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Gaurav Rastogi C2/204 Dreams Estates

Handewadi Road
System Engineer Hadapsar
IBM India Pvt Ltd Pune 411028, India
Mobie! "#1$##%&188'%1
Emai! (aura)rato(i10'2*(mai+,om

Career Objective:
-o be a part o. (rowt/ oriented or(ani0ation w/ere m1 ,apabiities in E-2 and in/erent 3uaities i4e smart wor4,
ent/usiasm and dedi,ation ,an be .ree1 appied+
Professional Experience:
Possessin( 2.5 years E5perien,e as 61stem En(ineer 7Data 6pe,iaist and E-2 De)eoper8 in IBM India Pvt Ltd,
E5tensi)e e5perien,e in desi(nin( and de)eopin( E-2 mappin(s usin( In.ormati,a Desi(ner and ,on.i(urin(
sessions/wor4.ows usin( 9or4.ow Mana(er+
E5perien,ed in di..erent p/ases i4e 61stem 6tud1, :un,tiona 6pe,i.i,ation Preparation, -e,/ni,a 6pe,i.i,ation
Preparation, De)eopment, and ;nit testin( and Produ,tion Mi(ration+
6tron( Hands on e5perien,e wit/ E5tra,t, -rans.orm < 2oad 7E-28 pro,ess usin( In.ormati,a Power Center+
6tron( ,ommuni,ation and probem so)in( s4is, abiit1 to ta4e ,ompete owners/ip o. t/e wor4 assi(ned in terms o.
3uait1 and timeiness+
Technical Competency:
Operating System 9indows =P, 2000 , ;>I=
ETL/ Reporting Toos In.ormati,a PowerCenter %+==,8+1
S!ripting ;ni5 6/e 6,riptin(
"ata#ases ?R@C2E, DA2,
$on%iguration Management/Migration Toos 6B>
Project Summary
$ient &ame
Hert0 Corporation
Hert0 Data 9are/ouse Maintenan,e < 6upport
Cune 2012$ Present
Data 6pe,iaist! In.ormati,a 761stem En(ineer8
Primar1 Roes in,udes !
Dat/er ,ustomer re3uirements, 6oution t/e re3uirement, Desi(n/De)eop
t/e E-2 Eobs, 61stem -estin(+
Barious reports i4e proEe,tion .or ' wee4s, 9ee41 status reports,
Mont/1 das/boards, 2ean tra,4in(, Fuait1 do,umentations were
T'e Pro(e!t
Hert0 Corporation is t/e ar(est ,ar rentin( ,ompan1 in t/e word+ -/e1
are maintainin( a /u(e )oume o. data in its Data 9are/ouse .or t/e
purpose o. (eneratin( reports to .a,iitate Mana(ers to ta4e mana(ement
-/is appi,ation is to per.orm main1 t/e E-2 7E5tra,tion, -rans.ormation
and 2oadin(8 o. t/e data .rom main.rame .at .ies sour,es to a ,entra
tar(et data ware/ouse+
Re,ei)ed Eminen!e and E)!een!e *SP+R, +-ard 7201'8.or ?utstandin( -e,/ni,a @biit1 and Ent/usiasm
Re,ei)ed Top $ontri#utor Re-ard .or Per.orman,e and Dei)er1+
Core -eam Member .or Lean Initiati)e .or impementin( Baue addition ser)i,es and ,ost optimi0ation+
?n boardin( ,oordinator to indu,t new resour,es into t/e a,,ount+
:or m1 ser)i,es in t/e a,,ount and to or(ani0ation as a w/oe I /a)e been identi.ied .or top rating in IAM+
?r(ani0in( GM6 6ession in t/e a,,ount .or .no-edge s'aring amon( teams+
Eucational !ualifications:
Competed A+-e,/ in In%ormation Te!'noogy .rom 2ord Gris/na Coe(e o. En(ineerin(
7;ttar Prades/ -e,/ni,a ;ni)ersit18 wit/ /0.15H, in 2011+
Competed 6enior 6e,ondar1 .rom 6t+Mar1Is Con)ent 7CA6E8 in PCM wit/ /2.0H in 200%+
Competed Hi(/ 6,/oo .rom 6DRR 7CA6E8 wit/ /2.2H in 200&+
Certifications an "earnin#
Competed 4 da1s Cass Room Pro(ram in JIn.ormati,a PowerCenter #+0 2e)e 1 De)eoperI+
Competed +I3 4.5 Aasi, ?perations Certi.i,ation+
@,/ie)ed O$+ 655g ,redentias and be,ome ?ra,e Certi.ied @sso,iate+
Personal Profile
"ate o% Birt' ! 24$@;D $1#8#
Marita Status ! 6in(e
P+& &um#er ! @P6PR84'&D
&ationaity ! Indian
Languages ,no-n ! En(is/, Hindi7R<98+
I, /ereb1 de,are t/at t/e parti,uars (i)en abo)e are true to m1 4nowed(e and beie.+
"ate7 8ours Truy
Pa!e! Pune Daura) Rasto(i

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