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This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Pricing
Overview of Price Lists
Creating a Price List
Copying a Price List
Adjusting a Price List
Adding Items to a Price List
Querying Price List Lines
Overview of ormulas
Creating a Pricing ormula
!pdating ormula Prices
Overview of "odifiers
Creating a "odifier List
Creating List Level Qualifiers
Creating "odifier Lines
Creating Line Level Qualifiers
Copying a "odifier Line
Overview of Archiving and Purging Pricing #ntities
Attaching Pricing Attri$utes
Creating a %&A Price List
Creating %&A List Qualifiers
Overview of the Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer
)iewing Information in the Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer
Overview of Agreements
Creating a Pricing Agreement
'evising an #*isting Agreement
Pricing Ta$: &etting up &ales Agreement
Pricing an Order
&plitting Order Lines
Pricing for &ervice Items
)iewing Pricing Adjustments
"odifying Order Pricing in Oracle Order "anagement
Override the List Price
!ser Procedures
Pricing &pecial Orders
'epricing an Order+Order Line
%ross "argin ,isplay
Overview of %ross "argin ,isplay
%ross "argin Procedures
Price -oo.
Overview of Pricing
Pricing adds features to Order "anagement to ena$le you to $e a serious competitor where pricing plays a role/ 0ou can offer
discounts from a single source rather than with products from multiple vendors/ 1ith pricing2 you can price order
lines either on3line as you enter them or in $atch mode and you can automatically apply discounts/ In addition2 you can
override prices and discounts in each sales order/
Pricing ena$les you to:
%ive the following standard discounts:
o Apply a surcharge/
o Apply discounts $y percentage2 lump sum or amount/
o &u$stitute a new price/
Calculate the price of order lines using list prices specified in price lists and pricing formulas/
Price a service item at a percentage of the servicea$le item/
Price the entire order/
#nter negative prices/
Adjust prices either automatically or manually using discounts/
Override standard discounts and prices and document the reason/
%ive multiple $enefits at $oth the header and the line levels/
&upport %&A Pricing/
ree4e the price/
Apply only certain types of adjustments2 for e*ample2 freight charges2 to a line/
Calculate freight charges and show it as a separate component in Order "anagement/
Apply price modifiers that you define/
Calculate prices as of a specific date/
Pricing $y &econdary Order Quantity is now supported for discrete inventory organi4ations as well/ 0ou can price $y
secondary order (uantity using the Pricing &ource field in Inventory Item "aster window/ 5avigation path: Inventory
6Items 6 "aster Items/
Note: Oracle Advance Pricing provides the following $enefits resulting from promotions and deals:
Item !pgrade
,iscount on another item
ree item
avora$le payment and shipment terms
Note: The features descri$ed for Advanced Pricing are only availa$le if you have licensed and installed Oracle Advanced
or more information on Advanced Pricing features2 see: Oracle Advanced Pricing User's Guide.
Pricing Security
In Oracle Applications2 a $asic level of security called functional security is used to manage users7 access to each application
and control their access to windows2 functions2 and reports within an application/
Typically2 the &ystem Administrator administers functional security and assigns operating unit2 responsi$ility2 and system
access to users/ &ee the Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide Documentation Setfor more information a$out
functional security/
Oracle Pricing provides an additional level of security called pricing security in addition to the e*isting functional security/
Pricing security ena$les you to restrict pricing activities such as updating and viewing pricing entities to users granted
specific access privileges/
Pricing security can $e set up and maintained $y a user who is assigned the Oracle Pricing Administrator responsi$ility/
Pricing security is set up and maintained in the 8T"L user interface/ The Oracle Pricing Administrator has the authori4ation
to access and update all pricing entities for all functional users/ Pricing entities include price lists2 pricing agreements2 and
modifiers/ &ee the Oracle Order anagement !mplementation anual2 Pricing &ecurity section2 for more information on
pricing security/
Overview of Price Lists
Overview of ormulas
Overview of "odifiers
Overview of Agreements
Overview of Price Lists
Price lists are essential to ordering products $ecause each item entered on an order must have a price/ #ach price list contains
$asic list information and one or more pricing lines2 pricing attri$utes2 and secondary price lists/ -asic information includes
the price list name2 effective dates2 currency2 pricing controls2 rounding factor2 and defaulting sources such as payment terms2
freight terms2 and freight carrier/
Price lists can contain item and item category prices/ 0ou can define and maintain multiple price lists/
0ou can define the following types of prices on price lists:
!nit price: A fi*ed price/
Percent Price: A price 9only for a service item: which is a percent of the price of another item/
ormula: "ultiple pricing entities and constant values related $y arithmetic operators/ or e*ample2 you define the
price of an item to $e a percentage price of another price list line/ Only static formulas are used in -asic Pricing/
Note: 0ou need )iew Only privileges to view price lists and related windows/ 8owever2 you must have "aintain
privileges to ma.e any updates/ If you are una$le to access or update the price lists2 you may not have the appropriate
security privileges/ Consult your Pricing Administrator/ for more information on setting up security privileges2 see:
Oracle Order anagement !mplementation anual/
Effective Dates
Price lists can have starting and ending dates/ This ena$les you to prepare price lists ahead of when they are valid and to
ensure they will not $e used until their start dates/
Inactive Price Lists
0ou can temporarily or permanently inactivate a price list using the Active $o*/ Once a price list is inactivated2 you can still
do the following:
Query the inactive price list/
!pdate it/
-ase a formula on an inactive price list/
Adding Inventory Items
1hen adding inventory items to a price list2 you can specify $y Item &tatus; Item Category such as hardware or software; or a
'ange of Items/
0ou can re(uest the price to $e either 4ero or the items7 costs in a specific inventory organi4ation/ Later2 you can adjust the
prices to your selling price/
The process only adds items that e*ist in the item validation inventory organi4ation and that are not on the price list2 even if
they are inactive on the price list/
To add items from an item category2 you must first select the inventory category set/ 1hen you add items from an item
category2 the process adds all items of the item category to the price list; it does not add the item category itself/
Changing List Prices
0ou can manually change the price for e*isting price list lines/ The new price is effective for new orders as soon as you save
your changes/
If you use effective dates for price list lines2 you can maintain a historical record of your prices/
Adjust Price Lists
0ou can increase or decrease the list price of all or a group of price list lines $y an amount or percentage/ 0ou can apply the
increase or decrease to all lines on the price list2 lines that $elong to an item category2 lines with items of a certain status2 lines
created on a specified date2 or lines having a range of items/
"ass changes do not maintain price history/
ound !o "actor
0ou can define the num$er of places to the right or left of the decimal point to which the pricing engine rounds prices from
price lists and modifiers from modifier lists/ If you enter a negative num$er2 you increase the num$er of characters to the
right of the decimal point/ If you enter a positive num$er2 you affect more columns to the left of the decimal point/ If you
enter 4ero2 rounding occurs to whole decimals/
'ounding factor 3< indicates rounding to the nearest thousands 9for e*ample2/=>>? rounds to /=>=:/ 'ounding factor of @A
indicates rounding to the nearest hundred; for e*ample =>? rounds to =>>:/
Note: 0ou can limit the rounding factor value $y the num$er of positions you specify in the e*tended precision format of the
price list7s currency 3 profile option QP: !nit Price Precision Type/
Secondary Price Lists
The pricing engine uses secondary price lists when it cannot determine the price for an item using the price list assigned to an
order/ Primary and secondary price lists have the same currency/
0ou can assign the same secondary price list to multiple price lists $ut you can not assign a secondary price list to a
secondary price list/ If the item that you are ordering is not in the primary price list2 the pricing engine uses the highest3
precedence secondary price list 9the secondary price list with the lowest value for the precedence field:/
Line3level discounts and modifiers that apply to the primary price list do not apply to the secondary price list
If an item appears on $oth the primary and a secondary price list with the same effective dates2 the pricing engine uses the
primary price list to price the item/ If an item appears on the primary price list $ut is not active 9the effective end date has
passed:2 the pricing engine uses the price on the secondary price list/
If there are multiple eligi$le price list lines on a secondary price list2 then the line with the lowest precedence value 9highest
precedence: is selected/
Price List Currency
or international sales2 you can record transactions in different currencies $y defining a price list for each currency/ After
entering the currency for an order or return2 you must choose a price list in the same currency/
#u$ti%Currency Conversion Lists
or pricing in different currencies2 multi3currency conversion lists ena$le you to maintain a single price list for multiple
currencies/ 8owever2 this is an Oracle Advanced Pricing feature which is availa$le only if Oracle Advanced Pricing is fully
installed and multi3currency lists are ena$led/
1ith multi3currency lists ena$led2 the Oracle Pricing Price List and Agreements windows $oth ena$le system generated
multi3currency conversion windows 9one window per currency:/ or details on multi currency prices lists and agreements2 see
Oracle Advanced Pricing User's Guide2 "ulti3Currency Conversion Lists/
#aintaining Price Lists
0ou can maintain Price Lists in the following ways:
"anually add lines to a price list
Copy price list lines from one price list to another
Add a new group of inventory items to a price list $y specifying a range
Add a new group of inventory items to a price list $y specifying an item category
Price lists can also $e active or inactive/ If a price list is inactive2 you cannot use the price list on an order or order line to
select unit price for an item/ Inactive price lists may $e modified or activated/
Co&ying Price Lists
0ou can ( create a new price list $y copying from an e*isting price list/ 0ou can copy a range of lines or all lines from
the original price list/ Only active price list lines 9those with an effective end date later than the current date can $e copied/
0ou can choose:
To copy active discounts from the original price list
To copy the effective dates from the original price list lines
Creating a Price List
Copying a Price List
Adjusting a Price List
Adding Items to a Price List
Creating a Price List
Price lists contain item and item category prices/ 0ou can define and maintain multiple price lists/
0ou can define the following types of prices on price lists:
!nit price: A fi*ed price/
Percent Price: A price which is a percent of the price of another item/
ormula: "ultiple pricing entities and constant values related $y arithmetic operators/ or e*ample2 you define the
price of an item to $e a percentage price of another price list line/
Note: 0ou need )iew Only privileges to view price list and related windows/ 8owever2 you must have "aintain
privileges to ma.e any updates/ If you are una$le to access or update the price list2 you may not have the appropriate
security privileges/ Consult your Pricing Administrator/
!o create a &rice $ist:
=/ 5avigate to the Price Lists window/
The %lo$al $o* is selected when the Pricing &ecurity Control profile option is set to O5/ This means that the price list
can $e used $y all operating units for pricing transactions/ If %lo$al $o* is unselected2 operating unit field is
displayed/ If "ulti3Org Access is 5OT ena$led2 the operating unit defaults from the profile "O: Operating !nit/ This
operating unit field is non3updatea$le/ If "ulti3Org Access is ena$led2 the operating unit defaults from the value of
the profile "O: ,efault Operating !nit/ 0ou can override this default and select an operating unit that you have
access to as defined $y "O: &ecurity Profile/ The use of this price list is then only restricted to pricing transactions for
this operating unit/
A/ #nter a price list 5ame/
Note: The price list 5ame should $e uni(ue across all PT#s 9Pricing Transaction #ntities: otherwise an error occurs/
or e*ample2 if a price list named BCorporateB is created in the Order "anagement PT#2 an error message displays if
you create a BCorporateB price list in the Purchasing PT#/
</ &elect "o$ile ,ownload if you are using an Oracle "o$ile application to download specific price lists onto a mo$ile
device such as a laptop computer or hand3help scanning device/ The "o$ile ,ownload $o* can $e cleared or selected
when creating or updating a price list/
The default value is 5o/
C/ To activate the price list2 select Active/
Note: 1hen initiating (uery mode functionality within the Price List window2 the Active $o* is selected 9chec.ed:
$ut the underlying value is 5ull/ If you wish to (uery for price lists that are active2 you must first clear the Active $o*2
then reselect it/
D/ #nter a ,escription for the price list/
E/ #nter the price list Currency/
?/ #nter a 'ound To value to $e applied to the price list/
A positive 'ound To value such as A indicates the num$er of places to the left of the decimal point; a negative num$er
indicates num$er of places to the right of the decimal point/ The default is 3A/ The 'ound To value entered in the price
list is stored as the rounded value while the 'ounding Precision Type determines how the list price displays/
The value returned depends on the value that was set for the profile option QP: !nit Price Precision Type:
o &tandard: The rounding factor defaults to the currency7s precision value/ 0ou can override the rounding factor
to any value greater than or e(ual to the currency7s precision value/
o #*tended: The rounding factor defaults to the currency7s e*tended precision value/ 0ou can override the
rounding factor to any value greater than or e(ual to the currency7s e*tended precision value/
Oracle Pricing rounds the $ase price and all discount amounts $efore using them in calculations/
Note: The 'ound To value in the Price Lists window cannot $e updated if the profile option QP: !nit Price
Precision Type is set to #nforce Currency Precision/
The &tart ,ate defaults to the current date/
F/ #nter default Payment Terms/
G/ #nter default reight Terms/
=>/ #nter a default reight Carrier/
==/ #nter any Comments/
=A/ Clic. the List Lines ta$/
Complete the remaining steps for each price list line to $e created:
Note: The Product Conte*t is always Item/
=</ &elect a Product Attri$ute such as Item 5um$er or Item Category/
=C/ ,epending on the value of Product Attri$ute2 select an item num$er or an item category for the Product )alue/
=D/ &elect a !O" 9unit of measure:/
=E/ &elect Primary !O" if this price list line !O" is the primary pricing unit of measure for the item/
Note: Oracle Pricing uses the primary pricing unit of measure and the Oracle Inventory unit of measure conversion
information to price an order whose unit of measure does not have a price list line/
Note: or e*ample2 a price list has two price list lines for item A=====2 one with unit of measure #A; the primary
!O" and one for cases 9C&:/ 1hen the pricing engine receives an order in unit of measure C&2 it accesses the unit of
measure conversion ta$les to convert C& to #A/
=?/ &elect an Application "ethod/ !se !nit Price for inventory items and either the !nit Price or Percent Price for service
=F/ #nter )alue and ormula as follows:
o or inventory items2 enter the $ase list price of the item in )alue/
o or service items2 enter a value in the )alue field/ If Application "ethod is !nit Price2 enter the $ase list price
of the item/ If Application "ethod is Percent Price2 enter a percent of another item7s price/
o #nter the name of a previously defined static formula in &tatic ormula/
If you enter a static formula2 you must su$mit the concurrent program !pdate ormula Price7s to calculate the
value/ The result of the calculation changes the value of )alue/
=G/ #nter the starting and ending effectivity dates of this price list line in &tart ,ate and #nd ,ate/
The dates should $e within the start and end effectivity dates of the price list/
A>/ #nter a numeric value in Precedence; this is the product precedence/
1hen the pricing engine is trying to locate a price2 it uses precedence 9precedence defaults $ut is overrida$le: to
resolve conflicts when it selects more than one price list line from a price list/
A=/ In the List Lines ta$2 if you have entered the Application "ethod as !nit Price and are going to create a price $rea.
header to determine the selling price2 you can enter a dynamic formula in the Price -rea. window to calculate the
selling price for that point or range type/ or more information on creating a formula2 please refer to the Creating a
Pricing ormula section/
1hen Application "ethod is !nit Price2 the ,ynamic ormula field in the Price -rea.s window is ena$led/ 0ou can
enter a pricing formula or a price or $oth/ The dynamic formula field is not ena$led when the Application "ethod is
$loc. price or percent price/
AA/ &ave your wor.
In the Other ta':
The Other ta$ displays the following information2 and if applica$le2 details a$out the related &ales Agreement:
List &ource ,ocument 5um$er: The num$er of the sales agreement associated with the price list/
List &ource Code: ,isplays the code for the price list source/ or e*ample2 -&O indicates &ales Agreement/
Pricing Transaction #ntity: ,isplays the name of the pricing transaction entity creating the price list/ This field cannot
$e updated/
&ource &ystem Code: ,isplays the code name for the source system creating the price list such as QP for pricing/ This
field cannot $e updated/
Note: The Pricing Transaction #ntity and &ource &ystem fields display for all price lists regardless of whether there is
a related &ales Agreement/
&harea$le $o*: Indicates if the modifier is shared or not/ If non3sharea$le 9the default:2 then this modifier is specific to
that and cannot $e used with other sales agreements/
If shared2 the modifier is not e*clusive to the sales agreement and can $e selected for use with other agreements/
&ource ,ocument 5um$er: This is the &ales Agreement 5um$er of the sales agreement associated with the price list/
Once you have completed your entries in the price list header2 you can add price list lines that define the actual items
and list prices for the price list/
!o define &ricing attri'utes:
=/ Clic. Pricing Attri$utes in the List Lines ta$/
A/ #nter a Pricing Conte*t/
</ #nter a pricing attri$ute in Pricing Attri$ute/
C/ &elect one of the following Operator values:
5OT H 9for pricing attri$utes:
D/ #nter )alue rom/
E/ If Operator is -#T1##52 enter )alue To/
?/ &ave your wor./
Note: The pricing attri$utes are joined as A5, conditions since they apply to one price list line/
!o define secondary &rice $ists:
=/ 5avigate to the &econdary Price Lists Ta$/
A/ &elect a &econdary Price List/
</ &ave your wor./
!o de$ete &rice $ist information:
0ou cannot delete the price list header/ 8owever you can delete price list lines and pricing attri$utes/ Alternately2 you can
ma.e price list or price list lines ineffective $uy changing the effective dates/ To ma.e pricing attri$utes ineffective2 ma.e the
price list line ineffective/
Copying a Price List
Adjusting a Price List
Adding Items to a Price List
Co&ying a Price List
0ou can ( create a new price list $y copying an e*isting price list/ Only active price list lines 9those with an effective
end date later than the current date: can $e copied/
Note: This function can $e performed on effective price lists only/
!o co&y a &rice $ist:
=/ 5avigate to the Copy Price List window/
&elect one of the following options:
o To copy the entire price list2 enter the new price list information in the Copy To region/
o To copy only selected items2 select the Items2 Item Category &et2 or Item Category to $e copied in the Copy
rom region/ If you select Items2 you can also enter a range of Items to copy/
Note: 0ou cannot use wild cards when you specify the $eginning and ending item num$ers/ or &ystem Items2 the list
of values 9LO): is not availa$le/ or these items2 you may need to use an API/
Co&y Price List window
A/ In the Copy rom region2 select the name of the price list to $e copied/ This can $e from either a &tandard 9P'L: or
Agreement 9A%': price list/ The default Currency and ,escription display for the selected price list/
</ &elect an Item Category &et and Item Category of the items to add/ 1hen you add items from an Item Category2 all
items from the item category are added to the price list; it does not add the item category/
Note: 0ou must enter $oth Item Category &et and Item Category for this criteria to $e effective/
C/ &elect this to copy modifiers of type ,iscount List 9,LT:/
D/ &elect 'etain #ffective ,ates to copy the effective dates from the e*isting price list lines to the new price list lines/
#ven if &elect 'etain #ffective ,ates is selected2 only the most current price list lines 9current as defined $y their
effective dates: will $e copied/ ,uplicate lines that have e*pired will not $e copied/
The process does not copy the effective dates of the price list2 only the price list lines/ 0ou must enter effective dates
for the new price list/
E/ In the Copy To region2 enter the new name for the price list/ It can $e either a &tandard 9P'L: or Agreement 9A%':
price list/
?/ If the price list you are copying from is %lo$al 9meaning availa$le to all operating units:2 then the %lo$al Chec. $o*
is selected $y default/ 0ou can deselect or select the %lo$al value to disa$le or ena$le glo$al access to the new price
F/ 'estricts the usage of the price list to the named operating unit 9if %lo$al $o* is not selected:/ The operating unit
defaults if a: you copy from an operating unit3specific price list and $: your responsi$ility has security access to the
operating unit/ If not2 then the %lo$al chec. $o* is selected instead/
G/ Clic. &u$mit to copy the price list or selected lines/ The re(uest I, is displayed in the 'e(uest I, field/
Copying a Price List
Adjusting a Price List
Adding Items to a Price List
Adjusting a Price List
!se this process to adjust the prices for a price list/ 0ou can adjust prices for the entire price list or selected items2 item
category sets2 and item categories/ 0ou can define your criteria further $y selecting the item status or creation date of the
items to adjust/
or e*ample2 you can specify a category so that only the price list lines for the selected category are adjusted/ If you leave any
of the fields $lan.2 pricing adjusts the price list regardless of that field/ 0ou can adjust the price $y either an amount or
Percent: #nter a value to adjust list prices $y a certain percentage/ or e*ample2 when adjusting $y a percentage2
entering => raises list prices $y => percent while 3=> lowers list prices $y => percent/
Amount: #nter a value to adjust list prices $y a fi*ed amount/ or e*ample2 when adjusting $y an amount2 entering D
increases list prices $y five whole units of currency/ #ntering 3D decreases list prices $y five whole units of currency/
!o adjust a &rice $ist:
=/ 5avigate to the Adjust Price List window/
Adjust Price List window
A/ &elect the Price List to $e adjusted/ The Currency and ,escription values will default/
Complete steps < through E to select the items that you want to adjust on a price list/
</ #nter the Items or a range of Items to adjust/
Note: 0ou cannot use wild cards when you specify the $eginning and ending item num$ers/
C/ &elect an Item Category and Item Category &et to limit the items to adjust/ 1hen you select items from an item
category2 the process adjusts all items of the item category within the price list/
Note: 0ou must enter $oth Item Category &et and Item Category for this criteria to $e effective/
D/ &elect an Item &tatus to limit the items to adjust/
E/ &elect a Creation ,ate to limit the items to adjust/ Pricing adjusts only the items added to the price list on that date/
?/ &elect Percent or Amount for Adjust -y2 as follows:
o Percent: The process increases or decreases value in the Price List $y a percentage/ #nter a percentage in the
)alue field/
o Amount: The process increases or decreases value in the Price List $y a fi*ed amount/ #nter the fi*ed amount
in the )alue field/
F/ Clic. &u$mit/ The re(uest I, is displayed in the 'e(uest I, field/
Copying a Price List
Creating a Price List
Adding Items to a Price List
Adding Items to a Price List
0ou must first define a price list header/
Note: Pricing su$mits a concurrent process when you add inventory items/ The concurrent process only adds new items to a
price list; it does not replace e*isting items2 even if the e*isting items are ineffective/
!o add items to a &rice $ist:
=/ 5avigate to the Add Items to Price List window/
Add Items to Price List window
A/ &elect the Price List/
Complete one or more of the steps $elow to add selected items to the price list/
</ #nter an Item or range of Items to add/
Note: 0ou cannot use wild cards when you specify the $eginning and ending item num$ers/
C/ &elect an Item category and Item Category &et to limit the items to add/ 1hen you add items from an item category2
all items of the item category are added to the price list; it does not add the item category itself/
Note: 0ou must enter $oth Item Category &et and Item Category for this criteria to $e effective/
D/ #nter an Item &tatus to limit the items to add/
E/ &elect &et List Price #(ual to Cost rom if Oracle Inventory is installed and you want to set the list price of the
inventory item e(ual to its cost/
Note: The list price $ecomes 4ero if you clear the List Price #(ual to Cost rom and the Inventory Organi4ation does
not use the standard costing method/
?/ If setting the price e(ual to cost2 select an Inventory Organi4ation to identify which organi4ation to get the cost from/
If an organi4ation is not specified2 the organi4ation specified in the profile option QP: Organi4ation I, is used/
F/ Clic. &u$mit/ The re(uest I, displays in the 'e(uest I, field/
Copying a Price List
Creating a Price List
Adjusting a Price List
)uerying Price List Lines
1hen (uerying price list lines2 use the ind Price List Lines window to find price list lines within a specific price list/ To
create a new (uery2 enter the relevant search criteria such as the product attri$ute conte*t2 product attri$ute 9for e*ample2 Item
5um$er:2 and product attri$ute value 9for e*ample2 Product A:2 and clic. ind to retrieve the price list lines that match your
search criteria/
!o (uery &rice $ist $ines:
=/ ,isplay the price list in the Price Lists window/
A/ &elect a price list line in the Price Lists window2 clic. the ind icon to display the ind Price List Lines window/
"ind Price List Lines window
</ #nter only the criteria re(uired for your search:
o &elect a Product Attri$ute Conte*t such as Item/
o #nter a Product Attri$ute for the Conte*t such as Item 5um$er/
o #nter a Product Attri$ute )alue such as a specific Item 5um$er/
C/ Clic. ind to display the results of your (uery/
Note: To clear e*isting search criteria2 clic. Clear in the ind Price List Lines window/
Copying a Price List
Creating a Price List
Adjusting a Price List
Overview of "ormu$as
ormulas are mathematical e*pressions that the pricing engine uses to determine the list prices of items and the discounts that
apply to those items/ 0ou can use them to:
Create a price from a computation as an alternative to entering prices in a price list/
Calculate a price adjustment/ or e*ample2 you can instruct the pricing engine to calculate a discount $y attaching a
formula to a discount line/
0ou can set up and maintain formulas $ased on one or more of the following formula component types:
actor List: 0ou can also relate multiple factor conditions/ or e*ample2 if the $ase pricing attri$ute for glass
thic.ness is $etween >/= and >/< mm A5, the length of the glass is $etween >/D and A m2 apply the factor of < O' if
the $ase pricing attri$ute for glass thic.ness is $etween >/C and >/F mm A5, the length of the glass is $etween >/D
and A m2 apply the factor of D/
List price: The price of the item in a specific price list to which you have attached a formula/ List Price and Price List
Line are supported ormula types for Advanced Pricing/
5umeric constant: A numeric value/
Price list line: The price of the item in a specific line num$er of a specific price list/
Pricing attri$ute: The a$solute value of a pricing attri$ute 9such as thic.ness or height: of an item/ Pricing attri$utes
are characteristics of products and services that you can use to determine the price of a product or service/ ,istance2
age of a related product2 customer class2 product family group2 and level of service are e*amples of pricing attri$utes/
0ou can specify one or more pricing attri$utes and assign them to a product or service/ At order entry time2 the
pricing engine evaluates the attri$utes you have specified during formula setup to calculate the price/
0ou can define as many attri$utes as you need to meet your pricing $usiness needs/ or e*ample2 you may use the
formula =IA to calculate the price of a glass item/ &tep = is a pricing attri$ute for thic.ness and step A is the list price
to calculate the price of a glass item; if =>> is the $ase price of the glass item and >/< is the value of the thic.ness
attri$ute of the glass then the pricing engine evaluates the formula as >/<I=>> which is <>/
Creating a Pricing "ormu$a
0ou can set up and update formulas and formula lines in the Pricing ormulas window/ A formula is a valid mathematical
e*pression used to determine the list prices of items and the discounts applied to those items/ The formula lines provide
details a$out each part of the formula/
Note: The concurrent program -uild ormula Pac.age should $e run after setting up or changing a formula to improve
performance/ This program can $e accessed from the Tools menu within the ormulas &etup window/
The formula can contain any of the following:
Parentheses: 9:
"athematical operators: @2 32 +2 and I
-uilt3in functions: 5)L2 &Q'T2 and "O,
Operands: Operands are step num$ers a$out which you provide more detail/ 0ou can use as many step num$ers as
you need2 up to the limit of the field/ 0ou can repeat a step num$er in a formula2 for e*ample2 =@AIA//
Note: An operand is not a numeric constant/ To use a numeric constant in a formula2 you can:
Create a step num$er in the formula e*pression/
Assign the numeric constant to the step num$er in a formula line/
or e*ample2 the valid formula 9=@AI&Q'T9<:: + C contains:
=2 A2 <2 and C as operands
@2 I2 and + as mathematical operators
&Q'T as a $uilt3in function
Parentheses to group the operands and operators
or each step num$er2 create a formula line/ In the previous formula e*ample2 four formula lines are created since the formula
has four step num$ers/
1hen Oracle Pricing calculates a formula2 it does not use the face value of the step num$er/ It refers to the formula line and
evaluates it to o$tain the value of the operand/
Seeded "ormu$as
Oracle Pricing provides seeded formulas that you can use when setting up freight charges/ &ee the Oracle Order anagement
!mplementation anual for information on seeded pricing formulas/
Nu$$ *a$ues in "ormu$as
If a step num$er could have a null value2 arrange to handle it in the formula/ or e*ample2 in the formula =IA2 step A is of type
Pricing Attri$ute2 pricing attri$ute conte*t is Physical Attri$ute2 pricing attri$ute is )olume2 and the user supplies the volume
at order entry time/
&ince the user may not provide a volume2 change the formula to =I 5)L9A2<:/ In the formula line for step num$er <2 arrange
for a non3null value2 for e*ample a numeric constant/
If the e*pression does not use 5)L in the e*pression2 and the step num$er evaluates to 5!LL2 the entire e*pression evaluates
to 5!LL2 the formula calculation fails2 and the calling applications processes the failure/
Creating a Pricing ormula
!pdating ormula Prices
!o create a &ricing formu$a:
=/ 5avigate to the Pricing ormulas window/
Pricing "ormu$as window
A/ #nter a 5ame and ,escription for the new pricing formula/ !se a consistent2 meaningful naming convention2 and
enter a $rief description a$out the formula/ This helps users identify the formula during (uery searches/
Alternately2 select a seeded formula that suits your re(uirements/ The &eeded $o* is selected for seeded formulas/
0ou can select a seeded formula for calculating freight charges/ &ee the Oracle Order anagement !mplementation
anual for information on seeded pricing formulas/
</ #nter the #ffective ,ates/ A &tart ,ate and no #nd ,ate will .eep the formula active at all times/
#ntering an #nd ,ate will .eep the formula active until the specified #nd ,ate/ &ince formulas cannot $e deleted2 you
can end a formula $y entering an end date/
C/ #nter the ormula e*pression/ A formula consists of step num$ers such as =2 A2 < used in an arithmetic e(uation such
as =IA/ "athematical operators such as I2@23 and 9 :2 +can $e used/
The step num$er corresponds to the step num$er assigned to a formula line in the ormula Lines region/
D/ #very time a formula e*pression is created or updated2 you should run the concurrent program -uild ormula Pac.age
to generate the formula pac.age/ Choose Tools 6 -uild ormula Pac.age to run the program/
A 5ote dialog $o* displays a message if the formula pac.age generation is successful/
E/ &ave your wor./
In the ormula Lines region2 complete the following steps for each component of the formula:
?/ &elect one of the following ormula Types and enter the corresponding values:
o 5umeric Constant: #nter the numeric constant in Component/
o Pricing Attri$ute: &elect the pricing conte*t in Pricing Attri$ute Conte*t/ &elect the pricing attri$ute name in
Pricing Attri$ute/
o actor List: &elect the name of a actor List in Component/ Alternately2 to create a new factor list2 enter a new
actor List name2 then clic. actors to enter factor list details/
F/ #nter the &tep num$er for the component/
&tep num$ers cannot $e repeated in this region2 although they can $e repeated in the formula/
G/ &ave your wor./
Defining "actor List Detai$s
1hen setting up a formula2 and the ormula Type is actor List2 you can create or update the factor list details in the actors
!o define factor $ist detai$s:
=/ In the Pricing ormulas window2 clic. actors to display the actors window/
"actors % OP!ION window
A/ In the -ase Pricing Attri$utes region2 complete the following steps for each $ase pricing attri$ute factor:
</ &elect a value for -ase Pricing Attri$ute Conte*t/
or multiple entries2 you must use the same $ase conte*t in this region 9to create an O' condition:; the pricing engine
chooses one of the entries/ !se the Associate Pricing Attri$utes region to associate additional conte*ts with the $ase
conte*t 9to create an A5, condition:/
C/ &elect a value for -ase Pricing Attri$ute/
D/ &elect the Operator and enter the )alue rom and )alue To as follows:
o If Operand is -etween2 then enter a )alue rom/ If no value is entered for )alue To2 it defaults to unlimited/
o If Operand is H2 then enter a )alue rom/ 0ou cannot enter )alue To/
E/ #nter the Adjustment actor/ An adjustment factor ena$les you to adjust the price $ased on the options selected/ or
e*ample2 if you are selling cars2 you could use adjustment factors to adjust the price $ased on the car options the
customer chooses:
o If the car options are &tandard then the price is multiplied $y = 9factorH=:
o If the car options are -usiness then the price is multiplied $y =/D 9factorH=/D:
o If the car options are ,elu*e then the price is multiplied $y A 9factorHA:
If the cars you are selling are second hand2 you pro$a$ly want to adjust the price further $ased on the age of
the car/ or e*ample:
o If the car is $etween >/> and =/> years old2 the price is multiplied $y =/
o If the car is $etween =/= and </> years old2 the price is multiplied $y >/F/
o If the car is older than </> years2 the price is multiplied $y >/E/
?/ In the Associate Pricing Attri$utes region2 select an Associated Pricing Attri$ute Conte*t and Associated Pricing
Attri$ute to associate with the $ase pricing attri$ute conte*t and $ase pricing attri$ute values 9to create an A5,
F/ &elect the Operator and enter the )alue rom and )alue To as follows:
o If Operand is -etween2 then enter a )alue rom/ If no value is entered for )alue To2 it defaults to unlimited/
o If Operand is H2 then enter a )alue rom/ 0ou cannot enter )alue To/
G/ &ave your wor./
!pdating ormula Prices
+&dating "ormu$a Prices
0ou can update formulas after they have $een created or updated/ Prices or changes to formulas will not $e updated unless a
concurrent process is run prior to any order entry activity/ 5ot doing so2 will not update or change any previously defined
Note: reight and &pecial Charges do not $ehave differently in -asic Pricing/ The "odifiers window allows complete
Advanced Pricing functionality for reight and &pecial Charges in -asic Pricing/ ,ynamic ormula is not supported in -asic
Pricing/ Only the &tatic ormula is supported and the formula is supported only for the price list/ "odifiers only support
,ynamic ormula/
!o u&date formu$a &rices:
=/ 5avigate to the !pdate 'ule Prices window/
Note: 0ou must su$mit this concurrent program to properly load prices for any price list in which a &tatic ormulas is
+&date u$e Prices window
A/ &elect 5ew and "odified Lines Only of price lists to calculate formula3$ased prices for price list lines for formulas
that have $een added or changed since the process last e*ecuted/ Alternately2 to calculate formula3$ased prices for all
price list lines2 clear the 5ew and "odified Lines Only of Price Lists/
</ &elect one of the following:
o &elect !pdate All Pricing ormulas for Price Lists to consider price list lines associated with any formula/
o &elect !pdate Individual Pricing ormula for Price Lists to consider price list lines associated with a specific
formula then select the Pricing ormula/
The process applies this choice after it selects the price list lines according to the criteria for step A/
C/ Clic. &u$mit/ The re(uest I, displays in the 'e(uest I, field/
The process applies this choice after it selects the price list lines whose formulas you have added or changed since the process
was last e*ecuted/
Note: 0ou must remem$er to do this process after creating or changing any formulas in order for the engine to calculate and
update the related price list lines covered $y the formula/
Overview of #odifiers
"odifiers ena$le you to setup price adjustments 9for e*ample2 discounts and surcharges: and freight and special charges that
the pricing engine applies to pricing re(uests/ !sing modifiers2 you can:
&et up modifier lines for a modifier list to define the price adjustment details/
Create eligi$ility rules for modifiers $y assigning modifier list and line level (ualifiers/
Note: If you cannot (uery the modifier or update it after saving or e*iting2 consult with your Pricing Administrator for
access privileges/ 0our security privileges may not allow you to access this window/
#odifier Conce&ts
0ou use the ,efine "odifier window to set up price adjustments2 freight2 and special charges/ 0ou can define simple
discounts2 surcharges2 and price $rea.s/
"odifier lists contain one or more modifiers and each list level modifier must have one or more lines associated with it/
-y defining (ualifiers at the list and line levels2 you define a customer7s eligi$ility for the modifier/ This ena$les you to create
$oth modifiers which are product specific and modifiers which apply to all products/
1hen using modifiers for order amount $ased discounting2 you must define the negative reciprocal modifier as well/ or
e*ample2 if your order amount is J=>> or greater2 then you receive D>K off your total order amount/ If you do not define the
negative reciprocal 93J=>>: and D>K2 if you return the original item and the reciprocal is not defined2 you would end up
generating a credit of J=>> instead of JD>/
If an automatic modifier has $een applied to a line and if you delete that modifier using the )iew Adjustments window2 the
automatic modifier will not $e reapplied to the line when the line is repriced/
#odifier List !y&es
!sing modifier lists2 you can create groupings of price adjustments2 and freight and special charges that you offer and report
together to meet various $usiness needs/ At the list level2 you define criteria that is common to all of the line level modifiers/
0ou can use the following list types:
reight+&pecial Charges
or each list type that you define2 you associate certain line types/
#odifier Line !y&es
!se modifier lines to define the type of price adjustments2 or freight and special charges that the pricing engine applies to
pricing re(uests/ 0ou can associate certain line types with each list type/ 0ou can use the following line types:
,iscount: Creates a negative price adjustment/
&urcharge: Creates a positive price adjustment/
reight charge: Applies a freight charge/
Price -rea.: Applies a varia$le discount or surcharge price adjustment to a pricing re(uest $ased meeting the
condition of a $rea. type/
The ta$le $elow descri$es "odifier List Types and if ,iscounts2 &urcharges2 or reight and &pecial charges are applica$le to
the List type/ A value of
0es: indicates that the entity is availa$le for the "odifier List Type/
5o: indicates that the entity is not availa$le for the "odifier List Type/
"odifier List Types and Applica$le "odifier Line Types
#odifier List !y&es Discount Surcharge "reight , S&ecia$
"odifier Line Types 5o 5o 5o
,iscount 0es 5o 5o
&urcharge 0es 0es 5o
reight Charge 5o 5o 0es
Price -rea. 8eader 0es 0es 5o
A&&$ication #ethod
0ou can select an application method for a modifier line that defines how the price adjustment is to $e applied/ 0ou can
select from the following methods:
Amount: Creates a fi*ed price adjustment on each unit for the amount specified in the )alue/
Percent: Creates a percentage price adjustment on each unit for the percentage specified in the )alue/
5ew price: Overrides the selling price of this item and the new price specified in the )alue the new selling
price/ Creates a price adjustment for the difference in list price and the new price/
Lumpsum: Creates a price adjustment for this lump sum amount on the new price entire line/
The following ta$le displays an e*ample of application methods for a modifier line type of ,iscount:
"odifier Application "ethods Compared for ,iscount "odifier
List Price Item )uantity Ordered A&&$ication #ethod *a$ue Price Adjustment E-tended Se$$ing Price
=> Item A A>> Amount D D per unit =>>>
=> Item A A>> Percent D DK =G>>
=> Item A A>> 5ew Price D D =>>>
=> Item A A>> Lumpsum D D off =GGD
Creating a "odifier List
Creating "odifier Lines
Attaching Pricing Attri$utes
Creating a #odifier List
!sing modifier lists2 you can create groupings of price adjustments and freight and special charges that you offer and report
together to meet various $usiness needs/ At the list level2 you define criteria that is common to all of the line level modifiers/
Note: If you cannot (uery the modifier or update it after saving or e*iting2 consult with your Pricing Administrator for access
privileges/ 0our security privileges may not allow you to access this window/
+sing Discount #odifiers with Negative +nit Se$$ing Prices
,iscount modifiers can also $e used with negative unit selling prices to adjust the final unit selling price/ &uppose the
following price list line and modifier are set up for your $usiness:
A price list line for item A&DCFFF with a value of J3=>>/>>/
A simple ,iscount modifier that provides a =>K discount/
If you enter a sales order for the item A&DCFFF and the ,iscount modifier is applied2 the !nit &elling Price will $e J3G>/>>/ If
the same modifier is applied against an item with a value of J=>>/>>2 the !nit &elling Price will $e JG>/>>/
Surcharge with Negative%Priced Items
The following e*ample shows the results when a &urcharge modifier is applied to a price list line with a negative price:
=/ Create a simple modifier 9A-C3"5: with type H &urcharge of =>K/
A/ Create a price list line 9A-C35: with a value of L3J=>>6/
</ #nter a sales order with price list A-C35 and the item of the price list A-C35/
C/ &ave the order/
The surcharge is applied2 and the !nit &elling Price is LJ3==>/>>6/
!o create a modifier $ist:
=/ 5avigate to the ,efine "odifier window/
Define #odifier window
A/ In the "ain ta$2 select the modifier Type/
</ #nter a 5um$er and 5ame for the modifier list; the value does not have to $e numeric/
Note: The modifier 5ame should $e uni(ue across all PT#s 9Pricing Transaction #ntities: otherwise an error occurs/
or e*ample2 if a modifier named BCorporateB is created in the Order "anagement PT#2 an error message displays if
you create a BCorporateB modifier in the Purchasing PT#/
The %lo$al $o* is selected when the Pricing &ecurity Control profile option is set to O5/ This means that the modifier
list can $e used $y all operating units for pricing transactions/ If %lo$al $o* is deselected2 operating unit field is
displayed/ If multi3org access is 5OT ena$led2 operating unit defaults from profile "O: Operating !nit/ This
operating unit field cannot $e updated $y users/ If multi3org access is ena$led2 operating unit defaults from profile
"O: ,efault Operating !nit/ !sers can over3ride this default and select an operating unit that they have access to as
defined $y "O: &ecurity Profile/ The use of this modifier is then only restricted to pricing transactions for this
operating unit/
C/ &elect or clear Automatic:
o If selected2 the Automatic $o* is also selected at the line level2 and the pricing engine automatically applies the
o If cleared2 then the modifier must $e manually applied/
Note: If you select Automatic for a list2 all the lines for this list default to Automatic/
D/ #nter Currency/ This is an optional field/
E/ #nter the &tart ,ate range/
Note: If you do not enter dates 9start+end:2 the list is effective from the creation date and does not $ecome ineffective/
?/ #nter a ,escription/
In the Other ta':
Define #odifier window: Other ta'
In the Other ta$2 you can view the following information including details a$out any related &ales Agreement:
List &ource ,ocument 5um$er: This is the num$er of the &ales Agreement associated with the modifier/
List &ource Code: ,isplays the code associated with the modifier source/
Pricing Transaction #ntity 9PT#:: ,isplays the pricing transaction entity associated with the modifier/ The Pricing
Transaction #ntity value defaults from the PT# that created the modifier/ This field cannot $e updated/
&ource &ystem Code: ,isplays the source system code of the modifier such as QP for pricing/
Note: The Pricing Transaction #ntity and &ource &ystem fields display even if there are no related &ales Agreements/
&harea$le $o*: Indicates if the modifier is shared or not/ If non3sharea$le 9the default:2 then this modifier is specific to
that sales agreement and cannot $e used with other &ales Agreements/
If shared2 the modifier is not e*clusive to the &ales Agreement and can $e selected for use with other agreements/
Creating "odifier Lines
Attaching Pricing Attri$utes
Creating List Leve$ )ua$ifiers
"odifier list level (ualifiers help the pricing engine to determine who is eligi$le for the modifier lines/ If an order is not
eligi$le for a modifier list2 it is not eligi$le for that list7s line level modifiers even if the lines have (ualifiers for which the
order is eligi$le/
!o create $ist $eve$ (ua$ifiers:
=/ 5avigate to the Q!ALII#' 3 8eader Level Qualifiers window/
)+ALI"IE % .eader Leve$ )ua$ifiers window
A/ In this window2 you can add2 change2 and delete (ualifiers and change the dates/
</ #nter the %rouping 5um$er/ This is valid for Advanced Pricing2 please refer to the Oracle Advanced Pricing User's
C/ &elect the Qualifier Conte*t/
D/ &elect the Qualifier Attri$ute/
E/ )iew and2 if necessary2 adjust the Precedence 5um$ers that default from the (ualifier definition/
The pricing engine uses the Precedence to resolve incompati$ility/ If multiple modifiers are eligi$le within the same
phase and incompati$ility level2 the modifier with the lowest precedence is applied/
?/ #nter the Operator2 )alue rom2 and )alue To/
The )alue rom "eaning field provides additional details a$out the selected (ualifier/ or e*ample2 if the (ualifier
conte*t is C!&TO"#' and the attri$ute is &hip To2 )alue rom displays the customer name and )alue rom
"eaning displays the site use location for the customer/ If the conte*t+attri$ute com$ination has no additional details2
)alue rom and )alue rom "eaning are identical/
F/ Choose OM and save your wor./
Note: The start and end dates of the list (ualifiers must $e within the start and end date of the modifier list/
Creating "odifier Lines
Attaching Pricing Attri$utes
Creating a "odifier List
Creating #odifier Lines
!se this process to create modifier lines to define how the price is adjusted/ Once you have created and saved a modifier line2
you cannot edit or change the Product Attri$ute )alue for the line/ To change the Product Attri$ute )alue for a line2 you
should end date the e*isting modifier and create a new modifier/
!o enter 'asic modifier $ine information:
=/ 5avigate to the ,efine "odifier window/ or more information on the different line types that you can create2 please
refer to the Oracle Advanced Pricing User's Guide.
A/ In the "odifiers &ummary ta$2 "odifier 5o field2 a default modifier num$er identifies the modifier line/ 0ou can
change this value; however2 the "odifier 5o for each modifier line must $e uni(ue within the modifier list/
</ #nter the Level/
o Line: The pricing engine determines if the pricing re(uest is eligi$le for this modifier $y validating the re(uest
for each line/ It applies this modifier at the line level/
o Order: The pricing engine determines if the pricing re(uest is eligi$le for this modifier $y validating the
pricing re(uest header/ It applies this modifier at the order level $ut prorates a percentage value to each line/
C/ #nter "odifier Type from the following:
o ,iscount
o &urcharge
o reight+&pecial Charges
o Price -rea.
D/ #nter the &tart ,ate and #nd ,ate of this modifier line/
Note: &tart date and end date on the modifier line must $e $etween the start date and end date on the modifier list/ The
pricing engine uses the modifier line dates to determine if this line is effective/
Print On Invoice is reserved for future use/
E/ &elect or clear Automatic/ If you select it2 the pricing engine automatically applies this modifier/ If you clear it2
someone must manually apply it to an order/
Note: If you select Automatic at the modifier list level2 Automatic for each line appears as selected $ut you can
change it/ 0ou can allow manual application of discounts2 surcharges2 and freight and special charges line types/
?/ &elect or clear Override/
If selected2 you can manually change how the modifier is applied for each order/
F/ The values of Pricing Phase2 Incompati$ility %roup2 and will $e dependent on the modifier level chosen/
or -asic Pricing2 the Incompati$ility %roup will always $e Level = Incompati$ility %roup2 and $ will $e
defaulted to = for line level modifiers/
G/ The Proration Type and Comparison )alue fields are reserved for future use/
=>/ #nter Item 5um$er or Item Category in Product Attri$ute/
==/ #nter the value for the item num$er or item category in Product Attri$ute )alue/
=A/ Accept the default value or update value for Precedence/
The following fields should only $e entered if you are defining a Price -rea. "odifier Type/
=</ #nter )olume Type/
Note: )alid types are Item Quantity and Item Amount/ Period is reserved for future use/
=C/ &elect the -rea. Type/ 0ou can select Point $rea. type/
=D/ #nter #(ual 9H: or -etween as the Operator/ #nter the appropriate values in the )alue rom or )alue To fields/
=E/ #nter the unit of measure of the item or item category in !O"/
=?/ #nter )alue rom and )alue To/ or e*ample2 item (uantity H D or item (uantity $etween D and A>/
Note: If Operator is #(ual 9H:2 enter )alue rom/ If Operator is -etween2 you must enter )alue rom and )alue To is
optional; if )alue To is $lan. has no upper limit/
To create greater than and less than conditions2 leave the fields rom )alue and+or To )alue $lan./ The ta$le provides
several e*amples for using the Operator2 rom )alue and To )alue/
#*amples of )alue rom and )alue To
O&erator *a$ue "rom *a$ue !o #eaning
#(ual 9H: or -etween D 5!LL value is e(ual to or less than D
-etween 5!LL =>> value is less than or e(ual to =>>
-etween D =>> value is e(ual to or greater than D and less than or e(ual to =>>
=F/ &ave your wor./
!o enter discount and surcharge information:
=/ In the ,iscount+Charges ta$2 select or clear Include on 'eturns/
If selected2 the pricing engine includes freight charge on returns/
A/ &elect an Application "ethod/
</ #nter )alue of the application method/
C/ &ave your wor./
!o enter freight charge information:
=/ #nter the following information in the "odifiers &ummary ta$:
o Level: &elect Line or Order
o "odifier Type: &elect reight+&pecial Charge
o &elect =
A/ In the ,iscounts+Charges ta$2 enter the Charge 5ame/
</ &elect or clear Include on 'eturns/ If selected2 the pricing engine includes freight charge on returns/ The default is
Note: 1hen a line level freight charge with Include On 'eturns not chec.ed is applied on an order line and when this
order is copied to another order of 'eturn type2 then the line level freight charge of the original order is applied as a
positive charge on that returned order line i/e/ the customer who had returned the goods has to $ear the freight charge/
If the freight charge should not $e applied2 then a (ualifier can $e created for the freight for the line category code to
$e O',#' so that this freight charge is not applied on the returned line/
C/ #nter an Application "ethod to instruct the pricing engine how to apply this modifier/
D/ #nter )alue/
E/ &ave your wor./
!o enter &rice 'rea/ information:
=/ #nter the following information in the "odifiers &ummary ta$:
o Line Level
o "odifier Type: Price -rea. 8eader
A/ #nter "odifier Type Price -rea. to determine the method of calculating the price $rea./
or Continuous Price -rea.2 the pricing engine calculates according to the range in which the (uantity falls/ If the
(uantity is =D> and the continuous price $rea. ranges are : =3=>>2 =>>3A>>2 A>> and a$ove2 then the discount given at
the =>>3A>> range would $e applica$le for the (uantity of =D>/
</ Complete the remaining entries: Product Attri$ute2 Product Attri$ute )alue2 -uy !O"2 )olume Type/
In the Price 0rea/s ta':
Define #odifier: Price 0rea/s ta'
C/ #nter Adjustment Type:
o ,iscount
o &urcharge
Note: 'e$ate Transaction Type and Accrual 'edemption 'ate are reserved for future use/
D/ Clic. ,efine ,etails to display the ,efine "odifier ,etails window/
E/ #nter )alue rom+To/
Price 0rea/s ta'
?/ &elect an Application "ethod:
o Amount
o Percentage
o 5ew Price
F/ #nter a )alue for the selected Application "ethod/
G/ &ave your wor./
Creating a "odifier List
Attaching Pricing Attri$utes
Creating Line Leve$ )ua$ifiers
"odifier line level (ualifiers help the pricing engine to determine who is eligi$le for the modifier lines/ If an order is not
eligi$le for a modifier line2 it is not eligi$le for the line level modifiers even if the lines have (ualifiers for which the order is
Once a (ualifier is end dated2 the group having that end dated (ualifier $ecomes invalid/ The modifier having that end dated
(ualifier will apply only if there is another group of (ualifiers that satisfy the conditions and are within the valid date ranges/
!o create $ine $eve$ (ua$ifiers:
=/ 5avigate to the Qualifier 3 Line Level Qualifiers window/
)ua$ifier % Line Leve$ )ua$ifiers window
A/ In this window2 you can add2 update2 and delete (ualifiers/
</ #nter the %rouping 5um$er/ Qualifiers with the same grouping num$er generate an A5, condition and (ualifiers
with different grouping num$ers generate an O' condition/ or more information on grouping num$ers2 please refer
to the Oracle Advanced Pricing User's Guide.
C/ &elect the Qualifier Conte*t/
D/ &elect the Qualifier Attri$ute/
Note: After you save a (ualifier with Qualifier Conte*t of "odifier List and you cannot modify or delete it/ &ince the
pricing engine creates coupons 9and a (ualifier for each coupon: these coupon (ualifiers are not su$ject to manual
changes and deletions/
E/ )iew and2 if necessary2 adjust the Precedence 5um$ers that default from the (ualifier definition/
The pricing engine uses the Precedence to resolve incompati$ility/ If multiple modifiers are eligi$le within the same
phase and incompati$ility level2 the modifier with the lowest precedence is applied/
?/ #nter the Operator2 )alue rom2 and )alue To/
The )alue rom "eaning field provides additional details a$out the selected (ualifier/ or e*ample2 if the (ualifier
conte*t is C!&TO"#' and the attri$ute is &hip To2 )alue rom displays the customer name and )alue rom
"eaning displays the site use location for the customer/ If the conte*t+attri$ute com$ination has no additional details2
)alue rom and )alue rom "eaning are identical/
F/ Choose OM and save your wor./
Note: The start and end dates of the line (ualifiers must $e within the start and end date of the modifier list/
Creating "odifier Lines
Attaching Pricing Attri$utes
Creating a "odifier List
Co&ying a #odifier Line
To save time when creating modifier lines2 you can copy an e*isting modifier line/ All the associated (ualifiers2 pricing
attri$utes2 e*clude products and related modifier lines are also duplicated from the original line including the following:
All the contents of the modifier summary and all other ta$s/
All the #*clude Products attached to this modifier line/
All the Pricing Attri$utes attached to this modifier line/
All the Line Qualifiers attached to this modifier line/
All the Line ,etails attached to this modifier line/
1hen you copy a $rea. line that has $een created in a pre3'=A release2 it will $e copied as a continuous price $rea./
All fields copied from the original can $e updated e*cept for "odifier Type and "odifier Level/ The %et Product Attri$ute
and %et Product )alue fields can $e updated even after the ,efine ,etails $utton/ -ut once the line is saved2 these
fields cannot $e updated/
Note: or -asic Pricing Only/ The profile option QP: Allow ,uplicate "odifiers2 which is typically set $y the &ystem
Administrator2 determines if duplicate modifiers are permitted/
If set to 0es 9the default:2 an e*isting modifier can $e duplicated/
If set to 5o2 the new line must $e changed $efore it can $e saved/ A modifier line is considered a duplicate if certain
attri$utes of the original and duplicated line match within the same modifier list/
Note: &ee the Oracle Order anagement !mplementation anual2 Pricing Profile Options section for more information on
this profile option/
!o co&y a modifier $ine:
=/ ,isplay the modifier line to $e copied in the ,efine "odifier window/
A/ &elect the modifier line to $e copied/
</ Clic. the 5ew icon in the tool$ar to create a new $lan. line $eneath the original line/
C/ Choose #dit 6 ,uplicate 6 'ecord A$ove to duplicate the original line/ Alternately2 select the &8IT @ E .eys/
D/ Once the line is duplicated2 you can modify or save it/
Creating a "odifier List
Overview of Archiving and Purging Pricing Entities
Archiving pricing data ena$les you to copy pricing data from the pricing application ta$les to archive ta$les for long3term
data storage/
0ou can archive:
Pricing entities such as modifiers and price lists/
Lines from pricing entities which permanently removes them from the price list or modifier list/
1hen the archived data is no longer re(uired or does not need to $e retained for legal retention purposes2 then you can use the
purge feature to purge the data from the archive ta$les/
0ou can archive and purge price list lines and modifier list lines including the following modifier list line types:
Agreement Price List
o &tandard Price List
o ,eal
o ,iscount List
o reight and &pecial Charge List
o Promotion
o &urcharge List
-y archiving and purging records2 the num$er of pricing records that need to $e (ueried or processed $y the pricing engine is
reduced2 potentially resulting in improved performance/ Please refer to the Oracle Advanced Pricing User's Guide for more
Attaching Pricing Attri'utes
!se this procedure to attach attri$utes to the items and item categories that you define in modifier lines/ 1hen the pricing
engine determines eligi$ility for a modifier2 it validates the pricing attri$utes along with the item num$er or item category/
!o attach &ricing attri'utes:
=/ 5avigate to the ,efine "odifier window/
A/ &elect the "odifiers &ummary ta$ and select a modifier/
</ Clic. Pricing Attri$utes to display the "ore Pricing Attri$utes window/
C/ #nter a Pricing Conte*t/
D/ #nter a Pricing Attri$ute/
E/ #nter )alue rom and )alue To/
?/ Clic. OM/
F/ &ave your wor./
Creating a "odifier List
Creating "odifier Lines
Attaching Pricing Attri$utes
Creating a 1SA Price List
A %&A Price List ena$les you to define a %&A Price List for your %&A customers/ The %&A Price List actually uses the
modifiers window and uses the new price/ 0ou create a discount that adjusts the $ase price of the item to the %&A price/
0ou can set up multiple %&A price lists that are effective during the same time period/
!o create a 1SA &rice $ist:
=/ 5avigate to the ,efine "odifier 3 ,efine %&A Price window/
Define #odifier % Define 1SA Price window
Note: The ,efine "odifiers window is used to set up %&A prices/
A/ In the "ain ta$2 enter ,iscount List in "odifier List Type/ This field cannot $e changed/
</ #nter the modifier list 5um$er/ This num$er will $e used for the %&A ,iscount that is created when the %&A 5ew
Price is applied/ This num$er displays in the "odifier 5um$er field in the )iew Adjustments window/ !se a
consistent2 meaningful naming convention/ 0ou can use a com$ination of alphanumeric characters for the num$er:
C/ #nter modifier list 5ame/
D/ #nter a )ersion/ 0ou can have more than one version of a %&A price list2 $ut only one version can $e active at a time/
This activity is controlled $y the effective dates on the list header/
E/ #nter Currency/ Pricing applies modifiers to sales orders of the same currency/ The default is !& dollars 9!&,:/
Other currencies are allowed $ecause this feature can $e used for price floors and not just %&A Pricing which is a
!&A %overnment regulation/ Pricing applies modifiers to sales orders of the same currency/
?/ #nter the start date and end date during which the %&A price list is effective/ If the date fields are $lan.2 then this
%&A Price list is effective/
F/ #nter a ,escription of the %&A price list/
In the "odifiers &ummary ta$2 enter a modifier num$er as an identifier for the %&A price list/
The Level defaults to Line and the "odifier Type defaults to discount/
G/ #nter the &tart and #nd ,ates of this %&A price list line/
Note: The &tart and #nd ,ates on the discount line must $e $etween the start date and end date of the %&A price list/
Pricing uses the discount line dates to determine if this line is effective/
=>/ The Automatic $o* is selected 9default: and cannot $e changed $y the user/ If the customer is eligi$le to receive the
%&A price2 then the %&A price is automatically applied/
==/ &elect Override to ena$le a user to override the %&A price for the selected price list line/ Clear Override to prevent a
user from overriding the %&A price for the selected price list line/
Proration Type default is 5one2 and cannot $e changed $y the user/
=A/ Pricing Phase default is List Line adjustment2 and cannot $e changed $y the user/
=</ Incompati$ility %roup default is Level = Incompati$ility2 and cannot $e changed $y user/
=C/ default is =2 and cannot $e changed $y user/
=D/ Product Attri$ute default is Item 5um$er and cannot $e changed $y user/
=E/ &elect the Product Attri$ute )alue for the Item 5um$er product attri$ute/
=?/ #nter Precedence/ Precedence can $e used to determine which new price value to apply if an item is found on more
than one %&A Price List2 and a %&A customer is eligi$le to receive $oth/ The item value with the highest precedence
9the lowest precedence num$er: will $e applied/
The Phase defaults to List Line Adjustment/ Incompati$ility defaults to #*clusive/ defaults to =/
=F/ #nter the item unit of measure 9!O":/
The Application "ethod defaults to 5ew price in the ,iscounts+Charges ta$ and cannot $e changed/
=G/ #nter the item price in )alue/ ,o not enter the %&A discount value $ecause this will $e calculated automatically when
the %&A 5ew Price is applied/
A>/ &ave your wor./
In the Other ta':
A=/ &elect the Other ta$/
Define #odifier % Define 1SA &rice
In the Other ta$2 you can view the following information including details a$out any related &ales Agreement:
o List &ource ,ocument 5um$er: This is the num$er of the &ales Agreement associated with the modifier/
o List &ource Code: ,isplays the code associated with the modifier source/
o Pricing Transaction #ntity 9PT#:: ,isplays the pricing transaction entity associated with the modifier/ The
Pricing Transaction #ntity value defaults from the PT# that created the modifier/ This field cannot $e updated/
o &ource &ystem Code: ,isplays the source system code of the modifier such as QP for pricing/
Note: The Pricing Transaction #ntity and &ource &ystem fields display even if there are no related &ales
o &harea$le $o*: Indicates if the modifier is shared or not/ If non3sharea$le 9the default:2 then this modifier is
specific to that sales agreement and cannot $e used with other &ales Agreements/
If shared2 the modifier is not e*clusive to the &ales Agreement and can $e selected for use with other
Creating 1SA List )ua$ifiers
The %&A flag on the customer record defines a customer7s %&A status/ This flag must $e set for Customers to $e eligi$le to
receive a %&A Price/ !sing List Qualifiers in Oracle Order "anagement2 you can define %&A Price lists that are specific to a
%&A Customer/ If there are no List Qualifiers defined for a %&A Price List2 then all %&A customers are eligi$le to receive the
prices on the %&A Price list/ If you are using the %&A Pricing functionality to monitor price floors2 then you would not define
any customers as %&A2 and you would not define any customers in the List Qualifiers/
!o create 1SA $ist (ua$ifiers:
=/ 0ou can attach multiple %&A customers as (ualifiers to a %&A Price List/ Complete the following steps to enter
(ualifiers for the %&A price list/
Note: 0ou can only attach customers at the list level/ 0ou cannot assign line level (ualifiers/
A/ rom the ,efine "odifier 3 ,efine %&A Price window2 clic. List Qualifiers/
)ua$ifier % .eader Leve$ )ua$ifiers
</ 'efer to the following steps to enter (ualifiers for the %&A price/
C/ #nter %rouping 5um$er/
Note: 0ou can use $oth And or Or grouping num$ers for (ualifiers/ &ince Qualifier Conte*t is Customer2 ma.e O'
conditions $y creating each (ualifier with a different grouping num$er/
D/ Qualifier Conte*t defaults to Customer/
E/ Qualifier attri$utes default to Customer name/
?/ #nter Operator: #(ual2 -etween2 or 5ot #(ual/ The operator -etween cannot $e used to validate alpha character
ranges/ It is only used for numeric values and will most li.ely not $e used to define any of these (ualifiers/
F/ #nter customer name in )alue rom/ The values that you can select depend on the (ualifier attri$ute:
o Customer 5ame: List of %&A customers
o &ite !se: List of availa$le sites/ This list is independent of any customers defined as (ualifiers on this window/
o Price List: List of all price lists/ If Price List is a (ualifier2 the Price List must $e used on order for this %&A
Price to apply/
G/ #nter start and end dates for the customer/
Note: The start and end dates of the list (ualifiers must $e within the start and end date of the modifier list/
=>/ 1hen you have completed your entries2 clic. OM to save your wor./
Overview of Price Lists
Overview of the Pricing Engine e(uest *iewer
The Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer window captures the pricing call from any calling application such as Order
"anagement2 and displays the inputs and outputs of the pricing call/
The information displayed $y the Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer ena$les you to diagnose which lines were selected or
rejected $y the pricing engine to determine why certain prices and adjustments were or were not applied/
The Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer displays the most recent pricing re(uest each time the pricing engine captures a new
transaction/ 8owever2 historical data a$out previous pricing re(uests is saved in the pricing ta$les/
The Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer window is availa$le in Oracle Order "anagement using the following navigation path:
&ales Orders 6 Tools 6 Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer/
"eatures avai$a'$e in the Pricing Engine e(uest *iewer window
!sing the Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer window2 you can do the following:
)iew Pricing #ngine 'e(uests
)iew Pricing #ngine 'e(uest Lines
o List Price
o &elling Price
o &ervice and &ervicea$le Items
)iew Pricing #ngine 'e(uest Line ,etails
o Price List lines and "odifier lines evaluated and deleted $y the pricing engine
Process for the Pricing Engine e(uest *iewer
The following process outlines the series of activities when a pricing call is made:
=/ The calling application a call to $uild (ualifiers and $uilds the conte*ts through sourcing/
A/ The calling application then calls the pricing engine with the attri$utes generated $y attri$ute mapping/
</ The pricing engine processes the re(uest then searches for and evaluates eligi$le price list and modifier lines/
C/ If the profile option QP ,e$ug is set to 'e(uest )iewer On2 then the pricing engine inserts records into the permanent
pricing de$ug ta$les and generates a uni(ue re(uest I,2 storing the information from the calling application/
D/ The pricing re(uest information can then $e viewed $y (uerying the re(uest in the Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer
from the O" &ales Order Pad or through the Pricing "anager responsi$ility menu/
Setting u& the user &rofi$e o&tions
)P: De'ug:
&et the value of this profile option to 'e(uest )iewer On to capture pricing re(uest details into the pricing de$ug ta$les2 and
de$ug log information into the de$ug log ta$le/ The de$ug log te*t file is also created/ The default value is 'e(uest )iewer
*a$ues for this &rofi$e o&tion are:
'e(uest )iewer Off2 %enerate List Line ,etails for ,e$ug
'e(uest )iewer Off
'e(uest )iewer Off2 &how ,iagnostic details in Trace
'e(uest )iewer On2 $ut ,e$ug Log is not visi$le in )iewer
'e(uest )iewer On
This profile option is active only for the transactions of the user who set the profile option/ Other users7 transactions are not
)P: Set e(uest Name:
The profile option QP: &et 'e(uest 5ame is used in conjunction with the QP: ,e$ug profile option/ &et QP: &et 'e(uest
5ame to 0es if you want the value in the 'e(uest 5ame field prefi*ed to the OrderI,/ or more information on setting up
profile options2 see: Oracle Advanced Pricing !mplementation anual2 Profile Options/
*iewing Information in the Pricing Engine e(uest *iewer
The Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer window displays detailed information a$out the price list lines and modifier lines that the
pricing engine applied or rejected/
Pricing Engine e(uest window
,etails a$out the transactions are displayed in one or more of the following regions of the Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer
Pricing Engine e(uests egion
This region displays information a$out the pricing re(uests and associated controls sent $y the calling application to help
locate the pro$lem/
or 'e(uest Type O5T only2 the order num$er associated with the re(uest is displayed/ ,epending on the version of Oracle
Pricing installed2 the order and line num$ers for orders created in prior releases may not display in the Pricing #ngine
'e(uest )iewer window/ 8owever2 order and line num$ers created in su$se(uent releases can $e viewed/
Pricing Engine e(uest Lines region
This region displays information a$out the lines $eing priced including unit price and adjusted unit price/ 0ou can see
information related to service and servicea$le lines in this region/
Note: or lines of type LI5#2 the Line 5o/ field displays the appropriate line num$er from the Order #ntry page/ or lines of
type O',#'2 the order num$er associated with that re(uest displays/ or re(uests of type P'IC#2 the line num$er for the
re(uest lines of type LI5# does not display/
The 'e(uest Id @ Line Inde* column maintains the master3detail relationship $etween the lines and line details/ This $loc. is
used to change operand value2 select+de3select modifiers2 change manual modifiers and change $uc.ets/
Pricing Engine e(uest Line Detai$s egion
This region displays information regarding processed price list lines and modifiers lines selected and+discarded
9eliminated+rejected: $y the engine/ The Priced $o* indicates which lines were finally selected for pricing $y the pricing
engine/ The Applied $o* indicates which lines were considered in calculating the selling price/
This region also displays the information for freight and special charges2 and relationships $etween price $rea.s/
Attri'utes 2indow
&elect the Attri$utes $utton to display all attri$utes for a selected line or line detail/ The region displays information a$out the
pricing attri$utes that the attri$ute mapping function passed to the pricing engine/ The pricing engine uses these attri$utes to
(ualify a line or an order for price and adjustments/
If you clic. the Attri$utes $utton from the 'e(uest Lines region2 the attri$utes displayed will $e attri$utes passed to the
pricing engine/
If you clic. the Attri$utes $utton from the 'e(uest Line ,etails region2 the attri$utes displayed will $e the attri$utes related to
the selected price list lines+modifier line/
Pricing De'ug e$ated Lines 2indow
5ot ena$led in -asic Pricing/
"ormu$a Ste& *a$ues 2indow
Clic. &tep )alues from the Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer window to display the ormula &tep )alues window/ The cursor
needs to $e in the Pricing #ngine 'e(uest Line ,etails region/
Pricing De'ug 2indow
0ou can view the de$ug log $y )iew ,e$ug Log in the Pricing #ngine 'e(uest )iewer window/ Query a record
within the de$ug log to display the lines directly/ The results display the ten previous lines and the remaining lines of the
de$ug file/
Overview of Agreements
Oracle Order "anagement ena$les you to esta$lish agreements with your customers that let you define the prices2 payment
terms and freight terms that you negotiated in the agreement/
1hen pricing2 the pricing engine ignores (ualifiers attached to a price list associated with an agreement if the agreement is
chosen at the time of order entry/ The pricing engine2 will however2 still chec. for product and pricing attri$utes in the price
list associated with the agreement/
Note: If you are using &ales Agreements in Oracle Order "anagement2 see BPricing ta$: &etting up &ales AgreementB/ This
setup is different than the agreement setup descri$ed in this section/
1ith agreements2 you can:
,efine your agreements using customer part num$ers and inventory item num$ers/
'evise the original terms and maintain these changes and their reasons under separate revision num$ers/
Attach an e*isting price list to the agreement or define new prices/
Assign optional price $rea.s $y (uantity/ &uch price lists can only $e used $y Pricing Agreements/
&et effective dates for agreement terms/
&et payment terms including invoice rule and accounting rule/
&et freight terms including the freight carrier/
Apply agreement terms to sales orders $y referencing agreements/
Note: Pricing &ecurity privileges affect pricing agreements $y inheriting the security rules associated with any price
lists/ 0ou can select a price list to associate with an agreement at setup if your privileges authori4e view access to the
price list/
Note: 0ou must have "aintain access to change the price list or its relationship to an agreement/ If you have access
issues2 consult your Pricing Administrator/
Creating a Pricing Agreement
Creating a Pricing Agreement
0ou can use the pricing agreement window in Oracle Pricing to create pricing agreements/
Note: &ee Pricing ta$: &etting up &ales Agreement if you are using a &ales Agreement in Oracle Order "anagement to set up
your pricing agreements/
!o create a &ricing agreement:
=/ 5avigate to the Pricing Agreements window/
Pricing Agreements window
A/ Additionally2 you can choose to define a new Agreement in3line or invo.e the Agreement window while within the
&ales Order window2 "ain Ta$/ &ee: ,efining &ales Order "ain and Other 8eader Information/
</ In the Agreement ta$2 enter an Agreement 5ame/
!se a naming convention that is consistent and meaningful/ Consider using separate naming conventions for &tandard
Agreements versus Pricing Agreements/ This helps users identify the type of agreement when searching $y
Agreement 5ame/
The value entered for Agreement 5ame displays in the &ales Order Pad LO) at time of order entry/
C/ #nter an Agreement 5um$er/ A consistent2 meaningful naming convention should $e considered and $usiness
practices esta$lished/ This field is optional/
D/ #nter a 'evision num$er/ The 'evision num$er defaults to = at setup time/ Additional versions of the same agreement
can $e maintained $y updating the revision num$er for each new revision/
E/ &elect a 'evision ,ate/ The default is the current date/
?/ If you want this Agreement to $e used only for a particular customer and their related customers2 enter the customer
name in Customer/ The customer num$er displays in Cust 5um$er/
Alternatively2 you can enter the Customer num$er in Cust 5um$er field and the customer7s name will default to
Customer field/
If you want this agreement to $e availa$le for any customer2 leave the Customer and Cust 5um$er fields $lan./
F/ &elect an Agreement Type to classify agreements $y type for reporting or control purposes/
G/ #nter a customer Contact for this customer/ This field can $e entered only if you have specified a customer/
=>/ #nter starting and ending #ffective ,ates/
==/ #nter a name for the &ales Person/ This data can $e used as a defaulting source when orders are placed using this
=A/ #nter a Purchase Order value for this Agreement/ This field does not depend on the customer/
=</ #nter the purchase order &ignature ,ate date when the agreement was signed or the date on the purchase order/
The Agreement &ource field 9view3only: displays the source of an agreement/
=C/ &elect the Pricing ta$/The Pricing ta$ differs for a &tandard Agreement and a Pricing Agreement/ #ach type and field
$ehavior is descri$ed in the following section:
Pricing Agreements window: Pricing !a'
=D/ &elect an Agreement price list type from the Price List Type field/ Once a Pricing Agreement has $een saved2 you
cannot update or change the value for Price List Type/ &elect from:
o Pricing Agreements using &tandard Price List
o Pricing Agreements using Agreement Price Lis
Note: If a sales order has an agreement2 the price list used for the order is the price list associated with the
agreement/ 0ou can however2 override the price list associated with the agreement with a price list that is not
of Price List Type AG" #Agreement$/
Pricing Agreements using Standard Price List
Agreements using &tandard Price List cannot have any agreement lines
Price list and price list lines can only $e viewed and maintained through the Price List &etup window
A &tandard Price List can $e used with any num$er of &tandard Agreements or to price orders which are not
associated with a specific agreement
0ou cannot create revisions for price list lines
The Agreement 5um$er is not automatically created as a (ualifier for the associated price list
Pricing Agreements using Agreement Price List
Pricing Agreements must have at least one agreement line
Pricing Agreements can only $e viewed and maintained through the Pricing Agreement &etup window
Pricing Agreements must $e associated with an Agreement price list
An Agreement Price List can $e used with any num$er of pricing agreements $ut cannot $e used to price an order
which is not associated with a pricing agreement
'evisions can $e created on pricing agreement lines through the Pricing Agreement &etup window
Price list will always have the Agreement 5um$er as a (ualifier 9and hence can only $e used when the pricing
agreement is specified on the Order Line:
Note: If you select &tandard Price List2 the price list must $e an e*isting price list2 and additional fields within this
window will default from the standard price list selected/ 0ou can update the defaulted fields in the Agreements
window2 and the values will $e used as defaulting sources for any orders using these agreements/
Note: If you select Agreement Price List2 you can create or ma.e changes to price list lines2 and you can enter values
o ,escription
o Currency
o 'ounding actor
o reight Carrier
o reight Terms
o Comments
=/ &elect a pricing list to associate with the agreement in price list/
Note: 0ou cannot associate a (ualifier with an agreement $ecause the price list of an agreement is the (ualifier for the
A/ &elect a Currency/
</ #nter a 'ound To value/
C/ #nter a price list ,escription/
D/ #nter a default reight carrier/
E/ #nter default reight Terms/
?/ #nter Comments/
In the Payment ta':
Pricing Agreements: Payment ta'
F/ &elect the Payment Terms/
G/ #nter the -ill To name in Invoice To/
=>/ #nter the -ill To Address/
==/ #nter the -ill To contact in Invoice Contact/
=A/ In the 'ules region2 enter a default Accounting 'ule/
=</ #nter an Invoicing rule/
Note: Accounting and invoicing rules are set up in Oracle 'eceiva$les/
Note: In the Override lag region2 the override $o*es for the Accounting and Invoicing 'ules are for information
only/ Create the accounting and invoicing rules in Oracle %eneral Ledger/
Complete the following steps for each item that you want to add to the price list:
=C/ In the lower region of the window2 enter a Customer Item num$er/ Customer item is a pricing attri$ute/
1hen you enter a customer item2 pricing creates one pricing attri$ute and one product attri$ute for the agreement line
for the customer item and its corresponding internal inventory item/
=D/ #nter a customer Address and Address Category/
=E/ #nter an inventory item num$er in Product )alue/
Note: 0ou cannot enter an item category in Product )alue/ If you entered a customer item which is associated with
more that one inventory item2 you must select the correct inventory item for the agreement line/
=?/ #nter a !O" 9unit of measure:/
=F/ &elect !nit Price for the Application "ethod/
=G/ #nter $ase price in )alue/
A>/ #nter the effective &tart+#nd ,ates/
A=/ &elect Price List Line in Line Type/
AA/ &elect Primary !O" if this price list line unit of measure is the primary pricing unit of measure for the item/
Order "anagement uses the primary pricing unit of measure and the Oracle Inventory unit of measure conversion
information to price an order whose unit of measure does not have a price list line/
or e*ample2 a price list has two price list lines for item A=====2 one with unit of measure #ANthe primary !O"N
and one for $o*es/ 1hen the pricing engine receives an order in unit of measure C&2 it accesses the unit of measure
conversion ta$les to convert C& to #A/
A</ &elect a Line Type:
o Price List Line
o Price -rea. 8eader: This option ena$les you to set up a price $rea.s2 and is only availa$le if Agreement Price
List has $een selected as the Price List Type/ &ee ,efining Price -rea.s for an Agreement Price List for
information on setting up price $rea.s/
AC/ &elect !nit Price as the Application "ethod//
AD/ #nter the $ase price in )alue/
AE/ #nter the effective &tart and #nd ,ates/
A?/ #nter any Comments2 and a 'evision num$er/
Note: This revision num$er is not dependent on the agreement revision num$er/
AF/ #nter a revision reason in 'evision 'eason/ 0ou must create a list of reasons $efore you use this field/
AG/ #nter the revision date in 'evision ,ate/
<>/ &ave your wor./
Overview of Agreements
!o define &ricing attri'utes:
=/ Clic. Pricing Attri$utes/
A/ The values for Product Conte*t2 Product Attri$ute and Product )alue are defaulted and not user3entered/
</ #nter a pricing conte*t in Pricing Conte*t/
C/ #nter a pricing attri$ute in Pricing Attri$ute/
D/ #nter values in )alue To/
Note: 0ou cannot enter )alue To and Operator in the Pricing Attri$utes window/
E/ &ave your wor./
Note: The pricing attri$utes are joined as A5, conditions since they apply to one price list line/
Defining Price 0rea/s for an Agreement Price List
0ou can create price $rea.s or B$ pricingB for Agreement price lists to define prices that vary depending on the (uantity
ordered/ or e*ample2 if a customer $uys => items the price is JA> per item2 $ut if the customer $uys more2 then they get a
lower per unit price/
Note: If you define a price $rea. for an item category2 all the items within the category are eligi$le for the price $rea./
The following ta$le displays an e*ample of a continuous price $rea. setup:
Price -rea.s window &etup
Price 0rea/ Pricing Conte-t Pricing Attri'ute *a$ue "rom%!o +nit Price A&&$ication #ethod ecurring *a$ue
= )olume Item Quantity >3== JD> !nit Price 3
A )olume Item Quantity ==3GGGGG JCD !nit Price 3
In -asic Pricing2 you can use Point -rea. as the Price -rea. Type/ This calculates the price $ased on the price $rea. $
in which the total (uantity falls/
or e*ample2 if you ordered =E units of Item A=====2 the total (uantity falls into the Price -rea. A $ where the unit
price is JCD/ &o the price for all units is the price defined for Price -rea. A/ The total price is calculated as follows:
Total price H =E I JCD each H J?A>
!o define &rice 'rea/s:
=/ Complete the Agreement header information as outlined in the preceding section/
Note: 0ou can create price $rea.s only for Agreement price lists using the Pricing Agreements window/ 0ou cannot
create price $rea.s in the Price List window/
A/ In the Pricing ta$ of the agreement2 ensure the Price List Type is Agreement Price List/ 0ou can only set up price
$rea.s for an Agreement Price List/
</ or the agreement line2 complete the values 9where re(uired: for Customer Item2 Address2 Address Category2 Product
)alue2 Product ,escription2 and !O"2 Primary !O"2 the Line Type/
C/ &elect Price -rea. 8eader as the Line Type/
The Price -rea. Type is Point which means the pricing engine charges each unit of volume at the price of the $rea.
within which the total falls/
D/ &elect !nit Price as the Application "ethod/
E/ #nter the -rea. !O"/
?/ #nter the effective &tart and #nd ,ates/
F/ Optionally2 enter any Comments/
G/ #nter a 'evision 9num$er:2 'evision 'eason and 'evision ,ate/ 0ou must create a list of revision reasons $efore you
can select a 'evision 'eason/
Note: The 'evision num$er is not dependent on the agreement revision num$er/
=>/ &ave your wor./
==/ Clic. Price -rea.s in the Pricing Agreements window to display the Price -rea.s window/
Price 0rea/s window
=A/ Complete the following steps for each price $rea. to $e defined:
The Pricing Conte*t defaults to )olume/
=</ The Pricing Attri$ute defaults to Item Quantity/ Optionally2 select a different Pricing Attri$ute/
=C/ #nter a )alue rom+To for the $rea. range/ To create no upper limit2 leave the )alue To field $lan./
Note: 0ou cannot create overlapping ranges in the )alue rom+To fields for a price $rea./ or e*ample2 if one $rea.
range is from > to ==2 you cannot have another $rea. range that is D to A>/ The high value of one $rea. is now the low
value of the ne*t $rea./ or e*ample2 ==3A> is one $rea. and A>3<= is the ne*t $rea./
=D/ #nter a Price for the selected range:
o or inventory items and item categories: #nter the $ase list price of the item/
o or service items: If the Application "ethod is !nit Price2 enter the $ase list price of the item/ If Application
"ethod is Percent Price2 enter a percent of another item7s price/
=E/ &elect an Application "ethod:
o !nit Price: or inventory items and item categories/
o Percent Price: or service items/ 0ou will only see Percent Price as an Application "ethod if the price list line
is a service item/
=?/ &ave your wor./
evising an E-isting Agreement
To ma.e minor changes to an e*isting agreement such as changing the payment terms2 you can simply update the e*isting
agreement and save your changes/
8owever2 if significant changes are re(uired and you want to trac. versions of your changes2 you can create a new revision/
1hen a revision is created2 a new version of the original agreement is created/ This is useful for and managing
multiple versions of the same agreement/
0ou must determine when changes warrant a new agreement version2 and then you can manually create a new revision with a
new revision num$er/ It is helpful to use a logical num$ering se(uence such as =2 A2 and < to num$er your revisions/
Once the new agreement revision is created2 you can update the agreement header information/
Note: 0ou must end the current revision $efore creating a new revision/ An agreement can have multiple revisions $ut the
effective dates cannot overlap/ Only one revision can $e effective for a given range of effective dates/
!o revise an e-isting agreement:
=/ 5avigate to the Pricing Agreements window2 and ind the Agreement to $e revised/
Note: The original agreement must have an effective #nd ,ate value and have $een successfully saved $efore a new
revision can $e created/ The end date can $e past2 current2 or future/
Note: 8owever the effective date ranges for all revisions entered for a single Agreement cannot overlap; only one
revision can $e in effect for a given range of effective dates/
A/ Clic. Create 'evision to display the Create 'evision window/
Create evision window
</ The Agreement 5ame defaults from the original agreement/ 0ou can change the revision num$er $ut not the
Agreement 5ame/ The 'evision ,ate defaults to the current date/
C/ #nter the 'evision 5um$er to identify the new version of the agreement/ This is helpful in and managing
different revisions of the agreement/
D/ #nter the starting and ending #ffective ,ates for the agreement/ ,ate ranges cannot overlap2 and only one revision
can $e in effect for a given range of effective dates/
E/ &elect a 'evision 'eason to descri$e why the agreement is $eing revised/
?/ Clic. Create to display the new agreement in the Pricing Agreements window/ The new revision num$er displays in
the 'evision field/
Note: 'evisions to the agreement header do not reflect revisions on agreement lines/
Overview of Agreements
Pricing !a': Setting u& Sa$es Agreement
Pricing information for a &ales Agreement 9&A: is set up in the Pricing ta$ of the &ales Agreement window/ 0ou can define
pricing terms such as a default price list that ena$le all releases against the sales agreement to receive the special sales
agreement pricing/ 0ou can select from various pricing options:
&elect an e*isting price list as the BdefaultB price list to price items or item categories on the sales agreement
agreement/ A price list defines the list prices for an item or item category/
Note: Optionally2 even if you have selected a default price list for the overall &ales Agreement 9and #nforce Price List
$o* is not selected:2 you can create a new price list name and enter a !nit List Price on the lines/ Also2 in the lower
Pricing ta$ you can select items from other e*isting price lists/ If the #nforce Price List $o* is selected2 then you must
ensure that only one price list (ualifies for selection/ In Order "anagement2 if the price list returned does not match
the sales agreement price list2 an error message is displayed/
Create a new price list from the &ales Agreement/ 0ou can define the price list currency2 unit list price2 !O" 9unit of
measure: and items for the new price list/ A price list created in the &ales Agreement can only $e updated through the
e*isting &ales Agreement/
Create in3line discounts that can $e applied to a selected standard price list or the sales agreement3created price list/
Note: or modifier and new price lists created in the &ales Agreement window2 the &ales Agreement 9&A: num$er
automatically $ecomes list and line (ualifiers for the price list or modifier/ This ensures that the price list or modifier
created for the &ales Agreement is used with the agreement/
Note: Once saved2 these price lists and modifiers can only $e updated when accessed through the related &ales
If you create a new price list or simple discount modifier in the &ales Agreement window2 information automatically defaults
from the &ales Agreement to the related modifier or price list:
Price List window: In the Other ta$2 the List &ource ,ocument 5um$er2 List &ource Code2 Customer2 and Customer
5um$er default from the related &ales Agreement/
"odifier window: In the Other ta$2 the List &ource ,ocument 5um$er and List &ource Code default from the related
&ales Agreement/
Sa$es Agreement Currency
0ou may negotiate your agreement in any currency that $est suits the $uying and selling parties involved/ The amount of the
sales agreement is represented in this currency/ &ales Agreement currency can $e any currency2 including currencies other
than the functional currency of the negotiating organi4ation/ 0ou must specify the conversion type on the sales agreement if
they allow release currencies to $e different from sales agreement currency/
"or Orac$e Advanced Pricing +sers On$y
0ou can create range $rea.s across sales agreement release orders/ &ales Agreements can accumulate (uantities and amounts
ordered against a sales agreement and use those values as a starting point for price $rea.s for su$se(uent prices and then price
accordingly/ Pricing does not store or maintain any accumulation values/ or &ales Agreements only2 accumulation values are
stored as part of the sales agreement in Order "anagement/ The accumulated values for sales agreements H 'eleased 3
0ou can create modifier accumulated range $rea.s 9across release orders: for a particular &ales Agreement/ Three seeded
accumulation attri$utes are provided for use only with &ales Agreements: &ales Agreement Amount2 &ales Agreement Line
Quantity2 and &ales Agreement Line Amount/
or e*ample2 a range $rea. is setup for a sales agreement Line Quantity of =>>> 9Item A: with a discount of A>K for all
(uantities ordered a$ove =>>>/ Three releases are placed for a total (uantity of =>>> of Item A/ All su$se(uent releases
9release orders with this &ales Agreement reference: will receive the A>K discount/
!o enter &ricing detai$s for the Sa$es Agreement 3Pricing ta'4:
=/ 5avigate to the Pricing ta$ 9upper ta$: of the &ales Agreement window/
Sa$es Agreement window: Pricing ta'
A/ &elect a Price List as the default for the &ales Agreement/ #ven if a default price list is selected2 you can add a new
price list in the 5ew Price List field or add &ales Agreement lines in the lower Pricing ta$/
Note: Once a &ales Agreement is active2 you cannot select a different default price list/ 8owever you can change the
price list values for the agreement lines/
</ &elect the #nforce Price List $o* to enforce the price list on the release to match the price list defined for the &ales
Agreement/ If selected2 the Create region and lower Pricing ta$ will $e grayed out and you cannot add discounts or
add additional &ales Agreement lines in the lower Pricing ta$/ If cleared2 you can create in3line discounts and add
&ales Agreement lines/
Note: If the pricing engine returns a secondary price list and #nforce Price List is selected2 the secondary price list
would not $e considered for the &ales Agreement/ Therefore2 ensure that all the items are defined on the primary price
list if #nforce Price List is selected/
In the Create region2 you can create simple in3line discounts 9$y percent or amount: or create a new price list directly
within the &ales Agreement/
C/ To create a simple discount2 enter a modifier name in the 5ew "odifier List field/ The new modifier list inherits the
operating unit of the sales agreement/
D/ #nter a numeric value for one of the following:
o ,efault ,iscount K: To create a discount $y percent/ or e*ample2 =>K off each item/
o ,efault ,iscount Amount: To create a discount $y amount/ or e*ample2 J=> off each item/
The value for the discount 9amount or percent: defaults to the &ales Agreement lines in the lower Pricing ta$/
8owever2 the defaulted value can $e overwritten prior to saving the &ales Agreement line/ or e*ample2 to
change the discount from => to =D for a specific &ales Agreement line/
E/ To access the related modifier2 choose Actions 6 Price "odifiers &etup to display the ,efine "odifier window/ &ee
Creating a "odifier List for information on setting up a discount modifier/
?/ #nter a 5ew Price List name to create a new price list for this &ales Agreement/ 0ou can create a new price list even
if you have selected a default price list/ The new price list inherits the operating unit of the sales agreement/
Note: Once saved2 the new price list and+or modifier can only $e updated when accessed through the related &ales
F/ To view the price list2 clic. Price List &etup or Actions 6 Price List to display the Price Lists window/
Note: If you clic. Price List &etup when a price list is already selected for this &ales Agreement2 then the Price List
window displays the e*isting price list and its details/
&ee Creating a Price List for information on creating a price list/
G/ Clic. the lower Pricing ta$ to view2 enter2 or update the &ales Agreement 9&A: lines/ Price list or discount information
selected in the upper Pricing ta$ defaults to the &ales Agreement lines/ 0ou can either accept the defaulted values2 or
update the &ales Agreement lines with new value/
=>/ If you entered a new &ales Agreement Price List 5ame2 and enter a !nit List Price for a &ales Agreement line2 the
new Price List 5ame displays in the Price List field/
The Pricing !O" 9unit of measure: field displays the unit of measure for the item such as each 9#A: or -o*/
The ,iscount K or ,iscount Amt fields display the default value of the discount to $e applied to the &ales Agreement
line/ 0ou can change the value for a selected agreement line/
==/ &ave your changes/
Pricing an Order
!o &rice an order $ine:
=/ #nter order header details/
Price List defaults from one of the following sources:
o An agreement
o The sold3to organi4ation
o The ship3to organi4ation
o The $ill3to organi4ation
o The order type
Note: 5ote: If the order has an agreement2 the price list is the one associated with the agreement/ 0ou can2 however2
override the price list associated with the agreement with a price list that is not of Price List type A1 3Agreement4If
the order does not have an agreement2 you may not specify a price list which is associated with an agreement/ "ulti
Currency Prices lists are a feature of Oracle Advanced Pricing2 and are availa$le if you have fully installed Oracle
Advanced Pricing only/ or details on multi currency prices lists2 see Oracle Advanced Pricing User's Guide% "ulti
Currency Price Lists/
A/ If you enter a price list2 the currency of the order $ecomes the currency of the price list/ If you enter a currency on the
order2 it limits the selection of price lists to those with the same currency/
Note: 5ote: 0ou do nothave to enter a price list at the order header or on a order line in order to price/ If a price list is
not entered at the header or line level2 the pricing engine will determine the appropriate price list to use2 $ased upon
your pricing setup/
Pricing date instructs the pricing engine to price the order using list prices and $enefits that are valid on that day/
</ In the Line Items ta$2 enter order line information/ The order header price list and agreement I, may default to each
order line $ased on the defaulting rules/
C/ After you have enter ordered Item2 Qty 9(uantity:2 and !O"2 the list price displays/ or a service item2 list price will
only $e displayed after you have entered the service information/
Note: 5ote: If any order line for an order has the Calculate Price lag value e(ual to Partial Price or ree4e Price new
order level adjustments will not $e applied or allowed to $e overridden/ The profile option O": List Price Override
Privilege controls your a$ility to override the unit list price/ If you have this profile set to !nlimited2 you may modify
the unit list price $y editing the current value displayed/ The original list price is saved in a hidden folder field2 so you
can display it if necessary/
D/ &elect the Pricing ta$ to display the Price List2 !nit &elling Price2 #*tended Price2 Pricing Quantity2 and Pricing
!O"/ The #*tended Price is automatically calculated when the &elling Price is updated2 and the Pricing date defaults
according to your defaulting setup/ The profile option O": ,iscounting Privilege controls your a$ility to adjust the
unit selling pricing/ If you have #ligi$le Overrida$le "anual Adjustments2 you may modify the unit selling price $y
editing the current value displayed2 or $y selecting #ligi$le "anual Adjustment from the unit selling price LO)/ The
#*tended Price is calculated $y multiplying the unit selling price $y the ordered (uantity/
E/ &elect the Calculate Price lag: Calculate Price: !se the pricing engine to determine price/ Calculate price and freight
charges at the time of pricing/ ree4e Price: 5ever use the pricing engine to determine price/ ,o not calculate price or
freight charges/ Partial Price: !se the pricing engine to determine price/ Calculates only freight charges at the time of
?/ #nter the pricing attri$utes for the line/ 0ou can enter one pricing conte*t directly2 or enter multiple pricing conte*ts2
$ut not $oth:
To enter only one pricing conte*t2 enter the pricing conte*t information in the order line/
To enter multiple pricing conte*ts and attri$utes:
F/ 5avigate to the Promotions+Pricing Attri$utes window2 Pricing Attri$utes ta$/
G/ &elect a Pricing Conte*t/
Promotions5Pricing Attri'utes window: Pricing Attri'utes ta'
=>/ Clic. Apply/ After the order lines are entered: clic. Actions 6 Price Order/ &ave your wor./ The pricing engine
calculates header3level adjustments or discounts/
S&ecia$ Considerations for Pricing an Order
The unit list price always remains as an unrounded value in the data$ase/ !nit Price displays within a window as a rounded
value $ased upon the precision defined of the currency for an order/ The unit list price is also displayed on the invoice2
rounded to the precision of the currency for the order/
Two profile options affect the rounding of !nit &elling Price:
QP: &elling Price 'ounding Options/
O": !nit Price Precision Type controls numeric formatting/
o If this profile option is set to #*tended2 you see at least five decimal places2 for e*ample2 =A/=A< displays as
=A/=A<>>/ 8owever2 if the rounded unit selling price has more than two decimal places2 you see up to A>
decimal places2 regardless of the profile option setting/
o If the profile option is set to &tandard2 you see at least two decimal places2 for e*ample2 =A/= displays as =A/=>/
8owever2 if the rounded unit selling price has more than five decimal places2 you see up to A> decimal places2
regardless of the profile option setting/
Pricing !O" is the unit of measure in which the pricing engine prices a line2 while pricing (uantity is an order (uantity
e*pressed in the pricing unit of measure/
The term pricing &uantity refers to the (uantity ordered that is then converted to the items primary pricing !O" as defined
within the price list selected $y the pricing engine2 for e*ample:
Item '() has a !O" conversion setting of !tem Specific/
Item O0P on price list *e+ has a !O" of #ach/ Primary !O" is ena$led for this price list line/ There are no
additional price list lines for item '()/
Place an order for = ,o4en of O0P/
&ince price list *e+ does not have a price list line record for the Item+!O" ordered2 in this case '(),Do-en2 the pricing
engine will attempt to use the item specific !O" conversion $etween each and do4en for '() to calculate a Pricing Quantity
of =A and Pricing !O" of #ach/
Invoicing will always show information $ased on ordered (uantity and ordered !O"/ If the item and its specified !O" are
not listed on the eligi$le price lists2 the pricing engine:
&ets the pricing unit of measure to the price list line7s primary unit of measure and uses the unit of measure conversion
information in Oracle Inventory to calculate a list price/
'eports an error if the unit of measure conversion rate is not availa$le or if there is no price defined2 list in ordered
unit of measure or primary unit of measure availa$le/
&earches for the secondary price list defined for the price list specified on the order line/
&earches for other eligi$le price list for that item/ If the pricing engine cannot find any other eligi$le price lists2 it
reports that it can not find a price list/
If you specify an agreement on an order line2 the pricing engine does not validate the price list for Qualifiers/
1hen !nit of "easure or Pricing ,ate is updated2 then the Calculate Price lag is automatically set to 0es/ Therefore any
applica$le modifiers will $e applied to the line/
Negative Prices
Pricing returns negative prices only if the profile option O. *egative Pricing is set to 0es/
Pricing for &ervice Items
"odifying Order Pricing in Oracle Order "anagement
Pricing &pecial Orders
'epricing an Order+Order Line/
S&$itting Order Lines
Order "anagement ena$les you to split order lines to meet your customer7s needs/ !ntil the product is shipped2 your customer
can re(uest to change the shipping (uantity or need $y date for part of their order/ 0ou can meet such re(uests $y splitting the
order line into multiple shipments2 via the &plit Lines window/ 1hen an order line is split in this manner2 it is considered a
manual or user initiated split/
Note: 1hen partial shipment is carried out2 then the price is fro4en internally and it does not get changed on the partially
shipped lines/
!o manua$$y s&$it an order $ine:
=/ 5avigate to the Order Organi4er window/
A/ Query the order2 then select the order line to $e split/
</ Clic. Actions2 then select &plit Line to display the &plit Line window/ One record displays with the 'e(uest ,ate2
&hip to and 1arehouse defaulted from the original line
S&$it Line window
Note: If you split an order line into multiple lines and want to retain the original price on $oth the original line and
new lines2 change your Calculate Price lag to either ree4e Price or Partial Price $efore initiating a user split/
C/ Create new records per your split re(uirement/
o #nter the split (uantity for the first order line in the Qty field2 then enter the remaining (uantity for the second
split line or choose to create additional split lines/
o The secondary (uantity field 9QtyA: supports the splitting of a line into multiple shipments using secondary
(uantity for items that are dual !O" controlled/
Note: The Total split (uantity entered 9shipment (uantity: for all split lines entered within the &plit Line
window must e(ual the original order line (uantity/ or e*ample2 if the original order line (uantity was C>2
you can choose to split the (uantity evenly $etween A lines 9(ty/ of A> for each line:2 C lines 9(ty/ => for each
line:2 or any com$ination of lines provided the total split (uantity e(uals the original order line (uantity/
Note: or lines generated as a result of a user or system split2 resulting line num$ers created utili4e the same
line num$er and then append the &hipment 5um$er/ or e*ample2 if your original order line was D/=2 and you
choose to split the line into < split lines2 the resulting split order lines would appear as D/=2 D/A2 and D/<2
D/ &elect &plit to confirm the split/
o ,uring and after a split2 if a line $ecomes dis(ualified for an upgrade pricing modifier2 then the item will not
$e down3graded/ ,uring and after a split2 if a line $ecomes (ualified for an upgrade pricing modifier2 then the
item will not $e upgraded/
or e*ample: &uppose you have the following Item upgrade pricing modifier: -uy more than => Item O2 you
get upgraded to Item 0 at Item O7s price/ 5ow2 suppose a customer placed an order for => Item O which got
upgraded to 0/ 5ow split the order line (uantity into C and E2 the user would get two order lines of Item 0 at
Item O7s price/
o The following error message (ou are not allo+ed to split Order /ine 0ecause. /ine is released to 1are2ouse.
may appear when splitting an order line associated with a delivery detail in the status Planned or This error occurs when a processing constraint has $een set up for the order line in the
Processing Constraints window 9Order Line 6 &plit 6 Condition H 5ot Allowed if 'eleased to 1arehouse/:
After you disa$le the constraint2 you should $e a$le to successfully split the order line/
0ou can split only at the top3level line in a configuration2 i/e/ you can split only a model line and not at the option or class
level/ 0ou can split only a .it line and not at the included item level/ 1hen a model or .it line is split2 Order "anagement
splits each item $eneath the "odel proportionately/
1hen a configuration or .it is shipped out of proportion2 the system creates remnant sets/ Lines in a remnant sets are treated
as stand3alone lines $y shipping and fulfillment/ 'emnant sets can arise only out of system initiated splits/
1hen a servicea$le item line is split2 Order "anagement will split any service item lines $eneath it/
,uring a split line re(uest for reserved lines2 Order "anagement does not follow any pre3defined rules for splitting reserved
lines/ This is done ar$itrarily and for lot controlled items2 reserved lines are split according to e*isting inventory reservations/
System Processing Constraints for S&$it Lines
&ystem defined constraints are as follows:
!ser initiated splits not ena$led on return lines/
!ser initiated splits not ena$led on a line that is purchase released2 ship3confirmed2 invoice interfaced2 fulfilled or
!ser initiated splits not ena$led on any lines in a configuration once any line in the configuration is ship3confirmed2
invoice interfaced2 fulfilled2 or closed/
!ser initiated splits not ena$led on any lines in a configuration once a configured item is created/
!ser initiated splits are not ena$led for internal order lines/
!ser initiated splits not ena$led on a $ac. to $ac. sales order line that is purchase released and the reservations are
against Purchase Order or Purchase 'e(uisition/
Additionally to meet your specific $usiness needs2 you can set up constraints to prevent user initiated splits at earlier points in
the line flow/ ,efine the constraints against splits using the &plit operation/
System Initiated S&$its
Order "anagement automatically initiates a system split for order and return lines into multiple shipments when they are
have $een partially processed/ This is true for all order lines e*cept internal order lines2 which are never split $y the system/
&uch system initiated splits occur as follows:
1hen Order Lines are partially processed at:
o &hip Confirmation 3 1hen your shipping department finds that stoc. on hand is less than the ordered (uantity2
you can ship the availa$le (uantity and Order "anagement will split the line so that the customer can $e $illed
for what was shipped/
o Purchase 'elease 'eceipt 3 1hen a ,rop3&hip Line is partially received2 Order "anagement splits the line so
that a customer can $e invoiced for what was already shipped/
1hen 'eturn Lines are partially processed at:
o 'eturn 'eceipt 3 1hen your customer returns partial (uantity on a return2 Oracle Order "anagement splits the
return line so that customers can $e issued credit for what was returned/
or $oth user and system initiated splits2 Order "anagement retains all of the original line information including attachments2
discounts2 flow status2 sales credits2 reservations2 ta*es2 and holds/
The Calculate Price lag on the order line entity controls if pricing+charge calculations should $e done on the line:
If it is set to Calculate Price2 $oth pricing and freight charges calculation are done/
If it is set to Partial Price2 only freight charges calculation is done/
If it is set to ree4e Price2 neither pricing nor freight charges calculation is done/
The following ta$le shows the value of the Calculate Price lag $efore and after a user or system initiated split/
Calculate Price lag $efore and after a !ser or &ystem3initiated &plit
Ca$cu$ate Price "$ag Origina$ Line 'efore s&$it: Origina$ $ine 'efore s&$it: Origina$ $ine 'efore s&$it:
Ca$cu$ate Price Partia$ Price "ree6e Price
Original line after user
initiated split
Calculate Price Partial Price ree4e Price
5ew line after user initiated
Calculate Price Partial Price ree4e Price
Original line after system
initiated split
Partial Price Partial Price ree4e Price
5ew line after system
initiated split
ree4e Price ree4e Price ree4e Price
Pricing for each line during the split will $e controlled $y the Qafter splitR value of the calculate price flag as shown in the
ta$le a$ove/
If the value of the Calculate Price lag is Calculate Price after the split:
Automatic i*ed Amount adjustments get re3calculated
Automatic Percent -ased adjustments get re3calculated
"anual i*ed Amount adjustments get Pro3rated
"anual Percent $ased adjustments get duplicated
If the value of the Calculate Price lag is Partial Price after the split:
Automatic i*ed Amount adjustments: charges get re3calculated2 price adjustments get Pro3rated
Automatic Percent -ased adjustments: charges get re3calculated2 price adjustments get duplicated
"anual i*ed Amount adjustments get Pro3rated
"anual Percent $ased adjustments get duplicated
If the after split7 value of the calculate price flag is ree4e Price:
Automatic i*ed Amount adjustments get Pro3rated
Automatic Percent -ased adjustments get duplicated
"anual i*ed Amount adjustments get Pro3rated
"anual Percent $ased adjustments get duplicated
Pricing for Service Items
&ervice items are only priced after you have entered service information in the &ervice ta$/ These items are priced just li.e
other items processed $y the pricing engine/ &ervice item can have a list price or $e defined as percent $ased within a price
list/ In Oracle Order "anagement the parent item is the servicea$le item2 and must $e defined/
1hen pricing a service item2 Order "anagement always passes the service item and the servicea$le item to the pricing
engine/ 1hen the price of the service item is percent $ased2 the pricing engine calculates the price of the service item as a
percentage of the list price of the servicea$le 9parent: item/ The pricing engine will attempt to find the price of the servicea$le
item first2 and then proceed to calculate the price of the service item/
The ta$le $elow displays Oracle Pricing APIs that are called $ased upon a order header or Order Line attri$utes/
Oracle Pricing APIs and Order "anagement Attri$utes
Order #anagement Attri'ute Pricing API #eaning
Ordered Quantity PSLineST$l/LineSQuantity The (uantity of service $eing ordered in !O" of parent
Ordered !O" code PSLineST$l/LineS!O"SCode The unit of measure 9time scale:
&ervice ,uration for &ervice
PSLineST$l/!O"SQuantity The time duration of service $eing ordered7
or e*ample:
Ordered Quantity of = for a service item 3omputer aintenance defined with a service duration of = year/
PSLineST$l/!O"SQuantity is the service duration e*pressed in PSLineST$l/LineS!O"SCode and
PSLineST$l/LineS!O"SCode is the same as Ordered !O" code/
Pricing Service Line using +nit Price E-am&$e
Price list setup for unit price:
Product: Computer &ervice
o Application "ethod: !nit Price
o !O" Code: "onth
o List Price: J=>/>>
Order "anagement Order Line:
Product: Computer &ervice
o Ordered Quantity: =
o Ordered !O": "onth
o &ervice Period: 0ear
o &ervice ,uration: =
o &ervicea$le Item: Laptop Computer
!nit list price returned for order line returned $y pricing engine: J=A>/>>
Pricing a Service Line +sing Percent Price E-am&$e
Price list setup for percent price:
Product: Computer &ervice
Application "ethod: Percent Price
!O" Code: "onth
Percent Price: A
o Product: Lap Top Computer
o Application "ethod: !nit Price
o !O" Code: #ach
o Percent Price: J=>>>
Order "anagement Order Line:
Product: Computer &ervice
o Ordered Quantity: =
o Ordered !O": "onth
o &ervice Period: 0ear
o &ervice ,uration: =
o &ervicea$le Item: Laptop Computer
!nit list price for Computer &ervice order line returned $y pricing engine: JAC>
AK of =>>> I =A H AC>
"odifying Order Pricing in Oracle Order "anagement
Pricing &pecial Orders
'epricing an Order+Order Line
*iewing Pricing Adjustments
0ou can view adjustments at the order or order line level:
Order level adjustments display each order line that accounts for the total adjusted amount for an order line/
Line level adjustments display for each line that was adjusted/
!o view &ricing adjustments:
=/ 5avigate to the Adjustments window/
Adjustments window
A/ To view2 apply or update adjustments and their values2 select the Adjustments ta$/
The Adjustments window displays all order level adjustments2 adjustments for this line2 and adjustments for a group
of lines in which this line is eligi$le:
o or an order level adjustment2 Level displays O',#'/
o or a line level adjustment2 Level displays LI5#/ 95ote: LI5# %'O!P is only availa$le for Advanced
</ To update the reason for the manual updates or $enefits given2 select the 'easons ta$ and enter your changes in the
appropriate fields/ 0ou can create your own reason codes in the Oracle Order "anagement change code list/
C/ To view the pricing attri$utes that caused the line to $e eligi$le for $enefits2 select a $enefit and then clic. Attri$utes/
D/ To view information a$out the price $rea. levels for a price $rea. adjustment2 clic. 'elated Items and then select the
Price -rea. Lines ta$/
Note: The Accruals ta$2 which displays accrual information2 is ena$led only in Oracle Advanced Pricing/ In Order
"anagement2 accruals are not interfaced to Invoicing+Accounts 'eceiva$les/
Note: The 'elated Items $utton and 'elated Lines ta$ are ena$led only in Oracle Advanced Pricing/
E/ &ave your wor./
#odifying Order Pricing in Orac$e Order #anagement
!se this process to modify order pricing/ -efore changing the selling price2 pricing verifies:
The profile option O": ,iscounting Privilege/
#nforce List Price on the order type/
0atch Price concurrent &rogram to &rice5re%&rice orders and $ines
The -atch Price concurrent program is used to price+re3price orders and lines/ 0ou can su$mit the concurrent program with
various parameters to price or re3price orders and lines/ or more information please refer to Appendi* , 9Concurrent
Programs: of this guide/
+sing #anua$ Adjustments in Order #anagement
Pricing adjustments can $e applied at different points in the order process such as pricing an order2 $efore leaving the order
line2 or saving the order line/
The pricing engine calculates the selling price $y evaluating how the discounts and $enefits are grouped into $uc.ets/ The
grouping helps to determine the net selling price and can $e used across all pricing phases/
Currently2 manual adjustments shown in )iew Adjustments can either $e overridden 9overridea$le: or not overridden 9non3
overridea$le:/ If a manual discount is applied from an earlier $uc.et2 then all su$se(uent values will $e recalculated/
In the )iew Adjustments window 9for the Order level:2 you can override the e*isting percent level and enter a new one/ This
applies to the whole order and the pricing engine the necessary adjustments to all lines in the order/ In contrast2 you
can also change the price of one or more lines2 $y overtyping the e*isting price with the one you want displayed/ Also the
)iew Adjustment window 9Line ta$: shows $oth Order and Line level discounts for the sa.e of convenience so that you don7t
have to go to Order 8eader ta$ if you want to apply Order Level discount/
Note: -uc.ets for manual adjustments is for Advanced Pricing !sers only/ This $ehavior in )iew Adjustments and on the
&ales Order Line is specifically for Order "anagement/
After over3typing the selling price2 a list of values displays a list of manual overridea$le modifiers in the 5ull $
Alternately2 to apply a manual adjustment2 you can overtype the selling price/
!o use manua$ modifiers:
#nsure that the following is selected:
The profile option QP: Allow -uc.ets for "anual "odifiers must $e set to 0es to ena$le users to define $uc.ets for
manual line or group of line level modifiers/ The default value is 5o/ This profile option is set at the site level/
1hen setting up the manual modifier2 apply the manual discount in =/ &ee Creating a "odifier List/ for
information on setting up modifiers/
Note: To control incompati$ility processing for manual modifiers2 set a value for the profile option QP: 'eturn
"anual ,iscounts/ To view the incompati$ility processing options for manual modifiers2 see the description of the
profile option/
Setting the &rofi$e o&tion )P: A$$ow 0uc/ets for #anua$ #odifiers
To ena$le the use of manual modifiers2 the QP: Allow -uc.ets for "anual "odifiers must $e set to 0es/ 1hen set to yes2 the field in the ,efine "odifiers window is ena$led for manual line and group of line modifiers: ,iscount2 &urcharge2
Price -rea.s2 and reight and &pecial Charges/
2arning: 0ou cannot set the profile option QP: Allow -uc.ets for "anual "odifiers to 0es2 define manual modifiers in
$uc.ets2 and then set the profile to 5o/ If you do2 incorrect results may display/ The recommended alternative is to change or
end date the manual modifier lines that are no longer re(uired/
Scenario 8: A&&$ying #anua$ Adjustments and e%ca$cu$ating Adjustments in Su'se(uent 0uc/ets
If manual adjustments are assigned to a $uc.et2 the adjustments are applied on the previous su$total price/
0ou can use $uc.ets when defining manual2 overridea$le modifiers to determine the calculated adjustment/ &o if a manual
adjustment is applied that7s in an earlier $uc.et2 then all su$se(uent adjustments will $e recalculated/
E-am&$e 8: Ca$cu$ations using a #anua$ Adjustment
This e*ample shows the calculations when two adjustments 9AA and O=: are applied to an order line/ The initial unit list price
is J=>>/ The setup is outlined in the following ta$le:
Line Level Adjustments assigned to $uc.ets
+nit Se$$ing Price after this adjustment
is a&&$ied
AA A =>K =>> =>KI=>> H 3=> G>
O= null DK =>> DKI=>> H 3D FD
After the adjustments are applied2 the revised unit selling price is JFD/
5ow2 suppose you wanted to apply a manual modifier in $ =/ The unit selling price would $e recalculated as follows:
#*ample of adjustments with manual adjustment included
Adjustment 0uc/et Discount 3O&erand4
+nit Se$$ing Price after this
adjustment is a&&$ied
"= = =>K =>> 3=> G>
AA A =>K G> 3G F=
O= null DK
,iscount in 5ull $ is applied
to original list price/
=>> 3D J?E
The adjustments are applied as follows:
The manual adjustment 9"=: is applied to the original unit selling price of J=>>/
The AA adjustment AA is applied to the revised unit selling price of JG>/
The O= adjustment is applied off the list price/
Therefore2 the unit selling price after the adjustments will $e J?E/
E-am&$e 9: #anua$ Adjustment a&&$ied in the same 0uc/et as an Automatic Adjustment
The following e*ample compares two scenarios using a manual and automatic adjustment assigned to the same $
In the first ta$le2 the adjustments are applied +it2out the manual adjustment/
In the second ta$le2 the adjustments are applied +it2 the manual adjustment/
The adjustments are assigned to the following $uc.ets with a starting list price of J=>> 9the manual adjustment is not applied
yet:: =>K automatic adjustment is applied/
-uc.etA: =>K automatic adjustment AA is applied/
5ull DK order level adjustment O= is applied/
The selling price would $e calculated as follows:
#*ample A: Adjustments without the manual adjustment
+nit Se$$ing Price after this adjustment
is a&&$ied
A= = =>K =>> 3=> G>
AA A =>K G> 3G F=
O= null DK =>> 3D ?E
5ow2 suppose a =>K manual adjustment "= is assigned to and the adjustments are applied to the unit selling price
of J=>>/ The following ta$le shows how the unit selling price is calculated:
#*ample A: Adjustments with a manual adjustment
Adjustment 0uc/et
+nit Se$$ing Price after this
adjustment is a&&$ied
A= = =>K =>> 3=> G>
#8 3#anua$
8 8:; 8:: %8: <:
AA A =>K F> 3F ?A
O= null DK =>> 3D E?
The pricing engine will first apply the automatic and manual adjustments from = to the su$total price/ Then the
adjustments in the remaining $uc.ets are applied2 followed $y the null $
The unit selling price is recalculated and results in a unit selling price of JE?/ If another manual adjustment in $ = is
applied2 then all su$se(uent adjustments will $e recalculated/ 0ou cannot put another manual adjustment in an earlier $
than $ =/
!o modify an order discount:
=/ 5avigate to the Adjustments window2 and select the Adjustments ta$/
A/ In "odifier 5ame field2 select the list of values to view the unapplied manual adjustments for the order/
</ &elect an adjustment and clic. Apply/
#ven if you are viewing line adjustments2 you can apply order level and group of lines adjustments/ Order level
adjustments that you apply from the line level view apply to all lines and group of lines adjustments that you apply
from the line level view apply to all lines that participate in the group/
C/ 'e3(uery the order to see the new selling price/
D/ If the Override Allowed $o* is selected for the adjustment2 enter either the new adjustment rate2 the amount reduced2
or a new price2 along with a re(uired reason code and clic. Apply/
Note: "anual discounts are not su$ject to incompati$ility
E/ To remove an already applied overrida$le adjustment2 delete the adjustment and clic. Apply/
?/ Clic. Apply/
Note: If the profile option O": Charging Privilege is set to !5LI"IT#,2 then you can update manual non3
overrida$le charges/
Note: 8owever2 if you choose to update manual non3overrida$le charges2 the update must $e performed manually;
manual non3overrida$le charges are never altered $y the system2 even if the order undergoes repricing/
!o modify the se$$ing &rice:
Complete either steps = and A or steps <3D/
=/ 5avigate to the &ales Orders window2 Line Items ta$/
A/ #nter a new value in !nit &elling Price/
The pricing engine verifies that:
o The user has authority to manually override selling price/
o The order allows manual override of selling price 9#nforce List Price is disa$led:/
o The order line has a (ualifier overrida$le manual line level discount or surcharge modifier/ If there is more
than one2 manual discount2 you must select one from a list of values/
o Access the list of values to view the unapplied manual line adjustments for the line/ 9%roup of Lines manual
adjustments are only availa$le in Oracle Advanced Pricing/:
Note: Order level manual adjustments are applied through the )iew Adjustments window/ If the calculate
price flag for any line on the order is set to P or 52 order level adjustments can not $e applied/
o The calculateSpriceSflag remains 0 after manual adjustments are applied to the line/ To ensure that no other
adjustments are applied to that line2 set the calculateSpriceSflag to either P or 5/
</ 5avigate to the )iew Adjustments window and review the unapplied manual adjustments for the line/
C/ &elect an adjustment and save your wor./ Pricing applies the adjustment to the line/
D/ rom the Line Items ta$2 navigate to the Adjustments window2 Adjustments ta$/
E/ In "odifier 5ame field2 select the list of values to view the unapplied manual adjustments for the line/
?/ &elect an adjustment and clic. Apply/
F/ To remove an already applied overrida$le adjustment2 delete the adjustment and then clic. Apply/
G/ If an adjustment has Override Allowed set2 you can enter either the new adjustment rate2 the amount reduced2 or a
new price/
=>/ #nter a re(uired 'eason Code/
Note: 0ou can enter a negative 5ew Price for a discount if profile option O": 5egative Price is 0es/
==/ &ave your wor./
=A/ Clic. Apply/
Note: If you override the !nit selling price2 the pricing engine retains all $enefits that it applied $efore the override
$ut only ena$les you to override the following $enefits: ,iscount2 &urcharge2 Price -rea. 8eader2 reight and &pecial
Note: Order "anagement will not automatically change the Calculate Price lag in this instance/ 8owever2 you can
manually change the Calculate Price lag to ree4e Price or Partial Price to .eep future discounts or surcharges from
applying on this line/
=</ 'e3(uery the order to see the new !nit selling price/
Note: A surcharge modifier can $e used as discount and a discount modifier can $e used as surcharge/ or e*ample2
an original !nit &elling Price is =>>2 and you overtype it to G>/ If there is more than one modifier availa$le2 the LO)
will display all modifiers 9regardless if the price is $eing reduced:2 such as ,iscount = and &urcharge =/ 0ou can
select &urcharge = 9although =>> to G> is a discount: to lower the price to G>/ &imilarly2 if you increase the price from
=>> to ==>2 you can select ,iscount = to increase the price/
Pricing for &ervice Items
Pricing &pecial Orders
'epricing an Order+Order Line
Override the List Price
Pricing $uc.ets control how the calculation of discounts and other $enefits is se(uenced/ The pricing engine calculates
different selling prices depending on how you group your discounts and $enefits into $uc.ets/ This grouping helps to
determine the net selling price and are applied across all pricing phases/ Customers need to create cascading discounts2
discounts that apply to the net price/ This re(uirement has $een met though the $uc.eting functionality within Oracle
Advanced Pricing/ 8owever2 historically only automatic modifiers can $e defined to $elong to $uc.ets/ Customers need to
control the application of manual modifiers with regard to cascading of the price adjustments in the same way that they can
with automatic modifiers/
A&&$y #anua$ Discounts !hat .ave 0een Setu& in 0uc/ets
0ou can apply manual discounts that are in $uc.ets from the )iew Adjustment window/ If a manual discount is applied that
is in a $ earlier than other applied discounts2 then all su$se(uent values are recalculated/
In addition to null $ manual modifiers2 you can apply $uc.eted manual modifiers from )iew Adjustments window and
see the new selling price calculated after you save or clic. Apply/ The LO) for the manual modifier will indicate which
$ the adjustment is set for2 so you will .now what you are choosing/ In the Line Items ta$2 the selling price LO) will
only show 5!LL $ modifiers as it is now/ or more information regarding manual $uc.ets2 see the Oracle Advanced
Pricing User's Guide/
Overty&e the List Price
The Original List Price is maintained for reporting purposes/ Only the first overriding of the list price results in saving the
original list price/ To trac. how many times list price has $een changed2 ena$le the audit trail for the !nit List Price field/
Note: The item must still $e on a price list 3 this feature is not intended to $e a way to esta$lish a list price without putting the
item on a price list; overriding does not change the list price on the price list/
Note: The only way for the user to unfree4e the list price is to clear the list price field2 to call the pricing engine to get the
current list price/
Note: 1e save the original list price 9which came from the price list:2 so that su$se(uent pricing+repricing actions won7t
overwrite it automatically/
+ser Procedures
A new profile option2 O": List Price Override Privilege controls whether or not you can update the List Price/ It is ena$led
and updated at the application2 responsi$ility and user level/ It is not user visi$le and updata$le/ The values include:
)iew Only: This is the default value/ If set to this value2 the current $ehavior is retained2 which means unit list price
field is protected/
!nlimited Privilege: If set to this value2 you can override the unit list price field from the main ta$ and immediately
see selling price adjusted accordingly/
!o use Override List Price:
=/ 5avigate to the &ales Orders+Quic. &ales Orders window/
A/ #nter the header and line information2 including the ordered item and (uantity2 then ta$ to the ne*t field/ The &elling
Price and List Price display/
</ If the profile is set to !nlimited Privilege2 you can enter a new list price in the List Price field/ 0ou can either proceed
to the ne*t line or save your wor./
C/ 0ou can see the new2 entered list price2 and if there are automatic discounts applied2 they will $e $ased on the new list
D/ If the folder has $een modified to show the Original List Price2 the original list price displays/
E/ To change the List Price again2 go to the list price field and enter a new value2 replacing a previously entered value/ If
Audit Trail is ena$led for List Price and a reason is re(uired2 a window appears to enter a reason and optional
Note: &u$se(uent overrides of the List Price2 after the order line is saved2 can $e captured $y Audit Trail2 depending
on the setup of Audit Trail 9entered or $oo.ed state: and any processing constraints that have $een set up/
e&ricing Scenarios
=/ 5avigate to the &ales Orders + Quic. &ales Orders window and create an order/
A/ Override the list price of one or more lines on the order/
</ The list price of the item is changed on the Price List/
C/ Query the order and use the Price Order action from the header/
D/ The overridden price remains on the line that was overridden/ It does not revert $ac. to the original price or get the
new price entered in step </
E/ &elect the line with the overridden price and uses the Price Line action/
?/ The overridden price remains on the line that was overridden/ It does not revert $ac. to the original price or get the
new price entered in step </
F/ Assume the line wor.flow contains 'eprice at &hipping activity/ 1hen the line is shipped2 the activity is e*ecuted/
G/ The overridden price remains on the line that was overridden/ It does not revert $ac. to the original price or get the
new price entered in step </
!o change 'ac/ to the origina$ List Price:
=/ 5avigate to the &ales Orders+Quic. &ales Orders window2 and locate the line to reset the List Price on/
A/ Clears the List Price field and save the line/ The pricing engine o$tains the current list price/
</ The Original List Price field displays as null/
!o &erform returns 5 credits after overriding the $ist &rice:
!se this procedure to credit the correct amount when the list price has $een overridden/
Note: If you choose to copy at the original price 9with or without calculating charges:2 the new price is copied/ This is to
ma.e sure the copied line has the same price as the original line/ The Original List Price is copied and is clearly indicated that
the price has $een overridden for reporting purpose/ If you choose to copy with repricing2 the Original Price List field is not
copied2 and the unit list price will $e recalculated/
=/ The order has $een entered2 one or more list price overridden2 and the order is $oo.ed2 shipped2 and invoiced/
A/ Create a return $y copying the order to a return order type/
</ If you copied saying to price using the original date2 then the overridden price is used for the return and the original
list price field is copied to the return line/ If priced as of the current date2 the pricing engine new price is used/
C/ Create a return $y referencing the original line/ The overridden price is used for the return/ The original list price field
is copied to the return/
Note: To $e consistent with discounting privilege profile option2 you can enter a new list price if the O": List Price
Override Privilege profile option value is set to +n$imited Privi$ege2 even if the order type says to enforce list price/
O# Im&act for the 0uc/ets for #anua$ #odifier in Pricing
There is a new profile QP: Allow -uc.ets for "anual "odifiers that you must turn on/ This profile is set at the site level and
will ena$le users to define $uc.ets for a manual line or group of line level modifiers if the profile is set to 0es/ The default
value is 5o/ If you turn this profile on and then define manual modifiers in $uc.ets2 and then set the profile to 5o2 then you
may get incorrect results/ If you must turn off this functionality2 you should do so $y going into the "odifiers windows and
change or e*piring the modifier lines/ Currently2 manual adjustments shown in the )iew Adjustments window can $e
overridea$le or non3overridea$le/ If a manual discount is applied that is in an earlier $uc.et2 then all su$se(uent values need
to $e recalculated/ The List of )alues for "odifier 5um$er should display the $ num$er so the user .nows which
manual adjustment to pic. prior to applying/ This LO) is in the )iew Adjustments window2 when the user selects the !nit
&elling Price LO)2 or if the user overtypes the selling price and selects a manual adjustment from the LO)/ Adjustments are
different at different points $ecause users can change the price at the price event2 $efore leaving the line2 saving the line2 etc/
which may not $e the case in other applications/
=/ Overtyping the selling price at the price event/
A/ Overtyping the selling price at the price event 9with discounts associated in the price event:/
</ Overtyping the selling price $efore leaving or saving the line/
C/ Overtyping the selling price after the save/
This will affect Quic. &ales Order2 Classic &ales Order2 8T"L2 and Pricing T Availa$ility windows/
Pricing S&ecia$ Orders
!se this process to price the following special order situations:
A copied order
An imported order
A return
!o &rice a co&ied order:
=/ &elect if you want the copied order to price:
o At the selling price of the original order: Order "anagement converts header level discounts on the original
order to line level discounts on the copied order/
o As of the current date or another specific date: The pricing engine does not copy any list prices and automatic
or manual discounts to the copied order and prices it as of the pricing date/
Note: If you copy order lines to an e*isting order2 the process does not copy the header discounts from the
original order as header discounts on the copied order2 $ut as line discounts/
!o &rice an im&orted order:
Calculate Price: Instruct the pricing engine to price the order/
o ree4e Price: "anually price the order/
o Partial Price: Calculate only reight charges/
!o &rice a return:
=/ On the sales order2 choose to set the Calculate Price
o Calculate Price
o ree4e Price
o Partial Price
A/ or return charge modifiers2 select Include On 'eturns/
</ If Calculate Price is Partial Price or ree4e Price2 the pricing engine copies discounts2 surcharges2 and charges from
the sales order and adds return charges modifiers/
If Calculate Price is Calculate Price2 the pricing engine prices the line as a new line/
Pricing for &ervice Items
"odifying Order Pricing in Oracle Order "anagement
'epricing an Order+Order Line
e&ricing an Order5Order Line
1hen you use Price Line2 the pricing engine e*ecutes the LI5# event/ The seeded LI5# event contains the phases List Line
-ase Price and List Line Adjustment/ If you change a price list line or a line level modifier2 Price Line reevaluates your $ase
price and line level adjustment/ 8owever2 since the LI5# event does not include the phase 8eader Level Adjustment2 Price
Line does not reevaluate header level modifiers/
1hen the &hip #ntered event is added to the phase List Line Adjustment 9Phase =>:2 then repricing after ship confirm
place automatically for the following line types: &tandard Line Invoicing 3 Line flow %eneric with 'epricing at ulfillment
and Invoicing Line low %eneric/
!o re&rice an order or an order $ine:
=/ Add or modify any of the following in the &ales Orders window:
o Customer Item 9Line Items ta$$ed region2 "ain ta$$ed region:
o Ordered Item 9Line Items ta$$ed region2 "ain ta$$ed region:
o Qty 9Line Items ta$$ed region2 all ta$$ed regions:
o Ordering !O" 9Line Items ta$$ed region2 "ain ta$$ed region:
o Pricing ,ate 9Line Items ta$$ed region2 Pricing ta$$ed region:
o Price List 9Order Information ta$$ed region:
A/ &ave your wor./
</ 5avigate to the &ales Orders window2 Order Information ta$$ed region/
C/ Choose Actions and select Price Order/
D/ 5avigate to the &ales Orders window2 Line Items ta$:
1. &elect an order line/
2. Choose Actions/
3. &elect Price Line/
'epricing is also carried out when the user copies an order line to another order/ All the lines in the current order will $e
repriced2 even if a single line gets copied/
Additionally2 you can choose when to reprice orders $y inserting the 'eprice Line wor.flow su$process within your order
line wor.flows/ &ee: Using Oracle 1or4flo+ in Oracle Order anagement.
Pricing for &ervice Items
"odifying Order Pricing in Oracle Order "anagement
Pricing &pecial Orders
1ross #argin Dis&$ay
%ross "argin is a num$er that represents the profit to $e made when selling something/ In general2 higher margins are more
desira$le than lower ones/ ,uring order entry you may need to:
#nsure that an item is not selling $elow its cost
&ee if a line is worth fulfilling
&u$stitute a product with a higher margin
Overview of 1ross #argin Dis&$ay
%ross "argin is most commonly calculated $y dividing the difference of the selling price and the cost $y the selling price 9or
$y unit cost:/ In an Order "anagement application it is important to .now what the gross margin of an order line and an order
itself is2 and also to ta.e action on orders $ased on $usiness rules that use %ross "argin/ Order "anagement uses Oracle
Costing to get a cost that is consistent within the e-usiness suite/
Note: or drop3shipped items2 the cost is the price from the purchase order issue/ Order "anagement o$tains that information
when the purchase order is created for these items/ 1e will attempt to get the cost from the purchase order which is our
purchase price2 however; this price might not $e availa$le $efore item is shipped/ If the price is not yet availa$le2 we will get
the cost from the List Price of the Purchasing ta$ of the Item "aster in Inventory setup2 specified in the financial system
parameters of the Purchasing responsi$ility/
Note: or items shipped out of a process3ena$led Inventory Organi4ation2 costs are esta$lished in Oracle Process
,uring Order "anagement you might want to view the gross margin of an order or line:
To e*pedite shipments U to prioriti4e shipments of lines with higher margins
To allocate scarce product U you might want to allocate the product to the orders+lines with the highest gross margin
'eview orders that re(uest a certain product and allocate the product to those orders with the largest margin
&pecify what the minimal accepta$le margin on an order level should $e2 and orders that did not meet that margin
would $e set aside for review
If the "argin Calculation is $ased on price2 the formula for calculating margin percent for a line is:
33+nit Se$$ing Price = +nit Cost4 5 +nit Se$$ing Price4 7 8::
If the "argin Calculation is $ased on cost2 the formula for calculating margin percent for a line is:
33+nit Se$$ing Price = +nit Cost4 5 +nit Cost4 7 8::
Order %ross "argin percent is calculated as: 7tota$ order revenue 3minus ta-4 minus tota$ order cost> divided 'y tota$
order revenue?7 or divided $y tota$ order cost>2 if using the alternate formula for %ross "argin Percent/
1ross #argin Procedures
!o view 1ross #argin whi$e entering orders:
=/ 5avigate to the &ales Orders window/
A/ #nter order header information/
</ #nter line information/ As each line is priced2 the cost is o$tained and the margin is calculated/ The cost and+or
margin information will $e displayed/
Sa$es Orders 2indow % 1ross #argin
C/ 1hile entering the order2 you can go $ac. to the Order Information ta$2 Other su$3ta$2 to chec. the order margin/
Note: 0ou can see gross margin for the following types of out$ound lines 3service lines2 standard lines 9$oth process
or discrete:2 and ATO items 3 for which costing is ena$led/
D/ 1hen you finish entering the order2 you can also view the order level margin $y going $ac. to the Order Information
ta$2 Others su$3ta$/
Sa$es Orders 2indow % Others !a'
E/ -oo. the order/ If there is a minimum margin set up for this Order Type and the order has an overall margin
percentage $elow the minimum2 the order will $e placed on hold/ 0ou will get a message saying a %ross "argin hold
is $eing applied/
Note: 1hen the order margin is displayed on the order header2 if one or more non3return lines have $een e*cluded
from the calculation $ecause its cost is null2 then a message displays: VOrder margin has $een calculated e*cluding
one or more lines/7
Note: The entire order is held if the order margin is less than the minimum margin for the order type/ This will $e
determined at $ time/ The calculation of order margin will e*clude return lines and also any lines with null
cost/ If order changes occur that result in the order margin meeting or e*ceeding the minimum margin for the order
type2 then the hold is automatically released/ The margin hold may $e released manually $y authori4ed users/ If it has
$een manually released2 then it is not applied again automatically/ This order level hold2 holds up return lines if the
out$ound lines cause the order to go on margin hold/ Processing of ATO and PTO models2 which are not used in the
margin calculation2 will also $e affected if the order goes on margin hold/ Also2 it is possi$le that an order with some
shipped lines may go on margin hold2 if for e*ample a line is added to the order later/ In this case2 the hold may hold
the invoicing of lines that have $een shipped/
!o view 1ross #argin on item without entering order:
=/ 5avigate to the Pricing T Availa$ility window/
A/ #nter the Item/
</ Clic. Pricing+Availa$ility/
C/ )iew &elling Price and Availa$ility on the &ummary ta$/
D/ %o to the Pricing Ta$ to see Cost and "argin information/
Note: This must $e ena$led in your folder and you must have function security for %ross "argin ena$led to $e
authori4ed to see cost and margin information/
!o o'tain or refresh the Cost using Actions:
Orders entered $efore the %ross "argin feature is installed or ena$led will not have costs captured and thus will not have
margin visi$le/ If you want to o$tain costs for such lines or orders2 you can use the %et Cost action/ Costs are automatically
refreshed on unshipped order lines when attri$utes affecting the cost 9warehouse and project: change/ -ut if you .now the
cost has changed in Oracle Costing2 you can manually o$tain a more current cost $y using the %et Cost action/ Cost is fro4en
on the order line at the time of shipping/
=/ 5avigate to the &ales Orders window/
A/ Query the order to view the cost/
</ Choose Actions2 then %et Cost/
C/ Choose the Line Items ta$2 the cost and margin columns are refreshed/
D/ Optionally2 choose the Line Items ta$2 go to the line to o$tain the cost2 and choose Actions2 %et Cost/ The cost and
margin columns are refreshed/
e&ricing at Shi&ment 2or/f$ow
The repriceSline wor.flow activity usually is placed after shipping or fulfillment/ Cost is fi*ed at shipping2 $ut margin can $e
changed $y the repriceSline wor.flow due to selling price change/ Although cost does not change after shipping2 the margin
can still change due to a selling price change2 hence2 a margin hold can $e applied to this order/ This margin hold is useful to
prevent orders with a wrong price from going to A'/ The Invoice interface wor.flow activity will honor this hold/
eturns and S&$its
"argin or margin percent for return lines or return orders is not calculated/
&ince the selling price is not changed during a split in general2 reevaluating margin hold is not needed/ One e*ception
is if attri$utes li.e ship from warehouse changes during the split2 the unit cost will $e reevaluated/ If the unit cost
changes as a result of this reevaluation2 the margin hold is reevaluated/
Price 0oo/
A price $oo. ena$les you to view and+or print pricing data and use it as a reference/ 0ou can also use it to see the final price
that will $e used in pricing an item within a category/ 0ou can add te*tual information2 images2 and other data to use as a
catalog with specified effective dates2 this can $e done with the help of O"L Pu$lisher/
The following ta$le outlines the -asic Pricing features availa$le for the Price -oo. functionality:
0asic Pricing features Advanced Pricing "eatures
&earch page: &earch page2 all features
Price -oo. Type prompt hidden
Create ,elta column hidden
Create Price -oo. $utton is availa$le
,elete $utton is availa$le
)iew Price -oo. lines
Price -oo. Lines su$3ta$2 Create ,elta $utton hidden
Additional Price Calculation Criteria su$3ta$2 Create ,elta $utton
Pu$lishing Options su$3ta$2 Create ,elta $utton hidden and &end
O"L "essage $o* hidden
Additional Price Calculation Criteria su$3ta$ is availa$le
-rea.2 Pricing Attri$utes2 &tatus detail is availa$le
)iew Price -oo. lines2 all features
Create Price -oo.
Pricing attri$utes LO) restricted to $asic pricing attri$utes
Pu$lishing Options2 &end O"L "essage $o* hidden
Create Price -oo.2 all features
Create ,elta page is hidden Create ,elta2 all features
%et Catalog O"L message denied %et Catalog O"L message accepted and &ynch
Catalog reply will $e sent

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