Kenya Shilling

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The breakout of the U.S. Dollar/Shilling over the 88 level was right on time.

need to watch the week of 2th !ovember" 2#$ for a turning %oint. &t seems
volatilit' will rise as we head to !ovember.
Two monthl' closes above 88.2() will set us u% for a move on the USD/*+S to
)#.2#, then )2.822 then #-.(2) thereafter. .onthl' su%%ort lies at 8#.-##.
.arket watchers are awaiting intervention from the /entral 0ank of *en'a. &t wise to
bear in mind that no entit' can transform a bull market into a bear market and vice
versa. !evertheless" %ressure ma' bear on them to act now that *en'a recentl'
took on a US1 #.2 billion +urobond and US1 (.2 billion /hinese loan for the railwa'
*inuthia *aran4a"

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