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2BrightSparks grants you a limited non-exclusive license to use FREEWARE

downloadale !rom 2BrightSparks !or personal" educational" charity" and commercial
$! you are using the S%F&WARE !ree o! charge under the terms o! this Agreement" you
are not entitled to support although we will respond to support re'uests i! they relate
to any S%F&WARE that is not per!orming it(s task correctly )ugs etc*#
%ur Freeware is licensed to you in accordance with the terms and conditions o! this
Agreement# +ou represent and warrant that you will not violate any o! the
re'uirements o! this Agreement and !urther represent and warrant that,
- +ou will not" and will not permit others to,
)i* reverse engineer" decompile" disassemle" derive the source code o!" modi!y" or
create derivative works !rom our Freeware" or
)ii* copy" distriute" pulicly display" or pulicly per!orm content contained in this
Freeware other than as expressly authori-ed y this Agreement#
- +ou will not use our Freeware to engage in or allow others to engage in any illegal
- +ou will not engage in using our Freeware that will inter!ere with or damage the
operation o! the services o! any third parties y overurdening.disaling network
resources through automated 'ueries" excessive usage or similar conduct#
- +ou will not sell our Freeware or charge others !or use o! it )either !or pro/t or
merely to recover your media and distriution costs* whether as a stand-alone
product" or as part o! a compilation or anthology" without explicit prior written
- +ou will not use our Freeware to engage in any activity that will violate the rights o!
third parties" including" without limitation" through the use" pulic display" pulic
per!ormance" reproduction" distriution" or modi/cation o! communications or
materials that in!ringe copyrights" trademarks" pulicity rights" privacy rights" other
proprietary rights" or rights against de!amation o! third parties#
- +ou may not claim any sponsorship y" endorsement y" or a0liation with our
1$2$&A&$%3 %F 1$AB$1$&+
4se o! all so!tware availale !rom 2BrightSparks )(S%F&WARE(* is contingent on your
agreement to the !ollowing 1imitation o! 1iaility,
S%F&WARE is provided as is without warranty o! any kind# &o the maximum extent
permitted y applicale law" 2BrightSparks its suppliers" its distriutors" and its
a0liates" or others who may o5er S%F&WARE" will not e liale !or any damages
whatsoever" whether direct or indirect" special" incidental" conse'uential" or punitive
o! any kind )including ut not limited to damages !or, loss o! pro/ts" loss o!
con/dential or other in!ormation" usiness interruption" personal in6ury" loss o!
privacy" !ailure to meet any duty - including o! good !aith or o! reasonale care -
negligence" and any other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever* arising out o!" or in
any way related to the use o!" or inaility to use our S%F&WARE or support services"
or the provision o! or !ailure to provide support services" or otherwise under" or in
connection with S%F&WARE documentation" or any provision o! these terms and
conditions" even i! 2BrightSparks or any supplier" distriutor" or its a0liates has een
advised o! the possiility o! such damages#
&he 1imitations on" and Exclusions o! liaility !or damages in this agreement apply
regardless o! whether liaility is ased on reach o! contract" tort )including
negligence*" delict" strict liaility" reach o! warranties or conditions" or any other
legal theory#
2BrightSparks !urthermore disclaims all warranties" including without limitation any
implied warranties o! merchantaility" /tness !or a particular purpose" and on
&he entire risk arising out o! the use or per!ormance o! the S%F&WARE and
documentation remains with the recipient# &o the maximum extent permitted y
applicale law" in no event shall 2BrightSparks e liale !or any conse'uential"
incidental" direct" indirect" special" punitive" or other damages whatsoever )including"
without limitation" damages !or loss o! usiness pro/ts" usiness interruption" loss o!
usiness in!ormation" or other pecuniary loss* arising out o! this agreement or the
use o! or inaility to use the product" even i! 2BrightSparks has een advised o! the
possiility o! such damages#
&he S%F&WARE and the accompanying /les are sold 7as is7 and without warranties as
to per!ormance or merchantaility or any other warranties whether expressed or
implied# Because o! the various hardware and so!tware environments into which
S%F&WARE may e put" no warranty o! /tness !or a particular purpose is o5ered#
8ood data processing procedure dictates that any program e thoroughly tested with
non-critical data e!ore relying on it# &he user must assume the entire risk o! using
the S%F&WARE# Any liaility o! the seller will e limited exclusively to product
replacement or re!und o! purchase price#
S9%:E %F 8RA3&
+ou may not reverse engineer" decompile or disassemle this !reeware#
2BrightSparks shall retain title and all ownership rights to this !reeware#
&his !reeware is protected y copyright laws and international copyright treaties" as
well as other intellectual property laws and treaties#
2BrightSparks is not oligated to provide maintenance or updates !or this !reeware#

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