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Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (1886)

We read in the Gospel that our dear Lord Christ had often reproved the
Pharisees for their self-righteousness. No one should then think this should not concern
us since there is no sect of the Pharisees these days. There may now not be such a sect
that bears this name, but the Pharisees have left behind "many sons and heirs"; "for the
whole world with the best there is in it is altogether drowned in this vice (self-
Yes, even those who believe in Christ and seek their righteousness in
Him alone must continually bewail about their evil heart that tempts them to set up a
righteousness of their own and not to be subject to the righteousness that avails before
We should rightly take to heart Christ's preaching against the self-righteousness
of the Pharisees. We find such preaching in today's Gospel.

Luke 18:9-14.

The Lord shows us in the text just read, etc.

What an abomination self-righteousness is;

the self-righteous Pharisee
1. robs God of glory,
a. he ascribes to himself what God alone can do and wants to do, namely to
b. he does not give God glory . of truthfulness, in that he makes God, Who
declares all men to be sinners
, a liar, . of holiness and righteousness, in that he
presumes to be pious, to stand before the holy God with his works and imagines to be
able to satisfy His righteousness, . of mercy, in that he has no need of divine mercy and
a Savior. "For what else is it, but to blaspheme and defy the lofty majesty of God, when
he prays and says: I thank thee, God, that I am so holy and good, that I never need thy
grace; but I find so much in myself, that I have kept the law, and you cannot accuse me
of anything, and I have deserved so much, that you are bound to repay and reward me
again for it in time and in eternity, if you would keep your own honor, and be a just and
truthful God."

Luther's Church Postil, 2:2:353.
Romans 10:3.
Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 8:33.
Psalm 14:3.
Church Postil, 2:2:355.
c. he took glory from God with the pretense that he was giving glory to Him.

"Now see, what a disgraceful, monstrous devil is in such a beautiful saint, who can
cover himself with a thin appearance of a few works which he performs before the eyes
of the people, and what he does in his worship, thanks, and prayers, whereby he
blasphemes and dishonors the high majesty with outrage and defiance", etc.

2. despises others,
a. he considers himself better than others and sees others as sinners and
depraved. "Further, since he has now blasphemed God and lied to him, because he is
unwilling to confess his sins, he falls further and sins against love to his neighbor....
Hence he is so full of hatred to his neighbor, if God allowed him to judge, he would
plunge the poor publican down into the deepest hell."

b. he did not worry himself that they are reformed. "For when he sees and
knows that his neighbor sins against God, he does not think how he can convert and
save him from the wrath of God and condemnation, that he may reform; he has no
mercy or sympathy in his heart for the distress and affliction of a poor sinner" etc.

c. he tickles himself at the sins of others. "[A]nd what is the worst of all, he is
glad and of good courage, because his neighbor is under the power of sin and the wrath
of God.... For of what use can such a man be in the kingdom of God, who can still
rejoice, yea, laugh and be heartily pleased at the sins and disobedience" etc.

3. deceives himself,
a. he enters into the delusion that there is good in him, that he is righteous and
that God delights in him.
b. the Lord pronounces the condemnation of judgment over him.

Luke 18:11 ("I thank you, God").
Church Postil 2:2: 357.
Church Postil 2:2:345f.
Church Postil 2:2:355.
Church Postil 2:2: 355f.

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