operationa* stan'ar's
an' ser-i(e 'e*i-er$ in *ight o& g*o,a*i8ation
The Se)inar series (o))en(e' in 2010, an' has ,een atten'e' ,$ )ore
than 9,000 &oo' ser-i(e an' hospita*it$ in'ustr$ sta0eho*'ers an' the
a(a'e)i( (o))unit$. It has ,een supporte' ,$ hospita*it$ an' (u*inar$
s(hoo*s, in'ustr$ asso(iations an' top )e'ia partners su(h as
#usiness/or*', :er/or'.(o), 7;# /or*', Intera0s$on Li&est$*e <T=9>,
C*i(0theCit$.(o), Negosentro.(o) an' 7oo'7in'sAsia.(o). It has sin(e ,een
stage' in ?a)panga, #a(o*o', Ce,u, !a-ao, @a),oanga, et(. The the)e &or
ASEAN INTEGRATION, an' has a*rea'$ -isite' !a-ao an' @a),oanga Cit$
*ast )onth. 7or the rest o& the $ear, the s(he'u*e' *egs are as &o**o%s3
1. South Cota,ato <SOCCASARGEN> Septe),er 12
2. ?a)panga Septe),er 1B
6. Caga$an !e Oro Septe),er 2C
4. #a(o*o' O(to,er 6
9. I*oi*o O(to,er 1D
C. #ora(a$ No-e),er 14
D. Sa)ar No-e),er 21
E. Le$te No-e),er 2E
Atta(he' is a sa)p*e roster o& spea0ers an' their (re'entia*s &or $our
re&eren(e. Shou*' $ou nee' &urther in&or)ation, p*ease *et us 0no%.
7or the SOCCASARGEN *eg, %hi(h %i** ta0e p*a(e in The 7ar), Aorona'a*,
South Cota,ato, %e ,e*ie-e that an enorse!en" #ro! "$e TO%RISM
CO%NCIL OF GENERAL SANTOS CIT& o# "$is even" "o a'' (our
)ons"i"uen)ies an "ouris! s"a*e$o'ers is )utua**$ ,ene+(ia* as %e
share (o)p*e)entar$ a'-o(a(ies, %hi(h %i** ,e &urther pro)ote' -ia the
a(tua* staging o& the se)inars an' the pu,*i(it$ )a'e to pro)ote these.
/e *oo0 &or%ar' to hearing &ro) $ou, an' a *ong an' su((ess&u* partnership
%ith $our o1(e.
Sin(ere*$ $ours,
Mr. ,oa earne $is -S-A .)u! 'aue/ egree in 0121 an $is M-A egree
in 0134 5o"$ #ro! "$e %NIVERSIT& OF THE PHILIPPINES.
Fohn*u Aoa is the 7oun'er an' CEO o& The 7ren(h #a0er. :e is a )u*tiGa%ar'e' an'
ta*ente' entrepreneur an' a )ar0eting e5pert. :e starte' his pro&essiona* (areer in
1BE0 ,$ tea(hing at the U?G !i*i)an Co**ege o& #usiness A')inistration. :e taught
)ar0eting an' ,usiness po*i($, ,oth at the un'ergra'uate an' M#A *e-e*s &ro)
1BE0 unti* 1BB9, spanning a** o& 19 $ears. !uring that perio', he a*so ser-e' as
(o**ege Se(retar$ &ro) 1BE4 unti* 1BB0.
In 1BBC, he %as a%ar'e' the TOM Hor Ten Outstan'ing oung MenI &or
Entrepreneurship. In 2009, he re(ei-e' the prestigious Earnst ; oung JE)erging
Master Entrepreneur o& the ear A%ar'K. In his &ree ti)e, he goes aroun' the
s(hoo*s gi-ing spee(hes on JEntrepreneur 'e-e*op)entK an' JStrategi( Mar0etingK.
:e regu*ar*$ shares his opinions an' ,a0ing 0no%*e'ge ,$ %riting in a )onth*$
)aga8ine (a**e' J#a0ing ?ressK %hi(h is pu,*ishe' ,$ the InLuirer Group.
7oun'e' in 1BEB, The 7RENC: #AAER %as pure*$ a (reation o& Mr. Aoa. ?erhaps sti**
un0no%n to )an$, 7RENC: #AAER is not a &oreign &ran(hise. It is 100M7i*ipino an'
prou'*$ Ma'e in the ?hi*ippinesK. :is insights an' &oresight he*pe' hi) su((ess&u**$
steer through the ups an' 'o%ns o& the ?hi*ippine e(ono)$ in the *ast 21 $ears. :e
%as a,*e to %ithstan' &oreign (o)petition, an' is prou' o& the &a(t that )an$ o&
the) ha-e a*rea'$ *e&t our shores. This, he sa$s, is his greatest a(hie-e)ent, asi'e
&ro) ,eing a,*e to pro-i'e e)p*o$)ent to )an$ an' to inspire the $oung to
serious*$ ta0e up a (areer in (u*inar$ e'u(ation an' *ater on, in the &oo' ser-i(e
Mr. Aoa a*so sa$s that he goes ,$ these 6 'i(tu)s in ,usiness3
1) Custo)er is AingN
2) 7o(us an' 'iOerentiateN an'
3) Un'erGpro)ise ,ut o-erG'e*i-er
Mr. Nievera $as a -A Degree in Co!!uni)a"ions Resear)$ .0133/ an a
Mas"ers Degree in Dis"an)e Eu)a"ion an $as a Pro#essiona'
Tea)$ing Cer"i6)a"e .7800/+ a'' garnere #ro! "$e %NIVERSIT& OF
:o)er Nie-era is a seria* 'igita* entrepreneur, a strategist an' a te(h -isionar$.
:o)er, a*so 0no%n as J:o)erun,K has a 0na(0 at Pipping te(h ,usinesses an'
(reate strategies that up re-enues an' -a*uations o& (o)panies. :e he*pe' 'o this
at ,oth 7rien'ster an' Mu*tip*$ %hen he hea'e' g*o,a* re-enue strateg$ an'
a'-ertising operations &or ,oth sites GG the on*$ 7i*ipino to ho*' su(h i)portant g*o,a*
posts &or US an' Si*i(on =a**e$Gt$pe +r)s.
:o)er (urrent*$ hea's t%o -enture 'e-e*op)ent (o)panies in the ?hi*ippines that
,ui*' an' )anage ni(he (ontent sites. :e a*so )anages his startup ,*og
Negosentro.(o) an' is the pu,*isher o& 7oo'7in'sAsia.(o), a )aga8ineGst$*e' ,*og
&or the &oo' ser-i(e in'ustr$ in the ?hi*ippines.
Ms. Ma)'ang $as an A- in Po'i"i)a' S)ien)e+ In"erna"iona' Re'a"ions+
Governan)e #ro! "$e ATENEO DE MANILA %NIVERIST&.
A)or Ma(*ang *ea's GeiserMa(*ang, an internationa**$ a%ar'e' &u**Gser-i(e
)ar0eting (o))uni(ations (o)pan$, that steers *ea'ing na)es in a 'i-erse +e*' o&
in'ustries, in(*u'ing nu),er 1 an' nu),er 2 ,ran's in rea* estate, *i&est$*e <tra-e*,
&oo', &ashion>, phar)a(euti(a*s, ,an0ing, te*e(o))uni(ations, an' &ast )o-ing
(onsu)er goo's.

:er 6C0Gintegrate' )ar0eting (a)paigns ha-e garnere' (re'it *o(a**$ in(*u'ing
?RS?4s An-i* A%ar's, IA#C4s Qui** A%ar's, an' UA;?4s Ta),u*i A%ar's, an'
internationa**$ su(h as the Internationa* #usiness A%ar's <Ste-ies>, a)ong others.
One o& her )ore nota,*e (a)paigns is the Toblerone National Thank You
Day (a)paign, %hi(h earne' the G*o,a* Integrate' Mar0eting ; Co))uni(ations
A%ar', as %e** as the G*o,a* #est ?ra(ti(e in Mar0eting &ro) Ara&t 7oo's /or*'%i'e.
It %as a +rst %in &or Asia ?a(i+( ,$ a ?RG*e' )ar0eting progra), an' its strateg$ %as
a'opte' in other (ountries.

As a ,ran' ar(hite(t an' strategist, A)or ,e*ie-es that reputation )anage)ent is
in'ispensa,*e in an$ (orporate or ,ran'ing (a)paign, espe(ia**$ in a (ountr$ that
has one o& the highest ris0 &a(tors in the %or*'. :en(e, she sought training in the US
an' Austra*ia &or (risis an' ris0 )anage)ent, an' has sin(e ,een (onsu*ting an'
(on'u(ting trainings &or (o)panies an' organi8ations in the ?hi*ippines &or issues
an' ris0 (o))uni(ations )anage)ent.

:er )an$ ro*es a*so e5ten' to ,eing a ste%ar' o& art, as she (onsi'ers this as a
'is(ip*ine that *en's 'i)ension to her pro'u(ts an' (a)paigns. Through (reati-e
(o**a,orations, A)or (onne(ts e*e)ents that peop*e ha-e tra'itiona**$ 0ept
separate. Art an' 'esign are her nonGnegotia,*e (reati-e inputs, 'iOerentiating an'
e*e-ating ,oth her pro(esses an' outputs.

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