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PFEN 7970: Syllabus

Course Title: Engineered Protective Materials

Texts or Major Resources: Military Textiles, Eugene Wilusz, editor; Woodhead Publishing; ISBN 1
84569 206 3; ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 206 3; May 2008
Electronic media, including PowerPoint lectures will be provided on the course!s Canvas site.

Course Description: An engineering approach to the design of protective materials and structures
based on analyses to counter kinetic, chemical and radiant threat hazards to people, animals and
valuable objects.

Course Objectives: This course is intended to:
1) Introduce the student to threat hazards including: fire, ballistic threats, explosion threats, chemical
hazards, nuclear and radiation hazards and microbiological threats
2) Discuss and analyze the physical mechanistic and materials structure basis of performance
characteristics in protective materials including individual materials capabilities and application of data
to design effective protective materials structures
3) Review the basics of data analysis with emphasis on the fundamentals of statistical theory and
4) Introduce the student to test methods and evaluation of protective materials in pertinent tests and
performance standardizations for outcome assessment.

Course Content: Specific topics that are covered in this course include:
Global concepts and broad definitions of protection 2 weeks
Definitions of ballistic threats and standards to measure severity 1 week
Application of fiber-based systems for protection against ballistic threats 1 week
Requisite characteristics of materials! chemical
and physical behavior during impact phenomena 1 week
Test 1 (prior to midterm)
Rigid armors, material types, appropriate structures,
and impact disruption mechanisms 1 week
Analysis of bomb types, physical mechanisms and blast threats 2 weeks
Strategies for reducing bomb effectiveness and destruction 1 week
Unusual and unconventional threat types and protection 1 week
Test 2
Chemical threats, their chemical structures, mechanisms
and countermeasures 1 week
Biological threat types and countermeasures 2 weeks
Fire and ordinary accident protection 1 week
Multiple homework assignments, as announced by the instructor
Final Exam (as assigned in the university schedule of exam meeting times)

The class will meet for three 50-minute sessions per week or two 75 minute sessions per week.

Course Requirements/Evaluation:
There will be three tests, including the Final Examination, from lectures, textbook and handout
materials. The final exam will be comprised of material previously covered in the course plus any
new material introduced after the second test. Multiple homework assignments, including critiques of
published scientific papers, will be required of all graduate students enrolled in the class, as assigned
by the instructor. A written report or a verbal presentation may be required to fulfill the homework
assigned. Each test and the cumulative results of homework count as 25% of the final grade

Final grades are scaled according to the following table:

Grade Points Earned
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59 or less

Course Policy Statements: The following are the policies for absences and make-up of tests and
report contributions:
Excused Absences: Students are granted excused absences from class for the following
reasons: Illness of the student or serious illness of a member of the student!s immediate
family, the death of a member of the student!s immediate family, trips for student organizations
sponsored by an academic unit, trips for University classes, trips for participation in
intercollegiate athletic events, subpoena for a court appearance, and religious holidays.
Students who wish to have an excused absence from this class for any other reason must
contact the instructor in advance of the absence to request permission. The instructor will
weigh the merits of the request and render a decision.
When feasible, the student must notify the instructor prior to the occurrence of any excused
absences, but in no case shall such notification occur more than one week after the absence.
Appropriate documentation for all excused absences is required. Please see the Tiger Cub for more information on excused absences.

Make-Up Policy: Arrangement to make up scheduled tests due to properly authorized excused
absences must be initiated by the student within one week from the end of the period of the excused
absences. Except in unusual circumstances, such as continued absence of the student or the advent
of University holidays, a make-up exam will take place within two weeks from the time that the student
initiates arrangements for it. Except in extraordinary circumstances, no make-up tests will be
arranged during the last three days before the final exam period begins. The format of the make-up
exam (including questions) will be similar to, but not identical to, the test administered to those
students who took the test at the scheduled time.

Academic Honesty Statement: The instructor requires the students to adhere to the Academic
Honesty Code outlined in the Tiger Cub. All portions of the Auburn University student academic
honesty code (Title XII) found in the Tiger Cub will apply to this class. All academic honesty violations
or alleged violations of the SGA Code of Laws will be reported to the Office of the Provost, which will
then refer the case to the Academic Honesty Committee.

Students with Disabilities Statement: Students who need special accommodations in class, as
provided for by the American Disabilities Act, should arrange a confidential meeting with the
instructor during office hours the first week of classes - or as soon as possible if accommodations are
needed immediately. You must bring a copy of your Accommodation Memo and an Instructor
Verification Form to the meeting. If you do not have these forms but need accommodations, make an
appointment with The Program for Students with Disabilities,
1244 Haley Center, 844.2096 (V/TT) or email:

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