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American Bible Society vs.

City of Manila
G.R. No. L-9637
Aril 3!" #9$7
FACTS% &n t'e co(rse of its ministry" ABS 'as been )istrib(tin* an) sellin* bibles an)+or *osels
t'ro(*'o(t ,'iliines an) translatin* t'e same into several ,'iliine )ialects. -'e actin* City
-reas(rer of Manila informe) ABS t'at it .as con)(ctin* t'e b(siness of *eneral merc'an)ise
since November #9/$ .it'o(t rovi)in* t'e city .it' Mayor0s ermit an) m(nicial license in
violation of 1r)inance No. 3!!!" as amen)e) an) 1r)inances Nos. 2$29" 3!23" 336/ an)
re4(ire) laintiff to sec(re .it'in t'ree )ays t'e ermit an) license fees" to*et'er .it'
comromise coverin* t'e erio) from fo(rt' 4(arter of #9/$ to secon) 4(arter of #9$2 in ,$"
23#./$. ABS roteste) abo(t t'e re4(irement b(t ai) to t'e )efen)ant t'e sai) ermit an)
license fees in t'e sai) amo(nt.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e 1r)inances of Manila Nos. 3!!! as amen)e)" an) 2$29" 3!23 an)
336/ are alicable to t'e case at bar.
HELD: 6es" t'e city or)inances mentione) are still in force an) effect. 5'en t'e ol) stat(te is
reeale) in its entirety an) by t'e same enactment re-enacts all or certain ortions of t'e re-
e7istin* la." t'e ma8ority vie. 'ol)s t'at t'e ri*'ts an) liabilities .'ic' 'ave accr(e) (n)er t'e
ori*inal stat(te are reserve) an) may be enforce)" since t'e reenactment ne(trali9e) t'e reeal"
t'erefore contin(in* t'e la. in force .it'o(t interr(tion. &n t'e case at bar" 1r)inances Nos.
2$29 an) 3!!! of t'e city of Manila .ere enacte) by t'e M(nicial Boar) of t'e City of Manila
by virt(e of t'e *rante) to it by section 2///" s(bsection of t'e Revise) A)ministrative
Co)e" s(erse)e) on :(ne #3" #9/9" by section #3" s(bsection ;#< of Re(blic Act No. /!9"
=no.n as t'e Revise) C'arter of t'e City of Manila. -'e only essential )ifference bet.een t'ese
t.o rovisions is t'at .'ile s(bsection ;m-2< rescribes t'at t'e combine) total ta7 of any )ealer
or man(fact(rer" or bot'" en(merate) (n)er s(bsections ;m-#< an) ;m-2<" .'et'er )ealin* in one
or all of t'e articles mentione) t'erein" s'all not be in e7cess of ,$!! er ann(m" t'e
correson)in* section #3" s(bsection of Re(blic Act No. /!9" )oes not contain any limitation as
to t'e amo(nt of ta7 or license fee t'at t'e retail )ealer 'as to ay er ann(m. >ence" an) in
accor)ance .it' t'e .ei*'t of t'e a(t'orities above referre) to t'at maintain t'at ?all ri*'ts an)
liabilities .'ic' 'ave accr(e) (n)er t'e ori*inal stat(te are reserve) an) may be enforce)" since
t'e reenactment ne(trali9es t'e reeal" t'erefore contin(in* t'e la. in force .it'o(t
interr(tion?" 5e 'ol) t'at t'e 4(estione) or)inances of t'e City of Manila are still in force an)
&*lesia ni Cristo vs CA
G.R. No. ##9673
:(ly 26" #996
FACTS: ,etitioner 'as a television ro*ram entitle) ?An* &*lesia ni Cristo? aire) on C'annel 2
every Sat(r)ay an) on C'annel #3 every S(n)ay. -'e ro*ram resents an) roa*ates
etitioner0s reli*io(s beliefs" )octrines an) ractices often times in comarative st()ies .it'
ot'er reli*ions. ,etitioner s(bmitte) to t'e reson)ent Boar) of Revie. for Movin* ,ict(res an)
-elevision t'e @-R taes of its -@ ro*ram Series Nos. ##6" ##9" #2# an) #23. -'e Boar)
classifie) t'e series as ?A? or not for (blic* on t'e *ro(n) t'at t'ey ?offen) an)
constit(te an attac= a*ainst ot'er reli*ions .'ic' is e7ressly ro'ibite) by la..
ISSUE: 5'et'er or Not t'e &*lesia ni Cristo ro*ram is not constit(tionally rotecte) as a form
of reli*io(s e7ercise an) e7ression.
HELD: 6es. Any act t'at restrains seec' is accomanie) .it' res(mtion of invali)ity. &t is
t'e b(r)en of t'e reson)ent Boar) to overt'ro. t'is res(mtion. &f it fails to )isc'ar*e t'is
b(r)en" its act of censors'i .ill be str(c= )o.n. -'is is tr(e in t'is case. So-calle) ?attac=s? are
mere criticisms of some of t'e )eely 'el) )o*mas an) tenets of ot'er reli*ions. R-CBs r(lin*
clearly s(resses etitioner0s free)om of seec' an) interferes .it' its ri*'t to free e7ercise of
reli*ion. Cattac=D is )ifferent from Coffen)D any race or reli*ion. -'e reson)ent Boar) may
)isa*ree .it' t'e criticisms of ot'er reli*ions by etitioner b(t t'at *ives it no e7c(se to inter)ict
s(c' criticisms" 'o.ever" (nclean t'ey may be. En)er o(r constit(tional sc'eme" it is not t'e tas=
of t'e State to favor any reli*ion by rotectin* it a*ainst an attac= by anot'er reli*ion. Reli*io(s
)o*mas an) beliefs are often at .ar an) to reserve eace amon* t'eir follo.ers" esecially t'e
fanatics. -'e establis'ment cla(se of free)om of reli*ion ro'ibits t'e State from leanin* any reli*ion. Reson)ent boar) cannot censor t'e seec' of etitioner &*lesia ni Cristo
simly beca(se it attac=s ot'er reli*ions" even if sai) reli*ion 'aens to be t'e most n(mero(s
c'(rc' in o(r co(ntry. -'e basis of free)om of reli*ion is free)om of t'o(*'t an) it is best serve)
by enco(ra*in* t'e mar=etlace of )(elin* i)eas.
Fbralina* vs Givision S(erenten)e) of Ceb(
G.R No. 9$77!
Marc' #" #993
FACTS: -'e etitioners .ere e7elle) from t'eir classes by t'e (blic sc'ool a(t'orities in
Ceb( for ref(sin* to sal(te t'e fla*" sin* t'e national ant'em an) recite t'e atriotic le)*e as
re4(ire) by Re(blic Act No. #26$" An Act ma=in* fla* ceremony com(lsory in all e)(cational
instit(tions of :(ly ##" #9$$ " an) by Geartment 1r)er No. 3 R(les an) Re*(lations for
Con)(ctin* t'e Hla* Ceremony in All F)(cational &nstit(tions )ate) :(ly 2#" #9$$ of t'e
Geartment of F)(cation" C(lt(re an) Sorts ;GFCS<ma=in* t'e fla* ceremony com(lsory in
all e)(cational instit(tions. :e'ova'0s 5itnesses state) t'at t'e fla* is an ima*e or i)ol
reresentin* t'e State. -'ey t'in= t'e action of t'e local a(t'orities in comellin* t'e fla* sal(te
an) le)*e transcen)s constit(tional limitations on t'e State0s an) inva)es t'e s'ere of
t'e intellect an) sirit .'ic' t'e Constit(tion rotect a*ainst official control.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not sc'ool c'il)ren .'o are members or a reli*io(s sect may be e7elle)
from sc'ool for )isobe)ience of R.A. No. #26$ an) Geartment 1r)er No. 3.
HELD: No. Reli*io(s free)om is a f(n)amental ri*'t .'ic' is entitle) to t'e 'i*'est riority an)
t'e amlest rotection amon* '(man ri*'ts" for it involves t'eir relations'i of man to 'is
Creator. -'e sole 8(stification for a rior restraint or limitation on t'e e7ercise of reli*io(s
free)om is t'e e7istence of a *rave an) resent )an*er of a c'aracter bot' *rave an) imminent"
of a serio(s evil to (blic safety" (blic morals" (blic 'ealt' or any ot'er le*itimate (blic
interest" t'at t'e State 'as a ri*'t ;an) )(ty< to revent.? Absent s(c' a t'reat to (blic safety" t'e
e7(lsion of t'e etitioners from t'e sc'ools is not 8(stifie).
Fstra)a vs Fscritor
A.M No. ,-!2-#6#$
:(ne 22" 2!!6
FACST: Comlainant Ale8an)ro Fstra)a .rote to :()*e :ose H. Caoibes" :r." re4(estin* for an
investi*ation of r(mors t'at reson)ent Sole)a) Fscritor" co(rt interreter" is livin* .it' a man
not 'er '(sban). -'ey alle*e)ly 'ave a c'il) of ei*'teen to t.enty years ol). Fstra)a is not
ersonally relate) eit'er to Fscritor or 'er artner. Nevert'eless" 'e file) t'e c'ar*e a*ainst
Fscritor as 'e believes t'at s'e is committin* an immoral act t'at tarnis'es t'e ima*e of t'e
co(rt. Reson)ent Fscritor a)mitte) t'at s'e 'as been livin* .it' L(ciano I(ilaio" :r. .it'o(t
t'e benefit of marria*e for t.enty years an) t'at t'ey 'ave a son. B(t as a member of t'e
reli*io(s sect =no.n as t'e :e'ova'0s 5itnesses an) t'e 5atc' an) Bible -ract Society"
t'eir con8(*al arran*ement is in conformity .it' t'eir reli*io(s beliefs.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not reson)ent s'o(l) be fo(n) *(ilty of t'e a)ministrative c'ar*e of ?*ross
an) immoral con)(ct.?
HELD: Benevolent ne(trality reco*ni9es t'at *overnment m(st (rs(e its sec(lar *oals an)
interests b(t at t'e same time strives to ('ol) reli*io(s liberty to t'e *reatest e7tent ossible
.it'in fle7ible constit(tional limits. -'(s" alt'o(*' t'e morality contemlate) by la.s is sec(lar"
benevolent ne(trality co(l) allo. for accommo)ation of morality base) on reli*ion" rovi)e) it
)oes not offen) comellin* state interests. &t still remains to be seen if reson)ent is entitle) to
s(c' )octrine as t'e state 'as not been affor)e) t'e c'ance 'as )emonstrate t'e comellin* state
interest of ro'ibitin* t'e act of reson)ent" t'(s t'e case is reman)e) to t'e R-C.
An* La)la) vs C1MFLFC
G.R. No. #9!$32
Aril 3. 2!#!
FACTS: Comelec ref(se) to reco*ni9e An* La)la) LGB- ,arty" an or*ani9ation comose) of
men an) .omen .'o i)entify t'emselves as lesbians" *ays" bise7(als" or trans-*en)ere)
in)ivi)(als ;LGB-s<" as a arty list base) on moral *ro(n)s. &n t'e elevation of t'e case to t'e
S(reme Co(rt" Comelec alle*e) t'at etitioner ma)e misreresentation in t'eir alication.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not An* La)la) LGB- ,arty 4(alifies for re*istration as arty-list.
HELD: An* La)la) LGB- ,artyBs alication for re*istration s'o(l) be *rante). ComelecBs
citation of t'e Bible an) t'e Joran in )enyin* etitionerBs alication .as a violation of t'e non-
establis'ment cla(se lai) )o.n in Article 3 section $ of t'e Constit(tion. -'e roscrition by la.
relative to acts a*ainst morality m(st be for a sec(lar (rose ;t'at is" t'e con)(ct ro'ibite) or
so(*'t to be reresse) is C)etrimental or )an*ero(s to t'ose con)itions (on .'ic' )een) t'e
e7istence an) ro*ress of '(man society?<" rat'er t'an o(t of reli*io(s conformity. -'e Comelec
faile) to s(bstantiate t'eir alle*ation t'at* re*istration to La)la) .o(l) be )etrimental to
society. -'e LGB- comm(nity is not e7emte) from t'e e7ercise of its constit(tionally veste)
ri*'ts on t'e basis of t'eir se7(al orientation. La.s of *eneral alication s'o(l) aly .it'
e4(al force to LGB-s" an) t'ey )eserve to articiate in t'e arty-list system on t'e same basis
as ot'er mar*inali9e) an) (n)er-reresente) sectors. Giscrimination base) on se7(al orientation
is not tolerate) ---not by o(r o.n la.s nor by any international la.s to .'ic' )o .e a)'ere.
Marcos vs Man*la(s
G.R No. 332##
Setember #$" #939
FACTS: ,etitioners assert t'at t'e ri*'t of t'e Marcoses to ret(rn in t'e ,'iliines is
*(arantee) by t'e Bill of Ri*'ts" secifically Sections # an) 6. -'ey conten)e) t'at ,res. A4(ino
is .it'o(t to imair t'e liberty of abo)e of t'e Marcoses beca(se only a co(rt may )o so
.it'in t'e limits rescribe) by la.. Nor t'e ,resi)ent imairs t'eir ri*'t to travel beca(se no la.
'as a(t'ori9e) 'er to )o so. -'ey f(rt'er assert t'at (n)er international la." t'eir ri*'t to ret(rn
to t'e ,'iliines is *(arantee) artic(larly by t'e Eniversal Geclaration of >(man Ri*'ts an)
t'e &nternational Covenant on Civil an) ,olitical Ri*'ts" .'ic' 'as been ratifie) by t'e
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not" in t'e e7ercise of t'e o.ers *rante) by t'e constit(tion" t'e ,resi)ent
A4(ino may ro'ibit t'e Marcoses from ret(rnin* to t'e ,'iliines.
HELD: &t m(st be em'asi9e) t'at t'e in)ivi)(al ri*'t involve) is not t'e ri*'t to travel from
t'e ,'iliines to ot'er co(ntries or .it'in t'e ,'iliines. -'ese are .'at t'e ri*'t to travel
.o(l) normally connote. Fssentially" t'e ri*'t involve) in t'is case at bar is t'e ri*'t to ret(rn to
one0s co(ntry" a )istinct ri*'t (n)er international la." in)een)ent from alt'o(*' relate) to t'e
ri*'t to travel. -'(s" t'e Eniversal Geclaration of >(man Ri*'ts an) t'e &nternational Covenant
on Civil an) ,olitical Ri*'ts treat t'e ri*'t to free)om of movement an) abo)e .it'in t'e
territory of a state" t'e ri*'t to leave t'e co(ntry" an) t'e ri*'t to enter one0s co(ntry as searate
an) )istinct ri*'ts. 5'at t'e Geclaration sea=s of is t'e ?ri*'t to free)om of movement an)
resi)ence .it'in t'e bor)ers of eac' state?. 1n t'e ot'er 'an)" t'e Covenant *(arantees t'e ri*'t
to liberty of movement an) free)om to c'oose 'is resi)ence an) t'e ri*'t to be free to leave any
co(ntry" incl()in* 'is o.n. S(c' ri*'ts may only be restricte) by la.s rotectin* t'e national
sec(rity" (blic or)er" (blic 'ealt' or morals or t'e searate ri*'ts of ot'ers. >o.ever" ri*'t to
enter one0s co(ntry cannot be arbitrarily )erive). &t .o(l) be t'erefore inaroriate to constr(e
t'e limitations to t'e ri*'t to ret(rn to ones co(ntry in t'e same conte7t as t'ose ertainin* to t'e
liberty of abo)e an) t'e ri*'t to travel.
Manotoc vs CA
G.R No. L-62#!!
May 3!" #936
FACTS% ,etitioner .as c'ar*e) .it' estafa. >e oste) bail. ,etitioner file) before eac' of t'e
trial co(rts a motion entitle)" ?motion for ermission to leave t'e co(ntry"? statin* as *ro(n)
t'erefor 'is )esire to *o to t'e Enite) States" ?relative to 'is b(siness transactions an)
oort(nities.? -'e rosec(tion oose) sai) motion an) after )(e 'earin*" bot' trial 8()*es an)
t'e CA )enie) t'e same. ,etitioner conten)s t'at 'avin* been a)mitte) to bail as a matter of
ri*'t" neit'er t'e co(rts .'ic' *rante) 'im bail nor t'e Sec(rities an) F7c'an*e Commission
.'ic' 'as no 8(ris)iction over 'is liberty co(l) revent 'im from e7ercisin* 'is constit(tional
ri*'t to travel.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or Not 'is constit(tional ri*'t to travel 'as been violate).
HELD: A co(rt 'as t'e to ro'ibit a erson a)mitte) to bail from leavin* t'e ,'iliines.
-'is is a necessary conse4(ence of t'e nat(re an) f(nction of a bail bon). -'e con)ition imose)
(on etitioner to ma=e 'imself available at all times .'enever t'e co(rt re4(ires 'is resence
oerates as a vali) restriction on 'is ri*'t to travel. &n)ee)" if t'e acc(se) .ere allo.e) to leave
t'e ,'iliines .it'o(t s(fficient reason" 'e may be lace) beyon) t'e reac' of t'e co(rts.
,etitioner 'as not s'o.n t'e necessity for 'is travel abroa). -'ere is no in)ication t'at t'e
b(siness transactions cannot be (n)erta=en by any ot'er erson in 'is be'alf
Siverio vs CA
G.R No. 9/23/
Aril3" #99#
FACTS: ,etitioner .as c'ar*e) .it' violation of Section 2 ;/< of t'e revise) sec(rities act.
Reson)ent file) to cancel t'e assort of t'e etitioner an) to iss(e a 'ol) )eart(re or)er. -'e
R-C or)ere) t'e GHA to cancel etitionerBs assort" base) on t'e fin)in* t'at t'e etitioner 'as
not been arrai*ne) an) t'ere .as evi)ence to s'o. t'at t'e acc(se) 'as left t'e co(ntry .it' o(t
t'e =no.le)*e an) t'e ermission of t'e co(rt.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or Not t'e ri*'t to travel may be imaire) by or)er of t'e co(rt.
HELD: -'e bail bon) oste) by etitioner 'as been cancelle) an) .arrant of arrest 'as been
iss(e) by reason t'at 'e faile) to aear at 'is arrai*nments. -'ere is a vali) restriction on t'e
ri*'t to travelK it is imose) t'at t'e acc(se) m(st ma=e 'e available .'enever t'e co(rt re4(ires
'is resence. A erson facin* criminal c'ar*es may be restraine) by t'e Co(rt from leavin* t'e
co(ntry or" if abroa)" comelle) to ret(rn ;Constit(tional La." Cr(9" &sa*ani A." #937 F)ition" .
#33<. So it is also t'at ?An acc(se) release) on bail may be re-arreste) .it'o(t t'e necessity of a
.arrant if 'e attemts to )eart from t'e ,'iliines .it'o(t rior ermission of t'e Co(rt .'ere
t'e case is en)in*.
Le*asi vs CSC
G.R No. 72##9
May 29" #937
FACTS: -'e reson)ent CSC 'a) )enie) etitioner @alentin Le*asiBs re4(est for information
on t'e civil service eli*ibilities of :(lian Sibon*'anoy an) Mariano A*as .'o .ere emloye) as
sanitarians in t'e >ealt' Geartment of Ceb( City. Sibon*'anoy an) A*as 'a) alle*e)ly
reresente) t'emselves as civil service eli*ible .'o asse) t'e civil service e7aminations for
sanitarians. Claimin* t'at 'is ri*'t to be informe) of t'e eli*ibilities of Sibon*'anoy an) A*as is
*(arantee) by t'e Constit(tion" an) t'at 'e 'as no ot'er lain" see)y an) a)e4(ate reme)y to
ac4(ire t'e information" etitioner rays for t'e iss(ance of t'e e7traor)inary .rit of man)am(s
to comel t'e reson)ent CSC to )isclose sai) information.-'e reson)ent CSC ta=es iss(e on
t'e ersonality of t'e etitioner to brin* t'e s(it. &t is asserte) t'at t'e etition is bereft of any
alle*ation of Le*asiBs act(al interest in t'e civil service eli*ibilities of Sibon*'anoy an) A*as.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e etitioner 'as le*al stan)in* to brin* t'e s(it
HELD: -'e etitioner 'as firmly anc'ore) 'is case (on t'e ri*'t of t'e eole to information
on matters of (blic concern" .'ic'" by its very nat(re" is a (blic ri*'t. &t 'as been 'el) in t'e
case of -ana)a vs. -(vera" #36 SCRA 27" t'at .'en t'e 4(estion is one of (blic ri*'t an) t'e
ob8ect of t'e man)am(s is to roc(re t'e enforcement of a (blic )(ty" t'e eole are re*ar)e) as
t'e real arty in interest" an) t'e erson at .'ose insti*ation t'e rocee)in*s are instit(te) nee)
not s'o. t'at 'e 'as any le*al or secial interest in t'e res(lt" it bein* s(fficient to s'o. t'at 'e
is a citi9en an) as s(c' intereste) in t'e e7ec(tion of t'e la.s.&t becomes aarent t'at .'en a
man)am(s rocee)in* involves t'e assertion of a (blic ri*'t" t'e re4(irement of ersonal
interest is satisfie) by t'e mere fact t'at t'e etitioner is a citi9en" an) t'erefore" art of t'e
*eneral (blic .'ic' ossesses t'e ri*'t.
@almonte vs Belmonte" :r.
G.R No. 7/93!
Hebr(ary #3" #939
FACTS: Ricar)o @almonte .rote Heliciano Belmonte :r. re4(estin* to be ?f(rnis'e) .it' t'e list
of names of t'e oosition members of Batasan* ,ambansa .'o .ere able to sec(re a clean loan
of ,2 million eac' on *(aranty of Mrs. &mel)a Marcos. >o.ever" -iro ref(se) to )o so an)
relie) t'at a confi)ential relations'i e7ists bet.een t'e GS&S an) all t'ose .'o borro. from it.
Ricar)o @almonte et al file) a secial civil action for man)am(s .it' reliminary in8(nction
invo=e t'eir ri*'t to information an) ray t'at Belmonte to f(rnis' t'e list of t'e names of t'e
Batasan* ,ambansa members belon*in* to t'e EN&G1 an) ,G, Laban .'o .ere able to sec(re
clean loans an) to allo. etitioners access to t'e (blic recor)s for t'e s(b8ect information.
ISSUE: 5'et'er @almonte" et. al. are entitle) as citi9ens an) ta7ayers to in4(ire (on GS&S
recor)s on be'est loans *iven by t'e former Hirst La)y &mel)a Marcos to Batasan* ,ambansa
members belon*in* to t'e EN&G1 an) ,G,-Laban olitical arties.
HELD: -'e GS&S is a tr(stee of contrib(tions from t'e *overnment an) its emloyees an) t'e
a)ministrator of vario(s ins(rance ro*rams for t'e benefit of t'e latter. En)eniably" its f(n)s
ass(me a (blic c'aracter. More artic(larly" Secs. $;b< an) /6of ,G ##/6" as amen)e) rovi)e
for ann(al aroriations to ay t'e contrib(tions" remi(ms" interest an) ot'er amo(nts ayable
to GS&S by t'e *overnment" as emloyer" as .ell as t'e obli*ations .'ic' t'e Re(blic of t'e
,'iliines ass(mes or *(arantees to ay. Consi)erin* t'e nat(re of its f(n)s" t'e GS&S is
e7ecte) to mana*e its reso(rces .it' (tmost r()ence an) in strict comliance .it' t'e
ertinent la.s or r(les an) re*(lations. -'(s" one of t'e reasons t'at romte) t'e revision of t'e
ol) GS&S la. .as t'e necessity ?to reserve at all times t'e act(al insolvency of t'e f(n)s
a)ministere) by t'e Systems Conse4(ently" as Heliciano Belmonte 'imself a)mits" t'e GS&S ?is
not s(ose) to *rant 0clean loans.0? &t is t'erefore t'e le*itimate concern of t'e (blic to ens(re
t'at t'ese f(n)s are mana*e) roerly .it' t'e en) in vie. of ma7imi9in* t'e benefits t'at
accr(e to t'e ins(re) *overnment emloyees. Moreover" t'e s(ose) borro.ers .ere Members
of t'e )ef(nct Batasan* ,ambansa .'o t'emselves aroriate) f(n)s for t'e GS&S an) .ere
t'erefore e7ecte) to be t'e first to see to it t'at t'e GS&S erforme) its tas=s .it' t'e *reatest
)e*ree of fi)elity an) t'at all its transactions .ere above boar). &n s(m" t'e (blic nat(re of t'e
loanable f(n)s of t'e GS&S an) t'e (blic office 'el) by t'e alle*e) borro.ers ma=e t'e
information so(*'t clearly a matter of (blic interest an) concern.
,rovince of Cotabato vs -'e GovBt of R, ,eace ,anel
GR, *r no. #33$9#
1ctober #/" 2!!3
FACTS: -'e Memoran)(m of A*reement on t'e Ancestral Gomain ;M1A-AG< bro(*'t abo(t
by t'e Government of t'e re(blic of t'e ,'iliines ;GR,< an) t'e Moro &slamic Liberation
Hront ;M&LH< as an asect of -rioli A*reement of ,eace in 2!!# is sc'e)(le) to be si*ne) in
J(ala L(m(r" Malaysia. -'is a*reement .as etitione) by t'e ,rovince of Nort' Cotabato for
Man)am(s an) ,ro'ibition .it' ,rayer for t'e &ss(ance of 5rit of ,reliminary &n8(nction an)
-emorary Restrainin* 1r)er. -'e a*reement mentions ?Ban*samoro :(ri)ical Fntity? ;B:F< to
.'ic' it *rants t'e a(t'ority an) 8(ris)iction over t'e Ancestral Gomain an) Ancestral Lan)s of
t'e Ban*samoroK a(t'ority an) 8(ris)iction over all nat(ral reso(rces .it'in internal .aters. -'e
a*reement is comose) of t.o local stat(tes% t'e or*anic act for a(tonomo(s re*ion in M(slim
Min)anao an) t'e &n)i*eno(s ,eoleBs Ri*'ts Act ;&,RA<.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e GR, violate) t'e Constit(tional an) stat(tory rovisions on (blic
cons(ltation an) t'e ri*'t to information .'en t'ey ne*otiate) an) initiate) t'e M1A-AG an)
5'et'er or not t'e M1A-AG bro(*'t by t'e GR, an) M&LH is constit(tional
HELD: GR, violate) t'e Constit(tional an) stat(tory rovisions on (blic cons(ltation an) t'e
ri*'t to information .'en t'ey ne*otiate) an) initiate) t'e M1A-AG an) it are (nconstit(tional
beca(se it is contrary to la. an) t'e rovisions of t'e constit(tion t'ereof. -'e GR, is re4(ire)
by t'is la. to carry o(t (blic cons(ltations on bot' national an) local levels to b(il) consens(s
for eace a*en)a an) rocess an) t'e mobili9ation an) facilitation of eoleBs articiation in t'e
eace rocess.
Fc'e*aray vs Secretary of :(stice
G.R. No. #326!#
:an(ary #9" #999
FACTS: 1n :an(ary /" #999" t'e SC iss(e) a -R1 stayin* t'e e7ec(tion of etitioner Leo
Fc'e*aray sc'e)(le) on t'at same )ay. -'e (blic reson)ent :(stice Secretary assaile) t'e
iss(ance of t'e -R1 ar*(in* t'at t'e action of t'e SC not only violate) t'e r(le on finality of
8()*ment b(t also encroac'e) on t'e of t'e e7ec(tive to *rant rerieve.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e co(rt ab(se) its )iscretion in *rantin* a -emorary Restrainin*
1r)er ;-R1< on t'e e7ec(tion of Fc'e*aray )esite t'e fact t'at t'e finality of 8()*ment 'as
alrea)y been ren)ere) t'at by *rantin* t'e -R1" t'e >onorable Co(rt 'as in effect *rante)
rerieve .'ic' is an e7ec(tive f(nction.
HELD: No. Reson)ents cite) sec #9" art @&&. -'e rovision is simly t'e so(rce of of
t'e ,resi)ent to *rant rerieves" comm(tations" an) ar)ons an) remit fines an) forfeit(res after
conviction by final 8()*ment. -'e rovision" 'o.ever" cannot be interrete) as )enyin* t'e of co(rts to control t'e enforcement of t'eir )ecisions after t'eir finality. -'e o.ers of
t'e F7ec(tive" t'e Le*islative an) t'e :()iciary to save t'e life of a )eat' convict )oes not
e7cl()e eac' ot'er for t'e simle reason t'at t'ere is no 'i*'er ri*'t t'an t'e ri*'t to life. Hor t'e
(blic reson)ents t'erefore to conten) t'at only t'e F7ec(tive can rotect t'e ri*'t to life of an
acc(se) after 'is final conviction is to violate t'e rincile of co-e4(al an) coor)inate o.ers of
t'e t'ree branc'es of o(r *overnment.
C'ave9 vs ,CGG
G.R. No. #3!7#6
Gecember 9" #993
FACTS% ,etitioner Hrancisco &. C'ave9" in 'is caacity as ta7ayer" citi9en an) a former
*overnment official as=e) t'e co(rt to ro'ibit an) en8oin reson)ents ,CGG an) its c'airman
from rivately enterin* into" erfectin* an)+or e7ec(tin* any a*reement .it' t'e 'eirs of t'e late
,resi)ent Her)inan) F. Marcos relatin* to an) concernin* t'e roerties an) assets of Her)inan)
Marcos locate) in t'e ,'iliines an)+or abroa) incl()in* t'e so-calle) Marcos *ol) 'oar).
C'ave9 assaile) t'e vali)ity of t'e General an) S(lemental A*reement e7ec(te) by t'e
*overnment t'ro(*' ,CGG an) t'e Marcos 'eirs on Gecember 23"#99
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e comromise a*reement entere) into by t'e ,CGG an) t'e Marcos
'eirs .'ic' committin* to e7emt from all forms of ta7es t'e roerties to be retaine) by t'e
Marcos 'eirs is vali).
HELD: 6FS. En)er item no. 2 of t'e General A*reement" t'e ,CGG commits to e7emt from
all forms of ta7es t'e roerties to be retaine) by t'e Marcos 'eirs. -'is is a clear violation to t'e
constr(ction. -'e to ta7 an) *rant ta7 e7emtion is veste) in t'e con*ress an) to a certain
e7tent" in t'e local le*islative bo)ies. Section 23 ;/<" Article @& of t'e Constit(tion" secifically
rovi)es% ?No la. *rantin* any ta7 e7emtion s'all be asse) .it'o(t t'e conc(rrence of a
ma8ority of all t'e Member of t'e Con*ress.? -'e ,CGG 'as absol(tely no to *rant ta7
e7emtions" even (n)er t'e cover of its a(t'ority to comromise ill-*otten .ealt' cases.

G.R. No. 3$279
:(ly 23" #939
FACTS: -'e etitioners .ent on stri=e after t'e SSS faile) to act (on t'e (nionBs )eman)s
concernin* t'e imlementation of t'eir CBA. SSS file) before t'e co(rt action for )ama*es .it'
rayer for .rit of reliminary in8(nction a*ainst etitioners for sta*in* an ille*al stri=e. -'e co(rt
iss(e) a temorary restrainin* or)er en)in* t'e resol(tion of t'e alication for reliminary
in8(nction .'ile etitioners file) a motion to )ismiss alle*in* t'e co(rtBs lac= of 8(ris)iction over
t'e s(b8ect matter. ,etitioners conten) t'at t'e co(rt ma)e reversible error in ta=in* co*ni9ance
on t'e s(b8ect matter since t'e 8(ris)iction lies on t'e G1LF or t'e National Labor Relations
Commission as t'e case involves a labor )is(te. -'e SSS conten)s on one 'an) t'at t'e
etitioners are covere) by t'e Civil Service la.s" r(les an) re*(lation t'(s 'ave no ri*'t to
stri=e. -'ey are not covere) by t'e NLRC or G1LF t'erefore t'e co(rt may en8oin t'e
etitioners from stri=in*.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not SSS emloyers 'ave t'e ri*'t to stri=e.
HELD: -'e Constit(tional rovisions ens'rine) on >(man Ri*'ts an) Social :(stice rovi)es
*(arantee amon* .or=ers .it' t'e ri*'t to or*ani9e an) con)(ct eacef(l concerte) activities
s(c' as stri=es. 1n one 'an)" Section #/ of F.1 No. #3! rovi)es t'at Ct'e Civil Service la. an)
r(les *overnin* concerte) activities an) stri=es in t'e *overnment service s'all be observe)"
s(b8ect to any le*islation t'at may be enacte) by Con*ressD referrin* to Memoran)(m Circ(lar
No. 6" s. #937 of t'e Civil Service Commission .'ic' states t'at Crior to t'e enactment by
Con*ress of alicable la.s concernin* stri=e by *overnment emloyees en8oins (n)er ain of
a)ministrative sanctions" all *overnment officers an) emloyees from sta*in* stri=es"
)emonstrations" mass leaves" .al=-o(ts an) ot'er forms of mass action .'ic' .ill res(lt in
temorary stoa*e or )isr(tion of (blic service.D -'erefore in t'e absence of any le*islation* *ovt. emloyees to stri=e t'ey are ro'ibite) from )oin* so.
@ictoriano vs. Roe
G.R. No. L-2$2/6
Setember #2" #97/
FACTS: Ben8amin @ictoriano" a member of i*lesia ni cristo 'a) been in t'e emloy of t'e
Fli9al)e Roe factory &nc since #9$3. >e .as a member of eli9al)e roe .or=ers (nion .'ic'
'a) .it' t'e comany a CBA containin* a close) s'o rovision .'ic' rea)s as follo.
CMembers'i (nion s'all be re4(ire) as a con)ition of emloyment for all ermanent emloyees
.or=er covere) by t'is a*reement.D RA 33$! .as enacte) intro)(cin* an amen)ment to
ara*ra' ;/< s(bsection ;a< of section / of RA 37$ as follo.s C b(t s(c' a*reement s'all not
cover members of any reli*io(s sect .'ic' ro'ibit affiliation of t'eir member in any s(c' labor
or*ani9ationD Ben8amin @ictoriano resents 'is resi*nation to aellant (nion t'ere(on t'e
(nion .rote a formal letter to searate t'e aellee from t'e service in vie. of t'e fact t'at 'e
.as resi*nin* from t'e (nion as member of t'e comany notifie) t'e aellee an) 'is co(nsel
t'at (nless t'e aellee co(l) ac'ieve a satisfactory arran*ement .it' t'e (nion t'e comany
.o(l) be constraine) to )ismiss 'im from t'e service . Aellee file) an action for in8(nction to
en8oin t'e comany an) t'e (nion from )ismissin* 'im.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not RA 33$! is (nconstit(tional
HELD: t'e constit(tion rovision only ro'ibits le*islation for t'e s(ort of any reli*io(s
tenets or t'e mo)es of .ors'i of any sect" t'(s forestallin* com(lsion by la. of t'e accetance
of any cree) or t'e c'osen form of reli*ion .it'in limits of (tmost amlit()e. RA 33$! )oes not
re4(ire as a 4(alification on con)ition in 8oinin* any la.f(l association members'i in any
artic(lar reli*ion on in any reli*io(s sect neit'er )oes t'e act re4(ires affiliation .it' a reli*io(s
sect t'at ro'ibits its member from 8oinin* a labor (nion as a con)ition on 4(alification for
.it')* from labor (nion RA 33$! only e7emts member .it' s(c' reli*io(s affililiation
from t'e re4(ire) to )o a ositive act L to e7ercise t'e ri*'t to 8oin or to resi*n from t'e (nion.
>e is e7emte) from form t'e covera*e of any close) s'o a*reement t'at a labor (nion may
'ave entere) into. -'erefore RA 33$! is never an ille*al evasion of constit(tional rovision or
ro'ibition to accomlis' a )esire) res(lt .'ic' is la.f(l in itself by verin* or* a le*al
.ay to )o it.
&n t'e Matter of t'e &B, Members'i G(es Gelin4(ency of Atty. MARC&AL A. FG&L&1N
A.M. No. #923
A(*(st 3" #973
FACTS: -'e reson)ent Marcial A. F)illon is a )(ly license) racticin* attorney in t'e
,'iliines. -'e &B, Boar) of Governors recommen)e) to t'e Co(rt t'e removal of t'e name of
t'e reson)ent from its Roll of Attorneys for Cst(bborn ref(sal to ay 'is members'i )(esD to
t'e &B, since t'e latterBs constit(tion'stan)in* )(e notice. F)ilion conten)s t'at t'e
rovision rovi)in* for t'e &B, )(es constit(te an invasion of 'is constit(tional ri*'ts in t'e
sense t'at 'e is bein* comelle)" as a re-con)ition to maintainin* 'is stat(s as a la.yer in *oo)
stan)in*" to be a member of t'e &B, an) to ay t'e correson)in* )(es" an) t'at as a
conse4(ence of t'is comelle) financial s(ort of t'e sai) or*ani9ation to .'ic' 'e is
a)mitte)ly ersonally anta*onistic" 'e is bein* )erive) of t'e ri*'ts to liberty an) roerty
*(arantee) to 'im by t'e Constit(tion. >ence" t'e reson)ent concl()es" t'e above rovisions of
t'e Co(rt R(le an) of t'e &B, By-La.s are voi) an) of no le*al force an) effect.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e ayment of &B, )(es s(ffers constit(tional infirmity.
HELD: N1. All le*islation )irectin* t'e inte*ration of t'e Bar 'ave been (niformly an)
(niversally s(staine) as a vali) e7ercise of t'e olice over an imortant rofession. S(c'
com(lsion is 8(stifie) as an e7ercise of t'e olice of t'e State. -'e ri*'t to ractise la.
before t'e co(rts of t'is co(ntry s'o(l) be an) is a matter s(b8ect to re*(lation an) in4(iry. An)"
if t'e to imose t'e fee as a re*(latory meas(re is reco*ni9e" t'en a enalty )esi*ne) to
enforce its ayment" .'ic' enalty may be avoi)e) alto*et'er by ayment" is not voi) as
(nreasonable or arbitrary.
R(tter vs Fsteben
G.R No. L-37!3
May #3" #9$3
FACTS: 1n A(*(st 2!"#9/#" R(tter sol) to Fsteban t.o arcels of lan) sit(ate) in t'e Manila
for ,9"6!! of .'ic' ,/"3!! .ere ai) o(tri*'t" an) t'e balance .as to be ai) on installment.
5'en Fsteban faile) to ay t'e t.o installments" R(tter instit(te) an action to recover t'e
balance )(e" t'e interest )(e an) t'e attorney0s fees. Fsteban claims t'at t'is is a
obli*ation contracte) an) t'at 'e is a .ar s(fferer" 'avin* file) 'is claim .it' t'e ,'iliine 5ar
Gama*e Commission for t'e losses 'e 'a) s(ffere) as a conse4(ence of t'e last .arK an) t'at
(n)er section 2 of RA 3/2;moratori(m la.<" ayment of 'is obli*ation cannot be enforce) (ntil
after t'e lase of ei*'t years. -'e comlaint .as )ismisse). A motion for recon .as ma)e .'ic'
assails t'e constit(tionality of RA 3/2.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or Not RA 3/2 (nconstit(tional on non-imairment cla(se *ro(n)s.
HELD: 6es. -'e moratori(m is ostonement of f(lfillment of obli*ations )ecree) by t'e state
t'ro(*' t'e me)i(m of t'e co(rts or t'e le*islat(re. &ts essence is t'e alication of olice
-'e economic interests of t'e State may 8(stify t'e e7ercise of its contin(in* an) )ominant
rotective'stan)in* interference .it' contracts. -'e 4(estion is not .'et'er t'e
le*islative action affects contracts inci)entally" or )irectly or in)irectly" b(t .'et'er t'e
le*islation is a))resse) to a le*itimate en) an) t'e meas(res ta=en are reasonable an) aroriate
to t'at en). >o.ever base) on t'e ,resi)entBs *eneral S1NA an) consistent .it' .'at t'e Co(rt
believes to be as t'e only co(rse )ictate) by 8(stice" fairness an) ri*'teo(sness" )eclare) t'at t'e
contin(e) oeration an) enforcement of RA 3/2 at t'e resent time is (nreasonable an)
oressive" an) s'o(l) not be rolon*e) s'o(l) be )eclare) n(ll an) voi) an) .it'o(t effect.
-'is 'ol)s tr(e as re*ar)s F7ec(tive 1r)ers Nos. 2$ an) 32" .it' *reater force an) reason
consi)erin* t'at sai) 1r)ers contain no limitation .'atsoever in oint of time as re*ar)s t'e
s(sension of t'e enforcement an) effectively of monetary obli*ations.
1rti*as vs Heati Ban= M -r(st Co.
G.R. No. L-2/67!
Gecember #/" #979
FACTS: ,laintiff is en*a*e) in real estate b(siness" )eveloin* an) sellin* lots to t'e (blic"
artic(larly t'e >i*'.ay >ills S(b)ivision alon* FGSA. >e an) A(*(sto ,a)illa an) Nativi)a)
An*eles" as ven)ees" entere) into searate a*reements of sale on installments over t.o arcels of
lan) of t'e S(b)ivision. -'e ven)ees transferre) t'eir ri*'ts an) interests over t'e aforesai) lots
in favor of one Fmma C'ave9. Fvent(ally sai) lots .ere bo(*'t by )efen)ant. Lot $ )irectly
from C'ave9 an) Lot 6 from Re(blic Hlo(r Mills by )ee) of e7c'an*e" .it' same restrictions.
,laintiff claims t'at restriction is for t'e bea(tification of t'e s(b)ivision. Gefen)ant claime) of
t'e commerciali9ation of .estern art of FGSA. Gefen)ant be*an constr(ctin* a commercial
ban= b(il)in*. ,laintiff )eman) to sto it" .'ic' force) 'im to file a case b(t it .as later
)ismisse)" ('ol)in* olice
ISSUE: 5'et'er or Not non-imairment cla(se violate).
HELD: No. Resol(tion is a vali) e7ercise of olice FGSA" a main traffic artery .'ic'
r(ns t'ro(*' several cities an) m(nicialities in t'e Metro Manila area" s(orts an en)less
stream of traffic an) t'e res(ltin* activity" noise an) oll(tion are 'ar)ly con)(cive to t'e 'ealt'"
safety or .elfare of t'e resi)ents in its ro(te. >ealt'" safety" eace" *oo) or)er an) *eneral
.elfare of t'e eole in t'e locality are 8(stifications for t'is. &t s'o(l) be stresse)" t'at .'ile
non-imairment of contracts is constit(tionally *(arantee)" t'e r(le is not absol(te" since it 'as to
be reconcile) .it' t'e le*itimate e7ercise of olice
Lo9ano vs Martine9
G.R. No. L-63/#9
Gecember #3" #936
FACTS: A motion to 4(as' t'e c'ar*e a*ainst t'e etitioners for violation of t'e B, 22 .as
ma)e" conten)in* t'at no offense .as committe)" as t'e stat(te is (nconstit(tional. S(c' motion
.as )enie) by t'e R-C. -'e etitioners t'(s elevate t'e case to t'e S(reme Co(rt for relief. -'e
Solicitor General commente) t'at it .as remat(re for t'e acc(se) to elevate to t'e S(reme
Co(rt t'e or)ers )enyin* t'eir motions to 4(as'. >o.ever" t'e S(reme Co(rt fin)s it 8(stifiable
to intervene for t'e revie. of co(rt0s )enial of a motion to 4(as'.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not B, 22 is constit(tional as it is a roer e7ercise of olice of t'e
Held: -'e enactment of B, 22 a vali) e7ercise of t'e olice an) is not re(*nant to t'e
constit(tional in'ibition a*ainst imrisonment for )ebt. -'e offense (nis'e) by B, 22 is t'e act
of ma=in* an) iss(in* a .ort'less c'ec= or a c'ec= t'at is )is'onore) (on its resentation for
ayment. &t is not t'e non-ayment of an obli*ation .'ic' t'e la. (nis'es. -'e la. is not
inten)e) or )esi*ne) to coerce a )ebtor to ay 'is )ebt. -'e la. (nis'es t'e act not as an
offense a*ainst roerty" b(t an offense a*ainst (blic or)er. -'e t'r(st of t'e la. is to ro'ibit"
(n)er ain of enal sanctions" t'e ma=in* of .ort'less c'ec=s an) (ttin* t'em in circ(lation.
An act may not be consi)ere) by society as in'erently .ron*" 'ence" not mal(m in se b(t
beca(se of t'e 'arm t'at it inflicts on t'e comm(nity" it can be o(tla.e) an) criminally (nis'e)
as mal(m ro'ibit(m. -'e state can )o t'is in t'e e7ercise of its olice
Gan9on vs &nserto
G.R. No. L-$6/$!
:(ly 2$" #933
FACTS: AGee) of Real Fstate Mort*a*e .'ic' covers a resi)ential lan) locate) at Gistrict of
Molo" &loilo City .as e7ec(te) bet.een Fsteban -a8anlan*it as mort*a*ors an) Ro)olfo Gan9on
as mort*a*ee to sec(re t'e ayment by t'e -a8anlan*its of a romissory note amo(ntin* to ,/!"
!!!.!! in favor of Gan9on. -'ereafter" etitioner Gre*orio Lira" in 'is caacity as e7-oficio
rovincial s'eriff of &loilo serve) ersonal notice of t'e foreclos(re rocee)in*s on t'e rivate
reson)ents. ,rivate reson)ent t'en so(*'t to )eclare t'e e7tra8()icial foreclos(re rocee)in*s
an) all rocee)in*s ta=en in connection t'' n(ll an) voi).
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'ere is a violation of t'e non- imairment of contracts.
HELD: 6FS. -'e 4(estione) or)ers violate t'e non-imairment of contracts cla(se *(arantee)
(n)er t'e Constit(tion. S(bstit(tion of t'e mort*a*e .it' a s(rety bon) to sec(re t'e ayment of
t'e ,/!" !!!.!! note .o(l) in effect c'an*e t'e terms an) con)itions of t'e mort*a*e contract.
Fven before trial on t'e very iss(es affectin* t'e contract" t'e reson)ent co(rt 'as )irecte) a
)eviation from its terms" )iminis'e) its efficiency" an) )isense) .it' a rimary con)ition.
Gamboa vs Cr(9
G.R. No. L-$629#
:(ne 27" #933
FACTS C'risto'er Gamboa .as arreste) for va*rancy" .it'o(t .arrant of arrest" by ,atrolman
Art(ro ,alencia. G(rin* t'e line( of five )etainees incl()in* etitioner Gamboa .'o .as
i)entifie) by comlainant Frlin)a B. Bernal as one of t'e comanions in t'e commission of t'e
crime of robbery. An information for robbery .as file) a*ainst 'im b(t 'e .as arrai*ne).
,etitioner file) a Motion to Ac4(it re)icate) on t'e *ro(n) t'at t'e con)(ct of t'e line- ("
.it'o(t notice to" an) in t'e absence of" 'is co(nsel violate) 'is constit(tional ri*'ts to co(nsel
an) to )(e rocess. -'e co(rt )enie) t'e Motion to Ac4(it" 'ence" t'e instant etition for
certiorari an) ro'ibition.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not etitionerBs constit(tional ri*'ts to co(nsel an) to )(e rocess .ere
violate) )(rin* t'e con)(ct of olice line- (.
HELD: Police line- ( .as not art of t'e c(sto)ial in4(est. >ence" etitioner .as not yet
entitle) at s(c' sta*e to co(nsel. 5'en t'e rocess 'a) not yet s'ifte) from t'e investi*atory to
t'e acc(satory as .'en olice investi*ation )oes not elicit a confession t'e acc(se) may not yet
avail of t'e services of 'is la.yer. Since etitioner in t'e co(rse of 'is i)entification in t'e olice
line- ( 'a) not yet been 'el) to for a criminal offense" 'e .as" t'erefore" not )erive) of
'is ri*'t to be assiste) by co(nsel beca(se t'e acc(satory rocess 'a) not yet set in. -'e olice
co(l) not 'ave violate) etitionerBs ri*'t to co(nsel an) )(e rocess as t'e confrontation
bet.een t'e State an) 'e 'a) not be*(n.
,eole vs Macam
G.R. Nos. L-9#!##-#2
November 2/" #99/
FACST: Aellants Frnesto an) Ganilo Ro4(e" to*et'er .it' Macam" Ce)ro an) Ca.ilan" :r."
.ere acc(se) of Robbery .it' >omici)e. -'ey consire) to rob Benito Macam an) =ill Leticia
Macam. -'e aellants .ere arreste) .it'o(t a .arrant. 5'en t'ey ref(se) to a)mit t'e robbery
an) =illin*" an) t'ey .ere bro(*'t to t'e IC General >osital before t'e s(rvivin* victims in
'an) c(ffs an) ma)e to line ( in 'an)c(ffs to*et'er .it' some olicemen in civilian clot'es for
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'eir .arrantless arrest an) (nco(nsele) i)entification by t'e
rosec(tion .itnesses )(rin* t'e olice line-( at t'e 'osital are violative of t'eir constit(tional
HELD: No. t'e ri*'t to co(nsel is e7ten)e) to critical sta*es of rosec(tion .'ic' incl()e olice
line-(. After t'e start of t'e c(sto)ial investi*ation" any i)entification of an (nco(nsele)
acc(se) ma)e in a olice line-( is ina)missible. >o.ever" t'e rosec(tion )i) not resent
evi)ence re*ar)in* aellantsB i)entification at t'e olice line-(. >ence" t'e e7cl(sionary
sanctions a*ainst t'e a)mission in evi)ence of c(sto)ial i)entification of an (nco(nsele) acc(se)
cannot be alie). 1n t'e ot'er 'an)" aellants )i) not ob8ect to t'e in-co(rt i)entification ma)e
by t'e rosec(tion .itnesses. -'e rosec(tion .itnesses" .'o ma)e t'e i)entification of
aellants at t'e olice line-( at t'e 'osital" a*ain i)entifie) aellants in oen co(rt. &n t'e
absence of s(c' ob8ection" t'e rosec(tion nee) not s'o. t'at sai) i)entifications .ere of
in)een)ent ori*in. -'e arrest of aellants .as ma)e .it'o(t t'e benefit of a .arrant of arrest.
>o.ever" aellants are estoe) from 4(estionin* t'e le*ality of t'eir arrest. -'is iss(e is bein*
raise) for t'e first time by aellants before t'is Co(rt. -'ey 'ave not move) for t'e 4(as'in* of
t'e information before t'e trial co(rt on t'is *ro(n). -'(s" any irre*(larity atten)ant to t'eir
arrest .as c(re) .'en t'ey vol(ntarily s(bmitte) t'emselves to t'e 8(ris)iction of t'e trial co(rt
by enterin* a lea of not *(ilty an) by articiatin* in t'e trial.
,eole vs :()*e Ayson
G.R No. 3$2#$
:(ly 7" #939
FACTS: Helie Ramos .as a tic=et frei*'t cler= of t'e ,'iliine Airlines" assi*ne) at its
Ba*(io City station. &t .as alle*e) t'at 'e .as involve) in irre*(larities in t'e sales of lane
tic=ets. -'e ,AL mana*ement notifie) 'im of an investi*ation to be con)(cte). -'at
investi*ation .as sc'e)(le) in accor)ance .it' ,AL0s Co)e of Con)(ct an) Gisciline" an) t'e
Collective Bar*ainin* A*reement si*ne) by it .it' t'e ,'iliine Airlines Fmloyees0
Association ;,ALFA< to .'ic' Ramos ertaine). A letter .as sent by Ramos statin* 'is
.illin*ness to settle t'e amo(nt of ,76" !!!. -'e fin)in*s of t'e A()it team .ere *iven to 'im"
an) 'e ref(te) t'at 'e mis(se) rocee)s of tic=ets also statin* t'at 'e .as revente) from
settlin* sai) amo(nts. >e roffere) a comromise 'o.ever t'is )i) not ens(e. -.o mont's after
a crime of estafa .as c'ar*e) a*ainst Ramos. Ramos lea)e) not *(ilty. Fvi)ence by t'e
rosec(tion containe) RamosB .ritten a)mission an) statement" to .'ic' )efen)ants ar*(e) t'at
t'e confession .as ta=en .it'o(t t'e acc(se) bein* reresente) by a la.yer. Reson)ent :()*e
)i) not a)mit t'ose statin* t'at acc(se) .as not remin)e) of 'is constit(tional ri*'ts to remain
silent an) to 'ave co(nsel. A motion for reconsi)eration file) by t'e rosec(tors .as )enie).
>ence" t'is aeal.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e reson)ent :()*e is correct in ma=in* ina)missible as evi)ence t'e
a)mission an) statement of acc(se).
HELD: No. Section 2! of t'e #937 constit(tion rovi)es t'at t'e ri*'t a*ainst self-incrimination
is only to .itnesses ot'er t'an acc(se)" (nless .'at is as=e) is relatin* to a )ifferent crime
c'ar*e)- not resent in case at bar. -'is is accor)e) to every erson .'o *ives evi)ence" .'et'er
vol(ntarily or (n)er com(lsion of s(boena" in any civil" criminal" or a)ministrative
rocee)in*. -'e ri*'t is not to ?be comelle) to be a .itness a*ainst 'imself.D &t rescribes an
?otion of ref(sal to incriminatin* 4(estions an) not a ro'ibition of in4(iry.? t'e ri*'t
can be claime) only .'en t'e secific 4(estion" incriminatory in c'aracter" is act(ally (t to t'e
.itness. &t cannot be claime) at any ot'er time. &t )oes not *ive a .itness t'e ri*'t to )isre*ar) a
s(boena" to )ecline to aear before t'e co(rt at t'e time aointe)" or to ref(se to testify
alto*et'er. &t is a ri*'t t'at a .itness =no.s or s'o(l) =no.. >e m(st claim it an) co(l) be
.aive). Ri*'ts in c(sto)ial interro*ation as lai) )o.n in Miran)a v. Ari9ona% t'e ri*'ts of t'e
acc(se) incl()e%
#< >e s'all 'ave t'e ri*'t to remain silent an) to co(nsel" an) to be informe) of s(c' ri*'t.
2< Nor force" violence" t'reat" intimi)ation" or any ot'er means .'ic' vitiates t'e free .ill s'all
be (se) a*ainst 'im.
3< Any confession obtaine) in violation of t'ese ri*'ts s'all be ina)missible in evi)ence.
-'e in)ivi)(al may*ly an) intelli*ently .aive t'ese ri*'ts an) a*ree to or ma=e
a statement. B(t (nless an) (ntil s(c' ri*'ts an) .aivers are )emonstrate) by t'e rosec(tion at
t'e trial" no evi)ence obtaine) as a res(lt of interro*ation can be (se) a*ainst 'im.
,eole vs ,inlac
G.R No. 7/#23-2/
Setember 26" #933
FACTS: Koji Sato, 27 years old, married and a mechanical engineer by profession
an) Saeki Osamu, 35 years old are a :aanese nationals an) nei*'bor in San Lorenzo
Village, Makati, Metro Manila. Sato 'as a housemaid name of Irene Jandayan and a cook
y the name of !elia Marcelino .'o are livin* .it' 'im. G(rin* t'e )ay-off of :an)ayan"
Sato0s 'o(se .as robbe). 1sam( also .as =ille). :an)ayan re"ealed that she sa# $inlac
enter the house. -'e acc(se) .as later" convicte) of robbery an) robbery .it' 'omici)e.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e e%tra&'udicial confession of ,inlac is a)missible bein* otained
thru force, torture, "iolence and intimidation, #ithout ha"ing een a((rised of his
constitutional rights and #ithout the assistance of counsel.
HELD: 6FS. At the time a (erson is arrested, it shall e the duty of the arresting officer
to inform him of the reason for the arrest and he must e sho#n the #arrant of arrest.
)e shall e informed of his constitutional rights to remain silent and to counsel and that
any statement he might make could e used against him. *he (erson arrested shall
ha"e the right to communicate #ith his la#yer, a relati"e, or anyone he chooses y the
most e%(edient means y tele(hone if (ossile + or y letter or messenger. -he
accused #as not assisted y counsel and his alleged #ai"er #as made #ithout the
assistance of counsel. *he record of the case is also re(lete #ith e"idence #hich #as
not satisfactorily reutted y the (rosecution, that the accused #as maltreated and
tortured for se"en solid hours efore he signed the (re(ared e%tra&'udicial confession.
,eole vs Balonas
G.R. No. #!#3!3
:(ly 3" #992
FACTS: 1scar ,a*)alian .as m(r)ere) in Marble S(ly" Bala*tas B(lacan. Accor)in* to ,at.
Rolan)o Alcantara an) Hrancisco Gayao" )ecease) .as .it' t.o comanions on t'e revio(s
ni*'t" one of .'om t'e acc(se) .'o 'a) a )rin=in* sree .it' t'e )ecease). 5'en t'ey
are'en)e) t'e acc(se) t'ey fo(n) t'e firearm of t'e )ecease) on t'e c'air .'ere t'e acc(se)
.as alle*e)ly seate). -'ey boar)e) acc(se) alon* .it' Ma*tibay" ot'er acc(se) on t'e olice
ve'icle an) bro(*'t t'em to t'e olice station. 5'ile in t'e ve'icle Bolanos a)mitte) t'at 'e
=ille) t'e )ecease). R-C convicte) 'im. >ence t'e aeal.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not acc(se)-aellant )erive) of 'is constit(tional ri*'t to co(nsel.
HELD: 6es. Bein* alrea)y (n)er c(sto)ial investi*ation .'ile on boar) t'e olice atrol 8ee on
t'e .ay to t'e ,olice Station .'ere formal investi*ation may 'ave been con)(cte)" aellant
s'o(l) 'ave been informe) of 'is Constit(tional ri*'ts (n)er Article &&&" Section #2 of t'e #937
Constit(tion" more artic(larly ar. # an) ar. 3. >ence" 'is constit(tional ri*'ts are bein*
,eole vs An)an
G.R No. ##6/37
Marc' 3" #997
FACTS% Marianne G(evarra" 2! years ol) an) a secon)-year st()ent at t'e Hatima Sc'ool of
N(rsin*" left 'er 'ome for 'er sc'ool )ormitory in @alen9(ela" Metro Manila to reare for 'er
final e7aminations. Marianne .as .al=in* alon* t'e s(b)ivision .'en aellant invite) 'er
insi)e 'is 'o(se. >e (se) t'e rete7t t'at t'e bloo) ress(re of 'is .ife0s *ran)mot'er s'o(l) be
ta=en. Marianne a*ree) to ta=e 'er bloo) ress(re as t'e ol) .oman .as 'er )istant relative.
Aellant t'en (nc'e) 'er in t'e ab)omen" bro(*'t 'er to t'e =itc'en an) rae) 'er. -'e* )ay" t'e bo)y of Marianne .as )iscovere). Aellant lea) not *(ilty .'en arrai*ne).
Aellant .as )etaine) at t'e olice 'ea)4(arters. -'e ne7t t.o )ays" more ne.saer" ra)io
an) television reorters came. Aellant .as a*ain intervie.e) an) 'e affirme) 'is confession to
t'e mayor an) reenacte) t'e crime. >e .as fo(n) *(ilty by t'e trial co(rt.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e alle*e) a)mission of t'e acc(se)-aellant to t'e olicemen" t'e
mayor an) t'e ne.s reorters is ina)missible not bein* assiste) by t'e co(nsel in violation of 'is
constit(tional ri*'t.
HELD: Aellant .as alrea)y (n)er c(sto)ial investi*ation .'en 'e confesse) to t'e olice. &t
is a)mitte) t'at t'e olice faile) to inform aellant of 'is constit(tional ri*'ts .'en 'e .as
investi*ate) an) interro*ate). >is confession is t'erefore ina)missible in evi)ence. Aellant0s
confessions to t'e me)ia .ere li=e.ise roerly a)mitte). -'e confessions .ere ma)e in
resonse to 4(estions by ne.s reorters" not by t'e olice or any ot'er investi*atin* officer. 5e
'ave 'el) t'at statements sontaneo(sly ma)e by a s(sect to ne.s reorters on a televise)
intervie. are )eeme) vol(ntary an) are a)missible in evi)ence.
Navallo vs San)i*anbayan
G.R No. 972#/
:(ly #3" #933
FACTS: Acc(se) .as t'e Collectin* an) Gisb(rsin* 1fficer of t'e N(mancia National
@ocational Sc'ool .'ic' sc'ool is locate) at Gel Carmen" S(ri*ao Gel Norte. &nformation for
malversation of (blic f(n)s .as file) a*ainst 'im. 1n #! Gecember #973" ,resi)ential Gecree
No. #6!6 too= effect creatin* t'e San)i*anbayan an) conferrin* on it ori*inal an) e7cl(sive
8(ris)iction over crimes committe) by (blic officers. Navallo .as finally arreste) an) 'e .as
release) on rovisional liberty (on t'e aroval of 'is roerty bail bon). 5'en arrai*ne) by
t'e R-C" 'e lea)e) not *(ilty. Eon motion of t'e rosec(tion" t'e R-C transferre) t'e case
an) transmitte) its recor)s to t'e San)i*anbayan. A ne. or)er for Navallo0s arrest .as iss(e) by
t'e San)i*anbayan. Navallo file) a motion to 4(as'" conten)in* t'at t'e San)i*anbayan 'a) no
8(ris)iction over t'e offense an) t'e erson of t'e acc(se) an) t'at since t'e acc(se) 'a) alrea)y
been arrai*ne) by t'e R-C" t'e attemt to rosec(te 'im before t'e San)i*anbayan .o(l)
constit(te )o(ble 8eoar)y. >o.ever t'is .as )enie) an) trial ens(e) an) 'e .as fo(n) *(ilty.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e constit(tional ri*'t a*ainst )o(ble 8eoar)y an) in c(sto)ial
investi*ations in favor of t'e acc(se) violate).
HELD: No. Go(ble 8eoar)y re4(ires t'e e7istence of t'e* re4(isites%
;#< -'e revio(s comlaint or information or ot'er formal c'ar*e is s(fficient in form an)
s(bstance to s(stain a convictionK
;2< -'e co(rt 'as 8(ris)iction to try t'e caseK
;3< -'e acc(se) 'as been arrai*ne) an) 'as lea)e) to t'e c'ar*eK an)
;/< -'e acc(se) is convicte) or ac4(itte) or t'e case is )ismisse) .it'o(t 'is e7ress consent.
-'e R-C .as )evoi) of 8(ris)iction .'en it con)(cte) an arrai*nment of t'e acc(se) .'ic' by
t'en 'a) alrea)y been conferre) on t'e San)i*anbayan. Moreover" neit'er )i) t'e case t'ere
terminate .it' conviction or ac4(ittal nor .as it )ismisse).
,eole vs Gy
G.R No. 7/$#7
Hebr(ary 23" #933
FACTS: ,at. ,a)illa .as reorte) alon* .it' Benny Gy" as s(sect to t'e s'ootin* inci)ent at
?Benny0s Bar"? Sitio An*ol" A=lan .'ic' ca(se) t'e )eat' of C'ristian Lan*el ,'ilie" a 2/
years ol) to(rist an) a S.iss national. >e .as c'ar*e) .it' t'e M(r)er .it' t'e Ese of
Enlicense) firearms. Aellant alle*es t'at 'e carrie) t'e victim to t'e s'ore to be bro(*'t to t'e
'osital to save t'e latter" an) .'o facilitate) t'e s(rren)er to ,at. ,a)illa" a *(n .'ic' 'is
'eler fo(n) t'e* mornin* .'ile cleanin* t'e bar. Acc(se) oste) bail .'ic' .as
*rante). -'e acc(se) )enie) 'avin* ma)e any oral confession alle*in* t'at 'e .ent to ,at.
,a)illa not to reort t'e inci)ent b(t to state t'at a boy 'eler in t'e bar 'a) fo(n) a *(n on t'e
san) floor .'ile cleanin* an) t'at ,at. ,a)illa ic=e) ( t'e *(n from t'e bar at 'is re4(est. -'e
Acc(se) ar*(es t'at even if 'e )i) ma=e s(c' a confession" t'e same .o(l) be ina)missible in
evi)ence. >e .as fo(n) *(ilty in t'e R-C. >ence" t'e aeal.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e co(rt correct in sayin* t'at t'e constit(tional roce)(re on
c(sto)ial interro*ation is not alicable in t'e instant case.
HELD: 6FS. Aellant0s assertion t'at t'e *(n 'e 'a) s(rren)ere) .as merely fo(n) by a boy
'eler .'ile cleanin* t'e bar )eserves no cre)ence for" if it .ere so" it .o(l) 'ave been abs(r)
for 'im to 'ave lace) 'imself (n)er olice c(sto)y in t'e early mornin* after t'e inci)ent.
S.orn Comlaint for ?M(r)er .it' Ese of Enlicense) Hirearm? si*ne) by t'e C'ief of ,olice
also attests to Aellant0s oral confession. -'at Comlaint forms art of t'e recor) of t'e
rocee)in*s before t'e M(nicial Circ(it -rial Co(rt of B(r(an*a" A=lan" an) is rima facie
evi)ence of t'e facts t'erein state). Aellant0s vol(ntary s(rren)er imlies no violation as ?no
.arrant of arrest is iss(e) for t'e are'ension of t'e acc(se) for t'e reason t'at 'e is alrea)y
(n)er olice c(sto)y before t'e filin* of t'e comlaint.? 5'at .as tol) by t'e Acc(se) to ,at"
,a)illa .as a sontaneo(s statement not elicite) t'ro(*' 4(estionin*" b(t *iven in or)inary
manner. No .ritten confession .as so(*'t to be resente) in evi)ence as a res(lt of formal
c(sto)ial investi*ation.
,eole vs Alilcan)o
G.R. No. ##7/37
Gecember #2" #99$
FACTS: Romeo ,enecilla" fat'er of t'e fo(r year ol) victim J'a9ie Mae" .as )rin=in* li4(or
.it' Ramil Ro)ri*(e9 an) Rem(s Ga))i in 'is 'o(se at Baran*ay Ri9al" &loilo .'en aellant
8oine) t'em b(t every no. an) t'en .o(l) ta=e leave an) ret(rn. Aellant .as livin* in 'is
(ncle0s 'o(se some five arm0s len*t' from ,enecilla0s 'o(se. At abo(t /%3! .m." ,enecilla0s
*ro( stoe) )rin=in* an) left. At abo(t $%3! .m. " L(isa Reba)a .'o lives in t'e ,enecilla
nei*'bor'oo) at abo(t one an) a 'alf arm0s len*t' from t'e 'o(se of aellant sa. t'e victim at
t'e .in)o. of aellant0s 'o(se. S'e offere) to b(y 'er ?yemas? b(t aellant close) t'e
.in)o.. Soon s'e 'ear) t'e victim cryin*. S'e aroac'e) aellant0s 'o(se an) sa. aellant
an) c'o=e) t'e victim. -'e ne7t )ay" Leool)o Santia*o )iscovere) t'e lifeless bo)y of J'a9ie
Mae (n)er 'is 'o(se.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e evi)ence offere) in)een)ently of t'e lea of *(ilt of t'e aellant
.as a)missible.
HELD: N1. -'ey are ina)missible evi)ence for t'ey .ere *at'ere) by ,13 Ganilo -an of t'e
&loilo City ,N, as a res(lt of c(sto)ial interro*ation .'ere aellant verbally confesse) to t'e
crime .it'o(t t'e benefit of co(nsel. &t is not only t'e (nco(nselle) confession t'at is
con)emne) as ina)missible" b(t also evi)ence )erive) t'erefrom. -'e illo. an) t'e --s'irt .it'
t'e alle*e) bloo)stains .ere evi)ence )erive) from t'e (nco(nselle) confession ille*ally
e7tracte) by t'e olice from t'e aellant. B(t even ass(min* ar*(en)o t'at t'e illo. an) t'e t-
s'irt .ere a)missible evi)ence" still" t'e trial co(rt erre) in 'ol)in* t'at t'ey ?stron*ly
corroborate) t'e testimony of L(isa Reba)a t'at t'e victim .as rae).? Hor one" t'ere .as no
basis for t'e trial co(rt to concl()e t'at t'e stains on t'e illo. an) t-s'irt .ere '(man
bloo)stains. -'e illo. an) t'e t-s'irt .ere not e7amine) by any e7ert. -o 'ol) t'at t'ey .ere
'(man bloo)stains is *(ess.or=. Hor anot'er" t'ere .as no testimony t'at t'e stains .ere ca(se)
by eit'er t'e bloo) of t'e aellant or t'e victim. &n a))ition" t'ere .as no testimony t'at t'e t-
s'irt .as t'e one .orn by t'e aellant .'en 'e alle*e)ly committe) t'e crime. &t m(st also be
note) t'at it is not (nnat(ral for aellant to 'ave bloo)stains on 'is s'irt. >e is a b(tc'er by
occ(ation. Romeo ,enecilla 'imself" t'e fat'er of t'e victim" testifie) 'e =no.s t'e aellant
?beca(se 'e (se) to accomany me )(rin* b(tc'erin* of animals.?
,eole vs Reyes
G.R. No. #733!!
Marc' #7" 2!!9
FACTS: -'e 6ao family o.ns an) oerates a o(ltry farm in Baran*ay Santo Cristo" San :ose
)el Monte" B(lacan. -'e 6ao family .ent to t'eir o(ltry farm an) .as =i)nae) by t'e
reson)ents. Reson)ents release t'e ot'er victims b(t ta=en C'(a 1n* ,in* Sim" Robert"
Raymon) an) Aba*atnan an) )eman)e) five million as ransom. Later" C'(a 1n* ,in* Sim an)
Raymon) .ere fo(n) )ea) of as'y7ia by stran*(lation. -'ere(on" aellant Arnal)o
s(rren)ere) an) .it' t'e assistance of Atty. Emin*a" e7ec(te) a .ritten e7tra-8()icial confession
narratin* 'is articiation in t'e inci)ent an) i)entifyin* t'e ot'er aellants as Reyes an)
Hlores. -'ey .ere fo(n) *(ilty for Ji)nain* for Ransom .it' 'omici)e.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not t'e .ritten e7tra-8()icial confessions is vali).
HELD: 6FS. &t is tr(e t'at it .as t'e ,A1C-H .'ic' contacte) an) s(**este) t'e availability of
Atty. Emin*a an) Atty. Ro(s to aellants Arnal)o an) Hlores" resectively. Nonet'eless" t'is
)oes not a(tomatically imly t'at t'eir ri*'t to co(nsel .as violate). 5'at t'e Constit(tion
re4(ires is t'e resence of cometent an) in)een)ent co(nsel" one .'o .ill effectively
(n)erta=e 'is clientBs )efense .it'o(t any intervenin* conflict of interest. -'ere .as no conflict
of interest .it' re*ar) to t'e le*al assistance ren)ere) by Atty. Emin*a an) Atty. Ro(s. Bot'
co(nsels 'a) no interest a)verse to aellants Arnal)o an) Hlores. &t is also to be note) t'at
aellantBs e7tra8()icial confessions .ere in)een)ently ma)e .it'o(t coll(sion" are i)entical
.it' eac' ot'er in t'eir material resects an) confirmatory of t'e ot'er. -'ey are" t'erefore" also
a)missible as circ(mstantial evi)ence a*ainst t'eir co-acc(se) imlicate) t'erein to s'o. t'e
robability of t'e latterBs act(al articiation in t'e commission of t'e crime. -'ey are also
a)missible as corroborative evi)ence a*ainst t'e ot'ers" it bein* clear from ot'er facts an)
circ(mstances resente) t'at ersons ot'er t'an t'e )eclarants t'emselves articiate) in t'e
commission of t'e crime c'ar*e) an) rove). -'ey are .'at is commonly =no.n as interloc=in*
confession an) constit(te an e7cetion to t'e *eneral r(le t'at e7tra8()icial
confessions+a)missions are a)missible in evi)ence only a*ainst t'e )eclarants t'ereof.
,eole vs -(niaco
G.R. No. #3$7#!
:an(ary #9" 2!#!
FACTS: ,olice officer :aime -ab(con of t'e Central ,olice Station of General Santos City
'omici)e )ivision .as bein* re4(este) to ta=e t'e statement of acc(se) Ale7 Aleman re*ar)in*
t'e slayin* of a certain Gon)on Corte9. -ab(con note) t'e resence of Atty. R(erto Besin*a" :r.
of t'e ,(blic AttorneyBs 1ffice ;,A1< .'o sai) t'at t'ey .ere .illin* to *ive t'eir statements.
Acc(se) Aleman tol) -ab(con t'at t'ey =ille) t'e victim. >o.ever" 'e lea)e) not *(ilty an)
raise) instea) t'e )efense of insanity.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not acc(se) AlemanBs e7tra8()icial confession is a)missible in evi)ence.
HELD: 6FS. Confession to be a)missible m(st be a< vol(ntaryK b< ma)e .it' t'e assistance of a
cometent an) in)een)ent co(nselK c< e7ressK an) )< in .ritin*. -'ese re4(irements .ere met
'ere. A la.yer" not .or=in* .it' or .as not be'ol)en to t'e olice" Atty. Besin*a" assiste)
acc(se) Aleman )(rin* t'e c(sto)ial investi*ation. 1fficer -ab(con testifie) t'at 'e sa. acc(se)
Aleman" before t'e ta=in* of 'is statement" conversin* .it' co(nsel at t'e olice station. Atty.
Besin*a )i) not )is(te t'is claim.
,eole vs La(*a
G.R. No. #36223
Marc' #$" 2!#!
FACTS: -'e victim .as left alone at 'ome .'en 'er fat'er" t'e aellant" .as 'avin* a )rin=in*
sree at t'e nei*'borBs lace. At aro(n) #!%!! oBcloc= in t'e evenin*" aellant .o=e 'er ( an)
rae) 'er. S'e reco(nte) 'er '* e7erience .it' t'eir fat'er to 'er brot'er .'o to*et'er
*ran)mot'er an) (ncle .ent to see= t'e assistance of Moises Boy Bantin*. Moises Boy Bantin*
invite) aellant to t'e olice station to .'ic' aellant obli*e). At t'e olice o(tost" aellant
a)mitte) to 'im t'at 'e rae) 'er )a(*'ter beca(se 'e .as (nable to control 'imself. -'e R-C
fo(n) 'im *(ilty of rae) .'ic' .as affirme) by t'e CA.
ISSUE: 5'et'er or not aellantBs e7tra8()icial confession before Moises Boy Bantin* is
ina)missible bein* .it'o(t t'e assistance of a co(nsel" in violation of 'is constit(tional ri*'t.
HELD: 6FS. -'e Co(rt r(le) t'at baran*ay-base) vol(nteer or*ani9ations in t'e nat(re of
.atc' *ro(s" as in t'e case of t'e ?bantay bayan"? are reco*ni9e) by t'e local *overnment (nit
to erform f(nctions relatin* to t'e reservation of eace an) or)er at t'e baran*ay level. -'(s"
.it'o(t r(lin* on t'e le*ality of t'e actions ta=en by Moises Boy Bantin*" an) t'e secific scoe
of )(ties an) resonsibilities )ele*ate) to a ?bantay bayan"? artic(larly on t'e a(t'ority to
con)(ct a c(sto)ial investi*ation" any in4(iry 'e ma=es 'as t'e color of a state-relate) f(nction
an) ob8ective insofar as t'e entitlement of a s(sect to 'is constit(tional ri*'ts rovi)e) for
(n)er Article &&&" Section #2 of t'e Constit(tion" ot'er.ise =no.n as t'e Miran)a Ri*'ts" is

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