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Advanced Computer Applications Syllabus

Teacher Information
Teacher Email Phone Number
Mr. Roggenbuck (989)479-3261 Ext 158
Course Information
Course Description
Computers and technology are both vital to and integrated into students lives. This course is designed to expose
students to more advanced computing concepts including web design, programming, game design, and other concepts.
This course is aligned with the ISTE Standards for Students, the ISTE Standards for Computer Science, and the Michigan
Technology Plan.
Class Expectations
As a student in computer science you are expected every day prepared and ready to learn. There are several criterion
for fulfilling those expectations. You are always expected to:
Follow policies outlined in the Student Handbook.
Follow the Computer Lab Expectations.
Be respectful of others, technology, and your instructor.
Give 110% of your effort on all assignments.
Ask for help when needed.
Grading Scale and 60/40
The course work will be divided 60% Tests and Projects, and 40% classwork and labs. There are at least 10 major
assessments as well as a final written exam for the course. The grading scale on all assignments is as follows:
A 93+ A- 90-93
B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-83
C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72
D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62
E >60
Assignments include in-class activities, labs, projects, tests, etc. Retests of assessments will be allowed only on
assessments that scored lower than a 75%. The max score a student may obtain on a retest is a 75%. Any retests must
be completed within two weeks of the original assessment date. Students will receive daily participation points for
following classroom expectations and participating in classroom discussion. Extra credit is built into the course and is
not awarded but must be earned.
Late/Missing Work
Please note the student handbook regarding policy of late or missing work. Late work will be marked down and will not
be accepted after two weeks. Missing assignments are expected to be returned within one day per each absence. If you
know are you are going to be absent, please arrange ahead of time to obtain what work will be missing. Meet with your
teacher before or after school if you are need of further assistance.
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Course Materials
Required Materials
As most of the material is either online or requires a computer to complete assignments, you will not need much for
this course. However, there will still be times when you must be required to take notes in class and will need to come
prepared with a pencil and paper.
Additional Resources
Throughout the course, additional free online resources will be posted on the school website on the teacher page for
students to easily access.
Course Topics
Below are the list of topics that will be covered in this course. Course topics will include, but are not limited to:

A. Image Editing & Creation
1. Illustrator
2. Photoshop
B. Web Design
1. HTML Hard Coding
2. Muse
3. Dreamweaver
C. Flash
1. Working with Flash
2. Designing with Flash
D. Programming
1. Programming Concepts
2. Visual Studio
E. Game Theory
F. Miscellaneous Computing Applications

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Please Sign and Return
By signing and dating below, you acknowledge the expectations in the course syllabus.

Student Name (please print): _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Student Signature: __________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________ Phone # ___________________

Parent/Guardian Email: _____________________________________________________________________

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