Austria (Ingles)

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Energy Globe Foundation GmbH

Hessenberg 14, 4814 Neukirchen, Austria
Email: contactenergyglobe!in"o
#ebsite: /participation
$%&'E() *+,-.**.&N (HE(/0.*)
1only rele2ant i" submitted by an institution3com4any3organi5ation 6 indi2iduals 4lease com4lete 1!78
Full Name o" institution3
-unici4al (ommission o" Ecology A! (! Non4ro9t &rgani5ation
*treet and street number:
Elsa *treet, Number 71:8, "ractionation, Alameda!
$ostal code: (! $! ;4<8= )o>n: (?rdoba, @eracru5!
(ountry: -eAico &Bcial home4age: #e ha2e no oBcial >ebsite!
1including country codeC no
brackets or slashes8
D<7 1=1 8 7E1 E1 4 7:
&Bcial com4any
First name: Humberto *urname: AlcFntara Ggai4
Academic title:
.ndustrial -echanical
Gender: 14lease mark >ith
1 A 8 -ale 3 1 8 Female
*treet and street number: Elsa *treet, Number 71:8, "ractionation, Alameda!
$ostal code: (! $! ;4<8= )o>n: (?rdoba, @eracru5
(ountry: -eAico Email 1o" contact 4erson8: 5gai4hotmail!com
1including country codeC no
brackets or slashes8
D<7 1=1 8 7E1 E1 4 7:
-obile $hone:
1including country codeC no
brackets or slashes8
D<7 1 7E1 17= ;< =:
$roHect title: I%educing inorganic >aste!I
*tatus o" im4lementation:
14lease mark >ith A8
1 8 $lanned
1 A 8 .m4lemented
4roHect or ongoing
(ountry3(ountries o"
%.% PRO(ECT #'AR+
$lease summari5e 1K1=61< lines,8 >hat the 4roHect is about and >hat maHor outcomes ha2e been achie2ed 14lease state concrete 9gures8,
es4ecially any rele2ancy in regard to en2ironmental 4rotection, im4ro2ement o" li2ing and3or economic conditions, a>areness creation,
emission reduction, rene>able energy, energy and resource eBciency, counteracting climate change, etc!C $lease use a "ormal >riting
style as this summary >ill be 4ublished in our online database 1use your3your organi5ationLs name in the teAt and do not use eA4ressions
like #e, ., our com4any, etc!8!
.t 4uts all the eMort and interest to remo2e all inorganic >aste >ith creati2ity and ingenuity to take recycling u4 to
)>o years a"ter starting the 4roHect has materiali5ed is more than 7E grou4s the reuse and recycling o" inorganic
>aste, u4 to 4EN, >hich is no longer being de4osited in o4en dum4s, >hich the city (?rdoba, @eracru5 , -eAico!
And in ri2ers and streams, has "allen a>ay u4 to E=N!
.t is im4ro2ing the Ouality o" li"e o" the 4eo4le that make acti2ities such as occu4ational thera4y, art >orksho4s, arts
and cra"ts "or use and sale, im4ro2ing its economy by recycling 4er"orming and consum4tion declined and
4ackaging inorganic 4ackaging!
.t has created a P<N 4artici4ation and a>areness o" citi5ens in reuse and eliminate mechanical and inorganic >aste
$lease 4ro2ide a co,plete an- proper -e.cription at t/e 01ry2. re31e.t!
$lease 4ro2ide in"ormation 1maA hal" a 4age, 7=== characters8 on the initial situation 14roblems, challenges8 be"ore the 4roHect >as im4lemented!
Qe4ending on the ty4e o" 4roHect, 4lease include the en2ironmental, ecological, economic, social, energy or other rele2ant conteAt o" your country!
For o2er 7= years, has been 4ollution "rom organic >aste generated at home and in"ected garbage roads, has been
a 4roblem that aMects e2eryone on the 4lanet, so >e must commit to 4artici4ate looking "or one or more solutions
to eliminate >aste in our en2ironment! )his is the reason >hy human beings are alienated "rom nature, >ith the
4oisoned air, >ater, and contaminated "ood brought diseases acOuired im4regnated Roors deadly substances!
)hese are some o" the costs that the man I4aysI "or this misunderstood industrial "reedom that is destroying the
>orld! )his "reedom in the IindustrialI ca4italist mentality, eager "or 4ro9ts only understood as the "reedom to make
money at any cost, these men >ho belie2e that such beha2ior is natural, sooner or later 4ay a 2ery high 4rice "or
these illusions and misconce4tions the idea o" "reedom!
*olid >aste is a clear eAam4le o" that ignorance o" society to>ards the en2ironment that surrounds it, that >ould
end the human race, >hich has learned to "oresee the destructi2e conseOuences o" lacking ecological a>areness! A
"eature o" contem4orary society is its enormous consumer 4o>er to human made countless items to satis"y that
consumerism >e generate there"ore a large amount o" solid >aste 4ollutants race!
.nitiati2e! Establish la>s and regulations, 4roHects and actions that lead to the acOuisition o" 4ermanent and
4artici4atory culture and res4ect "or the elimination o" inorganic >aste! %educe generation o" >aste u4 to 8:N long
term, making synergies bet>een authorities and citi5ens! )he munici4al authorities conduct the com4rehensi2e
management o" inorganic >aste! )he 4o4ulation learns to o4timi5e resources and rationali5e consum4tion, so as to
a2oid im4ro4er dis4osal o" inorganic >aste!
)he coeAistence bet>een humans and nature! .t is necessary that 4ublic and 4ri2ate institutions include
en2ironmental issues in their daily acti2ities and 9nd a change o" habits and social6human 2alues, to achie2e
eMecti2e 4rotection, care and creation o" the en2ironment!
#hat >as your o2erall moti2ation to start this 4roHect and >hat ha2e been the 4roHectLs obHecti2esS 1maA hal" a 4age, 7=== characters8
)hrough the decade analy5ed, in recent years gro>th o" the city ha2e caused a serious deterioration in the care o"
the cleaning o" 4ublic roads caused by the lack o" education, a>areness and community 4roHects in the misuse o"
inorganic >aste and adeOuate de4osits, N& irrational use o" returnable 4ackaging 4roducts, ignorance and a4athy
o" citi5ens and authorities o" the use"ulness o" se4arating trash into its 7 organic and inorganic categories!
)he selection is an im4ortant 4art "or recycling and 4re2ent the inorganic >aste to churn contamination and are not
reusable, all this because o" the action 4lans, la>s and regulations do not a44ly, and the lack o" acOuisition o" a
culture o" cleanliness and recycling, >ith >it and creati2ity, to reduce u4 to 8:N long term!
)his 4roHect aims to create a res4onsibility to res4ect and en"orce regulations "or the 4ur4ose o" educating through
the 4artici4ation o" all to re2i2e the 2alues that >e must a44ly oursel2es in 4ublic oBcials and citi5ens and our
en2ironment, be it home, community, city, state or country! )hrough creati2ity der e2ery li2ing and thinking!
)here"ore >e intend to carry out this 4roHect in order to raise a>areness and acti2ities to a2oid "urther
contaminating our land "or the garbage >e generate!
)he ultimate aim in the long term, this 4roHect is to de2elo4 the habit o" >aking rational use o" consumer 4roducts
1inorganic >aste8 to a2oid unnecessary costs and 4roduce less 4olluting >astes smaller scale! Tou >ake u4 to real
li"e and see the better chance o" ha2ing a healthy li"estyle and o>n and 4roducti2e 2alues!
0et a clean city in (?rdoba and total control o" the kno>n inorganic solid >aste as garbage and (ordoba >orthy
inhabitants o" a city >ith culture to li2e in harmony and order >ith our en2ironment!
$lease describe in more detail 1maA hal" a 4age, 7=== characters8 the sco4e o" the 4roHect and the maHor acti2ities that ha2e been conducted "or its
.t is intended to sol2e the com4leA 4roblem o" inorganic >aste, the solution is in our hands so direct and acti2e "or
the bene9t o" all li2ing beings on earth >ith industriali5ation and commerciali5ation!
)he long6term sco4e o" the 4roHect is to reduce and reuse u4 to 8:N inorganic trash manually and mechanically,
reducing o4erational costs o" the munici4al de4artment o" 4ublic clean and streamline the acti2ities o" the
Engage industry and trade su44ort and 4ermanent and 4artici4atory cam4aigns "or the 4roHect to reduce >aste
generated to 4ackaging its consumer 4roduct! .ntegrate society in general "or the 4roHect consists o" P 4rograms
and P cam4aigns! Agreements >ith authorities and educational institutions!
)he main acti2ities carried out during the last 7 years has been the 4rogram!
U QiMerent Housing U that is the arrangement o" housing the 4oor 4eo4le as a social acti2ity, destroyed housing
lining the milk cartons on the >alls, roo9ng, and uniOue Roor material ada4ted to im4ro2e their Ouality o" li"e!
U $rogram U a Art )rash to recycle u4 to 8:N generated in each household recycling gi2ing >orksho4s in rural and
urban areas, "or 4ersonal gain and im4ro2e their economy 4roducts made!
U (lean House 6 Gero #aste $rogram U >here "amily members are in2ol2ed in cleaning roo", 4atio, >ater tank,
side>alk and street, se4aration o" organic and inorganic >aste, dis4osal o" in"ectious >aste and 4olluting!
UU 0o2e your dogS %aise your *)&&0* !! VVV
UU For trees >e s4eak!
Gathering UU bags o" talks!
(ontra UU cancer "rom smoking!
Electronic #aste (am4aign UU!
(am4aign UU En2ironmental education in media 1radio and 4ress8
$lease describe the inno2ati2e as4ects o" your 4roHect under consideration o" the technological standards and conditions 1i!e! regional conditions,
social conditions, economic conditions or 4olitical situation8 o" your country 1maA hal" a 4age, 7=== characters8!
)his 4roHect is uniOue nationally by the 4olitical conditions that ha2e been generated o2er the years by the lack o"
culture and res4ect "or the en2ironment by 4ublic oBcials and society in general! .t is 4ermanent and 4artici4atory
inorganic >aste to reduce u4 to 8:N long term! )he 4roHect is considered by economic conditions in the
munici4ality and the country to not reOuire any in2estment, or so4histicated eOui4ment and s4eciali5ed machinery,
only the direct and indirect 4artici4ation o" all 4ublic oBcials res4onsible "or inorganic >aste to com4ly >ith and
en"orce reOuired the la>s and regulations established by the direct 4artici4ation o" the >hole society in the
com4rehensi2e and ongoing management o" solid >aste inorganic establishing actions that lead to the acOuisition
o" culture and abiding res4ect "or remo2ing 4ollutants:
A8 reduce >aste generation u4 to 8:N!
,8 the com4any learns to o4timi5e resources at home, >ork areas and educational lessons, to rationali5e
consum4tion and 4re2ent im4ro4er dis4osal o" solid inorganic >aste!
(8 4ublic and 4ri2ate institutions include en2ironmental issues in their daily acti2ities and make a change in habits
and social6human 2alues, to achie2e eMecti2e 4rotection, care and generation en2ironment!
Q8 reduce the >orkloads in the 4ublic area clean "or the dis4osal and recycling o" inorganic >aste u4 to 8:N long
term, >ith >it and creati2ity that characteri5es the human being, to recycle and reuse >ithout inorganic >aste
eOui4ment and machinery, "or 4ersonal and economic bene9ts according to the de2elo4ment o" each 4artici4ant!
E8 the 4roHect is inno2ati2e in that it com4rises! $rograms, cam4aigns and con2entions!
W "rom trash art
W a culture o" cleanliness
W clean house 6trash 5ero!
W clean school 6 5ero >aste
W undertake creati2e "amily
W diMerent housing!
(am4aigns and con2entions
W go2ernment institutions
W no go2ernment nations institutions and international!
W >ith national and "oreign &NGs!
W national and international educational institutions!
.ndustry W local, state, national and international
W local regional commerce, state, national!
W local, national and international "oundations!
6 For 4roHects including a tec/nological co,ponent: $lease describe the technology a44lied, as >ell as the costs and economic bene9ts 1maA hal"
a 4age8!
6 For 4roHects including a .ocial co,ponent: $lease describe the a44roach that you ha2e chosen as >ell as the social im4act o" your measures had
on >hich target grou4s! 1maA hal" a 4age, 7=== characters8!
.t aims to educate through the 4artici4ation o" all to reacti2ate the human and economic 2alues that >e a44ly
oursel2es and our en2ironment, be it home, community, city, state, or country, through the creati2ity that e2ery
being li2ing and thinking >e are gi2en as human beings, in order to raise a>areness to 4re2ent "urther 4olluting and
most im4ortantly earn income "rom recycling inorganic >aste to mechanically and manually according to the
conditions o" the to>n:
a8 $er"orm occu4ational thera4y!
b8 Qe2elo4 manual and intellectual acti2ities
c8 &btain 4ersonal and economic bene9ts!
d8 (onduct >orksho4s cra"ts and cra"ts
e8 (oordinate regional 4romotion and sale 6 0ocal 6 national and international, o" the 4roducts >ith inorganic >astes
>hich are generated "or 9nancial gain!
"8 .ntegrate retirees, 4ensioners, house>i2es, 4eo4le >ith disabilities, artisans and students, "or a 4hysical,
4sychological and economic good!
)he costs arising "rom the im4lementation o" the 4roHect are minimal com4ared to the costs generated to the
collection and cleaning o" organic >aste in the city!
.n (?rdoba, @eracru5, -eAico, has a 4o4ulation o" 7=<,===, the costs generated annually "or the im4lementation o"
the 4roHect is X E<=,===!== -eAican 4esos!
(om4ared >ith the costs o" collection and de4osit inorganic >aste, >hich 4ays council annually is X 8, 4==,===!==!
)his 4roHect is generating sel"6em4loyment income 4roducing 4eo4le and lo>6income "amilies according to their
ca4acities and inter2ention 4lanned acti2ities!
$lease describe in detail all direct and indirect results! Qe4ending on your 4roHect, 4lease "ocus es4ecially on en2ironmental and3or social and3or
economic im4acts resulting "rom the im4lementation o" your initiati2e! #here 4ossible, 4lease include 9gures 1i!e! number o" 4eo4le trained or Hobs
created, tons o" (&
a2oided, m
o" >ater treated, -#h o" rene>able energy 4ro2ided, energy eBciency be"ore3a"ter reno2ation, tons o" >aste
collected3reduced, number o" trees 4lanted, etc!8 or descri4tions on ho> 4eo4le or en2ironment ha2e other>ise bene9tted "rom your 4roHect 1maA
hal" a 4age, 7=== characters8!
)he 4roHect is an eMort to moti2ate and engage the 4ublic and 4ri2ate sectors o" the city, cleaning, sanitation and
reuse by the constant 4resence o" inorganic >aste, decreased a"ter 7 years o" starting the 4roHect 17=178 1: N
>hich is calculated to E years reach the 8:N 4ro4osed in the 4roHect to remo2e and reuse, this is almost o2er and a
hal" tons o" inorganic >aste that is being recycled and gro>ing e2ery year! Each inhabitant generated 8P< grams a
day on a2erage and garbage currently being generated sobreE<= grams daily a2erage total 4o4ulation generates
1E: tons o" garbage a day, so the city sto4s generating about 77 tons o" garbage im4lemented by the 4roHect! )he
total >aste generated by 87N, to roads and urban and rural 18N o" the garbage that is 4olluting land, air, ri2ers,
lakes and streams is har2ested areas! )he 4roHect has been reduced to 4=N o" non6collected inorganic >aste 1E!7N8
no longer contaminated!
Has been created in 4ublic oBcials their social, en2ironmental and legal to eAecute and en"orce the la>s and
regulations established at the national and international res4onsibility! %educed >orkloads and o4erational 4ositions
in the area o" 4ublic clean u4 to 1:N!
.t has trained more than <4= 4eo4le, recycling >orksho4s! .t has been sensiti5ed 77 4ublic oBcials! )hey ha2e
bene9ted 7:= 4eo4le >ith the cam4aign IY AGA.N*) (AN(E% *-&/.NGI! .t is the 4eo4leZs a>areness in the media,
)@, radio and ne>s4a4er, more than 11= 4rograms and inter2ie>s!
$lease describe the re4lication 4otential o" your 4roHect in other regions or countries 1maA hal" a 4age, 7=== characters8!
)he Ireduction o" inorganic trashI is taking 4lace in another *tate o" -eAico 1$uerto, $e[asco, *onora, -eAico8 >ith
an integrated de2elo4ment o" 7PN according to established 4roHect, integrating acti2ities and 4lans made
4re2iously carries a P<N to date a"ter 1 year 17=1:8 >e began in this to>n has generated a number o"
charitable acti2ities and economic en2ironment "or 4roHect members, and "or society in general, social and
economic bene9ts as >ell as 4artici4ation social and li"elong enthusiast "or social acti2ities charitable
non4ro9t society "or those >ho ha2e less! Generate synergies >ith go2ernment and non6go2ernmental
institutions "or the 4roHect established, u4dating streamline rules and regulations regarding the en2ironment
in s4eci9c inorganic trash!
*ol2ing the en2ironmental 4roblems that the region and 4articularly the -unici4ality o" "ace causing a deterioration
in the en2ironment and conseOuently the health o" human beings and the >orst >e ha2e eAtinct Rora and
"auna o" the region is there"ore hel4ing to restore the li2es that bene9t us all and mingle >ith 4o2erty and
economic de2elo4ment!
Ha2e been rehabilitated and other social acti2ities "or the general bene9t, E 4laygrounds made o" inorganic >aste,
recreational and educational items "or the "amily!
)here ha2e been more than P= >orksho4s o" recycling inorganic >aste "or 4ersonal and "amily bene9t o" more than
4<= 4eo4le in the 4o4ulation and the region!
$lease send 46P 4hotos in 4rint Ouality 1K4== kb \ : -, 4er 4icture8 >hich document your 4roHect >ell! $re"erred 9le "ormat !H4g or !gi"
Tou can also u4load additional 4roHect material!
+4load these materials as 4art o" your online6submission on >>>!energyglobe!in"o34artici4ation3
9.! 6O* "I" +O' 6EAR A7O'T T6E ENERG+ GLO7E A*AR":
$lease mark all ans>ers that a44ly >ith A!
1 A 8 -ail by Energy Globe 1 8 $rint media 1 8 Friends3(olleagues
1 8 (all by Energy Globe 1 8 Facebook 1 8 Google
1 8 .nternet 1 8 %adio3)@ 1 8 (on"erences3Fairs
1 8 (ontact by Energy Globe Ambassador 1 8 &ther
9.% *+$$&%) ,T ENE%GT G0&,E $A%)NE%
.n the "uture there is a 4ossibility that selected 4roHects >ith eAce4tional 4ros4ects are su44orted by an ENE%GT G0&,E $artner on their >ay to>ards
marketability >ith management, sales and distribution kno>6ho>, as >ell as 9nancially! ." you are interested in this 4ossibility, 4lease mark
the yes 9eld >ith A!
1 A 8 Tes 3 1 8 No
,y 4artici4ation in the ENE%GT G0&,E A>ard com4etition . agree to the electronic 4rocessing, sharing >ithin the ENE%GT G0&,E 4artner net>ork
and 4ublication o" my 4roHect 1Acce4tance is reOuired "or submission8! $lease mark the corres4onding 9eld >ith A!
1 A 8 Tes 3 1 8 No
T/an< yo1 for co,pleting t/e re31ire- infor,ation.
*e <in-ly a.< yo1 to .1b,it yo1r pro0ect infor,ation online on
For organi5ational reasons 4lease do not send this 9le 2ia email! Tou can sim4ly co4y34aste the entered in"ormation >ith
(trl6(3(trl6@ into the online "orm! )hank you "or your su44ort!
A"ter submitting your 4roHect online, plea.e c/ec< w/et/er we /a=e recei=e- it .1cce..f1lly>
1! Fill in all reOuired teAts and u4load all documents and click at the ?#1b,it application@- 71tton. 1$lease see
screenshot belo>8
#e do not recei2e your teAts and documents until you click on this button!
7! (heck your Email6.nboA i" you ha2e recei2ed an email6con9rmation at the email address 4ro2ided! 1also check your
*ubHect o" this email: Tour 4roHect a44lication has been success"ully recei2ed 1.Q: A#Q====8
:! Email us at contactenergyglobe!in"o in case you do not recei2e the con9rmation email!
Additional material to the 4roHect
CAr-oba li,pia ) 7a.1ra Cero
0e2erage, ,ene9t and Eliminate )%A*H
)his eAecuti2e 4roHect .Zm researching and de2elo4ing since 1;;1, aims to sol2e the com4leA
4roblem o" )%A*H!
&ut o" res4ect and admiration "or the animal, 4lant and coeAistence >ith humans nature, >e
ha2e to clean and remo2e the garbage that is destroying our 4lanet!
)he solution is in our hands directly and acti2ely Gorman, "or the bene9t o" all li2ing beings on
earth, >ith the industriali5ation and commerciali5ation o" garbage!
)he actions that are being im4lemented 14er"orming8 are incorrect because they sim4ly 4ass
the 4roblem o" a Iback and "orthI and it becoming more serious and larger scale!
)he 4roHect is garbage in our homes is IniceI clean, se4arate, use"ul "or themsel2es or "or
others! (ontribute to im4ro2ing household hygiene and 4reser2e an en2ironment "ree o" trash!
)rash >as 4re2iously a usable 4roduct and subseOuently a >aste, >hose 4re4aration in2ol2es
a manu"acturing 4rocess "or con2ersion o" ra> material to 4roduct, and use the term becomes
For this, the 4roHect aims to reuse >aste as ra> material "or 4roduction o" 4roducts,
trans"orming them >ith ingenuity and creati2ity!
(ontem4orary man "rom 1;P= to date, has 4roduced more garbage in general the amount o"
garbage is not 4ro4ortional to the number o" 4eo4le on earth "rom the time began to be a man
until 1;P= to date, is a conseOuence o" >rong, based on 4roducti2ity and industriali5ation o"
economic and non6human, in manZs Ouest to accumulate more >ealth and material things,
dismissing him as 4ossible the 4hysical and intellectual eMort, eliminating metabolic energy
that >e bring to our state de2elo4ment natural and man!
,y not using this energy, "ollo>ing the la> o" least eMort, to 4er"orm some task or >ork, >e
are and >e are becoming more de4endent on material and technology!
#eZre >asting Q.@.NE G.F) creati2ity and ingenuity >hile >e lose destroying the >el"are o" our
4lanet 1Earth8!
A "amily is com4osed by an a2erage o" < 4ersons, 4roduces a cubic meter 11 m]8 o" garbage
each month, i" the "amily eats messily generate more trash, >hich consume a "amily the right
to li2e, 4roduce less >aste!
#e reali5e that in addition to being 2ery serious 4roblem o" destroying rene>able resources
Nonrene>able, there are many other as4ects o" the 4roblem to sol2e!
.ntegral, 4ermanent and 4artici4atory 4roHect eAecuti2e
CAr-oba clean - Bero wa.te
*anitation %EF&%E*)A(.&N %&AQ* %.@E%* ANQ $%&$E%).E*
+%,AN .-AGE
17=14\ 7=7=8
)o eliminate >aste u4 to 8:N long6term
ORGENIC Recycle- !FF% Co,po.t - FertiliBer
"o,e.tic ga.

1.-Pollutants - Burial - 100%
. 2.-Infecto contagiosos- Incineration - 100%
3.Metals saucers, etc.-Mechanical Recycling. - 100%
4.-Miscellaneous- Recycled Materials Manual - 3%
!.--"o#$actado non-recycla%le &aste - 1'% (andfill
1! )%A*H AN A%)!
7! A (+0)+%E &F (0EAN.NG ANQ #A*)E A *(+0$)+%E
:! (0EAN H&+*E 6 Gero #aste
4! (0EAN *(H&&0 6 Gero #aste
<! H&+*.NG Q.F
P! : D 1 ^ 1-+N.(.$A0.).E* 6 *)A)E 6 FEQE%A).&N8 D 1(.).GEN*H.$8
E! A FA-.0T ,+*.NE** #.)H (%EA).@.)TE
integralG per,anent an- participatory
a8 G&@E%N-EN) .N*).)+).&N*
b8 N&N6G&@E%N-EN)A0 .N*).)+).&N* NA).&NA0 ANQ .N)E%NA).&NA0
c8 NG& #.)H ANQ F&%E.GN (&+N)%T
d8 EQ+(A).&NA0 .N*).)+).&N*, *)A)E ANQ FEQE%A0 G&@E%N-EN), $%.@A)E, 0&(A0, %EG.&NA0,
*)A)E, NA).&NA0 ANQ .N)E%NA).&NA0!
e8 .NQ+*)%T, 0&(A0, *)A)E, NA).&NA0 ANQ .N)E%NA).&NA0
"8 )%AQE, 0&(A0, %EG.&NA0, *)A)E, NA).&NA0 ANQ .N)E%NA).&NA0!
g8 F&+NQA).&N*, 0&(A0, *)A)E, NA).&NA0 ANQ .N)E%NA).&NA0!
(.).GEN (.)T (&+N(.0 and (&--.))EE

.ng! Humberto AlcFntara Ggai4
.ntegral, 4ermanent and 4artici4atory 4roHect
UU (?rdoba clean 6 5ero >aste UU
17=14 \ 7=7=8
Having a unique and permanent project holistically allowing combat, eradicate and take solid waste (100%
organic) and (inorganic recyclable !%) and eliminate 100% contagious in"ectious waste#
$reate in municipal government o""icials responsible "or en"orcing the laws o" the %tate and
&ederation and municipal regulations comprehensively and permanently#
$reate and citi'ens in municipal public o""icials responsible "or complying with local laws and regulations#
(ecrease workload in the public area clean by removing, decreased long)term waste
*educe operational costs and streamline public clean +unicipality activities#
,ngage industry and trade support, permanent "or the project, which by law must be integrated to
reduce waste generated to package their consumer products#
-ntegrate society to the development o" unique and permanent project "or the utili'ation o" solid waste to
!% long)term
.he environmental problems that the region and in particular the municipality "ace are very comple/ "or
decades and we have a""ected issues in the last 10 years has worsened, causing environmental degradation
and hence in the health human beings and the worst we have e/tinct "auna and animals endemic to the city
and region# .hat a""ect us all and mingle with poverty and economic development, it is not easy to solve, but
ignoring them will be worse#
*educe up to !% inorganic waste, 100% recyclable organic waste, drainage o" rivers and streams at 100%,
air pollution and urban image 0% to 0% long term#
*EQE*&0 (0+N.(-E17=11;:==1*
PROJECT DESCRIPTION %"o&"re'e !"'(o&s (m)leme&'e# Com)!"'*
.he mayor makes agreements with ,state 0eracru' and the &ederation to establish and regulate laws and
regulations to have and maintain the +unicipality# $lean#
.he municipality is part o" the city council and citi'ens to join the committee and permanent and participatory
project ) 1 $lean +unicipality ) 2ero 3aste 1
(evelopment o" con"erences, lectures and workshops on recycling, to moneti'e personal and "amiliar
Having a unique and permanent project to create municipal o""icials, social responsibility
and legal, to implement and en"orce laws and regulations#
4et "inancial support o" ,state# -n 0eracru', the &ederation o" -ndustry and trade as well as non)
governmental institutions#
-ntegrates the general development o" the project "or the bene"it o" all agreements with educational
institutions +unicipality per"ormed# *egion, and ,state# 0eracru' "or lectures, con"erences, educational
workshops, theoretical and practical "or economic and 5 or "amily to reuse (recycle) organic and inorganic
waste bene"its personally#
*educed workload and operational costs o" public clean and whether the +unicipality#, .o apply what saved
on needs o" the population and the urban image#
-mplementation o" occupational therapy "or children, youth, seniors, pensioners, housewives and people
with 6di""erent6 abilities and students#
,ncourage the participation o" the whole society and all social groups with comprehensive and ongoing
commitment to improve and preserve the environment#
has been promoted )reciclado embodiment o" organic and inorganic waste, recovery o" rivers, lakes, "orest
synergies with institutions and government programs such as 7ational &orestry $ommission ($879&8*),
+inistry o" (evelopment 7ational $ommission o" 7atural :rotected 9reas ($8797:%) and ,nvironment
,state are generated# 0eracru' (%,(,+9) +inistry o" %ocial (evelopment (%,(,%8;) +inistry o"
9griculture (%949*:9) % %ecretary o" .ourism (%,$.<*), and the &ederal 9ttorney "or ,nvironmental
:rotection (:*8&,:9)
8ngoing training to municipal public servants, teachers, indigenous communities, landowners and the
general public in environmental education and sustainable development#
<pdating e""icient standards and regulations on public clean, rational use o" water, conservation o" green
areas, "lora and "auna within the municipality#
Ing. 61,berto AlcHntara $gaip
And nature >ill ha2e you
,y one o" its creators VVV
HE0$.NG NA)+%E ANQ (&&$E%A)E
#.)H .)!!___
i..iAn Develop in the town of Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico. View, initiatives to
promote health and healing programs to taces state and federation of municipalities HEALTHY.
@i.iAn, Establish the laws, regulations, rules and actions that lead to the acquisition of
a permanent and continuous CULTURE RESPECT cleaning and ecology in the town of
Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico. View,
"iagno.i., It is important to recognize that in recent decades the growth of industry
and trade in Crdoba, Veracruz, Mexico. population, View, has led to a deterioration in care of
the cleanliness of the streets, rivers, streams, parks and gardens caused by the lack of culture
Rationale, . Zero waste - heed the call state of the federation and the needs of the
population and industry of the municipality of Crdoba, Veracruz, View unique and
permanent project aims Clean Crdoba.
P1rpo.e,The project must be PERMANENT order to produce in the city of Cordoba,
Veracruz.. Shares and the rulers and the ruled, a culture of cleanliness in public places,
rivers, streams and roads INTEGRAL and any permanent way to meet and enforce laws and
regulations to the town emanates.
RealityG The executive proposed project should be enriched with the participation of
government ofcials, municipal, state, federal and civilians.
P1rpo.eG1.- GOVERNOR of the state of Veracruz and the president of Mexico must
make an agreement with the Mayor of Crdoba, Veracruz. To establish laws and regulations
clean town. 2. federal legislators (Representatives and Senators) and local deputies should
investigate and analyze the laws of the federal-state initiative to propose the exclusive law for
the state of Veracruz. 3 GOVERNOR of the state of Veracruz and the President of Mexico will
hold their ofcials and trusted base operating in the city of Crdoba, Veracruz. To implement
and enforce laws and regulations emanating from municipal council. Fincar administrative or
fnancial responsibilities in the event of default. 4 The municipality must integrate all
municipal departments and agencies to implement and enforce laws and regulations issued
municipal council, blaming all the cleaning and control of solid waste (garbage) in the city of
Cordoba, Ver. 5 . the municipality must inform the public of the laws and municipal
regulations to meet them, otherwise be penalized fnancially. 6 The municipality must call the
citizens to integrate environmental programs and actions to develop the unique and
permanent project Crdoba Clean -. Zero Waste for cleaning public roads around the town of
Cordoba, Ver 7 The municipality must convene citizens to join the steering committee Crdoba
city Clean - Zero Waste to maintain and promote the unique and permanent executive project
in coordination with the municipal authorities, the state and the Federation..
)his EAecuti2e $roHect is dedicated to A00 .%%E*$&N*.,0E humans,
hungry "or >ealthC at the eA4ense o" immediate sel"6destruction
medium and long term
And A00 >ho generate solid >aste kno>n as )%A*H, ignorance and
a4athy that >e do N&)H.NG to eradicate, eliminate and le2erage
reusable E@E%T)H.NG "or us or othersC o" so"t and ReAible and
>ill re"use them a more digni9ed >ork, >ith better
4ros4ects "or economy and health care as >ell as our
surroundings 1en2ironment8, >hile a2oid dis4osing o"
garbage dis4osal "or some is and "or others it is and >ill be
ra> material to generate 4roducts and utensils "or
4ersonal use or to market, and thereby earn an income
that >ould im4ro2e the ability and intellectual
de2elo4ment o" each indi2idual, >ith ingenuity and
creati2ity >ill make use"ul 4roducts "or 2arious actions and
human needs!
Ing. 61,berto AlcHntara $gaip
CAr-oba clean - $ero *a.te II

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