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Parshat Shoftim

The Special Role of the Kohen

Who Reminds Us of the Source
of Success at War

Before the Jewish people go out
to war, a specially designated
Kohen addresses the nation. He
tells them "Hear O' Israel. You
are going out today to do
battle. You should not be afraid
because the Almighty One will
help you..." [Devorim 20:3]
The Kohen who made this
speech was known as the Priest
Anointed for War (Kohen
Mashuach Milchama). A Kohen
was specifically anointed with
the sacred anointing oil to have
this job and to deliver this
charge to the people before
they went out to battle. In
several ways, the Kohen
Mashuach Milchama is similar
to the Kohen Gadol. Unlike a
regular Kohen, but in common
with the Kohen Gadol, he is
forbidden to marry a widow but
must marry a virgin. Likewise
he is given the privilege (in
common with the High Priest)
to pose questions to the Urim
v'Tumim. In fact, although
there was an office called the
segan [vice] Kohen Gadol, the
Rambam writes that the Kohen
anointed for war outranked the
segan Kohen Gadol.

It seems strange that the only
known duty of the Kohen
Mashuach Milchama was to
address the people before they
went out to battle. A person
could perform such a job
without working a single day
his whole life! Wars are not an
everyday occurrence. One can
go years or decades without
needing to make such a
speech. It is conceivable that
despite his exalted position
such a Kohen never had to
carry out the duties of his
office. This anomaly leads us to a
simple question: Why not assign this
job to the Kohen Gadol himself? Why
create a new job title? Why not let the
Kohen Gadol, or if not him the segan
Kohen Gadol, perform this job if, and
when, it becomes necessary to go to

Let us point out something else. The
Rambam writes [in Hilchos Melachim
1:7] (regarding a son inheriting the
throne from his father the king) "And
not only regarding monarchy alone but
all position of authority and all
appointments in Israel are passed
down through inheritance to one's son
and one's grandson forever, providing
the son is a worthy successor to his
father in wisdom and in Fear of
Heaven". However, the Rambam
writes [in Hilchos Klei HaMikdash
4:21] that the position of Mashuach
Milchama is an exception to the rule.
This job does not pass on through
inheritance to one's son, but rather
the son of a Kohen Anointed for War is
just a regular Kohen. Why does this
exception exist?

Let us raise a third difficulty: The
pasuk introducing the job of the
Mashuach Milchama states: "And it will
be when you draw near to battle the
Kohen will approach (v'nigash
haKohen) and speak to the
people." [Devorim 20:2]. The two
words v'nigash haKohen seem
superfluous. What do they add?
Obviously, the Kohen will not be
standing a mile away when he gives
the charge to the people. It is
understood that he must approach the
people before he begins to speak. In
addition, usually the verb "hagasha" in
Tanach connotes prayer. The Medrash
tells us on the words "VaYigash eilav
Yehudah" [Bereshis 44:18] that
Yehudah approached Yosef with a
prayer. Similarly when we find
"Vayigash Eliyahu" [Melachim I 18:36]
the prophet Elijah offered a prayer.
Likewise, the words here "v'nigash
Rabbi Frand on Parshat Shoftim
haKohen" seem to imply that the
Kohen Mashuach Milchama uttered
some kind of prayer. The Torah
does not tell us what prayer he
uttered. What was it?

Finally, the Torah instructs that
anyone who was afraid to go to
battle was to return home
[Devorim 20:8]. The Talmud
states [Sotah 44b] that in addition
to the simple interpretation of
excluding someone who was
actually afraid of doing battle on
the battle field, this pasuk refers
to someone who was afraid of sins
he committed, which might make
him undeserving of being saved in
a time of danger. The Gemara
says this would even include
someone who merely violated the
prohibition of talking between the
time he put on his hand Tefillin
and the time he put on his head
Tefillin. Why, we ask, did the
Talmud cite this specific example
of a "small sin"?

To answer all four questions, I
would like to quote a very
interesting approach from Rav
Yitzchak Menachem Weinberg, the
Tolner Rebbe, in his Sefer Heimah
Yenachamuni. Rav Weinberg
suggests that fighting a war
presents a person with a very
difficult spiritual test. A person
needs to go to battle with weapons
and with military strategy. A
person needs to use the latest
technology and to fight the battle
the ways battles are fought -- with
soldiers, arms, battle plans, etc.
We have a strong perception and
gut feeling that an army is
victorious because of military

Viewing the matter from a spiritual
point of view, we all know that this
is not true. We know that the
outcome of a battle is determined
"Not with valor and not with
Shabbat Times

Candle Lighting 7:14 pm
Friday Mincha 7:00 pm
Hashkama 8:00 am
Parsha Shiur 8:30 am
Main Shul 9:00 am
Beit Midrash 9:15 am
Gemorah Shiur 6:05 pm
Mincha 7:05 pm
Shabbat ends 8:20 pm
Sunday Aug., 31 7:30/8:30 am
Mon. Thur. 6:35/7:45 am
Tues., Wed., Fri. 6:45/7:45 am
Mincha 7:10 pm
Latest Times for
Shema/Shemoneh Esrei
August 30 9:38/10:44 am
Sept. 6 9:40/10:45 am
Next Shabbat
Ki Teitzei
Candle Lighting 7:02 pm
Mincha 7:00 pm

Artscroll, 1024 Artscroll, 1024 Artscroll, 1024 Artscroll, 1024
Hertz, 820 Hertz, 820 Hertz, 820 Hertz, 820

Artscroll, 1199 Artscroll, 1199 Artscroll, 1199 Artscroll, 1199
Hertz, 835 Hertz, 835 Hertz, 835 Hertz, 835
August 30, 2014 4 Elul, 5774

Kiddush and Bima Flowers
are sponsored by
Michelle & Norman Rutta
in honor of
the Bar Mitzvah of
their son Ethan.

Seudah Shlishit is
sponsored by
Lillian & gary Chubak
in memory of her father
Edmund Graf, z"l.
strength but with My Spirit, says the L-rd of Hosts" [Zecharia 4:6]. We
know that to think it is our military might that made us successful is
heresy. It is falling into the trap of "My strength and the power of my
hand made for me all this valor." [Devorim 8:17] Those of us who
remember the Six Day War in 1967 remember how the entire world was
talking about the brilliant strategy of the Israeli army which defeated
armies of tens of millions of Arabs. They decimated the forces of Egypt,
Jordan, and Syria in less than a week's time. There was a pervasive
feeling of "we are so much smarter than them", "we are so much braver
than them", "we are so much more technologically advanced than
them". The attitude was indeed "My strength and the power of my hand
made for me all this valor." This is a "treife hashkafa" an improper,
mistaken philosophy. Certainly, we cannot rely on miracles, but we must
always keep in the forefront of our minds that "It is He who gives us the
strength to have valor" [Devorim 8:18]. How can people avoid the trap?
How can those who have to fight that battle and be out there in the
foxhole and who are so apt to fall into the trap of "my strength and the
power of my hands..." avoid the trap? What can prevent them from
making this tragic mistake?

Prevention of this mistaken attitude was the job of the Kohen Mashuach
Milchama. The Kohen Mashuach Milchama prevented them from
adopting this "treife hashkafa" by telling them "Hear O Israel you are
drawing near today towards a war with your enemy. Do not let your
hearts become soft; do not fear nor be alarmed; do not be frightened of
them..." That was his message. We may have the arms and we may
have the most brilliant generals and the best strategy but we must
know that in the final analysis it is the Master of the Universe who will
help us win this war. That was his job and that is why it says "v'nigash
haKoehn v'Diber el ha'Am" [the Priest drew near to speak to the
nation]. This was not just a speech to the people. It was also a prayer to
G-d. "Please, G-d, do not let my people fall prey to this foreign
philosophy of 'the strength of my arms makes this valor for me'".

That is why the Kohen Gadol was not given this job. The Kohen Gadol
spends his entire day and his entire life in the Beis HaMikdash. He is a
person who is entirely spiritual. This job description does not require a
holy person it requires a person who knows the temptations of what it is
to be out there in the "real world" and to deal with these feelings of "it
is my strength which accomplished all this". This job requires a unique
special person.

That is why the Kohen Mashuach Milchama son does not automatically
inherit the position. The position requires rare talents. Every generation
needs a new Kohen Mashuach Milchama. That is also the reason why
the Talmud cites a person who spoke between putting on the hand
Tefillin and the head Tefillin as the example of one who returns home
from battle due to being afraid of his sins. The Tefillin shel Yad
represent the attitude of "the strength of my hand". It is the head, the
brain, which has to rein in such a philosophy of life. The Head has to
rule over the Hand. One who pauses between donning the hand Tefillin
and the head Tefillin believes that there can be a separation between
the two. He believes there can be a time when the philosophy of the
Hand rules by itself and without being reined in by the philosophy of the
Head. Such a person indeed must retreat from the battlefield.
26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100 Shabbat Announcements Parshat Shoftim 5774
Great Neck Synagogue
Shabbat Activities Program
26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck , NY 11023
Dale Polakoff, Rabbi
Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi
Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,zl, Rabbi Emeritus
Zeev Kron, Cantor
Eleazer Schulman, zl, Cantor Emeritus
Rabbi Sholom Jensen, Youth Director
Zehava & Dr. Michael Atlas, Youth Directors
Mark Twersky, Executive Director
Rabbi Avraham Bronstein, Program Director
Dr. Hal Chadow, President
Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board
Dena Block, Yoetzet Halacha 516-320-9818

GNS Yoetzet Halacha Dena Block
welcomes your questions about mikvah,
observance of taharat mishpacha
(halacha relating to married life) and
women's health, as it connects to Jewish
law. Reach out to her at:
Phone: (516) 320-9818
All conversations/ emails are strictly
Shabbos Project

Column #1

On October 23
our community will be joining with
Jewish communities all around the world for The Shabbos
Project. The Shabbbos Project, which originated in South
Africa, aims to unite the global Jewish community in
experiencing Shabbos from challah baking through Havdala.
We understand that keeping Shabbos can seem a bit daunting
to anyone. We are starting a column dedicated to answering
questions that YOU send in to
Each week will feature 1-2 questions provided by community
members and answers given by Rabbis Polakoff and Lichter.
Questions can have to do with anything at all related to
Shabbos and will be published anonymously. We hope that
this pre-Project feature will help get all of us into the
Shabbos and The Shabbos Project spirit.

Question One: What is the point of Shabbos anyway? What
are we supposed to be gaining?

God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh.
On Shabbos we too stop creating and grow closer with our
Creator. When we put the rest of our week on hold, so to
speak, we give ourselves the opportunity to focus solely on
our relationship with God, our fellow man and ourselves
without having to worry about the outside world interrupting.
Shabbos could be called divinely scheduled spirituality time.
Along this vein, Rabbi Noach Weinberg taught that the point
of Shabbos is not to discard the workday world, but rather to
retain our ability to be independent from it.

It is our hope that you will all join us October 23
practice this all-important skill of putting the rest of the world
on hold, together. We look forward to receiving your
questions and learning more about Shabbos together as a


on Sunday, Sep.14 at 10am
Dr. Barry Libin discussing his new book
with Dr. Lawrence Schiffman
The Mystery of the
Milton Manuscript



Saturday, 4 Elul
Anita Beretz for Erna Levi Reichenberg
Elana Flax for Morris Matzkin
Gisele Katz for Fay Gaswirth
Cheryl Sneag for Morris Matzkin
Sunday, 5 Elul
Harriet Cooper for Jacob Rothstein
Sandra B. Gold for Nita Barak
Monday, 6 Elul
Grace Oster for Michael Horowitz
Marlene Rutkin for Morris Fishman
Chava Shalmon for Esther Grinszpan
Tuesday, 7 Elul
Vera Bernstein for Jacob Lefkowitz
Al Leiderman for Robert Leiderman
Wednesday, 8 Elul
Harriet Cooper for Celeste Weber
Rita Gordonson for Dora Gershkowitz
Alan Kestenbaum for Rebecca Zahler
Stanley L. Lupkin for David Lupkin
Jack Wachstock for Judith Wachstock
Thursday, 9 Elul
Phyllis Kirsch for Tessie Zuckerman
Phyllis Weinberg for Jack Herschkowitz
Friday, 10 Elul
Gilbert Aronowitz for Joseph Aronowitz
Anita Beretz for Joseph Levi
Sharyn Falkenstein for Philip Steinberg
Evelyn Henis for Marshall Henis
Avraham Markowitz for Bernard Markowitz
Rabbi Dale Polakoff for Gail Polakoff
Alan Steinberg for Philip Steinberg
Myra Sutin for Gerald Sutin

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to do a big mitzvah to help
other Jewish people, who live within driving distance to us, who are
poor and/or elderly and do not have the means to buy Yom Tov food!
We collect food and money to buy and prepare Yom Tov food to dis-
tribute to them - last year we delivered over 1000 meals! If you like to
cook, please make and freeze soup for us. We also have brownie mixes
and foil tins for baking so you can bake and freeze brownies. This is a
fun activity to do with your children too! The soup containers and
brownie tins are available in the synagogue office and also at Michelle
Bermans front porch (11 Margaret Court). You can also generously
donate money that the Hunger Initiative uses to buy food to distribute.
You can bring checks to the synagogue office earmarked Pass It For-
ward. We are compiling our list of volunteer packers and drivers. Pack-
ing will start at 10 am on Sunday Sept 21, and deliveries will begin at
noon. Pleas email Cindy Hodkin at if you
wish to volunteer.
If you are looking for a summer activity, please make and freeze matzo
balls and / or cholent for Pass it Forward. Containers are available in
the Shul office.
SUN., SEPT. 14 10:00am: A breakfast and talk by Barry Libin,
writer, composer, playwright and lyricist, on his new book, "The
Mystery of the Milton Manuscript", with commentary by Larry
Schiffman, who will also interview the author. Copies of the book
will be available. All welcome.
The Great Neck Community Shabbos Project steering committee
(Ferry Sedaghatpour, Rebecca Sassouni and Asal Rabizadeh),
working with our community Rabbis, have been actively meeting,
coordinating and planning events for the entire community,
including Hafrashat Challah on Thursday evening and a Melavah
Malka concert on Saturday night.

In addition, we have joined forces with many other synagogues on
the Great Neck Peninsula in an effort to plan exciting and
educational events for the entire Great Neck community. Details
will be forthcoming in the near future.

The Shabbos Project is therefore unique and exciting on many
levels. We will be joining with Jews from around the world, as well
as our very own community, uniting those with different customs,
religious and educational backgrounds of all ages to Keep it

Please go the website and sign
up TODAY as a participant (red tab entitled Sign up to keep it
together; Count me in for the Shabbos of 24/25 October).

Please watch the video on YOU TUBE:
The Shabbos Project 2014 Official Video
Mazal Tov to Michelle & Norman Rutta on the
Bar Mitzvah of their son Ethan.
Mazal Tov to Ellen & Mitchell Siegel on the up-
coming marriage of their son Ben to Jessica
Sandler daughter of Benita & Robert Sandler of
Potomac, MD.
Mazal Tov to Jeanne Walfish & Charles Stein
on her grandson Aaron Figura passing the third
and final level of the CFA exam and is now a
Chartered Financial Analyst.
Sunday, Sept., 14, 2014. 9:30 - 11 a.m.
Brunch at the home of Davida Yehaskel with Yoetzet Halacha Dena
At the home of Dahlia Abraham-Klein in honor of her blessed fathers'
soul, Yehuda Abraham. Thursday August 28th at 6pm
For more info or to RSVP, please email:
Both are sponsored by Gil Aronowitz in memory of his father,
Joseph Aronowitz, z"l.
The next Rabbi Levy shiur will be given on Wed., September 10.
8:30PM. Titled The Bridge Between Marble Notebooks and Hashems
Notes All college and grad students welcome, as well as opened to
high school seniors. Lets start spreading the word!

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