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In the last century industrialized societies have developed remarkable abilities to move people,
information and materials in great numbers and amounts over great distances relatively quickly and
This ability is reflected in diverse phenomena such as shuttle diplomacy, mass international
tourism , commuter marriages, instantaneous international stock and currencytrading market, same
morning international delivery of !e" #ork times, the $inancial Times of %ondon and other
cityne"spapers and &an $rancisco restaurant menus reading Maine lobster and !or"egian salmon
fresh daily
The development of the 'et airplane and telecommunications satellite have bulked large
producing such a phenomena.
The automobile and truck have also been po"erful enabling factors for physical mobility.
(nless one vie"s them in historical perspective , it is easy to take such remarkable and unprecedented
phenomena for granted.
In ,pril -./0, 1ichard 2agner a composer took him 3 days to travel nonstop by coach from
4aris to 5resden to attend rehearsals of his ne" opera.
The deadly 6attle of !e" 7rleans took place after the signing of the peace treaty of 2ar of
-.-0 because ne"s of armistice could not reach.
The sociological significance of this mobility feature is comple* and double edged.
2hile mobility manifested in the form of international mass tourism has struck "elcome blo"s
against provincialism and *enophobia it has also resulted in overloading or destroying some
notable local cultural and natural environment suc as $lorence , 4aris and certain historical sites
and islands in 8reece
shuttle diplomacy is the use of a third party to serve as an intermediary or mediator bet"een t"o
parties "ho do not talk directly. The third party travels 9:shuttles:; bet"een the t"o primary parties.
&huttle diplomacy is often used "hen the t"o primary parties do not formally recognize each other but
still "ant to negotiate.
Commuter marriage is a voluntary arrangement "here dualcareer couples maintain t"o residences in
different geographic locations and are separated at least three nights per "eek for a minimum of three
months 98erstel and 8ross -<.0= 7rton and >rossman -<.?;
(nprecedented "ithout previous instance= never before kno"n or e*perienced= une*ampled or
unparalleled+ an unprecedented event.
armisticestate of peace agreed to bet"een opponents so they can discuss peace terms
a trait, habit of thought, etc., characteristic of a provincial, a province, or the provinces.

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