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Philippine Mission Churches of Christ, P. 0, Box 49, Aparri, Cagayan, Philippines lllB
Forwarding Agent; Mrs. R. L. Tolliver, Pairfield, Nebraska 68938
January 29, 1979
Deax Friends in Christ:
We are happy to come again with news of the wcrk in Noriiiem Luzon. Our rainy season is
coming to an end, the sun is shining and eveiything seems much more cheerful. We want to
share with you a brief report of the things that have happened in the past year and give you
an idea of what we have planned for the coming year.
APAREH bible SEMINARY; Only 5 weeks ramain in the present school year of the Seminary. We
have had another good yea.r wiih around 80 students enrolled. An average of 12 student
-preachers- arc out ovory-weeilc-endr^reaehing in-various-places. Several of-the~young-w^en go
out also to teach children each week-end. We have more calls for student preachers than vie
can meet. The whole evangelistic program that has developed in this area in the last 32
years is primarily the result of the training program of Aparri Bible Seninary. A very fine
Chrisimas concert was presented on Dec. 8 in Aparri, and the next 2 nights in nearby tovjns
to large crowds. Roberta directed the tv^o choirs, the full choir of 70 voices and the Con
cert Choir of 32, and wrote the script. Solos, duets, a men's quartet and a girls' sextet
were also included in the program. We look forward to Commencement on March 9, and 'tiie Con
ference on Evangelism, March 6-8, when preachers, elders, and other Christians frcan all over
the Cagayan Valley xd.ll come for fellowship in the VJord,
THE EVANGELISTIC WORK is looking better all of the time. 699 baptisms have been reported so
far for 1978 and x\'e are expecting more reports to cone in even yet. The total should be well
over 700 by the time all reports are in. We are preparing for a big evangelistic effort,
especially during the months of March to May, which are oxir "siimmer" months here. The OBI
team will be involved in evangelistic meetings and Bible Institutes all during this coming
year. We are hoping to have a second team in full time evangelistic work around March 1st.
This team will be working as much as possible in "follow-up" work related to the Radio Braad-
cast. Several of our Seminary students some recent graduates are planning to form a
team for evangelistic work during the summer months. They want to have a basketball team,
a male quartet and tvjo or three good preachers involved in this team. We are praying for the
-rexn xra1 of many of the churches^ in the-area and for a great-ingathering-of souls this year*
THE CHEIESTIAN HIGH SCHOOLS. Northem Isabels Academy and Southern Isabela Academy have had
around 1000 student enrolled this year. 155 of tliese were baptized into Christ during the
first Semester. The 2nd semester "week of evangelism" -will be held beginning March 12.
Teams made up of Seminary teachers and preachers in the area will go to each of the schools
for that week. .They xd.ll take over all of the Bible classes during the week and will have
an evangelistic service each day. We are urging the Bible teachers in each of the schools
to give special attention during the weeks between now and then to those students who have
not yet accepted Chidst, We are praying for many of ihem to come to the Lord dxoring this
special emphasis.
THE RADIO BROADCAST is a very significant part of our work In that it makes a terri ic con
tribution to the preaching of the Gospel over a very area right in the center of the
Cagayan Valley. It is instrumental in planting- the "seed" in many, many places that oxir
preachers have never been able to reach, in fact, in many places of which we have never heard.
We need to get this program on other stations in areas outside the listeriing range of the
present station. It would be a tremendous boost to the work of the preachers in these other
areas and it vjould certainly help our over-all evangelistic program a great deal. We want to
get our recording studio set up sometime during 1979 We hope to see this develop into a
Broadcasting Station of oxor ovjn some day.
APARRI CHRISTIAI^T PRESS is another very important part of our total evangelistic program in
that it pro-'/ldes the printed mate.rial so essential to a xrlgorous evangelistic work such as
we have here. In addition, it provides a great deal of material for use in the chxrrches in
their teaching program. The men in the press are ncn-A/ in the process of revising and print
ing the Ilocano Hymn book. This will be a 4od page book containing several pages of respon
sive readings from -Uie Ilocano Scriptures, During the next tMO months they will be pre
paring much material for oxir extensive evangelistic program also. We hope to expand this
work a great deal during the coming year if funds peirait.
CAGAYAN CKILDRgN'S HO^S is coming nearer to reality every day, that is in as far as permanent
facilities are concerned. We finally began bulldozing the property in Lal-lo last week and
alreadi^ purchased around $11,000,00 worth of materials for this building. We are happy that
we were able to get all of the roofing and re-enforcement iron before the prices went up
last December. We expect this new building to cost around $42,000.00, something like |7.00
per square foot. This does not include the furnishings. Mary Pruitt, vjho is heading up
tnis home, has nine children right now in very inadequate quarters. We are sure there vdll
be many others just as soon as we are able to move into this new facility. The Lord is
providing the funds for this home and we hope to be in it by the first of June.
I would like to share with you some of our goals for 1979, which will be realized as the
Lord through His people provides the means for their accomplishment.
1. Getting another full time evangelistic team on the field to be particularly involved
in holding evangelistic meetings in places opened up through tie Radio Broadcast (or any other
vjay) with the view of es'Lablisliing new churches wherever they go. There will probably be
three men on this team. It will probably cost around $400.00 a month to keep such a team in
the field on a full time basis r There is no more effective way for you as a church in the
U, S. to do_ overseas evangelism than to support a team such as this.
2, Construction of the main building of CAGAYAW CHILDREN'S HOIiE, the foundations of
which vje hope to lay no later than the middle of February, with plans to occupy it by the
first week of June.
Complete the bulldozing of the entire site in Lal-lo and erect the building for the
Recording Studio to aid in the Radio work. This building will be planned in such a way that
it can later be used for a Broadcasting Station.
4. The establishment of r, Christian high school and college. This will be the only
Christian Liberal Arts College of the Restoration Movement in tte Philippines, we believe
there is a great need for such a school and that it will offer tremendous opportunities to
touch the lives of hundreds of individuals for Christ who will be holding important positions
in government as well as in the private sector in years to come. A Christian college, along
with 3 or 4 Christian high schools, could very well make ib possible for the church in the
Philippines to become completely independent of any need for financial support from Churches
in America in a much quickei- time than it could be done in any other lA'ay. This is true
simply because we will be reaching the kind of people vjho will be financially able and wil
ling to provide the finances needed to make the Cnurch here self-supporting.
We realize that these plans for tiae future may seem rather big, but we also believe that vie
have a very big God who has said, "the silver is mine and "the gold is mine". We believe that
He is a God who honors faith in Him and in His ability to "supply every need of o*urs accord
ing to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus". Please pray that we might be responsive to the
urgings of His Spirit and that we might have tlce courage to "walk by Faith and not by si^it."
Many of you will find rec8ij:>ts enclosed for gifts received ckiring the past 2k morLths. We
thank you and praise God for your faithful support. We know that God vdll bless you abun
dantly for your faithfulness,^
"in of our bles^d Lord JesTus,
J-foL yi4m .
^ ' "flf, Wl dAX ^
J4///J i7a!jhAA -
Charles and Roberta Selby
~ (3oo.'2
Philippine Mission Churches of Christ of Northern Luzon
P. O. Box 49, Aparri, Casayan, Philippines 1118
Sid & Marj Boudreaux
P.O. Box 1641
Joplin, MO 64801
Phone: (417) 624-6971
Dear Brethren,
March 6, 1979
/Roberta Pommert
P.O. Box 1641
Joplin, MO 64801
Phone: (417) 781-5406
We praise the Lord for your faithful support and generous gifts. We
recently received a letter from a church in Ohio asking about our financial
situation, and we thought perhaps you'd like to know about it, too.
Our eleven supporting churches send a total of $600 per month. This amount
varies slightly, depending on whether the congregation gives a percentage of its
total budget or a set amount. It is also higher some months due to individuals
within the churches designating gifts for us.
Our monthly budget inclTides the following: $217.76 - travel expense to the
U.S. in May 1978; $200 - payment on loan for travel 1975; $168.44 - payment on
education loan; $240 - groceries; $40 - utilities; $58.29 - insurance; $100 -
car expense and insurance; $55 - child care & pre-school for Carolyn; $54.22 -
car payment. Total: $1,133.71. The first two items will be paid off by June.
The Reapers (Student mission organization) may take on the project of
raising our travel fund back to the Philippines, We have been blessed beyond
measure this year by being asked to stay in the Missions Trailer on campus
saving us rent and giving us a pleasant place to live. We praise our Lord.
As most of you know, Sid and I have been working this year to pay off the
two travel loans and Faith Academy. We had to borrow the $1800 to pay FA so
Jamie would receive his transcript in time to graduate, but we believe that this
must be paid, too, before v/e leave. You can see that we have no extra from the
$600 we receive monthly to pay a $168.44 monthly note. One church has already
given $200 toward this, and we trust that you may wish to share in this, too.
Jamie graduates from high school May 23 and plans to work in Joplin this
summer. He may go to OBC next fall, or he may decide to work a year. He hasn't
lost his desire to be a missionary pilot, but he knows that entails several years
of hard work. Scott is taking one class at OBC now, and plans to go full-time
next fall, working to pay his expenses.
Sharon will finish her sophomore year and return with us to the Philippines.
She has an invitation to spend some time this summer with a good friend of hers,
Michele Morgan, in Terre Haute, IN while we travel. Carolyn, of course, will be
with us in our travels and will be ready for kindergarten next year in Aparri.
We want to leave Joplin about May 25 to begin traveling to speak about tlie
Philippines. We've been able to do some this year, but it's been limited. Pray
for us that the Lord will help us raise the amoiant we need and be effective in
talking about the Philippines.
Rejoice with us in news we just heard from Charles Selby: Cagayan Children's
Home groundbreaking Feb. 26need new facility by June; over 700 baptisms 1978; he
also writes: "Hurry back soon; we need you." The Lord willing, we'll be there by July,
AMck OL ad I), 0' ' (Udd
W ^ -Mim] Sid SMarj Borfeaux Christ,
Philippiiie mssion ChiArches of Christ, P. 0. Box 49, Aparri, Cagayaj:i, Philippines 1118
For\/arding Agent: Ilrs. R. L. Tolliver, Box 125, Pairfield, ITebraslca 68958
April 20, 1979
Bear Brethren in Christ:
It is very close to three months since I vrrote last neus letter. They liave been extremely
busy and fruitful months and \.'e v/ould like to share some of the excitement of them vdth you,
APARRI BIBLE tiiHIIIllRY completed its 27th year \;ith eight young people receiving degrees,
diplonns and certificates. Br. Charles Richards spoke at the 25th annual Commencement ser
vice held on Liarcli 9. The annual Conference on Dvangelism vas held on T%r. 6 to 8, just pre
ceding the commencement. Tliis Conference is primarily for preachers, elders, deacons, and
other'leaders in the local congregations. Me counted as many as I50 present in our evening
services. It is during this time tha-Tplans are made for the summer evangelistic program,
THE EVAIFGELISTIC PROGR^Ui for the summer months is going strong. There are 5 evangelistic
teams i/orking in 4 different provinces. IVo of these teaius have male quartets and basketball
teams, 1-48 baptisms have_Jieen_reported dvirini'; the months of Jan. to Uarch, contrasted vdth
64 for the same period last year, 56 girls attended an extromely effective DV3S"Clinic here
at the oeminar;^' Apr. 2-6, Jeannie Hoffman ccme from I'lanila to teach the girls the use of
puppets and games, helping each girl make her ov/n puppet, i/hich they are now using as they
teach DVBS in many different places. Several hundred children have already been taught by
these girls and they have only been out for t\;o eeks. Preparations are being made for the
three v/eeks of youth camp l.-ay 6-26, here at the Seminary, Last year 200 youth attended,
''"E CIIRISTL'h'T HIGH SCIiOOLS, Hortliem Isabela Academy (HIA) and Southern Isabela Academy (SIA),
had a total of 214 graduates this year, Roberta and I attended both of the commencement pro
grams and I had a special time at each school to speak to the graduates alone. Tliere v/ere
18$ students baptized into Christ at these tvro schools this school year. Over the past four
"cars, there has been a total of 744 baptisms at these schools, an average of 186 per year,
uunt last v/eeJc, Apr. 8-11, Roberta and I vere at NIA for a "Spiritual Retreat" for all of the
teachers and administrative staff of both schools. Me had a v/onderful time of fellov/ship,
study in the kbrd and praying together. One teacher and the husband of another teacher v:ere
captized on the last day of the retreat, iiary Pruitt went nith us, and helped vdth teaching, "
O.iQ-.Y-IlJ CniLBREH'S IIOl'IE: The nev; building is finally going up! The fovindations are in, the
rG-inforcernent iron has been assembled and much of it is in place ready for the pillars and
oeains_to_be poured. Prices of construction materials have increased alarmingly just since
the price increase on oil products. In fact, prices nearly doubled on some things. Me
have no v/ay of laiov.dng v/hat the final cost -.dll bo for this building, ''0 are just trusting
the Lord to provide v;hat mb need as v/e go along, liiss Marj'- Pruitt, v/ho is heading up this
part of our v;ork, novj lias 12 children in her care. 'lore are expected as soon as v/e have the
new building completed and thus have more room for them. Please pray sdth us about this
veiy important part of our program for Christ here.
THE RADIO ERO..iI)C..ST continues to reach large numbers of iieople from every v/alk of life. This
program is on the air six days of every v/eek. Responses to it are received from a very vdde
area. V/e are still hoping to get this program on other stations in northern Luzon but v;e
v;ould like to have our ov.n recording studio before \/e do that. Me arc praying that this
studio vdll become a reality in 1979
THE ilPARRI CHRISTI AT PRESS is a very busy place at all tiLies, but especially at this time of
year. Right now a ne\-i edition of the Ilocano Hymnal is being printed, as v/ell as convention
and rally programs. Supplies of tracts must continue to flow to the evangelistic tearis in
I'he field and the regular bi-monthly Ilocano paper and the Ilocano Sunday Achool quarterly
must continue to go out, 'j?lie press also prints the forms that will be needed in the high
schools next school year. The men of the press are getting to v/ork early each morning and
are quitting only ^jhen the eleetricity is turned off at 9:50 or 10:00 at night.
In our next news letter v/ill be able to share \dth you the victories tliat are now being
v;on for Clirist by the men ajid women involved in the evangelistic program, 'Me also hope to he
able to share \dth you at that time anotlisr major victory in the Lord's v/orl: right here in
Aparri, The Lord is woridng in a very \/onderful way rijit nov/ in every area of our v/ork,
Praces on almost all commodities have increased by at least 35/^ and manjr of thera have gone up
bp tvdce that amount. In some cases, prices have simply doubled over that of a fevv/ months
rgo, V/e are at peace v/ithin ourselves about this otlierxdse alamuing situation simply because
wc believe our God is fully capable of talcing care of anj'- situation that the men of the world
might bring' about because of their ^^reed ani other base motivations, k^e thani; all of you
for your wonderful, faithful financial support. Please do pray much for us also.
Py-IL 4
Philippine Mission Churches of Christ, Pc Or Box 49, Apairi, Cagayan, Philippines 1118
Poiwarding Agent; lyirsc Rr Lc Tolliver, Pairfield, Nebraska 68958 Tel<. 402-726-2553
T% -n. . , . September 29, 1979
Bear Friends in Christ,
Our last news-letter was sent out in the latter part of Aprils At that time, the summer
evangelistic program was in full swing with several teams working throughout Northern
Luzonr During the months of April and May 149 baptisms were reportedf At the same time,
15 teams made up of two girls each were involved in a very widespread VBS program, teaching
around 17OO childrenr Baptisms reported through September for 1979 total 407f Praise Godf
Schools in the Philippines open in early June each year, including APARRI BIBLE SEMENARY
With 107 young people enrolling, the Seminary had its highest enrollment in several years.
The two high schools held their own with just over 1000 students enrolled. Each of these
1000 students is in a Bible class every day during the 10month school year. Anumber of
our Seminary st^ents this year are graduates of the high schools.
As a direct result of the RADIO BROADCAST, new work has been opened in several places.
The APARRI CpiSTIAN PRESS continues to make a very valuable contribution to our entire
work, providing material for the evangelistic program, teaching materials for local churches,
and all kinds of necessary forms and other materials for the high schools and the Seminary.
The building for the CAGAYAN CHILDREN'S EOm is nearing completion. Mary Pruitt is eager
to move into it with her big family of I7 children. Since she is still in the Boudreaux's
house, they rented a house about 6 blocks from here when they returned in July. (lt*s good
to have them back with us.) Mrs. Joy Collins, a widow from Thurston, Oregon, has come to
help ^lary in the Home. She is presently staying v/ith Mrs. Naomi Goode in her apartment.
The big news we want to share with you in this letter is more or less personal family news,
and yet it will have a great deal to do with our work here in the future. On June 26, our
oldest son Lloyd and our youngest son Rob came to visit us, having come to Manila on a b\isi>^
ness trip. Rob had planned to be here for about a month but was actually here two months.
Lloyd had originally planned to stay for about three months, but has now decided to remain
permanently and join us in our mission work here. For some time now we have felt a great
need for someone to help with the administrative work of the mission. As you know, the
work has grown tremendously and now includes the Aparri Bible Seminary, two Christian high
schools, a radio broadcast and follow-up, a printing work and bookbinding shop, a large
evongcliDt-ie-work, kindei?gartens, youth camps, VBS's-, and most-recentlyy-i^he ^sl^orfcing otf
the Cagayan Children s Home. The administration of this total work, along with my teaching
daily closes in the Seminary and spending (necessarily) much time in counselling, has be
come a big load for me. As you well know, it is pqt correspondence with churches and friends
in the States that is neglectedl Lloyd has been working now since Sept. 1, gradually learn
ing the ins and outs of the administrative work here, and has already relieved me of much
of it. He is uniquely fitted for this in that he has had several years' experience in the
business world. Also his knowledge of the Ilocano dialect, learned as a child, is fast
turning so that he ca.n communicato freely in it. Having grown up here, he has a knowledge
of the customs, thinking and needs of the Filipino people which usually takes a new mission
Bjpf many years to acquire. Lloyd is now 55 years old, a mature and sensible Ghiristian man
v^ith a deep faith in the Lord. He is well accepted and respected by the people here. He
has no support coming in, but has, in faith, placed himself in the Lord's hands to do this
work v/hich he says the Lord called him to do some time ago, but he just did not heed the
call. We praise the Lord for his decision and for much answered prayer. Pray for Lloyde
FURLOUGH TIME is at hand again! Roberta and I are making plans to leave the Philippines
for the States in early March of 1980, immediately following commencement exercises in the
Seminary. Two churches in California have scheduled us for Faith*-Promise rallies in March.
We hope to spend the month of April visiting our families in Pairfield, Nebraska, and Houston,
Texas. (Roberta's 85-year old mother and 4 of onx sisters in the Nebr. area, 2 sons x^^ith
their families and 2 of Roberta's brothers in Houston). Then we plan a couple of weeks in
May with our faithful living-link church, the Indianola Church of Christ in Columbus, Ohio.
We would like to give a report to each of the churches which give regularly and so faith
fully in the support of this woik. It would be impossible without you and we praise God
daily for you and your faithfulness. We will be available for speaking as our schedule
and the availability of gasoline - permit. When possiliLe, we would be happy to schedule
a 2 or 5-day (or longer) meeting pax-ticularly related to missions, holding some spiritual
growth Bible classes if desired, preaching, telling of mission work in the Philippines;
Roberta could speak to women's groups; we'd be pleased to do whatever you like^ within
our capabilities and strength, as the Lord supplies. We request any'correspondence regards
ing this to be sent directly to us here AIRMAEL. Pray much for us. God bless you.
berta Selby
p^l ^
. Philippine Mission Churches of Christ, P. 0. B^x ^9, Aparri, Cagayan, Philippines 1118
FArwarding Agent: Mrs. R, L, Tolliver, Bnx 125, Fairfield, Nebraska 68938
^ ^ ^ December 17, 1979
Dear Friends in Christ:
Just as our last news letter was being sent out, we received the good news of the result
of the annual first semester "week of evangelism" at both of our Christian high schools. The
final report was that a total of 198 young people had been baptized during that week, 126 at
NIA and 72 at SIA, This brings the total of reported baptisms to 66A for t'-ls year.
On Dec. lA, the combined choirs of the APARRI BIBLE SEHIM/.RY presented an outstanding
Christmas concert to an overflow crowd in the chapel building of the Aparri Church of Christ,
Narj Boudreaux directed the choirs this year, relieving Roberta of the responsibility. We
are having a very good year in the Seminary with around 90 students enrolled. An average of
20 of these students go out each week-end to serve in one way or another in churches espe
cially in the province of Cagayan. Today is the first day of a three week Christmas vaca
tion, Most of the students have gone home. Many have gone to churches throughout the area
to help with special Christmas programs and. evangelistic meetings.
Our big project right now is the new Children's Home building. The basic construction
work on the main building is nearing an end. The glass is oot yet in the windows, the doors
have not yet been installed and the concrete for the ground floor is just now being poured.
We also have to out up a concrete watc" tower, f^ost of tb^ furnishings for the building have
to^be built or purchased yet. We also need to build some kind of wall or fence around the
Children's Home site in order to provide a measure of security. How long all of this will
take or how much it is go:,ng to cost, 1 really don't know. Prices continue to rise and will
probably take another big jump after the first of the year. We are also planning to build a
2^ X2A foot concrete block birilcing to be used for a laundry and storage space. We would
like to get sta.rted on that: rl^t away since it will be vitally needed as soon as they move
in. We estimate the cost of this to be at le^st $A,000,00 which is about $7,00 per
foot, V/e want to -purchase as much of the matez-ial for this as we can before prices go up.
We had a beautiful experience here in the Aparri Church yesterday. Two of the Negrito
girls that are among those being cared for in the Children's Home accepted the Lord and were
baptized. At the same time, a urofessor in a rather large Catholic college here in Aparri,
wlooalso serves as the assistant principal of the high school depa.rtment of the same college,
accepted Christ and was baptized, Negritos are at the bottom of the social ladder here in
--bhe Philippines and it was-great to see these two young Negritos standing side by"side with
a college professor, all making their corimitment to the same Lord,
You cannot imagine how great it is to have Lloyd (our oldest son) here! He is a young
man totally committed to the Lord and has immersed himself in" the work here. He has taken
over all of the administrative duties in every phase of the work, v/e consult often concern-
in^ major decisions and he has su.->gested some major policy elk n^es ''nd revisions which are
b :ing implemented, Lloyd has absolucely no income from any source anr" has been living off of
what little savings he had as the result of selling his house in Houston, He had a very
small equity in that, So~'e have asked us if he needs sunno-rt, The answer is, Yes! As of
now, he is living with us _nd eating with us, but we plan to go on furlough in March so he
will have the responsibility of keeping this household going while we are gone. We are pray
ing that some Church will accept him as their full living-link.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you during our furlough. We already have many
invitations for Faith Promise Rallies, Revival Meetings with a Mission Emphasis, Deeper Life
Crusades, etc. If you wo^^ld like for us to se.rve you in some special way while we are in the
U, S., write to us right away. Please send such requests via Air Mail to our Aparri address.
Many of you will find receipts enclosed for your gifts which we have received in October
and November, We praise Cod for your faithfulness to Him,
ly yours irg^jjrist,
les and Roberta Selby

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