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3GPP TS 08.16 V8.0.

1 (2002-05)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project;
Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access
General Pacet Radio Ser!ice "GPRS#;
$ase Station S%ste& "$SS# '
Ser!in( GPRS Support Node "SGSN# interface;
Networ Ser!ice
"Release )***#
The present document has been developed within the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP
) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP

Oranisational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This !pecification is provided for future development wor" within 3GPP

only. The Oranisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
!pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP
system should be obtained via the 3GPP Oranisational Partners# Publications Offices.
Postal address
3GPP support office address
650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia !tipolis
Val"o!!e - #R$%&
Tel.' (33 ) *2 *) )2 00 #a+' (33 ) *3 65 ), 16
Copyright Notification
&o part may be reproduced e'cept as authori(ed by written permission.
The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e'tend to reproduction in
all media.
) *++*, 3GPP Orani(ational Partners (-.%/, 01T!, 2T!%, T3, TT-,TT0).
-ll rihts reserved.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 0 Release )***
3 !cope......................................................................................................................................................
* .eferences..............................................................................................................................................
3 5efinitions, symbols and abbreviations..................................................................................................
3.3 5efinitions.................................................................................................................................................................
3.* !ymbols.....................................................................................................................................................................
3.3 -bbreviations............................................................................................................................................................
6 &etwor" !ervice eneral description......................................................................................................
6.3 Overview...................................................................................................................................................................
6.* -ddressin...............................................................................................................................................................
6.*.3 &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 8in" (&!978)............................................................................................................
6.*.* &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 0onnection (&!970).................................................................................................
6.*.3 &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 0onnection Group......................................................................................................
6.*.6 /!!GP 7irtual 0onnection (/70)....................................................................................................................
6.3 !ub9&etwor" !ervice functions...............................................................................................................................
6.6 8oad sharin function..............................................................................................................................................
6.6.3 .e:uirements on load sharin function.............................................................................................................
6.; &!970 manaement function.................................................................................................................................
6.;.3 /loc"in < unbloc"in of an &!970.................................................................................................................
6.;.* .eset of an &!970............................................................................................................................................
6.;.3 Test of an &!970...............................................................................................................................................
; 2lements for layer9to9layer communication..........................................................................................
;.3 !ervice primitive model..........................................................................................................................................
;.* !ervice primitives and parameters..........................................................................................................................
;.*.3 Primitives...........................................................................................................................................................
;.*.3.3 &!9=&%T5-T-9.e:uest...................................................................................................................................
;.*.3.* &!9=&%T5-T-9%ndication...............................................................................................................................
;.*.3.3 &!90O&G2!T%O&9%ndication..........................................................................................................................
;.*.3.6 &!9!T-T=!9%ndication.....................................................................................................................................
;.*.* Parameters.........................................................................................................................................................
;.*.*.3 &! !5=.............................................................................................................................................................
;.*.*.* 8in" !elector Parameter....................................................................................................................................
;.*.*.3 /70% % and &!2%...............................................................................................................................................
;.*.*.6 0onestion cause...............................................................................................................................................
;.*.*.; Transfer capability.............................................................................................................................................
;.*.*.> &! affectin cause.............................................................................................................................................
> !ub9&etwor" !ervice protocol..............................................................................................................
>.3 4rame .elay support of the !ub9&etwor" !ervice protocol...................................................................................
>.3.3 Overview...........................................................................................................................................................
>.3.* &etwor" confiuration.......................................................................................................................................
>.3.3 !ervices e'pected from layer 3..........................................................................................................................
>.3.6 Options selected from 4.4 3.3..........................................................................................................................
>.3.6.3 !upport of 5890O&T.O8 sub9layer................................................................................................................
>.3.6.* 4rame lenth......................................................................................................................................................
>.3.6.3 0onestion control procedures..........................................................................................................................
>. 52 bit usae.................................................................................................................................................
>.3.6.3.* 420& and /20& bit usae..........................................................................................................................
>.3.6.6 !inallin procedures........................................................................................................................................
>.3.6.; 0<. bit usae.....................................................................................................................................................
>.3.; -bnormal conditions.........................................................................................................................................
? &etwor" !ervice 0ontrol protocol........................................................................................................
?.3 Procedures for the transmission of &! !5=s.........................................................................................................
?.3.3 -bnormal 0onditions........................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 3 Release )***
?.* /loc"in < unbloc"in procedures...........................................................................................................................
?.*.3 -bnormal 0onditions........................................................................................................................................
?.3 .eset procedure.......................................................................................................................................................
?.3.3 -bnormal conditions.........................................................................................................................................
?.6 Test procedure.........................................................................................................................................................
?.6.3 -bnormal conditions.........................................................................................................................................
?.; Procedure for error reportin...................................................................................................................................
?.;.3 -bnormal conditions.........................................................................................................................................
@ General protocol error handlin............................................................................................................
@.3 General case............................................................................................................................................................
@.3.3 Presence re:uirements of %nformation 2lements...............................................................................................
@.3.* 2rroneous events................................................................................................................................................
@.3.3 &on9erroneous events........................................................................................................................................
@.3.6 Other events.......................................................................................................................................................
@.* !pecial cases............................................................................................................................................................
@.*.3 5eviations from the AGeneral caseA subclause..................................................................................................
@.*.* 2rror reportin...................................................................................................................................................
B General P5= definitions and contents..................................................................................................
B.3 General structure of a P5=.....................................................................................................................................
B.* &etwor" !ervice 0ontrol P5=s..............................................................................................................................
B.*.3 &!9-8%72.........................................................................................................................................................
B.*.* &!9-8%729-0$...............................................................................................................................................
B.*.3 &!9/8O0$.......................................................................................................................................................
B.*.6 &!9/8O0$9-0$.............................................................................................................................................
B.*.; &!9.2!2T.........................................................................................................................................................
B.*.> &!9.2!2T9-0$...............................................................................................................................................
B.*.? &!9!T-T=!......................................................................................................................................................
B.*.?.3 !tatic conditions for &!970%............................................................................................................................
B.*.?.* !tatic conditions for &! P5=............................................................................................................................
B.*.?.3 !tatic conditions for /70%................................................................................................................................
B.*.@ &!9=&/8O0$.................................................................................................................................................
B.*.B &!9=&/8O0$9-0$........................................................................................................................................
B.*.3+ &!9=&%T5-T-.................................................................................................................................................
3+ General information elements codin...................................................................................................
3+.3 General structure of the information elements..................................................................................................
3+.3.3 %nformation 2lement %dentifier..........................................................................................................................
3+.3.* 8enth indicator.................................................................................................................................................
3+.* %nformation element description........................................................................................................................
3+.3 &etwor" !ervice 0ontrol information element description...............................................................................
3+.3.3 /70%..................................................................................................................................................................
3+.3.* 0ause.................................................................................................................................................................
3+.3.3 &! P5=.............................................................................................................................................................
3+.3.6 &! !5=.............................................................................................................................................................
3+.3.; &!970%..............................................................................................................................................................
3+.3.> &!2%..................................................................................................................................................................
3+.3.? P5= type...........................................................................................................................................................
3+.3.@ !pare octet.........................................................................................................................................................
33 8ist of system variables........................................................................................................................
Annex A (informative): Recommended usage of BVCI and NSEI....................................................
Annex B (informative): Change istor!.............................................................................................
This Technical !pecification has been produced by the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 2 Release )***
The present document specifies or references procedures used on the /ase !tation !ystem (/!!) to !ervin GP.!
!upport &ode (!G!&) interface for control of G!M pac"et data services within the diital cellular telecommunications
system (Phase *C).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor" within the T!G and may chane followin formal
T!G approval. !hould the T!G modify the contents of the present document, it will be re9released by the T!G with an
identifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as followsD
7ersion '.y.(
' the first diitD
3 presented to T!G for informationE
* presented to T!G for approvalE
3 or reater indicates T!G approved document under chane control.
y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.
( the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 1 Release )***
1 Scope
The present document specifies the &etwor" !ervice used on the /ase !tation !ystem (/!!) to !ervin GP.! !upport
&ode (!G!&) interface (Gb interface).
The protocol stac" on the Gb interface is defined in the stae * Technical !pecification 3GPP T! +3.>+ F3G.
The &etwor" !ervice entity provides networ" services to the /!!GP entity specified in 3GPP T! +@.3@ F*G.
The layer 3 of the Gb interface is specified in 3GPP T! +@.36 F3G.
%n the present document, the communication between adjacent layers and the services provided by the layers are
distributed by use of abstract service primitives. /ut only e'ternally observable behaviour resultin from the description
is normatively prescribed by the present document.
The service primitive model used in the present document is based on the concepts developed in 00%TT
.ecommendation H.*++ F6G.
2 Re1e0e!ces
The followin documents contain provisions which, throuh reference in this te't, constitute provisions of the present
.eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
4or a specific reference, subse:uent revisions do not apply.
4or a non9specific reference, the latest version applies. %n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin
a G!M document), a non9specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
F;G 3GPP T! +3.+6D A-bbreviations and acronymsA.
F>G 3GPP T! +*.>+D AGeneral Pac"et .adio !ervice (GP.!)E !ervice descriptionE !tae 3A.
F?G 3GPP T! +3.>+D A!tae * !ervice 5escription of the General Pac"et .adio !ervice (GP.!)A.
F@G 3GPP T! +@.36D AGeneral Pac"et .adio !ervice (GP.!)E /ase !tation !ystem (/!!) 9 !ervin
GP.! !upport &ode (!G!&) interfaceE Gb interface 8ayer 3A.
FBG 3GPP T! +@.3@D AGeneral Pac"et .adio !ervice (GP.!)E /ase !tation !ystem (/!!) 9 !ervin
GP.! !upport &ode (!G!&) interfaceE /!! GP.! Protocol (/!!GP)A.
F3+G 4.4 3.3 (Ianuary 3B, 3BB>)D AThe 4rame .elay 4orum =ser9to9&etwor" %mplementation
-reement (=&%)A.
F33G 7oid.
F3*G %T=9T J.B*3 (3+<B;)D A%!5& user9networ" interface95ata lin" layer specificationA.
F33G %T=9T J.B** (+*<B*)D A%!5& data lin" layer specification for frame mode bearer servicesA.
F36G %T=9T J.B33 (3+<B;)D A%!5& user9networ" interface layer 3 specification for /asic 0all 0ontrolA.
F3;G %T=9T revised J.B33 (3+<B;)D A5iital !ubscriber !inallin !ystem &o. 3 (5!! 3) 9 !inallin
specification for frame mode basic call controlA.
F3>G %T=9T %.3?+ (3+<B;)D A0onestion manaement for the %!5& 4rame .elayin /earer !erviceA.
F3?G 00%TT H.*++ (1hite /oo")D A.eference model of open systems interconnection for 00%TT
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# . Release )***
F36G -&!% T3.>+* K %!5& K 5ata 8in" 8ayer !inallin !pecification for -pplication at the =ser9
&etwor" %nterface.
F3;G -&!% T3.>+> 9 4rame .elay /earer !ervice 9 -rchitecture 4ramewor" and !ervice description K
3BB+ (. 3BB>).
F3>G -&!% T3.>3? 9 5!!3 !inalin !pecification for 4rame .elay /earer !ervice 3BB3 (.3BB?).
F3?G -&!% T3.>3@ 9 5!!3 0ore -spects of 4rame .elay Protocol for =se with 4rame .elay /earer
!ervice 3BB3 (.3BB?).
3 2e1i!itio!s3 s45"ols a!d a""0e6iatio!s
3.1 2e1i!itio!s
4or the purposes of the present document, the followin terms and definitions apply. 4or additional applicable
definitions refer to 3GPP T! +*.>+ F3@G.
BSS"# Virtua$ Connection (BVC): end9to9end virtual communication path between remote &etwor" !ervice user
BSS"# Virtua$ Connection Identifier (BVCI): identifier of a /70, havin end9to9end sinificance across the Gb
Net%or& Service Entit! Identifier (NSEI): identifier of an &! 2ntity havin end9to9end sinificance across the Gb
Net%or& Service Virtua$ Connection (NS'VC): end9to9end virtual communication path between &etwor" !ervice
peer entities.
Net%or& Service Virtua$ Connection Identifier (NS'VCI): identifier of an &!970 havin end9to9end sinificance
across the Gb interface.
Net%or& Service Virtua$ (in& (NS'V(): virtual communication path between the /!! or the !G!& and the
intermediate networ", or between the /!! and the !G!& in case of direct point9to9point confiuration.
Net%or& Service Virtua$ (in& Identifier (NS'V(I): identifier of an &!978, havin local sinificance at the /!! or
Net%or& Service Virtua$ Connection "rou): roups all &!970s toether which provide communication between the
same peer &! entities. This roupin has local sinificance at the /!! or !G!&.
B$oc&ed * un+$oc&ed: when an &!970 can not be used for &! user traffic, it is bloc"ed. 1hen an &!970 can be used
for &! user traffic, it is unbloc"ed.
,ead * a$ive: when an &!970 is able to provide communication between remote &! entities, it is alive. 1hen it is not
able, it is dead. These states are supervised by means of a test procedure, as further described in this Technical
3.2 S45"ols
.efer to 3GPP T! +3.>+ F3BG.
3.3 ""0e6iatio!s
4or the purposes of the present document, the followin abbreviations apply. -dditional applicable abbreviations can be
found in 3GPP T! +3.+6 F*+G. 1hen there is conflict between the present document and 3GPP T! +3.+6 F*3G, the
followin list ta"es precedence.
/20& /ac"ward 2'plicit 0onestion &otification
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 3 Release )***
/!!GP /ase !tation !ystem GP.! Protocol
/70 /!!GP 7irtual 0onnection
/70% /!!GP 7irtual 0onnection %dentifier
088M 0onsolidated 8in" 8ayer Manaement
52 5iscard 2liibility
420& 4orward 2'plicit 0onestion &otification
4. 4rame .elay
4.4 4rame .elay 4orum
880 8oical 8in" 0ontrol
8!P 8in" !elector Parameter
M-0 Medium -ccess 0ontrol
&! &etwor" !ervice
&!2% &etwor" !ervice 2ntity %dentifier
&!9!-P &etwor" !ervice !ervice -ccess Point
&!970 &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 0onnection
&!970% &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 0onnection %dentifier
&!978 &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 8in"
&!978% &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 8in" %dentifier
P5= Protocol 5ata =nit
PTP Point9To9Point
PTM Point9To9Multipoint
P70 Permanent 7irtual 0onnection
.80 .adio 8in" 0ontrol
!G!& !ervin GP.! !upport &ode
=&% =ser9to9&etwor" %nterface
) $et.o07 Se06ice /e!e0al desc0iptio!
).1 86e06ie.
The position of the &etwor" !ervice within the protocol stac" of the Gb interface is shown in 4iure 3<3GPP T! +@.3>.

$8T&' 9SSGP3 L13 LL%3 :%3 R&L;3 RL% a0e outside the scope o1 this Tech!ical Speci1icatio!3 0e1e0 to TS
3GPP TS 03.60 <22= 1o0 1u0the0 details.
4i(ure )/3GPP TS +,-).5 Position of the NS within the G6 interface protocol stac
The &etwor" !ervice performs the transport of &! !5=s between the !G!& and /!!. The services provided to the &!
user shall beD
9 &etwor" !ervice !5= transfer. The &etwor" !ervice entity shall provide networ" service primitives allowin for
transmission and reception of upper layer protocol data units between the /!! and !G!&. The &! !5=s are
transferred in order by the &etwor" !ervice, but under e'ceptional circumstances order may not be maintained.
9 &etwor" conestion indication. 0onestion recovery control actions may be performed by the !ub9&etwor"
!ervice (e.. 4rame .elay). 0onestion reportin mechanisms available in the !ub9&etwor" !ervice
implementation shall be used by the &etwor" !ervice to report conestion.
9 !tatus indication. !tatus indication shall be used to inform the &! user of the &! affectin events e.. chane in
the available transmission capabilities.
The &etwor" !ervice entity is composed of an entity dependent on the intermediate transmission networ" used on the
Gb interface, the !ub9&etwor" !ervice, and of a control entity independent from that networ", the &etwor" !ervice
0ontrol. There is a hierarchical relationship between both entities. This is reflected in 4iure 3<3GPP T! +@.3>. The
detailed communication mechanisms between both entities is an internal matter for the &etwor" !ervice and is not
further standardi(ed.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# , Release )***

4i(ure 0/3GPP TS +,-).5 7nternal architecture of the Networ Ser!ice
The !ub9&etwor" !ervice entity provides a communication service to &etwor" !ervice 0ontrol peer entities. The
&etwor" !ervice 0ontrol peer entities use the !ub9&etwor" !ervice for communication with each other. The peer9to9
peer communication accross the Gb interface between remote &etwor" !ervice 0ontrol entities is performed over
&etwor" !ervice 7irtual 0onnections (&!970s). -n &!970 is a virtual communication path between &etwor" !ervice
0ontrol peer entities.
The &etwor" !ervice entity provides a communication service to &! user peer entitiesD the peer9to9peer communication
between remote &! user entities is performed over /!!GP 7irtual 0onnections (/70s). - /70 is a virtual
communication path between &etwor" !ervice user peer entities. - &etwor" !ervice 2ntity communicates with only
one peer &etwor" !ervice 2ntity.
-ddressin across the Gb interface is further detailed in the rest of this Technical !pecification.
The &etwor" !ervice 0ontrol entity is responsible for the followin functionsD
9 &! !5= transmissionD The &! !5=s shall be transmitted on the &!970s. The &! !5=s are encapsulated into
&etwor" !ervice 0ontrol P5=s which in turn are encapsulated into !ub9&etwor" !ervice P5=s.
9 8oad sharinD The load sharin function distributes the &! !5= traffic amonst the available (i.e. unbloc"ed)
&!970s of a roup.
9 &!970 manaementD - bloc"in procedure is used by an &! entity to inform an &! peer entity when an &!970
becomes unavailable for &! user traffic. -n unbloc"in procedure is used for the reverse operation. - reset
procedure is used between peer &! entities in order to set an &!970 to a determined state, after events resultin
in possibly inconsistent states of the &!970 at both sides of the Gb interface. - test procedure is used to chec"
that an &!970 is operatin properly between peer &! entities.
).2 dd0essi!/
The purpose of this clause is to describe the addressin principles on the Gb interface in a eneric way, i.e. irrespective
of the e'act confiuration of the Gb interface and of the e'act nature of the intermediate transmission networ", when
present. Therefore, this clause provides an abstract description of the addressin principles. These principles are then
applied to real networ"s in clause A!ub9&etwor" !ervice protocolA.
%n this clause, addressin is considered in the eneral case where an !G!& is connected to several /!!s via an
intermediate transmission networ". Point9to9point physical connections may also be used, addressin in this special case
can be derived from the eneral case.
).2.1 $et.o07 Se06ice Vi0tual Li!7 ($S-VL)
-n !G!& and a /!! may use different physical lin"s for connectin to each other (e.. because of intermediate
e:uipment or transmission networ"). 2ach physical lin" is locally (i.e. at each side of the Gb interface) identified by
means of a physical lin" identifier. The e'act structure of the physical lin" identifier is implementation dependent.
2ach physical lin" supports one or more &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 8in"s (&!978s). 2ach &!978 is supported by one
physical lin". The e'act nature of the &!978 depends on the intermediate networ" used on the Gb interface. %n the
eneral case of an intermediate transmission networ", the &!978 is used to access the intermediate networ".
0ommunication means internal to the intermediate networ" are outside the scope of this Technical !pecification. The
&!978s may alternatively be used end9to9end between the /!! and !G!&, in case of a point9to9point confiuration on
the Gb interface.
2ach &!978 is identified by means of a &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 8in" %dentifier (&!978%). The sinificance (i.e. local
or end9to9end) and the e'act structure of the &!978% depends on the confiuration of the Gb interface and on the
intermediate networ" used. 4or e'ample, in the case of a 4rame .elay networ", the physical lin" is the 4. bearer
channel, the &!978 is the local lin" (at =&%) of the 4. permanent virtual connection (P70) and the &!978% is the
association of the 4. 580% and bearer channel identifier.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# * Release )***
).2.2 $et.o07 Se06ice Vi0tual %o!!ectio! ($S-V%)
%n order to provide end9to9end communication between the /!! and !G!& irrespective of the e'act confiuration of the
Gb interface, the concept of &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 0onnection (&!970) is used.The &!970s are end9to9end virtual
connections between the /!! and !G!&. -t each side of the Gb interface there is a one9to9one correspondence between
&!970s and &!978s.
4or e'ample, in the case of a 4rame .elay networ", the &!970 is the 4. permanent virtual connection (P70).
4iure *<G!M+@ 3> shows the relationship between &!970s and &!978s.

4i(ure 3/3GPP TS +,-).5 Relationship 6etween NS'/8s and NS'/9s
2ach &!970 is identified by means of a &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 0onnection %dentifier (&!970%) havin end9to9end
sinificance across the Gb interface. -n &!970% uni:uely identifies an &!970 within an !G!&.
The establishment of an &!970 includes the establishment of physical lin"s, see 3GPP T! +@.36 F*3G, and of &!978s.
&!970s and &!978s are permanently established by means of administrative procedures, &!970%s are allocated by
administrative means as well. The mappin of &!970%s on &!978%s and on physical lin" identifiers is held in non9
volatile memory.
).2.3 $et.o07 Se06ice Vi0tual %o!!ectio! G0oup
The &etwor" !ervice 7irtual 0onnection Group roups toether all &!970s providin communication between the
same peer &! entities. One &!970 roup is confiured between two peer &! entities. This roupin is performed by
administrative means. -t each side of the Gb interface, there is a one9to9one correspondence between a roup of &!9
70s and an &!2%. The &!2% has an end9to9end sinificance across the Gb interface.
).2.) 9SSGP Vi0tual %o!!ectio! (9V%)
The &etwor" !ervice provides communication paths between remote &! user entities. These communication paths are
called /!!GP 7irtual 0onnections (/70s). 2ach /70 is used to transport &! !5=s between &! users.
- &etwor" !ervice 2ntity provides one or more /70s between peer &! user entities. 2ach /70 is supported by one
roup of &!970s. 2ach roup of &!970s supports one or more /70s. The &! entity maps between /70 and the
related &!970 roup.
2ach /70 is identified by means of a /!!GP 7irtual 0onnection %dentifier (/70%) havin an end9to9end sinificance
across the Gb interface. The /70% toether with the &!2% uni:uely identifies a /70 within an !G!&. The /70% and
&!2% are used on the &etwor" !ervice9!ervice -ccess Point (&!9!-P) for layer9to9layer communication.
).3 Su"-$et.o07 Se06ice 1u!ctio!s
The !ub9&etwor" !ervice functions of the &etwor" !ervice shall provide access to the intermediate networ" (or to the
peer entity in case of direct point9to9point confiuration) by means of &!978s and shall provide &!970s between &!
peer entities.
On each &!970, data are transferred in order by the !ub9&etwor" !ervice.
1hen the !ub9&etwor" !ervice entity detects that an &!970 becomes unavailable (e.. upon failure detection), or
when the &!970 becomes available aain (e.. after failure recovery), the &etwor" !ervice 0ontrol entity shall be
informed. 4ailures may occur due to protocol errors, intermediate transmission networ" failure, e:uipment or lin"
failure or other reasons.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# )+ Release )***
).) Load sha0i!/ 1u!ctio!
The load sharin function distributes the &! !5= traffic amon the unbloc"ed &!970s of the same roup on the Gb
interface. The use of load sharin also provides to the upper layer seamless service upon failure by re9orani(in the &!
!5= traffic between the unbloc"ed &!970s of the same roup. The re9orani(ation may disturb the order of transferred
&! !5=s. The load sharin function should be implemented in both the /!! and the !G!&.
8oad sharin applies only to &! !5=s, not to &! sinallin such as &!970 manaement P5=s.
).).1 Re>ui0e5e!ts o! load sha0i!/ 1u!ctio!
-ll &! !5=s to be transmitted over the Gb interface are passed to the load sharin function alon with the 8in"
!elector Parameter (8!P) , the /70% and the &!2%. 8!P and /70% are used by the &! entity to select amonst the
unbloc"ed &!970s within the roup, addressed by means of the &!2%, where to send the &! !5=. The mappin
between 8!P and &!970 is based on an implementation dependent function that meets the followin re:uirementsD
9 4or each /70 and &!2%, the &! entity selects the &!970 out of the roup based on the 8!P. This is an internal
matter for the &! entity and it is not subject to further standardi(ation.
9 4or each /70 and &!2%, &! !5=s with the same 8in" !elector Parameter shall be sent on the same &!970.
Thus, the load sharin function uarantees that, for each /70, the order of all &! !5=s mar"ed with the same
8!P value is preserved. %n the event of a lin" failure and subse:uent re9orani(ation of the &! !5= traffic
between the unbloc"ed &!970s, the receiver may et out of order &! !5=s. 4urther actions implemented to
prevent this error are outside the scope of this Technical !pecification.
9 8oad sharin functions at the /!! and the !G!& are independent. Therefore, uplin" and downlin" &! !5=s for
a subscriber may be transferred over different &!970s.
9 - chane in &!970s available for &! user traffic (i.e. one or more &!970s become bloc"ed or unbloc"ed) shall
result in a re9orani(ation of the &! !5= traffic amonst the unbloc"ed &!970s of the same roup.
9 4or a /70, when there is no unbloc"ed &!970 of the roup left between a /!! and a !G!&, the correspondin
traffic is discarded by the &! at the sendin side.
The 8in" !elector Parameter is locally used at the /!! and at the !G!& and shall not be transmitted across the Gb
).5 $S-V% 5a!a/e5e!t 1u!ctio!
The &!970 manaement function is responsible for the bloc"in < unbloc"in, reset and test of &!970s.
).5.1 9loc7i!/ - u!"loc7i!/ o1 a! $S-V%
1hen a condition ma"in an &!970 unavailable for &! user traffic is locally detected at the /!! or at the !G!&, the
&!970 shall be mar"ed as bloc"ed by the local &! entity and the remote &! peer entity shall be informed by means of
a bloc"in procedure. The remote &! entity shall then mar" the &!970 as bloc"ed and shall consider it as unavailable
for &! user traffic.
- /!! or !G!& may bloc" an &!970 because ofD
9 Operation and Maintenance intervention at the Gb interface ma"in the &!970 unavailable for &! user trafficE
9 e:uipment failure at a /!! or an !G!& entityE
9 e:uipment or lin" failure on a /!! or an !G!& siteE
9 failure in the transit networ"E or
9 other causes.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# )) Release )***
1hen the &!970 becomes available aain for &! user traffic, the &! entity which initiated the bloc"in procedure may
inform the remote &! peer entity by means of an unbloc"in procedure. The remote &! entity shall then mar" the &!9
70 as unbloc"ed and shall consider it as available for &! user traffic.
The bloc"in < unbloc"in procedures are further detailed in the rest of this Technical !pecification.
).5.2 Reset o1 a! $S-V%
This procedure is used to reset one &!970 to a determined state between remote entities. This procedure is performedD
9 when a new &!970 is set9upE
9 after a processor re9startE
9 after a failure recovery when the state of an &!970 must be set to bloc"ed and aliveE or
9 at any local event restorin an e'istin &!970 in the dead state or in an undetermined state.
1hen a reset procedure is initiated, data in transfer may be lost.
).5.3 Test o1 a! $S-V%
The test procedure is used to chec" that end9to9end communication e'ists between peer &! entities on a iven &!970.
1hen end9to9end communication e'ists, the &!970 is in the AaliveA state, otherwise it is in the AdeadA state. - dead
&!970 can not be in the Aunbloc"edA state.
5 &le5e!ts 1o0 la4e0-to-la4e0 co55u!icatio!
This chapter presents the &etwor" !ervice in a eneric way, no assumptions are made reardin the real protocols
providin the networ" services.
5.1 Se06ice p0i5iti6e 5odel
The service primitive model shown in 4iure 3<3GPP T! +@.3> is applicable to both /!! and !G!&.

4i(ure 2/3GPP TS +,-).5 Networ Ser!ice pri&iti!e &odel
The networ" services are provided at the &etwor" !ervice9!ervice -ccess Point (&!9!-P).
5.2 Se06ice p0i5iti6es a!d pa0a5ete0s
The &etwor" !ervice primitives are summari(ed in table 3<3GPP T! +@.3>. The eneral synta' of the &etwor" !ervice
primitives isD
&! 9 Generic name 9 Type (Parameters)
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# )0 Release )***
Ta6le )/3GPP TS +,-).5 Networ Ser!ice pri&iti!es
Generic na&e T%pe Para&eters
Re:uest 7ndication Response 8onfir&
?$@T2T A A - 9V%@ a!d $S&@
- $S S2?
- Li!7 Selecto0 Pa0a5ete0 (i! Re>uest o!l4)
%8$G&ST@8$ A - 9V%@ a!d $S&@
- co!/estio! cause
STT?S A - 9V%@ a!d $S&@
- $S a11ecti!/ cause
- t0a!s1e0 capa"ilit4
5.2.1 P0i5iti6es $S-?$@T2T-Re>uest
This primitive is used by the &! user entity to send a &! !5= to its peer entity via a /70. The &! entity sends the &!
!5= in unac"nowleded mode. The 8in" !elector Parameter is used to identify the &! !5=s which must be sent in
order relatively to each other. The &!2% is used by the &! entity to select the roup of &!970s correspondin to the
addressed remote entity. $S-?$@T2T-@!dicatio!
This primitive is used by the &! entity to provide the &! user entity with a &! !5= received on a virtual connection.
The &! !5= are received in unac"nowleded mode. /70% toether with &!2% indicate which /70 the &! !5= was
received on. $S-%8$G&ST@8$-@!dicatio!
The &! entity shall be able to detect when a conestion situation starts and ends on an &!970.
This primitive is used by the &! entity to report to the &! user entity that conestion is detected or that the conestion
situation has disappeared. The /70% and &!2% of the affected /70 and the conestion cause are reported to the &!
user entity. Typically, the cause indicates the direction of transmission affected by the conestion.
5.2.1.) $S-STT?S-@!dicatio!
There may be situations where an &!970 becomes unavailable for &! user traffic. 1hen this occurs, the &! user is
informed of the deradation of the transfer capacity by means of this primitive includin the Atransfer capabilityA
1hen an &!970 previously unavailable for &! user traffic becomes available aain, the &! user entity is also informed
by means of this service primitive, indicatin the current transfer capability.
This primitive may be used in response to an &!9=&%T5-T-9.e:uest primitive which the &! is unable to serve
because of e.. &!970 failure.
This primitive may also be used upon recovery after a failure affectin the &!.
5.2.2 Pa0a5ete0s $S S2?
The &! !5=s are specified in 3GPP T! +@.3@ F*6G. They shall never be inspected by the &etwor" !ervice entity.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# )3 Release )*** Li!7 Selecto0 Pa0a5ete0
The 8in" !elector Parameter is included in the &!9=&%T5-T-9.e:uest primitive for load sharin purposes as
described in clause A.e:uirements on load sharin functionA. 9V%@ @ a!d $S&@
/70% and &!2% parameters are included in the service primitives to identify the /70 for which the service is provided.
These parameters are used by the &! entity to multiple' the &! !5=s over the &!970s.
5.2.2.) %o!/estio! cause
The conestion cause shall indicate the affected direction of transmission and may be set to the followin valuesD
a) conestion detected, bac"ward
b) end of conestion, bac"ward
c) conestion detected, forward
d) end of conestion, forward T0a!s1e0 capa"ilit4
This parameter is used to report to the &! user entity the current transfer capacity available for a /70, in terms of
bandwidth. This parameter may be set to any value from A+A ((ero) to the ma'imum bandwidth provided by the
complete set of &!970s associated to the /70. $S a11ecti!/ cause
This parameter is used to indicate to the &! user entity the reason which caused the &!9!T-T=!9%ndication primitive to
be used. The cause values areD
a) &!970 failureD a failure is affectin one or more &!970s, the &! is still available.
b) &!970 recoveryD one or more &!970s which were in failure are available aain.
c) &! failureD the &! can not provide data transfer services to the &! user.
d) &! recoveryD the &! can provide data transfer services aain.
6 Su"-$et.o07 Se06ice p0otocol
6.1 #0a5e Rela4 suppo0t o1 the Su"-$et.o07 Se06ice p0otocol
6.1.1 86e06ie.
4rame .elay shall be the networ" used on the Gb interface.
The Gb interface may consist of direct point9to9point connections between the /!! and the !G!&, or an intermediate
4rame .elay networ" may be placed between both ends of the Gb interface. Other intermediate e:uipments may be
traversed. !everal confiurations are possible, the detail of which is outside the scope of this Technical !pecification.
4or the purposes of this Technical !pecification the followin two types of confiurations have to be consideredD
9 Point9to9point physical connections.
9 %ntermediate 4rame .elay networ".
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# )2 Release )***
%n case of an intermediate 4rame .elay networ", both /!! and !G!& shall be treated as the user side of the user9to9
networ" interface. The networ"9to networ" interface is outside the scope of this Technical !pecification.
Only 4rame .elay permanent virtual connections (P70s) shall be used on the Gb interface. Therefore
%T=9T J.B** F*;G-nne' - or T3.>3@ F3?G for P0!3B++ and %T=9T J.B33 F*>G -nne' - or T3.>3? F3>G for P0!3B++,
permanent virtual connection procedures, shall be supported. !witched virtual connection procedures in
%T=9T J.B** F*?G or T3.>3@ F3?G for P0!3B++ and %T=9T J.B33 F*@G or T3.>3? F3>G for P0!3B++ shall not be
supported. %T=9T J.B*3 F*BG or T3.>+* F3;G and %T=9T J.B33 F3+G procedures shall not be applicable.
The 4rame .elay user9to9networ" interface (=&%) shall be implemented on the Gb interface accordin to the
4.4 3.3 F33G areement, unless otherwise stated in this Technical !pecification. !elected options or deviations from
4.4 3.3 F3*G are specified in the rest of this 4rame .elay chapter. 1here discrepancies arise between this Technical
!pecification and the above mentioned recommendations, this Technical !pecification ta"es precedence.
The rest of this 4rame .elay clause applies only to P70 usae.
The Gb interface addressin principles shall be applied as followsD
9 The physical lin" is the 4rame .elay bearer channel.
9 The &!978 is the local lin" in one end (at =&%) of the 4rame .elay P70.
9 The &!978% is the 4rame .elay 580% toether with the bearer channel identifier.
9 The &!970 is the 4rame .elay P70.
9 The !ub9&etwor" !ervice entity is the 4rame .elay entity.
6.1.2 $et.o07 co!1i/u0atio!
The Gb interface is a =ser9to9&etwor" (=&%) interface, as defined in 4.4 3.3 F33G. Two confiurations are possible,
either a direct lin" confiuration or P70(s) via a 4rame .elay networ".
-nne' - shows an e'ample of each type of confiuration.
%n case of point9to9point connections, the /!! shall be considered as the user side of the user9to9networ" interface, the
!G!& shall be considered as the networ" side, see fiure 6<3GPP T! +@.3>.

4i(ure 1/3GPP TS +,-).5 Direct lin confi(uration
%n case of an intermediate 4rame .elay networ", both /!! and !G!& shall be treated as the user side of the user9to9
networ" interface, see fiure ;<3GPP T! +@.3>. The networ"9to networ" interface is outside the scope of this Technical

4i(ure ./3GPP TS +,-).5 P/8 !ia a 4ra&e Rela% Networ
6.1.3 Se06ices e+pected 10o5 la4e0 1
%n the conte't of 4rame .elay, the physical lin" is referred to as the bearer channel.
The 4rame .elay protocol shall be run across permanently reserved bearer channels on the Gb interface, see 3GPP
T! +@.36 F36G.
6.1.) 8ptio!s selected 10o5 #R# 1.1
6.1.).1 Suppo0t o1 2L-%8$TR8L su"-la4e0
&o end9to9end 5890O&T.O8 sub9layer shall be implemented on the Gb interface.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# )1 Release )***
6.1.).2 #0a5e le!/th
The default ma'imum information field si(e of 3>++ octets shall be supported on the Gb interface. Ma'imum
information field si(es reater than 3>++ octets may be areed to between 4rame .elay networ" operators and users at
subscription time.
6.1.).3 %o!/estio! co!t0ol p0ocedu0es
0onestion control is defined in 4.4 3.3 F3;G and consists of conestion avoidance and conestion recovery
0onestion control on the Gb interface consists of conestion avoidance based on the 52 bit and on e'plicit
notifications via the 420& and /20& bits within the address field of the 4rame .elay frame.
0onestion avoidance based on the 088M messae (see %T=9T J.B** F3>G clause -.? or T3.>3@ F3?G for P0!3B++ and
4.4 3.3 F3?G clause *.*.;) is not re:uired at the /!! and !G!& sides.
&o conestion control mechanism based on implicit conestion detection (see %T=9T J.B** F3@G clause -.>.3) or
T3.>3@ F3?G for P0!3B++ is re:uired at the /!! and !G!& sides.
6.1.).3.1 2& "it usa/e
The /!! and the !G!& shall always set the 52 bit to + ((ero).
6.1.).3.2 #&%$ a!d 9&%$ "it usa/e
Setting of the -ECN and BECN +its:
The 420& and /20& bits shall be set to + by the /!! and the !G!&.
Reaction u)on recei)t of -ECN or BECN mar&ed frames:
The reaction of the /!! and the !G!& upon reception of 420& or /20& mar"ed frames is implementation dependent.
%t is recommended to implement %T=9T J.B** F3BG appendi' %.* or T3.>3@ F3?G for P0!3B++ procedures or similar
procedures, so that the &! entity can reduce or increase the transmission rate, dependin on the 420& or /20& bits
The &! entity shall be able to report the conestion situation to the upper layer. The criteria to be met for conestion
bein reported to the upper layer are implementation dependent. The upper layer is e'pected to reduce or increase its
transmission rate as appropriate. %t shall be up to the upper layer to perform further appropriate actions e.. flow control
with its peer entity, see %T=9T %.3?+ F6+G or T3.>+> F3;G for P0!3B++.
6.1.).) Si/!alli!/ p0ocedu0es
%T=9T .evised J.B33 F63G anne' - or T3.>3? F3>G for P0!3B++ procedures shall be implemented at the /!! and the
!G!& sides as recommended in 4.4 3.3 F6*G clause *.3.
On the Gb interface, these procedures shall be initiated by the user side of the =&%, reverse procedures shall not be
Only periodic pollin shall be used, asynchronous status messae needs not to be supported.
!witched virtual connection procedures , see 4.4 3.3 F63G clause *.3.*, shall not be implemented.
6.1.).5 %-R "it usa/e
The 0<. bit shall not be used and shall be set to + by the sendin entity. %t shall not be chec"ed by the receivin entity.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# ). Release )***
6.1.5 "!o05al co!ditio!s
=pon detection of the unavailability of a P70 by the 4rame .elay entity or when a P70 becomes available aain, the
&etwor" !ervice 0ontrol entity shall be informed. =navailability cases are described in .ecommendations
%T=9T J.B** F66G or T3.>3@ F3?G for P0!3B++ and %T=9T J.B33 F6;G anne' - or T3.>3? F3>G for P0!3B++.
, $et.o07 Se06ice %o!t0ol p0otocol
,.1 P0ocedu0es 1o0 the t0a!s5issio! o1 $S S2?s
&! !5=s are transmitted in unac"nowleded mode across the Gb interface by means of an &!9=&%T5-T- P5=.
The &!9=&%T5-T- P5= is used in both /!!9to9!G!& and !G!&9to9/!! directions.
,.1.1 "!o05al %o!ditio!s
%f the /!! receives an &!9=&%T5-T- P5= includin a /70% not associated to the &!970 where the P5= was
received, the /!! shall return an &!9!T-T=! P5= on that &!970, cause A/70 un"nown on that &!2A. 5ependin on
the implementation, the /!! may then inore the /70% and treat the rest of the &!9=&%T5-T- P5=.
,.2 9loc7i!/ - u!"loc7i!/ p0ocedu0es
1hen a /!! (or !G!&) wishes to bloc" an &!970 between a /!! and !G!&, the followin shall be performedD
9 The transmittin side at the /!! (or !G!&) shall mar" the &!970 as bloc"ed and shall inform the load sharin
function. This results in the redistribution of &!9=&%5-T- P5=s to other unbloc"ed &!970s of the same
roup, as described in the A8oad sharin functionA clause. The &! user entity shall also be informed of the new
transfer capability by means of an &!9!T-T=!9%ndication primitive for each affected /70. - /!! (or !G!&)
then sends an &!9/8O0$ P5= to the peer entity and starts timer Tns9bloc".
9 The &!9/8O0$ P5= contains the &!970% and a 0ause element indicatin the reason for bloc"in (typical
cause valuesD Transit networ" failure, OLM intervention, 2:uipment failure). The &!9/8O0$ P5= may be sent
in any alive (bloc"ed or unbloc"ed) &!970 pertainin to the same roup as the &!970 to be bloc"ed, unless
otherwise re:uired for particular cases which may be further described in the rest of this Technical !pecification.
9 -t the sendin side of the &!9/8O0$ P5=, if no failure has occurred in the receive direction (e.. OLM
intervention), the oriinator of the &!9/8O0$ P5= shall continue to accept &!9=&%T5-T- P5=s received on
the &!970 bein bloc"ed, until an &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5= is received for this &!970. The oriinator of the
&!9/8O0$ P5= shall stop to accept &!9=&%T5-T- P5=s, if the number of retries of the bloc"in procedures
is e'ceeded.
9 =pon .eceipt of an &!9/8O0$ P5= at an !G!& (or /!!) the &!970 shall be mar"ed as bloc"ed. The !G!&
(or /!!) shall immediately inform the load sharin function. The &! user entity shall also be informed of the
new transfer capability by means of an &!9!T-T=!9%ndication primitive for each affected /70. The !G!& (or
/!!) then sends in any alive (bloc"ed or unbloc"ed) &!970 of the relevant roup an &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5=,
for the bloc"ed &!970, to the /!! (or !G!&).
9 On receipt of an &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5= or &!9/8O0$ P5=, the oriinator of the &!9/8O0$ P5= stops
timer Tns9bloc".
The &!970 shall remain bloc"ed until an &!9=&/8O0$ P5= is received indicatin that the &!970#s state has been
1hen a /!! (or !G!&) wishes to unbloc" an &!970 between a /!! and !G!&, the followin shall be performedD
9 The /!! (or !G!&) sends an &!9=&/8O0$ P5= to the peer entity and starts timer Tns9bloc". The &!9
=&/8O0$ P5= shall be sent on the &!970 to be unbloc"ed (the &!970 must be alive, see chec" procedure in
clauses ATest of an &!970A). The /!! or !G!& may discard any &!9=&%T5-T- P5= received on the
concerned &!970 until the reception of the &!9=&/8O0$9-0$ P5=.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# )3 Release )***
9 %f an &!9=&/8O0$ P5= is received by an !G!& (or /!!) for an &!970 and the !G!& (or /!!) is able to
unbloc" the &!970, the !G!& (or /!!) shall return an &!9=&/8O0$9-0$ P5= on the &!970 where the
&!9=&/8O0$ P5= was received, then the &!970 shall be mar"ed as unbloc"ed. The load sharin function
shall be informed. The &! user entity shall also be informed of the new transfer capability by means of an &!9
!T-T=!9%ndication primitive for each affected /70.
9 - /!! (or !G!&) shall stop timer Tns9bloc" on receipt of an &!9=&/8O0$9-0$ or &!9=&/8O0$ P5=,
shall mar" the &!970 as unbloc"ed and shall inform the load sharin function in order to allow transmission of
&!9=&%T5-T- P5=s on this &!970. The &! user entity shall also be informed of the new transfer capability
by means of an &!9!T-T=!9%ndication primitive for each affected /70. -n &!9=&/8O0$ P5= received
while a /!! (or !G!&) is waitin for an &!9=&/8O0$9-0$ P5= shall be ac"nowleded with an &!9
=&/8O0$9-0$ P5=.
9 %f an &!9=&/8O0$ P5= is received by an !G!& (or /!!) and the !G!& (or /!!) is not able to unbloc" the
&!970, the &!970 shall remain bloc"ed and the &!970 bloc"in procedure shall be initiated by returnin an
&!9/8O0$ P5= to the /!! (or !G!&). This &!9/8O0$ P5= shall be sent on the &!970 where the &!9
=&/8O0$ P5= was received.
9 %f a /!! (or !G!&) receives an &!9/8O0$ P5= while waitin for an &!9=&/8O0$9-0$ P5=, it shall stop
timer Tns9bloc" and the &!970 shall remain bloc"ed. -n &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5= shall be returned. -n
indication shall be issued towards the OLM system, announcin that the unbloc"in of the &!970 was not
possible at the peer entity. 4urther actions of the OLM system are out of the scope of this Technical
,.2.1 "!o05al %o!ditio!s
%f an &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5= is not received for an &!9/8O0$ P5= within Tns9bloc" seconds, then the &!9/8O0$
P5= procedure shall be repeated a ma'imum of &!9/8O0$9.2T.%2! attempts. -fter &!9/8O0$9.2T.%2!
unsuccessful retry attempts the procedure is stopped and the OLM system is informed that the bloc"in procedure has
failed. 4urther actions of the OLM system are out of the scope of this Technical !pecification. The &!970 shall be
mar"ed as bloc"ed at the oriinatin side of the bloc"in procedure.
%f an &!9=&/8O0$9-0$ P5= is not received for an &!9=&/8O0$ P5= within Tns9bloc" seconds, the &!9
=&/8O0$ P5= procedure shall be repeated a ma'imum of &!9=&/8O0$9.2T.%2! attempts. -fter &!9
=&/8O0$9.2T.%2! unsuccessful retry attempts the procedure is stopped and the OLM system is informed that the
unbloc"in procedure has failed. 4urther actions of the OLM system are out of the scope of this Technical
!pecification. The &!970 shall be mar"ed as bloc"ed at the oriinatin side of the unbloc"in procedure.
%f an &!9=&%T5-T- P5= is received on an &!970 that is mar"ed at a /!! or an !G!& as bloc"ed and no &!970
unbloc"in procedure is pendin, then an &!9!T-T=! P5= (0ause valueD &!970 bloc"ed) shall be returned to the
peer entity.
%f an &!9/8O0$ P5= is received by a /!! or an !G!& for a bloc"ed &!970, an &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5= shall be
%f an &!9=&/8O0$ P5= is received by a /!! or an !G!& for an unbloc"ed &!970, an &!9=&/8O0$9-0$ P5=
shall be returned.
%f an une'pected &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5= is received by a /!! or an !G!& and it is related to an &!970 that is locally
bloc"ed, the &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5= is discarded. %f the &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5= is related to an &!970 that is not
locally bloc"ed, then an &!970 unbloc"in procedure is initiated.
%f an une'pected &!9=&/8O0$9-0$ P5= is received by a /!! or an !G!& and it is related to an &!970 that is not
locally bloc"ed, the received &!9=&/8O0$9-0$ P5= is discarded. %f the &!9=&/8O0$9-0$ P5= is related to an
&!970 that is locally bloc"ed, then an &!970 bloc"in procedure is initiated.
%f the &!970% received in an &!9/8O0$ or &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5= is un"nown, then the error shall be reported to the
oriinator of the P5= by means of an &!9!T-T=! P5= includin the un"nown &!970%, with the 0ause value set to
A&!970 un"nownA, the OLM system shall be informed, then the &!9/8O0$ or &!9/8O0$9-0$ P5= shall be
inored. 4urther actions of the OLM system are out of the scope of this Technical !pecification.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# ), Release )***
,.3 Reset p0ocedu0e
The reset procedure shall be used when a new &!970 is set9up between a /!! and an !G!&, after processor re9start,
after failure recovery or any local event restorin an e'istin &!970 in the dead state or when its state is undetermined
between remote &! entities. =pon completion of the reset procedure, the successfully reset &!970 is mar"ed as
bloc"ed and alive at both sides of the Gb interface.
1hen a /!! (or !G!&) wishes to reset an &!970, the followin shall be performedD
9 The &! entity at the /!! (or !G!&) informs the &! user entity of the new transfer capability by means of an
&!9!T-T=!9%ndication primitive for each affected /70. The /!! (or !G!&) then sends an &!9.2!2T P5= to
its peer entity indicatin the &!970% and the &!2%. The &!9.2!2T P5= is sent on the &!970 bein reset. The
&!9.2!2T P5= includes a 0ause information element.
9 The sendin entity of the &!9.2!2T P5= then mar"s the &!970 as bloc"ed and dead and starts timer Tns9
9 .eceipt of an &!9.2!2T P5= at an !G!& (or /!!) shall be ac"nowleded with an &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5=
includin the &!970% and the &!2%, provided that the receivin side is able to reset the &!970 (i.e. no local
condition prevents the receivin side from resettin the &!970). The &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5= shall be sent on the
&!970 bein reset.
9 The entity receivin the &!9.2!2T P5= then mar"s the ac"nowleded &!970 as bloc"ed and alive and
informs the &! user entity of the new transfer capability by means of an &!9!T-T=!9%ndication primitive for
each affected /70. The test procedure is then initiated on this &!970.
9 1hen the sendin entity of an &!9.2!2T P5= receives the &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5=, it stops timer Tns9reset,
mar"s the &!970 as bloc"ed and alive and initiates the test procedure on this &!970. The oriinator of the &!9
.2!2T P5= is then responsible for unbloc"in this &!970.
%n case of collision between reset procedures initiated at both sides of the Gb interface, the followin shall applyD
9 1hen an &! entity awaitin an &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5= in response to an &!9.2!2T P5= receives an &!9
.2!2T P5=, it shall ac"nowlede it as described above, and in addition, it shall treat it as an &!9.2!2T9-0$
1hen an &! entity is awaitin an &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5=, any P5= other than &!9.2!2T or &!9.2!2T9-0$
received on one of the &!970s bein reset shall be inored.
The reset procedure overrides any other pendin procedure on the affected &!970 i.e. other pendin procedures are
stopped, other runnin timers are stopped.
,.3.1 "!o05al co!ditio!s
%f the sendin entity of an &!9.2!2T P5= receives no &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5= before timer Tns9reset e'pires the
correspondin &!970s shall remain bloc"ed and dead and the entire reset procedure shall be repeated. %f the reset
procedure remains unsuccessful for a period of time established by the operator, the OLM system shall be informed,
and the reset procedure shall be stopped. 4urther actions of the OLM system are out of the scope of this Technical
%f the &!970% received in an &!9.2!2T P5= is different from the &!970% locally associated to this &!970, the
OLM system shall be informed, an &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5= shall be returned includin the &!970% locally associated to
this &!970, then the &!9.2!2T P5= shall be inored as if not received.
%f the &!2% received in an &!9.2!2T P5= is different from the &!2% locally associated to this &!970, the OLM
system shall be informed, an &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5= shall be returned includin the &!2% locally associated to this &!9
70, then the &!9.2!2T P5= shall be inored as if not received.
%f the &!970% received in an &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5= is different from the &!970% locally associated to this &!970 or if
the &!2% received in an &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5= is different from the &!2% locally associated to this &!970, the OLM
system shall be informed, then the reset procedure shall be stopped. 4urther actions of the OLM system are out of the
scope of this Technical !pecification.
%f an &!9.2!2T9-0$ P5= is received when not e'pected, it shall be inored.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# )* Release )***
,.) Test p0ocedu0e
The test procedure shall be used when a /!! (or !G!&) wishes to chec" that end9to9end communication with its peer
entity e'ists on an &!970.
/oth sides of the Gb interface may initiate this procedure independently from each other. This procedure shall be
initiated upon successful completion of the reset procedure (as specified in subclause A.eset procedureA) and shall then
be periodically repeated.
=pon successful completion of an &!970 reset procedure, a /!! (or !G!&) shall start timer Tns9test, thenD
9 =pon Tns9test e'piry, a /!! (or !G!&) sends an &!9-8%72 P5= on the &!970 to be chec"ed, starts timer
Tns9alive and waits for an &!9-8%729-0$ P5= on this &!970.
9 =pon receipt of an &!9-8%72 P5= on an alive &!970, an !G!& (or /!!) shall return an &!9-8%729-0$
P5= on the &!970 where the &!9-8%72 P5= was received.
9 =pon receipt of the &!9-8%729-0$ P5= in response to an &!9-8%72 P5=, the oriinator of the &!9-8%72
P5=, shall stop timer Tns9alive and shall start aain timer Tns9test.
The procedure is repeated each time Tns9test e'pires.
,.).1 "!o05al co!ditio!s
%f an &!9-8%729-0$ P5= is received when not e'pected, it shall be inored.
%f no &!9-8%729-0$ P5= is received before Tns9alive e'pires, the test procedure shall be repeated a ma'imum of
&!9-8%729.2T.%2! attempts. -fter &!9-8%729.2T.%2! unsuccessful retry attempts, the procedure is stopped, the
&!970 is mar"ed as dead and bloc"ed, the OLM system and the load sharin function are informed, and an &!9
!T-T=!9%ndication is sent to the &! user entity. - bloc"in procedure is initiated usin an alive &!970, if any. 4urther
actions of the OLM system are out of the scope of this Technical !pecification.
,.5 P0ocedu0e 1o0 e00o0 0epo0ti!/
The reportin of protocol errors to the remote entity is done by means of the &!9!T-T=! P5=, as further described in
the rest of this Technical !pecification.
=pon receipt of an &!9!T-T=! P5=, the OLM system is informed. 4urther actions of the OLM system are out of the
scope of this Technical !pecification.
,.5.1 "!o05al co!ditio!s
%f an error is detected in a received &!9!T-T=! P5=, then the error shall not be reported to the remote &! entity.
8 Ge!e0al p0otocol e00o0 ha!dli!/
This clause is not applicable to the !ub9&etwor" !ervice protocol.
The followin AGeneral caseA subclause applies unless otherwise stated in the A!pecial casesA subclause.
8.1 Ge!e0al case
This clause specifies procedures for the handlin of un"nown, unforeseen, and erroneous protocol data by the receivin
entity. These procedures are called Aerror handlin proceduresA, but in addition to providin recovery mechanisms for
error situations they define a compatibility mechanism for future e'tensions of the protocol.
Most error handlin procedures are mandatory for a /!! and !G!&.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 0+ Release )***
5etailed error handlin procedures are implementation dependent and may vary from P8M& to P8M&. Mowever, when
e'tensions of this protocol are developed, networ"s shall be assumed to have the error handlin that is indicated in this
clause as mandatory (AshallA) and that is indicated as stronly recommended (AshouldA).
%n this clause the followin terminoloy is usedD
9 S!ntactica$ error: an %2 is defined to be syntactically incorrect in a P5= if it contains at least one value defined
as AreservedA or Areserved for future useA, or if its value part violates codin rules specified in the relevant
protocol specification, e.. a too short %2 (the lenth indicator shall be used to determine the boundary of the %2).
Mowever, it is not a syntactical error that an %2 specifies in its lenth indicator a reater lenth than defined in
the relevant protocol specificationE and
9 Semantic error: a P5= is defined to have semantically incorrect contents if it contains information which,
possibly dependent on the state of the receiver, is in contradiction to the resources of the receiver and<or to the
procedural part of the relevant protocol specification.
To allow for the introduction of new functions the followin rules shall be used to determine the actions of a receivin
entity when it receives a P5=, part or all of which it is unable to understand. -s the recipient is unable to tell the
difference between a new, previously unspecified codin and an erroneous codin, the recipient also uses the same rules
for error handlin.
The robustness of a recipient in handlin erroneous P5=s does not rela' the re:uirement that the transmitter shall obey
this Technical !pecification. Mowever, it is intended that functionality can be radually added to an entity, and no
obstacle to intermediate phase e:uipment is intended.
8.1.1 P0ese!ce 0e>ui0e5e!ts o1 @!1o05atio! &le5e!ts
There are three different presence re:uirements (M, 0, or O) for an %2 within a iven P5=D
9 . (/.andator!/) means that the %2 shall be included by the sendin side, and that the receiver dianoses a
Amissin essential %2A error when detectin that the %2 is not present.
9 C (/Conditiona$/) meansD
9 that inclusion of the %2 by the sender depends on conditions specified in the relevant protocol specificationE
9 that there are conditions for the receiver to e'pect that the %2 is present and<or conditions for the receiver to
e'pect that the %2 is not presentE these conditions depend only on the P5= itself, and not on the state in
which the P5= was receivedE they are "nown as static conditionsE
9 that the receiver detectin that the %2 is not present when sufficient static conditions are fulfilled for its
presence, shall dianose a Amissin essential %2A errorE
9 that the receiver detectin that the %2 is present when sufficient static conditions are fulfilled for its
non9presence, shall treat the %2 as an optional one, see below.
9 0 (/0)tiona$/) means that the receiver shall never dianose a Amissin essential %2A error or shall never
dianose an error because it detects that the %2 is present or that the %2 is not present. There may however be
conditions dependin on the states, resources, etc. of the receiver to dianose other errors.
%n addition, the followin definitions applyD
9 Essentia$ E$ements: These are the conditional (0) elements when the condition for their reception is fulfilled,
plus the mandatory (M) elements. -ny e'ception to this rule is e'plicitly stated in the relevant protocol
9 Non'Essentia$ E$ements: &on9essential elements are all the information elements that are not defined as
8.1.2 &00o!eous e6e!ts
The followin events shall be rearded as errors by the recipient and shall be treated as specified below. 0ertain types of
error shall be reported to the sendin side, in that case the erroneous P5= and the error cause shall be returned to the
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 0) Release )***
sendin side by means of the appropriate error reportin P5=. The followin rules shall be applied in order of
3) a P5= whose type is non9e'istent or unreconisableD the error shall not be reported, the P5= shall be inoredE
*) a P5= not consistent with the recipient#s stateD the error shall be reported with cause AP5= not compatible with
the protocol stateA, the P5= shall be inoredE
3) a P5= sent in the wron directionD the error shall be reported with cause AProtocol error 9 unspecifiedA, the P5=
shall be inoredE
6) a missin essential information elementD the error shall be reported with cause AMissin essential %2A, the P5=
shall be inoredE
;) syntactical error in an essential %2D the error shall be reported with cause A%nvalid essential %2A, the P5= shall be
8.1.3 $o!-e00o!eous e6e!ts
The followin events shall not be rearded as errors by the recipientD
3) spare bits with an une'pected value in any information elementE
*) the use of additional octets in any information element with a lenth indicator, that isD when the indicated lenth
is reater than defined in the relevant protocol specification (the lenth indicatorl shall be used to determine the
boundary of the %2)E
3) a missin non9essential information elementE
6) an un"nown information element identifierE
;) any une'pected information elementE and
>) a syntactical error in any non9essential information element.
1hen the recipient detects one or more of these events the receivin entity shall inore the information that it is unable
to understand and treat the P5= on the basis of the information that remains.
-dditionally, when more information elements of a particular type are received than are e'pected, the last one(s) shall
be inored.
%f, because information was inored, the rest of the P5= can no loner be handled then the receivin entity shall report
the error to the sendin side by means of the appropriate error reportin P5= includin the incorrect P5= received and
the cause Asemantically incorrect P5=A.
8.1.) 8the0 e6e!ts
The followin events should be treated on a case by case basis and the outcome may depend upon the capabilities of the
3) The recipient may accept P5=s that contain information elements that do not appear to be in the correct
se:uence. 2lements that occur more than once in a P5= shall be assumed to have been transmitted in the correct
order. .ecipients that do not accept out of se:uence information elements shall reard the P5= as containin
une'pected and<or missin information elements and follow the procedures defined in the rest of this AGeneral
caseA clause.
*) 1hen any %2 with semantically incorrect contents is received, the receivin entity shall react accordin to the
relevant protocol specification. %f however no such reactions are specified, the receivin entity shall inore that
%2 and treat the rest of the P5=. %f, because this %2 was inored, the rest of the P5= can no loner be handled
then the receivin entity shall report the error to the sendin side by means of the appropriate error reportin
P5= includin the incorrect P5= received and the cause Asemantically incorrect P5=A.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 00 Release )***
8.2 Special cases
%n case of conflict between this subclause and the above AGeneral caseA subclause, this subclause ta"es precedence.
%n case of conflict between this subclause and the specific A-bnormal conditionsA subclauses in chapter A&etwor"
!ervice 0ontrol protocolA, the A-bnormal conditionsA subclauses ta"e precedence over this A!pecial casesA subclause.
8.2.1 2e6iatio!s 10o5 the BGe!e0al caseB su"clause
The 0ause information element (see subclauses AGeneral P5= definitions and contentsA and AGeneral information
elements codinA) shall be considered as a non9essential information element even when mandatory in a P5=.
8.2.2 &00o0 0epo0ti!/
The &!9!T-T=! P5= shall be used to report error to the remote &! entity, see subclause AProcedure for error
reportinA. The &!9!T-T=! P5= shall never be used to report an error detected in a received &!9!T-T=! P5=.
* Ge!e0al P2? de1i!itio!s a!d co!te!ts
This clause is not applicable to the !ub9&etwor" !ervice protocol.
*.1 Ge!e0al st0uctu0e o1 a P2?
This subclause defines the eneral structure of the P5=s on the Gb interface.
The eneral P5= structure is composed ofD
a) a P5= type information elementE and
b) other information elements, as re:uired.
The P5= type %2 occupies the first octet position in the P5=.
This eneral structure and the numberin convention used on the Gb interface are illustrated in fiure ><3GPP T! +@.3>.
The bits are rouped into octets. The bits of an octet are shown hori(ontally and are numbered from 3 to @. Multiple
octets are shown vertically and are numbered from 3 to n.
The octets shall be transmitted by increasin order of octet number. 1ithin each octet, the bits shall be transmitted by
increasin order of bit number i.e. bit 3 of octet 3 shall be transmitted first, bit @ of octet n shall be transmitted last.
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
octet ) P2? t4pe
octets 0;
3; ---n
othe0 i!1o05atio! ele5e!ts
4i(ure 3/3GPP TS +,-).5 General PD< structure and nu&6erin( con!ention
2ach P5= definition includes a table listin the information elements (%2s) "nown in the P5= and the order of their
appearance in the P5=. =nless specified otherwise in the P5= descriptions, a particular information element shall not
be present more than once in a iven P5=. -ll information elements that may be repeated are e'plicitly indicated.
4or each information element the table indicatesD
a) The name of the information element (which may ive an idea of the semantics of the element).
b) Possibly a reference to another G!M Technical !pecification where the information element is described.
c) The presence re:uirement indication (M, 0, or O) for the %2 as defined in clause AGeneral protocol error
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 03 Release )***
d) The format (T, 8, 7) of the information element. !ee further description of the type (T), lenth (8) and 7 (value)
fields in subclause AGeneral structure of the information elementsA.
e) The lenth of the information element (or permissible rane of lenths), in octets, in the P5=, where ANA means
that the ma'imum lenth of the %2 is only constrained by the lower layer protocol. This indication is non9
normative. The indicated lenth includes all the T, 8, 7 fields present in the %2.
f) !ubclauses specifyin, where appropriate, conditions for %2s with presence re:uirement 0 or O in the relevant
P5= which toether with other conditions specified in 3GPP T! +@.3> define when the information elements
shall be included or not, what non9presence of such %2s means, and 9 for %2s with presence re:uirement 0 9 the
static conditions for presence and<or non9presence of the %2s, see clause AGeneral protocol error handlinA.
*.2 $et.o07 Se06ice %o!t0ol P2?s
The &etwor" !ervice 0ontrol P5=s are also referred to as &! P5=s in the rest of this Technical !pecification.
*.2.1 $S-L@V&
This P5= is used to test an &!970.
P5= typeD &!9-8%72
5irectionD /!! to !G!&, !G!& to /!!
Ta6le 0/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'A97/E PD< contents
Reference Presence 4or&at 9en(th
P2? t4pe : V 1
*.2.2 $S-L@V&-%C
This P5= ac"nowledes a received &!9-8%72 P5= and is sent on the &!970 where the &!9-8%72 P5= was
P5= typeD &!9-8%729-0$
5irectionD !G!& to /!!, /!! to !G!&
Ta6le 3/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'A97/E'A8= PD< contents
Reference Presence 4or&at 9en(th
P2? t4pe : V 1
*.2.3 $S-9L8%C
This P5= indicates that an &!970 shall be bloc"ed at the recipient entity.
P5= typeD &!9/8O0$
5irectionD /!! to !G!&, !G!& to /!!
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 02 Release )***
Ta6le 2/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'$9>8= PD< contents
Reference Presence 4or&at 9en(th
P2? t4pe : V 1
%ause : TLV 3
$S-V%@ : TLV )
*.2.) $S-9L8%C-%C
This P5= ac"nowledes that an &!970 has been bloc"ed for use.
P5= typeD &!9/8O0$9-0$
5irectionD !G!& to /!!, /!! to !G!&
Ta6le 1/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'$9>8='A8= PD< contents
Reference Presence 4or&at 9en(th
P2? t4pe : V 1
$S-V%@ : TLV )
*.2.5 $S-R&S&T
This P5= indicates that the &! peer entity is tryin to reset one &!970s.
P5= typeD &!9.2!2T
5irectionD /!! to !G!&, !G!& to /!!
Ta6le ./3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'RESET PD< contents
Reference Presence 4or&at 9en(th
P2? t4pe : V 1
%ause : TLV 3
$S-V%@ : TLV )
$S&@ : TLV )
Typical cause values areD OLM intervention, 2:uipment failure.
*.2.6 $S-R&S&T-%C
This P5= ac"nowledes the reset of the indicated &!970s.
P5= typeD &!9.2!2T9-0$
5irectionD /!! to !G!&, !G!& to /!!
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 01 Release )***
Ta6le 3/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'RESET'A8= PD< contents
Reference Presence 4or&at 9en(th
P2? t4pe : V 1
$S-V%@ : TLV )
$S&@ : TLV )
*.2., $S-STT?S
This P5= is used to report error conditions.
P5= typeD &!9!T-T=!
5irectionD !G!& to /!!, /!! to !G!&
Ta6le ,/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'STAT<S PD< contents
Reference Presence 4or&at 9en(th
P2? t4pe : V 1
%ause : TLV 3
$S-V%@ % TLV )
$S P2? % TLV 3-D
9V%@ % TLV )
*.2.,.1 Static co!ditio!s 1o0 $S-V%@
The A&!970%A %2 shall be included when the A0auseA %2 is set to one of the followin valuesD
a) A&!970 bloc"edA,
b) A&!970 un"nownA,
and shall not be included otherwise.
*.2.,.2 Static co!ditio!s 1o0 $S P2?
The A&! P5=A %2 shall be included if the &!9!T-T=! messae is sent in response to a received &! P5= within which
an error was detected i.e. when the A0auseA %2 is set to one of the followin valuesD
a) A!emantically incorrect P5=A,
b) AP5= not compatible with the protocol stateA,
c) AProtocol error 9 unspecifiedA,
d) A%nvalid essential %2A,
e) AMissin essential %2A,
and shall not be included otherwise.
This is the whole P5= received with error. This P5= may be truncated if it e'ceeds the information carryin capacity
of the &!.
*.2.,.3 Static co!ditio!s 1o0 9V%@
The A/70%A %2 shall be included when the A0auseA %2 is set to one of the followin valuesD
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 0. Release )***
a) A/70% un"nown on that &!2A,
and shall not be included otherwise.
*.2.8 $S-?$9L8%C
This P5= indicates that an &!970 shall be unbloc"ed at the recipient entity.
P5= typeD &!9=&/8O0$
5irectionD /!! to !G!&, !G!& to /!!
Ta6le */3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'<N$9>8= PD< contents
Reference Presence 4or&at 9en(th
P2? t4pe : V 1
*.2.* $S-?$9L8%C-%C
This P5= ac"nowledes that an &!970 has been unbloc"ed.
P5= typeD &!9=&/8O0$9-0$
5irectionD !G!& to /!!, /!! to !G!&
Ta6le )+/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'<N$9>8='A8= PD< contents
Reference Presence 4or&at 9en(th
P2? t4pe : V 1
*.2.10 $S-?$@T2T
This P5= transfers one &! !5= between the /!! and !G!&.
P5= typeD &!9=&%T5-T-
5irectionD /!! to !G!&, !G!& to /!!
Ta6le ))/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'<N7TDATA PD< contents
Reference Presence 4or&at 9en(th
P2? t4pe : V 1
spa0e octet : V 1
9V%@ : V 2
$S S2? : V 1-D
The lenth of the A&! !5=A information element shall be derived by the &etwor" !ervice 0ontrol entity from the
lenth of the complete &!9=&%T5-T- P5= provided by the !ub9&etwor" !ervice entity to the &etwor" !ervice
0ontrol entity.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 03 Release )***
10 Ge!e0al i!1o05atio! ele5e!ts codi!/
This clause is not applicable to the !ub9&etwor" !ervice protocol.
10.1 Ge!e0al st0uctu0e o1 the i!1o05atio! ele5e!ts
The eneral information element structure is composed of (see fiure ?<3GPP T! +@.3>)D
a) an %nformation 2lement %dentifier (also referred to as the T field),
b) a lenth indicator (also referred to as the 8 field),
c) the information element value (also referred to as the 7 field).
%nformation elements have the T87 or the 7 format, as specified in the relevant protocol specification. The format of
any iven information element may depend on the conte't e.. on the messae type.
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
octet ) @!1o05atio! &le5e!t @de!ti1ie0 (@&@)
octets 0; 0a le!/th i!dicato0
octet 3 i!1o05atio! ele5e!t 6alue
octet --- n
4i(ure ,/3GPP TS +,-).5 7nfor&ation ele&ent structure; T9/ for&at
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
octet ) i!1o05atio! ele5e!t 6alue
octet --- n
4i(ure */3GPP TS +,-).5 7nfor&ation ele&ent structure; / for&at
1hen a field e'tends over more than one octet, the order of bit values proressively decreases as the octet number
increases. The least sinificant bit of the field is represented by the lowest numbered bit of the hihest numbered octet
of the field.
10.1.1 @!1o05atio! &le5e!t @de!ti1ie0
The first octet of an information element havin the T87 format contains the %2% of the information element. %f this
octet does not correspond to an %2% "nown in the P5=, the receiver shall assume that the ne't octet is the first octet of
the lenth indicator field and shall interpret it as described in the A8enth indicatorA clause.
This rule allows the receiver to s"ip un"nown information elements and to analyse any followin information elements.
10.1.2 Le!/th i!dicato0
The lenth indicator shall be included in all information elements havin the T87 format.
%nformation elements may be variable in lenth. The lenth indicator is one or two octet lon, the second octet may be
absent. This field consists of the field e'tension bit, +<3 e't, and the lenth of the value field which follows, e'pressed
in octets. The field e'tension bit enables e'tension of the lenth indicator to two octets.
/it @ of the first octet is reserved for the field e'tension bit. %f the field e'tension bit is set to + ((ero), then the second
octet of the lenth indicator is present. %f the field e'tension bit is set to 3 (one), then the first octet is the final octet of
the lenth indicator.
The lenth of the value field of the %2 occupies the rest of the bits in the lenth indicator.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 0, Release )***
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
octet 0 0-1 e+t le!/th
octet 0a le!/th
4i(ure )+/3GPP TS +,-).5 9en(th indicator structure
The /!! or !G!& shall not consider the presence of octet *a in a received %2 as an error when the %2 is short enouh
for the lenth to be coded in octet * only.
10.2 @!1o05atio! ele5e!t desc0iptio!
The descriptions of the information elements are orani(ed in alphabetical order of the %2 name. 2ach %2 is described in
one subclause.
- fiure of the subclause defines the structure of the %2 indicatinD
9 the position of the %2%, when presentE
9 the fields the %2 value part is composed ofE
9 the position of the lenth indicator, when presentE
9 possibly octet numbers of the octets that compose the %2.
4inally, the subclause may contain fiures definin the structure and value rane of the fields that compose the %2 value
1here the description of information elements in this Technical !pecification contains bits defined to be Aspare bitsA,
these bits shall set to (ero by the sendin side, and their value shall be inored by the receivin side.
The term AdefaultA may be used, implyin that the value defined shall be used in the absence of any assinment, or that
this value allows neotiation of alternative values in between the two peer entities.
10.3 $et.o07 Se06ice %o!t0ol i!1o05atio! ele5e!t desc0iptio!
The %2% values defined for the &etwor" !ervice 0ontrol protocol are indicated in table 3<3GPP T! +@.3>D
Ta6le )0/3GPP TS +,-).5 7E7 codin(
7E7 codin( 7nfor&ation ele&ent na&e
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %ause
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 $S-V%@
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 $S P2?
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 9V%@
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 $S&@
othe0 6alues 0ese06ed 1o0 1utu0e use
10.3.1 9V%@
This %2 is used for multiple'in /70s on &!970s.
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 0* Release )***
octet ) @&@
octets 0; 0a le!/th i!dicato0
octet 3 5ost si/!i1ica!t octet o1 9V%@
octet 2 least si/!i1ica!t octet o1 9V%@
4i(ure )3/3GPP TS +,-).5 $/87 infor&ation ele&ent
10.3.2 %ause
This %2 may be used to indicate to the peer &! entity the reason which triered a procedure, or the reason of an
abnormal condition.
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
octet ) @&@
octets 0; 0a le!/th i!dicato0
octet 3 cause 6alue
4i(ure )0/3GPP TS +,-).5 8ause infor&ation ele&ent
The cause values are indicated in Table *<3GPP T! +@.3>D
Ta6le )3/3GPP TS +,-).5 8ause !alues
8ause !alue codin( 8ause na&e
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T0a!sit !et.o07 1ailu0e
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8E: i!te06e!tio!
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 &>uip5e!t 1ailu0e
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 $S-V% "loc7ed
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 $S-V% u!7!o.!
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 9V%@ u!7!o.! o! that $S&
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Se5a!ticall4 i!co00ect P2?
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 P2? !ot co5pati"le .ith the p0otocol state
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 P0otocol e00o0 - u!speci1ied
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 @!6alid esse!tial @&
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 :issi!/ esse!tial @&
othe0 6alues 0ese06ed 1o0 1utu0e use
10.3.3 $S P2?
This %2 is included in the &!9!T-T=! P5= sent in answer to an erroneous &! P5=. This %2 contains the erroneous
P5= received. The erroneous P5= may be truncated in order to fit in the ma'imum si(e of the &!9!T-T=! P5=.
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
octet ) @&@
octets 0; 0a le!/th i!dicato0
octet 3 $S P2?
octet n
4i(ure )3/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS PD< infor&ation ele&ent
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 3+ Release )***
10.3.) $S S2?
This %2 contains one and only one &! !5= transmitted across the Gb interface. This %2 has the 7 format.
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
octet ) $S S2?
octet n
4i(ure )2/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS SD< infor&ation ele&ent
%n this A&! !5=A information element, bit i of octet j is e:ual to bit i of octet j of the &! !5=, as defined in the &!
user protocol specification.
10.3.5 $S-V%@
This %2 unambiuously identifies one &!970 amonst all the &!970s used between one !G!& and the connected
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
octet ) @&@
octets 0; 0a le!/th i!dicato0
octet 3 5ost si/!i1ica!t octet o1 $S-V%@
octet 2 least si/!i1ica!t octet o1 $S-V%@
4i(ure )1/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'/87 infor&ation ele&ent
10.3.6 $S&@
This %2 unambiuously identifies one &!2
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
octet ) @&@
octets 0; 0a le!/th i!dicato0
octet 3 5ost si/!i1ica!t octet o1 $S&@
octet 2 least si/!i1ica!t octet o1 $S&@
4i(ure )./3GPP TS +,-).5 NSE7 infor&ation ele&ent
10.3., P2? t4pe
The P5= type has the 7 format.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 3) Release )***
Ta6le )2/3GPP TS +,-).5 PD< t%pe codin(
PD< t%pe codin( PD< na&e
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $S-?$@T2T
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 $S-R&S&T
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 $S-R&S&T-%C
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 $S-9L8%C
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 $S-9L8%C-%C
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 $S-?$9L8%C
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 $S-?$9L8%C-%C
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 $S-STT?S
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 $S-L@V&
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 $S-L@V&-%C
othe0 6alues 0ese06ed 1o0 1utu0e use
10.3.8 Spa0e octet
This %2 is included in a P5= e.. when it is needed to alin another %2 on a 3* bit boundary. This %2 has the 7 format.
-ll bits are spare.
, 3 . 1 2 3 0 )
octet ) spa0e
4i(ure )3/3GPP TS +,-).5 NS'/87 infor&ation ele&ent
11 List o1 s4ste5 6a0ia"les
Ta6le )1/ 3GPP TS +,-).5 S%ste& ti&ers
ti&er na&e ti&er
notes relation to other ti&ers
T!s-"loc7 1s to 120s Gua0ds the "loc7i!/ a!d u!"loc7i!/
T!s-0eset 1s to 120s Gua0ds the 0eset p0ocedu0e !o!e
T!s-test 1s to 60s Pe0iodicit4 o1 the $S-V% test
T!s-ali6e 3s Gua0ds the $S-V% test p0ocedu0e !o!e
Ta6le )./ 3GPP TS +,-).5 S%ste& counters
counter na&e !alue notes
$S-9L8%C-R&TR@&S 3 0eco55e!ded 6alue
$S-?$9L8%C-R&TR@&S 3 0eco55e!ded 6alue
$S-L@V&-R&TR@&S 10 0eco55e!ded 6alue
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 30 Release )***
!!e+ (i!1o05ati6e)'
Reco55e!ded usa/e o1 9V%@ a!d $S&@
This anne' recommends a way to use /70%s and &!2%s, avoidin hue and unfle'ible confiuration data at the !G!&.
This anne' uses concepts defined in 3GPP T! +@.3@ F;G.
The "ey points areD
9 - /70% needs not to be uni:ue within an !G!&, a /70% is uni:ue within an &! 2ntity. /70% toether with
&!2% uni:uely identify a /70 within an !G!& (the lobal identifier within an !G!& is /70%C&!2%).
9 /70%s correspondin to PTP functional entities need not to be statically confiured at the !G!& sideD no fi'ed,
permanent relationship is re:uired in the !G!& between PTP /70%s and &!970s.
1ith the &!2%, the !G!& needs not to be updated when a new cell (/70%) is added to a /!! (&!2%). The pre9
confiuration of a cell in the !G!& and the constraint in the number of /70s in an !G!& are not neededD
9 The !G!& "eeps detailed MM information about an M! while the M! is in the .2-5O state, i.e. the !G!&
"nows the /70% and &!2% which can be used to contact the M! for downlin" transmission. The /70% and
&!2% are passed from &! to /!!GP and from /!!GP to the upper layers as a primitive parameter in every
uplin" pac"et received by the !G!&. !ubse:uent downlin" 880 frames to this M! shall be transmitted by the
!G!& over the /70 identified by this /70%C&!2%.
9 -n !G!& in !T-&5/O state will pae an M! before sendin downlin" traffic. The M! will respond with an
880 pac"et that will put the MM conte't in .2-5O state and will deliver the /70% and &!2% to the user of
4or pain purposes, the !G!& only needs to "now the correspondence between each .outein -rea and one or more
&!2%(s) where to send the correspondin pain messaes. Pain messaes for a mobile in !T-&5/O state shall
always be sent over /70%P+ of an &!2% and for a mobile in .2-5O state the circuit pae is sent over the PTP /70
identified by the /70%C&!2%. There may be &!2%(s) where /70%P+ is not used.
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 33 Release )***
!!e+ 9 (i!1o05ati6e)'
%ha!/e Fisto04
Date /
Tdoc 8R Su6ject New !er
%0eatio! o1 R** 6e0sio! 8.0.0
:a4 2002 - - ?pdated to 3GPP TS st4le 1o05at. Re1e0e!ce clause clea!ed up 8.0.1
3GPP TS +,-). /,-+-) "0++0'+1# 32 Release )***

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