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ISSUE 07 - July 2014

Fire & Security Associaton of India Bi-monthly Newsleter
Chapter Actvites-
- IFSY 2014 - Announced
- Gujarat - Jal-Vayu-Agni 2014 Seminar -
Surat & Indore
- Network Meet - Mumbai
- Fire Safety Training Programs - Mumbai
- Tree Plantaton - Mumbai
- SIP - School Focus - Hyderabad & Delhi
Upcoming & Support Events
Visakhapatnam Chapter
Presidents Message
10th July 2014 | Mumbai
Friday, 8th August - Bengaluru Wednesday, 13th August - Chennai
Monday, 18th August - Hyderabad Friday, 22nd August - Mumbai
Wednesday, 27th August - Ahmedabad Wednesday, 3rd September - Pune
Saturday, 6th September - Visakhapatnam Wednesday, 10th September
- Delhi Friday, 12th September - Kolkata Wednesday, 17th September -
Coimbatore Friday, 19th September - Kochi
Road Show Schedule
Greetngs to all FSAI
Change and new
beginings for the
Naton with the new
Modi Government.
On behalf of Fire &
Security Associaton of
India, I am very happy to
share the pride moment
for FSAI in bringing out another editon of FSAI
Buzz a bi-monthly newsleter.
With the emergence of Modis government, we can
for-see lot of development in Indian infrastructure
in all cites including development of mega & smart
cites across the country. In line with this idea, we
can see large number of high-rise buildings, gated
communites, state of art buildings compettve to
world class high-rise buildings similar to ones in the
developed countries such as US. This infrastructure
development requires us to give priority to Safety &
Security aspects such as fre protecton, surveillance
to the property and human life.
This becomes a major challenge meetng the latest
standards in designing and implementng by the
constructon industry. Meetng the environmental
friendly standards for a safe building design working
in tandem with architecture, electrical, plumbing
services will play a major role along with fre safety,
CCTV surveillance, automaton.
FSAI has been associated with engineering societes
involved in the building services, IGBC, ISHRAE
and IPA for supportng this integraton and moving
forward towards an integrated development.
FSAI has to look forward for providing proper
guidance in bringing out latest safety and security
standards by way of publishing building codes
and standards that are being developed and
implemented by developed countries meetng our
standards as per NBC guidelines suitable to Indian
FSAI has to play a challenge role to take the industry
in proper directon in meetng the demands through
their chapters across India.
The manufacturers in the life safety and fre
protecton industry also have to lend a helping hand
to FSAI in spreading the knowledge and necessity
of the fre safety, security & protecton against fre,
Burglary, human safety due to the increased usage
of high value electrical and mechanical gadgets and
equipment in all walks of life.
I congratulate the entre team of FSAI for having
taken up the task of publishing the news leter
FSAI Buzz for spreading and promotng the
knowledge in the feld of safety and security in the
I wish all the FSAI chapters a great success in
promotng this noble cause for a safe and secure
living standards and to see FSAI reaches greater
heights playing important role in the countries
K. Leela Prasad

Fire & Security Associaton
of India (Gujarat Chapter)
organized their Third successful
Seminar - Jal Vayu Agni 2014 on
21st June 2014 at The Radisson
Blu Hotel, Indore. The seminar
was held in collaboraton with
ISHRAE Indore Chapter, IPA
Gujarat Chapter & ASHRAE -
Western India Chapter and laid
emphasis on Emerging Trends
in Building Services.
The session began with the
Natonal Anthem being played,
followed by Lightng of the lamp.
The special Dignitaries who were present for the lightng ceremony
were Mr. Ranjit Nambiar General Secretary FSAI, Mr. Pankaj Dharkar
President- FSAI Gujarat Chapter, Mr. Dipen Mehta Chairman IPA-
Gujarat Chapter, Mr. Nilesh Pandya President ISHRAE - Indore Chapter
& Mr. Nishant Gupta - Natonal Chair Program ISHRAE. Mr. Dipen Mehta
in his welcome address briefed about the theme of Jal Vayu- Agni and
greeted all the delegates present as well as the sponsors for this Seminar.
The aim of the Seminar was to generate awareness for the forthcoming
projects of large sizes; requirements of services like HVAC, Fire Fightng /
Security /IBMS and Plumbing.
Mr. Pankaj Dharkar President FSAI- Gujarat Chapter in his address gave a detailed presentaton on Life
Safety in High- Rise Buildings. Mr. Kanak Kothari Ex. Vice President Taj Group of Hotels gave his insights
through a detailed presentaton on LEED ratngs & optmizaton of design for large building with a sample
case study of Taj Hotel (Bandra). Mr. Minesh Shah Director Aqua Design and Commitee Member of IPA-
Gujarat Chapter presented his views on Advance Technologies & Material in Plumbing Systems.
Towards the end of the Seminar, an interactve panel discussion on Challenges in Integraton of Building
Services was conducted, which became the highlight of the program. The panel discussion was moderated by
Mr. Pankaj Dharkar President FSAI Gujarat Chapter & had the following partcipants in the panel:
Mr. Ranjit Nambiar General Secretary FSAI, Mr.Anil Agrawal Leading Developer of Indore,
Ar. Puneet Panday Leading Architect from Indore, Mr. Dipen Mehta Chairman IPAGC, Mr. Kanak Kothari
Ex. Vice President Taj Group of Hotels.
Overall the Seminar was a great success, with about 210 delegates present for the event. The audience
comprised of Technical experts, Building owners, Architects, Contractors and various Consultants along with
FSAI, ISHRAE, ASHRAE Members from Indore & surrounding locatons.
Mr. Nishant Gupta ISHRAE Natonal Chair Program, concluded with Vote of Thanks. He thanked the organizing
commitee, Sponsors & delegates, for their valuable support and contributon towards successful completon
of the seminar. The event concluded with Cocktail & networking Dinner to the partcipants.
This year FSAI Gujarat Chapter has decided to organize similar seminars on JAL VAYU AGNI 2014 - Emerging
Trends in Building Services, which would cover most of the part of Gujarat.
The tentatve dates for these events are: Rajkot 26th July 2014 Vapi (Daman) 27th September 2014
Ahmedabad 20th December 2014
The Sponsors of this Event were Tyco (FSAI), Astral & Grundfos (IPA) & Asawa (ISHRAE).
The event was adequately supported by IGBC (Indian Green Building Council).
Jal-Vayu-Agni 2014
21st June 2014 | Indore, Gujarat

Fire & Security Associaton of
India (Gujarat Chapter) had
organized a second successful
Seminar Jal Vayu Agni 2014
along with ISHRAE Surat
Chapter, IPA Gujarat Chapter
& ASHRAE- Western India
Chapter on Emerging Trends
in Building Services on 31st
May 2014 at The Gateway Hotel,
The session began with
the Natonal Anthem &
Lightng of the lamp by Mr.
Dipen Mehta Chairman
IPA- Gujarat Chapter, Mr.
Pankaj Dharkar President- FSAI Gujarat Chapter, Mr.
Minesh Shah Director- Aqua Design , Mr. D.N.Shukla
ASHRAE Secretary Western India Chapter &
Mr. Manish Avlani- President ISHRAE Surat Chapter joined
lightng of the lamp. Mr. Dipen Mehta in his welcome address
briefed about theme of Jal Vayu- Agni and greeted all
delegates and sponsors for this Seminar.
The aim of the Seminar was to generate awareness in the up-
coming projects of large sizes; requirements of services like
HVAC, Fire Fightng / Security /IBMS and Plumbing.
Mr. Pankaj Dharkar President FSAI- Gujarat Chapter gave a detailed presentaton on Life Safety in High-
Rise Buildings. Also Mr. Ashu Gupta Managing Partner - Design2occupancy Services LLP gave a wonderful
presentaton on Energy Efciency in Existng Buildings.
Mr. Ketan Soni- GM- Constructon Blue Star India Limited present a case study on Challenges for MEP
Services in Mega Projects.
Mr. Minesh Shah Director Aqua Design and Commitee Member of IPA- Gujarat Chapter presented views
on Advance Technologies & Material in Plumbing Systems.
The Seminar was great successes with 214 delegates presented for the event. These gathering were from
Technical experts, Building owners, Contractors and various Consultants, Architects & FSAI, ISHRAE, ASHRAE
Members from Surat & adjoining areas.
Mr. Kamlesh Mehta ISHRAE Regional Director West -II concluded with Vote of Thanks , in the note a special
thanks was mentoned to organizing commitee, Sponsors & delegates. The event concluded networking
Dinner to the partcipants.
This year FSAI Gujarat Chapter has decided to organize series of seminar on JAL VAYU AGNI 2014 - Emerging
Trends in Building Services covering most of the part of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh States. The tentatve
event calendar for other part of states is: Indore - 21st June 2014 Rajkot - 26th July 2014 Vapi (Daman) -
27th September 2014 Ahmedabad - 20th December 2014
The Sponsored of the Event were Astral (IPA), Carrier UTC (FSAI) , Nidhi Impotred & S.N.Valves (ISHRAE).
The event was supported by IGBC (Indian Green Building Council), CREDAI (Confederaton of Real Estate
Developers Associaton of India), IIID (Indian Insttute of Interior Designer), SGCCI (South Gujarat Chamber
of Commerce & Industries) & IIA (Insttute of Indian Architect).
Jal-Vayu-Agni 2014
31st May 2014 | Surat, Gujarat

Network Meet | 22nd May 2014 | Mumbai
Fire & Security Associaton of India (FSAI), Mumbai Chapter
hosted a Network Meet on 22nd May 2014 at MIG Cricket
Club, Bandra, Mumbai. This event was sponsored by LAPP
The session began with the recital of Natonal Anthem &
Lightng of the Lamp by Mr. Sunil Nesarikar, Dy. Chief Fire
Ofcer, Mumbai City. Mr. Ajit Raghavan, Mr. Suresh Menon
& Mr. Vivek Mate joined Mr. Nesarikar in lightng the
lamp. Mr. Suresh Menon, in his welcome address, greeted
Mr. Nesariker as well as all the members to this meet. He
extended a warm welcome to Lapp India team as well. Mr.
Menon also stressed the need to increase the strength of
FSAI, by enrolling new members into FSAI fold, which could
happen only with adequate support from the existng members of the commitee.
Further, Mr. Sunil Nesarikar in his address outlined the plans of Mumbai Fire department and encouraged
FSAIs role in creatng awareness in our society. He also assured to provide all necessary support to FSAI in
Mumbai Chapter added another feather in the cap by conductng a training program on FIRE SAFETY
& LPG CYLINDER SAFETY for a Senior Citzens Home called Chaitanya located at Jambhulpada,
Raigad District, Maharashtra (near Lonavla) on Monday 12th May 2014 from 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs in
their recreaton room.
Fire Audit was conducted at their shelter home in April 2014, wherein we had suggested where to
install fre extnguishers at prominent places
across the premises, install Fire Exit selfglo
signages, Insulatng rubber mats infront
of electrical panels, Fire Blanket in kitchen
etc. Afer installaton of the same at correct
locatons, the training for the senior citzens
was scheduled.
The shelter home accomodates approx 60
senior citzens in their premises. It has its own
kitchen and cafeteria. On the request of their
Trustee Mrs Leena Deosthalee, this program
was arranged especially keeping the safety of
senior citzens in mind. As LPG is also used in
the kitchen for cooking, training on LPG safety
measures was also conducted for the kitchen
staf and all other partcipants. The training covered basic fre safety and fre preventon measures
and survival techniques from smoke flled areas. The training concluded with live fre demonstraton,
wherein the kitchen staf, secuirty staf and few senior citzens were trained on proper usage of Fire
Extnguisher and fre blanket.
We would like to appreciate and recognise the dedicated eforts of Mr.Rajesh Shirke, Mumbai
Commitee Member, who has been relentlessly steering FSAIs cause for the Mumbai Chapter. His
untring eforts and pursuance towards improvement of Mumbai Chapter is highly commendable and
deserves to be recognised.
Senior Citzens Training Program | 12th May 2014 | Mumbai

Orphanage Training Program | 26th May 2014 | Mumbai
FSAI Mumbai Chapter successfully conducted a Fire Safety & Emergency Preparedness Program for the inmates of an
Orphanage at Panvel on 26th June 2014. There were around 45 children and administratve staf who got trained on Fire
Safety And Security. The program began with an introducton about FSAI, which was followed by an interactve session,
where the children and the admin staf were educated on the concepts of Fire safety, Security & Disaster Management.
The sequence of events were as follows:
All Children were assembled in the school Premises.
A twenty minutes power point presentaton was shown to all the admin staf and
children by our Trainer Mr. Rajesh Shirke. The presentaton covered Evacuaton
techniques, Survival methodologies and Fire- fghtng techniques.
Practcal demonstraton of using fre extnguishers was carried out by the Ceasefre
team. All children and staf were given practcal knowledge on how to operate the
Fire Safety fre engine Pamphlets were distributed to all children afer completon
of the mock drill exercise.
The orphanage management were very appreciatve about the program.
Our sincere thanks to:
a) Our trainer, Mr. Rajesh Shirke who trained the children on behalf of FSAI.
b) Ceasefre team for their support.
c) Mr. Sushil Lath from Alertkid for sponsoring the fre safety engine Pamphlets.
d) Mr. Swapnil More from Mahindra SSG for his valuable presence and support during the event.
their actvites planned for Mumbai. As a token of appreciaton, a memento was presented by Mr. Gurmeet
Khandari on behalf of FSAI, to Mr. Sunil Nesarikar.
The MC for the evening Mr. Chintu Asher invited Mr. Sanjeev Lakhota, to give a brief introducton about Lapp
India. This was followed by a presentaton by the Lapp India team.
FSAI Mumbai Chapter Sports and Entertainment team presided on the stage by presentng various events
planned for the Mumbai Chapter. This was followed by two short movies on IFSAI 2014 and Lonavla event,
with appropriate inputs by Mr. Chintu Asher. A memento was also presented to Lapp India, by Mr. Dilip Bania.
Finally, Mr. Jitu Mahnot gave the vote of thanks. In the note, a special thanks was mentoned to FSAI support
team consistng of Ms. Renu and Mr. Suresh. The event concluded with cocktail and dinner to the partcipants.
The network was a great success with more than 100 invitees present at the gathering. A special thanks to
Lapp India, for their sponsorship and support during this event.
Also we would like to thank the MC for the evening Mr. Chintu Asher for appropriately managing the event.

FSAI Mumbai Chapter took up an environmental
initatve of plantng about 200 odd trees in the
Aarey colony campus on 13th July 2014. The
event began with Mr.Manoj Shenoy, Mumbai
Chapter President and Mr.Suresh Menon,
Mumbai Chapter Secretary, plantng few trees
along with their family members.
The other members of Mumbai Chapter then
contnued with the plantaton of trees with their
respectve family members. All partcipants were
treated with Chai and Garam Bhajiyas at the
venue which they enjoyed while at work.
The fact that the partcipaton was at full strength,
including young and old people despite the
heavy rains in Mumbai, was indeed a pleasure
to watch. All the children present there were
very enthusiastc and excited to plant the trees
on their own. FSAI Certfcates were awarded
to every child who planted a tree as a token of
appreciaton for the good work done towards the
Plant a Tree has been an extraordinary
experience for all of us in Mumbai Chapter. We
have notced the excitement and joy on every
childs face, since they want to do something
good for the environment in todays world.
Overall the program received good appreciaton
by all the members present at the functon. With
contnuous support of FSAI members for such
programs, we would like to conduct this event
every year to make Mumbai greener and beter.
We would like to thank Mr.Milind Rane &
Ms.Anuja for their support during the event and
all FSAI members as well, who extended their
helping hand for this noble cause.
Last but not the least, we also would like to
thank the Aarey Management and Aarey Police
Department for their actve involvement and
providing necessary approvals towards smooth
conduct of the event.
Tree Plantaton | 13th July 2014 | Mumbai
For suggestons / details, contact: Colonel (Retd) T.M.Shanmugham, COO, FSAI | +91 9940655206 |
Ms. Renu Saldanha | +91 9844005709 |

Support Events
AIC Tech 2014 - New Delhi, 5th September 2014
2nd World Disaster Congress Management -
Hyderabad, 12-15, November 2014
18th Indian Plumbing Conference - Bengaluru
20th-21st November 2014
Upcoming Events
Network Meet - Chennai
2nd August 2014
Jal-Vayu-Agni 2014 - Gujarat
26th July 2014 - Rajkot, 27th September 2014 - Vapi
(Daman) and 20th December 2014 - Ahmedabad
IFSY 2014 - India Fire & Security Yatra
08/8/2014 - Bengaluru, 13/8/2014 - Chennai, 18/8/2014 -
Hyderabad, 22/8/2014 - Mumbai, 27/8/2014 - Ahmedabad,
03/9/2014 - Pune, 06/9/2014 - Visakhapatnam, 10/9/2014
- Delhi , 12/9/2014 - Kolkata, 17/9/2014 - Coimbatore &
19/9/2014 - Kochi
FSAI GC and AGM - Mumbai
23rd August 2014
Ganesh Mandal - Mumbai
September 2014
IFSAI Summit 2014 - Mumbai
20th & 21st November 2014
Strategic Initatve Program - School Focus is a landmark
in which we plan to cover all schools Pan-India. The
main objectve is to entrench Fire Safety practces in the
impressionable minds of children at very early stage in their
life so that they understand how to react to situaton which
demand quick thinking without panic and will remember how
a positve attude can save life in Fire conditon. We have
been successfully conductng these program in schools with
Natonal Sponsors, Tyco and Honeywell, covering more than
1 Lakh Students in major cites i.e. Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi,
Chennai, Hyderabad, Gujarat and Kolkata.
New Delhi | DAV Public School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi on 10th July 2014.
Hyderabad | Sarathi School, Habsiguda, Hyderabad on 5th July 2014.
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