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Unit 4 Review

* Remember to study Chapters 10, 11 &12

Chapter 10
Popular Sovereignty:
Fugitive Slave !t:
"ansas#$ebras%a !t:
&pper South:
Con'ederate States o' meri!a:
Compromise o' 1)*0:
+order States:
-hy did many northern .hites ob(e!t to slavery/
-hat .as the purpose o' the Fugitive Slave !t/
-hat .as the -ilmot Proviso/ 0id it ever be!ome la./
-hat did Senator 0ouglas propose in the "ansas#$ebras%a !t/ -hat did it give "ansas voters the right
to do/
-hat did 1in!oln2s !all 'or volunteers to de'end Ft3 Sumter lead to/
4ani'est 0estiny:
-hat .as the ne. Republi!an Party/ -ho .ere its main supporters/
-hy did Se!essionists believe they had a right to leave the &nion/
-hat are the advantages that the $orth had over the South/
5n .hat .ays did $orthern abolitionists and Southern slaveholders both believe that they .ere de'ending
the Constitution/ "no. the opposing vie.points6
Chapter 11
-hat are the advantages that the $orth had over the South/
-hy .as President 1in!oln dissatis'ied .ith 7eneral 4!Clellan2s !ommand/ -hat Con'ederate !apital
did her urge him to atta!%/
8man!ipation Pro!lamation:
-hat did 1in!oln promise the nation in the 7ettysburg ddress/
9he South hoped to 'ind allies in .hi!h t.o 8uropean nations/
-hat .ere Republi!ans in Congress able to do .ithout southern opposition during the .ar/
-hy did 7rant2s army have the ob(e!tive o' gaining !ontrol o' the 4ississippi River/
-hat did the &nion vi!tory at the +attle o' ntietam deny Robert 83 1ee/
-hat 'ier!e devotion o' Southerner2s hurt the Con'ederate .ar e''ort/
-hat .as 1in!oln2s main goal during the early part o' the .ar/
-hy .as :i!%sburg a stronghold that &nion 'or!es hoped to !apture/ -here .as the !ity/
;o. did &nion vi!tories at :i!%sburg and Port ;udson a''e!t the Con'ederate States o' meri!a/
-hat did Congress a!!ept by passing the 1<
-hat .ere the advantages o' the $orth and South during the .ar/ 5denti'y several 'or ea!h side6
Chapter 12
-hy did Radi!al Republi!ans oppose President 1in!oln2s Re!onstru!tion plan/
-hy did the Freedman2s +ureau !ome into being/ 5n .hat .ays did the Freedman2s +ureau su!!eed/
-hat .as the out!ome o' President =ohnson2s impea!hment trial/
-hat event signaled the end o' Re!onstru!tion in the South/
-hat .ere the ma(or 'ailures o' Re!onstru!tion/
;o. .as the South a''e!ted by the Civil -ar/
-hy .as it di''i!ult 'or many poor .hite southerners to 'ind .or% a'ter the .ar ended/
;o. did President =ohnson treat southern o''i!ials during Re!onstru!tion/
-hat .as the 1>
mendment/ -hat .as its purpose/
9he 1*
mendment allo.ed southern 'ri!an meri!an men to do .hat 'or the 'irst time in 1)?0/
;o. did tenant 'arming !hange the southern !lass system/
-hat .ere some .ise uses o' Re!onstru!tion 'unding/
-hy did voters eventually gro. tried o' the Re!onstru!tion e''ort/
-hat did .omen 'ight 'or, unsu!!ess'ully, during the Re!onstru!tion era/
-hat .ere the su!!esses and 'ailures o' Re!onstru!tion/

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