Initial Test 8th Grade l2 1

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I.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous to
complete the postcard: (10x1p=10p)
News from Newqay!Everyone............................... !wait" for the srfing #ham$ionshi$s to
%egin.They...................... !%e" a very $o$&ar event and thosands of $eo$&e........................! #ome" to
'ornwa&& every smmer to wat#h them.The weather........................... !%e" (st fine.
I)ve a&ready got some good friends here.*ne is an Ita&ian gy #a&&ed +ianni.He)s a &ifegard on the
%ea#h and he ,...............! stay" at the same gesthose as I am.Then there)s a gir& #a&&ed Ni#o&a.She)s
here for the smmer ho&idays.She ,.............................. ! wor-" for her ant, who has a hote& here.The
rest of the year she............................... !not. &ive" in Newqay %t in London with her $arents.I............
! &i-e" her very m#h.
I ,...................... !write" this $ost#ard at a #af/ on the %ea#h , where I ,.................! have"
%rea-fast right now.
See yo soon!
II.Complete the text by puttin the verbs in brackets in the correct past tense form:
0122 Leonardo da 3in#i......................... !design" a he&i#o$ter.
0452 'orne&is van Dre%%e& ,................! %i&d" a s%marine.
0687 8i&atre de 9o:ier and the ;arqis d) Ar&andes................ ! ma-e" the first f&ight in ahot air %a&&oon.
06<0 'omte ;ede de Sivra#....................... ! design" a %i#y#&e withot $eda&s.
085< +eorge Ste$henson)s &o#omotive The Rocket...................! win" a #om$etition.
0876 Steam trams....................... ! %egin" to o$erate in New =or- 'ity.
08>7 The Great Britain steamshi$ ,........................ ! sai&" a#ross the At&anti# *#ean.
0847 The first ndergrond rai&way........................... ! o$en" in London.
0881 ?ar& @en: and +ott&ie% Daim&er ,................... ! invent" the $etro& engine.
0<2< Lois @&/riot ,........... ! f&y" from Aran#e to Eng&and in a mono$&ane.
III.Complete the sentences "ith the correct #uestion tas:
=o #an ta-e the train,..........................B
@en sits at the %a#- of the #&ass, ,...................B
8eter hasn)t got a #ar, ,....................................B
I am ta&&, ,................ B
He didn)t &ose his -eys,...................... B
He #ame too &ate, ,........................ B
=or friends won)t #ome tomorrow, ,............... B
They were on the same $&ane as s, ,.................B
=o)re not %sy tonight, ,............... B
Ann #an)t dan#e, ,........................... B
$%&'nderline the correct pronoun or adverb:
They heard something/ nothing in the %edroom.The father as-edC)Is there anybody/ somebody
hereBD%t nobody/ everybody answered.The &itt&e gir& in the %edroom wo-e $ and &oo-ed for
anywhere/ somewhere to hide.The father #a&&ed againCDIs there anybody/ somebody hereBDand the
frightened gir& saidCD No, there is nobody/ anybody here.I #an)t hear anything/
nothing.Everything/Something was $ea#ef& again.Sti&&, the father fond nowhere/ somwhere to s&ee$
in his gir&)s room, in #ase she had another nightmare.There was rea&&y anything/ nothing e&se he #o&d

3.(ill in the blanks "ith what, which,who,where:
Here is the %ar ,............ they sa&&y meet.
This is the gir& ,........... won the first $ri:e.
;angoes ,.......... are overE ri$e sho&d %e thrown away.
I have an aFe with.............. I #t wood.
A #hi&d ,............ does not $&ay games wi&& never %e hea&thy.
The horse................ won the ra#e is #a&&ed Arios.
Ge &ive ,.............. the sn rises.
I thin- +eorge was the one ,.......... first sggested the idea.
Ge have a ran#h ,........... we go at wee-ends.
This is Hohn 8eters ,....... is my #hi&dhood friend.

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